Newsletter (WHitney)

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Fall 2013

Whitney Harr Maps Worker to Nicaragua Through EngageNicaragua

Prayer works! Please continue to partner with me in prayer. I cannot tell you how many numerous times the only way I was able to continue on was because your prayers! It is so encouraging to hear someone tell you that they are praying for you.

Believing Jeremiah 29:11 for each child. LAST SEMESTER I cant believe how fast the time has gone by, but here I am typing my last newsletter as an Engage Nicaragua student. (Hopefully, my next letter will be as a full time missionary). I went to Nicaragua winter of 2012 for my first semester of Engage, and here I am heading back end of August 2013, for my fourth and last semester. I am blessed to have had this wonderful opportunity to serve the church and people of Nicaragua for the past year and a half and am delighted to see what God has in store for this final chapter of Engage. I am thankful to God and all the people who have supported me and made this possible! MINSTRY IN NICARAGUA Last semester I had the opportunity to minister outside the city dump on weekends. I helped with feedings, childrens programs (VBS style), Junior Bible Quiz, youth group, outreaches, and Sunday School, etc. When I return to Nicaragua I will find out what area of the country I am assigned to. The 3 girls in the photos above are from a community, Las Brasillas, just outside Managua. The government removed them from their homes in the dump and placed these girls and their families in this poor dusty community where houses are made out of plastic and sticks. Food, water, and jobs are scarce. We had the privilege to bring the light of Jesus to this poor community weekly, while also meeting their physical needs of food and clothing. They always looked forward to seeing us. I am excited to see where God takes me this coming semester.

The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest. Matthew 9:37,38

FUNDRASING Firstly, I want to give thanks to God who has been so faithful in providing for me! When I sent out my first support letter in 2011, I informed people I needed to raise about $25,000.00 for the 2-year program (Engage) I was planning on doing. I am so blessed to have been able to raise almost all of it. However, I still need to raise about $4,500.00 for my last semester. I have placed the info below on how to give. If 45 people are willing to give a one-time gift of $100 dollars all my support will be raised! Please consider supporting me both prayerfully and financially. I will be leaving August 29, 2013 for my final semester and need to have the money raised before then.

You can follow me on: Facebook @Whitney Harr, Twitter @WhitneyHarr, or Instagram @WHITNEYHARR. I also have a blog, that I try to keep updated with stories from my time in Nicaragua. I also can be reached via email, If you are able to support me for my final semester of Engage you can go to and click on the giving tab and follow the instructions. Remember to place my name in the comment line so they credit the money to the right account. Or you can write a check out to my home church, First Assembly of God, and write my name on the memo line.

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