Global Research Summer School Application Form: E-Mail: Telephone

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Global Research Summer School Application Form

Hello, this is the application form for the 2nd edition of Global Research Summer School, 22nd of July6th of August. Please take your time and read the questions carefully and remember: all of them are mandatory.


Please tell us your full name as it appears in your ID card.


Current nationality:


Current residential adress as it appears in your ID card.


Please tell us your e-mail adress and your telephone number.

E-mail: Telephone: 5. How would you describe your health status? Note: Please outline any medical conditions, special needs or allergies you might have that the organizers need to know about. If you do not have any, please write none. This information will be kept confidential and will only be used in case of emergency.


What is your educational background? ( max. 150 words)

7. Are you involved in any organization that is relevant for our summer school? Note: please specify if you are or you have been working as a volunteer, intern or as an employee and describe the organization.


What is/was your position in this organization?

9. Tell us how you wold approach learning with and from people who are from other countries, cultures and faiths. What challenges do you forsee and how would you deal with them? (max. 250 words)

10. Please tell us what made you choose Global Research Summer School. How would you describe your active participation in this project? What makes you the perfect candidate for our summer camp? (max. 250 words)

11. Personal opinion: Why are people different from one another? ( max. 250 words) .

Sure, this was an easy part because we wanted to make acquaintance with our candidates; now we would like to see what do you think about international affairs and how would you respond to our challenges. Please take your time and read the questions carefully and remember: all of them are mandatory.

1. Popular sovereignty had been proposed by Jean Jacques Rousseau as the logical consequence of the Social Contract. In his view, the decision of the majority represents the general will, under normal circumstances. However, a plethora of situations in which the majoritys decision has been flawed could be put forward ( for instance, Chavez being elected in numerous occasions in Venezuela, Hitler becoming chancellor in Germany, Napoleon III imposing the Second French Empire after a referendum, and so on). In this case, is the concept of popular sovereignty legitimate? If not, what could be an adequate substitute for it? (max. 250 words)

2. It is well known that the war is a social reality that implies all the cultural, economical and technological aspects of a certain time period. Thus, the nature of war is highly influenced by its manifestation framework. At the same time we have the postmodern theory who states the fact that novelty succumbs to inovation. Can this be the proof that the war will also became an obsolete reality or we can talk about of its transcendence? ( max. 250 words).

3. Today we are noticing more and more ethnical differences being disputed; some of them are intensifying, others are abolished. Can these events be an insight for a future global conflict, considering its hystorical potential? How the ethnical issue can affect the integrity of a state? Are we talking about a new weapon?(max. 250 words)

4. In 1993, the late professor Samuel Huntington published his famous Clash of Civilizatons article in the Foreign Affairs magazine, later expanded in the eponymous book. And, with that occasion, he predicted that the clash of civilizations will dominate global politics, with the fault lines between civilizations becoming the battle lines of the future. According to Huntington, conflict between civilizations will be the latest phase in the evolution of conflict in the modern world. How would you comment Huntington's prediction about the clash of civilizations and the evolution of conflict twenty years later? Is the conflict between civilizations replacing ideological and other forms of conflict and becoming the dominant global one? (max. 500 words)

5. Introduced by Joseph S. Nye in the late '80s, the term soft power - the ability of a country to persuade others to do what it wants without force or constraint - became over the years a constant in foreign policy debates. Later on, Nye argued that successful states need both hard power and soft power, a mix that would lead to a new concept - smart power - the ability to coerce others, as well as the ability to somehow shape their long-term attitudes and preferences. Could you give us an example of successful soft power usage in, let's say, the last decade? Is hard power still necessary in today's world? (max.500 words).

Global Research Summer School Disclaimer

The facts set forth in my application for the summer school and in any curriculum vitae/resume or other documents provided for consideration in the application process are true and complete, without consequential omissions of any kind whatsoever. I understand that falsity of statements, answers or omissions made by me in this application, in any other document provided for consideration in the application process and in any oral communication shall be considered sufficient cause for immediate dismissal if I am accepted. I understand that Global Research Summer School is an equal opportunity youth project and my application will be considered without regard to race, sex, religion, citizenship, veteran status, disability, age, or other protected category under Romanian or local law. I hereby give GRSS the right to make a thorough investigation of my actual and past education and activities, and I release from all liability all persons and entities supplying such information. I indemnify the organizing team against any liability which might result from making or participating in such investigation. I authorize the persons, or entities named on this application form to give any information regarding me, whether or not it is in their records. I understand that if I am accepted, I will, as a condition of participation, be required to submit proof of my identity and legal right to travel to Romania. I further understand that if accepted in the GRSS project I may be required to submit to medical exams and/or drug testing and I agree that if I am accepted, I will submit to any medical exams and/or drug or other medical tests requested by the organizing team during the course of the summer school.I understand that nothing contained in this application or in the granting of an interview is intended to create a participation agreement between GRSS and myself, for any other project or for the providing of any benefit. No promises regarding participation have been made to me and I understand that no such promise or guarantee is binding upon the organizing team unless made in writing. If accepted as a GRSS participant, I hereby agree to abide by the directions, rules and policies of the organizing team whether or not in writing as they may be changed from time to time without notice. I understand that my applications will be considered current for a period of 20 days. After that, I understand that I shall be announced about the results and I shall pass into the next phase or not. I have read, understand and agree to the foregoing Representations, Understandings and Agreements and sign the same as my own free act.

Signature, .............................................................

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