Thermal Hydraulic Analysis and Design of WWR-M2 Nuclear Research Reactor - Power Uprating

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Thermal Hydraulic Analysis and Design of

Nuclear Research Reactor - Power Up-


BSEBSU, Farag Muftah

Reactor Department, Tajoura Research Center
P.O. Box 30878, Tajoura (Tripoli) Libya
Fax: +218 21 360-4141, Phone +218 21 360 4142

This report presents the outline of the core thermal hydraulic
design and analysis (Operational Safety Analysis) of Budapest
nuclear research reactor (WWR-M2 type), which is a tank type, light
water-cooled nuclear research reactor with 36% enriched uranium
coaxial annuli fuel. The Budapest nuclear research reactor is
currently upgraded to 10 MWth of thermal power, while the cooling
capacity of the reactor was designed and constructed for 20 MWth.
This reserve in the cooling capacity serves redundancy today but can
be used for future upgrading too. The core thermal hydraulic design
was, therefore, done for the normal operation conditions so that fuel
elements may have enough safety margins both against the onset of
nucleate boiling (ONB) not to allow the nucleate boiling anywhere in
the reactor core and against the departure from nucleate boiling
(DNB). Thermal hydraulic performance was studied, and it is shown
that the 36% enriched UAlx-Al fuels in WWR-SM fuel coolant channel

does not make possible to force up the reactor power to 20 MWth. The
study was carried out for an equilibrium core, with compact load (223
fuel assemblies) under normal operation conditions only (steady state

In this report we shall present the theoretical outline of the
core power uprating thermal hydraulic design and analysis of WWR-
M2 research reactor, which it is a tank type, light water, cooled reactor
with 36% enriched uranium coaxial annuli fuel. The WWR-M2
nuclear research reactor is currently uprated to 10 MWth of thermal
power, while the cooling capacity of the reactor was designed and
constructed for 20 MWth. This reserve in the cooling capacity serves
redundancy today but can be used for future uprating too.[1]
The reactor was first put into operation in 1959; its principal
functions at that time were to serve as a facility for basic research
experiments in the frameworks of research programs of the Academy
of Science and industrial development projects. The reactor was first
upgraded in 1967, a new type of fuel was introduced and beryllium
reflector was applied, that allowed to increase the reactor thermal
power from 2 MWth to 5 MWth, and after 27 years of operation a full-
scale reconstruction and upgrading project was started. The
reconstructed reactor was re-operated in 1992–1993. The design
concept of the new reactor (upgrade one) is that it has great, flexibility
of utilization and that it provides an adequate neutron flux for isotope

production, material testing, and neutron physics measurement. The
performance of upgraded reactor has been investigated using the
WWR-SM fuel type, with 10 to 20 MWth power level. [2]
The core thermal hydraulic design was, therefore, done for the
normal operation conditions so that fuel elements may have enough
safety margins both against the Onset of Nucleate Boiling (ONB) not
to allow the nucleate boiling anywhere in the reactor core and against
the Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB). Thermal hydraulic
performance was studied, and it is shown that the 36% enriched UAl x-
Al fuels in WWR-SM fuel coolant channel, dose not make possible to
force up the reactor thermal power to 20 MWth.
The study was carried out for an equilibrium core, with
compact load (223 fuel assemblies) under normal operation




The pool-type WWR-M reactors serve a wide range of

scientific research and engineering purpose requiring a high neutron
flux. The first reactor type was put in the operation on December
1959, in Leningrad, Russia as described in the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) documents, (IAEA – Research Reactor –
WWR-M Leningrad – Aug. 1960). The WWR-M reactor has various
fuel coolant channels. The fuel assemblies for this reactor were first

produced in the late 1950; is initially fuel elements were composed of
Al+UO2, cermets (1959-1963) but from beginning of 1963 the form is
an Al+U alloy (WWR-M2). Their specific heat transfer surface was
almost four times as large as the EK-10 rod elements used earlier in
WWR-S pool reactors. In consequence, the designed power has been
raised from 2 to 10 MWth. From 1967 together with WWR-M2 fuel
elements, new fuel elements WWR-SM were in production with
increased of active length (50 cm to 60 cm), which are still in use in
reconstructed foreign research reactors. Many years of experience
with these and other similar fuel elements in pool research reactors are
availble (WWR-M in Gatchina and Kiev; WWR-Ts in Obninsk;
WWR-K in Alma-Ata; Eva in Poland and WWR-SM in Germany and
The elaboration of new fuel elements type WWR-M was done
in two stages. In the first stage, the optimization of the geometrical
parameters of fuel elements was done leading to an increase of
specific heat transfer surface by factor of 1.8. Some sets of these type
assemblies (WWR-M3) were in service at the WWR-M reactor of the
Petersburg Nuclear Institute of Physics (PNPI) “BP Konstantinov” in
Gatchina between 1973 and 1980. In the second stage, the design
concentrations of U in the core was optimized (at 125 g/l), leading
to a large increase in the power production of each assembly (WWR-
M5) and to raise the spare reactivity of the reactor. Table 1 shows the
characteristic of the WWR-M fuel assemblies, and Table 2 shows the
performance of WWR-M fuel assemblies in the WWR-M reactor of

PNPI. The base of the reactor core is a hexagonal grid plate with 397
identically formed holes. Fuel assemblies and beryllium displacers can
be put into these holes, guide tubes of the control rods as well. The
lattice pitch of 35 mm; the core positions are occupied by the fuel
assemblies, control rods, beryllium displacers and isotope production
channels. Stationary beryllium reflector of 20-cm average thickness
surrounds the core. The cooling water is flowing down stream across
the reactor core. The fuel of the reactor is of the WWR-M type
(Russian product). It is an alloy of aluminum and uranium-aluminum
eutectic with aluminum cladding. The uranium enrichment is 21%,
36%, and 80 %. The first fuel assembly contains two fuel tubes, with
the outer tube (un fueled one) is of hexagonal shape, while the two
inner ones are cylindrical. The reactor core horizontal cross sections is
[10-13] shown in Figure 1. At the end of 1950 years the first Russian
heat exchange assemblies TBC were developed, built from seamless
tubing fuel elements WWR-M1, which were homogeneously filling up
the active zone without occupying its volume for elements, only for
constructional designations. The WWR-SM fuel coolant channel is
three coaxial annuli (fuel elements) and the outer fuel element is a
hexagonal shape with pitching is a 35 mm as shown in Figure 2. [3-


The WWR-M is a cylindrical tank type reactor. The reactor

core is placed 5.145 m below the surface of the reactor tank (in order
to minimize the radiative exposure to the personel), which is open to

atmospheric pressure. The diameter of the tank is 2300 mm, and its
height is 5685 mm. The heavy concrete reactor-shielding block is
situated in a rectangular semi-hermetically sealed reactor hall. The
base of the reactor core is a hexagonal grid plate as shown in Figure 1,
with 397 identically formed holes. The fuel assemblies and the
beryllium displacers can be put into these holes, as well as the guide
tubes of the 18-absorber rods. The equilibrium core size (in this study)
consists of 223 fuel assemblies, and the control rods, beryllium
displacers and isotopes production channels, occupy the remaining
core positions. A fixed beryllium reflector of 20-cm average thickness
surrounds the core. The fuel assembly type is WWR-SM as shown in
Figure 2 (consists of 3 coaxial fuel elements). The innermost is a tube,
this is followed by a second fuel element with an annulus cross-
section, and the third fuel element (outer) is a hexagonal shape. [1-10]


The THMOD2 (Thermal Hydraulic Modeling version 2)
[3,11-13] code is a one-dimensional computer program (axial
direction) and it provides a capability for analysis of the steady state
thermal hydraulic analysis of research reactors in which coaxial annuli
and/or plates type fuel elements are adopted. In this code, subroutines
to calculate temperature distribution in fuel elements. The THMOD2
code can calculate fuel temperatures under forced convection cooling
mode with downflow direction. A heat transfer package is used for
calculating heat transfer coefficient, DNB heat flux etc.

The heat transfer package was especially developed for research
reactors, which operated under low pressure and low temperature
conditions using coaxial annuli and/or plate-type fuel elements, just
like the WWR-M2 reactor.


Thermal hydraulic studies for the steady state conditions were
made using the THMOD2 code with fuel coolant channel type WWR-
SM under low temperature and low pressure coolant conditions (in
this study we consider only the WWR-M2 reactor operatinal safety
analysis, i.e. the possibility of reactor power uprating using the same
and/or exicting fuel assembly at normal operation of the reactor, and
boiling occures or not. The cooling water flows downward through the
reactor core, with inlet coolant temperature of 25-50 ºC, while the
temperature difference between the core inlet and outlet is a round 5
C with a volume flow rate calculated according to the following
 ρ c ∆T
P =V p
 is the reactor core total coolant volume flow rate, [m3/hr], P
Where V
is the reactor core thermal power, [kW], cp is the average specific heat
of coolant = 4.19 [kj/kg.ºC], ρ is the average reactor core coolant
density = 988 [kg/m3], and ∆T is the temperature difference between
reactor core outlet and inlet = Tout - Tin [ºC].

The dependence Tsat (z) has been calculated by the well-known
dependence of saturation temperature by the pressure depending on
coordinate Tsat [P (z)] where: [7,10]
ρ V2 z
P(z) = Po + ρ g ( Wd + z) - (ξ en + f + 1)
2 2b (2)
where g, is the gravity acceleration, Po is the atmospheric pressure, Wd

is the reactor’s pool depth, ξ en is the channel entrance friction

coefficient, ƒ is the friction factor, b is the water spacing between fuel
plates, V is the reactor core coolant velocity, and z is the channel axial
The reactor core inlet pressure is 1.512 [bar], and reactor core
parameters are shown in Table 3, and coolant velocity is calculated by
THMOD2 code for each volume flow rate and the reactor core
The X59 [3, 14], and Dittus-Boelter’s [15] correlations were
used for the calculation of the convection heat transfer coefficient. The
H95 [3], and Bergles–Rohsenow’s [16] correlations for the Onset of
Nucleate Boiling (ONB) temperature, and the X2000 [3] and existing
international [17-21] correlations for DNB heat flux calculation.
Boiling temperature and saturation temperature (i.e. the complete
reactor core heat transfer package modeling) is described in THMOD2
code operation manual. [3, 13]

The THMOD2 code considers equal pressure drop for all
channels of the reactor core, and calculates the velocity distribution
for fuel coolant channels, using the dimensions of fuel elements as
given in Table 4 for performing the upgrading calculations. The
calculations were preformed with the assumption that the three main
primary pumps are operating at full load with a total flow rates as a
function of the reactor core power according to Equation (1).
Starting at 10 MWth the reactor core power level was gradually
increased in steps of 1 MWth up to 20 MWth power level, and
according to the maximum operating limits of the WWR-M2 research
reactor for a fuel centerline temperature ≤ 150 ºC and the maximum
cladding surface temperature ≤ 104 ºC. Using the old and new fuel
element dimensions as shown in Table 4 as sample problems of
THMOD2 code, we shall select the optimal fuel element dimensions
suitable for WWR-M2 research reactor power uprating and also
according to the reactor core design operating limits for fuel centerline
temperature and fuel cladding surface temperature. Fuel elements
should have enough safety margins both against the onset of nucleate
boiling (ONB) not to allow the nucleate boiling anywhere in the
reactor core and against the departure from nucleate boiling (DNB).
[3, 22, 23]
Table 5 shows the fuel centerline temperatures, fuel cladding
surface temperatures, saturation temperatures, ONB temperatures, and
boiling temperatures as a function of fuel coolant channel type as an

example for illustration, and from this table we shall consider only
three types of fuel coolant channels for the reactor power uprating
thermal hydraulic analysis.
The maximum fuel centerline temperature and fuel cladding
surface temperature as a function of reactor core power level and
reactor coolant inlet temperature for three types of fuel coolant
channels are shown in Table 6. The consequence of these results in
Table 4 we will consider the WWR-SM1 fuel coolant channel for
WWR-M2 research reactor core power uprating thermal hydraulic
analysis. [3]
The fuel cladding surface temperature, saturation temperature
and ONB temperature as a function of reactor power level and reactor
coolant inlet temperature and according to reactor core design
conditions and operating limits are shown in Figure 3 and from this
figure we shall select the maximum reactor operating power level and
reactor coolant inlet temperature and other operating parameters as (P
= 14 MWth, Tin = 40 ºC, TONB = 109 ºC and, and Tsat =104 ºC).


In this section, we are planning to remodel the existing nuclear
research reactor core of WWR-M2 at 10 MWth with 36 % enrichment
uranium (Russian standard) fuel to investigate the thermal hydraulics
and reactor core performance.

The temperature is shown as a function of coolant velocity
because the coolant velocity is the only dominant variable to the fuel
surface temperature. Both the ONB temperature and the saturation
temperature become lower with an increase of coolant velocity
because an increase in coolant velocity gives lower local pressure
according to the increase of pressure loss.
Figure 4 shows the calculated results of the fuel surface
temperature, ONB temperature and saturation temperature where the
difference between the ONB temperature and the fuel surface
temperature is a minimum for sub-channel C, and it is equal to 5 ºC.
The pressure at top and the bottom of WWR-SM1 fuel coolant
channel are shown in Figure 5 with the coolant velocity as a
parameter, to show the characteristics of pressure decrease due to the
increase of coolant velocity. The increase of coolant velocity and
decrease of pressure give lower temperature (TONB-Tsat).
But in this case, the effects of an increase of coolant velocity
and decrease of pressure on the increase of temperature difference
(TONB-Tsat), due to the increase of coolant velocity is little in magnitude
and only Tsat becomes lower according to the pressure decrease due to
the increase of coolant velocity. Therefore, both of Tsat and TONB
become lower with the increase of coolant velocity. On other hand, the
fuel surface temperature becomes lower with an increase of coolant
velocity. It should be noticed in Figure 4 that the TONB is higher the
fuel surface temperature at the coolant velocity of 4.5 – 9 m/sec. In
this range of coolant velocity, no boiling occurs in the sub-channel and

on the other hand, two-phase flow occurs with nucleate boiling at the
velocity less than 4 m/sec. Therefore, 4.75 m/sec should be adopted as
design velocity for the WWR-M2 reactor core fuel coolant channel
and with total volume flow rate of 2359 m3/hr. At the design velocity
of 4.75 m/sec thus determined, the pressure drop between the core
inlet and the bottom of WWR-SM1 fuel coolant channel is about
0.2323 bar as shown in Figure 5. The distribution of fuel centerline
temperature, fuel cladding surface temperature and coolant
temperature along the WWR-SM1 fuel coolant channel with the
operating coolant velocity are shown in Figure 6.
We tried to formulate new heat transfer coefficient correlation
X59, and new critical heat flux correalation also using existing
international experimental data and my correlations consider as better
more limiting operation domain [3,14] as former correlations,
therefore, the relationship of Nu vs. Re and heat transfer coefficient
(The new one X59 and some of international correlations) applied for
forced-convection single-phase flow in down flow direction, for
WWR-SM1 fuel coolant channel with D = 4.71 – 5.47 mm with active
length = 60 cm, is illustrated in Figure 7 with reactor core power = 14
MWth, Tin = 40 ºC.
Figure 8 illustration the various DNB heat flux correlations
(The new one X2000 and some of international correlations)
described in the heat transfer package of the THMOD2 code. As for
the core exist temperature of coolant, one should be careful of the
following problem. If the coolant temperature is considerably high at

exist of the core, there is possibility that the coolant temperature
should become the saturation temperature resulting in the two-phase
flow at the location where the local pressure is the lowest in the
primary cooling line. This situation should be avoided for a stable
steady state operation condition.
Figure 9 shows the calculation results of the average coolant
temperature at exist of the fuel coolant channel and the saturation
temperature where the local pressure is the lowest, as the function of
coolant velocity in the fuel coolant channel. The results are shown for
the core power of 14 MWth. In the condition of normal operation with
the coolant velocity of 4.75 m/sec designed for the WWR-SM1 fuel
coolant channel, the lowest pressure is about 1.167 bar with the
saturation temperature of 95.76 ºC and the average bulk temperature of
coolant at exist of WWR-SM1 fuel coolant channel is about 55.55 ºC
as shown in Figure 9 and its consequently no boiling occurs in the
primary cooling piping system. The maximum allowable fuel element
cladding surface temperature is about 104 ºC as shown in Figure 10.
The statistical comparison between the experimental data, X59
correlation and Dittus-Boelter correlation for calculation of Nu
number as given in Table 7.
Table 8 gives a statistical comparison summary between
X2000 correlation and some of international DNB correlations, and
also, Figure 11 shows the comparison between the X2000 correlation
and some experimental data. [3, 24, 25]

Core thermal hydraulic characteristics [3] thus designed and
analyzed for the forced-convection cooling mode at the reactor core
power level of 10 and 14 MWth are summarized in Table 9.

On the bases of the results obtained using THMOD2 code
thermal hydraulic calculation for WWR-M2 Nuclear Research Reactor
core power uprating we can conclude that theoretically it is possible to
increase the reactor core thermal power level up to 14 MWth safely
and without any operational problems of the reactor using the existing
WWR-SM1 fuel coolant channels (3 coaxial fuel elements).

The authors would like to express their appreciation to the
Prof. Dr. L. Rádonyi, head of Department for Energy, Budapest
University of Technology and Economics, Hungary for his continuous
encouragement, valuable suggestions and supporting this work. Also,
their thanks are forwarded to Prof. Dr. Tamás Jászay and Prof. Dr.
Tamás Kornyi for thier suggetions and discussions.

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Figure 1. WWR-M2 research reactor core horizontal cross-section.

Figure 2. WWR-SM Fuel Coolant Channel

Figure 3. The maximum cladding surface temperature, saturation
temperature, and ONB temperature as a function of reactor core
power level and reactor coolant inlet temperature for fuel elements of
WWR-SM fuel coolant channel dimensions.

Figure 4. Maximum cladding surface temperature, saturation
temperature, and ONB temperature as a function of reactor coolant
velocity of sub-channel C.

Figure 5. The pressure at reactor top and bottom as a function of
reactor coolant velocity of sub-channel C.

Figure 6. The axial distribution of fuel centerline temperature, fuel
surface temperature, and coolant temperature along the coolant sub-
channel D of WWR-SM1 fuel coolant channel.

Figure 7. Illustration of heat transfer correlation applied for forced-
convection single-phase flow for down flow.

WWR-M Sub-channel D
Tin= 40 C
1000 Pin= 1.512 bar
De= 6 mm
900 Power= 14 MWth
QDNB[W/cm ]

600 Bsebsu, X2000

Tong, W3





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Coolant Velocity [m/sec]

Figure 8. Illustration of DNB critical heat flux correlation used for
sub-channel D of WWR-SM1 fuel coolant channel.

Figure 9. Calculated results of average core exit coolant temperature
and saturation temperature at lowest pressure in primary coolaing
line vs. core coolant velocity.

Figure 10. Calculated results of maximum cladding surfaces of the
fuel element 3 of WWR-SM1 fuel coolant channel vs. core coolant

Figure 11. Comparison of X2000 correlation, CHF data with
predictions of correlations and look-up CHF table (L=1.4 m, P = 4.9

Table 1. Characteristics of WWR-M assemblies.

Fuel element Specific heat Uraniu U
Assembly Wall (Meat) Transfer Compositio m Conc. in
Type Thickness Surface n Density core
] 2 3 3
[mm] [cm /cm ] [g/cm ] [g/l]
WWR-M1 20 2.3(0.9) 3.67 UO2+Al 1.5 50
36 2.5(0.7) 3.67 U+Al 1.33 61.2
90 1.25(0.53) 6.6 U+Al 0.77 125
90 1.25(0.39) 6.6 UO2+Al 1.2 125
36 2.5(0.9) 3.67 UO2+Al 2 122
WWR- 36 1.25(0.43) 6.6 UO2+Al 2 102
M5E 21 1.25(0.43) 6.6 UO2+Al 3 83

Table 2. Performance of WWR-M assemblies on the WWR-M reactor
of PNPI.

Characteristic WWR-M1 WWR-M2 WWR-M3 WWR-M5

Operating period 1959-63 1963-79 1973-80 1980-97
Reactor power [MW] 10 16 18 18
Mean (max.) burnup in unloaded
47(76) 41(91) 28(73) 29(59)
assemblies [%]
Number of used single assemblies 184 2765 638 2235
Mean power production per assembly
[MWday/Ass.] 9.7 10 7.7 14.7
Total power production [GW-day] 1.8 28 5 32.8

Table 3. Core Design Description Parameters

Reactor type Tank type
Power level, MW 10
Vertical positions 397
Fuel positions 223
Irradiation position 51
Beryllium displacers 123
Horizontal beam 10

Radial 8
Tangential 2
Meat Material UAlx-Al
Clad Material Al (SAV-I)
Active Length, mm 600
Lattice Pitch, mm 35
Moderator, coolant H2O
Reflector Beryllium
Control Rod Absorber B4C (18)
Safety Rod 3
Automatic Rod 1
Manual Rod 14
Coolant inlet Temperature. ΟC 35
Coolant inlet Pressure, bar 1.52

Table 4. WWR-SM fuel coolant channels, fuel meat and clad

dimensions [mm].

CHANNEL Fuel Element I Fuel Element II Fuel Element III

0.90 0.70 0.90 0.90 0.70 0.90 0.94 0.74 094
WWR- 1.09 1.09 0.95 1.09 1.09 0.95 1.09 1.09
SM1 2 8 6 2 8 6 2 8
WWR- 1.02 0.84 1.02 1.02 0.84 1.02 1.02 0.84
SM2 6 7 6 6 7 6 6 7
0.90 0.70 0.90 0.90 0.70 0.90 0.90 0.70 0.90

0.80 0.90 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.80
WWR-M51 0.36 0.53 0.36 0.36 0.53 0.36 0.36 0.53 0.36
WWR-M52 0.43 0.39 0.43 0.43 0.39 0.43 0.43 0.39 0.43
WWR-M53 0.41 0.43 0.41 0.41 0.43 0.41 0.41 0.43 0.41
CTH = Clad Thickness, and FTH= Fuel meat Thickness

Table 5. The comparison between the centerline temperatures, fuel

cladding surface temperatures, saturation temperatures, ONB
temperatures, and boiling temperatures at P = 10 MWth, and Tin = 50
C for the fuel coolant channels.

channel P, TF, TCl, Tsat, TONB, TBLG,

type [MWth] [ºC] [ºC] [ºC] [ºC] [ºC]
155.0 109.2
WWR-SM0 10 109.04 111.39 138.80
3 2
139.5 102.3
WWR-SM1 10 106.60 109.01 138.58
9 0

144.5 103.9
WWR-SM2 10 107.94 110.31 136.79
0 1
153.6 108.2
WWR-SM3 10 109.20 111.52 139.04
2 4
154.8 109.4
WWR-SM4 10 109.20 111.52 139.04
4 6
184.0 123.0
WWR-M51 10 110.83 113.17 142.01
8 3
190.8 125.6
WWR-M52 10 111.10 113.40 142.54
5 1
191.1 125.8
WWR-M53 10 111.10 113.40 142.54
3 8

Table 6. The fuel centerline temperature and fuel cladding surface

temperature as a function of reactor core power level, coolant inlet
temperature and fuel coolant channel type.

Fuel Tin =35 Tin =40 Tin =50 Tin =35 Tin =40 Tin =50
P º º º º º º
channel C C C C C C
Fuel Centerline Temperature Clad Surface Temperature
Type MWth
[ºC] [ºC]
10 152.74 153.20 155.03 100.65 103.42 109.22
13 160.27 160.47 161.17 105.29 107.89 113.63
WWR- 15 164.72 164.77 165.89 108.11 110.61 116.21

18 170.78 170.64 171.41 112.04 114.44 119.81
20 174.51 174.26 174.82 114.50 116.85 122.08
10 135.10 136.34 139.59 92.63 95.73 102.30
13 142.29 143.31 146.17 97.49 100.47 106.84
15 146.61 147.51 150.16 100.49 103.41 109.66
18 170.78 170.64 171.41 112.04 114.44 119.81
20 174.51 174.26 174.82 114.50 116.85 122.08
10 139.28 141.84 144.50 93.97 97.63 103.91
13 148.01 148.69 150.93 99.24 102.05 108.11
15 152.21 152.76 154.77 102.00 104.75 110.68
18 157.99 158.36 160.06 105.89 108.54 114.31
20 161.57 161.83 163.34 108.34 110.93 116.61

Table 7. The statistical comparison between the experimental data,

X59 correlation and Dittus-Boelter correlation for calculation of
Nusselt Number.

Correlation Mean Standard S. Error Data

Deviation (±) (±) No.
X59 114.37 46.03 7.1 42

Dittus- 128.5
55.43 8.6 42
Boelter 2
Experimental 55.76 8.6 42

Table 8. Statistical comparison summary between X2000 correlation

and some of international DNB correlations.

QDNB Mean, Standard Deviation S. Error No.

[W/cm2] (±) (±)
227.69 18.75 1.50 156
Mirshak 315.38 31.68 2.54 156
Biasi 224.05 59.15 4.74 156
X2000 260.64 40.56 3.25 156

Table 9. Summary of core thermal hydraulic analysis and design for

WWR-M2 research reactor core
10 14
MWth MWth
Primary system total volume flow rate, [m /hr] 1750 2359
Flow ratio in active core region, [%] 78 78
Coolant velocity in WWR-SM1 sub-channels,
3 4.75
Core inlet coolant temperature, [oC] 50 40
Average temperature through primary circuit
5 5
system, [oC]
Core inlet pressure, [bar] 1.512 1.512
Pressure loss through active reactor core, [bar] 0.173 0.232
Minimum temperature margin to ONB, [oC] 7 5
Minimum DNB ratio, [--] 2.41 1.86
Maximum cladding surface temperature (upper
104 104
limit), [oC]

Core exit coolant temperature, [oC] 64 55.55
Onset Nucleate Boiling temperature, TONB, [oC] 111 109
Saturation temperature, Tsat, [oC] 108.5 104
′ 108 108.8
, [W/cm2]


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