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April 2012

Tribute to Mark Carmouche

Southwest Regional Chapters of the Popular Rotorcraft Association

Chapter 62 Lone Star Rotorcraft Club Contact: Steve Weir 3714 Tri City Beach Rd Baytown, TX 77520 Phone: 832-457-1785 Email: Website: Chapter 78 Texas Rotorcraft Association Contact: Bob Stark PO Box 428 Olney, TX 76374 Phone: 940-564-2938 Email: Website: Chapter 20 Pelican State Rotor Club Contact: Bill Wieger 112 Gayven Dr. Pineville, LA 71360 Phone: 318-640-5656 Email: Website Chapter 6 Mid-south Rotorcraft Club Contact: Thom Francis 210 S 8th Street Gurdon, AR 71743 Email: Phone: 870-403-2888

This Months Contributors: Dean Dolph Bill Wieger Rudy Graffeo Ira McComic Editor: Mike Grosshans To receive the Southwest Rotorcraft, other regional newsletters, and the PRA E-zine Rotorcraft just click here and enter your email address.

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Send Us Your News

Project Reports
Send us pictures of your project to include in future editions of the newsletter. We will post anything you have on your build, modifications, training, etc. Just send an email to tell us what you are doing and include some pictures if you have any. Progress reports are probably the most interesting things to read about and see.

Your Pride and Joy

Send us pictures of your machine to include as a feature in future editions. If you include some information on the details of your machine or a short bio of yourself well also include this with your pictures. Brag about your aircraft!!

Southwest Regional Newsletter

Club news and upcoming events Member profiles Members machines Chapter meeting minutes Projects, builds and modification Photos Family news Classifieds

Events and Meetings

Next time youre at a fly-in or just out flying with a buddy, take some pictures and let us know about it. Have your club secretary send us your club news and tell us about your meetings. Send us names of new members so we can welcome them to our sport. We are interested in anything your club is doing.

Family News and Announcements

Our newsletter isnt just all about the machines, its about the people of our region also. Any family news or announcements you want to share please feel free to send us so we can let everyone know. Page 2 March 2012

Newsletter Past Issues

If you have missed an issue of our newsletter just go to to download past issues. Also available at Southwest Rotorcraft

Upcoming Events
April 21; Chapter 62 Meeting at Sport Flyers April 28; Chapter 78 Meeting at Olney Ay 12; Chapter 26 Spring Meet, Opelousas Louisiana May 12; Planned First Meeting of the New Central Texas Chapter July 31 - August 4; PRA Convention, Mentone Indiana September TBA; Anahuac Fly-In September 28, 29, & 30; Ken Brock Freedom FlyWe strongly encourage all chapter members to become members of the PRA. By joining you will be supporting the organization that promotes our sport by representing us to the FAA and assist them on making gyro flying available for all of us. The new PRA website will have several members only benefits including: PRAs electronic Rotorcraft magazines along with past issues chocked full of great information and historical data, downloadable plans, and a PRA supported forum. Please join today, you wont be disappointed.

In This Issue
Page 4 - From the Editor Page 5- PRA BOD Nominations Needed Page 6 - Tribute to Mark Carmouche Page 8 - Chapter 78 March Meeting Report Page 9 - Chapter 78 March Pictures Page 10 - Chapter 62 March Meeting Report Pae 11 - Chapter 62 March Pictures Page 12 - Builders Corner Page 13 - Classifieds Page 15 - A great deal on a Monarch Page 16 - CFI Listing Southwest Rotorcraft

Cover; Mark Carmouche of Chapter 20 and his famed KB4 Page 3 March 2012

From The Editor

I grew up with John Gillmore in Iowa. He got interested in gyros and got very involved and later was on the PRA Board of Directors. He married Jennifer who was the PRA secretary for many years. When they came to Texas for the 2002 PRA International Convention John called me and asked if we would come up there and spend a few days with them. I had the time of my life and really got hooked. I got to meet Steve McGowan there and he took my then 14 year old daughter up for a ride in the Black. These things were just so fascinating, I had to learn more. In 2004 I was in a bad motorcycle accident and was unable to walk for about four years. I had to have my left leg reconstructed and work though many hours of rehabilitation to learn to walk again. When I got back on my feet I wanted to pursue the dreams I had of having and flying a gyro. I joined the PRA and Chapter 62. Shortly after I found a great deal on an RAF and now I was on my way. Took the RAF up to Ron Menzie so he could look it over for me and I could start my training. This was the best thing I could do. Ron is very knowledgeable on the RAFs and was able to help me go through it and make a few modifications, the main one was the horizontal stabilizer. Ron also is a great instructor and made it such a pleasure to train. His facility is nothing but first class and his GBA modified RAF is a great flying machine. The greatest pleasure I have gotten from this sport is the friendships that have been built over the few short years Ive been involved. There are so many different types of people, those who like to build, those who like to fly, and those that just like to hang out and have a good time. Everyone of them have so much to offer in making the sport so enjoyable. I have had the pleasure to make some friendships that I treasure and will have for the rest of my life. The closeness and caring of the group is something you cant find everywhere. There is always someone willing to jump in and help you with whatever you need whether it be building, flying, answers to questions you may have, or just to hang out and spend the day hangar flying. On March 17th Chapter 20, and the entire gyro community, lost one of our friends. Mark Carmouche was working in his shop putting together Southwest Rotorcraft

a project (a Weber engine) that he had been working on for quite some time and was finally getting to the finishing touches when he suffered a fatal heart attack. When the news of his passing hit the community you could feel how hard it hit when hearing people talk about how much he had done for them and how much he would be missed. I first met Mark when I needed a brake handle for the RAF so I could use my hand to apply the brake rather that having to use my foot. Mark contacted me and said that if I had an idea of what I wanted that he would make me one. I sent him some crude drawings that he worked from and made it up. It fit perfectly and worked just as I was hoping it would. I asked Mark what he wanted for it and I would send him a check. He told me that he made it from scrap that he had laying around and that I didnt owe him anything. Later Mark sent me an article for the Southwest Rotorcraft and suggested that we have a Builders Corner as part of the newsletter and said he had a lot that he could contribute and would do so each month. This is when I saw just how much Mark did for everybody else. He was always willing to jump in and help people with their build and design parts that would make their machine much better. Marks work was never second best, everything I saw of his work was first class and anyone with anything built by Mark was very proud of what they had. Last year Mark was at the Chapter 62 Anahuac Fly-In. He brought one of the rotor brakes he had been working on to show everyone what he had. These things were fabulous and were a great solution to the older style where you had to apply pressure to the cyclic to apply the brake. He ended up building two of them for our club members which are currently installed and being used. The entire gyro community is saddened by his passing and he will be truly missed by many. He was a pleasure to be around and his enthusiasm for the sport poured over into getting others excited as well. No matter what you needed Mark was always there to help and wanted to help everyone, even people he didnt know but he knew he could make a difference. Mark had projects going on for people all across the nation and was helping so many people. Mike Grosshans, Southwest Rotorcraft Editor

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March 2012

New Central Texas Chapter

Paul Erb is working on beginning a new PRA chapter for the people in the Central Texas area. He has all the PRA paperwork necessary and has a list of at least 5 people, he just needs to get their PRA membership number. There are 2 CFIs in the area (GTU and T74), so that should allow plenty of opportunity for growth. I guess when it rains, it pours! That would be at least 5 CFIs now in Texas. Current searches have located around 9 pilots with gyro ratings in the area and they also have a number of interested people. Eventually (ways to go there) Paul plans to get his LSCFI and be based out of HYI. Hes looking for

a used tandem Air Command or Dominator at the same time in the process of a designing a tandem that blends the best qualities of all the erector set gyros out there. He says I'd rather fly than build, but we'll see which one happens first. Preliminary plans are to set meetings on the 2nd Saturday of the month to allow attendance to the other chapter meetings and split the meeting locations like the Houston club between GTU/T74 (Taylor Municipal Airport) and HYI (San Marcos Municipal Airport). This should cover San Antonio up to Georgetown. Should get the first meeting together probably in April. If you are interested and need more information please email Paul at

PRA Board of Directors Election

The PRA has three board positions to be filled by first being nominated, then being voted in by the general election. Nominations must be in no sooner than 90 days before the convention. That means that April is our month to get these nominees submitted. To become a nominee, a person who is a PRA member in good standing, must have 3 signatures from 3 current PRA members that have been in good standing for no less than 2 years. Nominations must be in writing and include signatures from two advisory council members, contact Stan Foster. A PRA member may sponsor up to 2 nominees, 3 nominations per board seat will be accepted , and order of receiving them will determine the cutoff.

Submit nominations to Stan Foster-Advisory council committee. Nominees must submit a bio describing their credentials for accepting the nomination. Please consider running for the board so as to have an ever changing input of new energy and ideas. Respectfullly, Stan Foster-PRA secretary.

When you subscribe to the PRAs Rotorcraft Ezine you will now be subscribing to the Southwestern Rotorcraft and Western Rotorcraft newsletters. This gives you three publication each month to keep up with the news and events of rotorcraft throughout the country

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Spring Chapter Meet; Opelousas, Saturday May 12th. Summer Chapter Meet; Maybe mid-September, maybe jointly with Texas. Also fall events scheduled at Marshal, AR. Oct. 1st, and Petit Jeann Mountain, AR. October 8th Southwest Rotorcraft

Fall Chapter Meet; Late November, thinking Central LA. Such as Bunkie, Pineville, or Oakdale For more information about our upcoming meets or to get more information on Chapter 20 please contact Rudy at Page 5 March 2012

Tribute to Mark Carmouche

collaboration with other creators for various innovations. Mark was one of those rare people who are gifted with machinist expertise and combined with great creativity for designs and improvements, and at the same time being a non-eccentric, normal guy. As a remnant of good news, he definitely concluded life doing what he enjoyed most. He had just finished his intended refined-edition of the bellhousing for the Weber motor. He had just recently paid off the milling machine which he was able to figure out and program and which he valued so highly. Most regrettably, he will be greatly missed.

MARK CARMOUCHE (Announcement sent by Bill Wieger on March 18th) Mark Carmouche passed away very suddenly on March 17, as a result of a heart attack sequence at his shop area. This synopsis will provide everyone with a quick perspective of his sudden passing, with scheduling details to follow. All things were normal until he realized his chest was hurting at which time he called 911. Mark Lohman happened to appear just after the first responders had arrived, and Mark was talking ok; Mark L. thought he would come through just fine. Enroute to the hospital he was hit with a fatal attack. Lohman inquired what was wrong, Mark replied I think that Im having a heart attack buddy. He provided additional info to the responder and spoke about his phone conversation with Scott Bordelon about Scotts mornings flight and that he had just unbolted the refined bellhousing for the Weber motor from the milling machine when his chest started hurting followed by arms hurting. For the ambulance, he proceeded to get onto the stretcher by himself. Services will probably be in the Wed-Thurs time frame. An autopsy will be required, and more details will be forthcoming soon from the family. Pelican Chapter #20 will be represented appropriately and distinctly with an appropriate flower display. This is a big loss for the gyro community in Louisiana and also in the surrounding states because his crafted parts have been put into use across quite an area plus from around the country, he had several parts on order along with Southwest Rotorcraft

From Scott Bordelon: Words cannot describe what Marks friendship meant to me. He was more of a dad to me than my own dad. Everything he did came from the heart. I feel very blessed to have been his friend. I will cherish the phone call I received the morning he passed and all the memories of Mark for the rest of my life. He was definitely one of the rare people God puts into your life. We will keep his family in our prayers. Page 6 March 2012

Rudy Graffeo writes: He was always taking pictures of gyros at every meet or fly-in he attended. You never saw Mark without his camera. He was always asking questions about the different gyros he saw. Mark was always looking for a better way to build gyros. Mark has built parts for so many people in the PRA, not just Chapter 20, he was in touch with so many gyro builders & pilots thru the Rotorcraft Forum. His user name on the Rotorcraft Forum was Friendly & I think that name describes his personality perfect.

When the news of Marks death broke there was an outpouring of emails and forum posts wishing condolences. This is an email I received from Marks son: I just received my fathers email and wanted to thank everyone for their love and support nothing seems to make this better except to hear from the chapter you guys were all truly cherished and well respected by my dad he always spoke highly of everyone. Everyone has family and that is something you cannot choose, but you guys were a different breed of family to him on behalf of my father I would like to thank everyone for all that you have given to my dad, and if you knew him then you would know that a friendship is all he asked for and was the best thing you guys could ever give him. I have worked out the kinks in the front nose wheel on his machine and I will be flying it in memory of him at the Opelousas meeting God willing. Once against thanks to all. Im planning to attend the Opelousas meet on May 12th and Im really looking forward to seeing Marks machine there as his KB4 is what inspired me to want a KB. Mike Grosshans Southwest Rotorcraft Page 7 March 2012

Texas Rotorcraft Association

Report of Texas Rotorcraft Association (TRA) meeting Saturday, March 24, 2012
Remember the words from the song Home of the Range, the ones that go, Where the skies are not cloudy all day? The Olney Texas, airport could have been the inspiration for those lyrics at the March meeting of the Texas Rotorcraft Association (TRA). It was blue skies, gentle winds, and folks having fun. At midday, nearly everyone took a break from the activities to enjoy the haute cuisine prepared by celebrity chef John Key. The main course was his delectable phraguine furtieur ala commode faux pas (The closest English translation for this French delicacy is grilled hot dog with ze mustard and relish.) Immediately after the meal, CFI Gerhard Deffner presented a slide show of his motorized glider adventures, including flights from Germany to Iceland and from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, to Abu Dhabi in a Stemme motor glider. After the show, Gerhard and Bob ODell rolled out Bobs Ximango Motorglider onto the tarmac to show folks an example of one of these long winged, long distance flyers. As usual during most TRA events, CFI Henry Foster gave rides and instruction in his modified RAF gyroplane. Bryant Hummer came from Wichita, Kansas, to start his flight training while awaiting the first shipment of the Dominator kit that hell be building. Speedy Adams, from Canada, also got some flying time with Henry. Speedy is building a single-place Monarch Butterfly with a Jabiru engine. Other out-of-state attendees included Jimmy Caden from Mississippi and Michael Bisbing from
Southwest Rotorcraft Gerhard Deffner talks about his motorized glider adventures.

Alaska. While Jimmys in the area, hes getting some fixed-wing flight instruction from John McClanahan, who was also at the meeting. If the fixed-wing training isnt already part of Jimmys long-range plan to eventually pilot a rotorcraft, Im sure hell succumb. Its inevitable. Michael has been residing at the airport in his mobile mansion for the past several months while building a Savannah VG airplane. Hes racing to finish it and fly it to Alaska before those summer days arrive in Texas when it gets so hot the devil himself wishes hed listened to his brother-in-law and stayed at home. Another note-worthy celebrity at the meeting was David Dontonio. David is the flight engineer on nearly all of the most recent Carter Copter test flights. Hell be bringing us a special briefing on the Carter Copter at the next TRA meeting on Saturday, April 28, 2012. Ira McComic TRA Rambling Ambassador

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March 2012

March Meeting Pictures

Celebrity chef John Key prepares the gourmet lunch.

Michael Bisbing (right) building his Savannah VG.

Bob ODell rolls his Ximango Motorglider onto the tarmac.

Bob Stark and Bryan Fairs twoplace Air Command is ready for roll

Speedy Adams building his Jabiru powered Monarch gyroplane.

Summer Olympics team members Gerhard Deffner, Scott Sullins, and Bryant Hummer train for the hot dog eating marathon relay race.

A few of the distinguished diners. The purpose of the camouflage netting is to thwart Irans rumored spy satellite, the one designed specifically to gather intelligence about the weapons-grade fungus growing on the aged food items in the refrigerator lodged in a dark corner of the cavernous hangar of Stark's Aviation. The fungus employs a biologically autonomous process of refinement that does not require the aid of centrifuges. Southwest Rotorcraft

Carter Copter flight engineer David Dontonio (right) doffs his hat to DAR Doctor Robert Stark (at the wheel of the Starkmobile). At the next TRA meeting (in April), David will provide a special briefing about the concept prototype Carter Copter (in the background).

Bryant Hummer (left) kicks the tires of CFI Henry Fosters modified RAF while Henry (top) and Speedy Adams adjust the gryoplanes throttle linkage.

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March 2012

March Meeting Minutes

Member roll call Danny Whitten, Mike Grosshans, Dean Dolph, Steve Weir, Chauncey Surry, Joe Hogan, Stacy Maness, Antony Thomas, Bobby Munroe, Michael Luttrell, Dan Carr, Mark Spies, Will Templeton, Keith Johnston, Desmon Butts Visitors Mike Bersberger Reading and Acceptance of Minutes from Previous Meeting Minutes were not read but accepted. PRA News 1. The PRA has begun a series of webinars which can be viewed on the PRA website in the members only section. 2. Bensen Days is March 2125 Treasurer's Report 1. The chapter balance sheet was emailed out to the members. 2. Any unpaid members will be dropped from the roster as of March 31st. Safety Reports There was a report of a seat tank brace breaking on a Bensen, there have been other reports of seat braces breaking in the past, everyone needs to closely inspect the bracing on their machines. New Business 1. We are working on a new members packet to hand out when members join to give them some information on the sport and the machines 2. Anahuac Fly-In. Plans are being made for our September fly-in, the BOD asked for a $2,500 expenditure for t-shirts, food, and raffle; Steve asked for a vote, Mark seconded, and a it was unanimously voted for approval. 3. Chapter expenditures. Some items were bought up for suggested purchase such as a load speaker, plastic containers, signs, etc. Stacey motioned for a vote of a $500 limit on these items, Mark seconded and it was approved unanimously. 4. The Sport Flyers hangar was discussed. It was brought up that due to lack of renters the club Southwest Rotorcraft

Could no longer afford to keep it open. Dean motioned for a vote and Danny seconded and it was unanimously voted to close the hangar at the end of April. We will be moving out at the end of the April 21st meeting. The club still wants to offer monthly meetings on the west side of Houston and there were some suggestions made on how to accommodate this, anyone with offers of meeting places are asked to present these to the club at future meetings. Project Reports 1. Due to the amount of time spent discussing business project reports were not discussed to save time. Presentation 1. Desmon presented a short presentation on a discussion he had with the local FAA on LSA vs. Experimental Plans For Next Meeting The next meeting date is Saturday April 21st at Sport Flyers Adjournment Danny served up a great lunch of Spegetti and topped it off with cake, donations were accepted More detailed minutes can be found on the members only forum.

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March 2012

March Meeting Pictures

Southwest Rotorcraft

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March 2012

Cyclic Lock
Built by Gyro Jake and installed on Rick Martins machine. The idea of course is that when the stick lock is engaged it puts enough forward pressure on the stick to activate the rotor brake. It still keeps the stick from flopping back and forth when the wind catches the rotors. And this in turn keeps the rotors much more stationary when parked. You'll have to add "disengage stick lock" to your pre-flight check list. Don't ask me how I know. Rick Martin

Mike Grosshanss KB3

Finally got the frame painted and started putting it together. I have decided to just have the keel, mast, and axel painted, I will keep the rest of the aluminum unpainted, I really like the contrast of the aluminum against the black. Next step is getting the seat tank, a 58 tall tail from Ernie, and engine mount. Not exactly sure on the engine mount yet but Im leaning towards getting a 582 engine mount from Ernie and adapting it. I will be getting a blue head 582 from Rotax Rick and plan on 23 Dragon Wings for the blades. Southwest Rotorcraft Page 12 February 2012

Chapter Patches
If you would like to get a chapter patch for your flight suit, favorite shirt, ball cap, or just whatever you want to stick it on, contact: Chapter 20; Rudy Graffeo at Chapter 62; Danny Whitten at

Chapter 62 has two styles of Tshirts available, if you are interested please contact Danny Whitten. He usually has these available for purchase at the meetings. They are $15 each

For Sale
EA81 and Two Place Frame. I dont have any info on it the motor is a 1.8 and I can turn it over by hand, feels like it has good compression. The prop is in good shape and so is the tail, it also comes with a pre-rotator. I have the plans that came with it but they are for a Bensen and I know its not a Bensen. I will take $1,800 or best offer. Jay - 832-978-2073 or email;

Southwest Rotorcraft

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March 2012

Classifieds are free, just email with the information. Classifieds are open to everyone in our region and is not limited to rotorcraft only. Selling a set of RAF 2000 wheels (15x6.00x6 1in axle) and brakes (mechanical-cable) good rubber. $150 + shipping or will trade for ? Jack -

Gyro Books For Sale

Great books, DVDs, and CDs at

Gyros For Sale

with Phase II Subaru 2.2L FOR SALE. 450 hours TT, Flies great, current annual. Features include Keith Dorton 500 cfm racing carb, tuned exhaust headers, full instrument panel, dual fuel pumps, Sigtronics dash-mounted intercom. Hangared in Waycross, GA. Also FOR SALE 2 - David Clark H-10-13XL (ENC) headsets, GPS and mount (Garmin195), 2 - Icom handheld (A5 & A23) radios, spare parts (main drive belt, fuel pumps, new tires / tubes). Hardware, nico press toos and more. Asking $26.9K OBO for gyro, make an offer on accessories. Contact Jerry at 912-449-1140 or

Aggressor, Plans Built

27 Dragon Wings, 1982 1.8 Turbo Bratt engine, Tennessee prop, Aggressor air frame. Also have a 2.2 Legacy engine included. $8,000 Gyro is located at the PRA headquarters in Mentone. Contact John at or 317-840-2697

Southwest Rotorcraft

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March 2012

RAF Monarch Butterfly - N897TX For Sale

Brand new, never flown, engine broken in, MLS tested (to +300rrpm). 582 Rotax 66 hp Coated exhaust 25 Dragon Wing Blades Wheel pants (not painted/fitted and not installed) Rotor tach All Terrain GFLG Landing Gear GFLG Extension Selector Metro Launch System MLS Rotor Brake Pointed Nose Pod, Windshield & Step Intake Silencer After Muffler Strobes/Landing Light Fuel Flow Meter Custom Seat Cover Current price for new kit, plus options, etc $26,400. Selling Price: $22,000. Contact:Michael Stone (w) 713.350.7666 (w) Southwest Rotorcraft Page 15 September 2011

RAF 2000
Subaru 2.2 Carbureted, 30Ft RAF Rotors, Built in 2006, Cabin Heat, Pitch and Roll Trim, Belt Driven Pre-Rotator, Carb Heat, Rotor Tach, Engine Tach, Altimeter to 20,000 Feet, Air Speed Indicator Contact: Thom Francis, email, phone 870-403-2888. Located in Gurdon Arkansas

Parts and Supplies


Paul Patterson, Edmund Oklahoma

Paul trains in a modified RAF at the Guthrie/ Edmond Geoport (KGOK). His RAF includes both a stabilator and a horizontal stabilizer. 405-826-8443

Henry Foster Trains at the Olney Airport in a Modified RAF, a SparrowHawk, and an Air Command 214 692-0727



James Chowns Bastrop, LA

James trains in a tow glider at the Morehouse Memorial Airport (KBQP) in Bastrop. This is a great training aid for anyone just entering training in gyros. This was the way training was done before the two place trainers.

Southwest Rotorcraft

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March 2012

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