Morgan Eugene Marian 1950 Mexico PDF

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to the


Nogales, Arizonao,

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morgan and Danny

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them- in. the name of the Father, and of the Son. and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you ahvay, even unto the end of the tvorld."
Matthew 28:19,20

"/ heard the voice of the Lord, Saying, Whom shall I send, and tvho will go for us? Then I said, Here am I; send me."
Isaiah 6:8

Gene was born in Marshall, Illinois March 29th, 1924.

At an

early age he was baptized into Christ. After being discharged from the Navy in 1944 he spent the winter in Arizona. It was
here he became aware of the need of work with the Mexican

people. In 1945 he entered Cincinnati Bible Seminary. While studying at Cincinnati he served as minister to a mission church in a government housing project in Cincinnati. Upon leaving
Cincinnati he re-established a closed church in southern Wisconsin.

He has sei*ved the Church of Christ at Tampico, Illinois for two years, and while serving there the way was opened to enter the Mexican work with the Mexican Bible Seminary.

Marian was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lionel McCue in Janesville,

Wisconsin, August 12, 1926. At the age of sixteen she completed obedience to her Lord in Christian baptism. At this time Marian dedicated her life to the Lord and planned to enter Bible college upon graduating from high school. She entered Cincinnati Bible Seminary in the fall of 1945 where she completed two years of study. In the summer of 1947 she married Eugene, and has faith fully worked by his side, as a consecrated minister's wife and

Danny was born April 15, 1949 in Janesville, Wisconsin. At six weeks old he moved with his Mother and Daddy to Tampico, Illinois where he has faithfully attended Bible school and church. He is anxious to help Mother and Daddy as they work for the Lord with the people of Mexico.

Purpose of Mexican Bible Seminary: To train native Christian workers to win souls for Christ and

His Kingdom, by the evangelization of the closed fieldWestern


Our Purpose:

To assist in winning souls througli channels of training native preachers in Mexican Bible Seminary.

Our Position Is:

To uphold the Bible as the inspired Word of God. To promote the restoration of the New Testament church in its
simplicity and purity. To believe and teach the divinity of Christ, the Son of the Living

Our Needs Are:


Your prayers.

Financial support.


Living link support Each adult Our son

$100.00 per month 25.00 per month


Funds for study at Berlitz school of languages, Cincinnati, Ohio and Liternational Academy of Spanish, Saltillo, Mexico.
Sufficient funds for equipment and travel to the



Speaking engagements.

Please contact:

Eugene Worgan
515 Armory Ave

Apt, 5^7 ^Cin'ti., Ohio

To Ail Brethren In Christ:

Mr. and Mrs. Eiigene Morgan are committed wholeheartedly to the faith which was delivered unto the Saints; the true Gospel.
As these good people start their labors for Christ with and thru the Mexican Bible Seminary, their faithfulness to Christ in doct rine and practice, together with their training and abilities make them woilhy of any support you can give to them in their work
for tlie Master.

Very Sincerely, Howard W. Ackeberg,

Chairman Church Board,

Tampico, Illinois.

To Christian Brethren Everywhere:

The two great joys of directing a mission school are, watching your Christian students win souls for Jesus Christ, and seeing others of your own race become interested in helping train such students. When the recruits are your personal friends, the occasion is even more joyful. Eugene and Marian Morgan are capiable, consecrated, Christian young people and worthy of your support and your prayers. May each one of you do all in your power to speed them on their way to this needy field Western Mexico.
In His Sei*vice,

GERALD D. BOWLIN, President, Mexican Bible Seminary.

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