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Waqqa Incorporation

Waqqa Crime Syndicate is a society of many years standing after its name. It was formed back in 2008 by Lex Waqqa and led through all the years. Before everything, we are a band of good friends. During all the years, Waqqa Crime Syndicate has been trying to present all the players its will to be reflected as the most realistic, fearsome and the best organised faction. We try to make it very discrete and secretive what measures the difficulty joining WCS. No specific way exist of joining. You must be lucky. Once you are introduced with any member or event of Waqqa Crime Syndicate you automatically accept CK(unless lack of information about the faction and deciding to erase the roleplay). This means you can easily be CK'ed for any reason we find justified. We are a multi-cultural crime organization with its restrictions to african-americans and mexicans. Waqqa Crime Syndicate will take no part in any financial support when it comes to the name change of a player that was recently CK'ed. Only main characters are able to join.

Do you fulfill all the requirements to procced the application?(If not, which?): Yes. Do you accept the terms of CK policy?(If yes, we have the right to CK):


First name: Brian Last name: Evans Date of birth: March 19th, 1974 Origin: American Contact number: 1337137 Address: Third Probe Park, Fort Carson, Bone County Previous occupation: None Current occupation: None Are you a legal citizen of the state?: Yes Do you have a crime record?(If yes, elaborate!): Yes. I've been arrested several times. In addition, I have been fined at least ten times Have you finished high school? Yes Have you finished a college/university(If yes, which field?): I didn't go to College and University Religion: Christian Detailed biography(3 paragraphs at least!): I was born in Boston, Massachusetts. My mother and father were eighteen when i was born. My mother got pregnant in a party when she was at the age of seventeen when she was drunk. I never knew about my parents but rumors, any of them, not my mother and not my father wanted to keep me as their biological child. Therefore, I was sent to a foster family for four years which weren't so bad, for me it felt perfect. However, I really wanted to know who is my father and who is my mother. At the age of four, my foster family had financial issues, causing them to send me to a cheap orphanage where i was treated like a piece of crap.

Nobody cared about us, treated us like pigs. At the age of seven, I've decided that my life will go nowhere in that orphanage, I will remain there till I'm sixteen and then I'll be released to the wolves without any survival equipment. Then I've decided to run off, At Wednesday's dinner, when the orphanage's staff were eating and we were starving, me and another orphane decided to sneak some food into our quarters but my real intention was to escape along with the kid who was with me. We sneaked past the "guards" and straight through the door we went. We ran as fast as we could, till we lost sight of that terrible building. At the age of fourteen, I somehow found myself in New York Stealing for living. I was living at the streets, alleyways. Hardly without any money when one day, a lonely lady, who lost her husband at the war in Iraq, had mercy on me and took me for adoption. From there, I started going to school, studied the basics but not anything advanced, I didn't go to College or University, however i finished High School with quite good grades. From the Age of sixteen till the age of Eighteen i was working after school, in my part time job in order to earn money for living as i was thinking about leaving the house and resuming my life on my own. At the age of eighteen, I've decided to leave my home, and went on a "Adventure". Eventually, I ended up in a small but lovely place called Bone County in a stated called San Andreas. I rented and then bought a trailer in prove park, which is at the northern side of Fort Carson, Bone County. Now, I'm looking for a good paying job which will allow me to improve my living conditions. Which segment of Waqqa Incorporation you wish to be working at? (Parochial/Pasha's): Pasha's.

Supervisor signature: signature:



Brian Evans

Ubi lex omnium qualitatum vel vitiose temperandum

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