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Cleaning tools: 1. I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you, Thank you .

The core of 4 phrases you say to bring you inthe moment of Ho'oponopono or the modernized version Dr. Len calls Self-Identity throughHo'oponopono (SITH). 2. Eraser - Use a pencil with an eraser on the end and tap whatever you would like to Ho'oponpono. Youcan do this to sticky notes with names, phrases or situations on them. You can tap objects you'd like toclean. You can just use a nifty eraser you found and resonate with as well. Every time you think of it or pass this sticky or object in your travels, just tap it, say the phrases, infuse the eraser with the phrases.See the magic happen! 3. Blue Solar Water - Place tap water in a blue glass bottle in the sun for an hour (or an incandescent lamp). Your water is then pure, whole and healing. Blue solar water voids memories replaying problems in the Subconscious Mind. Drink it, clean with it, cook with it, rince after a bath or shower, even add a drop to other water and it is entirely cleansed. 4. Strawberries & Blueberries - Dr. Len says that these two fruits have a cleansing effect on our memories. They void memories. Eat fresh or dried. Not only healthy for us to eat, but also good for thesoul! 5. Picture of younger self - Have a picture of yourself as a little boy or girl. Tap it with the eraser toolidea, say the 4 phrases to your younger self and see what epiphanies come. :)

6. ICE Blue Saying the phrase "ICE BLUE" is one phrase in Ho'oponopono that you can say and it isimmediately healing and cleansing. 7. Mirror - Look at yourself, see who you really are, Love yourself again. A deep profound love comesfrom this. You see yourself as you really are, you see the world. You reach zero. 8. Seeing blue - whenever you see anything blue, remember Ho'oponopono and say the phrases, be in thatmoment. When my friend, France, came up with this idea I was very grateful! It works! I went to Stop& Shop and looked at the gum. Wrigley's came out with a new gum that has a black package and astriking blue. The name: "Cobalt"! Just the same cobalt that many discuss as the blue color of choice for their blue solar water glass. Synchronicity abounds. Thanks France! 9. Ha Breathing Dr. Len also states in a recording that just the "Ha" breathing can cure depression.Breath in while counting to 10 (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10), but just as fast as you normally count, no need togo slow unless you want to. Then hold your breath in for a count of 10. Then let out your breath for acount of 10 (even happily sighing or "haaaa" if you want). Do this 10 times or however long you'd like.It's a beautiful thing! :)I am stoked myself about the prospect of being a homeowner soon. This is something I have wanted for almost30 years (I'm 29). I really owe it all to ho'oponopono. Every night before I go to bed, I tap on my list with aneraser and just clean. My list consists of all the problem areas in my life:1. Money2. A house3. My spouse4. To be more loving5. My feelings about God6. Whatever is going on with work I take each point and tap on it and say, "

Whatever that is going on inside of me to create these problemsmasking as (eg. money), I erase you, and transmute me back to zero state. I'm sorry, please forgive me,thank you, I love you." Than I go "I love you," over and over, till I feel a shift in my energy or a sense of peace. I go through this list at least once a day, before bed, two to five minutes on each point.When I am not cleaning on the list, I put an eraser over it, to continually clean while I am away. And thanthroughout the day, I just try to remember to clean.Lastly, what I have started doing is writing a list of areas I want improved in my life. Than I get a pencil anduse the eraser to tap each item while I accept 100% responsibility and clean that area. An example, I want ahouse. So I tap on "I want a house," and accept I am 100% responsible for everything in my life. I ask God toclear all memories that may be blocking me from getting a house. Than I repeat over and over "I love you, I'msorry, I love you." Another cleaning tool I have read about is the eraser tool. That's where you use a pencil with an eraser and tapon the item you want to clean. This can be a book, a computer, yourself, or anything. You tap whenever youwalk by, you can repeat the cleaning mantra, or just tap. When you tap on the item you are cleaning it way back to when it was created. Some people claim just using an eraser works the same way. I use this from time totime. For example, I don't like my thighs so I am always taping the eraser on them saying "I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me and thank you." The Smile One day a little boy was walking past some maintenance men who were clipping and snipping some bushes for their fall trimming. The child was saddened because he remembered his mother once told him how plants feel pain when their leaves are cut or pulled off. Sadly, he sat on the sidewalk not knowing what to do. Along came a woman who asked him what was wrong. He told her why he was so sad. The wise woman smiled and told him about the soothing powers of Ice Blue . She said to him, "Tell the bush, ice blue ". This made the child very happy. He smiled and skipped along the fence whispering ice blue to all the plants. Until this day when he sees someone mowing their lawn, he smiles and thinks

ice blue . Ice Blue - Works on any pain and suffering. Just think ice blue when you have any burns, cuts, bruisesor hurts. Use it when cutting plants and grass to help numb their pain. Use as many times as you like to help you, anyone or anything who may be experiencing hurt. The Little Girl Who Was Afraid To Fly. A little girl was terrified of flying on airplanes. She wanted to visit her grandmother very much, but wouldn't go because of her great fear. One day her grandmother told her she could use a tool that will help her to fly on the plane without fear. She taught her to say Dewdrop . The little girl practiced saying it every day and each time she thought of flying. The day came when her grandmother came to fetch her and take her to her home across the ocean. The little girl started to cry, but grandmother reminded her to say Dewdrop .In the airplane she closed the window shade and repeated the words silently, Dewdrop , Dewdrop , Dewdrop . As soon as she felt the plane move she joyously opened the window shade to see the plane take off and proudly said, "grandmother, I'm no longer afraid." From that day on she flew without any fears. Dewdrop works on everything. You can say dewdrop when you're frightened, threatened, sad or angry. You can think dewdrop if you see someone else in trouble. There is no limit to its use. Use moment to moment. The Invisible Boy Once a small boy was very sad because his teacher picked on him. Every day at school the teacher said things to him that made him sad. He asked his doctor friend who knows Ho'oponopono what he could do about that.Doc said, "put the Pillar of the Peace of I on you. Just think

Pillar of the Peace of I . Do this every morning before going to school, and especially during school hours". The boy was willing to do this. After about a week or two he ran into his Doc friend. Doc asked, "so how are you doing at school?" The boy smiled and said "I'm invisible, Doc. The teacher can't see me. She no longer picks on me." Just by thinking Pillar of the Peace of I you will be automatically placed in the radiance of Divinity in that moment. Your whole being will be protected from negative vibrations. Then you can direct it to anything or anyone else to bring them into balance too by just thinking Pillar of the Peace of I. Use it throughout the day. I did start rereading Mabel Katz's the Easiest Way, and one of the cleaning tools she talks about is "lightswitch." She says that just by repeating "light switch" over and over you are cleaning and erasing data .So the next time someone is talking to you, just say "light switch" over and over and according to her, they will say what they really need to say, not what you want them to say. Apparently "light switch" is just as good as saying "I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you." So today that is my experiment, whenever someone is talking to me, I am going to say "light switch" and see what happens.

The cool thing about Ho'oponopono is that you don't even have to know what the problem is. You simply notice whenever you are experiencing a problem physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially, or any other. Then, you begin immediately to clear and release the energy from thethoughts and memories causing the problem by saying, "I'm sorry. Please forgive me."Other possible phrases and thoughts to use here include: "I am sorry. Please forgive me for whatever is going on inside of me that is causing thisproblem." "I am sorry for whatever's going on here. Please forgive me." "I am sorry for the erroneous thoughts within me that have caused this problem. Please forgiveme."

"I accept responsibility for having no money. There is something inside me causing thisproblem. I am sorry, I love you, please forgive me and thank you." "I am sorry. Please forgive me for whatever is going on inside of me that manifests as theproblem." Im sorry (your name). Please forgive me for whatever is happening inside of me thatmanifests as (whatever the problem is). I ask Love to correct/transmute the errors now. I loveyou So say you are having a bad day. You want to clean and get back to zero, be at peace. So yousay, "Whatever is inside me that is attracting this, I'm sorry, please forgive me and thank you."I then say "I love you," over and over since I think "I love you" is the most powerful cleaner of them all. Dr. Len says that you can also take full responsibility for the problem by simply saying "thank you" tothe Divine (God, Buddha, Christ, etc.), who will in return cleanse you and erase the problem. Suppose we're having trouble with someone in our lives. Dr. Hew Len suggested we might say to ourselves, "Thank you, _________, for giving me a chance [to make amends]. You've come into my life to bug me --thank you! I didn't know I was so buggy!" Whatever is inside me that is causing this place not to rent out, please erase it and transmute me back to zero. I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you. I'm sorry for whatever is inside me that is causing this anger, please erase it and transmute me back to zero. I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you. Next time you think about why you don't have enough money, remember you are not clear.Tell yourself, I'm sorry for whatever is inside me that is causing these memories about money. Please erasethem and transmit me back to zero. I'm sorry, please forgive me...thank you, I love you." Say this over and over,until you feel the energy shift.

All Problems are NOT People, Places or Situations, BUT rather the THOUGHTS OF THEM. Self I-Dentity through Hooponopono is a PROBLEM SOLVING PROCESS of REPENTENCE,FORGIVENESS and TRASMUTATION that anyone can apply to THEMSELVES. It is the process of PETITIONING DIVINITY to convert error memories in MY sub-conscious to Zero.I CONTINUESLY DO the Self I-Dentity through Hooponopono Process of REPENTENCE, FORGIVENESSand TRANSMUTATION for WHATEVER is going on IN ME that I experience consciously OR un-consciously.My mind can ONLY serve memory or inspiration. And only ONE at a time. Divine Inspiration is WITHIN ME.The PURPOSE of life is to be RESTORED BACK to LOVE, Moment by Moment. To FULFILL this purpose,I ACKNOWLEDGE that I am 100% RESPONSIBLE for CREATING MY life the way it IS. I have come tosee that it is MY THOUGHTS that CREATE MY life the way it is, Moment to Moment. I have come toappreciate that there is NO out-there! The QUALITY of MY life has SHIFTED dramatically!The conscious mind is CLUELESS it has NO idea of what is going on. So I APPEAL to DIVINITY (Whoknows all) to convert what ever memories are playing in MY Unihipili (sub-conscious mind) to Zero. NO-ONE can PREDICT their next thought, because thoughts themselves ARISE from the UNCONSCIOUS. Ihave NO control over MY thoughts, MY ONLY CHOICE is to act (or not) once they appear. I am cleaning MYunconscious SO I get BETTER thoughts. The intellect working alone cannot solve these problems, because theintellect only manages. I want to release all MY old memories.I am RELEASING the energy of these painful thoughts (memories) which cause imbalance. All problemsolving is done WITHIN MTSELF. I am erasing MY memory and programs. Everything that appears in MYlife is only a PROJECTION of my programs.I take 100% responsibility for MY whole life. When ever I experience a problem, I am always there. I amresponsible for it all. I understand that people are acting from a memory / program. To help them, I have toremove the program. And the only way to do that is by cleaning:I love You Im sorry Please forgive me Thank youThe Divinity takes the painful memories that we all store in our sub-conscious minds and neutralizes and erasesthem. Each problem is an opportunity to clean. Problems are JUST replayed memories of the past showing upto give us one more chance to see them from the eyes of Love, and to act from INSPIRATION.I am partitioning Love to rectify errors in ME by saying. I AM SORRY. Please FORGIVE me for what ever isgoing on inside of me that has manifested as this problem. Loves responsibility is to then TRANSMUTE theerrors within ME that manifest as the problem.If I have a problem with someone else, it means that there is a MEMORY coming up that I am REACTING to.It is NOT the other person. I am asking this question of Divinity: What is going on in ME, that I have causedthis persons pain? Then I ask: How can I RECTIFY this problem within ME? I work on ME, NOT on other people.I take 100% REPONSIBILITY for MYSELF to clean with the stuff in ME that CAUSED the problems that Iexperience. We are all PERFECT! What

is imperfect is the memories (CRAP) that REACT and REPLAY as:Judgment, Resentment, Anger, Irritation and the Rest of the BAGGAGE that is carried in MY soul.As long as memories (blocks / limitations) are present in MY Sub-conscious, they BLOCK Divinity fromgiving ME Inspiration. Memories are PROBLEMS. Everyone is ALREADY perfect, the PROBLEMS are thememories. The PROBLEM is the error memory playing in MY sub-conscious mind, which I SHARE with other people.To OPEN the way for the INFLOW of The Divine, requires FIRST canceling memories. I am cleansing and erasing the memories in MY sub-conscious mind to FIND the Divinity WITHIN MYSELF because Allthoughts are imbued with painful memories.AS I clean what is WITHIN ME, they will TOO get CLEAR and HEAL in other people. I have began to realizethat I AM RESPONSIBLE for what EVERYONE says and does, simply because they are IN MYEXPERIENCE. IF I create my OWN reality, THEN I have created ALL that I see, EVEN the parts that IDONT like.When I am at Zero, EVERYTHING is available. We are all created in the IMAGE of The Divine: Void andInfinite. I am LETTING GO of MY memories.I look WITHIN MYSELF to see what is WITHIN ME that is SHARING the experience that I see on theOUTSIDE. I DONT deal with the person / problem, I deal with the FEELINGS I EXPERIENCE. Everything Isee and experience is inside ME. If I want to change anything, I do it INSIDE ME.I know that what I see in others is in ME. There is NOTHING OUT THERE, it is ALL in ME. Whatever Iexperience, I experience INSIDE MYSELF. I experience people in ME, so they DONT exist UNLESS I look in MYSELF.Expectations and intentions do NOT have any impact on Divinity. Divinity will do WHATEVER andWHENEVER in ITS own time.

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