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Payroll - Direct Deposit 8.9 Training Guide

1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................1 PROCESS: DIRECT DEPOSIT ........................................................................................................ 1 FUNCTION: PAYROLL - DIRECT DEPOSIT ........................................................................................ 1 OBJECTIVE(S)...............................................................................................................................1 ENTRANCE CRITERIA .................................................................................................................... 1 PREREQUISITE(S)/PRECEDING PROCESS(ES) ................................................................................ 1 INPUT DATA.................................................................................................................................. 1 PROCEDURAL STEPS .................................................................................................................... 2 CREATING DIRECT DEPOSIT.......................................................................................................... 2 UNDERSTANDING MULTIPLE DIRECT DEPOSITS ............................................................................. 6 UNDERSTANDING THE PRENOTIFICATION PROCESS ....................................................................... 6 CLOSING/COMMENTS ................................................................................................................... 6

Payroll - Direct Deposit 8.9 Training Guide

<Training Content is created by the functional teams as they develop the process and the system. Insert any overall introduction here although for training content the brief statement of Process, Application and Objective that follow are usually sufficient unless this document is to serve as the final training material.>


Process: Direct Deposit

Direct deposit pages are used to establish employee specific bank account information to which paychecks, or portions thereof, may be automatically deposited.

(Note: Direct Deposit distributions are performed during the Pay Confirmation process.) 1.2. Function: Payroll - Direct Deposit

<Usually just the header that names the location of the transaction in the application. >


Understand Direct Deposit Access the Direct Deposit page Create a new Direct Deposit entry Understand multiple Direct Deposits Understand the Prenotification process

By the end of this chapter the user will be able to:

2.1. Prerequisite(s)/Preceding Process(es)
<The training team should identify prerequisites to training (e.g. Basic Navigation of Peoplesoft, Security access to systems, etc.) >


Input Data

< The Training team should document the input form or source (e.g., sample documents, Client data, Training team data) prior to conducting the training exercises. > No.
1 2

Input Form or Source

Field Value / Comments

Payroll - Direct Deposit 8.9 Training Guide

> Payroll for North American > Employee Pay Data USA

Creating Direct Deposit

3.1.1. Access the Direct Deposit page by following the navigation path

> Request Direct


3.1.2. Enter as many indicative search fields as needed to select the appropriate employee or narrow the search to a manageable list of employees matching the search criteria entered. Entry into at least one field is required. Field /Button Name
EmplID Name Last Name






Enter an appropriate Employee ID Enter a portion of the employees Name Add/or enter a portion of the employees Last Name only Enter Second Name if available. Add/or enter Second Last Name, if applicable Add/or enter Alternative Character Name, if applicable Add/or enter the appropriate Company,

Second Name Second Last Name Alternative Character Name Company


Payroll - Direct Deposit 8.9 Training Guide

Field /Button Name

Include History





 Correct History
Explain how <CLIENT> uses the correct history feature

Select this checkbox if you want to view all history for this employee Select this checkbox if you need to correct any data for this employee. This feature is not available to all users . Select this checkbox if you want your search to be case sensitive

Correct History

Case Sensitive

Table Legend explanation of R/O/C abbreviations: Table Legend R (Required) The field listed is a required field. Data must be entered for the transaction to be completed. Required fields are designated by an asterisk preceding the field name. The field listed is an optional field. Data may be entered but it is not required to complete a transaction. When a business variation warrants data in this field, it should be entered.

O (Optional)

C (Combined) The field listed is required only if other related fields have not been populated. The requirement is combined across two or more fields; it is required that one of the fields listed be populated. D (Display) E (Empty) The field listed is a display only field. Data cannot be entered into this field. The field listed should be left blank in most cases. Press ENTER or click the SEARCH button. If the search criteria entered matches only one employee then the following page will render. Otherwise, a list of employees matching the search criteria will be returned. Select the appropriate employee from the by double-clicking and the following page will render.

Payroll - Direct Deposit 8.9 Training Guide

> Payroll for North American > Employee Pay Data USA

> Request Direct


3.1.3. Enter appropriate data Field /Button Name

Employee Name ID





Employee Name: defaults from selection criteria entered on the search page. ID: defaults from the selection criteria entered on the search page.

EX George Garfield EX KUZ106

These fields are in the Deposit Information Section of the Direct Deposit Page Effective Date R Effective Date: defaults to todays date. Enter the appropriate effective date if different. Enter the appropriate status for this distribution: Active or Inactive. Select this check box to indicate that the employee has elected to receive their pay advice electronically. L These fields are in the Distribution Information Section of the Direct Deposit Page Account Type Deposit Type R R Select the account type Use the drop-down list to select the appropriate deposit type for this

EX 06/20/2005

L Suppress DDP Advice Print

Direct Deposit advices are generated from the DDPAdvice Print SQR programs (DDP003 and DDP003CN).


Inactive, Active

Suppress DDP Advice Print

Checking, Issue Check, Saving Amount, Balance, Percent

Payroll - Direct Deposit 8.9 Training Guide

Field /Button Name

% Net Pay / $ Amount





account. L R Enter a percent if Percent is selected as the Deposit Type. Enter a specific dollar amount if selected Amount is selected as the Deposit Type. Leave blank if Balance is selected as the Deposit Type. Enter the appropriate bank ID (transit routing number). Select this box if prenotification is required. Enter the employees account number - no dashes, no spaces Prenote Date: automatically created by the system the first time employee direct deposits are processed. L Enter the appropriate priority number. Distributions are made to accounts in order of their priority numberthe lower the priority number, the higher the priority. Prenotification Status: automatically created by the system the first time employee direct deposits are processed. L Each time direct deposit data is updated, the system indicates whether an online user or a selfservice web user made the update, and it displays the date of the most recent update. L

Bank ID

Prenotificat ion Reqd Account #

L Prenotification Status / Prenote Date Indicators of the verification process that validates the Bank ID and Account numbers.


Prenote Date


Prenotificat ion Status

L This data was last updated by
Online users can make updates online using the Direct Deposit page. The employee, also known as the web user, can make updates using the Direct Deposit transaction in the ePay self-service application.

This data was last updated by

See Table Legend in section 3.1.2 above for an explanation of R/O/C abbreviations.

Payroll - Direct Deposit 8.9 Training Guide


Understanding Multiple Direct Deposits

An employee may have several bank accounts. Each direct deposit can be stated as either a percent of net pay or a dollar amount. Set up the appropriate number of rows of Distribution Data by inserting additional rows (using the key).

Direct Deposits distributions are processed in order of priority number - the lower the priority number, the higher the priority. Assign appropriate priority numbers so that the partial amount distributions have lower priority values insuring that they are processed first. Designate one direct deposit account to receive the remaining funds after all of the other direct deposits are made. To designate an account to receive remaining funds, select Balance as the deposit type. Failure to do this will result in the remaining balance of net pay being issued through a check.

L Understanding the Prenotification Process

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America comes with several SQR programs that are an integral part of the direct deposit process. Run these SQRs after completing the pay confirmation process. The Direct Deposit SQRs must be run in a specific order: 1st - DDP006, 2nd DDP005, 3rd - DDP002, and last - DDP001.


Understanding the Prenotification Process

The prenotification process is a test run for direct deposits to verify that bank IDs and employee account numbers are valid. When an employees direct deposit data is first entered and the record is saved, the Prenote Status will show as Not Submitted, and the Prenote Date will be blank. After processing the next Pay Confirmation run the SQR program DDP001 Transmittal File. L This program will prompt the user for a Prenote Date. The number of Prenote Days is specified on the Bank Table. Upon processing the SQR the date entered will be reflected in the Prenote Date on the Direct Deposit page, and the Prenote Status on this page will be Submitted. The system will change the Prenote Status from Submitted to Completed once the Prenote Date has passed. At that point direct deposits go into effect.



To change or discontinue direct deposits, set up the appropriate effective-dated rows, using the Direct Deposit page. Selecting the Disable Direct Deposit check box on an employees paysheet can stop direct deposits for a single paycheck. This causes the system to produce an actual paycheck for the employee, rather than a direct deposit. See also in the Payroll for North America PeopleBook:

Working with Paysheets

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