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HSSE report highlights Sentinel PRO as the leading solution for Shell Tabangao refinery

Client Profile Shell began its refining operations in the Philippines in 1962 with a single 30,000 barrels per day process train. By the early 1990s, demand exceeded refining capacity. Environmental concerns further strained the capabilities and Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation (PSPC) commenced construction of a new refinery to meet the rapidly expanding fuel requirements of the Philippine market. Today, the refinery has the capacity to process 110,000 barrels of oil per day which is enough to meet 30% of the Philippines demand for transport fuels. Tabangao is also one of Shells most energy efficient refineries representing the Companys response to environmental concerns and calls for cleaner fuel products such as unleaded gasoline and low sulphur diesel. Client Needs An audit of the clients existing electronic permit to work system showed an opportunity to review safety control of work processes, safety procedures and the efficiency of work execution. The audit highlighted the need to increase in process rigour. They agreed that the safety and efficiency of refinery personnel could be greatly increased by the adoption of an integrated approach to work execution and control of work at the site. Shell recognised the need for a system that would improve productivity and safety along with the need to adopt best practise process to enforce rigour and control; embedding standards and procedures. Challenges An HSSE Permit to Work Study conducted in January 2008 compared six Permit to Work solutions and recommended that Shell piloted Petrotechnics solution in Tabangao. Shell required Petrotechnics Sentinel PRO solution to be deployed within a timescale of 9 months, as further IT enhancements were planned to be carried out after this period. The deployment of Sentinel PRO required a shift of approach to control of work in Tabangao. Shell reviewed and amended some site rules and

R es ults


agreed to adopt Petrotechnics best practice application at their Tabangao refinery following an audit which highlighted gaps between Shell Corporate Guidelines and the permit to work process at Tabangao. Challenges were faced such as limited PC competency, cultural & language differences and limited availability of quiet training areas.

What We Delivered The global agreement between Shell and Petrotechnics outlines Sentinel PRO as the Permit to Work standard on Shell Upstream assets, currently deployed on 73 installations both on and offshore. Petrotechnics delivered Sentinel PRO (already solution of choice for Shell EPE) based on the Shell EPE solution, aligning Shell Tabangao with other Shell operators and harmonising the Permit to Work process throughout Shells global assets. Shell adopted new rules and procedures when they deployed Sentinel PRO and have seen added benefit in the rigour that it enforced and in the visibility of permit activity across Tabangao assets; the majority of permits raised in the first six weeks were permits requested for work scheduled to be taking place in the coming weeks. Previous experience of Sentinel PRO ISSOW delivered to other Shell assets has shown that tutor led training in an onsite training room was the most effective method for providing training to delegates. Petrotechnics

coaches ensured that delegates were fully exposed to key system functionality and provided the trainer with a consistent gauge of student understanding. Petrotechnics delivered on-site training to over 250 employees across 3 levels of authority prior to the Go Live date. Value Delivered Sentinel PRO vastly improved the quality of risk assessments and the rigour imposed encouraged staff into thinking before accepting, agreeing or commencing work.

Using the Sentinel PRO maps and graphics feature, Shell Tabangao noted that they are able to plan work more efficiently allowing operational personnel to see where everything is happening at all times. Sentinel PRO has improved safety through the isolation management tool which prevents changes being made to an isolation while a permit is active. Petrotechnics Sentinel PRO ISSOW solution has helped Shell Tabangao to continue this safety culture while increasing workforce efficiency.

Its n ot ju st so ft w a re; its th e pe op le, th e p roce ss a n d th e te ch n olog y

* About Petrotechnics

Petrotechnics is transforming the efficiency and effectiveness of frontline operations across hazardous industry. Sentinel PRO is the leading global solution which fundamentally shifts the approach to planning and integration of all aspects of frontline work; giving real control and assurance of work activities. Petrotechnics has become the Control of Work best practice in many of the top energy companies. Globally, Petrotechnics award winning Sentinel PRO solution is improving productivity and enhancing workforce safety at 280 sites, across 20 countries spanning 5 continents, safeguarding over 50,000 personnel.
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For more information please contact Aimee Tennant + 44 (0) 1224 337258 or

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