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NAME: Intro to Psychology Module 21 Health, Stress, and Coping A. Appraisal 1. What is primary appraisal? (2 pts.

2. What are the 3 potential interpretations if the primary appraisal of a situation is stressful, and what kind of emotions can each elicit? (6 pts) 1)



B. Physiological Responses 3. What is the fight-flight response? (2 pts.)

4. Draw a flow chart showing the sequence for its activation, with a little description of each stage. (12 pts.)

5. How does the fight-flight response differ in women and why is it thought to exist? (4 pts.

6. Who reports being more stressed men or women? Why is this the case? (3 pts.)

7. What are psychosomatic symptoms and what brings them about? (4 pts.)

8. Why might people develop different psychosomatic symptoms? List two reasons. (4 pts.)

9. What is general adaptation syndrome? (2 pts.)

10. List and describe its three stages. (9 pts) 1) 2) 3) 11. Define psychoneuroimmunology (2 pts.)

12. Why are people who are exposed to chronic stress more likely to get sick? (2 pts.)

13. What conditioning was used to make the woman psychosomatically allergic to flowers? (1 pt.)

C. Stressful Experiences 14. What is the Social Readjustment Rating Scale? What is its relation to psychosomatic problems? What is one of its criticisms? (6 pts.)

15. What is PTSD and what is the most effective way to treat it and why? (4 pts.)

16. List and describe each of the 5 styles of dealing with conflict: Which do you think is your style? (16 pts)

. 17. List the 3 ways one can develop anxiety and how each can be treated: (12 pts.)

D. Personality & Social Factors 18. Define hardiness (2 pts.)

19. Explain the difference between internal and external locus of control. How are the two correlated to stress levels? (6 pts.)

20. Define positive reappraisal. What is its connection to locus of control? (4 pts.)

21. Define positive psychology and list its 3 main concerns: (5 pts.)

22. Define Type A behavior and how this definition changed over the decades: (6pts.)

23. How was Type A behavior (1990s definition) considered a risk factor?

24. Define Type D behavior. What are the health risks associated with it? What needs to be included in treatment options? (6pts.)

25. What lesson was learned through a study of the residents of Roseto, PA.? (2 pts.)

26. Why does talking to family or friends about our problems make us feel better? What does research show about how social support can impact psychiatric symptoms? (4 pts.)

E. Kinds of Coping 27. Define secondary appraisal: (2 pts.)

28. Why is problem-focused coping preferable to emotion-focused coping? (4 pts.)

29. What are the gender differences when it comes to coping? (4 pts.)

F. Research Focus: Treatment for Panic Disorder 30. What are the treatment possibilities for panic disorder, and which is most effective in the long term? (6 pts.)

G. Cultural Diversity: Tibetan Monks 31. What is the scientific explanation for how Tibetan monks can warm their hand temperature up to 12 degrees Fahrenheit? Increase gamma brain waves? (4 pts.)

H. Application: Stress Management Programs 32. What are 2 effective strategies for changing negative appraisals and why are they effective? (8 pts.)

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