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LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH 5 (LANGUAGE) LESSON 1.1 I. Objectives Reading: Writing: Speaking: Listening: II.

Subject Matter


Distinguish proper nouns from common nouns Write nouns with correct capitalization Use common and proper nouns in sentences Tell what the story heard is about

Proper Nouns and Common Nouns

References: Materials: Value Focus: III. English Encounters: Language 5 by Ma. Christina P. Ibarra, Et al., pp 2 4 Graphic Organizers, illustrations of the topic, pocket chart, and textbook Perseverance

Procedure (Learning Activities) A. Review on nouns. B. Pre-reading 1. Pronunciation Drill comfortable / kmftbl/ transfer / trnsfr/ 2. Unlocking of difficulties Define the following 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Motivation Story Reading: Values Integration: C. Presentation Use graphic organizer: Give general or specific categories for the given nouns. Losaida and Her Music of Life English Encounters: Language 5 p. 2 Perseverance vices serene vivid comfortable business / bzns/


Jose Rizal

D. Discussion (Grammar Points) a. Proper nouns are specific names of people, places and things - first letters of a proper noun is always written in a capital letters

b. Common nouns - more general categories/ names of people, places and things. - first letters is not capitalized except if they are the first word in a sentence E. Drill I. Rewrite the following proper nouns correctly on the blanks. Remember the rules in capitalization. ( Textbook pp. 3-4, items A) Read the story; Circle the letters that should be capitalized. There are 15 proper nouns in the story. (Textbook p. 4, item B)


F. Generalization a. Give sentences using a common noun. b. Use a proper noun in a sentence G. Application a. Distinguish the following nouns into proper or common nouns. Correct capitalization of the nouns. Proper noun Noun Common Noun boy Easter sunday december Month ship Book atty. davao IV. Evaluation A. (Dictation) Write PN if the given word/s is a proper noun and CN if common noun. 1. Ninoy Aquino 2. pastor 3. church 4. Filipino 5. Monday B. Rewrite the following sentences observing the rules in capitalization. 1. he is james, my Best friend. 2. Pastor yec-yec is our Principal. 3. We will be back on tuesday. 4. New year is fun in the Philippines. 5. nina loves to Sing. V. Agreement 1. Study about concrete noun, abstract noun and collective noun. (p. 5-6)
Prepared by: LYNARD BOBBY L. ASIRIT Teacher Checked by: Pastor Alexander I. Yec-yec Principal



Proper Nouns and Common Nouns

Learning Objectives: Reading: Writing: Speaking: Listening: Distinguish proper nouns from common nouns Write nouns with correct capitalization Use common and proper nouns in sentences Tell what the story heard is about

A. (Dictation) Write PN if the given word/s is a proper noun and CN if common noun. 1. Ninoy Aquino 2. pastor 3. church 4. Filipino 5. Monday B. Rewrite the following sentences observing the rules in capitalization 6. he is james, my Best friend. 7. Pastor yec-Yec is our Principal. 8. We will be back on tuesday. 9. New year is fun in the Philippines. 10. nina loves to Sing. ANSWER KEY 1. PN 2. CN 3. CN 4. PN 5. PN 6. He is James, my bestfriend. 7. Pastor Yec-yec is our principal. 8. We will be back on Tuesday. 9. New Year is fun in the Philippines. 10. Nina loves to sing
Prepared by: LYNARD BOBBY L. ASIRIT Teacher Checked by: Pastor Alexander I. Yec-yec Principal
Frequency of Error

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