How Does Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper Honor Our Fallen Heroes and Injured Soldiers - He Closes Nine Veteran Hospitals!

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How does Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper honor our fallen heroes and injured soldiers - he closes nine veteran hospitals! Heres Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper Christmas message: Lets honor our men and women in uniform? "This holiday season let us remember those who are less fortunate. Let us honour our men and women in uniform. And let us give thanks for our great country, Canada. "From Laureen, Ben, Rachel and me, to your family: Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and all the best for the holiday season and for the year to come." So how does Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper honor our fallen and injured soldiers / heroes? He closes nine veteran hospitals: Meanwhile, the Conservatives are closing nine Veterans Affairs Canada district offices across the country. This leaves veterans and their families without access to in-person services in many communities, including vitally needed counselling. Veterans have to rely on phone or online assistance. By 2015, Veterans Affairs will have cut 800 jobs and there are plans to shut more district offices. Is that why Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is pictured in a Gestapo uniform? [see picture of Stephen Harper in gestapo clothes] References courtesy of the Fair Use Act, for research purposes, to clarify the authors point of view. The 1961 Report of the Register of Copyrights on the General Revision of the U.S. Copyright Law cites examples of activities that courts have regarded as fair use: quotation of excerpts in a review or criticism for purposes of illustration or comment; quotation of short passages in a scholarly or technical work, for illustration or clarification of the authors observations, etc. 2



Chapter 1 6 The families of at least four unmarried soldiers killed in Afghanistan have stepped forward to file human-rights complaints. Chapter 2 We owe it to them! 9

Chapter 3 11 "This minister's incompetence has been seen before and it appears we're looking at it again in a particularly tragic context"! Chapter 4 13 Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper doesnt see it as a priority?? Chapter 5 Sorry but I can't take it anymore! 15

Chapter 6 18 Disturbing details chronicle Col. Russell Williams double life Chapter 7 23 Had enough of this disgusting bastard Col. Russell Williams yet? Chapter 8 28 Lets now look at the hero, Warrant Officer Matt Stopford! Chapter 9 32 Lets now look at the hero, Warrant Officer Matt Stopford! Chapter 10 35 Lets now look at the hero, Warrant Officer Matt Stopford! Chapter 11 48 The Royal Canadian Mounted Police [RCMP] lay no charges? Chapter 12 50 What the RCMP apparently cant fabricate, they apparently screw-up RCMP Staff Sgt. Ross Spenard? Chapter 13 56 What the RCMP apparently cant fabricate, they apparently screw-up continued - Robert Dziekanski? 3

Chapter 14 64 What the RCMP apparently cant fabricate, they apparently screw-up again - RCMP Officers committed perjury while senior officers sat silent? Chapter 15 76 What the RCMP apparently cant fabricate, they apparently screw-up again - RCMP arrogance cited in bungling of Pickton case? Chapter 16 91 What the RCMP apparently cant fabricate, they apparently screw-up again - RCMP warned on Air India? Chapter 17 98 What the RCMP apparently cant fabricate, they apparently screw-up again - RCMP bungled the case of notorious serial killer Clifford Olson? Chapter 18 Those that blab about the RCMP threatened 116

Chapter 19 121 Stay quiet, don't say a word or the RCMP will get you? Chapter 20 128 Dont successfully sue the Royal Canadian Mounted Police over their lies, they will harass you and your family forever! Chapter 21 136 Yet Sanfu Chen insists as her first piece on the internet!! Chapter 22 139 Hey Lisa Lapointe, Chief Coroner, what are you going to do about these 40 year old RCMP lies uploaded by Darby Love and Sanfu Chen? Chapter 23 142 As can be seen below, the author has the original Coroner Inquest report sent to him by the Coroners office of British Columbia Canada!! Chapter 24 146 So what have the RCMP done, they have gotten another stooge [Sanfu Chen] to put some more bull-shit about Terry Mallenby this time that he was an unwilling witness which is what the RCMP [through the Crown] told the Coroner!!! Chapter 25 148 If you squeeze a rat hard enough It will squeal - And that includes Canadian Senator Larry Campbell, former RCMP officer who confirms he doesnt give a shite about Coroner Inquest results?? 4

Chapter 26 153 Now, lets turn our attention to War Criminals in Canada who are the supposed war criminals - MacKay and Harper?? Chapter 27 156 Now, lets turn our attention to War Criminals in Canada whats this - someone is saying MacKay and Harper are apparent war criminals?? Chapter 28 158 Now, lets turn our attention to War Criminals in Canada MacKay and Harper are apparent war criminals whats this all about?? Chapter 29 172 Now, lets turn our attention to War Criminals in Canada someone is saying MacKay and Harper are apparent war criminals and a judge is being sought?? Chapter 30 175 Now, lets turn our attention to War Criminals in Canada as cited War crimes investigation proceeding against Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper??

Chapter 1 The families of at least four unmarried soldiers killed in Afghanistan have stepped forward to file human-rights complaints. References courtesy of the Fair Use Act, for research purposes, to clarify the authors point of view. As cited:

The families of at least four unmarried soldiers killed in Afghanistan have stepped forward to file human-rights complaints. The relatives allege Veterans Affairs discriminates in favour of married troops in the payment of a $250,000 death benefit, The Canadian Press has learned. The cases, which are at the investigation stage, follow the dismissal last week of a similar complaint by the parents of Corporal Matthew Dinning, who died in an April, 2006, Kandahar roadside bombing. A federal human-rights tribunal rejected the complaint of Lincoln and Laurie Dinning because Veterans Affairs abruptly decided to recognize their sons girlfriend as his common-law spouse, technically making him no longer single. Errol Cushley, the father of Private William Cushley, and Beverley Skalrud, the mother of Private Braun Scott Woodfield, confirmed they have launched their own challenges of the death stipend, which was instituted as part of an overhaul of veterans benefits in 2006. The families of Trooper Jack Bouthillier and Trooper Marc Diab have launched similar complaints.

You have four men killed in the same battle, three of them are paid $250,000, (but) William does not qualify because he is single. It doesnt make any sense to me, said Errol Cushley, who lives near Wallaceburg, Ont. I always understood you couldnt discriminate on those grounds. William Cushley was one of the soldiers killed in the opening phase of Operation Medusa, as Charles Company of 1st Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment charged across Kandahars Arghandaub River into the teeth of a Taliban ambush. The death benefit complaint is a matter of equity and fairness, and not driven by money, said the grieving father. People are going to try and turn it into that and I dont care, said Mr. Cushley. I would gladly give everything I own to have my son back. Ill give them $250,000, you give me Will back. He was my only son. Ms. Skalruds son died in an armoured vehicle accident in November, 2005, as Canadian troops moved into Kandahar. The death benefit had not been enacted at the time, but the Conservative government chose to backdate it for the families of troops who had died in the months prior to April 1, 2006. Still, Ms. Skalrud was excluded because Braun Woodfield was single. It felt wrong in the pit of my stomach right from the beginning, said Ms. Skalrud. Was the life of my son worth less than a married soldier? Thats what this says to me. This policy is wrong and Im definitely willing to pick up the torch. Her comments were echoed by Jihan Diab, whose son Marc died in March 2009. Its not right. My son served as equally as any other married soldier or soldiers that were in common-law status, said Ms. Diab. The Canadian Human Rights Commission does not comment on complaints that are under investigation. But on the dismissal of the Dinning case, a spokesman said an important policy issue has been left in limbo. The question is still an important one and has yet to be addressed. Entitlement to these benefits in similar situations remains an issue, said David Gollob, the commissions communications director. Both Mr. Cusley and Ms. Skalrud say Veterans Affairs has told the human-rights commission their complaints should not be pursued because they were not filed 7

within one year of the alleged discrimination taking place, required under the law. But the parents argue they are part of a continuing discrimination because some of the latest soldiers to die in Afghanistan were single. Raynald Bouthillier, whose son was killed in a roadside bombing in March, 2009, said he wasnt aware until recently that the government made a distinction between married and single soldiers. I think when other families find out theyll say something, said Mr. Bouthillier of Hearst, Ont. New Democrat veterans affairs critic Peter Stoffer demanded an investigation into the Dinning case Wednesday, saying the federal government owes it to the family to explain how and when it decided to recognize their sons girlfriend as a common-law spouse. The family had four years of emotional anguish fighting the case through a human-rights tribunal only to have the department accept a previously rejected application, he said. Its rather cruel, Mr. Stoffer said. The most respectful way I can say this is that its very, very disrespectful of those families whove lost loved ones serving their country. He said he believes the department deliberately short-circuited the Dinning complaint to keep the families of all other single soldiers at bay. The cost of paying the benefit to all soldiers was examined by the department in 2007. It was estimated that paying single soldiers would have bumped up the cost of the program by $3-million per year. If there are other Canadian Human Rights Tribunal cases involving the New Veterans Charter death benefit, it would not be appropriate to comment before decisions are rendered, said department spokeswoman Janice Summerby. Under the old system, the federal government paid a supplementary death benefit, calculated at two times the members annual earnings. The cash went to the spouse, or another designated beneficiary of the soldier. If there was no beneficiary, the money would go into the estate.

Chapter 2 We owe it to them! References courtesy of the Fair Use Act, for research purposes, to clarify the authors point of view. As cited: We owe it to them The ChronicleHerald 2007.05.29 GOVERNMENT policies are often out of step with new realities. That's to be expected the rules don't change on their own, but circumstances are fluid by their very nature. One of the measures of a good government is how quickly it adapts to current events, especially if it has had a hand in forging them. The unfortunate reality is that there will likely be more military funerals in Canada as the war in Afghanistan grinds on. But the policy covering military families' funeral expenses is out of date. The stipend, which hasn't been changed in more than a decade, sets a ceiling of $4,675 for funeral services. The government also picks up the tab for a variety of other costs, such as cemetery plots and cremation urns. Anything over and above is the nextofkin's responsibility. Clearly, that doesn't fit the bill anymore. In this day and age, an average funeral can easily cost twice as much as the limit spelled out in the Department of Defence's death and disability booklet. According to the Canadian Press, at least two families who have lost soldiers in Afghanistan have sought to be reimbursed the difference between the real cost of a funeral and the official cost. Forces spokeswoman Commodore Denise Laviolette says DND has been proactive and reallocated funds on an ad hoc basis over the past nine months to top up funeral expenses. But that's only a BandAid solution. The longterm fix is for Treasury Board to bump up the funeral stipend, an issue it will examine this week and we hope, promptly deal with. The last thing military families need is for financial burdens to compound their burden of grief. When their loved one comes home in a coffin, they should be spared worries about burial expenses or unnecessary frustrations, like applying for more money. And if there are families that never asked for an adjustment, that 9

simply absorbed funeral shortfalls outofpocket, then they, too, should be reimbursed, retroactively, at a higher rate.


Chapter 3 "This minister's incompetence has been seen before and it appears we're looking at it again in a particularly tragic context"! References courtesy of the Fair Use Act, for research purposes, to clarify the authors point of view. As cited: Full cost of military burials paid by government: O'Connor Murray Brewster The Telegram (St. John's) 2007.05.29 Defence Minister Gordon O'Connor says his department has paid the entire burial costs for troops killed in Afghanistan, contradicting his own officials and the families of at least two slain soldiers. "Since I've been in office, I've directed the department to pay the full funeral cost of fallen soldiers," the minister said Monday in the House of Commons. "And I also directed the department to review the previous Treasury Board policy set by the Liberals to come to a proper resolution and to line it up with current realities. We have been doing that since I've been in office. Any family that had to bury their loved ones is entitled to the full recompense for the funeral." A spokeswoman for the Canadian Forces said late last week the military recently discovered that a family had to pay part of the cost of burying their son, who was killed in combat last year. Cmdr. Denise Laviolette did not identify the family. A second family contacted by The Canadian Press says it too was forced to carry some of the cost in burying their son last year. The relatives asked not to be identified, saying it was too painful a topic to discuss in public. On Monday, Laviolette urged the second family and possibly any others who may have been shortchanged to contact the department's director of casualty support. Opposition parties quickly pointed to the discrepancy, saying they were outraged by the conflicting accounts on such a sensitive, emotional topic. "He said categorically that since he's been minister, he's looked after families who've lost ones and paid the full cost. Clearly that is not the case," said Ontario Liberal MP Dan McTeague. 11

"It's a very serious example of the minister being out of touch either that or not understanding the full import of what he's just said. "The department has acknowledged that there are families that have not in fact been paid. I'm at a loss. He's clearly out of line with his own department and out of line with the heroes and their families who've sacrificed so much." If O'Connor ordered a review of the funeral stipend in the winter of 2006, NDP Jack Layton said, why is the federal Treasury Board going to consider the matter on Thursday. "This minister's incompetence has been seen before and it appears we're looking at it again in a particularly tragic context," Layton said following question period. Unlike police officers killed in the line of duty, the families of soldiers face limits on how much taxpayers will cover. The 2007 Canadian Forces death and disability guide allots $4,765 in burial expenses to the families of serving soldiers, aircrew and sailors, when the average funeral bill in Canada is currently between $6,000 and $8,000. Cemetery plots or cremation urns, headstones and transportation for a select number of grieving relatives are also covered. A staffer in the minister's office blamed "footdragging" by the bureaucracy for not getting the changes done sooner.


Chapter 4 Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper doesnt see it as a priority?? References courtesy of the Fair Use Act, for research purposes, to clarify the authors point of view. As cited:

A federal burial fund meant to give impoverished veterans a final, dignified salute has rejected over two-thirds of the applications its received since 2006. And of the requests that are accepted, Ottawa contributes just over $3,600 toward the funeral cost of destitute ex-soldiers, a figure that is substantially lower than what some social services departments pay towards the burial of the homeless and those on welfare. According to figures put before Parliament, of the 29,853 requests made to the veterans funeral and burial program, 20,147 pleas for funding 67.4 per cent were rejected. They either did not meet the eligibility criteria, or failed a means test, which says a qualifying veterans annual income must have been less than $12,010 per year. The executive director of the Last Post Fund, the independent agency that has for decades administered the program on behalf of Veterans Affairs Canada, acknowledges the high rejection rate, but says the nature of the criteria excludes many modern day soldiers who served in the Cold War and Afghanistan.


Jean-Pierre Goyer says they have been petitioning Stephen Harpers Conservative government to not only overhaul the rules, but to increase the stipend given to those who do qualify for assistance. Our Prime Minister and his government dont see it as a priority and it hasnt made the list for the last budget, said Mr. Goyer. We came close last budget, Im told, and our improvements were taken off the list at almost the last minute. We hope in the next federal budget we can see this through.


Chapter 5 Sorry but I can't take it anymore! Heres one brave soldiers reply to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harpers Christmas message where Harper said: "This holiday season let us remember those who are less fortunate. Let us honour our men and women in uniform. And let us give thanks for our great country, Canada. What b.s. Harper!! Heres our brave soldiers reply: Sorry but I can't take it anymore. I love you mom, Shaun, James, Mike, Grandma, Aunti,Tom. Please know that I needed to stop the pain. PS. I don't deserve any kinda fancy funeral. Just family. And to you Mr. Shaun Fynes, as far as Im concerned one Corp. Stuart Langridge is worth all the shit faced politicians and all the other scum buckets working for the Canadian government! Honor, your son has more honor than any of these government rats will ever know! And how does Harper honor our fallen and injured soldiers / heroes? He closes nine veteran hospitals: Meanwhile, the Conservatives are closing nine Veterans Affairs Canada district offices across the country. This leaves veterans and their families without access to in-person services in many communities, including vitally needed counselling. Veterans have to rely on phone or online assistance. By 2015, Veterans Affairs will have cut 800 jobs and there are plans to shut more district offices.

And, by the way, whats this about Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Defence Minister Peter MacKay being war criminals??? As cited: 15

References courtesy of the Fair Use Act, for research purposes, to clarify the authors point of view.

At first glance, it seems a sad story and perhaps nothing more. Stuart Langridge, a soldier based in Edmonton, having attempted suicide six times before, finally succeeded on March 15, 2008 when he hanged himself in his room at CFB Edmonton. He was 28, a dangerous age for young men. His relationship had failed, his biological father had just died and he was addicted to alcohol and cocaine. He was also disillusioned with the army, an institution he had revered since he became a cadet when he was 12. Corp. Langridge had served in Bosnia and Afghanistan. He suffered from chest pains, nightmares, night sweats, tremors, anxiety and depression, all symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. His parents - his mother Sheila and stepfather Shaun Fynes - claim the Army did not take their son's condition seriously, and are asking the Military Police Complaints Commission to report on whether the military police investigation into their son's death was inadequate, biased and meant to exonerate the Canadian Forces. Amongst the volumes of documents tabled at the Commission are interviews the Fynes did with military investigators. Sheila and Shaun Fynes' anguish spill out over the thousands of pages of evidence filed at the MPCC. In conversations that go on for hours, where they don't so much answer questions as finish each other's sentences, they keep repeating, "You don't understand how angry we are." They obsess over their dead son's possessions - a leather chair, a computer that was disabled, a Jeep that was so damaged in military storage after Langridge's death they spent thousands to repair it. In many ways, they seem like grieving parents who, in the wake of the awfulness of a child's suicide, are looking for someone to blame.


And yet, throughout the dozens of white binders containing reports, emails, letters, videos and interviews piled on tables at the Commission, a story emerges of the military's callousness and ineptitude in dealing with a dead soldier's family. Most egregious was the matter of Langridge's suicide note. It was short and yet it revealed multitudes: Sorry but I can't take it anymore. I love you mom, Shaun, James, Mike, Grandma, Aunti,Tom. Please know that I needed to stop the pain. PS. I don't deserve any kinda fancy funeral. Just family. But the note wasn't given to Langridge's parents until 14 months later. The military's reasoning was that the note was part of evidence in a sudden-death investigation, and could only be released through access to information. Before he died Stuart Langridge changed his will and his next of kin designation so that his mother was his heir and his stepfather the will's executor. But these papers were lost, and this gave rise to the second outrage, in his parents' eyes. The bitterness the Fynes bear about how they feel they were marginalized at their own son's funeral is monumental. There was no "family" funeral, but a full military send-off. Langridge's ex-girlfriend, whom he'd broken up with, was recognized by the Army as his next of kin. At the funeral, the Fynes said, they were asked to move to the second row so that the ex-girlfriend's family could take the first pew. The Fynes wanted a regimental flag given their son was so proud of his Strathconas regiment, but the Canadian flag was chosen. "The flag was stripped from his casket and presented to someone else, right under our noses", Sheila Fynes told interviewers. After Langridge's death his will and next-of-kin notice were found behind a filing cabinet in a military office. In an interview with military police, Shaun Fynes said he now regrets urging his stepson to go into the military, and that even the sight of a soldier on a street corner makes him angry. "I will be absolutely relentless ... Stuart's honour will be restored."


Chapter 6 Disturbing details chronicle Col. Russell Williams double life Lets set this book up with a few choice examples of the Canadian Military. One about a monster, Col. Russell Williams, and the other a hero, Warrant Officer Matt Stopford! The first guy, Col. Russell Williams [the monster], the Canadian Military appeared to protect his reputation as long as they could? The second guy [the hero], Warrant Officer Matt Stopford, the Canadian Military arses definitely screwed him over as long as they could! Lets look at the first guy, Col. Russell Williams [the monster], citing ver batim news articles and postings about this guy to give the reader a taste of what this book will be talking about? References courtesy of the Fair Use Act, for research purposes, to clarify the authors point of view. Disturbing details chronicle colonel's double life News Staff Date: Mon. Oct. 18 2010 9:58 PM ET This story contains details that may be disturbing to some readers. A court heard chilling details Monday of Col. Russell Williams's double life, including the thousands of graphic photos he took of himself wearing stolen women's underwear, and the sexual assault of a young mother as her baby slept nearby. The proceedings began Monday morning in a Belleville, Ont., courtroom where Williams, former commander of CFB Trenton, pleaded guilty to two murders, two sexual assaults and 82 break-ins in Eastern Ontario. The 47-year-old admitted to murdering Jessica Lloyd, whose body was found in February in a field near her Tweed home, and Cpl. Marie-France Comeau, who served as a flight attendant on military flights that Williams piloted. Comeau was found dead in her home last November.


In the final charge to be addressed in court before the session ended for the day, the Crown described details of the sexual assault of a young mother, whose identity is protected by a publication ban. The victim woke up in her bed to Williams holding her head down before being tied up and blindfolded and photographed in various states of undress. The attack lasted for about two hours. The court heard the victim told police that Williams treated her more nicely after she told him he didn't seem like the type of person to commit such acts. The victim also told police Williams seemed like a dad.' Before Williams left, he told the young woman to count to 300 before untying herself. She stopped at 70 and Williams told her to keep going. When she reached 200 she realized he was gone and called police. For hours on Monday, prosecutors described to a shocked courtroom how Williams took thousands of graphic photographs of himself wearing women's and girls' underwear during dozens of thefts. The list of charges was so long that it took nearly 40 minutes to read through in court. The crimes began in the fall of 2007 and ended at the start of this year. After Williams entered his guilty pleas, a Crown prosecutor read aloud an agreed statement of facts, which provided details on how the disgraced colonel selected his victims. The prosecutor said Williams would stake out the homes of young, attractive women, before breaking in and stealing their lingerie and other items. Generally the women he targeted were between their late teens and early 30s, though in a few cases Williams broke into homes where pre-teen girls lived. He broke into the bedrooms of at least 12 girls under the age of 18. After breaking into a home, Williams would hunt for lingerie in bedrooms. Then he would model the underwear he intended to take and would masturbate. He always took a photograph of the room where he found the underwear and generally a photo of himself wearing it, prosecutors said. The prosecution also said Williams took thousands of these photos, including a shot of himself wearing underwear that belonged to twin 11-year-old girls.


The court was shown numerous examples of these photos, some of which showed Williams masturbating for the camera. Williams would then take the underwear home, adding to a growing collection of stolen clothing. Prosecutors say he kept a time and date stamp on all of the photos, which he stored on hard drives that he kept hidden in his basement ceiling. At his home, Williams eventually burned some of the stolen items once he had collected too many to hold onto. During the morning court session, Williams, wearing a dark suit, kept his head down as the photos of himself were shown in court. In the afternoon, Williams looked up from time to time and stared at the graphic images. Williams was a well-respected soldier and family man leading a double life until his arrest on Feb. 7. Three days before, Williams had driven through a police checkpoint, set up to compare car tires to tread marks found outside of Lloyd's house after she was murdered. The tires on Williams' SUV matched those tread marks. Victims terrorized During one break-in, Williams took items from three female members, between the ages of 12 and 21, of an Ottawa family. One daughter reported finding a photo album left open to a page in which she had filed an old photo ID. Another daughter found personal pictures laid out on her bedroom floor, while another found a Word document on her computer with the word merci.' At another break-in, a 15-year-old girl was too scared to sleep in her own bedroom after dozens of items were taken. At yet another, Williams stole dozens of items from a young woman and left her a lurid letter. In July 2009, Williams' behaviour escalated, court heard. In one instance, he watched from the backyard as a woman undressed and got into the shower. Williams then undressed, entered the home, stole a pair of panties and left. The court also heard that Williams saved screen shots of Ottawa police news releases about a string of break-ins and thefts.


In addition to the statement of facts, the court will hear victim impact statements over the next few days. Lloyd's brother Andy said outside court he and his family look forward to giving their statements to "let (Williams) and the courts know, and the parole board in 25 years, how this has affected us." Lloyd told reporters he was appalled at the photographic evidence presented by prosecutors. "Everybody's probably going to think the same thing I thought," Lloyd said. "I thought it was disgusting. Some of the pictures I thought were terrible." The courtroom was packed with family members of victims, journalists and curious members of the public, many of whom struggled to contain their emotions. Some had to leave the courtroom as the more graphic photographs were displayed. Greg Bowerman, a civilian cook at CFB Trenton, said the case "defaces the Canadian government (and) our people. "Somebody that high-ranking doing something like this, it's a sad day for Canada," Bowerman said. Williams will be sentenced later this week. He faces an automatic sentence of life in prison for the murders he committed. His shocking crimes have drawn the attention of media across Canada and even the U.S. On Monday, reporters from CBS News and the New York Times attended the hearing for the disgraced colonel. Williams is also facing a $2.45-million civil lawsuit from one of the women he is accused of attacking. That case is separate from the criminal charges he pleaded guilty to on Monday. Gen. Walt Natynczyk, Chief of the Defence Staff, issued a statement on Monday afternoon in reaction to Williams' guilty plea.1 "The tragic events surrounding Colonel Russell Williams stunned all Canadians and none more so than the members of the Canadian Forces. Today's guilty plea is the first step in a healing process that will no doubt take many years," said Natynczyk.


"Upon formal conviction we will be in a position to officially begin the administrative process that will lead to Colonel Williams' release from the Canadian Forces. This will be completed as quickly as possible." Footnotes 1. Authors note: Gen. Walt Natynczyk, Chief of the Defence Staff, has his own explaining to do about his own fabrication(s) / lies: The Case of the "Clown Sized" Boots: Plantar fasciitis discrimination is "frivolous" according to this human rights department? sr=1-13 General W.Z. Natynczyk says "boot fitting procedures were not followed by 748 Comm Sqn, Nanaimo"? Military Issue: "Bandaged heels & grossly over-sized combat boots"! Black Balled by Canadian Military for making a plantar fasciitis discrimination complaint: Canadian Human Rights Commission said plantar fasciitis is frivolous to help support the Canadian Military?


Chapter 7 Had enough of this disgusting bastard Col. Russell Williams yet? The author apologizes for more about this bastard Col. Russell Williams, but its important to lay the framework for the remainder of this book. Col. Russell Williams [the monster], the Canadian Military appeared to protect his reputation as long as they could? The second guy [the hero], Warrant Officer Matt Stopford, the Canadian Military arses screwed him over as long as they could! Lets again look at the first guy, Col. Russell Williams [the monster], citing this next story ver batim again so that the reader is fully aware of this bastard and his criminal - perverted action! References courtesy of the Fair Use Act, for research purposes, to clarify the authors point of view. Col. Williams assaulted victim after she had seizures News Staff Date: Tue. Oct. 19 2010 8:13 PM ET Warning: This story contains details that may be disturbing to some readers Disgraced Col. Russell Williams repeatedly sexually assaulted Jessica Lloyd despite the fact she had seizures and begged to be taken to hospital, a Belleville, Ont. court heard Tuesday. Lloyd's family members sobbed as Crown prosecutors detailed the last hours of Lloyd's life during the second day of Williams's sentencing hearing for a series of sexually motivated crimes. On Monday, Williams pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree murder, two sexual assaults and 82 fetish break-ins in Eastern Ontario. Before court recessed for the day, Williams was formally convicted of all charges against him after prosecutors spent two days detailing graphic evidence of his crimes. Earlier Tuesday afternoon, court heard how the former commander of CFB Trenton told police he first noticed Lloyd when he spied her working out on her treadmill in the basement of her house. He then staked out her home, came back to watch her from the back yard before breaking in and approaching her in her sleep. 23

Williams tied her up, taped her mouth and repeatedly sexually assaulted her before taking Lloyd to his home in Tweed, where he had her shower, let her sleep and then again sexually assaulted her. When Lloyd began having seizures, she begged Williams to take her to the hospital. Williams did not, and continued to assault her. He videotaped the entire ordeal. "If I die, will you make sure to let my mom know that I love her," Crown prosecutors said Lloyd asked Williams. Williams fed Lloyd some fruit before he hit her over the head with a flashlight and strangled her with a rope. That was Jan. 29. Williams left Lloyd's body at his home as he returned to work at CFB Trenton. He stayed overnight at the base before flying soldiers to California. He returned days later to dump her body in a nearby field. For the past two days, Crown prosecutors have outlined how Williams went from stealing underwear from women's bedrooms to murdering two women from Eastern Ontario and sexually assaulting two other victims in the same region. Earlier Tuesday, court heard how Williams suffocated flight attendant Cpl. Marie-France Comeau in her own home. Crown prosecutors detailed evidence that showed Williams used his authority to learn where she lived and when she worked. Crown prosecutors told the court that Williams first noticed Comeau when she was working on a military flight. The two had a conversation and Comeau mentioned that she lived alone. Upon learning that information, Williams broke into her home twice last November. The second time, he killed Comeau, a 38-year-old career soldier. The 47-year-old Williams, wearing a black suit and light-coloured striped shirt, sat quietly as his many crimes were described to the court on Tuesday. Crown prosecutors explained how Williams first broke into the house where Comeau lived by herself last November, stealing some of her undergarments and taking photos of her ID and home. A week after his initial break-in, Williams returned to her home and broke in again.


Hiding in Comeau's basement, Williams intended to wait until she fell asleep to go to her bedroom. But she ended up making a trip to her basement to look for her cat, which was staring at Williams. Comeau called Wililams a "bastard" and screamed. Williams hit her on the head with a flashlight, which caused her head to bleed profusely. He tied her up. He then went outside to cover his tracks. At the front door of Comeau's home, Williams jammed a key in the lock. He broke the key off to prevent anyone from coming through. Inside the house, Williams carried Comeau to her bedroom. He repeatedly sexually assaulted her in the hours before her death. He took photos and videos of his assaults on Comeau, none of which were shown in court. The Crown said Comeau made repeated pleas for her life, asking Williams to "have a heart pleaseI've been really goodI want to live." Williams eventually suffocated her by placing duct tape over her nose and mouth. Williams then took extensive measures to clean up the scene of the murder, including washing Comeau's bedsheets in bleach. He fled Comeau's home and drove directly to Ottawa for a meeting about the acquisition of a C-17 military transport plane. Williams later wrote a letter of condolence to Comeau's father in which he praised Comeau as a "professional, caring and compassionate woman who earned the respect of all with whom she came into contact." Williams urged the elder Comeau to "please let me know whether there is anything I can do to help you during this very difficult time." Pattern of escalating behaviour Earlier Tuesday, the court also heard a description of a prior incident in which Williams sexually assaulted a woman who fell asleep watching TV in September 2009.


The woman woke up when someone hit her on the head with a flashlight, in an attempt to knock her out. It was Williams, who told her she was being robbed. He tied up the woman and blindfolded her. Then he cut off her top and bra and began taking photos of her. He indicated that she would not be harmed if she let him take pictures. He also forced her into various poses. Prior to the start of Tuesday's hearing, Crown prosecutor Lee Burgess said the case was "the most awful" he had dealt with in his 20-year career. Michael Edelson, the lawyer representing Williams, said the day's proceedings were going to be "another extremely difficult day." Williams pleads guilty On Monday, Williams pleaded guilty to murdering two Eastern Ontario women and to sexually assaulting two other women from the same region. Williams also admitted to committing dozens of break-and-enters over the past three years, in which he stole hundreds of undergarments from women who lived in the houses he burglarized. It was revealed that when Williams broke into houses, he took pictures of himself modeling the underwear he found and often masturbated while doing so. The women he targeted were generally between their late teens and early 30s, though in at least 12 cases, he stole underwear from the bedrooms of underage women. Williams stored the stolen underwear at his home and kept detailed records about his thefts on computer hard drives that he hid in his basement ceiling. Crown prosecutors say he took thousands of photos of the undergarments and other items he stole from women in Eastern Ontario. Williams became known to police on Feb. 4, when they set up a roadblock on Highway 37 between Belleville and Trenton to check SUVs for tires that matched treads found outside Lloyd's home. When police discovered Williams's tires matched the tread, they began to follow him and arrested him three days later.


Williams confessed to his crimes and led police to both Lloyd's body and computer files and military duffel bags filled with evidence that he stored in the garage of his Ottawa home. The proceedings will resume Wednesday morning with Williams's confession video and Crown statements. Court will then hear victim impact statements from victims' family members.


Chapter 8 Lets now look at the hero, Warrant Officer Matt Stopford! Lets now look at the hero, Warrant Officer Matt Stopford, and how the Canadian Military arses screwed him over as long as they could! Citing ver batim news articles and postings about this hero will give the reader a taste of what this poor soldier had to put up with! References courtesy of the Fair Use Act, for research purposes, to clarify the authors point of view. Military Tells Soldier His Own Troops May Have Plotted To Kill Him By Peter Worthington Toronto Sun 8-12-99 Ex-warrant officer Matt Stopford has suffered since his duties in Croatia, including the loss of vision in his right eye. - Norm Betts, SUN The Canadian military thinks a soldier debilitated by mysterious ailments was not a victim of possible PCBcontaminated sandbags while peacekeeping in Croatia, but was being poisoned by his own men. In an extraordinary letter dated Aug.4 and hand-delivered to retired Warrant Officer Matt Stopford, Brig.-Gen. Patricia Samson, the Provost Marshal of the Armed Forces, writes: "Information has recently come to light that indicates you may have been the victim of systematic ingestion of naphtha gas during your tour to Croatia in 1993." Samson, the military's top cop, goes on to say it is "alleged," and that the allegations "have some credence," that "minute amounts ... of naphtha gas were covertly put into your coffee on a regular basis by other servicemen over an extended period of time ... the majority of your time in theatre." She urges: "I implore you not to make this information public at this time," because a "criminal investigation" is being "vigorously" pursued. Stopford, living alone in Peterborough, says the letter, delivered by Capt. Vince Mancini, Operations Officer of the National Investigation Service (CFNIS), told him it was considered too sensitive for the mail or phone and that as well as naphtha gas in his coffee, battery acid was probably put in his food. Stopford says: "He seemed surprised at the contents of the letter, and when I said I didn't believe it, he said: 'I thought you'd say that.'" 28

Mancini then asked what Stopford knew of the memorandum removed from soldiers files to the effect that they had possibly been exposed to bauxite-filled sandbags contaminated by PCBs. Stopford, once a super-fit soldier with no history of malingering or medical problems, is a physical wreck following duty in Croatia. His stomach is a mess, he bleeds from the rectum, his bones and joints constantly ache, he's gone blind in his right eye, and has difficulty breathing. Some days are worse than others, but all are bad. This, in a soldier who played on the army's national soccer team and who recalls, "I could run 20Ks without breathing hard." One veteran of Croatia, who asked not to be identified because he fears military retaliation, said: "It's inconceivable that his troops would try to harm Stopford -- he was well-respected by subordinates, by his peers and by his superiors. An excellent soldier, and a fine man." Retired Col. Michel Drapeau, former director-general of DND's Executive Secretariat, says in 34 years in the military he's never seen anything like this. "It's incredible, the letter maligns Stopford as a leader and soldier by suggesting his men tried to 'frag' (kill) him," he says. "The letter is also an indictment against the soldiers of his platoon. It is simply astonishing that the Provost Marshal would make such allegations in a letter while a criminal investigation is under way in what's a case of attempted murder." In her letter, Samson urges Stopford to tell his doctor about possibly being poisoned, while "imploring" him not to go public. I've thought about the letter, which really upsets me," says Stopford. "It is so totally ludicrous that I decided to go public. I've spoken to other guys in my platoon -- a lot of them are sick since Croatia -- and they say they haven't been contacted by the NIS investigators." One would think they'd have been contacted before telling Stopford his men had tried to poison him. "In Croatia, Stopford's leadership was saving lives, not risking them," one soldier said, unwilling to be identified. (As an aside, I've never known the Canadian military so fearful of reprisals from above if they speak up -- in itself revealing.) "I know my men, the guys I served with, and if anyone was out to get me, I'd have known it," says Stopford. "Besides, how could you drink coffee with gasoline in it 29

and not know? Gasoline floats on water. As for battery acid in my food -- it makes no sense." Scott Taylor, publisher of the military magazine Esprit de Corps and co-author of the book Tested Mettle, which first exposed the possibility of Stopford and other soldiers being exposed to PCB-contaminated soil and bauxite in sandbags in Croatia, says he was told yesterday that "the whole 13th floor of DND (the executive floor) was in a flap over this letter whose contents they weren't talking about." Stopford commanded a platoon of the Princess Pats in Croatia involved with filling sandbags with possibly PCB-contaminated bauxite. A memo put in every soldier's file by medical officer (Navy) Lieut. Eric Smith to this effect was mysteriously removed from files. Someone shoved a copy of the memo under my door when I was a platoon commander in Calgary," says Stopford. "I checked with my platoon and they'd all signed the memo, which had disappeared from their files. So I made photocopies and gave them to the soldiers, and told them to hold on to them and not put them in their files." Stopford was commended for his leadership in Croatia -- one of the cool heroes of fighting in the Medak pocket against invading Croatian military. Ironically, he saved lives rather than put troops at greater risk. He feels he can no longer trust the army. "I'm fighting Veterans Affairs for a disability pension, and I don't trust army doctors who just gave me medications and said my sickness was all in my head. My civilian doctor took me off medication, and I'm now seeing specialists -- a toxicologist, neurologist, psychologist, rheumatologist, stomach doctor and the like." As for his own troops trying to poison him, he thinks the army is trying to absolve itself from responsibility for Croatia. "I think they were hoping I'd snap -- lose it and go off the deep end. Otherwise why would they tell me before they had fully investigated the case?" Commented one officer: "They're saying, in effect, that Matt was such a son of a bitch his men wanted to kill him." Stopford lives on only his army pension, yet has the same spirit of independence and personal pride he had as a soldier: "To say I'm disappointed in the army puts it mildly. Instead of sending a doctor or someone to help, they send a cop who says my own people were trying to kill me. That's hard to swallow." Stopford is expected to hold a press conference in Ottawa today concerning the Provost Marshal's extraordinary letter.


Brig.-Gen. Patricia Samson was unavailable for comment. Please remember, the Canadian Military could have saved him! Instead, they lied to him over and over again until it was too late? Welcome to Canada! Welcome to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harpers Gestapo government? Is that why Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is pictured in a Gestapo uniform? [see picture of Stephen Harper in gestapo clothes] Remember, Harpers government could have saved him but they didnt give a shit about this little guy!!!!


Chapter 9 Lets now look at the hero, Warrant Officer Matt Stopford! Lets have another look at Warrant Officer Matt Stopfords ordeal, and how the Canadian Military arses screwed him over as long as they could! Citing ver batim news articles and postings about this hero will give the reader a taste of what this poor soldier had to put up with! References courtesy of the Fair Use Act, for research purposes, to clarify the authors point of view. Military Hero Left Out In The Cold ...Again by Dartman 12/ 05/ 02 12:58 pm Toronto Sun Dec.5/02 Ex-Soldier Kept From Ceremonies By Peter Worthington Where was ex-Warrant Officer Matt Stopford? Last weekend some 350 soldiers and ex-soldiers who had served with the 2nd Battalion Princess Patricias in Croatia, attended ceremonies in Winnipeg where Governor General Adrienne Clarkson presented the unit with the new Commanderin-Chief Unit Commendation. The award goes to a unit or sub-unit that has "performed an extraordinary deed or activity of a rare high standard in extremely hazardous circumstances." The Pats got it for their firefight with Croats in 1993 in the Medak Pocket, when Croat forces were killing Serb civilians in the Krajina, and the Pats were trying to stop them. The Canadians estimate they inflicted 100 casualties, including 33 dead, while enduring just four wounded and no one killed. It was an unpublicized, largely unknown battle of the peacekeeping phase of the Balkans. The award comprises of an illuminated scroll for the battalion and a small gold bar bearing the Vice-Regal lion and tiny red maple leafs that every soldier in 2 Battalion will wear. The pin is a Canadian version of the U.S. Presidential Unit Citation -- a blue bar in a gold frame worn on the right chest (2 PPCLI earned this in the Korean War). When I asked, no one at DND was sure where the GG's lion pin would be worn. But every soldier in the unit can wear it, but only those who came under fire in the Medak pocket can wear it after they leave 2nd Battalion. 32

There was one notable absence at the ceremonies in Winnipeg -- a man who played a key role in the fighting, who led with courage and resourcefulness, but is now a pariah to DND -- former Warrant Officer Matt Stopford. He never has fully recovered from mysterious illnesses contracted in Croatia. Stopford blames toxic soil, but DND says no, even though other soldiers are afflicted. Stopford got no invitation to the ceremonies and hasn't been told he is entitled to the pin. He's blind in one eye, his body wracked with internal ailments. Nearly seven years after leaving Croatia, he was told his own men were trying to poison him -- for being too gung-ho!1 Until the media got wind of his case (mainly The Sun) Stopford was getting only 10% disability pension, which was then upped to 100%. He now is suing DND for not being told that some troops under his command sought to poison his coffee with naphtha gas, battery acid and shoe blackener. DND's bid to have his suit dismissed failed and a trial awaits -- which shouldn't have prevented him being invited to join comrades in getting the award. Scott Taylor's best-selling book Tested Mettle tells of Stopford's leadership in the Medak Pocket, when he was ordered not to interfere and prevent Croatian soldiers raping Serbian women. Ironically, soldiers who sought to incapacitate him with poisoned coffee presumably were honoured at the Winnipeg ceremonies. Although not identified, the alleged perpetrators of what is one of the army's most heinous offence -- fragging a superior -- will wear the GG's award for "extraordinary performance" and "rare, high standard of behaviour." Stopford is disappointed, but reluctant to say anything that might detract from others.2 "This is another slap in the face for Matt," said his brother Andy, from Ripley, Ont. "I can't believe the government treats him like he doesn't exist." For what it's worth, I agree. The moral is don't make waves, don't sue DND. Still, it's shabby to make an unperson of a soldier whose leadership saved lives and earned him recognition by his country and a promotion in the field.


Footnotes 1 2. This hero may be reluctant to say, but the author isnt what Canadian Military scum to treat Warrant Officer Matt Stopford this shabbily! When the author lived in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada he used to see poor Warrant Officer Matt Stopford making his way through the town, living with he's blind in one eye, his body wracked with internal ailments. Nearly seven years after leaving Croatia, he was told his own men were trying to poison him -- for being too gungho! Please remember, the Canadian Military could have saved him! Instead, they lied to him over and over again until it was too late? Welcome to Canada! Welcome to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harpers Gestapo government? Is that why Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is pictured in a Gestapo uniform? [see picture of Stephen Harper in gestapo clothes] Remember, Harpers government could have saved him but they didnt give a shit about this little guy!!!!


Chapter 10 Lets have another look at the hero, Warrant Officer Matt Stopford! Lets have another look at Warrant Officer Matt Stopfords ordeal, and how the Canadian Military arses screwed him over as long as they could! This time we are citing ver batim his court case against these Canadian Military arses: References courtesy of the Fair Use Act, for research purposes, to clarify the authors point of view. Citation: Stopford v. Canada (T.D.), 2001 FCT 887, [2002] 1 F.C. 360Date:August 14, 2001Docket:T-158-01 T-158-01; 2001 FCT 887 Trial Division, Aronovitch P.--Ottawa, May 28 and August 14, 2001. Armed Forces -- Plaintiff released from service in 1998 as medically unfit -- In good health prior to service in Croatia in 1993 -- Initially granted 25% pension by DVA -- After numerous appeals, awarded 100% pension -- In 1999 defendant informing him of allegations poisoned by own troops -- Statement of claim alleging negligence, breach of fiduciary duty -- Motion to strike dismissed -- Based on undetermined scope of fiduciary duties, not plain, obvious claim in this regard should fail -- Damages claimed for injuries resulting from alleged intentional poisoning by own troops; denial of adequate, timely assistance, treatment; premature loss of employment; likely curtailment of life expectancy -- Not clear pension providing compensation for such injuries -- Whether poisoning continuing after superiors aware of it requiring discovery -- Also unclear whether injury incidental to military life (poisoning by fellow soldiers) compensable by pension -Claims for losses suffered by having to pursue appeals before receiving full pension possibly not barred by Pension Act, s. 111, Crown Liability and Proceedings Act, s. 9 -- Whether statutory bars covering alleged torts, breach of fiduciary duty committed after discharge serious question of law for determination on merits -- Term "wrongful" struck where used in conjunction with loss of employment as such allegation untenable in context of Armed Forces. Pensions -- Pension Act, s. 111 prohibiting action against Crown in respect of injury where pension may be awarded in respect of disability -- Plaintiff released from service as medically unfit -- Becoming ill after 1993 service in Croatia -- Initially granted 25% pension by DVA -- After numerous appeals, awarded 100% pension -After release, informed poisoned by own troops -- Claiming damages for injuries as result of alleged intentional poisoning; denial of adequate, timely assistance, treatment; premature loss of employment; shortened life expectancy -- Duplessis v. Canada not standing for proposition claim for injuries suffered post-deployment not 35

covered by statutory bars -- But not clear pension providing compensation for injuries claimed -- Unclear whether injury incidental to military life (poisoning by comrades), compensable by pension -- Claims related to losses suffered by having to pursue several appeals before receiving full pension possibly not within s. 111 -Whether statutory bars cover alleged torts, breach of fiduciary duty committed after discharge serious question of law for determination on merits. Crown -- Crown Liability and Proceedings Act, s. 9 prohibiting proceedings against Crown, Crown servant in respect of claim if pension paid, compensation payable -Plaintiff released from Armed Forces as medically unfit -- Becoming ill after 1993 service in Croatia -- After release, informed poisoned by own troops -- After numerous appeals, awarded 100% pension -- Injuries claimed results of alleged intentional poisoning; denial of adequate, timely assistance, treatment; premature loss of employment; shortened life expectancy -- Not clear pension providing compensation for such injuries -- Whether poisoning continuing after superiors aware of it evidentiary issue requiring discovery -- Also unclear whether injury incidental to military life (poisoning by comrades), compensable by pension -Claims related to losses suffered by having to pursue several pension appeals possibly not within Crown Liability and Proceedings Act, s. 9 -- Whether statutory bars cover alleged torts, breach of fiduciary duties committed after discharge serious question of law for determination on merits. This was a motion to strike the statement of claim for failure to disclose a reasonable cause of action. The plaintiff served in a peacekeeping mission in Croatia in 1993. In the course of his duties he handled human and animal remains as well as bauxite, a hazardous substance. Neither protective clothing, masks or gloves nor clean water for washing were provided to perform these duties. The plaintiff was not tested for exposure to potentially hazardous materials. When he returned to Canada, he began to experience physical ailments which resulted in his release from the Armed Forces on June 26, 1998 as medically unfit. Initially the plaintiff received a 25% pension, which was increased to 100% only after numerous appeals. In 1999, the plaintiff was informed by the defendant that there were allegations that members of his own troop had poisoned him while he was serving in Croatia. No medical or emotional support was provided by the defendant at that time. The statement of claim alleges both negligence and breach of fiduciary duty. The Crown sought to strike the entire statement of claim on the ground that the plaintiff was in receipt of a pension for his injuries and was thus barred by statute from requesting additional compensation from the courts. Pension Act, section 111 prohibits any action against the Queen in respect of any injury where a pension is or may be awarded in respect of the disability, and Crown Liability and Proceedings Act, section 9 prohibits any proceedings against the Crown or a servant of the Crown in respect of a claim if a pension or compensation has been paid or is payable. The issue was whether it was plain and obvious that the claim could not succeed.


Held, the motion should be dismissed, except with respect to the allegation of "wrongful" termination. This Court recently held, in Duplessis v. Canada, that the question whether the Crown had breached its fiduciary duty by failing to provide adequate support and counselling to a soldier upon his return from military service in Croatia was a serious question to be determined on the merits. The law of fiduciary duty is not settled and the categories giving rise to a new fiduciary duty remain open. Based on the undetermined scope of fiduciary duties, it was not plain and obvious that the plaintiff's claim in this regard should fail. The question remained as to whether the plaintiff's claims fell within the scope of Pension Act, section 111 and Crown Liability and Proceedings Act, section 9. The plaintiff argued that his claim arose from damages suffered "post-deployment" due to the defendant's conduct, and was therefore not based on a disability "resulting from an injury or disease or an aggravation thereof". The plaintiff relied on Duplessis v. Canada. That case does not stand for the proposition that as long as a claim arises from damages suffered "post-deployment" it is not covered by the scope of the statutory bars. But it was not plain and obvious that the plaintiff had been awarded a pension in relation to the injuries claimed, i.e. the results of alleged intentional poisoning, the denial of adequate and timely assistance and treatment, the premature loss of employment, and the likely shortening of his life expectancy. It could not be concluded that such injuries were indistinguishable from the physical and mental disabilities suffered by the plaintiff in connection with his military service for which he was in receipt of a pension. It had yet to be established whether the poisoning was allowed to continue after the plaintiff's superiors knew of it, thus raising at the least, an evidentiary issue which will require discovery. More importantly, while the poisoning, apparently intentional, was perpetrated by his comrades-in-arms, it was not evident that this was the sort of injury, incidental to military life, which was compensable by a pension. The plaintiff also claimed losses in relation to having to conduct numerous pension appeals before receiving his full pension. Such losses may not fall within the scope of Pension Act, section 111 or Crown Liability and Proceedings Act, section 9 or may not have been compensated under the plaintiff's pension. Nor was it plain and obvious that the plaintiff was barred from bringing a claim based on the defendant's alleged failure to inform him that he had been deliberately poisoned while serving in Croatia. Ostensibly, this was a claim of negligent conduct that aggravated a disability within section 111 of the Pension Act. But the plaintiff based his claim both on the defendant's failure to inform him, before and after his discharge, and on the uncaring and impersonal manner in which he was eventually informed, which occurred after his discharge. Whether the relevant statutory bars cover alleged torts or breaches of fiduciary duties after discharge from military service raised a serious question of law for determination on its merits. 37

The term "wrongfully" should be struck from the claim where it is used in conjunction with loss of employment. Such an allegation is untenable in the context of the Armed Forces. MOTION to strike statement of claim alleging negligence and breach of fiduciary duty on the ground that it disclosed no reasonable cause of action because the plaintiff was in receipt of a pension for injuries sustained when an Armed Forces member and was thus barred by statute from seeking additional compensation in the courts. Motion dismissed, except that the term "wrongful" was ordered struck where used in conjunction with loss of employment. The following are the reasons for order rendered in English by [1] Aronovitch P.: Matthew Stopford claims damages in the amount of 7.5 million, including punitive and exemplary damages, against the defendant, arising from injuries he suffered both before and after performing his duties as a warrant officer in the Balkans in 1993. [2] The Crown seeks to strike the entire statement of claim on the ground that the plaintiff is in receipt of a pension for his injuries and is thus barred by statute from requesting additional compensation from the courts. FACTS [3] It should be borne in mind that for the purposes of a motion to strike a claim, or any part thereof, the facts alleged in the plaintiff's statement of claim must be presumed to be true. The following are the salient facts asserted by the plaintiff. [4] The plaintiff was a member of the Canadian Armed Forces from 1980 until his release on July 26, 1998. He had attained the rank of warrant officer and participated in three tours of duty in Cyprus and in UN peacekeeping duties in the Special Duty Area of Yugoslavia, Slovenia and Croatia from March until October, 1993. The plaintiff was in good physical, mental and emotional health prior to his service in Croatia. [5] In March 1993, the plaintiff was sent to Croatia under a UN mandated operation to serve in an area called "South Sector" which has been described by the defendant as having "a pace and intensity of operations unknown to Canadian soldiers since the Korean War". Peacekeepers in the sector were subjected to constant combat conditions and crossfire and witnessed terrible atrocities. [6] The plaintiff's duties included cleaning the area of organic waste, including human and animal remains, and constructing bunkers using mine pilings that were later found to contain a hazardous substance called bauxite.


[7] No protective clothing, masks or gloves were provided by the military to perform these duties. No clean water was available for washing. The plaintiff was not tested for any exposure to potentially hazardous materials. [8] In an October 2, 1993 performance review, the defendant determined that the plaintiff's performance in Croatia had been outstanding. On January 15, 1994, the plaintiff was awarded a medal for his contribution to the effort in Croatia. [9] When the plaintiff returned to Canada in October of 1993, he was given no medical or counselling assistance by the military. A report prepared by the defendant considered that the treatment available to those who had served in Croatia in 1993 to 1995 was "at best arbitrary", "inadequate" and "a disgrace". [10] During the period of 1993 to 1995, the plaintiff began to experience profuse sweating and joint aches. He sought medical help from the defendant through his superior officers and Armed Forces medical personnel. He was told to drink less coffee. [11] The plaintiff then developed redness in his eyes and brought this to the defendant's attention. He was told that it was just "red eye" or an allergy. By January of 1996, the plaintiff was going blind in one eye and was incapacitated due to joint pain. On June 26, 1998, the defendant determined that he was medically unfit and he was released from service. [12] In 1996, the plaintiff applied to the Department of Veterans' Affairs for a disability pension. He initially received a 25% pension, which was increased to 100% on March 14, 2000, after numerous appeals by the plaintiff. [13] The story does not end there. On August 7, 1999, the plaintiff was informed by the defendant that there were allegations that members of his own troops had poisoned him while he was serving in Croatia. No medical or emotional support was provided by the defendant to the plaintiff at that time. [14] Following its investigations into the allegations, the Military Police Complaints Commission (MPCC) reported that poisoning had taken place and that the medical and tactical chain of command was aware at the time of the poisoning allegations, and that the plaintiff was not informed. The defendant stated that "Visine, coolant and naphtha were placed in Stopford's coffee". [15] The plaintiff now suffers from a number of health problems, including posttraumatic stress and depression, partial blindness and significant intestinal problems. At age 38, he has been informed that his life expectancy may be less than 10 years. He is unable to enjoy the quality of life he was accustomed to prior to his illness. He has incurred significant financial burdens resulting from his lengthy pension appeals. His promising military career has ended prematurely.


[16] The plaintiff brought a claim against the defendant on January 26, 2001, for damages resulting from the defendant's: (a) breach of fiduciary duty; (b) breach of statutory duty; (c) negligence for failing to properly perform all statutory obligations; (d) negligence for failing to perform duties competently; [17] In the statement of claim, the plaintiff alleges negligence and breach of fiduciary duty as follows: 42. The defendant owes the highest level of fiduciary duty to the plaintiff. It could, and did require that the plaintiff put himself in harm's way in serving his country. The defendant is required to take care of the plaintiff if he is injured as a result of that decision. Here, the defendant has signally failed in it's [sic] duty. 43. The defendant breached its fiduciary obligations to the plaintiff by: a) failing to inform the plaintiff until January 17, 2001 of the knowledge that he was poisoned in Croatia in 1993; b) the uncaring and impersonal manner by which the plaintiff was informed of his poisoning in Croatia; c) failing to provide timely and appropriate medical treatment for the plaintiff, despite his repeated requests for such assistance; d) failing to provide appropriate counselling and treatment for the trauma the plaintiff experienced in Croatia; e) deliberately destroying certain records placed on his medical file and then denying having done so; f) failing to assist the plaintiff in obtaining a disability pension; and g) failing to inform the Department of Veteran's Affairs that the plaintiff had been poisoned in 1993. 44. By reason of the defendant's and her employees, agents' and servants' negligence, breach of statutory duties and obligations and breach of fiduciary obligations owed to the plaintiff, the plaintiff suffered injury as a result of poisoning, did not receive adequate medical assistance, and wrongfully lost his status of employment within the Canadian Armed Forces. He has suffered and 40

continues to suffer losses and damages as a consequence thereof, full particulars of which are as yet unascertained. 45. Due to the intentional, wrongful and high-handed conduct of the defendant, the plaintiff is entitled to receive punitive, aggravated and exemplary damages. Motion to Strike Pursuant to Rule 221 [18] The defendant relies on paragraph 221(1)(a) of the Federal Court Rules, 1998 [SOR/98-106], which provides that all or part of a statement of claim may be struck for lack of a cause of action. [19] The applicable test and principles for striking a pleading pursuant to paragraph 221(1)(a), are well established and supported by ample jurisprudence. The threshold is set high. In order to prevail, the Crown must demonstrate that it is plain and obvious and beyond doubt that the claim sought to be struck cannot succeed. [20] In the context of a motion to strike, a statement of claim is to be read as whole, and generously construed, such that a mere "germ" or "scintilla" of a cause of action will suffice to maintain it. A party to an action is also not to be deprived of his or her right of action merely because the arguments made are novel or tenuous, all the more so in areas where the law is unsettled. Consequently this Court has rejected motions to strike where the issues in play have raised serious questions of law, or arguable questions of mixed fact and law which are best left for determination by the trial judge (see Hunt v. Carey Canada Inc., [1990] 2 S.C.R. 959; Perera v. Canada, [1997] F.C.J. No. 199 (T.D.) (QL); The Queen v. Operation Dismantle Inc., [1983] 1 F.C. 745 (C.A.); Vulcan Equipment Co. Ltd. v. The Coats Co., Inc., [1982] 2 F.C. 77 (C.A.); VISX Inc. v. Nidek Co. (1998), 82 C.P.R. (3d) 289 (F.C.A.)). [21] The defendant submits that the plaintiff's entire cause of action flows from injuries he suffered during his service in Croatia. Since he is in receipt of a full pension for these disabilities, he is barred from seeking further compensation from the courts. The plaintiff's statement of claim should therefore be struck as it discloses no cause of action. [22] The defendant cites section 111 of the Pension Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. P-6 and section 9 of the Crown Liability and Proceedings Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. C-50 [as am. by S.C. 1990, c. 8, s. 21], which provide, respectively: 111. No action or other proceeding lies against Her Majesty or against any officer, servant or agent of Her Majesty in respect of any injury or disease or aggravation thereof resulting in disability or death in any case where a pension is or may be awarded under this Act or any other Act in respect of the disability or death.


[23] The defendant explains that the purpose of these provisions is to prevent the Crown from paying twice for the same injury. The Crown's position is that the plaintiff's cause of action is captured by the words "in respect of an injury . . . where a pension is or may be awarded . . . in respect of the disability". [24] The defendant also states that, to the extent that the plaintiff attempts to claim damages based on wrongful dismissal, the Crown is in no way contractually bound to members of the Armed Forces (see Gallant v. The Queen in right of Canada (1978), 91 D.L.R. (3d) 695 (F.C.T.D.), at pages 696-697; Sylvestre v. R., [1986] 3 F.C. 51 (C.A.), at page 53; Cottle v. Canada (Minister of National Defence) (1998), 148 F.T.R. 88 (F.C.T.D.), at paragraphs 51-52). Analysis [25] This Court has recently dealt with a motion to strike a statement of claim in which the plaintiff alleged, inter alia, that the Crown breached its fiduciary duty by failing to provide adequate support and counselling to the plaintiff upon his return from military service in Croatia (see Duplessis v. Canada (2000), 8 C.C.E.L. (3d) 75 (F.C.T.D.)). At paragraphs 30 and 31, the Court determined that: From the jurisprudence, it is evident that the categories giving rise to a fiduciary duty remain open. Terms such as "power" and "particularly vulnerable" have scope for interpretation and have not been judicially considered in respect of the relationship of the soldier to the Minister of National Defence. No jurisprudence was submitted wherein these terms have been considered in the context of military service or would preclude a determination that the relationship of soldier to the Crown may be a unique relationship in the manner of Guerin. The defendant may have a stronger argument in that regard, but it is not conclusive. Given the facts pleaded and continued prospects for the development of new fiduciary relationships, I cannot conclude that it is plain and obvious that Sergeant Duplessis' claim should fail. There is a serious question of law here that is more appropriately left for determination by the trial judge on the merits. [26] Notwithstanding the able arguments of Crown counsel, I do not agree that Duplessis was wrongly decided on this issue. While it is clear that the application of fiduciary duty has been generally restricted to private law, I am not satisfied that it has been categorically excluded from the public law context. I take the following words of Dickson J. (as he then was) in Guerin et al. v. The Queen et al., [1984] 2 S.C.R. 335, at pages 384-385 to be instructive. It is sometimes said that the nature of fiduciary relationships is both established and exhausted by the standard categories of agent, trustee, partner, director, and the like. I do not agree. It is the nature of the relationship, not the specific category of actor involved that gives rise to the fiduciary duty. The categories of fiduciary, like those of negligence, should not be considered closed. See, e.g. Laskin v. Bache & Co. Inc. 42

(1971), 23 D.L.R. (3d) 385 (Ont. C.A.), at p. 392; Golden Mines Ltd. v. Revill (1974), 7. O.R. 216 (Ont. C.A.), at p. 224. It should be noted that fiduciary duties generally arise only with regard to obligations originating in a private law context. Public law duties, the performance of which requires the exercise of discretion, do not typically give rise to a fiduciary relationship. As the "political trust" cases indicate, the Crown is not normally viewed as a fiduciary in the exercise of its legislative or administrative function. The mere fact, however, that it is the Crown which is obliged to act on the Indians' behalf does not of itself remove the Crown's obligation from the scope of the fiduciary principle. [Emphasis added.] [27] I appreciate that Dickson J. viewed the fiduciary duty in Guerin to be in the nature of a private law duty. However, I am more impressed by his concern to articulate a broad definition based on the nature of the relationship at issue, not the actors involved. That he viewed the concept of fiduciary duty as possibly extending beyond the private law sphere is revealed in his qualifiers "generally arise", "not normally" and "not typically". Moreover, I do not take his words to imply that the only exceptions to the private/public law restriction occur in the context of sui generis relationships or where the duty at issue "is in the nature of a private law duty". [28] Nor do I take this to be the implication of the Court of Appeal's decisions in Fairford First Nation v. Canada (Attorney General), [1999] 2 F.C. 48 (C.A.) or Chippewas of the Nawash First Nation v. Canada (Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs) (1999), 251 N.R. 220 (C.A.), cases referred to by the Crown at the hearing of this motion. [29] It is significant that in Callie v. Canada, [1991] 2 F.C. 379 (T.D.), at pages 393-394, Joyal J. determined that no fiduciary duty rests on the Crown in administering the Pension Act: Thus . . . a mere statutory direction to officers of the Crown to administer a fund or sum of money for the benefit of designated persons does not necessarily imply the existence of a fiduciary relationship between the two parties. In fact, I believe that this is the case with respect to the Crown's statutory duty to administer the plaintiff's pension for his benefit. While the Crown may have an administrative or governmental obligation to administer his pension funds accordingly, this obligation does not amount to a trust or fiduciary duty. [Emphasis added.] [30] I am not convinced, however, that this case, now 10 years old, has settled the matter. Indeed, very recently, in Authorson v. Canada (Attorney General) (2000), 53 O.R. (3d) 221 (Sup. Ct.), at paragraphs 23-26, Brockenshire J. of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice drew a broad interpretation of Guerin. This led him at paragraph 27, to expressly disagree with the result in Callie:


Joyal J. in Callie v. Canada viewed the pensions and allowances as government funds, subject to government discretion. As I hope I have clearly indicated earlier, obviously when parliament would appropriate funds to the DVA to be used for pensions and allowances, the actual allocation of those funds was left to the discretion of the department and more particularly to the tribunal. At that stage, it could be said the appropriation was subject to a "political trust". However, once the allocation was made and the pension or allowance granted, then each and every payment of that particular pension or allowance was the property of the veteran. The discretion to be exercised in the administration of those pensions and allowances for disabled veterans was no longer simply the discretion of the Crown but was a discretion to be used in accordance with equitable principles governing a fiduciary acting on behalf of the veteran and his or her dependents. (I was advised by counsel that Joyal J. may have been misinformed as to the premise on which the second part of his judgment, re a set-off, was based.) I am not bound by, and disagree with the findings and result in Callie v. Canada. [31] I am satisfied, therefore, that the law of fiduciary duty is not settled and the categories giving rise to a new duty fiduciary remain open (see also Lac Minerals Ltd. v. International Corona Resources Ltd., [1989] 2 S.C.R. 574, at page 645; Hodgkinson v. Simms, [1994] 3 S.C.R. 377, at paragraph 29). It should be remembered that the question at issue is whether the plaintiff's claim lacks a scintilla of a cause of action such as to justify denying him his day in court. Based on the undetermined scope of fiduciary duties, I conclude that it is not plain and obvious that Matthew Stopford's claim should fail. [32] This leaves the question of whether the plaintiff's claims fall within the scope of section 111 of the Pension Act and section 9 of the Crown Liability and Proceedings Act. Naturally enough, the plaintiff forwards a narrow interpretation of those provisions. The plaintiff's claim, it is argued, arises from damages suffered "postdeployment" by the defendant's conduct, and is not therefore based on a disability "resulting from an injury or disease or an aggravation thereof". This moves the claim outside the scope of the statutory bars. [33] The plaintiff relies heavily on this Court's determination in Duplessis. In Duplessis, at paragraphs 68-71, the Court was not convinced that the injuries forming the basis of Sergeant Duplessis' claim were indistinguishable from the aggravation of his post-traumatic stress syndrome, or that those injuries had already been compensated for under his pension: The plaintiff does not claim that he is disabled as a result of the defendant's conduct. The plaintiff's argument is that Sergeant Duplessis' true losses are greater than the compensation which he received by way of pension. He was humiliated, discriminated against, isolated, branded a trouble maker, provoked to breach the chain of command and improperly released. The breaches of the Crown in not providing the support necessary to Sergeant Duplessis, are stated to have


consequences separate from his disorder namely, by his isolation or stigmatization, mental distress, humiliation and loss of dignity. As a preliminary matter, the Crown does not maintain that Sergeant Duplessis has sustained a separate injury or set of injuries for which compensation is payable within the meaning of section 111 of the Pension Act, such as to preclude any further claim for damages. The Crown's position, as I understand it, are that the injuries, which are claimed to result from his mistreatment, are either related to or symptomatically indistinguishable from the aggravation of his syndrome. Although the nature of the plaintiff's injuries are similar in nature being psychological and affective, they are alleged to be distinct, unrelated to his disorder and resulting uniquely from the conduct of his superiors. Under the circumstances, it is inappropriate to evaluate the distinctiveness, if any, of the injuries which Sergeant Duplessis claims to have resulted from his treatment, in the context of this motion. As to the pension awards on which the defendant relies, these are neither complete nor conclusive in that regard. I therefore decline to merge Sergeant Duplessis' claims as merely an aggravation of his post-traumatic stress disorder. Absent clearer evidence that the pension entitlement was intended to cover and does cover the injuries which form the basis for this claim, and that these injuries are in fact related to or indistinguishable from the aggravation of his syndrome, I cannot find it plain and obvious that the plaintiff has already been awarded a pension in relation to the injuries claimed. This finding applies equally to section 9 of the Crown Liability and Proceedings Act on which the Crown relies to bar Sergeant Duplessis' claim in tort. [34] I do not agree with the plaintiff that Duplessis stands for the proposition that as long as a claim arises from damages suffered "post-deployment" it is not covered by the scope of the statutory bars. However, as was found in Duplessis, I do not find it plain and obvious that Matthew Stopford has been awarded a pension in relation to the injuries claimed in the within action. As with Duplessis, the present claim is for damages resulting from the conduct of the plaintiff's superiors. The injuries claimed are the results of alleged intentional poisoning, the denial of adequate and timely assistance and treatment, the premature loss of the plaintiff's status and employment in the services, culminating in the likely curtailment of his life expectancy. These injuries are claimed to be due to the intentional and negligent conduct of the defendant. I cannot conclude, in the context of this motion, that the injuries giving rise to this action are indistinguishable from the physical and mental disabilities suffered by the plaintiff in connection with his military service for which he is in receipt of a pension. [35] I am also not satisfied that such injuries may be compensated by pension. As an example, it is not clear that Mr. Stopford has been compensated, or may be compensated, by means of a disability pension, either for the poisoning that occurred or for the alleged failure of his superiors to inform him of the poisoning. Indeed, it 45

has yet to be established whether the poisoning was allowed to continue after his superiors knew of it. At the least, this raises an evidentiary issue which will require discovery. More importantly, while the poisoning, apparently intentional, was perpetrated by his comrades-in-arms, it is not evident that this is the sort of injury, incidental to military life, which is compensable by a pension. [36] The plaintiff's claim also includes allegations that the defendant failed to assist him in obtaining his pension, including a failure to inform the Department of Veterans' Affairs that the plaintiff had been poisoned in 1993. The plaintiff further alleges that the defendant deliberately destroyed records in his medical file. These claims logically relate to losses suffered by the plaintiff in relation to having to conduct numerous pension appeals before receiving his full pension. I am not convinced that such losses fall within the scope of section 111 of the Pension Act or section 9 of the Crown Liability and Proceedings Act, or that they have been compensated under the plaintiff's pension. [37] Nor do I find it plain and obvious that the plaintiff is barred from bringing a claim based on the defendant's alleged failure to inform him that he had been deliberately poisoned while serving in Croatia. Ostensibly, this is a claim of negligent conduct that aggravated a disability within the meaning of section 111 of the Pension Act. In my view, however, Matthew Stopford presents the novel claim for injuries suffered as a result of the defendant's conduct while he was no longer in military service. In Arsenault v. Canada (1995), 131 D.L.R. (4th) 105 (F.C.T.D.), at page 133, Wetston J. concurred with a finding of Dub J. in Berneche v. Canada, [1991] 3 F.C. 383 (C.A.), that "the Pension Act provid[es] a comprehensive scheme . . . for addressing valid claims for injuries sustained while in military service". Officer Stopford was discharged from the military on June 26, 1998. He was not informed by the defendant of the poisoning allegations until August 7, 1999. Mr. Stopford bases his claim both on the defendant's failure to inform him, before and after his discharge, and on the "uncaring and impersonal manner" in which he was eventually informed, which, again, occurred after his discharge. Whether the scope of the relevant statutory bars cover alleged torts or breaches of fiduciary duties committed by the defendant against a plaintiff after he or she has been discharged from military service raises a serious question of law that is proper for determination on its merits. [38] That said, I agree with the defendant that the term "wrongfully" should be struck with leave to amend from paragraph 44 of the claim, where it is used in conjunction with the loss of employment. While no damages are sought for wrongful dismissal, such an allegation is untenable in the context of the Armed Forces and will be struck out. Conclusion [39] In sum, except as noted, the Crown has failed to satisfy the Court, beyond doubt, of the failure of the plaintiff's claim. For the above reasons, the defendant's 46

motion shall be granted in respect of the allegation of "wrongful" termination and otherwise denied. The costs of the motion shall be to the plaintiff in any event of the cause. Please remember, the Canadian Military could have saved him! Instead, they lied to him over and over again until it was too late? Welcome to Canada! Welcome to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harpers Gestapo government? Is that why Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is pictured in a Gestapo uniform? [see picture of Stephen Harper in gestapo clothes] Remember, Harpers government could have saved him but they didnt give a shit about this little guy!!!!


Chapter 11 The Royal Canadian Mounted Police [RCMP] lay no charges? Not surprising to the author, the RCMP laid no charges against those that poisoned Warrant Officer Matt Stopford? Lets read ver batim about this conclusion by the RCMP: References courtesy of the Fair Use Act, for research purposes, to clarify the authors point of view. No charges laid in poisoning of officer CBC News Last Updated: Thursday, January 18, 2001 | 8:49 AM ET Soldiers who allegedly tried to poison their warrant officer while serving in Croatia eight years ago have nothing to fear from the law. A reporty by the Military Complaints Commission confirms charges can't be laid in the case. Retired warrant officer Matt Stopford is blind in one eye and suffers from a list of health problems. He says he was exposed to toxic soil in Croatia. But RCMP Insp. Russ Grabb, who led the police investigation into the case, says the source of Stopford's problems was something more mundane his coffee cup. Grabb told a news conference last May that at least six soldiers had put things such as naphtha gas, antifreeze, and shoe polish in Stopford's coffee. FROM MAY 30, 2000: Canadian soldiers tried to poison commander "This is a case we can prove beyond a reasonable doubt," Grabb said. "In fact, there is no doubt." The allegations are something Stopford himself won't believe. He says he would serve again with the same men. The RCMP say they had evidence soldiers were plotting similar attacks against other superior officers, Grabb said. And, most damning, some officers knew about the incidents.1


But by the time an investigation got under way, it was too late to lay military charges. The three-year statute of limitations was up.2 Despite the confidence Grabb has in his evidence, the case was deemed too weak for criminal court. Footnotes 1. With some soldiers like this in the Canadian Military, anything is possible: The RCMP say they had evidence soldiers were plotting similar attacks against other superior officers, Grabb said. And, most damning, some officers knew about the incidents. 2. This is an interesting point: But by the time an investigation got under way, it was too late to lay military charges. The three-year statute of limitations was up. Thats exactly what the RCMP did with one of their own members, they waited till the statutes of limitations expired but they did not remove the false fabricated statements: R.C.M.P. Sgt. John ("Jack") Thomas Randle's legacy to Canada. ISBN: 0969594429 9780969594420 OCLC Number: 46531882 - 1996 Is he Canada's example of another Mark Furman : R.C.M.P. Sgt. John ("Jack") Thomas Randle purposefully committed lies, fabricated evidence, made false statements & committed illegal acts! ISBN: 0969594437 9780969594437 OCLC Number: 43152171 - 1997 Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers Sgt. John ("Jack") Thomas Randle's & Cpl. Jackett's legacy to Canada. ISBN: 0968290442 9780968290446 OCLC Number: 46563215 - 1998 Judge John Gomery's inappropriate comments based on lies, false statements, fabricated statements & illegal acts by R.C.M.P. Sgt. John Thomas Randle. ISBN: 0968290477 9780968290477 OCLC Number: 46563154 1998 Please remember, the Canadian Military could have saved him! Instead, they lied to him over and over again until it was too late? Welcome to Canada!


Welcome to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harpers Gestapo government? Is that why Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is pictured in a Gestapo uniform? [see picture of Stephen Harper in gestapo clothes] Remember, Harpers government could have saved him but they didnt give a shit about this little guy!!!!


Chapter 12 What the RCMP apparently cant fabricate, they apparently screw-up - RCMP Staff Sgt. Ross Spenard? Just because the RCMP didnt lay any charges in Warrant Officer Matt Stopfords poisoning doesnt mean much to the author! Apparently, what the RCMP cant fabricate in their investigations, as exemplified by these incidents, they screw up as cited in the next few chapters? RCMP Staff Sgt. Ross Spenard thought he covered his tracks by shredding documents: Incredibly, in another high profile case, another senior RCMP officer lied again and again. The so-called RCMP expert witness, classed an expert witness on bloodpattern analyses, was accused of perjury and exposed in B.C. Supreme Court as the author of a flawed forensic report that got basic biology wrong.1 Who was this RCMP Officer? Staff Sgt. Ross Spenards credibility was shredded during the recent second-degree murder trial of Charlie Rae Lincoln, an aboriginal woman convicted of stabbing to death her own two-year-old. He acknowledged misleading the court and failing to send a letter to the Crown in the case revealing the concerns about the report and his errors.2 RCMP Spenard thought he covered his tracks by shredding documents [see Appendix 1, cited below]. He was wrong. As noted, armed with a copy of documents that Spenard thought were destroyed, defense lawyer Matthew Nathanson forced him to make a series of devastating admissions.3 The document was riddled with so many DNA misinterpretations and errors that the top experts in the field were flown in from Edmonton and Halifax to correct it. Some conclusions were not scientifically sound, they said.4


You were not being truthful, right? the lawyer said, confronting the Mountie with a transcript of his earlier testimony.5 Yes, I agree Spenard admitted.6 As emphasized, the performance was as bad as any at the Braidwood inquiry into the death of Robert Dziekanski, which has also featured RCMP officers seemingly uncomfortable with the truth.7 You will recall the Staff Sgt. Spenard gave some evidence of blood found in... [a] house at different places, the justice said before sending the jurors to deliberate. You have heard the Crown totally ignore his evidence, and I suggest to you that you do ignore his evidence completely.8 Staff. Sgt. Spenard is the perfect example of a person who clearly lied under oath, and violated his oath to tell the truth, and he even agreed to this. That conclusion is so clear and convincing, and so serious, that I suggest you should consider his evidence to be completely tainted, and without any value whatsoever.9 As further cited in Retired B.C. Mountie charged with perjury, a retired RCMP officer has been charged with one count of perjury for his testimony at the 2009 trial of a B.C. woman convicted of killing her own child.10 What a scum bucket? Only one charge? Pretty lenient, wouldnt you say? Former staff sergeant Ross Spenard, a 32-year veteran of the RCMP, is accused of lying while testifying in B.C. Supreme Court in May 2009. He was testifying as an expert witness in bloodstain pattern analysis during the second-degree murder trial of Charlie Rae Lincoln.11 During cross-examination by defence council at the 2009 trial, Spenard admitted he did not tell the whole truth in his earlier testimony.12 Justice John Truscott then advised the jury to ignore Spenard's evidence.13 "Staff Sgt. Spenard is the perfect example of a person who clearly lied under oath and violated his oath to tell the truth and he even agreed to this," Trustcott said. "That conclusion is so clear and convincing, and so


serious, that I suggest you should consider his evidence to be completely tainted, and without any value whatsoever."14 Is this scum bucket getting a full pension at taxpayers expense? Footnotes 1 - 9. Caught in a web of documents he thought had been destroyed: Blood-splatter expert admits to misleading court and failing to send a letter to the Crown revealing concerns about the forensic report. Ian Mulgrew, Vancouver Sun, June 29, 2009. 10 - 14. Retired B.C. Mountie charged with perjury Last Updated: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 | 1:24 PM PT Comments63Recommend34. CBC News


Appendix 1 RCMP Staff Sgt. Ross Spenard caught in a web of documents he thought had been destroyed Caught in a web of documents he thought had been destroyed Blood-splatter expert admits to misleading court and failing to send a letter to the Crown revealing concerns about the forensic report Ian Mulgrew, Vancouver Sun, June 29, 2009 An RCMP blood-spatter expert has been accused of perjury and exposed in B.C. Supreme Court as the author of a flawed forensic report that got basic biology wrong. Staff Sgt. Ross Spenards credibility was shredded during the recent second-degree murder trial of Charlie Rae Lincoln, an aboriginal woman convicted of stabbing to death her own two-year-old. He acknowledged misleading the court and failing to send a letter to the Crown in the case revealing the concerns about the report and his errors. Until now, Spenard testified, no one outside of the RCMP had been told about the doubt cast upon other cases, some of which have been reviewed by other specialists. The officer has been a blood-pattern analyst for five years and giving evidence on the basis of his work as a recognized expert witness. In this case, he claimed to have peer-reviewed a report he actually helped author that was based on the mistaken assumption that if someone was a possible contributor of a DNA profile, or if a person couldnt be excluded as contributing to a DNA profile, then you could say the blood came from that person. Whats wrong with that logic is obvious: Anyone with a white car may be in the pool of suspects for a hit-and-run, but being potentially responsible is not the same as being culpable. Armed with a copy of documents that Spenard thought were destroyed, defence lawyer Matthew Nathanson forced him to make a series of devastating admissions, none thankfully that affected the outcome of the trial. The officer was at pains to try and mask the rewriting and review process 54

that led to the creation of the impugned forensic report on blood spatter and DNA evidence in the brutal child-killing. The document was riddled with so many DNA misinterpretations and errors that the top experts in the field were flown in from Edmonton and Halifax to correct it. Some conclusions were not scientifically sound, they said. Spenard was ordered to submit future reports for review and told to send an explanatory letter to the Crown. But he hid that from the judge until he withered under Nathansons crossexamination. You were not being truthful, right? the lawyer said, confronting the Mountie with a transcript of his earlier testimony. I was splitting hairs, the staff sergeant conceded. Officer, Nathanson pressed brandishing the transcript, do you agree that by splitting hairs, you were not being completely truthful? Yes, I agree. Spenard admitted he wrote the report supposedly authored by Sgt. James Gallant. That was an untrue answer that you gave to this jury in this case, right? Nathanson said. Not correct, the Mountie replied. No, it was not. Untrue, right? Nathanson continued. You said that he authored the report, right? You told the jury last week that [Sgt. Gallant] authored the report, right? And I was in error. That was untrue, was it not? Nathanson insisted. No, it was not untrue, the officer dissembled. I was in error. I was mistaken. You were confused about who had written the report? the lawyer scoffed.


The circumstances, yes, said the Mountie. I realized I had written the report. The performance was as bad as any at the Braidwood inquiry into the death of Robert Dziekanski, which has also featured RCMP officers seemingly uncomfortable with the truth. The force has conducted a review of other cases coming before the court in which Gallant was involved. But no review of completed cases in which he gave evidence has been done. Spenard also misled the court during earlier proceedings into believing Gallant was no longer doing blood-spatter work because he was seconded to an RCMP Olympic unit. He is not doing any policing at the moment. The Mountie said he lied under oath to protect his colleagues privacy. Justice John Truscott has not specifically addressed Spenards misconduct, but he was savage in his charge to the jury. You will recall the Staff Sgt. Spenard gave some evidence of blood found in... [a] house at different places, the justice said before sending the jurors to deliberate. You have heard the Crown totally ignore his evidence, and I suggest to you that you do ignore his evidence completely. Staff. Sgt. Spenard is the perfect example of a person who clearly lied under oath, and violated his oath to tell the truth, and he even agreed to this. That conclusion is so clear and convincing, and so serious, that I suggest you should consider his evidence to be completely tainted, and without any value whatsoever. After two days of deliberation, on June 17, the jury found the 23-year-old mom guilty of second-degree murder in the slaying of her toddler in July 2006 in the remote coastal town of Bella Bella. Nathanson had argued for a verdict of manslaughter because Lincoln suffers from the effects of fetal-alcohol syndrome and associated psychiatric problems.


Chapter 13 What the RCMP apparently cant fabricate, they apparently screw-up continued - Robert Dziekanski? Just because the RCMP didnt lay any charges in Warrant Officer Matt Stopfords poisoning doesnt mean much to the author! Apparently, what the RCMP cant fabricate in their investigations, as exemplified by these incidents, they screw up as cited in the next few chapters? The Killing of a Polish Immigrant - Within seconds, Robert Dziekanski had been Tasered. Even after falling to the ground, shrieking in pain, the RCMP repeatedly Tasered him: Did the RCMP get away with murder? Some appear to think yes! "Nothing will happen to them, still they are on the job, the four RCMP officers who caused Robert's death by what they did, and then they lie," said Cisowski [see Appendix 2, cited below].1 The case involved the vicious tasering to death of 40-year-old Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski. The RCMP lies start immediately. Richmond RCMP Sgt. Pierre Lemaitre said officers struggled to subdue the man: 'Even though he had received what they call pulses, two pulses from Taser, he was still out of control.'2 The man actually died after 4 Taser jolts, witness alleges.3 In fact, one witness said she offered to tell the RCMP officers what she witnessed, and that one officer said, "'I'll be with you in a few minutes.'" But the officers did not take a statement from her, she alleges.4 As reported, within seconds, he had been Tasered. Dziekanski, even after falling to the ground, shrieking in pain, was Tasered repeatedly.5 The cover-up begins! After the event, the Mounties all gave similar statements about how 57

Dziekanski had come at them, yelling and wildly swinging the stapler, and how several officers had to wrestle the man to the ground.6 However, a video proves the RCMP officers outright lied! A witnesss video of the event showed none of that happened ... if not for the video, might have got away with whitewashing what the judge called the forces "shameful" conduct in the events that led to an innocent mans death.7 As further reported, I saw more RCMP officers lie to cover up this cowardly crime.8 Incredibly, on Dec. 12, 2008, B.C. Criminal Justice branch spokesman Stan Lowe "cleared" the four officers of any wrongdoing and portrayed Dziekanski as a violent and agitated alcoholic whose irrational behavior contributed to his own death.9 However, even this Stan Lowe was put in his place when Cisowski had the satisfaction of hearing Thomas Braidwood call the four Mounties "inappropriately aggressive" and "patently unbelievable," while emphasizing Dziekanski did nothing wrong nor in any way caused his own death.10 Caught in their lies thanks to videotape of the cowardly crime, as it has been described. Braidwood called the bystander video by Paul Pritchard of Dziekanski's Tasering death "invaluable" evidence that "couldn't be cross-examined."11 Onlookers were incredulous when RCMP Commissioner William Elliott said Friday he wouldn't be announcing any disciplinary measures for any of the four Mounties for their role in Dziekanski's death.12 Get away with murder and no consequences? Even the apology to Robert Dziekanskis mother was a bunch of RCMP bunk? A raft of internal RCMP emails was released through an Access to Information Act request showing that the April 1 apology was a carefullycrafted script designed not to blame any RCMP member.13 On the day before the staging of the apology, RCMP Deputy Commissioner Gary Bass reassured RCMP staff relations supervisor Brian Roach that their "apology" to Cisowski did not mean they were 58

apologizing for anything specific that any of their officers had done.14 "Essentially, even though the word apology worries some, we are not apologizing for the actions of specific members or saying anything about specific actions.15 Cisowski said yesterday "this just shows that the RCMP even when they apologize to me, they coverup.16 Actually tasered five times! The e-mail, sent by RCMP Chief Supt. Dick Bent to Assistant Commissioner Al Macintyre suggested for the first time that the four Mounties who responded to a call at Vancouver's airport planned to use a Taser on Robert Dziekanski, who died at the airport on Oct. 14, 2007, after he was Tasered five times.17 Finally: why do provinces put up with this police force, it would be less disastrous and more economically feasible to have their own provincial police forces -- more control? Footnotes 1. Still they get no consequences. By Suzanne Fournier, The Province, June 20, 2010. y.html 2 - 3. RCMP say deceased man was 40-year-old Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski. Last Updated: Tuesday, October 16, 2007. CBC News. 4. One witness said she offered to tell the RCMP officers what she witnessed. POLISH+AT+AIRPORT&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca 5 - 7. Inquiry deservedly hammers RCMP in Dziekanski death. By Paul Schneiderit, The Chronicle Herald, Tue. Jun 22. Robert+Dziekanski+inquiry&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca 8. I saw more RCMP officers lie to cover up this cowardly crime. 59 9 - 12. Still they get no consequences. By Suzanne Fournier, The Province, June 20, 2010. y.html 13 - 16. RCMP's apology grudging, evasive. By Suzanne Fournier, The Province, June 17, 2010. 64920/story.html 17. E-mail Suggests Four RCMP Officers Committed Perjury While Senior Officers Sat Silent. Contributed on Sun, 2009/06/21 - 2:30pm. while_senior_officers_sat_silent+assaults+committed+by+rcmp&cd=18& hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca Also see: Startling New Email Halts Inquiry. By Neal Hall and Lori Culbert; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun. Also see: Damning e-mail suggests the four officers committed perjury and that senior officers sat silent while they did. By Ian Mulgrew; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun. while_senior_officers_sat_silent+assaults+committed+by+rcmp&cd=18& hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca


Appendix 2 ['Still they get no consequences'] 'Still they get no consequences' Four Mounties involved should not get off scot-free, says Dziekanski's mother By Suzanne Fournier, The Province June 20, 2010 y.html Zofia Cisowski's "darkest hour" after learning that her son Robert Dziekanski was dead came when B.C. criminal justice officials declared that the RCMP had done nothing wrong -- and that it was her son's own fault that he died. Now that she has been vindicated by the Braidwood Inquiry report castigating the officers and ruling her son did nothing wrong, Cisowski still carries with her a news clipping containing the earlier blaming, hurtful words. On Dec. 12, 2008, B.C. Criminal Justice branch spokesman Stan Lowe "cleared" the four officers of any wrongdoing and portrayed Dziekanski as a violent and agitated alcoholic whose irrational behaviour contributed to his own death. Last week, Walter Kosteckyj, Cisowski's lawyer, said "that was Zofia's darkest hour, after losing her son, and that's why she still carries that news clipping with her." So far, Cisowski notes, none of the four Mounties "has ever got any consequences." On Friday, Cisowski had the satisfaction of hearing Thomas Braidwood call the four Mounties "inappropriately aggressive" and "patently unbelievable," while emphasizing Dziekanski did nothing wrong nor in any way caused his own death. "This tragic case is at its heart the story of shameful conduct by a few officers," Braidwood said. "It ought not to reflect unfairly on the many thousands of RCMP and other police officers who have protected our communities and earned a welldeserved reputation in doing so." Cisowski heard B.C. Attorney-General Mike de Jong promise to appoint a special prosecutor and commit to a citizen-led Independent Investigation 61

Office to conduct criminal investigations into RCMP or municipal police incidents causing death or harm. Friday was an exhausting day after a night in which Cisowski slept little, coming at the end of years of hearings in which a video of her son's death was screened repeatedly -- although it helped a kind and patient former judge get to the truth. Braidwood called the bystandervideo by Paul Pritchard of Dziekanski's Tasering death "invaluable" evidence that "couldn't be cross-examined." Cisowski received an apology Friday from the RCMP's top cop, Commissioner William Elliott. Yet as a mother, Cisowski did not hear from Elliott -- the first lawyer and non-cop to head the national RCMP -- the words she has waited so long to hear, she said. "Nothing will happen to them, still they are on the job, the four policemen who caused Robert's death by what they did, and then they lie," said Cisowski. Listening to Elliott say the RCMP has reformed its training and Taser policies, Cisowski whispered: "Still they get no consequences for causing my son's death." Braidwood's 460-page report, entitled simply Why? The Robert Dziekanski Tragedy, is a blistering denunciation of the four Mounties who Tasered and restrained Dziekanski face down, then left him unattended until he died. Onlookers were incredulous when Elliott said Friday he wouldn't be announcing any disciplinary measures for any of the four Mounties for their role in Dziekanski's death. He said he would await the special prosecutor's report. Elliott acknowledged that Cpl. Benjamin Monty Robinson is suspended with pay, but only in connection with the unrelated traffic death of a motorcyclist. That matter doesn't go to trial until April 2011. The other three -- Const. Gerry Rundel, Const. Bill Bentley and Const. Kwesi Millington -- are "on the job but not in front-line policing," said Elliott, who couldn't explain why the four officers could be criticized about an unjustified death and yet remain on the RCMP payroll.


Elliott hinted it might even be too late to mete out internal punishment, but admitted: "We recognize there needs to be fairly fundamental changes in our discipline system." Braidwood said the four Mounties behaved as if they were responding to a "barroom brawl," and senior officer Robinson "intervened in an inappropriately aggressive manner." "I found that Mr. Dziekanski had been compliant, was not defiant or resistant, did not brandish the stapler and did not move toward any of the officers," Braidwood said. "I concluded the constable [Millington] was not justified in deploying the weapon and neither the constable nor the corporal honestly perceived that Mr. Dziekanski was intending to attack any of the officers." Braidwood said the other two officers also "offered patently unbelievable after-the-fact rationalizations of their police notes and statements to [the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team]." As for Robinson's claim that the Mounties made a point to check if Dziekanski was alive, Braidwood was dismissive. "I can place little reliance on the testimony of Cpl. Robinson that he constantly monitored Mr. Dziekanski's breathing until the firefighters arrived. Similarly, I find unpersuasive the testimony of Const. Rundel that . . . he knelt down near Mr. Dziekanski and heard him breathing and snoring. "I am satisfied that Mr. Dziekanski went into cardiac arrest first, then went unconscious, and finally showed signs of cyanosis, all within 75 seconds of being handcuffed." De Jong was prompt to appoint special prosecutor Richard Peck to look into possible criminal charges against the four Mounties. "There was misconduct here and that reflects badly [on the RCMP]," said de Jong. "The human dimension in this is staggering, that someone would be lost within an airport for hours, separated by a glass door forever from one of his loved ones." The stark images on the Pritchard film, of the police behaviour and a man's death, had enormous impact, said De Jong.


"Many people [not just in B.C.] remember where they were at the time the film was shown," he said. "We are welcoming and one of the friendliest countries in the world -- we didn't display it that day."


Chapter 14 What the RCMP apparently cant fabricate, they apparently screw-up again - RCMP Officers committed perjury while senior officers sat silent? Just because the RCMP didnt lay any charges in Warrant Officer Matt Stopfords poisoning doesnt mean much to the author! Apparently, what the RCMP cant fabricate in their investigations, as exemplified by these incidents, they screw up as cited in the next few chapters? No one but a moron (RCMP Commissioner William Elliott) overlooks the import of an e-mail like this in the vicious tasering to death of 40-year-old Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski: The case involving the vicious tasering to death of 40-year-old Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski warrants an additional chapter to see the extent of the lies by the RCMP to cover-up. As noted, we have seen often-quoted Mountie mouthpiece Cpl. Dale Carr tell the Braidwood inquiry that top RCMP brass made a deliberate decision not to correct misinformation RCMP had given to the media about Dziekanskis death.1 In fact, e-mail suggests four RCMP Officers committed perjury while senior officers sat silent,2 specifically suggests Mounties planned to deploy Taser before they arrived at YVR, contrary to their testimony.3 As reported, after months of outrage about the conduct of the four Mounties who responded to Vancouver Airport Oct. 14, 2007, who can believe that at the last minute, a federal lawyer would produce what many would consider a smoking gun -- an e-mail saying the officers decided to use the Taser before confronting the Polish immigrant?4 If true, the Nov. 5, 2007, e-mail titled "Media strategy -- release of the YVR video," from RCMP Chief Supt. Dick Bent to assistant commissioner Al McIntyre, establishes the four have been lying through their teeth. This critical document suggests the four officers committed perjury and that senior officers sat silent while they did so.5 "The documents that have just come to our attention include a critical email from very high up in the RCMP chain of command, disclosing that the officers decided in a premeditated way, en route to the scene.6 65

Even the RCMP lawyers apparently lie? Lawyer Helen Roberts, who represents the RCMP at the inquiry, offered a tearful apology to inquiry commissioner Thomas Braidwood, a retired judge, for not disclosing the e-mail sooner.7 Helen Roberts had every reason to be in tears Friday as she apologized to the public inquiry into Dziekanski's death for failing to disclose what appears to be not just germane but also startlingly important evidence.8 Roberts crocodile tears dont wash! If Roberts had cried over Dziekanski mother's pain, I would be moved -but a veteran lawyer wet-eyed over another screw-up in this case? I think they were crocodile tears.9 "I find this delay in disclosing it to the commission appalling," Braidwood said. "The contents of this e-mail goes to the heart of this inquiry's work."10 "It should have been disclosed much, much sooner ... months and months ago."11 "It's a stunning turn of events," Don Rosenbloom, the lawyer representing the government of Poland at the inquiry.12 Rosenbloom said the 11th-hour disclosure "is totally inconsistent with testimony given under oath" and goes to the heart of the issue of police fabrication. During the hearing, he said, "we were alleging [the four Mounties] were fabricating their story."13 The RCMP fabrication was, in fact, true! Dziekanski's mother told reporters she was surprised and angry about the e-mail being released so late. She suggested there had been a "coverup."14 "This is the kind of evidence someone should have known would have important consequences," said Walter Kosteckyj, the lawyer representing Dziekanski's mother at the inquiry.15 He said he had spent the last two weeks preparing his final arguments for the inquiry, only to find not all the evidence has been heard.16 The RCMP lawyer tries to white-wash the facts?


David Butcher, the lawyer representing Const. Bill Bentley, one of the four Mounties involved in the in-custody death, said Bent's e-mail was hearsay and not credible evidence.17 B.C. Attorney-General Mike de Jong said he was concerned about the new development, "the possibility that new evidence may be emerging at this late date is troubling, and I'm sure very troubling for the commission itself," he said.18 "Commissions of this sort, and really our system of justice, rely on all witnesses who give evidence under oath to provide truthful and honest answers."19 Incredibly, Commissioner William Elliott's carefully parsed press release was equally unbelievable: "This was simply an oversight. Unfortunately in an exercise of this magnitude, such an oversight can occur."20 Elliott a moron, as cited, no one but a moron overlooks the import of an e-mail like this [see Appendix 3, 4 & 5, cited below].21 That was not an "oversight." It was professional incompetence or a coverup.22 Paul Kennedy, the chairman of the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP, using a news conference in Vancouver, took some well-aimed verbal shots at stagnant RCMP culture, especially its notorious, self-destructive resistance to change. It is a massively inert organization, he said, and that must not stand.23 Footnotes 1. RCMP admissions in Dziekanski Taser death are troubling. By Damian Inwood, Wed, Apr 22 2009. 22/rcmp-admissions-in-dziekanski-taser-death-are-troubling-forvancouver-2010-security-watchers.aspx+Now,+we+have+seen+oftenquoted+Mountie+mouthpiece+Cpl.+Dale+Carr+tell+the+Braidwood+inqu iry&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca 2. E-mail Suggests Four RCMP Officers Committed Perjury While Senior Officers Sat Silent. Contributed on Sun, 2009/06/21 - 2:30pm. while_senior_officers_sat_silent+assaults+committed+by+rcmp&cd=18& hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca 67

3. Startling New Email Halts Inquiry. By Neal Hall and Lori Culbert; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun. 4 - 5. Damning e-mail suggests the four officers committed perjury and that senior officers sat silent while they did. By Ian Mulgrew; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun. while_senior_officers_sat_silent+assaults+committed+by+rcmp&cd=18& hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca 6 - 7. Startling New Email Halts Inquiry. By Neal Hall and Lori Culbert; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun. 8 - 9. Damning e-mail suggests the four officers committed perjury and that senior officers sat silent while they did. By Ian Mulgrew; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun. while_senior_officers_sat_silent+assaults+committed+by+rcmp&cd=18& hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca 10 - 19. Startling New Email Halts Inquiry. By Neal Hall and Lori Culbert; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun. 20 - 22. Damning e-mail suggests the four officers committed perjury and that senior officers sat silent while they did. By Ian Mulgrew; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun. while_senior_officers_sat_silent+assaults+committed+by+rcmp&cd=18& hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca 23. RCMP watchdog goes out firing with Dziekanski report. Posted: December 08, 2009, 6:35 PM by Ron Nurwisah. By Brian Hutchinson, National Post. /rcmp-watchdog-goes-out-firing-with-dziekanski-report.aspx


Appendix 3 Damning e-mail suggests the four RCMP officers committed perjury and that senior RCMP officers sat silent while they did Column: Mounties in Tasering should face prosecution: Damning e-mail suggests the four RCMP officers committed perjury and that senior RCMP officers sat silent while they did By Ian Mulgrew; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun Cited here: while_senior_officers_sat_silent+Ian+Mulgrew+%22Damning+email+suggests+the+four+officers+committed+perjury%22&cd=1&hl=en &ct=clnk&gl=ca The Braidwood Inquiry into the Taser-related death of Robert Dziekanski has been blown up and left in ruins by the revelation a key RCMP e-mail was withheld from the commission. After months of outrage about the conduct of the four Mounties who responded to Vancouver Airport Oct. 14, 2007, who can believe that at the last minute, a federal lawyer would produce what many would consider a smoking gun -- an e-mail saying the officers decided to use the Taser before confronting the Polish immigrant? If true, the Nov. 5, 2007, e-mail titled "Media strategy -- release of the YVR video," from RCMP Chief Supt. Dick Bent to assistant commissioner Al McIntyre, establishes the four have been lying through their teeth. This critical document suggests the four officers committed perjury and that senior officers sat silent while they did so. Worse, it seems there are many other documents that have not been turned over that may be relevant. This e-mail was one of 260 documents on a CD sent by the RCMP to the justice department last April, yet the federal lawyers didn't open the CD until last week. Last week? Evidence delivered in April didn't get opened until last week? What? 69

Helen Roberts had every reason to be in tears Friday as she apologized to the public inquiry into Dziekanski's death for failing to disclose what appears to be not just germane but also startlingly important evidence. If Roberts had cried over Dziekanski mother's pain, I would be moved -but a veteran lawyer wet-eyed over another screw-up in this case? I think they were crocodile tears. Commissioner William Elliott's carefully parsed press release was equally unbelievable: "This was simply an oversight. Unfortunately in an exercise of this magnitude, such an oversight can occur." Bollocks. No one but a moron overlooks the import of an e-mail like this. The officers deny the explosive content is true and Roberts says Bent was wrong in what he said. But their protestations ring hollow after almost 18 months of bluster and denial. So does Elliott's threadbare these-thingshappen excuse. The situation is as bad as the most virulent critics of the Mounties feared. This is no longer about four officers who made mistakes in judgment: It's about an organization that thinks it is above the law. "I find this delay in disclosing it to the commission appalling," an upset Braidwood said. "The contents of this e-mail goes to the heart of this inquiry's work." Exactly. Braidwood says his inquiry will resume on Sept. 22 after commission lawyers have time to review the e-mail, conduct an investigation and perhaps call the senior Mounties to testify about the document. I think not. There was a time when I thought Oct. 14, 2007 was the day that would live in the annals of RCMP infamy, but June 19, 2009 has eclipsed the tragedy of Dziekanski's death. On Friday, a country's faith in a once proud, once revered institution died. We have left the realm of how to regulate Taser use and the circumstances of Dziekanski's death and entered the world of criminal conduct -- which is beyond Braidwood's provincially rooted authority to investigate.


If we needed any prod to reopen the decision not to prosecute these officers, we now have been given it. It is time to thank commissioner Braidwood for his excellent work in bringing these unsettling facts to light and it's time to appoint a special prosecutor. The B.C. Law Society should also begin an investigation into the conduct of Roberts and any other federal lawyer involved in this staggering lack of disclosure. That was not an "oversight." It was professional incompetence or a coverup.


Appendix 4 E-mail Suggests Four RCMP Officers Committed Perjury E-mail Suggests Four RCMP Officers Committed Perjury While Senior Officers Sat Silent By Neal Hall and Lori Culbert; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun Contributed by blackandred on Sun, 2009/06/21 - 2:30pm. In sections: British Columbia Canada Accountability Rights Security apparatus Startling New Email Halts Inquiry Cited here: while_senior_officers_sat_silent+Ian+Mulgrew+%22Damning+email+suggests+the+four+officers+committed+perjury%22&cd=1&hl=en &ct=clnk&gl=ca Suggests Mounties planned to deploy Taser before they arrived at YVR, contrary to their testimony A shocking e-mail found last week brought the Braidwood inquiry to a sudden halt Friday and may result in the most senior RCMP officers in B.C. being required to testify. The e-mail, sent by RCMP Chief Supt. Dick Bent to Assistant Commissioner Al Macintyre suggested for the first time that the four Mounties who responded to a call at Vancouver's airport planned to use a Taser on Robert Dziekanski, who died at the airport on Oct. 14, 2007, after he was Tasered five times. Under the subject line "Media Strategy - Release of YVR video," the email, dated Nov. 5, 2007, said: "Finally spoke to [Supt.] Wayne [Rideout] and he indicated that the members did not articulate that they saw the symptoms of excited delirium, but instead had discussed the response en route and decided that if he did not comply that they would go to CEW [conducted energy weapon]." Lawyers for the four RCMP officers involved in the fatal incident said Friday their clients deny they formulated a plan to use a Taser on Dziekanski. The officers testified at the inquiry they arrived in separate police cars and had no discussion beforehand.


Alex Pringle, a lawyer representing Rideout, who was in charge of investigating Dziekanski's death, appeared at the inquiry Friday and read a statement from his client, which said Bent's e-mail was in error. Pringle said it was a "misunderstanding of a conversation I had with him." Lawyer Helen Roberts, who represents the RCMP at the inquiry, offered a tearful apology to inquiry commissioner Thomas Braidwood, a retired judge, for not disclosing the e-mail sooner. She also said Bent was mistaken in his e-mail and that the officers did not plan to use the Taser. She offered to have senior Mounties testify. "I find this delay in disclosing it to the commission appalling," Braidwood said. "The contents of this e-mail goes to the heart of this inquiry's work." The e-mail will have to be investigated and further hearings may be required, the commissioner said. He ordered the inquiry adjourned until Sept. 22. The delay was due to summer plans already made by many of the lawyers involved in the inquiry, he added. Friday was supposed to be the start of final submissions by lawyers representing various parties, including the four Mounties involved in the in-custody death. Commission counsel Art Vertlieb told the inquiry that the new e-mail was disclosed Tuesday by lawyers for the federal justice department, which represents the RCMP. "It should have been disclosed much, much sooner ... months and months ago," Vertlieb later told reporters, adding he was "upset and frustrated" by the last-minute disclosure. He said he didn't know whether the RCMP disclosed the e-mail to Crown counsel before a decision was made that no criminal charges were warranted against the four officers. Vertlieb told the inquiry that the Bent e-mail was among 260 documents on a CD sent by the RCMP to the justice department in April, just before RCMP media relations officers testified at the inquiry about the botched handling of information released to the media in the days after Dziekanski's death. He said the federal lawyers didn't open the CD until last week, discovering the Bent e-mail and other documents. 73

"It's a stunning turn of events," Don Rosenbloom, the lawyer representing the government of Poland at the inquiry, told reporters after the commissioner ordered the three-month adjournment. "The documents that have just come to our attention include a critical email from very high up in the RCMP chain of command, disclosing that the officers decided in a premeditated way, en route to the scene, to use the Taser if Mr. Dziekanski did not comply." Rosenbloom said the 11th-hour disclosure "is totally inconsistent with testimony given under oath" and goes to the heart of the issue of police fabrication. During the hearing, he said, "we were alleging [the four Mounties] were fabricating their story." Dziekanski's mother told reporters she was surprised and angry about the e-mail being released so late. She suggested there had been a "coverup." "This is the kind of evidence someone should have known would have important consequences," said Walter Kosteckyj, the lawyer representing Dziekanski's mother at the inquiry. He said he had spent the last two weeks preparing his final arguments for the inquiry, only to find not all the evidence has been heard. David Butcher, the lawyer representing Const. Bill Bentley, one of the four Mounties involved in the in-custody death, said Bent's e-mail was hearsay and not credible evidence. "The chief superintendent is simply wrong," he said. The late disclosure of the e-mail was the result of an oversight, RCMP Commissioner William Elliott said in a statement issued Friday. "We have produced thousands of documents to our legal counsel for their review and for them to transmit all relevant material to the commission," Elliott said, pointing out that it was the RCMP that brought the Bent email to the attention of the inquiry commissioner on Friday. "Commissioner Braidwood was informed that a specific document was not provided and he himself accepted the government of Canada's sincere apologies for this oversight," Elliott's statement said.


"The RCMP wants all of the facts surrounding this tragic event to be known so that we can learn as much as possible and make any further required changes to the RCMP's policies and practices." B.C. Attorney-General Mike de Jong said he was concerned about the new development. "The possibility that new evidence may be emerging at this late date is troubling, and I'm sure very troubling for the commission itself," he said. "Commissions of this sort, and really our system of justice, rely on all witnesses who give evidence under oath to provide truthful and honest answers." Whether the testimony in the Dziekanski inquiry has been truthful will be up to Braidwood to decide, de Jong said. It will be up to Braidwood to assess the new evidence and determine its relevance before making his findings, he said, adding that it was too early to comment on the possible fallout from Friday's events. The attorney-general said it would be premature to comment on whether criminal charges against the four officers should be reconsidered. "I'm not going to rule anything in or out. I am going to wait with keen interest for Mr. Braidwood's report." Dziekanski, who spoke no English, had travelled for 24 hours from Poland and spent about 10 hours at the airport, unable to find his mother, who went home to Kamloops after being told by officials that her son couldn't be found. The 40-year-old man eventually started throwing around furniture, prompting a bystander to call 911. Seconds after four Mounties arrived, Dziekanski was Tasered. He died at the scene.


Appendix 5 The RCMP had decided to electrocute him before they even saw him They had decided to electrocute him before they even saw him Rusty Idols,New Democrats Online In the car on the way to the airport as revealed in an email the government finally revealed on what was supposed to be the last day of the Braidwood Commission. And you thought the RCMP's behavior couldn't look any worse. This e-mail was one of 260 documents on a CD sent by the RCMP to the justice department last April, yet the federal lawyers didnt open the CD until last week. Last week? Evidence delivered in April didnt get opened until last week? What? Helen Roberts had every reason to be in tears Friday as she apologized to the public inquiry into Dziekanskis death for failing to disclose what appears to be not just germane but also startlingly important evidence. If Roberts had cried over Dziekanski mothers pain, I would be moved but a veteran lawyer wet-eyed over another screw-up in this case? I think they were crocodile tears. Commissioner William Elliotts carefully parsed press release was equally unbelievable: This was simply an oversight. Unfortunately in an exercise of this magnitude, such an oversight can occur. Bollocks. No one but a moron overlooks the import of an e-mail like this. The officers deny the explosive content is true and Roberts says Bent was wrong in what he said. But their protestations ring hollow after almost 18 months of bluster and denial. So does Elliotts threadbare these-thingshappen excuse. The situation is as bad as the most virulent critics of the Mounties feared. This is no longer about four officers who made mistakes in judgment: Its about an organization that thinks it is above the law.


Chapter 15 What the RCMP apparently cant fabricate, they apparently screw-up again - RCMP arrogance cited in bungling of Pickton case? Just because the RCMP didnt lay any charges in Warrant Officer Matt Stopfords poisoning doesnt mean much to the author! Apparently, what the RCMP cant fabricate in their investigations, as exemplified by these incidents, they screw up as cited in the next few chapters? RCMP arrogance in bungling of Pickton case: Perhaps the greatest incompetence the RCMP could have made was their arrogance in bungling of Pickton case where their reluctance to cooperate with other police forces played a role in allowing pig farmer to go on killing1 [see Appendix 6, cited below]. As emphasized by Rob Gordon of Simon Fraser University. The RCMP know all, cannot be told anything.2 The RCMP is facing criticism in the wake of a scathing Vancouver Police Department report detailing investigative missteps on the hunt for serial killer Robert Pickton.3 Theres ample evidence to indicate that the RCMP does not play well with others and most certainly was not playing well with others in relation to the Pickton matter, Prof. Gordon said.4 Thirteen women disappeared from Vancouvers Downtown Eastside after the citys police force first forwarded information about Mr. Pickton to the RCMP, according to the police review.5 The 400-page document said mistakes prevented police from arresting Mr. Pickton until 2002 years after officers first started looking at him as they investigated reports of missing sex workers and that he could have been caught earlier.6 Mr. MacKay-Dunn, now a councillor in the District of North Vancouver, said he was one of the first officers to believe a serial killer could be responsible for the disappearances of dozens of women from the Downtown Eastside.7 He said he consistently encountered resistance from RCMP brass 77

throughout his career, but rank-and-file officers from all forces seemed to get along.8 But Mr. MacKay-Dunn and Prof. Gordon both agree that the RCMP should not have its current 20-year service contract in British Columbia renewed. The current RCMP contract in British Columbia expires in 2012. Absolutely, dont do it, Mr. MacKay-Dunn said.9 As further reported, two years after B.C. prosecutors dropped attempted murder charges against Robert Pickton, Leah Best warned that the Port Coquitlam man was a killer but her warning was not heeded, saying the RCMP didnt seem like they cared.10 I did feel angry about it, Ms. Best told CTV. It didnt seem like they cared. Eleven years later, she is convinced that 13 womens lives could have been saved if police had acted more aggressively on her information.11 Ms. Best, now a grandmother in her 50s living in the Fraser Valley, says she was introduced to Mr. Pickton through a friend, Lynn Ellingsen, who was getting money from him for drugs.12 Lynn said he was a millionaire, she said. I said, Oh, some millionaire, with gumboots and a tattered jacket.13 Mr. Pickton looked dirty, but didnt appear creepy, she said. It wasnt until she ran into Ms. Ellingsen at a friends house that a truly horrifying story came out.14 She was staying at Willies the night before, Ms. Best said. She was out wandering and came upon Willie in the barn. She said he was gutting a woman.15 Ms. Best was surprised but thought the story had a ring of truth. Ms. Best said she thought Ms. Ellingsen would go to the police with the information. A month later, Ms. Best went to the Burnaby RCMP detachment herself.16 She was one of three informants in 1999 who related the same story: that Ms. Ellingsen had seen a woman being butchered at the farm.17 I thought that they would have got a search warrant or something right away, and looked in the freezers at least, she said.18 RCMP Deputy Commissioner Gary Bass said "the RCMP deeply regrets that we weren't able to gather the evidence necessary to lay a charge 78

sooner.19 As further reported, twenty outstanding murder charges against convicted serial killer Robert Pickton have been stayed by the Crown, ending the prospect of any more trials.20 Pickton, a former Port Coquitlam pig farmer now serving a life sentence in prison, was found guilty on six counts of second-degree murder in December 2007 in the deaths of women from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside neighbourhood.21 He was originally charged with killing 26 women, but the Crown decided first to pursue the six cases most likely to result in convictions.22 The victims disappeared from the troubled Vancouver neighbourhood between 1978 and 2001, and traces of their remains were found on Pickton's farm, about 25 kilometres east of the city.23 He was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for at least 25 years. Pickton appealed the convictions to the Supreme Court of Canada, which ruled unanimously in a decision released last week that he would not a get new trial.24 Footnotes 1 - 9. RCMP arrogance cited in bungling of Pickton case: Reluctance to co-operate with other police forces played a role in allowing pig farmer to go on killing, critics say Dirk Meissner, Victoria The Canadian Press Published on Sunday, Aug. 22, 2010 Last updated on Monday, Aug. 23, 2010 10 - 18. Women's lives could have been saved, Pickton informant says Jon Woodward, Vancouver From Tuesday's Globe and Mail Published on Monday, Aug. 23, 2010 19. Pickton investigation to be reviewed by B.C. Last Updated: Friday, August 20, 2010


20 24. Twenty Pickton murder charges not to be tried Last Updated: Wednesday, August 4, 2010 CBC News


Appendix 6 RCMP arrogance cited in bungling of Pickton case Deadly blunders sully police reputations Robert Matas and Justine Hunter Vancouver and Victoria From Saturday's Globe and Mail Published Friday, Sep. 10, 2010 8:18PM EDT Last updated Friday, Sep. 10, 2010 8:20PM EDT When forces collide: Different codes of conduct, different masters and sometimes just different police channels can result in deadly blunders. An extensive review of the Vancouver Police Departments investigation into the citys missing women concluded that a regional police force might have led to the arrest of serial killer Robert (Willie) Pickton much earlier. Crime Stoppers received the first tip in the case on July 27, 1998. The caller described a man known as Willie who picked up prostitutes and reported that a recent visitor to his trailer saw at least 10 purses and womens identification. The caller also said Willie told others he could easily dispose of bodies by putting them through a grinder which he uses to prepare food to feed his hogs. The tipster called back less than two weeks later, identifying the man as Willie Pickton and advised that Mr. Pickton killed Sarah (de Vries) and possibly all the missing women. By early 1999, some VPD officers strongly believed that further investigation of Mr. Pickton was warranted. However, VPD had to rely on the RCMP to pursue the investigation because the alleged crime scene was in Port Coquitlam and the RCMP were responsible for policing there. The investigation stalled at that point. Port Coquitlam RCMP turned to the Provincial Unsolved Homicide Unit, an integrated team of RCMP and municipal officers. The integrated unit had no vested interest in the investigation and did not agree to pursue the information that was available, Deputy Chief Doug LePard says. Vancouver police made several attempts to bring the RCMP and the homicide unit into the missing women investigation. In one instance, VPD Detective Lori Shenher in May, 1999, asked the RCMP for copies of files regarding homicides of six women that could possibly be linked to Mr. Pickton. It took nine months for the RCMP to respond to her. The Missing Women Task Force first met in January, 2001. Mr. Pickton was finally arrested after a rookie cop obtained a search warrant to investigate a report of an unrelated crime. 81

Also Referenced: RCMP arrogance cited in bungling of Pickton case Dirk Meissner, Victoria The Canadian Press Published Sunday, Aug. 22, 2010 9:53PM EDT Last updated Thursday, Sep. 09, 2010 6:50PM EDT The RCMP is facing criticism in the wake of a scathing Vancouver Police Department report detailing investigative missteps on the hunt for serial killer Robert Pickton. A British Columbia criminologist said Mounties are trained to believe they are Canadas top cops, while considering provincial and municipal officers below standard. Theres long been tensions between the RCMP and municipal police services, said Rob Gordon of Simon Fraser University. The RCMP know all, cannot be told anything, and theyre the ones who alone stand between chaos and civilized society. He pointed to deep-rooted RCMP arrogance on the Pickton investigation, where Mounties and Vancouver police officers withheld information from each other about women whod been reported missing from the Downtown Eastside beginning in the mid-1990s. Mr. Picktons crimes came to light only when a rookie Mountie showed up looking for weapons on the former pig farmers sprawling property in suburban Port Coquitlam in 2002. Theres ample evidence to indicate that the RCMP does not play well with others and most certainly was not playing well with others in relation to the Pickton matter, Prof. Gordon said. The Vancouver police report, authored by Deputy Chief Constable Doug LePard, said both its own department and the RCMP are to blame for errors made during the investigation. Thirteen women disappeared from Vancouvers Downtown Eastside after the citys police force first forwarded information about Mr. Pickton to the RCMP, according to the police review. The 400-page document said mistakes prevented police from arresting Mr. Pickton until 2002 years after officers first started looking at him as they


investigated reports of missing sex workers and that he could have been caught earlier. RCMP havent commented on the LePard report, saying they need to read it first, but have already stated they disagree with some of its conclusions. Prof. Gordon noted other examples of RCMP problems were highlighted in the report of the Air India inquiry, which criticized the Mounties for fighting turf wars with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service during the investigation into twin Air India bombings in 1985 that killed a total of 331 people. Prof. Gordon said the Mounties have also caused problems with the various Vancouver-area combined police teams fighting gang violence. He said a Vancouver police biker gang expert was drummed out of his post in a combined RCMP-municipal team by the Mounties. He was a sergeant with the VPD, been a project leader, and ran into all kinds of difficulty, he said. The guy was an expert, but was treated very poorly by his RCMP colleagues. Former Vancouver police officer Doug MacKay-Dunn, who served in the Downtown Eastside and retired in 2001 after 31 years of service, said he encountered difficulties working with Mounties. At that point, the RCMP didnt necessarily get along that well with other organizations, he said. They didnt like being told what to do. They were Canadas national force and they considered themselves the cream of the cream. They figured they were the best of the best. Mr. MacKay-Dunn, now a councillor in the District of North Vancouver, said he was one of the first officers to believe a serial killer could be responsible for the disappearances of dozens of women from the Downtown Eastside. He said he consistently encountered resistance from RCMP brass throughout his career, but rank-and-file officers from all forces seemed to get along. But Mr. MacKay-Dunn and Prof. Gordon both agree that the RCMP should not have its current 20-year service contract in British Columbia renewed. The current RCMP contract in British Columbia expires in 2012.


Absolutely, dont do it, Mr. MacKay-Dunn said. Prof. Gordon called the RCMP a broken organization, and said trying to change the Mounties would be like bending granite. He warned the current Liberal government against signing any new contract with the Mounties. If they are going for another 20 years and the province signs off on it, the current government deserves to fall, Prof. Gordon said. The RCMP launched a massive search on Mr, Picktons farm in 2002, uncovering the remains or DNA of 33 women. He was charged with 27 counts of murder and eventually convicted in the murders of six women. Also see: RCMP seeking serial killer for 1995 deaths in B.C. By Petti Fong, Western Bureau Published On Wed Nov 3 2010 VANCOUVERA serial killer who disposed of the bodies of three women in remote areas east of Vancouver may be dead or already in jail. The RCMP confirmed this week that they are looking for a serial killer after finding similarities in the cases of three victims whose bodies were discovered within two months of each other near the same area in 1995. Staff Sergeant John Cater with the RCMP said investigators have ruled out Robert Pickton as the womens killer but said whoever is responsible may have been convicted of other crimes. Pickton is Canadas most prolific convicted serial killer. He was charged with killing 26 women and convicted of second degree murder in six of those charges in 2007. The Supreme Court of Canada earlier this year rejected his bid for a new trial. Pickton is serving a sentence of 25 years without possibility of parole. The three victims were all living and working in the same area as Picktons victims in Vancouvers working class Downtown Eastside. Pickton was linked to dozens of women who went missing from the area starting in the 1980s. The disappearances continued until shortly before Pickton was arrested in 2002. 84

Pickton has been excluded of being responsible for these murders, said Cater Tuesday. There is no connection whatsoever. Cater said the three victims were killed shortly before their bodies were discovered in the fall of 1995 and police have made appeals before for information. The RCMP released photos of some of the forensic evidence they have found at the crime scene along with more details to try and get more tips coming in. It appears to be working. Cater said Tuesday that police have been getting tips since making a public appeal Monday. We have been successful in tracking down all sorts of people who could be responsible. The suspect could be deceased, in jail doing long-term crime or could have left the area, Cater said. Were hopeful now on the 15th anniversary that someone will come forward with information. Tracy Fadola Olajide was the first victim to be found. The 30-year-old Olajide was working in the Downtown Eastside as a sex trade worker and was addicted to crack cocaine and the mother of one child. Her body was discovered on a logging road on Aug. 12. Two weeks later, the body of Tammy Lee Pipe, a 24-year-old who was known to give money and clothing to the poor and supported her cocaine habit by working as a sex trade worker in the Downtown Eastside, was found in a remote wooded area in the same area. One month later, the body of Victoria Lynn Younker, 35, who was also a sex trade worker and drug addict, was found laying in the embankment at the dead end of a logging road in the same area. Simon Fraser University criminologist Rob Gordon said Tuesday that since Pickton was arrested there were theories that the former pig farmer from Port Coquitlam did not commit the murders by himself. The bodies of the three victims were left out in the open likely to decompose, said Gordon. That difference with Picktons victims, whose bodies had been disposed of in a rendering plant on the farm, is the strongest indication that police are looking at another serial killer. Gordon said Tuesday that the RCMP are dealing with a very tough investigation. Pickton continued his killing spree until just before he was caught. With this serial killer, Gordon said police have three victims killed 15 years ago and nothing since. 85

The chances of the police being able to identify the person responsible is frankly zero, said Gordon. The trail is obviously stone cold. Also see: DNA clears key suspect in murders Lindsay Kines, Kim Bolan and Lori Culbert Crime: Special Report The Vancouver Sun Friday, November 23, 2001 DNA testing has cleared the prime suspect in the murders of three women from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside whose bodies were discovered in the Fraser Valley in 1995, The Vancouver Sun has learned. The DNA results mean the real serial killer has gone undetected for six years and police say he could be responsible for some of Vancouver's missing women cases. "He could still be doing it and disposing of the bodies efficiently," RCMP Constable Paul McCarl confirmed in a recent interview. Police said in 1995 that they believed the same man killed Tracy Olajide, Tammy Lee Pipe and Victoria Younker, whose bodies were found that year near Agassiz and Mission. The three women -- like those who have disappeared since -- were all involved in drugs and the sex trade. During the investigation, police developed a long list of possible suspects by reviewing serious sex assaults of women, especially prostitutes. The review led them to one particular suspect, who was identified in 1995 as Ronald Richard McCauley, a roofer from Mission. One of the things that caught investigators' attention was that McCauley picked up a prostitute at Vancouver's Astoria Hotel in July of that year and drove her to Hemlock Valley, where she was beaten, raped and dumped from his truck -- just a few kilometres from where Olajide's body was later found. The woman reported the incident to police and McCauley, who had a record of similar violent offences, was arrested in September 1995, convicted of rape in 1996, declared a dangerous offender, and jailed indefinitely. "He surfaced pretty quick and he looked really, really good," said McCarl, who is the lead investigator on the Olajide and Pipe homicides.


The things McCauley had done to the victim in the rape case, were similar to what had been done to the murder victims, McCarl said. He also lived in the area, had a vehicle consistent with the suspect's, and he was known to frequent the Downtown Eastside and hire prostitutes. In addition, McCauley once told a parole hearing that had he not been arrested for two rapes and attempted murders in the early 1980s, he "would have become a serial killer such as Clifford Olson." "I thought we had the guy," McCarl said. But despite the circumstantial evidence, police never had enough to lay murder charges against McCauley. The semen recovered at the crime scenes in 1995 had been degraded by bacteria and police were initially unable to test it, McCarl said. As the years passed and technology improved, however, the laboratory eventually used new techniques to re-test the samples and provide police with a DNA analysis. The results confirmed that one person was "associated" to at least two of the women prior to their deaths. The findings also raised the possibility that two men might have been involved in the murders. But, unfortunately for police, the results also confirmed that investigators had the wrong name at the top of their suspect list; Ronald Richard McCauley wasn't their man, after all. "He looked the best, so we pursued him," McCarl said. "And when we found out it wasn't going to be him, we were all disappointed." In fact, it was such a surprise to police, that investigators tried for a time to figure out whether McCauley might still have been involved, so convincing was the circumstantial evidence against him. "But realistically, we decided it's not him, it's somebody else," McCarl said. McCauley did not respond to requests for an interview, but his former lawyer, Susan Ludford, said she wasn't surprised by the RCMP's findings. "He volunteered that DNA sample to clear himself," Ludford said. The RCMP didn't use a warrant to get it. "So I'm glad he's cleared; I didn't think he was guilty of that in the first place."


The DNA results were a significant turn of events for the RCMP, because investigators considered McCauley a suspect not only in the Olajide, Pipe and Younker homicides, but in the disappearances or murders of four other women as well. Mary Lidguerre, Catherine Gonzalez, Catherine Knight and Dorothy Spence all vanished from the Downtown Eastside the same year as the Valley murders. Lidguerre's remains were found two years later in North Vancouver, but the bodies of Gonzalez, Knight and Spence have never been found, and their names are currently on the list of up to 45 women who have vanished from city streets over the past two decades. The RCMP did not consider McCauley a suspect in the disappearances of women who vanished after September, 1995, because he was in custody from that point onward. But now he has been cleared, it means the real killer could be responsible for the three Valley murders, Lidguerre's death and any number of the missing women cases as well. "If you just look at some of them, you see there's some consistencies," McCarl said. "Where were they missing from? What were they doing prior to when they went missing? Who were their associates? "There's got to be a couple more ... that the same person's responsible for. "And my personal belief is that Vancouver isn't the only hunting ground. The person's probably hunting over on the Island, up in the Interior, and across the border." Given that possibility, senior investigators met in Kelowna last year to discuss cases of murdered and missing sex trade workers from around the province. The Valley murders, Vancouver's missing women, and the murders of women on Vancouver Island and in the Interior were all part of the agenda. In the end, McCarl said investigators agreed on the need for a joint forces team assigned exclusively to those files. The feeling, he says, was that "they shouldn't work on anything else and that way they can stay focused and pursue it until they conclude it." Earlier this year, the RCMP and Vancouver city police moved to set up just such a team, which now has 16 people doing a review of missing and murdered sex trade worker files from around the province.


Interestingly, the person selected for the file coordinator's job on the task force, also has a direct link to the Valley murders; Sergeant Wayne Clary attended the scene where Younker's body was discovered in 1995 and he also attended the autopsy. Clary acknowledges the possible link between the missing women cases and the Valley murders, but said it's strictly a coincidence that he has worked both files. His involvement in the Valley murders was limited to attending the crime scene and the autopsy on the Younker case, he said. Still, McCarl said it will work to the Crown's favor if both he and Clary are still involved in the cases when they go to court. "Those are our gold cards when it comes to a prosecution." It's also helpful for the families, he said. "It's nice to have some continuity with the cop that was at the scene and found their daughters or sisters." The Sun contacted the families of Pipe and Olajide for this article, but they chose not to comment. McCarl said he continues to stay in contact with family members. "We call them, they don't call us. That makes me think that they must be satisfied in knowing that we haven't rolled over -- we never give up." After the RCMP realized McCauley wasn't their man, investigators on the Olajide, Pipe and Younker files began compiling long lists of other possible suspects, McCarl said. One of the theories is that the killer had either lived in the area, was a logger, fisherman or hunter familiar with the region, or perhaps had been incarcerated at one of the correctional facilities in the Fraser Valley and became familiar with the area while on a work-release program. McCarl said investigators hope to find a way to use computers to combine police, prison and parole records with lists of voters, hunters, fishermen and loggers in the region. "Anything electronic that we could get was going to get pulled and sorted. And then we would try and give it parameters and see whose name comes up the most frequently ... whoever comes up the most frequently gets targeted first. "And that's what we're looking at now, is basically creating a list of the best people to look at and going and finding them and trying to follow up with them."


The problem is that a computer program has yet to be developed that could handle such massive amounts of information. RCMP Inspector Keith Davidson, a psychological profiler who helped develop the RCMP's computer system for tracking serial offenders, confirmed he is currently trying to find a way to use computers to assist in the investigations of the Valley murders and the missing women. McCarl also said the RCMP recently brought profilers from Ottawa and Winnipeg, to visit the Mission and Agassiz crime scenes. This was done to "give a better idea of what type of person we should be looking for and make sure that we have covered off all the lists of possible suspects." McCarl said he's in regular contact with the missing women task force, which has been reviewing all sexual assaults, attempted murders and murders of women in the sex trade around the province. So far, the review has turned up a list of more than 600 potential suspects. "They're doing the complete review and then they'll see who they want to target," McCarl said. "And then they'll go out and find these people or then try and eliminate them or see whose name shows up most frequently. "It's a very methodical, well-considered plan to follow up on these investigations. I think it's going to work. But it's not a quick fix and it will take lots of time and they'll have to keep those people working on that file. "They're looking at two years and, in all likelihood it probably could be more like four. Once a potential suspect is identified, then that will be the focus of the investigation." McCarl rejected criticism that has been levelled at police -- particularly in Vancouver -- that they don't care about the murders and disappearances because the victims are marginalized women involved in drugs and the sex trade. "The cops cared on this file, and the guys that really care are the ones that are on this task force right now," he said. "There's not one person down there that I don't have 100 per cent respect for ... they are generally the best in their field and that's what you need." McCarl said police recently thought they had a good suspect in the Valley murders, and the force pulled out all the stops to find the best people to handle wiretap and undercover operations. "The best people for the jobs were all identified and contacted and willing to participate and I see that happening with the group of people they've got


[on the task force]. Anything that they identify, it'll come to pass ... they're not going to roll over until they know who is responsible." Nor, he says, will he. "Six years down the road, we're still spinning wheels, saying, 'Whodunit?' he said. "But I feel confident that, eventually, it will be successfully concluded -- that we will find out who it was."


Chapter 16 What the RCMP apparently cant fabricate, they apparently screwup again - RCMP warned on Air India? Just because the RCMP didnt lay any charges in Warrant Officer Matt Stopfords poisoning doesnt mean much to the author! Apparently, what the RCMP cant fabricate in their investigations, as exemplified by these incidents, they screw up as cited in the next few chapters? Air India families wait 25 years for answers from RCMP: Prof. Gordon noted other examples of RCMP problems were highlighted in the report of the Air India inquiry, which criticized the Mounties for fighting turf wars with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service [CSIS] during the investigation into twin Air India bombings in 1985 that killed a total of 331 people.1 As cited, dozens of family members of the victims of the Air India bombing will soon mark the 25th anniversary of the explosion. A week before that day, a long-anticipated inquiry reports its findings.2 What? Twenty-five years for an investigation? Can anyone spell i-n-c-o-m-p-e-t-e-n-c-e? Has the RCMP waited 25 years so that the incompetent players have all retired with full pensions? Was that their game? While the families of the victims waited? And waited? And waited? All 329 passengers and crew on the Montreal-to-Delhi flight were killed. Fifteen years after the bombing, two men, Ripudaman Singh Malik and Bagri, were charged with 329 counts of first-degree murder.3


In 2005, a B.C. Supreme Court judge found Malik, a Vancouver businessman and Bagri, a Kamloops, B.C., mill worker, not guilty of firstdegree murder.4 John Major, a former Supreme Court justice, was appointed in May 2006 to investigate the bombing of Flight 182, which went down off the coast of Ireland.5 Major was appointed after family members of the Air India victims pressed for an inquiry into the failures before and after the explosion.6 The final report comprises more than 4,000 pages. More than 200 witnesses testified during the four-year-long inquiry.7 The only person successfully convicted in the Air India bombing was Inderjit Singh Reyat, who pleaded guilty in 2003 to manslaughter after admitting to making the bombs.8 Bal Gupta, whose wife Ramurthy was killed in the Air India bombing, said families of the victims have been waiting for answers for far too long.9 During the investigation, we were told to let the investigation proceed and we kept quiet during the trial, but after the acquittal of the two accused there was no reason not to have an inquiry. But we had a difficult time and had to push the government, said Gupta, an engineer from Toronto, who was the first to testify at the inquiry.10 As further noted, one of the most widely held assumptions about the bombing of Air India Flight 182 that departed Toronto on June 22, 1985 is that there was no specific advance warning of this threat of such an attack11 [see Appendix 7, cited below]. However, according to James Bartleman: "I can only tell you my experience. It will be of June 18, the week of the bombings which took place on the 23rd. I was going through the daily intercept package ... and I saw in there a document which indicated that Air India was being targeted that weekend. That would be the weekend of the 22nd and 23rd.12 "I knew that there was a meeting going on in the operations centre ... and so I took the document and I put it in a secure folder and I walked down to the meeting and I asked the senior RCMP officer present if I could speak to him privately . .. . I pulled out the document and I asked him if he had seen it and if he was taking action.13 "His reaction startled me. He flushed and told me that of course he had 93

seen it and that he didn't need me to tell him how to do his job.14 Another arrogant RCMP freak out? As James Bartleman continued: I then took it back and that was that. The next thing in my memory is the downing of the aircraft."15 Bartleman said it is seared into his memory.16 Who was this senior RCMP? Was he the weak link in preventing the Air India bombing tragedy? As noted, Bartleman's story yesterday was also shocking for the families who have conducted a long and often solitary vigil to unearth what they believe is the hidden truth behind the botched Air India investigations.17 It appears again that the RCMP apparently kept the truth of their incompetence under wraps? "We want(ed) to know the truth and now it more or less proves that this tragedy could have been prevented.18 "This was the largest mass murder in Canadian history," Mr Major said, delivering the investigation's final report.19 "A cascading series of errors contributed to the failure of our police and our security forces to prevent this atrocity... various institutions and organizations did not fulfill their responsibilities."20 He highlighted what he said were the poor relations between the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) ... error, incompetence, and inattention occurred21 Great, the Air India tragedy apparently occurred because of idiotic infighting between the RCMP and CSIS? Finally, the report also criticizes the Canadian government for claiming it has since fixed the security lapses.22 "The commission rejects that position," Mr Major said.23 Just great, nothing has been learned? Is everyone who flies still at risk of terrorist threats because of in-fighting between the RCMP and CSIS? 94

What a bunch of crap! Get your act together, idiots? Footnotes 1. RCMP arrogance cited in bungling of Pickton case: Reluctance to cooperate with other police forces played a role in allowing pig farmer to go on killing, critics say Dirk Meissner, Victoria The Canadian Press Published on Sunday, Aug. 22, 2010 2 10. Air India families wait for answers 25 years later By Petti Fong, Western Bureau Published On Tue Jun 15 2010 11 18. RCMP warned on Air India Allan Woods Ottawa Bureau Published On Fri May 4 2007 19 23. Canada's Air India probe highlights 'series of errors' 17 June 2010 =9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca


Appendix 7 RCMP warned on Air India RCMP warned on Air India Allan Woods, Ottawa Bureau Published On Fri May 4 2007 OTTAWAFederal authorities were warned that an Air India flight would be the target of a terrorist's bomb less than one week before the flight went down in 1985, Ontario's lieutenant-governor testified yesterday. James Bartleman, a career diplomat and intelligence officer with the federal government, appears to have been sitting on a 22-year-old secret that has done more to justify the complaints of the families of Air India victims than a failed criminal investigation and previous probes. Bartleman's bombshell is the clearest allegation to date that the federal government and the RCMP had specific information about the terrorist bomb that took 329 lives when Flight 182 went down off the coast of Ireland on June 23, 1985. Air India had been considered a potential target for Canadian-based Sikh extremists for more than a year. But ever since the bombing, the government has insisted that police and security officers had no advance warning that any specific flight was in danger. The airline flew only one weekly flight between Canada and India at the time. Bartleman testified that as director general of intelligence and security with the Department of External Affairs, he came across an intelligence brief the week of June 18, 1985 that indicated the airline would be attacked on either June 22 or 23. He allowed that it was "raw, unevaluated information" and could easily have been lost amid what he said were 76 other intelligence assessments that had been written by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service in the year leading up to the attack. "On the surface it appears to be just another one of these, but I took it seriously," he testified, adding that he asked a senior RCMP officer, whose identity he cannot recall, if he was aware of the threat. "His reaction startled me. He flushed and told me that, of course he had seen it, and that he didn't need me to tell him how to do his job," 96

Bartleman said. "I then took it back and that was that. The next thing in my memory is the downing of the aircraft." Inderjit Singh Reyat was the only person ever convicted for actions related to the attack. He was found guilty in 1990 of two counts of manslaughter and four explosives charges related to the deaths of two baggage handlers in Tokyo. All other charges, including the murders of the 329 people aboard the Air India flight, were stayed. The suspected mastermind of the attack was Talwinder Singh Parmar, head of the militant sect Babbar Khalsa that campaigned for a Sikh homeland in northern India. He was shot dead by police in India in 1992. Bartleman recalled that he and his family were getting ready to leave the house the morning of June 23 when he received a telephone call with news of the terrorist attack. It is seared into his memory, just like the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, he said. "Many other things have faded ... but there are certain events in a person's life that you just never forget," Bartleman said. "I know what I saw and I know what happened in that period." He said he did not come forward during the criminal trial of Ripudaman Singh Malik and Ajaib Singh Bagri because he assumed the RCMP was aware of the intelligence information and would conduct the appropriate investigations. Malik and Bagri were charged in 2000 with the first-degree murder of those aboard Flight 182. Their trial, which began in 2003, ended in March 2005 when the pair were acquitted on all counts. Only when former Ontario premier Bob Rae recommended to the federal government in November 2005 that a full-scale public inquiry be called did Bartleman think about coming forward with his aging secret. He finally did so while walking his dog in a Toronto park one day recently when he came across Mark Freiman, the Air India inquiry's lead counsel. Freiman said federal justice officials have conducted interviews and inquiries to try to verify Bartleman's allegations, but have been unable to find any documentation or RCMP officials to back up his version of events.


Bartleman's story yesterday was also shocking for the families who have conducted a long and often solitary vigil to unearth what they believe is the hidden truth behind the botched Air India investigations. Bal Gupta, who lost his wife in the bombing, watched Bartleman's testimony live on his computer from his home in Etobicoke. He said there have been "rumours" of specific and advance warnings of the attack, but he never expected the "direct indications" that he and other families received yesterday. "We want to know the truth and now it more or less proves that this tragedy could have been prevented. We may be jumping to conclusions, mind you, but that has always been our suspicion and we have said it again and again." Contacted by the Star yesterday, Rae refused to comment specifically on Bartleman's testimony but he said it was, in part, his "concerns about warnings and the lack of effective communication" that prompted him to recommend the inquiry be struck. The startling new allegations also raised fresh concerns on Parliament Hill. Vancouver Liberal MP Ujjal Dosanjh, a former British Columbia premier, said the fact that the RCMP appear to have ignored a clear warning is evidence that racism was at the root of the decision not to take swift action. "I generally believe if you had 329 white Anglo-Saxons killed in an Air India disaster you would have had an inquiry in no time and you would have been following the crime more seriously," Dosanjh said. "I've never spoken so harshly before but that's the truth. ... I am shocked that that kind of specific warning would be ignored." Charges of racism have long been at the heart of the grievances over the Canadian government's actions and reactions toward the disaster. It is unclear what further actions will result from Bartleman's allegations, though he is scheduled to provide further testimony about what he knows in a closed-door session in order to better handle sensitive national security information. With files from Richard Brennan, Susan Delacourt, Canadian Press


Chapter 17 What the RCMP apparently cant fabricate, they apparently screwup again - RCMP bungled the case of notorious serial killer Clifford Olson? Just because the RCMP didnt lay any charges in Warrant Officer Matt Stopfords poisoning doesnt mean much to the author! Apparently, what the RCMP cant fabricate in their investigations, as exemplified by these incidents, they screw up as cited in the next few chapters? It's about how the RCMP bungled the case of notorious serial killer Clifford Olson: As cited, Nick has the lead role in this Canadian TV movie, set to film in Calgary and air on CTV sometime during the 2001-2002 season. A British co-production based on the book Where Shadows Linger1, it's about how the RCMP bungled the case of notorious serial killer Clifford Olson [see Appendix 8, cited below]. As further cited, RCMP Superintendent Bruce Northorp was the office in charge of the Olson hunt at the time of his arrest in 1981. His full review of the case clearly shows that the RCMP investigation of the Olson affair was plagued by its own internal problems and personalities. As cited, Clifford Robert Olson Jr. was born on January 1st, 1940 at St. Pauls Hospital, Vancouver, B.C. In his teenage years, he did crimes like B&E's, robberies, theft, etc.2 [see Appendix 9, cited below]. While in B.C. Pen in 1974, sexually attacked a 17-year-old fellow inmate. After being released he indecently assaulted a 7-year-old girl in Nova Scotia. This was the beginning of his sexually deviant and murderous criminal activity.3 During those seven years Olsons prison style changed. To some he was known as Bobo, a man who viciously muscled or buggered young inmates. To others he became knows as The Senator. This was because he honed his cell-room lawyers skills, by writing incessantly to both federal and provincial politicians with a barrage of complaints about prison conditions. He was also a `stoolie, a person who would inform on anyone for any reason. This trait made him unpopular with both inmates and guards and he eventually needed protective custody.4


Olson was moved to the Super Maximum Unit (SMU), commonly known as the Penthouse, the rat and rapo unit, where the most despised cons were housed. It was here that he met accused child-killer Gary Francis Marcoux.5 A serial killer was on the loose and the people in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley region of British Columbia were gripped with fear. In the short time span, from November 1980 to July 1981, a number of children had gone missing, and were later found dead.6 Parents in suburban Vancouver complained that the police were not treating reports of the missing youths seriously enough.7 The apparent rationale given, the 200 Mounties [RCMP] in the Surrey detachment processed roughly 2000 missing-person cases and investigated some 18,000 criminal code offenses in those two years. Many of the juveniles turned out to be runaways, congregating on the Granville Street area downtown, while some stayed with friends or out partying past their curfew, without informing their parents. The police figured, Theyd turn up -- and for the most part they did.8 The only problem with this RCMP explanation was that the missing children were mere toddlers? Incredibly, it took the disappearance of nine year old Simon Partington that was the turning point in The Case of the Missing Lower Mainland Children. The RCMP could hardly list him as a runaway, given his young age and angelic-looking face. Police were sure that the slight, 4-foot-2inch, 80-pound boy had been abducted9 [see Appendix 10, cited below]. By the time Clifford Olsons murderous spree was over, Olson had killed 10 children in southern British Columbia and, by the time he was finished, 11 would be dead. It was not the largest body count in the occurrence of multiple murders in Canada --- the Olson murders caused the greatest terror and horror.10 Footnotes 1. Based on the book, Where Shadows Linger by W. Leslie Holmes & Bruce Northrop, two Mounties involved in the original case, "The Investigation" is a co-production between Muse Entertainment Enterprises and Voice Pictures, produced by Bernard Zukerman, in association with CTV. 2 8. Clifford Olson - Murderer and Serial Killer


9. Clifford Olson Victims - Victims of Clifford Olson 10. Clifford Olson - Murderer and Serial Killer


Appendix 8 It's about how the RCMP bungled the case of notorious serial killer Clifford Olson Where Shadows Linger Nick has the lead role in this Canadian TV movie, set to film in Calgary and air on CTV sometime during the 2001-2002 season. A British coproduction based on the book Where Shadows Linger, it's about how the RCMP bungled the case of notorious serial killer Clifford Olson. (The movie is about the investigation, not really about Olson; you don't even see Olson's face until the very end.) Nick plays Les Forsythe, a character based on Les Holmes, the exMountie who wrote a book revealing the tragic errors that let Olson kill several more victims before being arrested. The movie is likely to prove controversial, since it pulls some skeletons out of the RCMP closet. It will air sometime in 2002. Where Shadows Linger Press Release Les Holmes knew it would not be easy, but he was determined to bring closure to an event that had scarred so many. As this respected ex-Mountie dug into the records of Canada's most horrifying serial killer case to date, he found that shadows still lingered. The culmination of the author's research came when he interviewed an ex-RCMP member who had fingered Olson weeks before his arrest but whose discovery slipped between the cracks of jurisdiction. Five more teenagers died in the meantime. RCMP Superintendent Bruce Northorp was the office in charge of the Olson hunt at the time of his arrest in 1981. He kept quiet both during and after the horrific affair out of respect for the mourning parents and because of suspicions about the media's hidden agendas. He knew that one day he would have to set the record straight, and in this book he finally speaks out. His full review of the case clearly shows that the RCMP investigation of the Olson affair was plagued by its own internal problems and personalities. Also see: Jurisdictional mishmash hindering B.C. police forces By Lindsay Kines, Katie DeRosa and Jack Knox, Victoria Times Colonist September 22, 2010 VICTORIA Thirty years ago, Clifford Olson began his killing frenzy of 11 children in British Columbia's Lower Mainland. 102

Oblivious to police boundaries that criss-cross the Vancouver area, he roamed the region in search of young victims, raping, murdering and disposing of bodies from Agassiz to Whistler. Police, at times unaware of what their counterparts were doing in other detachments and departments, were slow to link the disappearances before eventually arresting him in 1981. The B.C. government resisted calls for a public inquiry and police and politicians vowed to do better in the future. Today, the policing map in the Lower Mainland and across B.C. looks much as it did during Olson's rampage. Multiple agencies still patrol metropolitan areas in the Vancouver and Victoria areas, jurisdictional barriers still thwart effective communication and the tragedies continue to mount. In September 2007, Peter Lee stabbed to death his six-year-old son Christian, his wife Sunny Park, and her parents Kum Lea Chun and Moon Kyu Park before taking his own life in the leafy Victoria enclave of Oak Bay. It was later revealed that in the weeks prior to the massacre, Park bounced among three police departments while trying to get help for spousal abuse. On the night of the murders, the grandmother's 911 call was handled by a maze of dispatchers, while dozens of police officers from Victoria, Saanich and Oak Bay responded to the call. Then, last month, the Vancouver Police Department released its Missing Women Investigation Review, which concluded that police likely could have caught serial killer Robert Pickton years earlier. In findings eerily reminiscent of the Olson case, Deputy Chief Doug LePard blamed jurisdictional barriers, poor management and shoddy analysis of information. One of the main problems was conflicting priorities. Vancouver police were under pressure to solve the case, but it was less of a priority for the Coquitlam RCMP, in whose jurisdiction Pickton resided. As a result, the detachment allowed the file to languish for months, LePard said. Now, growing numbers of current and retired police officers, criminologists and politicians say it's time for B.C. to put public safety ahead of politics and establish regional forces in major metropolitan areas. Former solicitor general Kash Heed, a former chief of the West Vancouver department, said it would be impossible "to find a more disturbing 103

example anywhere in the world" than the investigative failures in the Pickton case. But he warned that similar problems will keep happening unless something gets done. "The RCMP have bosses that are beholden ... to Ottawa," he said. "You have municipal bosses that have their own little kingdoms. Albeit, I was one of them and you're only concerned about your area ... You only care, really, what happens within the boundaries of your jurisdiction." On the Lower Mainland alone, there are at least 15 RCMP and municipal police jurisdictions delivering service to two million people. In Greater Victoria, four municipal departments, three RCMP detachments and three 911 dispatch centres serve just 350,000 people. By contrast, Toronto's 2.6 million population is policed by a single force, as are all other major metropolitan areas in Canada. "It mystifies me," former Ottawa police chief Vince Bevan said of B.C.'s balkanized system. "It's beyond me how they can have these series of smaller departments, and think that they're meeting standards." The B.C. government and some police leaders counter that much has changed since the days of Olson, and even Pickton. They cite, in particular, the creation of integrated units that draw officers from different police agencies in a region to tackle a particular crime or problem, such as homicides, domestic abuse, traffic enforcement or gang violence. Clayton Pecknold, president of the B.C. Association of Police Chiefs, said the integrated units have "eliminated borders" between police departments. "It's now subject-matter based as opposed to based on a geographical area," said Pecknold, who is deputy chief of Central Saanich police. "That's why the border doesn't matter anymore." But critics say the integrated units only highlight the problems. With so many chiefs trying to find consensus on key crime-fighting issues, the units often take months to establish. They add more layers of bureaucracy, and attempt to blend the different RCMP and municipal cultures sometimes with mixed results. Saanich police Chief Mike Chadwick, a 35-year veteran of the force and a staunch defender of the status quo, argues that individual municipalities have the right to "direct the level of service ... from their police department" and that municipal taxpayers should have a say on the type policing they want. 104

"I'm not so sure if you had a regional department that would be the case," he said. "In Saanich, people pay for a service that we have provided for over 100 years now and they come to expect that. "Saanich taxpayers don't expect to pay for what goes on downtown." But Victoria police Chief Jamie Graham, a strong proponent of police regionalization, thought the jurisdictional confusion around the Oak Bay murder-suicide would be the impetus needed to force regionalization on the Lower Island. Graham, who also served as chief of the Vancouver police, said it simply makes sense to have a regional force chasing and apprehending criminals that don't respect political boundaries. "This isn't about cost," he said. "This is about the ability to deploy more effectively." He said Victoria police continue to be crushed under the weight of policing a downtown core which is the destination of club-hoppers, concert or festival goers and of course, criminals, many of whom live in the surrounding municipalities. The department's 241 officers have the highest case load among municipal police officers in the region and Graham said he would have to hire 60 officers to reach the provincial standard. Graham noted that, under a regional model, a single chief would have the ability to deploy resources where they are needed most. If there were a brawl downtown or a major crime in Oak Bay, police officers, including those with specialized training, would be able to flood the area and control the situation.


Appendix 9 Clifford Olson - Murderer and Serial Killer Clifford Olson - Murderer and Serial Killer Clifford Olson Clifford Robert Olson Jr. was born on January 1st, 1940 at St. Pauls Hospital, Vancouver, B.C. In his teenage years, he did crimes like B&E's, robberies, theft, etc. While in B.C. Pen in 1974, sexually attacked a 17-year-old fellow inmate. After being released he indecently assaulted a 7-year-old girl in Nova Scotia. This was the beginning of his sexually deviant and murderous criminal activity. During those seven years Olsons prison style changed. To some he was known as Bobo, a man who viciously muscled or buggered young inmates. To others he became known as The Senator. This was because he honed his cell-room lawyers skills, by writing incessantly to both federal and provincial politicians with a barrage of complaints about prison conditions. He was also a `stoolie, a person who would inform on anyone for any reason. This trait made him unpopular with both inmates and guards and he eventually needed protective custody. Olson was moved to the Super Maximum Unit (SMU), commonly known as the Penthouse, the rat and rapo unit, where the most despised cons were housed. It was here that he met accused child-killer Gary Francis Marcoux Olson was arrested for impaired driving and for contributing to juvenile delinquency. He crashed his car with his 16-year-old female passenger in Agassiz, a farming hamlet in the Valley about an hour from Vancouver. Olson had picked her up in the Cottonwood Avenue and North Road area of Coquitlam, Daryn Johnsrude and Olsons neighborhood Although the young girl could not be convinced that Olson was a sex offender, she did tell the police that he had offered her a job, had bought her drinks and given her pills. She palmed one of the tiny emerald knockout pills, later giving it to the police. The laboratory identified it as chloral hydrate, commonly known as knock-out drops or a Mickey Finn A serial killer was on the loose and the people in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley region of British Columbia were gripped with fear. In the short time span, from November 1980 to July 1981, a number of children had gone missing, and were later found dead. Parents in suburban Vancouver complained that the police were not treating reports of the 106

missing youths seriously enough. The 200 Mounties in the Surrey detachment processed roughly 2000 missing-person cases and investigated some 18,000 criminal code offenses in those two years. Many of the juveniles turned out to be runaways, congregating on the Granville Street area downtown, while some stayed with friends or out partying past their curfew, without informing their parents. The police figured, Theyd turn up -- and for the most part they did. Under surveillance, Olson was not easy to follow. The watchers claimed that he would stop in the middle of the street, make sudden inexplicable U-turns, and go down one-way alleys, stop, and reverse. He also had a habit of continually changing rental cars: a Pinto, a Mustang, a Bobcat, a Lynx, a Honda, a panel truck, a Citation, an Escort, an Omega, and an Acadian. Olson drove incessantly. At one point, he traveled over 20,000 kilometers in three months in 14 different rental cars. In mid-July he drove an Escort 5,569 kilometers in just two weeks. Olson took the ferry over to the Vancouver Island and, after burglarizing two Victoria residences, made his way up north towards Nanaimo, an old coal-mining town. He pulled over to the side of the road to pick up two young women hitchhiking. Hitchhiking was a popular mode of travel for the young in 1981. Roughly three hours later, writes Ian Mulgrew in Final Payoff, the car was weaving across the highway on the other, sparsely populated side of the massive island. Occasionally, it hit the soft shoulder. At the bottom of Hydro Hill, just before the turn-off for Long Beach, the car slowed. It turned onto a dirt-logging road, kicking up a cloud of dust and gravel. Moments later, two local RCMP squad cars pulled to a stop across the entrance to the road, blocking the cars retreat and disgorging the uniformed Mounties. They had been summoned by the helicopter crew. Two police officers followed the cars path, picking their way through the Douglas fir and spruce that lined either side of the isolated track. In the distance, they could see three people standing outside the car passing a bottle, and they could hear Olson. They moved closer. He was telling one of the women to take a walk. He began to yell. The police decided it was time to move. Olson spotted the police emerging from the undergrowth and sprinted back to the car. He threw the vehicle into gear and roared back the way he had come, but he was arrested at the roadblock. The women were confused, but safe. Olson said they had only stopped so he could relieve himself.


Police charged him with impaired and dangerous driving, impounded his car, and took him to local lock-up. The police searched his rented car and found a green address book with the name of the 14-year-old New Westminster girlJudy Kozma. By now, Olson had killed 10 children in southern British Columbia and, by the time he was finished, 11 would be dead. It was not the largest body count in the occurrence of multiple murders in Canada --- in 1949, all 23 passengers aboard a Dakota were killed by Montreal jeweler Joseph Guay, for the sole purpose of killing his wife --- but the Olson murders caused the greatest terror and horror. When he was arrested, only three bodies had been discovered and identified. The police did not yet know how many children had been murdered. August 6, 1981 The 6th was a momentous day, Northorp declared. It was the beginning of the events that have probably taken Olson off the streets of Canada for the rest of his life. It was also the beginning of several days of methodical police work. The surveillance team went into high gear. August 7 to 11, 1981 Solving a murder usually boils down to a lucky break. Peter Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire Ripper, was arrested by two vice cops concerned about license plates. He was driving a car with stolen plates, was arrested, and later confessed to 13 murders --this after some 250 detectives had been deployed and almost $8 million dollars had been spent on the investigation. There was also evidence that Sutcliffe had been questioned nine times by the English police and was even arrested once with his hammer, his favorite weapon, but somehow happened to escape detection. The extensive national coverage of the missing children was likened by some members of the media to the Yorkshire Ripper case in Great Britain and the Atlanta child killings. U.S. Human Resources Minister Grace McCarthy claimed: We have our own little Atlanta going on. I feel the police, in total, did a tremendous job, Northrop concluded. All you have to do is compare the length of time it took the police in other jurisdictions to solve their serial killings. Twenty-nine blacks, twenty-seven male and two female, ranging in age from seven to twentyeight years, were murdered in Atlanta, Georgia, from July 1979 until May 1981. In 1981 only two of the cases were close to being cleared when Wayne Williams was indicted for the two latest murders, both of adults. 108

Also in both jurisdictions all of the victims bodies had been found. Not so in the Olson case, eliminating the chance of securing leads or even knowing if one person was responsible. The fact that known and suspected victims were both male and female, said Northorp, was in itself most unusual and further complicated matters, ignoring the fact that the Atlanta child murders also involved victims of both sexes and a wide range of ages, including young adults. We didnt interview Olson until his arrest on the 12th of August, said Maile, because we didnt have anything. August 12, 1981 I had no idea this would be the day when the big break would come, declared Northorp, nor did Olson have any idea this would be his last day as a free man. The decision was made to arrest Olson on Vancouver Island, then commence intensive interrogation. August 18, 1981 Olson was charged with the first-degree murder of Judy Kozma, which ultimately resulted in a full confession. August 21, 1981 Supt. Bruce Northorp had been heading the task force for three weeks with no real guidelines to follow. He had to assemble some 150 officers who were at that time working the case, digest all the information accumulated before he took the assignment, plan strategy, deal with the media, and a myriad of other details. He was shocked at the turn of events. At 8:35 a.m. I got a real jolt, said Northorp. I learned for the first time of the $100,000 deal put forward by Olson. The Cash-for-bodies Deal Ill give you eleven bodies for $100,000. The first one will be a freebie, Olson offered the police. I felt the intense pressure over the ensuing hours, said Northorp. We were so close [to breaking the case]. But could Olson really be so stupid as to enter into an agreement that would likely result in his spending the balance of his days in prison? Still, there was no concrete evidence that the missing children and the murders were related.


The bodies of Weller, Johnsrude, King, and Kozma had been recovered. Olson proposed a schedule to recover the missing bodies of the dead children, one at a time, in a specific order and then money would be placed in an account: Chartrand at Whistler Daignault at Surrey Carson at Chilliwack Four locations where evidence would be found Court at Agassiz Wolfsteiner at Chilliwack Partington at Richmond German girl at an unspecified location Youll get statements with the bodies, said Olson. Ill give you all the evidence, the things only the killer would know. As Olson led police to further bodies, Northop said in his co-authored book Where Shadows Linger, I was convinced Olsons admission to two more murders was merely a ploy, bearing in mind his many escapes from custody, tight security was laid on. Olson was to be taken in a car with three unarmed police officers, with one handcuffed to him. The car was to be escorted by two other cars, with two officers in each, armed with revolvers, rifles, and shotguns. District Two was alerted that Olson might be taken their way, and I arranged for the use of a police aircraft. If escape was on his mind, he would not succeed. In the year 2000, in a Vancouver Sun article called Ex-Mounties Deny Olson Case was Botched, two retired RCMP officers, Fred Maile and Ed Drozda, among other disclaimers, said there is no truth to allegations in Where Shadows Linger: The Untold Story of the RCMPs Olson Murders Investigation, that flaws in the investigation may have allowed Olson to claim seven more victims before he was finally caught. Drozda said, Hindsight plays such a large part. It is so wonderful with all the information before you to say, `Oh wow, look at this. At the time you are putting together a puzzle and these pieces somewhere along the way have to fit. Its not only surfacing someone who is a suspect but also in putting the evidence together to take it to court and get a conviction. Mailes boss, Staff Sergeant Arnie Nylund, commented in Where Shadows Linger, Fred seemed to know what he was doing, and I had never seen anything to indicate otherwise. It is easy to view these things in hindsight and draw conclusions. We had other suspects that looked better than Olson. Dont forget, it was not apparent a serial killer was on the loose. Up until then the guys were busy working on a number of other homicides not related to these cases at all. After Olson was in jail we had 110

all kinds of second-guessers. We did the best we could with what we had. I have nothing but respect for the guys and how they did it. It was terrible, just terrible for those members who accompanied Olson when they were recovering those bodies. It was so bad I had to send one man home. He just couldnt take it anymore. Its not an investigation you like to talk about too much because of the nature of what he was doing. I mean he was killing children, Maile told the Vancouver Sun. To me, if there was ever an image of the devil, it was Clifford Olson. The Deal Exposed The secret deal had been cut in 1981, but was exposed to the media a year later. Olson Was Paid to Locate Bodies was just one of the bold front-page headlines on January 14, 1982 in the Vancouver Sun. On January 15th the Sun headline read: Olson Deal Greeted by Disgust. The police had not disclosed the cash deal for fear of prejudicing Olsons right to a fair trial. At some point the Attorney General of British Columbia, the federal Solicitor General, the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner of the RCMP in Ottawa, as well as the Prime Minister of Canada would be drawn into the controversy. Many thought it repugnant that Olson was profiting from his crimes. I found it unthinkable he should be paid to provide evidence, said Supt. Bruce Northorp, the head of the task force. The proposition to pay Olsons wife was simply splitting hairs. She was not separated from him, and Olson stood to gain even if monies were paid to his wife. The situation may have been different if she were separated and were supplying information as to past criminal activity. That was not the case. Northorp had to admit though that he felt a tremendous sense of relief that the killings were solved and no more children would die. When asked what evidence had been found, Northorp replied, I wont go into detail. Essentially, they were items, which could be established as belonging to each of the four victims, whose bodies had been found without Olsons assistance, thus establishing he was the killer. Only the killer would have knowledge of where these articles had been hidden. The Attorney General of British Columbia, Allan Williams, also wondered how such an appalling deal had been made. Yet the good news was, in exchange for $100,000, the Attorney General could guarantee a firstdegree murder conviction, ease the anxiety of the parents of the missing children, subdue the terror in British Columbia, and end an expensive 111

police investigation. There was no hard evidence and Olson, an experienced criminal, was unlikely to talk without it. The day before Clifford Olson was charged with the death of Judy Kozma, he had a twohour visit with his wife Joan and their infant son. I could not stop crying during those two hours, wrote Olson in a letter February 5th, 1982, to Genevieve Westcott, a CBC television reporter in Vancouver, as to why he pleaded guilty. I told my wife that I was responsible for the deaths of the children and that I could not live with myself nor have any peace of mind until I confess to what I had done and give back the bodies to their families for a proper Christian burial. My wife told me that if I told police (R.C.M.P.) what I did, they would lock me up in jail for the rest of my life and I would in all probability be killed in jail. She said what would she tell our son when he grew up and everyone was teasing him at school for what his father had done. I told her it will be up to me to tell my son what has happened. I knew in my heart that I must give up my wife and son for the rest of my life. . My son will have to [sic] father to call Daddy and he will grow up knowing his father for the sins he has done. And my wife will always bear my mistake for the rest of her life. She told me that I must do what is right and that she will always love me and that someday we would be n [sic] heaven together praising the Lord together. Olson may have been trying to bolster his own image because he also was heard to say: If I gave a shit about the parents I wouldnt have killed the kid. Thursday, July 30, 1981 Meanwhile Const. Fred Maile of the RCMP Serious Crimes Unit had a simple strategy. His idea was to surreptitiously tape a conversation with Olson insinuating some kind of a reward. The idea was, if Olson was the murderer, and he thought he could make some money from that fact, he might go back to the crime scenes in order to retrieve some physical evidence. If he was not the murderer or knew who the murderer was then maybe he would tell them. Olson met Detective Tarr at a White Spot Restaurant, and then was joined by RCMPs Corporal Maile and Corporal Drozda. The hidden microphones transmitted the conversation to a Mountie in a car in the parking lot. Final Payoff describes this tense 30 minutes: Quite a few homicides around here, right? Maile began. And we understand that you might be able to help us. Were prepared to 112

compensate you for whatever youre able to tell us or help us. But we have to know if you are able to help us. He stopped and blew on his coffee. All eyes were on Olson. For a while he said nothing. Finally, Olson said he wanted to be hired at a salary of $3,000 a month. In exchange, he claimed he would provide information about the disappearances. Olsons eyes lit up at the idea that they were coming to him for information. He spent much of the time bragging about testifying in Marcouxs conviction of that Jeannie, promising to get back to them if he found out anything. With a casual, Well, Ill get back to you if I find out anything, the officers watched the killer leave the restaurant and amble out into the sunshine. No one followed the man suspected of murdering several children.


Appendix 10 The RCMP could hardly list him as a runaway Clifford Olson Victims Victims of Clifford Olson Colleen Daignault Colleen Daignault wouldnt talk to just anybody, shy as she was. A shade over 5 feet, the 13-year-old girl, with her lovely long brown hair and fresh face, smiled sweetly in her missing persons photo. One of the Victims of Clifford Olson Daryn Johnsrude Wednesday, April 22, 1981 -- Daryn Todd Johnsrude He had been in Vancouver for only two days. Clifford Olson Victims like Daryn Johnsrude, should not have happen. Sandra Lynn Wolfsteiner Tuesday, May 19, 1981 -- Sandra Lynn Wolfsteiner Olson murdered 16-year-old Sandra Wolfsteiner just 4 days after his wedding. Her boyfriends mother saw her get into a car with a man. Olson took Sandy to the bush just off Chilliwack Lake Road. Olson attacked and killed her by striking her in the head. Ada Court 5th Sunday, June 21, 1981 Ada Court Ada Court, victim Thirteen-year-old Ada Court of Burnaby babysitting at her brother and sister-in-laws Coquitlam apartment, the same family apartment complex where the Olsons lived and where Olson Sr. and Leona worked as caretakers. Sunday morning, Ada caught a bus to meet her boyfriend. Then, she simply vanished. Fifty-two-year-old Jim Parranto, a White Rock resident, believed he saw Olson disposing of Adas body. Simon Partington 6th Thursday, July 2, 1981 Simon Partington Simon Partington, victim It was the disappearance of a nine-year-old Surrey boy, Simon Partington that was the turning point in The Case of the Missing Lower Mainland Children. The police could hardly list him as a runaway, given his young age and angelic-looking face. Police were sure that the slight, 4-foot-2inch, 80-pound boy had been abducted. Also cited in: Clifford Olson


Clifford Robert Olson, Jr (born January 1, 1940 in Vancouver, British Columbia) is a convicted Canadian serial killer who confessed to murdering two children and nine youths in the early 1980s.[1] Murders On November 17, 1980, 12-year-old Christine Weller of Surrey, British Columbia was abducted.[2] She was found on Christmas Day, after having been strangled with a belt and stabbed repeatedly. On April 16, 1981, Colleen Marian Daignault, 13, vanished. It was five months before her body was found. By then, Daryn Todd Johnsrude, 16, had also been abducted and killed; 16-year-old Sandra Wolfsteiner was murdered on May 19 and 13-year-old Ada Court in April. Six victims followed in quick succession in July 1981. Simon Partington, 9, was abducted, raped and strangled on the second day of the month. Judy Kozma, a 14-year old from New Westminster, was raped and strangled a week later. Her body was discovered on July 25 near Weaver Lake.[3] The next victims were: Raymond King Jr., 15, abducted on July 23, raped and bludgeoned to death; Sigrun Arnd, an 18-year old German tourist, raped and bludgeoned the following day; Terri Lyn Carson, 15, raped and strangled; Louise Chartrand, age 17, the last victim identified, died on July 30. Olson was an atypical serial killer in that he targeted both boys and girls. His victims were also of various ages. Arrest and plea bargain Olson, who had an extensive criminal history,[4] was arrested on August 12, 1981 on suspicion of attempts to abduct two girls.[2] By August 25, Olson had been charged with the murder of Judy Kozma.[3] He reached a controversial deal with authorities, agreeing to confess to the 11 murders and show police where the bodies of those not recovered were buried, in return for which he wanted $10,000 paid to his wife for each victim. His wife received $100,000 after Olson cooperated with police.[4] In January 1982, Olson pleaded guilty to 11 counts of murder and was given 11 concurrent life sentences to be served in Canada's super-maximum security Special Handling Unit in Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines, Quebec, which houses many of the country's most dangerous criminals.[1] Olson is a dangerous offender, meaning he is very unlikely to ever be released from prison.


References 1. Parole hearing being planned for Clifford Olson June 21, 2006. Accessed September 2, 2007. 2. Section source. Kerr, Jan Bouchard. Clifford Olson: The Case of the Missing Lower Mainland Children Court TV. Accessed September 2, 2007. 3. "Probe of 3 slayings continues, police say". The Globe and Mail. The Canadian Press (Toronto). August 25, 1981. 4. Clifford Olson The Beast of British Columbia CBC Canada. July 19, 2006. Accessed September 2, 2007.


Chapter 18 Those that blab about the RCMP threatened! One thing is for sure, anyone that criticizes them is in for big trouble. For example, a top RCMP officer has issued a thinly veiled threat to strip funding from Simon Fraser University if its lead criminologist doesnt stop criticizing the force [see Appendix 42, cited below].1 In an e-mail obtained by the Victoria Times Colonist, RCMP Deputy Commissioner Gary Bass chastises Robert Gordon, director of Simon Fraser Universitys criminology department, for his comments in the media that RCMP arrogance stalled the investigation into serial killer Robert Pickton.2 I would like to suggest that you should be much more careful in speaking on issues where you have no direct personal knowledge or where you may not be getting accurate information fed to you, Bass wrote in the lengthy e-mail, sent Aug. 22, two days after Vancouver police deputy chief Doug Le-Pard released his report on the bungled missing-women investigation, which placed significant blame on the Mounties shoulders.3 RCMP Deputy Commissioner Gary Bass went on to question the RCMPs role as a key donor for SFUs Institute for Canadian Urban Research Studies, which is housed in the School of Criminology.4 The ongoing bias you display against the RCMP in articles such as this have caused many to ask why we would want to continue to be in that partnership given this apparent lack of support from the head of the department, RCMP Deputy Commissioner Gary Bass wrote.5 This is a thinly veiled threat about the funding, Gordon said, adding that he finds it appalling a top Mountie would try to silence one of the forces critics. Its stirring up trouble for the person who has the audacity to stand up and criticize what they are doing.6 University of Victoria ethics professor Eike-Henner Kluge agreed, calling Basss statements inappropriate and unethical.7 I would certainly construe it as intimidating and a threat to withdraw funding, he said. The RCMP should have realized they are not funding a public-relations firm. You cannot fund academic positions with strings attached.8 117

The e-mail by RCMP Deputy Commissioner Gary Bass was copied to about 25 other people, including top RCMP brass, municipal police chiefs and the president of SFU.9 Gordon, a tenured professor and former police officer, said he has a duty to speak out for police reform in B.C. He has long said the Mounties should get out of provincial and municipal policing to better focus on national security.10 Gordon also noted hes not the only one raising concerns about the RCMP, pointing to recent reports by former Supreme Court justice John Major during the Air India Inquiry and retired justice Thomas Braidwood after the Tasering death of Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski.11 This organization is not capable of reflecting on their shortcomings and dealing with them, and thats a problem for Canadians and particularly B.C., Gordon said.12 Footnotes 1 - 12. RCMP boss piqued by Pickton criticism, warns SFU criminologist to watch his words: Deputy commissioner questions whether Mounties should continue to fund SFU research after criminology professor spoke out about police handling of case against serial killer By Katie DeRosa, Postmedia News September 3, 2010 criticism+warns+criminologist+watch+words/3480789/story.html


Appendix 42 RCMP boss warns SFU criminologist to watch his words RCMP boss piqued by Pickton criticism, warns SFU criminologist to watch his words Deputy commissioner questions whether Mounties should continue to fund SFU researchafter criminology professor spoke out about police handling of case against serial killer By Katie DeRosa, Postmedia News, The Victoria Times Colonist, September 3, 2010 A top RCMP officer has issued a thinly veiled threat to strip funding from Simon Fraser University if its lead criminologist doesnt stop criticizing the force. In an e-mail obtained by the Victoria Times Colonist, RCMP Deputy Commissioner Gary Bass chastises Robert Gordon, director of Simon Fraser Universitys criminology department, for his comments in the media that RCMP arrogance stalled the investigation into serial killer Robert Pickton. I would like to suggest that you should be much more careful in speaking on issues where you have no direct personal knowledge or where you may not be getting accurate information fed to you, Bass wrote in the lengthy e-mail, sent Aug. 22, two days after Vancouver police deputy chief Doug Le-Pard released his report on the bungled missing-women investigation, which placed significant blame on the Mounties shoulders. Bass went on to question the RCMPs role as a key donor for SFUs Institute for Canadian Urban Research Studies, which is housed in the School of Criminology. The ongoing bias you display against the RCMP in articles such as this have caused many to ask why we would want to continue to be in that partnership given this apparent lack of support from the head of the department, Bass wrote. The RCMP funds two research chair positions at the institute, at a cost of $4 million over the last five years. It recently renewed the $4-million contribution for the next five years. This is a thinly veiled threat about the funding, Gordon said, adding that he finds it appalling a top Mountie would try to silence one of the forces


critics. Its stirring up trouble for the person who has the audacity to stand up and criticize what they are doing. University of Victoria ethics professor Eike-Henner Kluge agreed, calling Basss statements inappropriate and unethical. I would certainly construe it as intimidating and a threat to withdraw funding, he said. The RCMP should have realized they are not funding a public-relations firm. You cannot fund academic positions with strings attached. The e-mail was copied to about 25 other people, including top RCMP brass, municipal police chiefs and the president of SFU. In it, Bass told Gordon he would have preferred not to share the dialogue with dozens of other people but given the fact that your comments are public, I do need to copy some of our key partners. In an interview on Friday, Bass said the comment was in no way intended as a threat to pull financial support for the institute. He said he was citing one example of the many positive partnerships the RCMP has throughout B.C. It was a comment I made based on concerns that had been addressed to me, Bass said. We have no intention of pulling away from that contract. We have a great relationship with SFU. Bass also denied trying to silence Gordon. Theres no intention to muzzle him, Bass said, although he added he wishes Gordon would contact the RCMP before making inaccurate statements to the media. Despite Gordons concerns, Paul Brantingham, associate director of the SFU research institute, said he didnt have a problem with Basss e-mail. The institute has explicit protocols that keep research independent and free from donor influence, Brantingham said. In this case, he said, the RCMP supplies data and crime statistics to the researchers, who then pursue the issues of interest to them. Gordon, a tenured professor and former police officer, said he has a duty to speak out for police reform in B.C. He has long said the Mounties should get out of provincial and municipal policing to better focus on national security.


He argued hes not the only one raising concerns about the RCMP, pointing to recent reports by former Supreme Court justice John Major during the Air India Inquiry and retired justice Thomas Braidwood after the Tasering death of Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski. This organization is not capable of reflecting on their shortcomings and dealing with them, and thats a problem for Canadians and particularly B.C., Gordon said. Am I alone in saying that? No.


Chapter 19 Stay quiet, don't say a word or the RCMP will get you? As mentioned, Sgt. Ron Lewis was the most vocal RCMP representative throughout the hearings. He's the one who accused RCMP commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli of "lying" and "orchestrating a cover-up."1 Now, four years later, Lewis quips that the whole thing has badly cut into his golf game. That sense of humor and detachment, the others say, made him the perfect one to keep pressing the case to Zaccardelli.2 Lewis, a former undercover drug officer who spent years in small Newfoundland detachments and who knows the art of prosecutions, meticulously laid a paper trail of notes of conversations with senior managers, emails, responses, and reports.3 He pushed for criminal investigations, audits, and action. When action didn't seem likely, he went to MPs and the media. Today, he still says there was a cover-up, not "mistakes in judgment" on Zaccardelli's part, as Brown said.4 As additionally mentioned, following the previous day's incendiary allegations of fraud, theft and corruption within the most senior ranks of the RCMP, Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day announced Thursday that he would be appointing an independent investigator to determine once and for all what actually happened.5 According to Sgt. Ron Lewis, former public safety minister Anne McLellan and former Treasury Board president Reg Alcock were informed of concerns over a cover-up that allegedly involved senior officials - including former RCMP Commissioner Giuliiano Zaccardelli in February 2004, but did nothing.6 Lewis says he provided the ministers with a 60-page document that gave "the whole story, basically." That, he says, includes "the inaction, the lies, the obstruction, the delays and the actual allegations of what they were, how much money's involved." He says that he asked the ministers to pass the information on to the Auditor General - who ultimately concluded that the matter lay outside the scope of her audit. - but that there "was no response from them."7 On Wednesday, RCMP officers testified before the committee that there was a cover-up in the abuse of the police force's pension fund. They said senior members of the force - including then-commissioner Giuliano 122

Zaccardelli - tried to stall an investigation into the matter after the allegations first arose.8 "I was met with inaction, delays, roadblocks, obstruction and lies," retired staff sergeant Ron Lewis told the committee. "[The] person who orchestrated most of this cover-up was commissioner Zaccardelli."9 This week's developments cast further doubts on the RCMP as a whole. Commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli, who presided over the pension fund investigation, resigned in December after months of withering criticism over the Mounties' involvement in Maher Arar's deportation to Syria particularly over his conflicting testimony to a Commons committee. On Wednesday, several other officers backed Lewis' claims about the misuse of the pension funds.10 RCMP Chief Supt. Fraser MacAulay added: "For the past few years, the RCMP has had a small group of managers who, through their actions and inactions, are responsible for serious breeches in our core values, the RCMP code of conduct and even the Criminal Code."11 The officers alleged that Zaccardelli and others blocked investigations and removed some who were asking uncomfortable questions. In blaming the leadership, Lewis said, "A culture was created by several senior executives where it was a danger for employees to report wrongdoings."12 Williams made the following observation to CTV News: "The orders from the top seem to be, 'Stay quiet, don't say a word, we're the RCMP, we have to be clean or look like we're clean' -- and they're not clean".13 Incredibly, he said, when questioned in the House of Commons about the matter, McLellan replied that there was "no reason" to investigate the RCMP Commissioner.14 CTV News tried to reach Zaccardelli for comment but was unsuccessful. CTV's Graham Richardson said from Ottawa that Zaccardelli will likely be called to testify in the coming days, given that his name came up repeatedly on Wednesday.15 He said deputy commissioner Barbara George has stepped down from her position as head of human resources for the RCMP on Wednesday but will move to another job. "All members of that committee seemed very overwhelmed by what they heard. They seemed out of their depth. We're hearing they're going to call for a public inquiry," Richardson said.16 In her office's November 2006 report, Auditor General Sheila Fraser wrote about fraud and abuse allegations in the management of the RCMP's 123

pension and insurance plans that stemmed from 2003.17 As further noted, Commissioner Zaccardelli is advised of the problem in June, 2003 based on irregularities discovered by Denise Revine in early 2003, Ms. Revine was charged with responsibility for the A-Base Review. In the course of her work, she discovered a number of issues that caused her concern. She felt that monies belonging to the pension plan were being applied to uses that were at best peripheral to the administration of the pension plan. She also observed instances of contract splitting and inappropriate hiring practices.18 What did Revine do, Ms. Revine shared her concerns with her direct supervisor, C/Supt Macaulay, in early June 2003. C/Supt Macaulay advised Ethics Advisor, A/Commr John Spice, of these emerging concerns several days later. A/Commr Spice in turn discussed the matter with other senior officers, including A/Commr Barb George. Matters were taken out of C/Supt Macaulay's hands when A/Commr George insisted that C/Supt Macaulay come forward to the Commissioner.19 The result, on June 17, 2003, C/Supt Macaulay and A/Commr George went to Commr Zaccardelli's office. C/Supt Macaulay laid out the concerns with the assistance of Ms. Revine's notes. Commr Zaccardelli insisted that C/Supt Macaulay leave the notes with him.20 As further mentioned, Commr Zaccardelli was very unhappy with C/Supt Macaulay at the conclusion of this meeting. Commr Zaccardelli has told us that this was because he believed that C/Supt Macaulay had been aware of the pension plan issues for a year and a half before he (apparently reluctantly) came forward. Commr Zaccardelli concluded that this was a serious error in judgment on C/Supt Macaulay's part and that C/Supt Macaulay should be transferred out of Headquarters as a result. C/Supt Macaulay told us that he had no knowledge of wrongdoing in the pension plan administration prior to his meeting with Ms. Revine in early June. He assured us that he did not tell (and could not have told) Commr Zaccardelli that he had had knowledge of the pension matters for a year and a half. I have heard nothing that would cause me to disbelieve C/Supt Macaulay.21 Did Commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli lie? As further noted, what is important here is how quickly Commr Zaccardelli was prepared to cut a swath through the career of an officer who was highly regarded on the basis of a single meeting with that officer. Commr Zaccardelli did no additional diligence and consulted with no other members of the Senior Executive Committee (SEC). He did not even discuss his decision with C/Supt Macaulay before he gave the transfer 124

order. C/Supt Macaulay's transfer to the Department of National Defense (DND) was a punishment transfer and very unfair to him. The unfairness of this transfer sent a message throughout the organization that one brings bad news to the Commissioner at one's peril.22 What a Government, apparently serving with the Canadian Armed Forces [the Department of National Defense] is a punishment.23 Similarly, C/Supt Macaulay was unhappy about being banished to DND and even unhappier about what he saw as woefully inadequate management responses to the concerns he had brought forward to Commr Zaccardelli.24 Again, it must be asked: why do provinces put up with this police force, it would be less disastrous and more economically feasible to have their own provincial police forces -- more control? Footnotes 1 - 4. High cost of whistle blowing: Five RCMP employees exposed a scandal at the top. Now they reflect on the price they paid Tonda MacCharles, Ottawa Bureau, Published On Sat Jun 30 2007 5 - 10. RCMP scandal deepens: Officers allege highest levels of force involved in cover-up of pension fraud Kady O'Malley and Chris Selley, Mar 29, 2007 1523_3204 Also see about Anne McLellan cited on the web: Liberal Deputy Prime Minister Anne McLellan was quick - too quick - to reject an inquiry. She said, within minutes of the judgment, there was nothing new to be learned and little the trial hadn't covered - a sweeping conclusion for someone yet to read the ruling. Backtracking later, she offered a lame compromise: she'd meet with the families, along with representatives of CSIS and the RCMP, to explain all that has changed in the past 20 years. That strategy would have saved any number of governments and bureaucrats from a world of hurt. The people of Walkerton, Ont., could have chatted over tea about how their water system was now right as rain. And Paul Martin could have avoided the grief of the Gomery inquiry with a televised fireside chat about how the Quebec sponsorship scandal was the mistake of a past government. Lesson learned. No hard feelings. There were perfectly reasonable excuses for not investigating the circumstances of the worst terrorist attack in Canadian history: the need 125

not to interfere with the police investigation, the need to wait until lawsuits were settled, the need to let the court finish its deliberations. Similar circumstances applied in the U.S. after the 9/11 attacks, but an independent commission has already investigated the disaster and its report is a national bestseller. In Canada, the families don't buy that it's too late for an inquiry. "Enough of the stalling job," says Sam Madon's widow, Perviz, "just give it to us, for God's sake." Reference to: Air India Trial Ends in Acquittal: Government Inaction ams%3DM1ARTM0012744+anne+mclellan+disgraced&cd=4&hl=en&ct =clnk&gl=ca See also about Reg Alcock cited on the web: He became involved in a minor controversy in May 2005, after Manitoba Conservative MP Inky Mark alleged that the Liberal government had tried to bribe him a patronage appointment. Alcock categorically denied that any such offer was made, and joked that his party would likely go "a little higher up in the gene pool" if it had such intentions. Mark initially dismissed the insult, but later held a press conference to denounce it as racist, interpreting the "gene pool" comment as referring to the fact that he is Chinese-Canadian. Alcock responded by saying, "I did make the comment and he has chosen to interpret it as a racial or an ethnic slur. I wrote him a letter apologizing for that. There was no implication of that sort". The National Post newspaper ran an editorial stating that Alcock was "clearly casting aspersions on Mr. Mark's intelligence -- not his ethnic background".] The controversy soon disappeared. Reference to: Also about Reg Alcock cited on the web: We can play the race card, too Reg Alcock has issued a grudging apology for his "gene pool" insult about Chinese-Canadian Conservative MP Inky Mark: Treasury Board President Reg Alcock has apologized to a Conservative MP who accused him of racism for saying the Liberals would look "a little higher up the gene pool" if they wanted to recruit a new ambassador from opposition ranks. Alcock denied his comment was racist, however, and rejected Inky Mark's call for his resignation. "I am writing to apologize for the 'gene pool' comment," wrote Alcock in the three-sentence letter he sent Thursday to Mark, an MP from Manitoba who was born in China.


"I was offended by your public slurs of myself during the preceding two days and reacted in an aside during a conversation on the issue. Nonetheless, two wrongs don't make a right and I want you to know that I regret the comment and apologize for it." If this incident had involved a white Conservative making a similar remark about a Chinese-Canadian Liberal, they'd probably have a Royal Commission or something called by now, so I can't really blame the Tories for trying to take advantage of this. Sadly, that's the way politics works in this country. But it's telling that Mark needed to think about it for a while before deciding the insult was racially offensive: When reporters asked him for his response Wednesday, Mark dismissed Alcock's comment as a schoolyard taunt. But the MP for Dauphin-Swan River had a change of heart overnight. He held a news conference Thursday morning, backed by more than a dozen other Conservatives, to call Alcock a racist. "It demonstrates racial intolerance," Mark said of the "gene pool" comment. "It's about genetics. That's what the Second World War was about." Reference to: +Alcock+bribe&cd=34&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca 11 - 13. Committee hears stunning allegations about RCMP News Staff, March 2007 With a report from CTV's Graham Richardson in Ottawa Date: Wed. Mar. 28 2007 11:04 PM ET 328/?s_name=&no_ads= 14. RCMP scandal deepens: Officers allege highest levels of force involved in cover-up of pension fraud Kady O'Malley and Chris Selley, Mar 29, 2007 1523_3204 15 - 17. Committee hears stunning allegations about RCMP News Staff, March 2007 With a report from CTV's Graham Richardson in Ottawa Date: Wed. Mar. 28 2007 11:04 PM ET 328/?s_name=&no_ads=


18 - 22. The facts behind the controversy Date Modified: 2008-03-13 23. In fact the current author is working on a book about the Canadian Military, entitled The case of the clown sized boots for young female army recruit in an effort to get rid of her because she suffered from plantar fasciitis, The Case of the "Clown Sized" Boots: Plantar fasciitis discrimination is "frivolous" according to this human rights department? 24. The facts behind the controversy Date Modified: 2008-03-13


Chapter 20 Successfully sue the Royal Canadian Mounted Police over their lies, and they will harass you and your family forever! Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, what are you going to do about the 40 year old RCMP lies published by Squamish in 1976 and again in 2013? Bob Paulson, RCMP Commissioner RCMP National Headquarters Headquarters Building 73 Leikin Drive Ottawa ON K1A 0R2 613-993-7267 Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada Constituency Office 1600 - 90th Avenue SW, Suite A-203 Calgary, Alberta T2V 5A8 Telephone: 403-253-7990 Fax: 403-253-8203 Lisa Lapointe, Chief Coroner Chief Coroner's Office Metrotower II Suite 800 - 4720 Kingsway Burnaby, B.C. V5H 4N2 Phone: 604 660-7745 Facsimile: 604 660-7766 RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson and Prime Minister Stephen Harper and British Columbia Chief Coroner Lisa Lapointe Squamish has uploaded 40 year old RCMP lies what are you going to do about it? What kind of graduates does the University of Alberta have? Darby Love and Sanfu Chen both happen to be graduates of the library studies program at the University of Alberta. Why would a University of Alberta graduate travel all the way to Squamish British Columbia, Canada? A distance of 1,223 km? 129

Why would a University of Alberta graduate travel all the way to Squamish British Columbia, Canada to upload one article from a non-existent newspaper to the internet? The company that owned the paper doesn't exist anymore so while the library has verbal permission to use the archives of the Squamish Times there is no formal document making it clear so an application is in front of the copyright board seeking formal acknowledgement that the library can publish the newspaper archive online, says Sanfu Chen. What was Sanfu Chens purpose? The author reveals the mystery! Squamish, British Columbia, Canada The home of Liars! These people published their 40 year old lies anyway at the insistence of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson!! Squamish Public Librarian Sanfu Chen & Darby Love! The Squamish Chief newspaper Laila Michell, David Burke, Rebecca Aldous?


Terry Mallenby successfully sued RCMP!


Terry Mallenby successfully sued RCMP!


Terry Mallenby successfully sued RCMP!


Terry Mallenby was diagnosed with a multitude of Disorders The little guy was diagnosed with a multitude of disorders as a consequence of RCMP and Federal Government illegal acts, harassment and other abuse. Authors note: Anyone who has to identify a loved-one in the morgue can appreciate the horror, grief, anger one experiences?


Terry Mallenby was diagnosed with a multitude of Disorders Authors note: Anyone who has to identify a loved-one in the morgue can appreciate the horror, grief, anger one experiences?


Terry Mallenby was diagnosed with a multitude of Disorders


Chapter 21 Yet Sanfu Chen insists as her first piece on the internet!! Yet Sanfu Chen insists as her first piece on the internet to put: Husband reluctant witness .at Mallenby inquest - And why would she choose this article about Terry Mallenby as the first item she puts out on the internet?? So who is Sanfu Chen? Here she is here:

Historical Squamish photos and documents go online Project awaiting word on next round of funding to carry on by John French As cited, getting the materials published online is librarian Sanfu Chen's task. She started full-time with the library in Squamish in June armed with a Library and Information studies degree along with undergraduate studies in art history. Hmmm!


Sanfu Chen starts in June and shortly thereafter she puts out on the internet this article about Terry Mallenby a supposed unwilling witness?? Husband reluctant witness .at Mallenby inquest - Who would want this out there so fast why the RCMP thats who!! RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson!!! After all there are a lot of books out there about RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson!!! Just look all the books on by Wallice Bellair!!! What else do we know about Sanfu Chen? Well she was at or still is at the University of Alberta!! Darby Love and Sanfu Chen both happen to be graduates of the library studies program at the University of Alberta. Hmmm!! Where does the Prime Minister come from?? Ah, Alberta!! Surely Prime Minister Stephen Harper would want to do his fair share to help the RCMP out why not have two people from the University of Alberta pretend they are doing an internet project, and guess what the first article they put out on the internet is some bogus shit about Terry Mallenby!! After all there are a lot of books out there about Prime Minister Stephen Harper!!! Just look all the books on by Wallice Bellair!!! DOES THAT MAKE SENSE NOW?? Why else would a person from the University of Alberta come to a small town in British Columbia?? Hmmm! Seems rather strange dont you think??


Graduate student Sanfu Chen shifts through the Squamish Librarys archives Photo by Rebecca Aldous/The Chief H/eagle-8216-barometer-reaches-just-655 And to show the haste of the RCMP to get this crap out about Terry Mallenby - Sanfu Chen doesnt even have permission yet: The company that owned the paper doesn't exist anymore so while the library has verbal permission to use the archives of the Squamish Times there is no formal document making it clear so an application is in front of the copyright board seeking formal acknowledgement that the library can publish the newspaper archive online, says Chen. Ethical?? Who cares she apparently is at the beck-and-call of the RCMP, RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper??

Husband NOT reluctant witness at Mallenby inquest! That was more lies by the RCMP!! Squamish Times, Mallenby inquest: The husband was NOT reluctant witness


Chapter 22 Hey Lisa Lapointe, Chief Coroner, what are you going to do about these 40 year old RCMP lies uploaded by Darby Love and Sanfu Chen? Hey Lisa Lapointe, Chief Coroner, what are you going to do about these 40 year old RCMP lies uploaded by Darby Love and Sanfu Chen? Lisa Lapointe, Chief Coroner Chief Coroner's Office Metrotower II Suite 800 - 4720 Kingsway Burnaby, B.C. V5H 4N2 Phone: 604 660-7745 Facsimile: 604 660-7766 E-mail: British Columbia Chief Coroner Squamish has uploaded 40 year old lies what are you going to do about it?

Or, are you just another useless British Columbia politician? Some people think your department is crap? Are they right? cc. Mr. Vincent Stancato, Regional Coroner Metrotower II Suite 800 - 4720 Kingsway 140

Burnaby, BC V5H 4N2 Phone: 604 775-1051 Facsimile: 604 775-1049 What kind of graduates does the University of Alberta have? Darby Love and Sanfu Chen both happen to be graduates of the library studies program at the University of Alberta. Why would a University of Alberta graduate travel all the way to Squamish British Columbia, Canada? A distance of 1,223 km?

Why would a University of Alberta graduate travel all the way to Squamish British Columbia, Canada to upload one article from a non-existent newspaper to the internet? The company that owned the paper doesn't exist anymore so while the library has verbal permission to use the archives of the Squamish Times there is no formal document making it clear so an application is in front of the copyright board seeking formal acknowledgement that the library can publish the newspaper archive online, says Sanfu Chen. What was Sanfu Chens purpose? 141

MORE RCMP HARASSMENT!! PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!! Squamish, British Columbia, Canada The home of Liars! These people published their 40 year old lies anyway at the insistence of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson!! Squamish Public Librarian Sanfu Chen & Darby Love! The Squamish Chief newspaper Laila Michell, David Burke, Rebecca Aldous?


Chapter 23 As can be seen below, the author has the original Coroner Inquest report sent to him by the Coroners office of British Columbia Canada!!


Authors Note: The letters and numbers [P3ai] at the bottom of the above noted letter refers to the evidence Terry Mallenby submitted to the Federal Court of Canada when he SUCCESSFULLY SUED the Royal Canadian Mounted Police!! The RCMP didnt like this and has harassed Terry Mallenby, his wife and children since that time!!! And now they have another RCMP stooge to do that none other than Sanfu Chen?? And they did that when they knew Terry Mallenbys lawyer was out of town??


Again, the author has to put the facts straight!!! The verdict in this Coroners Inquest by persons or persons unknown:



Chapter 24 So what have the RCMP done, they have gotten another stooge [Sanfu Chen] to put some more bull-shit about Terry Mallenby this time that he was an unwilling witness which is what the RCMP [through the Crown] told the Coroner!!!


Yet Sanfu Chen insists as her first piece on the internet to put: Husband reluctant witness .at Mallenby inquest - And why would she choose this article about the author as the first item she puts out on the internet?? EXCEPT MORE RCMP HARASSMENT!!


Chapter 25 If you squeeze a rat hard enough It will squeal - And that includes Canadian Senator Larry Campbell, former RCMP officer who confirms he doesnt give a shite about Coroner Inquest results??

When Canadian Senator Larry Campbell, former RCMP officer, was sent a copy of this book his true nature was exposed!!! WHAT DID CANADIAN SENATOR LARRY CAMPBELL HAVE TO SAY: On 2013-07-02, at 3:11 AM, < Campbell, Larry W <> >> wrote: Yawn Squamish again Larry Campbell


YES JACK ASS LARRY CAMPBELL SQUAMISH AGAIN!!! AND WHO IS THIS SHITE LARRY CAMPBELL NONE OTHER THAN AN RCMP OFFICER!!! Born and raised in Brantford, Ontario, Campbell became a steelworker in Hamilton in the 1960s. In his first career move, he joined the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and was transferred to Vancouver in 1969, later joining the RCMP drug squad in 1973. With more than twelve years experience with the RCMP, Campbell transitioned into death investigation, establishing Vancouvers first District Coroners Office in 1981 and becoming the Chief Coroner for British Columbia in 1996. In this capacity, he became the inspiration behind the popular CBC drama Da Vincis Inquest, as well as its spin-off, Da Vincis City Hall. Larry Campbell was intimately involved with the television programs, writing and collaborating on scripts for the series. In August 2005, Campbell was summoned to the Senate of Canada by Prime Minister Paul Martin. As a Senator, Campbell has continued his work on drug policy, mental health, and aboriginal issues. He holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from City University in Vancouver. AND HE GETS HIS DEGREE FROM A PRIVATE UNIVERSITY??? City University City University, in Vancouver, British Columbia, is a private, nonprofit institution of higher education founded more than 25 years ago. The university's mission is to provide educational opportunities worldwide, primarily to people not being fully served. 150



RCMP Staff Sgt. Ross Spenard thought he covered his tracks by shredding documents Incredibly, in another high profile case, another senior RCMP officer lied again and again. The so-called RCMP expert witness, classed an expert witness on bloodpattern analyses, was accused of perjury and exposed in B.C. Supreme Court as the author of a flawed forensic report that got basic biology wrong.1 Who was this RCMP Officer? Staff Sgt. Ross Spenards credibility was shredded during the recent second-degree murder trial of Charlie Rae Lincoln, an aboriginal woman convicted of stabbing to death her own two-year-old. He acknowledged misleading the court and failing to send a letter to the Crown in the case revealing the concerns about the report and his errors.2 RCMP Spenard thought he covered his tracks by shredding documents. He was wrong. As noted, armed with a copy of documents that Spenard thought were destroyed, defense lawyer Matthew Nathanson forced him to make a series of devastating admissions.3 The document was riddled with so many DNA misinterpretations and errors that the top experts in the field were flown in from Edmonton and Halifax to correct it. Some conclusions were not scientifically sound, they said.4 You were not being truthful, right? the lawyer said, confronting the Mountie with a transcript of his earlier testimony.5 Yes, I agree Spenard admitted.6 As emphasized, the performance was as bad as any at the Braidwood inquiry into the death of Robert Dziekanski, which has also featured RCMP officers seemingly uncomfortable with the truth.7 You will recall the Staff Sgt. Spenard gave some evidence of blood found in... [a] house at different places, the justice said before sending the jurors to deliberate. You have heard the Crown totally ignore his evidence, and I suggest to you that you do ignore his evidence completely.8


Staff. Sgt. Spenard is the perfect example of a person who clearly lied under oath, and violated his oath to tell the truth, and he even agreed to this. That conclusion is so clear and convincing, and so serious, that I suggest you should consider his evidence to be completely tainted, and without any value whatsoever.9 As further cited in Retired B.C. Mountie charged with perjury, a retired RCMP officer has been charged with one count of perjury for his testimony at the 2009 trial of a B.C. woman convicted of killing her own child.10 What a scum bucket? Only one charge? Pretty lenient, wouldnt you say? Former staff sergeant Ross Spenard, a 32-year veteran of the RCMP, is accused of lying while testifying in B.C. Supreme Court in May 2009. He was testifying as an expert witness in bloodstain pattern analysis during the second-degree murder trial of Charlie Rae Lincoln.11 During cross-examination by defence council at the 2009 trial, Spenard admitted he did not tell the whole truth in his earlier testimony.12 Justice John Truscott then advised the jury to ignore Spenard's evidence.13 "Staff Sgt. Spenard is the perfect example of a person who clearly lied under oath and violated his oath to tell the truth and he even agreed to this," Trustcott said. "That conclusion is so clear and convincing, and so serious, that I suggest you should consider his evidence to be completely tainted, and without any value whatsoever."14 Is this scum bucket getting a full pension at taxpayers expense? Footnotes 1 - 9. Caught in a web of documents he thought had been destroyed: Blood-splatter expert admits to misleading court and failing to send a letter to the Crown revealing concerns about the forensic report. Ian Mulgrew, Vancouver Sun, June 29, 2009. 10 - 14. Retired B.C. Mountie charged with perjury Last Updated: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 | 1:24 PM PT CBC News 153

Chapter 26 Now, lets turn our attention to War Criminals in Canada who are the supposed war criminals - MacKay and Harper?? Well by God? Someone is saying MacKay and Harper are apparent war criminals? What what could this be all about?? References courtesy of the Fair Use Act, for research purposes, to clarify the authors point of view. As cited ver batim in PMO issued instructions on denying abuse in '07 Published on Sunday November 22, 2009 By Mitch PotterWashington Bureau WASHINGTONPrime Minister Stephen Harper's office used a "6,000-mile screwdriver" to oversee the denial of reports of Afghan detainee abuse when the scandal first erupted in 2007, according to a former senior NATO public affairs official who was then based in Kabul. The former official, speaking on condition his name not be used, told the Toronto Star that Harper's office in Ottawa "scripted and fed" the precise wording NATO officials in Kabul used to repudiate allegations of abuse "at a time when it was privately and generally acknowledged in our office that the chances of good treatment at the hands of Afghan security forces were almost zero." "It was highly unusual. I was told this was the titanic issue for Prime Minister Harper and that every single statement that went out needed to be cleared by him personally," said the former official, who is not Canadian. "The lines were, 'We have no evidence' of coercive treatment being used against detainees handed over to the Afghans. There were very clear instructions for a blanket denial. The pressure to hold to that line was channelled via Canadian military and diplomatic personnel in Kabul. But it was made clear to us that this was coming from the Prime Minister's Office, which was running the public affairs aspect of Canadian engagement in Afghanistan with a 6,000-mile screwdriver." The official described the tensions over the fate of detainees as "uniquely Canadian" despite the fact that doubts over the treatment of Afghan detainees were ubiquitous among all NATO partners with military footprints in Afghanistan.


"It was not an issue for anyone else, though other nations ought to have been as concerned as the Canadians. The Americans in particular were not remotely squeamish on this. To them, everyone was an enemy combatant." Dutch soldiers deployed in Uruzgan province north of the Canadian positions in Kandahar forestalled such concerns by "operating in a fairly Dutch way by being very, very risk-averse.'' "The Dutch were extremely nervous about the level of intensity of their military engagement in a way that the Canadians were not." Australian soldiers, by contrast, operated almost exclusively under joint Special Forces command exercised by the U.S. military activity that remains shielded by a total news blackout. "We just weren't encouraged to ask about Special Forces. They operate on a need-to-know basis and there was no need for us to know," the former official said. The former official, speaking in a telephone interview Saturday, said that throughout the ISAF Headquarters in Kabul "everyone knew that if a detainee got handed to the NDS (the National Directorate of Security, Afghanistan's intelligence service), they were not going to be in any way looked after the way they should have been. "The NDS operated under almost impenetrable secrecy. The closest relationship the NDS had with any foreign forces was with the Americans. But that ran completely outside of ISAF channels because of the exclusively American parallel operation in Afghanistan." The dynamic was especially disturbing to Canadian military officers based at ISAF in Kabul, the former official said. "One delightful Canadian officer, a colonel, who worked just down the hall, spoke privately to me about his general unease about the fact that detainees were being handed over (and) the procedures were not as robust as they should be." Many NATO officials in Kabul were also aware how seriously Canadian diplomat Richard Colvin was following the issue, he said. "Richard Colvin behaved as a straight-up-and-down person, completely honest and doing his job to the best of his abilities," the former official said. "He had to be terribly careful. He couldn't speak to us about this. But it was clear that the tone at the Canadian Embassy had changed. It became far more politicized and it was clear that Richard Colvin was struggling enormously to do his work on the question of detainees."


Colvin, whose searing testimony in Ottawa last week ignited the furor anew, may ultimately be remembered as the man who ended Canada's war in Afghanistan. With the countdown already underway toward an end to combat operations in 2011, a new round of national hand-wringing over Canada's role in the faltering effort makes renewal of the commitment far less likely. Amid the swirl of accusations who knew what, when did they know it foreign aid workers who have logged years in Afghanistan wonder at the naivet that informed good Canadian intentions from the beginning. "What did they think was going to happen when they handed over detainees?" asked one Kabul-based foreign national, who spoke on condition of anonymity, citing fear of reprisal against his organization's Afghan staff. Torture allegations have swirled around every Afghan government since the Soviet-backed regime of the 1980s. Afghan warlords who seized the country in the chaotic wake of the Soviet withdrawal used torture, as did the Taliban who replaced them. And just as the Taliban continues to use torture today British Coldstream Guards last year uncovered a Taliban torture chamber in Helmand province aid workers on the ground say the NDS does the same, operating with impunity under the enfeebled regime of Afghan President Hamid Karzai. "Torture in Afghanistan is routine. It is matter-of-fact. In Canada, you might have to blow a Breathalyzer if you are stopped by the police. Well, in Kandahar when you piss somebody off the NDS will come and get you and hook you up to their machines," a senior humanitarian aid official told the Star, speaking on condition of anonymity. "It is medieval, horrific. It is what they do to exercise power and control. And we are terrified to speak about it openly because it leaves our Afghan staff completely exposed and vulnerable to reprisals. To pretend otherwise is a fantasy narrative. "What disturbs me most this story is all about Canada and Canada's moral authority on the international stage and about which minister will have to resign. And sooner or later Canada will leave and it's over. "I would just remind people that for Afghans it is not over. And for the Afghans who have worked closely with the Canadians up to this point, what do you think is going to happen to them when you're gone?"


Chapter 27 Now, lets turn our attention to War Criminals in Canada whats this someone is saying MacKay and Harper are apparent war criminals?? Well by God? Someone is saying MacKay and Harper are apparent war criminals? What what could this be all about?? References courtesy of the Fair Use Act, for research purposes, to clarify the authors point of view. As cited ver batim in World News: Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay Could be Charged with War Crimes Sunday, February 13, 2011 While the pundits cackle over the Afghan documents that we had to fight so hard to have made public, the International Criminal Court has a different mandate. They are now investigating Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay for violations of the Geneva Convention. Stephen Harper has been trying to distance himself from the ICC, snubbing his nose at the convention, but there are some things that go beyond his supreme rule. The ICCs chief prosecutor, Luis Moreno Ocampo, is conducting a preliminary examination into human rights abuses committed in Afghanistan by Taliban and ISAF forces alike. And while the ICC has focused in recent years on prosecuting African despots, Mr. Ocampo said he will not back down from prosecuting Western governments that are not holding their officials accountable for their actions. I prosecute whoever is in my jurisdiction. I cannot allow that we are a court just for the Third World. If the First World commits crimes, they have to investigate. If they dont, I shall investigate, Mr. Ocampo said. Thats the rule and we have one rule for everyone. According to the ICC, Canadian officials (mainly Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay) may be in breach of the Geneva Convention and have launched an official war crimes investigation. Now personally I don't care if these two do end up in prison, but it's just that they are taking Canada down with them. War Crimes? Canada? And if that isn't enough of a black eye, we also learn that the Harper government has hired goons fighting in Afghanistan, that are deemed too brutal for even the United States. 157

Canada spent more than $41-million on hired guns in Afghanistan over four years, much of it going to security companies slammed by the U.S. Senate for having warlords on the payroll. Both the Defence and Foreign Affairs departments have employed 11 security contractors in Kabul and Kandahar since 2006, but have kept quiet about the details. The records show Foreign Affairs paid nearly $8-million to ArmorGroup Securities Ltd., recently cited in a U.S. Senate investigation as relying on Afghan warlords who in 2007 were engaged in murder, kidnapping, bribery and antiCoalition activities. What has he done to us?


Chapter 28 Now, lets turn our attention to War Criminals in Canada MacKay and Harper are apparent war criminals whats this all about?? Well by God? Someone is saying MacKay and Harper are apparent war criminals? What what could this be all about?? References courtesy of the Fair Use Act, for research purposes, to clarify the authors point of view. As cited ver batim in Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Canadian War Crimes in Afghanistan By Michael Keefer Global Research, April 24, 2011 Torture has been a grim component of nearly every aspect of the current war in Afghanistan. Setting aside the behaviour of the Taliban regime and their Afghan opponents, the warlords of the Northern Alliance, which included grievous violations of human rights, US forces were involved in torture from almost the moment of their arrival in Afghanistan in late 2001. In the years after 2001, the US government attempted to justify its invasion and occupation of Afghanistan through narratives of the 9/11 terrorist attacks that were based almost entirely on confessions elicited by torture from actual or suspected associates of Osama bin Laden. And torture has been an integral part of the counterinsurgency tactics employed by the US, its NATO allies, and the Karzai regime. These tacticsinvolving infantry sweeps through communities in whose vicinity resistance has been encountered, more or less indiscriminate arrests, and the handing over of prisoners to the Afghan police or to the National Directorate of Security, whose intelligence (based on torture) then serves as a guide to further arrestshave victimized large numbers of civilians, most of them people with no connection to the Afghan resistance. Canada, as a practitioner of these tactics, has been implicated for at least the past six years in a detainee-torture scandal, one of whose consequences has been very serious damage to Canadas international reputation. There is evidence that this scandal reaches to the very highest levels of the Canadian government. 1. Illegality of the Afghanistan War 159

Growing numbers of people are skeptical about the justifications offered by the United States for the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. Nearly all of the evidence in the key chapters of the 9/11 Commission Report which assign responsibility for the 9/11 terrorist attacks is derived from torturewhich means that these chapters have the epistemic value of pure fiction. (One of the major sources, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, was waterboarded 183 times by the CIA; his confessions were confirmed by the interrogations of Abu Zubaydah, who was waterboarded 83 times. The 9/11 Commissions requests to interview these highvalue prisoners, or even just their CIA interrogators, were denied; and in 2005, in defiance of court orders, the CIA destroyed its videotapes of the interrogations.)[1] The invasion of Afghanistan appears to have been primarily motivated by the energy geopolitics of a new Great Game. When the Taliban came to power in 1996, there were negotiations for a Unocal pipeline from the Caspian Basin gas fields across Afghanistan into Pakistan and thence to the Indian Ocean. But after Osama bin Ladens 1998 bombings of US embassies in East Africa and retaliatory Tomahawk strikes into Afghanistan, these talks collapsed. There is evidence that in the summer of 2001months before the 9/11 attacksAmerican diplomats threatened the Taliban that continued obstruction of the pipeline plan would result in a bombing campaign, and their overthrow, by October of that year.[2] US and Canadian government officials have scoffed at the notion that energy geopolitics had anything to do with the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. But in June 2008 the distinguished petroleum economist John Foster, who has worked for British Petroleum, the World Bank, Petro-Canada, and the InterAmerican Development Bank, published a monograph on the subject of plans for a $7.6-billion Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) natural gas pipeline that was going to be built, at American insistence, in 2010and the Canadian government acknowledged that Canadian forces would indeed be assigned to protect the pipeline, whose route lies through Kandahar province, where most of our casualties have been suffered.[3] However, it was for different reasons that on October 9, 2001, two days after the bombing of Afghanistan began, Michael Mandel, of Torontos Osgoode Hall Law School, declared the attack illegal. In his words, it violate[d] international law and the express words of the United Nations Charter, whose Article 51 only gives a state the right to repel an attack that is ongoing or imminent as a temporary measure until the UN Security Council can take steps necessary for international peace and security.[4] Since the attack was not ongoing,[5] and since neither of the UN Security Council resolutions condemning the September 11 attacks can remotely be said to authorize the use of military force, Mandel declared that those who die from the attack on Afghanistan will be victims of a crime against humanity, just like the victims of the Sept. 11 attacks.[6] In 160

November 2001, Thomas Jefferson School of Law professor Marjorie Cohn made similar arguments, adding that the bombing was not legitimate self-defence because the atrocities of 9/11 were criminal attacks, not armed attacks by another state.[7] Subsequently expounded by Mandel and by Cohn at greater length, and supplemented by further considerations, including the fact that in September and October 2001 the Taliban regime offered to give Bin Laden up for trial in a third country,[8] these views are shared by other leading specialists in international law, among them Francis Boyle, Alex Conte, and Myra Williamson.[9] 2. The Canadian Torture Scandal Illegalities of a more concrete nature have come to haunt Canadas participation in the war in Afghanistan. In December 2001, a cover of legality was given to the formation of an occupation army, or International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), by the UN Security Councils acceptance of the claim that this force was established at the request of the Government of Afghanistan[10]which at the time consisted of Hamid Karzai, protected by a guard of US SEAL and British SBS special forces soldiers, and a loose coalition of US-financed Northern Alliance warlords. But it was the question of how to dispose of Afghans captured by Canadian troops, whether in combat conditions or merely under suspicion, that developed into a specifically Canadian scandal. In January 2002, there were questions in Parliament over the revelation that members of the Joint Task Force 2 unit, after taking part in the fighting in the Tora Bora mountains, had transferred prisoners into US custody.[11] The horrors of Abu Graib in Iraq became public knowledge at the end of April 2004; shortly afterward, it was revealed that prisoners held by the US in Afghanistan were also systematically tortured, and in at least five cases had died from their treatment. In June 2004, a Human Rights Watch spokesman declared that in US prisons in Afghanistan The entire system operates outside the rule of law. At least in Iraq, the US is trying to run a system that meets Geneva standards. In Afghanistan, theyre not.[12] With the option of Canadian-run POW camps ruled out from the start, and with further transfers into US prisons becoming politically impossible, the Canadian Forces passed captives on to Afghan authorities, amid unlikely claims that statebuilding programs were taking effect. But even after acquiring a faade of legitimacy through the 2004 presidential and 2005 parliamentary elections,[13] the Karzai regime remained one to which any transfer of prisoners was a most dubious matter. By 2005, Eileen Olexiuk, the second-ranking Canadian diplomat in Kabul, was raising concerns to the Paul Martin government about the fate of transferred detainees.[14] Her messages were ignored, and a toothless memorandum of agreement regarding detainee transfers that was signed in December 2005 by General Rick Hillier, Chief of the Defence Staff, and the 161

Afghan Minister of Defence, contained no provisions for follow-up access to detainees.[15] Evidence of systematic torture continued to accumulate, and Richard Colvin, who in 2006-2007 held the diplomatic position Olexiuk had occupied, called attention to it in urgent messages which he circulated as widely as possible through all the official government and military channels available to him.[16] Article 12 of the Third Geneva Convention is categorical: Prisoners of war may only be transferred [] to a Power which is a party to the Convention and after the Detaining Power has satisfied itself of the willingness and ability of such transferee Power to apply the Convention.[17] Afghanistan has been a party to the 1949 Geneva Conventions since 1956, and in late 2009 acceded to the 1977 Additional Protocols I and II, which protect victims of international conflicts and civil wars.[18] However, Olexiuks and Colvins messages show that Canada had not satisfied itselfdespite whatever senior officials might saythat the Karzai regime would treat prisoners decently. Even without direct statements from Canadian diplomats, senior military and civilian officials could have no grounds for pretending ignorance. In December 2009, Lawyers Against the War (LAW) itemized in an Open letter to the Parliamentary Special Committee on the Canadian Mission in Afghanistan the evidence that Canadas detainee policies violated Canadian and international law.[19] By the spring of 2007, this includedin addition to legal opinions sent by LAW on February 1, 2004 and March 6, 2007 to Prime Ministers Martin and Harper and their senior ministersexpressions of concern by Amnesty International in early 2002 over detainee transfers to US forces, and in December 2005 over the widespread, longstanding reality of torture throughout the Afghan prison system;[20] the Report of the Independent Expert on the Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan, M. Cherif Bassouni, to the UN Commission on Human Rights (11 March 2005), referring to torture practices current within the Afghan security system; The London Compact of February 1, 2006, which set as a goalfor the end of 2010the Afghan states adoption of corrective measures [] aimed at preventing arbitrary arrest and detention, torture, extortion and illegal appropriation of property with a view to the elimination of these practices;[21] and the US State Departments report on Afghanistan in 2006, which noted reports by human rights organizations that Afghan authorities in Herat, Helmand and elsewhere used torture consisting of pulling out fingernails and toenails, burning with hot oil, beatings, sexual humiliation, and sodomy.[22] Ironically, it was evidence of prisoner abuse in Canadian rather than Afghan custody, obtained in early February 2007 by University of Ottawa law professor Amir Attaran and passed on to the Military Police Complaints Commission, that helped to give the issue increased public prominence.[23] A quick succession of other events brought the pot to a boil. On February 21, 2007, Amnesty International and the BC Civil Liberties Association applied for a judicial review 162

of Canadas detainee-transfer policy.[24] In March, the Minister of National Defence, Gordon OConnor, acknowledged that since April 2006 he had repeatedly misled the House of Commons by falsely claiming that the Red Cross was monitoring transferred prisoners on Canadas behalf.[25] And on April 23, 2007, The Globe and Mail published an investigative report, based on interviews with thirty Afghan prisoners whom the Canadian army had handed over to the Afghan National Directorate of Security, which showed they had been systematically tortured, with apparent Canadian complicity.[26] University of British Columbia law professor Michael Byers commented: If this report is accurate, Canadians have engaged in war crimes, not only individually but also as a matter of policy.[27] The Military Police Complaints Commission inquiry prompted by Professor Attirans complaint subpoenaed the diplomat Richard Colvin, who in late 2009, when the MPCCs proceedings had been seriously delayed by interventions from the Harper government,[28] was also called before the House of Commons Special Committee on the Canadian Mission in Afghanistan. In October 2009, shortly before he testified there, the claims of Prime Minister Harper and Defence Minister Peter MacKay that they had not been informed on the detainee issue were vigorously refuted by General Rick Hilliers memoir, A Soldier First.[29] But Colvins testimony on November 18, 2009 was more thoroughly damaging in its exposure of high-level lawlessness. He revealed that the Canadian militarys system of reporting the transfer of detainees delayed follow-up, making it all the more likely that they would be tortured (as his sources thought nearly all of them were); he claimed that in 2006-2007 senior Foreign Affairs officialsincluding David Mulroney, the Assistant Deputy Minister responsible for Afghanistan, who was also Prime Minister Harpers Foreign and Defence Policy Advisorhad censored and blocked the distribution of dispatches from Kabul; and he exposed the fact that the government had made very determined attempts to intimidate him and prevent him from giving testimony. Finally, Colvin excoriated policies under which, disregard[ing] our core principles and values, Canadians retained and handed over for severe torture a lot of innocent people, which is a very serious violation of international and Canadian law, and which also alienated us from the population and strengthened the insurgency.[30] 3. Running With the Big Dogs Complicity in torture, Colvin reminded the parliamentarians, is a war crime. By the summer of 2010, despite a disgraceful smear campaign against Colvin led by Defence Minister Peter MacKay (which prompted a public letter of rebuke signed by more than 100 former diplomats, many of them ambassadors),[31] despite Stephen Harpers shutting down of the MPCC by refusing to appoint a replacement when its chairs term of office expired, and his proroguing of the House of Commons in order to close down the parliamentary committee which had heard Colvins evidence (this prompted a public letter 163

signed by more than 175 professors of political science denouncing Harper for having violated the trust of Parliament and of the Canadian people),[32] and despite Harpers defiance of Parliaments call to have all of the relevant documents released, the full extent and depth of that complicity was evident. Highly segmented state structures may often seem to operate in an almost chaotic manner. But at timeseven when the governing party is doing its best to obscure and deny access to the evidencea clear constellation of intentionality emerges from the murk. With help from the late Jack Hooper, who was CSIS Assistant Director of Operations from 2002 to 2005, and Deputy Director of Operations until his retirement in 2007, we can give this pattern a name. Known for being pithy and outspoken, Hooper liked to tell his colleagues that If youre going to run with the big dogs, youd better learn to piss in the high grass.[33] CSIS, we now know, was involved in interrogating Afghan prisoners from early 2002 until December 2007; and journalists Jim Bronskill and Murray Brewster learned from an unnamed source or sources that one of the Kandahar interrogation sites used by CSIS, work[ing] alongside the American CIA and in close co-operation with Canadas secretive, elite JTF-2 commandos, was a secluded basethis seems a polite way of saying black site or secret torture facilityknown as Graceland.[34] Running with the big dogs apparently meant complicity in the work of Afghan as well as American torturers. Asadullah Khalid, the governor of Kandahar province, who was widely accused of corruption, drug-trafficking, and direct personal involvement in torture, seems to have retained his position after 2006 only thanks to the interventions of senior Canadian military officials.[35] General Rick Hillier, the Chief of the Defence Staff who famously defined the Taliban as scumbags and murderers whom it was the Canadian armys job to kill, praised Khalids work in early 2008 as phenomenal and associated it with some incredible changes in the province, adding that if theres an issue of any kind of impropriety whatsoever, thats an issue for the Afghanistan government.[36] It is of course an issue for the Canadian government as well. Scott Taylor, a journalist with wide experience in Afghanistan, has endorsed Hilliers view of the Taliban, but with an important corrective: What he failed to mention is that the guys were propping up are also scumbags and murderers.[37] Richard Colvins November 2009 testimony to the Parliamentary Special Committee revealed another aspect of Canadas collaboration in Afghan torturea very peculiar process, he called it, in which the notification of detainee transfers went from the Canadian military police in Kandahar to the Canadian Forces command group at Kandahar airport, then to the Canadian Expeditionary Force Command (CEFCOM) in Ottawa, who informed the Canadian Embassy in Geneva, who contacted Red Cross headquarters in Geneva, who at last notified the Red Cross mission in Kandahar. While the Dutch and British, who also had troops in southern Afghanistan, notified the Red Cross 164

office in Kandahar directly about prisoner transfers, so that within a day at most the Red Cross could monitor their treatment, this Canadian paper-chase could take weeks or even monthsduring which time the transferred prisoner became effectively invisible. What might seem an idiotic instance of bureaucracy-run-wild was actually part of a more serious wildness, a policy of deliberate obstructionism. For as Colvin also testified, When the Red Cross wanted to engage on detainee issues, for three months the Canadian Forces in Kandahar wouldnt even take their phone calls. The same thing happened to the NATO ISAF command in Kabul, who had responsibilities to report detainee numbers to Brussels, but were told, We know what you want, but we wont tell you.[38] Senior Canadian officers have indicated the value they placed on intelligence received in regular meetings with leaders of Afghans notorious National Directorate of Security[39]and it seems clear that the desk-soldiers with aspirations to join the big dogs wanted to keep other puppies from sniffing out what passes for intelligence-gathering in the tall grass. Since June 2010 we have known that CEFCOM intervened vigorously in the spring of 2007 to put a stop to Colvins circulation of information about the torture of detainees: a CEFCOM memo declared that his continued employment in Kabul [] could become a liability to the government of Canadas interests if left unchecked; and on two occasions senior officials, including a lieutenantgeneral and an associate deputy minister intervened to caution him.[40] Within days of Colvins November 2009 testimony to the effect that Prime Minister Harpers Defence and Foreign Policy Advisor had censored messages from the Kabul embassy about detainee torture, and Colvins exposure of the Canadian militarys obstruction of Red Cross and ISAF attempts to monitor prisoner transfers, a report in the Toronto Star revealed how directly the Prime Minister had involved himself in the issue in 2007. According to a former senior NATO public affairs official, the denials of torture issued by NATO in Kabulat a time when it was privately and generally acknowledged in our office that the chances of good treatment at the hands of Afghan security forces were almost zerowere scripted by Harper and his office in Ottawa: I was told this was the titanic issue for Prime Minister Harper and that every statement that went out needed to be cleared by him personally []. The lines were, We have no evidence of coercive treatment being used against detainees handed over to the Afghans. [.] [I]t was made clear to us that this was coming from the Prime Ministers Office, which was running the public affairs aspect of Canadian engagement in Afghanistan with a 6,000-mile screwdriver.[41] The pattern that emerges from mainstream news reports is thus one of high-level complicity in torture, combined with attemptsorganized from the very top of the Canadian governmentto falsify the public record. 165

According to law professor Amir Attaran, who has seen uncensored versions of the documents that the Harper government has so strenuously resisted sharing with Parliament, the paper trail is thoroughly incriminating. In March 2010 Attiran told CBC News: If these documents were released [in full], what they will show is that Canada partnered deliberately with the torturers in Afghanistan for the interrogation of detainees []. There would be a question of rendition and a question of war crimes on the part of certain Canadian officials. Thats whats in these documents, and thats why the government is covering up as hard as it can.[42] 4. Conclusion The clear pattern of intentionality revealed in the words and actions of senior Canadian government bureaucrats and senior military officers is both embarrassing (these people actually believe, despite copious evidence to the contrary, that torture produces real intelligence)[43] and also a scandalous offence against the rule of law. More scandalous still is the evidence that these people were acting on directives from Stephen Harperthat Harper knew perfectly well that the Afghan puppetstate tortures the prisoners handed over to it by the Canadian Forces, but nonetheless permitted the continuation of this system, and that he actually took charge of the program of lying about it. Michael Keefer is a graduate of the Royal Military College of Canada, the University of Toronto, and Sussex University. He is a former President of the Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English, and Professor in the University of Guelphs School of English and Theatre Studies. Notes [1] In early 2008 award-winning journalist Robert Windrem showed in an analysis for NBC News that more than one-quarter of all footnotes in the 9/11 Commission Report, and nearly all of those in the key chapters, are based on torture; see Windrem, Blogs & Stories: Cheneys Role Deepens, The Daily Beast (13 May 2009), ; and The 9/11 Commission & Torture: How Information Gained Through Waterboarding & Harsh Interrogations Form Major Part of 9/11 Commission Report, Democracy Now! (7 February 2008), See also September 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed waterboarded 183 times, The Sunday Times (20 April 2009),


e; and Complete 911 Timeline: Destruction of CIA Interrogation Tapes, History Commons, omplete_911_timeline__war_on_terrorism__outside_iraq=complete_911_timelin e_destruction_of_cia_tapes [2] Michel Chossudovsky, Americas War on Terrorism(Pincourt, Qubec: Global Research, 2005), p. 66. [3] John Foster, A Pipeline Through a Troubled Land: Afghanistan, Canada, and the New Great Energy Game (Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, June 19, 2008); see also Shawn McCarthy, Pipeline opens new front in Afghan war, The Globe and Mail (19 June 2008), 9/BNStory/Afghanistan; and McCarthy, Would help protect pipeline, Canada says, The Globe and Mail (20 June 2008), 0/BNStory/SHAWN+MCCARTHY . [4] Michael Mandel, This War is Illegal, CounterPunch (9 October 2001), . [5] Graeme MacQueen, founding director of McMaster Universitys Institute of Peace Studies, has noted that the anthrax attacks in the US, whose first victim died on October 5 (two days before the assault on Afghanistan began), created the appearance of an ongoing al Qaeda attacksupported by Iraq. Initially identified by the FBI as Iraqi in origin, the anthrax in fact came from a US weapons lab, and the coatings applied to it required high-tech expertise that the scientist later fingered by the FBI as the lone perpetrator did not possess. See MacQueen, The Connection Between 9/11, Anthrax, and Iraq (1 May 2010), available at 911, . [6] Mandel, This War is Illegal. [7] Marjorie Cohn, Bombing of Afghanistan is Illegal and Must be Stopped, Jurist (6 November 2001), . [8] See Bush rejects Taliban offer to hand Bin Laden over, The Guardian (14 October 2001),; and Andrew Buncombe, Bush rejects Taliban offer to surrender bin Laden, The Independent (15 October 2001), . 167

[9] Michael Mandel, How America Gets Away With Murder: Illegal Wars, Collateral Damage, and Crimes Against Humanity (London: Pluto Press, 2004); and Marjorie Cohn, Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law (Sausalito, CA: Podipoint Press, 2007). See also Francis Boyle, Destroying World Order: U. S Imperialism in the Middle East Before and After September 11th (Atlanta, GA: Clarity Press, 2004); Alex Conte, Security in the 21st Century: The United Nations, Afghanistan, and Iraq (Aldershot, Hants: Ashgate, 2005); and Myra Williamson, Terrorism, War and International Law: The Legality of the Use of Force Against Afghanistan in 2001 (Aldershot, Hants: Ashgate, 2009). [10] The wording is from a notable UK court decision: Paragraph 15 of Regina (Evans) vs. Secretary of State for Defence, High Court of Justice, Queens Bench Division, Divisional Court, [2010] EWHC 1445 (Admin), 25 June 2010, . [11] See Michael Byers, Afghanistan: Wrong Mission for Canada, The Tyee (6 October 2006),; the parliamentary stir is discussed by Janice Gross Stein and Eugene Lang, The Unexpected War: Canada in Kandahar (Toronto: Viking Canada, 2007). [12] Quoted by Duncan Cambell and Suzanne Goldenberg, They said this is America if a soldier orders you to take off your clothes, you must obey, The Guardian (23 June 2004),; see also David Townsend, The Passion of Dilawar of Yakubi, National Catholic Reporter (12 August 2005), . [13] According to the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC), the elections were marked by debilitating technical problems, and by widespread intimidation and electoral fraud. For relevant articles, see Press for Conversion 59 (September 2006), available at . [14] Afghan detainee torture risk raised in 2005, CBC News (10 March 2010), . [15] See Arrangement for the Transfer of Detainees between the Canadian Forces and the Ministry of Defence of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (18 December 2005), [16] See Richard Colvin, Affidavit for the Military Police Complaints Commission (5 October 2009), . 168

[17] Convention (III) relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949, Art. 12, . [18] See ICRC Annual Report 2009, Annex: States Party to the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols, pp. 488-89,, where the accession date given is 10 November 2009; and Afghanistan accedes to Additional Protocols I and II in historic step to limit wartime suffering, ICRC Resource Centre (24 June 2009), ; this would mean that the Protocols came into force after six months, on 24 December. [19] Lawyers Against the War, Torture: The Transfers of Afghan Prisoners. Letter to Canadas House of Commons, Centre for Research on Globalization (22 December 2009), . [20] These are the words of Alex Neve, Secretary General of Amnesty International Canada, quoted by LAW from his testimony on March 4, 2008 to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. [21] Building on Success, The London Conference on Afghanistan: The London Compact (1 February 2006), [22] Afghanistan, . [23] See Military probes abuse allegations in Afghanistan, CBC News (6 February 2007), In this and following paragraph I am indebted to the article Canadian Afghan detainee issue, Wikipedia, (consulted on 28 January 2011). [24] Paul Koring, Amnesty slams Canada over Afghan detainees, The Globe and Mail (21 February 2007, updated 31 March 2009), On the strength of a government decision in late February 2007 to suspend transfers, effective November 5, 2007, due to allegations of torture, Federal Court Justice Anne Mactavish dismissed the application for judicial review. (Thus between the end of February and November 5, 2007 the Canadian Forces appear to have been transferring prisoners into Afghan prisons that the Federal Court had effectively acknowledged to be in systematic violation of the Third Geneva Convention.) 169

Transfers began again on February 29, 2008. (For details, see Amnesty International and British Columbia Civil Liberties Association v. Chief of Defence Staff for the Canadian Armed Forces, et al., BC Civil Liberties Association, ) [25] OConnor sorry for misinforming House on Afghan detainees, CBC News (19 March 2007),; see also Paul Koring, Red Cross contradicts Ottawa on detainees, The Globe and Mail (8 March 2007, updated 31 March 2009), . [26] Graeme Smith, From Canadian custody into cruel hands. Savage beatings, electrocution, whipping and extreme cold: Detainees detail a litany of abuses by Afghan authorities, The Globe and Mail (23 April 2007),; also available at ory/Afghanistan . [27] Afghan Prisoner Torture Scandal: War Crimes, (23 April 2007), . [28] Janice Tibbetts, Tories try to block witnesses at military commission, Canwest News Service (1 October 2009), 5852/story.html ; [29] General Rick Hillier, A Soldier First: Bullets, Bureaucrats and the Politics of War (Toronto: HarperCollins, 2009); see John Ibbitson, PMO told about Afghan jail conditions, Hillier writes, The Globe and Mail (21 October 2009), /TPStory/TPComment . [30] Richard Colvins Testimony, 18 November 2009, FAIR, See also Colvins follow-up statement, Further Evidence of Richard Colvin to the Special Committee on Afghanistan, December 16, 2009, available at, and from the Toronto Star, . [31] Murray Dobbin, Harpers Hitlist: Power, Process and the Assault on Democracy, Part 2: Two Prorogations in Less Than a Year, The Council of Canadians (15 April 2011), .


[32] Ibid. [33] Shephard, Guantanamos Child, p. 57. [34] Jim Bronskill and Murray Brewster, CSIS reviewing role in Afghan detainee interrogations, Canadian Press, available in The Toronto Star (2 August 2010), See also Murray Brewster and Jim Bronskill, CSIS played critical role in Afghan prisoner interrogations: documents, sources, Canadian Press (8 March 2010), available at ostednews%2Fcanadianpress%2Farticle%2FALeqM5jJLuGfEH6QP3vrNSLPiA GPZNqBcw&date=2010-03-09 ; and Le SCRS tait au courant de cas de torture, La Presse Canadienne, available at (21 January 2011), . [35] See Stephanie Levitz, Brian Laghi, Campbell Clark and Paul Koring, Kandahar governor denies torture claim, The Globe and Mail (2 February 2008),; Kamran Mir Hazar and Robert Maier, Asadullah Khalids Mafia, (3 May 2009),; and Afghan governors rights abuses known in 07, CBC News (12 April 2010), . See also Further Evidence of Richard Colvin to the Special Committee on Afghanistan, December 16, 2009, pp. 13-14. [36] Quoted by Stephanie Levitz et al., Kandahar governor denies torture claim. [37] Quoted by Bea Vongdouangchanh, Were bringing the ugly truth back to the people, The Hill Times (6 December 2010), Taylor is editor of Esprit de Corps magazine, and maker of the documentary Afghanistan: Outside the Wire (2010). [38] Richard Colvins Testimony, 18 November 2009. [39] See Murray Brewster, Canadian general defends Afghan intelligence service, denies torture, Toronto Star (9 September 2010), ; Stephen Chase, Military vows to probe gravedetainee accusations, The Globe and Mail (14 April 2010, updated 15 April 2010), 171; Thomas Walkom, Walkom: Was Afghan torture a deliberate tool for Canada? Toronto Star (17 April 2010), . For evidence of the consistency of this use of Afghan torturers as intelligencegatherers with an earlier Canadian policy of using Syrian and Egyptian torturers in the same way, see Walkom, Walkom: Torture by remote control, Toronto Star (24 February 2010), . [40] Steven Chase, Military wanted detainee whistleblower pulled from Afghanistan, The Globe and Mail (14 June 2010, updated 5 October 2010), . [41] Mitch Potter, PMO issued instructions on denying abuse in 07, The Toronto Star (22 November 2009), . [42] Canada wanted Afghan prisoners tortured: lawyer, CBC News (5 March 2010), . [43] For some of that evidence, see Edward Peters, Torture (Oxford: Blackwell, 1985); Elaine Scarry, The Body in Pain (1985; rpt. New York: Oxford University Press); Alfred W. McCoy, A Question of Torture (New York: Metropolitan/Owl Books, 2006); and also Matthew Alexander, Im still tortured by what I saw in Iraq: An interrogator speaks, The Washington Post (30 November 2008), ; and Ben Macintyre, 24 is fictional. So is the idea that torture works, The Sunday Times (23 April 2009), 151.ece .


Chapter 29 Now, lets turn our attention to War Criminals in Canada someone is saying MacKay and Harper are apparent war criminals and a judge is being sought?? Well by God? Someone is saying MacKay and Harper are apparent war criminals? What what could this be all about?? References courtesy of the Fair Use Act, for research purposes, to clarify the authors point of view. As cited ver batim in Judge sought to try Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay with war crimes and crimes against humanity. Posted by PCLatest news, World newsTuesday, May 3rd, 2011 The Nrnberg Tribunal condemned a war of aggression in the strongest terms: To initiate a war of aggression . . . is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole. It held individuals accountable for crimes against peace, defined as the planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances, or participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the foregoing. When the United Nations General Assembly unanimously affirmed the Nrnberg principles in 1946, it affirmed the principle of individual accountability for such crimes. Canadian officials, mainly Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay have breached the Geneva Convention with the willful planning, preparing and initiating of a war of aggression against Libya. Libya did not attack Canada, the United States or any other foreign state. Libyan leaders have only killed foreign paid mercenaries. Mercenaries are not protected by the Geneva Convention. Any leader of any country can kill any and all mercenaries who are actively participating in acts of rebellion, revolt, sabotage, or any other act that seeks to overthrown the government. If foreign mercenaries were to enter Canada and try to overthrow the government of Canada by acts of violence including rebellion, revolt, sabotage or armed attacks then the Canadian government would be legally permitted to use lethal force to either capture or eliminate the threat. That is exactly what has happened in Libya. Foreign mercenaries were paid by the United States government (through the CIA) to infiltrate Libya to overthrow Muammar Gaddaffi. Foreign 173

paid and controlled mercenaries were ordered by the CIA to use violence to overthrow the Libyan government. For the sake of national security Gaddaffi ordered a crackdown against the violence initiated by the CIA mercenaries who entered his country illegally to overthrown his government. Gaddaffi forces have killed only foreign mercenaries (people not protected by the Geneva Convention). It is French, the United States, British and Canadian forces who are killing Libyan civilians in their illegal war of aggression against Libya. Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay have willfully participated in a common plan with the United States government to launch an unprovoked armed attack against the territorial integrity and political independence of Libya. News media reports from both Canada and the US unequivocally demonstrates that all the elements of a war crime are present. Harper claims the UN has authorized the use of force against Libya. The UN Security Council can never authorize the use of force by any UN member state against any other nation state. UN Charter Article 2 Section 4 All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations. The UN Charter Article 2 Section 7 specifically forbids its members from participating in the kind of aggression that Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has willfully planned for, prepared for and initiated against Libya. Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter Vll. In 1974, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a definition of aggression. It defined aggression as necessarily being the act of a State, and described the specific actions of one State against another which constitute aggression. In its work on the draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind, the United Nations International Law Commission, echoing the Nrnberg Tribunal, also concluded that individuals could be held accountable for acts of aggression. The Commission indicated the specific conduct for which individuals could be held accountable initiating, planning, preparing or waging aggression and that only those individuals in positions of leadership who order or actively participate in the acts could incur responsibility. Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay can be held accountable for initiating, planning, preparing or waging aggression against the sovereign state of Libya and its people. UN Resolution 1973 does not authorized the use of force against Libyan civilian infrastructure nor its elected leaders. Use of force was unlawfully authorized (resolution is a 174

violation of the UN Charter Article 2 Section 4 and 7) for the purpose of protecting civilians and civilian populated areas and no foreign occupation force of any form is permitted. Canada has not only prepared for and planned for a war of aggression against Libya and its civilian population it has and is launching air strikes that has destroyed civilian infrastructure and killed unknown numbers of civilians who were residing or working in those targeted and destroyed civilian buildings. Canada is not and will not become a safe haven for persons who willfully commit war crimes, crimes against humanity or other reprehensible acts regardless of who they might be, and when or where they commit their heinous and cowardly acts of aggression and assault against any civilian and any civilian population. Under Canadas War Crimes Program, war criminals and those responsible for crimes against humanity are not welcome in Canada, whether the crimes were committed during World War II or more recently. Having ratified the Geneva Convention, Canada incorporated its principles into domestic law through the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act. Under this domestic law, the RCMP can investigate government officials. Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay can be put on trial in Canada for war crimes. Its time to insist that the true war criminals be investigated and prosecuted, regardless of who they are. Its time to formally charge Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay with war crimes and crimes against humanity. To try them and hold them accountable to the Libyan people, to the Canadian people and to the International community for their crimes. Poll Results declares guilty verdict In the PRESS Core poll Is the UN guilty of crimes against peace and crimes against humanity for authorizing NATO forces to attack Libya? as of today the majority (63%, 2,416 Votes) believes that they are guilty of crimes against peace and crimes against humanity. In another poll Should US, French, UK and Canadian heads of state be indicted for crimes against humanity and war crimes in Libya? as of May 3, 2011 the majority (51%, 1,934 Votes) said yes to indictments for crimes against humanity and war crimes. Was Stephen Harper complicit in the torture of Afghan detainees? You said yes (74%, 2,317 Votes).


Chapter 30 Now, lets turn our attention to War Criminals in Canada as cited War crimes investigation proceeding against Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper?? Well by God? Someone is saying MacKay and Harper are apparent war criminals? What what could this be all about?? References courtesy of the Fair Use Act, for research purposes, to clarify the authors point of view. As cited ver batim in [R-G] War crimes investigation proceeding against Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper? Richard Menec bookfind at Thu Feb 9 11:59:01 MST 2012 War crimes investigation proceeding against Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper? World news Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

The ICC's chief prosecutor, Luis Moreno Ocampo, is conducting a "preliminary examination" into human rights abuses committed in Afghanistan by Taliban and ISAF forces alike. And while the ICC has focused in recent years on prosecuting African despots, Mr. Ocampo said he will not back down from prosecuting Western governments that are not holding their officials accountable for their actions. "I prosecute whoever is in my jurisdiction. I cannot allow that we are a court just for the Third World. If the First World commits crimes, they have to investigate. If they don't, I shall investigate," Mr. Ocampo said. "That's the rule and we have one rule for everyone." According to the ICC, Canadian officials (mainly Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay) may be in breach of the Geneva Convention and have launched an official war crimes investigation. Between 2006 and 2007, Richard Colvin, the second-highest-ranking Canadian diplomat in Kabul, sent 17 reports about torture to Ottawa. The reports, which were circulated widely within the departments of Foreign Affairs and National Defence, confirmed public warnings from international officials and 176

journalists. In March 2006, Louise Arbour, the then UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, reported that complaints of torture at the hands of Afghan officials were "common." In June 2006, the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission estimated that "about one in three prisoners handed over by Canadians are beaten or even tortured in local jails." In March 2007, the U.S. State Department reported that unconfirmed reports of torture were "numerous" in Afghanistan. In April 2007, the Globe and Mail reported on "a litany of gruesome stories and a clear pattern of abuse by the Afghan authorities who work closely with Canadian troops." Yet the Canadian Government did next to nothing. In April 2007, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said that "Canadian military officials don't send individuals off to be tortured." Colvin's testimony directly contradicts the Prime Minister's statement. He reports that all the transferred detainees were tortured and that this was widely know in Kandahar, including among Canadian soldiers and diplomats. Colvin reports that the Red Cross tried unsuccessfully for three months to convey its concerns to the Canadian military about problems in the way Canada was reporting to the Red Cross when it transferred detainees to the Afghan authorities. Colvin's allegations emerged because he was called to testify before the Military Police Complaints Commission, a body-established after the Somalia Inquiry-which has been investigating detainee transfers at the request of Amnesty International and the BC Civil Liberties Association. The Harper government sought to block Colvin's testimony before the MPCC, citing national security. The obstruction prompted the three Canadian opposition parties to call Colvin to testify before a Parliamentary committee. The actual facts are still emerging, but all the elements of a war crime are present. The prohibition of torture ranks with the prohibitions of genocide and slavery as one of the most fundamental rules of international law. Torture-and complicity in torture-is a "grave breach" of the 1949 Geneva Conventions. If Canadian officials allowed detainees to be transferred to Afghan custody despite an apparent risk of torture, and chose not to take reasonable steps to protect them, they are as guilty of a war crime as the torturers themselves. They can be prosecuted in Canada under the Crimes 177

Against Humanity and War Crimes Act. Or they could be hauled before the International Criminal Court. Canada has ratified the ICC's statute, giving it jurisdiction over Canadians who commit war crimes anywhere. However, the International Criminal Court will not intervene if Canadian officials are willing and able to investigate and prosecute. As Stephen Harper has been uncooperative the ICC has proceeded to investigate minority Prime Minister Stephen Harper and other high ranking Canadian political officials including Defense Minister Peter MacKay for war crimes. With the government refusing to start a public inquiry and the International Criminal Court having launched a "preliminary" investigation into the Afghan detainee issue, law experts say there is a very real chance Canadian officials could be charged with war crimes. "International law is very clear," said Mr. Dosanjh, a lawyer and former attorney general of British Columbia. "You need circumstantial evidence; you don't need actual knowledge of any specific allegations, or actual knowledge of torture. There was substantial knowledge of torture in Afghan jails. Every kid on the ground knew that. All of the reports, national or international, knew that." University of Ottawa law professor Errol Mendes says Mr. Dosanjh was correct. The government's oft-repeated line that there was no documented physical evidence of torture of Canadian-transferred detainees is a "detour," he said, which ignores the actual requirements of the law: circumstantial evidence that a risk of torture existed. Having ratified the Geneva Convention, Canada incorporated its principles into domestic law through the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act. Under this domestic law, Mr. Mendes said, the RCMP can investigate government officials. Mr. Mendes said that for the "honour and dignity of Canada," the government should call a public inquiry. Once the facts are out in public, he said, the RCMP could decide whether to charge officials, or whether the political consequences-for example, if a minister were to resign-were sufficient. He added that jurisprudence holds that the responsibility for such transfers rests with those who authorized the transfer."While the front line soldiers may have done the actual transfer, the culpability actually lies at the civilian command level: The ones who set the framework in place," Mr. Mendes said. However, since the Harper government refused to launch a Canadian investigation that can open it up to international judicial systems. The International Criminal Court considers itself a court of last resort, 178

abiding the principle of "complemenarity." This means the ICC can only exercise its jurisdiction where the home country of the suspect in question is unable or unwilling to prosecute. As Harper is unwilling to launch a Canadian investigation the ICC is now proceeding with it own. Due to the failure of Canadian officials to impose a rigorous transfer agreement, Harper has wilfully been placing detainees at well-documented risk of torture, cruel treatment and outrages upon personal dignity. As such, Harper and MacKay have been committing war circumstances that clearly fall within the Court's jurisdiction." "There are substantial grounds to believe that when Canadian Forces transfer a prisoner into Afghan custody, torture or ill treatment will occur," In doing so, Canada is in violation of its international human rights obligations. "For a significant period of time, [officials] knew there was a substantial risk of torture, they knew how to prevent it, and they chose for a substantial period of time not to take preventative measures." This case is particularly serious because, rather than torture being abetted by a low-ranking soldier acting alone, complicity appears to go "all the way up the chain of command up to the defense minister, foreign minister and even to the prime minster of Canada." That's what distinguishes this from standard war crimes cases. They've got the command responsibility, and that's why the ICC prosecutor have initiate a formal investigation. As Colvin himself explained: "If we disregard our core principles and values, we also lose our moral authority abroad. If we are complicit in the torture of Afghans in Kandahar, how can we credibly promote human rights in Tehran or Beijing?" Even more seriously, the government's indifference to torture may have created greater risks for Canadian soldiers. Insurgents who believe they will be tortured will fight to the death rather than surrender, placing Canadian soldiers at increased danger of harm. As a result, it is possible that one or more soldiers might have been killed as a result of the Canadian Government's actions. Again, as Colvin cogently explained: "In my judgment, some of our actions in Kandahar, including complicity in torture, turned local people against us. Instead of winning hearts and minds, we caused Kandaharis to fear the foreigners. Canada's detainee practices alienated us from the population and strengthened the insurgency." It's time for Canadians to rally together. It's time to insist that any war 179

criminals be investigated and prosecuted, regardless of who they are.


Epilog In fact Prime Minister Stephen Harper and RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson has suppressed or taken off the internet all of these books by the author:

And continued on the next pages:










Other Work by Terry Mallenby Former federal peace officer, old age pensioner & PTSD disability pensioner Cognitive development: the functional aspect of symbolization and language, by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 1206866 Publisher: Winnipeg, S. Evans, 1973. A bibliography of research on spatial and social behaviour by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 1188853 Publisher: Winnipeg : Thomas Todd Press, 1973. A bibliography of research on spatial behaviour. by Terry W Mallenby; Ruth G Roberts OCLC Number: 123780236 Publisher: Winnipeg : Thomas Todd Press, 1973. A note on perceived self-acceptance of institutionalized mentally retarded (IMR) children. by TW Mallenby ISSN: 0022-1325 OCLC Number: 105523657 Article Language: English Publication: The Journal of genetic psychology, 1973 Sep; 123(1st Half): 171-2 Database: From MEDLINE/PubMed, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Personal space : direct measurement techniques with hard-of-hearing children by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 8686052 From: Environment and behavior ; v. 6, no. 1 (March 1974). Publisher: [Beverly Hills, CA] : Sage Publications, 1974. Effect of discussion on reduction of magnitude of Poggendorff illusion. by TW Mallenby ISSN: 0031-5125 OCLC Number: 107527338 Publication: Perceptual and motor skills, 1974 Oct; 39(2): 787-91 Database: From MEDLINE/PubMed, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.


Personal space: projective and direct measures with institutionalized mentally retarded children. by TW Mallenby ISSN: 0022-3891 OCLC Number: 105929976 Publication: Journal of personality assessment, 1974 Feb; 38(1): 28-31 Database: From MEDLINE/PubMed, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Personal Space: Projective and Direct Measures with Institutionalized Mentally Retarded Children by Terry Mallenby ISSN: 0022-3891 OCLC Number: 4631503689 Publication: Journal of Personality Assessment, v38 n1 (19740201): 28-31 Database: ERIC The ERIC database is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education. Personal Space: Direct Measurement Techniques with Hard-of-Hearing Children by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 424960945 Accession No: EJ098610 Publication: Environment and Behavior, 6, 1, 117-122, Mar 74 Database: ERIC The ERIC database is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education. MALLENBY, TERRY W., Personal Space: Direct Measurement Techniques with Hard-of-Hearing Children: Environment and Behavior 6(1) p. 117 N: 0013-9165 OCLC Number: 4647243973 Publication: Environment and Behavior, v6 n1 (19740301): 127-127 Database: ERIC The ERIC database is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education. The effect of extended contact with "normals" on the social behavior of hard-ofhearing children. by TW Mallenby ISSN: 0022-4545 OCLC Number: 107863896 Publication: The Journal of social psychology, 1975 Feb; 95(First Half): 137-8 Database: From MEDLINE/PubMed, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.


The personal space of hard-of-hearing children after extended contact with 'normals'. by TW Mallenby; RG Mallenby ISSN: 0007-1293 OCLC Number: 113775903 Publication: The British journal of social and clinical psychology, 1975 Sep; 14(3): 253-7 Database: From MEDLINE/PubMed, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. The Effect of Extended Contact with "Normals" on the Social Behavior of Hard-ofHearing Children by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 427052930 Accession No: EJ118344 Publication: Journal of Social Psychology, 95, 137-8, Feb 75 Database: ERIC The ERIC database is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education. The personal space of hard-of-hearing children after extended contact with "normals" by Terry W Mallenby; Ruth G Mallenby OCLC Number: 14151807 Notes: Caption title. From: British journal of social and clinical psychology ; v. 14, no. 3 (Sept. 1975) Description: p. 253-257. Publisher: [Great Britain : s.n., 1975] The missing person in measurement techniques of interpersonal distance. by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 678920246 Thesis/dissertation : Document : eBook Computer File Publisher: [Burnaby, B.C.] : [s.n.], 1975. The Effect of Extended Contact with Normals on the Social Behavior of Hard-ofHearing Children by Terry Mallenby ISSN: 0022-4545 OCLC Number: 4653399646 Publication: The Journal of Social Psychology, v95 n1 (19750201): 137-138 Database: ERIC The ERIC database is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education.


Facilitating the disappearance of perceptual error to the Poggendorff illusion. by TW Mallenby ISSN: 0023-8309 OCLC Number: 112913792 Publication: Language and speech, 1976 Apr-Jun; 19(2): 193-9 Database: From MEDLINE/PubMed, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Incidents of physical assault against child-abuse investigation workers : the nature of child-abuse protection legislation as possible reason for such incidents : some Canadian provincial examples of internal policies attempting to deal with such incidents : placing the trend of such incidents into a theoretical perspective by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 44178037 Thesis/dissertation : Manuscript Archival Material Publisher: 1994. Teach your child to read : a simple method for parents and educators by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 61554932 - 1984 The relative effectiveness of whole- and part-task simulators OCLC Number: 222728551 1984 Quality assurance in medical/health care utilizing and incorporating three methods of evaluation: process, setting and outcome : an introduction to assessing medical/health care by means of a conceptual "process matrix" : with special reference to acute care and chronic care hospitals by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 184866019 - 1986. When the "baby-boom" cohort reaches 65 : will it be social chaos or a carefully planned transition? : an introductory research proposal by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 184861481 - 1986. Child abuse : a beginning social worker's understanding and use of the DSM-III-R and three reactive mental disorders following child abuse : reactive attachment disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and adjustment disorder by Terry Wallice Mallenby OCLC Number: 40533667 - 1994


Dealing with a violent work environment : internal policies and legislation dealing with physical assault and other threats against child protective social workers by Terry W Mallenby ISBN: 0969594402 9780969594406 OCLC Number: 35875995 - 1994 Notes: Revision of author's thesis. Description: vii, 473 leaves; 29 cm. Series Title: Employee assistance program series. How to make staff safe: how to reduce labour-management conflict: how to reduce staff grievances by Terry W Mallenby ISBN: 0969594402 9780969594406 OCLC Number: 62920434 - 1997 Other Titles: How to reduce labor-management conflict, How to reduce staff grievances


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