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*JT)prty of



^ri3ffian 'fij
iN_n Jesus


Ralph and Mary Gilmer, founders of Casa Ciistiana de Publica-

ciones. Eagle Pass, Texas, and Eugene and Marian Morgan, who
operate Christian Evangelism Press in El Paso, Texas, are unit

ing to form one Spanish publishing work. The Gilmers expect to be

located in El Paso about August 1. By having the equipment and personnel in one place, more and better work can be done in the printing of Christian Literature in Spanish.Each person in the work will be responsible for a certain

phase of the printingwork instead of one or two persons having to

follow through the entire process.

The Gilmers consulted their supporting churches and this move is being made with their consent. Following is a statement from Bro. Harland Gary, President of Colegio Biblico, Eagle Pass,

To Whom It May Concern;

"We are glad to express our appreciation for the work the Gilmers have done here. We also wish to go on record to commend the move they are making. We believe that by combining the two

efforts atSpanish publications will increase the efficiency of their work, produce better quality and cut down overhead. We pray
God's blessing upon them in this united effort. " Sincerely in Christ, Harland Gary, Pres.Colegio Biblico After August 1, please send all correspondence for Ralph and Mary Gilmer to 7718 Taxco Dr., El Paso, Texas.



We recently had the prlTillage of visiting a ralssion

field in Ciudad Juarez, Chi

huahua, Mexico. We went with Qene's for their Sund^ af
ternoon services in this

city, which was held in the

home of one of the ladies. As we arrived we looked

up the mountaln,where little


(their homes)


as thick as they could stand,

all up the side and to the top of the mountain, and children every directicm yoa

Ralph and Mary Gilmer


the side of the house, a man was sleeping on a cot, and we thought truly Mexico must be asleep to the Gospel. Inside the building, a very good home in ttiis section, was one large room; kitchen, din ing room, living and bed-room all combined, A small cook-stove, a
tea-kettle, and a good siaed pan on it was about all the space (Xi it. Kerosene light, cabinet, table, 3 beds, stand table, and a few chairs was the furniture, A few adult ladies and several children, we didnH count them, gathered for the service. They were amazed tliat Gene*s parents carre, and more so as we joined in singing some of the hymns in our language, they were singing in theirs. They
were very attentive and eager as the message was presented. "And how shall they believe in Him whom they have not heard? and how

shall they hear without a preacher?"

Since we were "Uiere a foundation

Romans 10:lli
has been laid and a church

building has been started on a lot that one of the ladies gave. Pray that they may have courage and faith to keep on that the Word there may grow and be more profitable for ttie Master's King

The Sylvan Morgans

(A reprint from "The

Christian Pointer" Monthly news paper of

toe Five Points Church of Christ, Marshall, lUincig, after tny Mother and Faidier visited us sometime ago, Gene Morgan)

The new building in a new suburb of Ciudad Juarez h^ been in use for 2 1/2 months now. It has been a thrill to open the doors
of a hew building and see the children come from every direction. Certainly it is small and of course it only has a dirt floor also

the wind

blow through the cracks (it isnH finished yet), but

Triiat a thrill as we count 59 children crowd in to hear the messeage of Christ~>^o came to save them too. Farther in the interior the congregations must contimie on with only little help from us as we are not able to continue the schedual of past years.

press news

1' -in tinsi|j| j* I I


shopand continues to moveprint forward, for it

we praise God,
printed 5000 ation Bible

This year we
books for 7ac Schools. The


Bible." This is the second in a series of ^ books-iwhich we hope will give the children rounded basic


knowledge of
way God.


plan us and we


has Just


Press rolls for D. V. B. S. veiy shortly, (Hope to take time out to ceinent the car-port floor.) We recently took advantage of an opportunity to add verj'^ ipch needed equipment to the print
shop when we found a small shop for sale.
to "p&y for i t .
More and moix we hav^e

viill start on its production

prepare Christian Tcaterial was worth any sacilfice we might make

$10CX), bat we feel the amount of equipment and its urgent need to

It put us in the red

srials, and more and more we find we are occupied beside

'^1^1 as v:e trust it does you, as

, 3ver and In that over
our mterial

reports come has

to do

Ernie at the letterpress

Spanish speaking world.

senting the Christ to ^the


year, has continued faithfully in her summer wor-k here, We pray

for her Christ in this part of Mexico.
Send Packages to:
Miesionaries Reoruit

lass Teresa Cerecerez, who studied at Colegio Biblico last to study and grovr that she may always be a witness

6245 Tampa Ave. El Paso, Texas

Send General Funds to:

Eugene Morgan Marian Morgan

Ernest Walden

Phyllis Murphy

Grayson, Ky.

Eileen Ellington, F.A.

Ii07 Plum St.

6245 Tampa Ave. El Paso, Texas

Marshall, Illinois

CiiRiSTU* ft yI jlj MEXICO mUflU IK



/ C



talked to 70U of the need

for the Morgan family, A
started for the

In tines past m


' '

adequate housing
and last

purpose of providing
needed housing


/~~ - \ ^

SepteTiiber a Uroom house was porchased. We have been able

port and

screenedin pl^ room to

i->,i 'iiikri:>aw&rijUL<Miiil



house the office and print

at this time.

gjjQp making it imnecessary


Marian outlines our work

The former owners of this property hold a second mortgage of

cutting down our monthly p^ments by $20.00, doing away with 6% interest Cist lien draws 3 l/2^), having 20 cents of every returned for the Lord's work. There is now ^00. in this fund.
We feel this is urgent and woald certainly ease the load if we can pay this amount. We believe yoa will want to help. Therefore we

aprorLmately $2000. This is payable at $20.00 per month and draws 6% interest. We have been given axi option of paying this entire amount within 13 months from time of purchase and upon so doing they will in turn donate $iiOO. to the ndLssion. Now we believe you can see the advantage and wisdom of this move. The advantages-

have set aside SEPTEMBER I8 as "DEADLINE DATE". Won't you present this need to your congregation, class or other group and plan a special offering for SEPTEMBER I8. Then .make your check oat to
CHRISTIAN EVANGELISM IN MEXICO, marked Home Project and rush it to

us. We want to have all contributions in and' counted by October 1 If this date should conflict with crbher things tiy to set an earl
ier date.

Remember "DEADKENE DATE" September 18.

Addressi 62ii5 Tanpa Avenue

El Paso, Texas

fflljrtslian ^bangeltBtn Jn ^exito

1107 Plum Street

Non-Profit Org.


Marehallf Illinois
Permit No. 26

Floreace Douglas


IW It*;, ,L

MR ,0


VOL. 8


FALL i960

No. 2

Evangelism In El Paso, Texas

On October 2, I960 the newly formed Hacienda Christian Church met for the first time in the building pictured here. The congregation has an attendance of 16. Bro.Eugene Morgan, Missionary to Mexico is serving as ad interim minister.

This congregation came into being as the result of a phone call from S Sgt. & Mrs. Harry Benjamin, who are stationed at
Biggs Air Force Base. Former residents of Worthington, Min

nesota, they were seeking a loyal New Testament Church with which to worship. None could be found in El Paso, a city of
50, 000 population with several Christian Churches (Disciples)
and Churches of Christ (non-instrumental).

Until contacted by the Benjamins, the Morgan family and Ralph and Mary Gilmer(see page 2) met together in the Morgan home for the Lord'sSupper and Bible Study. After much prayer and discussion, it seemed the Lord was definitely calling this congregation into existence. By Faith. . . .we shall go forward
with God. (amiinued on page S)

With The Gilmers In El Paso The last issue of Christian I

Evangelism c a r r i e d the an-


nouncenient of the merger of BSjic* 4

moved into their present home 1


still in a state of financial shock at this writing, due to the ex

pense of moving. All is not in p 1a c e yet, but each day some

progress is made.

Ralph does the photographic work for offset printing and Mary tries to keep him busy by doing the IBM composition. A small utility room was converted into a darkroom (see picture above). The room is not nearly large enough, but will have to do until it can be enlarged. The IBM is set up in the living room. In addition to the printing work and keeping things up around tlie place, Ralph teaches the adult class and Mary the Juniors al the new church. They also assist with the Sunday afternoon Bible Study in Juarez, Mexico. There is seldom a dull or idle moment here, but being busy about the Lord's business is our
EVANGELISM continued from page I

Under the leadership of Bro. Morgan, a program of visitation

and evangelism is planned. This includes regularSaturdayafternoon classes for school age children of the area. These classes
are taught by Marian Morgan and Mary Gilmer. This Christian Education program is designed especially to
reach and teach those outside the Church. The two hour sessions

will include Bible study, correlated handwork and recreation.

The Church is in need of chairs for class rooms and auditor

ium, tables suitable for children, teaching aids such as picture rolls, maps, etc. The rent must also be paid.

If you wish to help evangelize Hacienda Heights and El Paso, Texas, please contact Eugene Morgan, 6Z45 Tampa Ave., El
Paso, Texas.

The names and addresses of persons stationed atBiggs Field and Ft. Bliss, or elswhere in the city, will be appreciated.Also

any breth rcii passing through the city are extended a welcome to
worship \Mth us. _

Mexican Evangelism
The work of evangelism in Juarez, Mexico, is progressing steadily. Average attendance for the Sunday afternoon Bible
study is about 35, mostly children. The first of November, Gene and Ernie, with the help of a

Mexican man near the church, put a concrete floor in the build ing. It is about 10x12 feet. The labor cost was paid from offer ings of the group over a period of time. The front of the building
was painted and benches were made but are not painted as yet.
What a difference from the dirt floor and makeshift benches!

The people really appreciated the new look and were happy that
they had had a part in it.

Future plans include the stripping of cracks to keep out the cold winter ydnd. In Ghihuahiia the work is going along about as usual. How ever, we did receive word that an anti-instrumental preachor presented himself to the congregation saying he had been scnl by Bro.Morgan. When he was \mable to show proper c rftl*iitials, he was promptly rejected.

Steal Away And Pray

If we would steal away and pray. Just a little every day:

Oh, how happy we would be Why not try it - you and raei
Jems dear will meet vas there.


In our little word of prayer:

He vnll help us, that is true,

And open up a way for you!
Submitted by - Stella L. Chriattfuen

Press News
Our Living Bible (Spanish edition) was the VBS course used last siunmer by the Mexican workers. It will also be used in
Chile when the BertrandSmiths hold their VBS in January-Four

different workbooks of 24 pages each were printed, making a total of 6000 completed books. This course was translated by

Harold and Irene Gibbs.


Summer Helpers
We are grateful for the assistance of workers who can come to us for only a short time during vacation from school or other

During the month of August, we had the help of Miss Renee Wasson, a student from Kentucky Christian College. She did a considerable amount of work for us in the office and helped in the VBS in Juarez and Chihuahua. Although she could not speak the language, she was a fine worker and very helpful in many
ways. We pray that the experience will be profitable to her as
she serves the Lord.

The Gilmers did not move to El Paso until Augusti but in June, Miss Barbara Hillis, a student from OzarkBible College
a r r i v e d to work with them for the summer. She was able to

attend a youth camp in northern Mexico, help with a VBS in Piedras Negras, collated and bound a number of tracts and helped the Gilmers move. She also helped with the first day of VBS in Jua rez before returning to her home in Colorado.
She, too, was a fine worker and consecrated to the service of
liu- Lord.

Our Visitors
A] Althaus, minister of Central Christian Church, Albuquer que, New Mexico was an overnight guest recently.
Mr. Chester Williams, member of First Christian Church,

Albuquerque, was also a recent visitor. We are looking forward to a visit from the James Blakely family, Roswell, New Mexico, during the Thanksgiving holidays.

Bro. Hannum Told It:

A chicken and a pig were walking down the road one day and
came to-a church with a sign on the bulletin board reading:

Said the Chicken to the Pig, "LookI You and I are now in

The Pig replied, "Yes, we are both in missions, but with a difference, you only have to give a contribution. . . .1 have to
make a sacrifice."

Have you ever given up something you really wanted for your self, so you could give it to the cause of Christ? If not, you are only a contributor. . . .not an offerer. Copied.

VBS In Mexico

During the past summer two Vacation Bible Schools were

held in Mexico. One of these schools was held in Juarez, the

border town across from El Paso, and the other in Rancheria

Juarez, a suburb of the city of Chihuahua, 320 miles south of El Paso. Both Bible schools were very successful. The course
used was the Spanish edition of Our Living Bible. The enrollment for the week in Juarez was 65. The lOx 12

foot room was very crowded when everyone was inside. Three
Glasses were held. The t e a c h e r s were: Teresa Cerecerez,

Ernest Walden and Marian Morgan. Helperswere:ReneeWasson, student from Kentucky Christian College, Kathy and Danny Mor gan. On the last day a treat for the children was Marian's birth
day cake.
Attendance for the week inRancheria Juarez,Chihuahua, was

40.Apinata was the feature attraction of the last day.Although

Danny had to spend a night in the hospital with an attack of ap

pendicitis, there was an opportunity to do a considerable amount of calling and visiting. We pray that the VBS was profitable in imparting to the s e

young lives the teachings of God and His Book. Surely in this day when Communism is pressing from all sides, these young people need to know God and His Son as their Saviour in this
world of wickedness and sin.


coniinued from page S

The Principle of the Tithe, by John G.Alber, translated by Paul Rathbern, a small book on stewardship is in production at the present time. It is scheduled for completion by the end of the year. The monthly paper in Spanish sent out by Colegio Biblico, Eagle Pass, is a part of our monthly schedule during the school

Items we can use:


writing tablets

Paint-for the inside of the Alta V i s t a

Sheets Sheet blankets

chapel in Juarez
and for the benches .


Funds for:

Other items;

not later than Dec. 7. Our individual sizes will be mailed to you on request.

Chapels in Mexico Printing supplies Bibles in Spanish Housing for Missionaries and print shop. Please see that your gifts are nnailed

12. 3. 4.

Medical supplies, vitamins

Foodstuffs-Jello, macaroni,

cake mixes, puddings, etcUsed clothing.


A non-profit organization dedicated to the Bvangelizationof North Central Mexico, and all the Spaniah Speak ing World by means of CHRISTIAN BVANGELISM PRE2SS providing Christian teaching aids of all kinda.

Forwarding Agent: Mrs. Eileen Ellington, 1107 Plum St., Marshall, Illinois General Mailing Address: 6245 Tampa Ave., El Paso, Texas

BUGKNE & MARIAN MORGAN 7541 Taxco Drive ERNEST WALDEN 7541 Taxco Drive RALPH & MARY GILMER 7718 Taxco Drive
Send all I'eraonal correspondence to individual addresses.

El Paso, Texas El Paso, Texas Et Paso, Texas

Send all General correspondence and funds to either Forwarding Agent or General Mailing Address.
Packgaes should be sent to 7541 Taxco Drive, Cl Paso, Texas.

(Uliristkn ^mtgclism 3n ^exico

1107 Plum Street

Non-Profit Urg.



Gail Purvis 516 N. Wall

Marshall, Illinois
Permit No. 26

Joplin, Missouri

FORM 3547 Requested

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