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Behold, a King is Born.

Insightful Article on the Royal Family

Preface / Introduction
The Royal Family piques the interest of people worldwide. Whilst the public is kept abreast of the current news from Journalists, and photos from the Paparazzi, whom have gone to extreme lengths, to capture members of the Royal Family on film; there lacks One Important Factor. The True Historian who is considered a World-Reknown Expert on all matters of the Royal Family, Dr.Jeffrey Lant. It is my privilege to be able to share the following article with you.

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Table of Contents
1. 'I am so happy...' Some thoughts on Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, the next incarnation of Wills and his Kate. 2. 'Glamis thou art and Cawdor; and shalt be/ What thou art promised.' ('Macbeth'; Act 1, scene 5) The much anticipated imperial child is born July 22, 2013, and history is made. 3. 'God Save The King'. Thoughts on the life and 'happy and glorious' reign of H.M. King George VII and the House of Mountbatten-Windsor.

Behold, a King is Born. Insightful Article on the Royal Family

'I am so happy...' Some thoughts on Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, the next incarnation of Wills and his Kate.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Author's Note. To get into the right and proper mood for this article, search any search engine for Sir William Walton's resounding "Crown Imperial." This was the music Their Royal Highnesses heard as they walked the Westminster Abbey red carpet to their future subjects, the cynosure of every eye. Walton was the perfect choice... you'll see. The State Landau, smart and polished had just driven up to the gate where the newly minted, newly married Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were waiting. The woman who started the day as Kate Middleton, turned to her new husband and said the magic words, so telling because we all felt the sentiment before she even uttered it. "I am so happy," she whispered to her prince, truly charming and a bit abashed by his position this day and perhaps thinking, "Waiting was worth it. I am truly marrying the woman I adore... and everyone is so glad about it. And I do believe she loves me for myself." The pageantry and ceremony in general. In the 19th century, the British and their monarchy were a byword for sloppy, disorganized, and often dangerous royal ceremonies. The person who was most instrumental in changing matters was Queen Victoria's "beautiful" (her word) hunk the German princeling Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. From his time at Court in the mid-1800s things got better, slowly but surely, as I detail in my book "Insubstantial Pageant: Ceremony and Confusion at Queen Victoria's Court (1979). By the early 20th century the overall reality of ceremonial muddle had been replaced by a professional approach to showcasing the monarch to his people. The British are now justly renowned worldwide for the flawless pageants that punctuate each sovereign's reign and present him to his subjects and the world just the way he wishes. The now traditional and punctilious pageantry we expect was very much on display on Friday, April 29, 2011. It was a joy to watch the aspects emerge... particularly given the fact that this event operated under peculiar circumstances... the inevitable, could-never-be-avoided comparisons to the pageantry and circumstances of the marriage 30 years before between Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer. The marriage and ceremonial arrangements of Diana, Princess of Wales' elder son and his beautiful Kate had to be considered carefully so that all of the inevitable comparisons tilted in favor of the soon-to-be Cambridges... as they most surely did. Princess Diana's marriage to the heir to "this throne of kings, this England", Prince Charles was an affair of the highest state; after all the groom was the heir to the imperium. In retrospect, what seemed so beguiling at the time appears as more an event than a marriage. Splendor (and perfect coordination) was there... love and affection were not. It was an omen for the tragedy which followed, besmirching the reputation of Prince Charles and ending in Princess Diana's sad demise. Both of Princess Diana's sons, groom Prince William and justly concerned younger son Prince Harry were clear on what they wanted... a real marriage, a real wedding, true and heartfelt feelings all round. There is no question but that they got what they wanted... which was a decided relief to the British nation and its Commonwealth... and its Queen, Elizabeth II, who arrived back at Buckingham Palace after the marriage ceremony and proclaimed the day's events "amazing." And so they were... Copyright Lisa Martiniuk - 2013 4 of 14

Behold, a King is Born. Insightful Article on the Royal Family The Married Couple. After the cynical, loveless marriage of the groom's mother Princess Diana, the nation and body language experts were on the qui vive for "the truth" about this couple, their wedding, and whether it confirmed (or challenged) the good feelings they had about Wills and Kate, and their pivotal role in establishing just the right reality (not merely image) that will allow the monarchy to flourish after the many crises of the current Royal Family, particularly the much married, much divorced children of Queen Elizabeth, a tawdry, shopworn crew. April 29th delivered what everyone wanted: a grounded, affectionate, sincerely attached couple, people who are what they seemed to be, not a scandal waiting to happen. Kate's gown was the first clue. Lady Diana's overdone gown made her look like a confectioner's bride. Who's idea was the taffeta anyway? But Kate, chic Kate, delivered exactly what one would have wanted for one's own family wedding: a form-fitting dress that breathed classic good taste, undeniable (though understated) elegance. It is the dress of a lady of taste, breeding, good judgement, and, so very visible, care, every one a desirable trait for her future job as one-who-may-be Queen Consort. The little clues so beloved of commentators and would-be cognoscenti began to stack up: * The interaction between Princes William and Harry indicated just how close they are; they needed to be given the scandal and tragedy of their parents' relations. Harry, for all that he's a known wise-acre, will be lonely now; Wills has other things to do which, even with the best will on earth, will limit time with Harry. * The way he looked at his bride for the first time in her riveting marriage attire... and said, quite simply, "You look so beautiful." And so she did... and what every bride longs to hear, the compliment based on affection, awe, and a dawning awareness that he is really getting married, and to the person he has always wanted. * The body language. As all the world knows, these two people took some eight years to get acquainted, know each other, argue and make up with each other, and love each other. The time they wisely took enabled them to become and be a couple, then yesterday, a married couple. They move together well; I was interested to see how they left the Abbey, hand in hand, the new Duke of Cambridge putting down the heel of one shoe on the toe of the other, so as not to hurry his duchess in her gown and (not too long) train. Mad for Kate. I have long been a Kate Middleton admirer; I thought she had just the right traits of heart and mind to be a truly helpful, loving partner to her prince, the better enabling him to do the important work he must do to transform and improve the monarchy in a world of relentless change. After yesterday, my already substantial admiration has substantially increased. She played her part faultlessly and, more than that, with her new husband's complete concurrence they turned their marriage from an event of monarchy and nation into a true wedding, dedicated to each other and their friends and family, including their great nation. Everything was done well, thus delivering just what everyone wanted: two deeply devoted people with a great task, historic task before them, ready now together ready to do the best we well know them capable of. And so the newest Royal Duke is now His Royal Highness of Cambridge, the old shire, not the University and Kate gets what the Duchess of Windsor could only long for, the coveted letters HRH. True, of the many new Royal Dukes of Cambridge since the 17th century, not one has been notable Copyright Lisa Martiniuk - 2013 5 of 14

Behold, a King is Born. Insightful Article on the Royal Family for anything other than his capacity for strong drink and wrong women and oodles of FitzCambridge children, royal byblows. Queen Victoria always had trouble with the Cambridges of her day, but from these self-same Cambridges came a pillar of the dynasty. That pillar was Queen Mary, Elizabeth II's dutiful, God fearing, monarchy reverencing grandmother... may our new duchess find such traits in herself. God Save the Queen (to be) and may she remain happy and glorious!

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Behold, a King is Born. Insightful Article on the Royal Family

'Glamis thou art and Cawdor; and shalt be/ What thou art promised.' ('Macbeth'; Act 1, scene 5) The much anticipated imperial child is born July 22, 2013, and history is made.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant. Author's program note. You are sleeping peacefully now, and I for one am glad of that. For you are the child on whose fragile shoulders the weight of empire shall in due course descend. And you must be ready... For that reason we will all come to know you very well. We shall see you in a thousand pictures, in every mood, in every costume, in every clime, and we shall be glad to see you smile and know you are happy and well. You are the child who will soon grow accustomed to footmen with powdered hair and palaces whose unnumbered chambers contain the treasures of centuries, treasures which will, God willing, all be yours. However, the greatest treasure of all will be your ability to touch humanity for from that touch comes the love of your great peoples worldwide; the peoples who bow to you because you personify their best and reign for them. You are the favored child whom prime ministers and statesmen crave the privilege to greet. They come and go but all know you stay, the very symbol of stability and the promise that there will always be an England, and that this England shall remain sceptered -- and royal. For you, prince, the greatest musicians shall compose their most compelling and meticulous measures... the greatest divas shall cast off petulant airs and, curseying low, rain their haughty best upon you... the greatest dancers shall strain every sinew and muscle so you see only grace and perfection. And scribblers like me shall keep a thesaurus near at hand, the better to select the apt words to extol you, the lyric words, the splendid words of our splendid language, the language that shall be called, "The King's English"... and that King shall be... you. You are to be the cynosure of every eye, today and every day of your life... the arbiter elegantiarum... the Fountain of Honor who can with the merest motion raise the lowest to the highest and with nothing more than a single radiant smile enrich a life and make one glad to be alive. Today your apprenticeship for majesty begins... your me'tier... your life's work immediately at hand... a subject you will master before the world whose heart will always beat faster the nearer you are... for we all want to see the divinity that doth hedge... you... and so be profoundly moved. You, world renowned from the moment of conception, are the symbol of unity in a world sorely divided. You, without need to face election or any process of selection whatsoever, at any time, have the luxury of honesty, integrity and forthright statement... a right you will use to our frequent advantage. Rich beyond avarice, you will want for nothing. From this pinnacle of wealth, you must advocate for those who have nothing and need everything, looking to you as the true friend they never had and sorely need. Remember this: there will be members of your court who will try to keep you away and distant from your peoples, unapproachable, arguing that your exalted status forbids such contact. Listen to such pettifogging bureaucrats at your hazard. These knighted pomposities too often misunderstand who you are and what your mission is. It is not to be segregated from the people, but to be these peoples' most fervent and unwavering advocate. Copyright Lisa Martiniuk - 2013 7 of 14

Behold, a King is Born. Insightful Article on the Royal Family You reign for all, to be sure; but you reign most for those whose needs are greatest... the young, the elderly, those who suffer, those who grieve, those who live without help or hope. You are of the blood of Diana, Princess of Wales, your grandmother who died tragically young. Take up her cause but do so without her anger and pain and desire for revenge. Make it your objective to be the "People's Prince" but with none of the baggage. "I will be good." It is fashionable in our "wicked cool" days to deride every social skill as pedantic, ponderous, dull, demeaning, getting in the way of the constant partying and irresponsible behavior that some will tell you is your right. This is wrong. Your objective must always be to represent the best of what is good about the young, their energy, their idealism, their acute and pressing desire to improve the world, whilst avoiding their often selfish and loutish behavior. The best role model is your very own ancestor, the great queen whose monumental statue abides for the ages just outside the main gate of Buckingham Palace, Queen Victoria. Here is the famous story... Like you, prince, Queen Victoria was born in the purple (1819), but the odds on her becoming sovereign were long, nowhere near as good as yours. Preceding her was her uncle the Duke of York, second son of king George III, but he died in 1827 before his brother who reigned as George IV until 1830. After his death the next son of George III became king as William IV. Had he and his wife Queen Adelaide produced a living child, he or she would have reigned, but they could not; the stillborn twin boys they produced in 1822 were the last of many disappointments. And so Victoria, Princess of Kent, whose father had died in 1820 moved closer and closer to the throne. Finally, it was decided to disclose her increasingly likely destiny. And so her governess Baroness Lehzen slipped a copy of the genealogy of the House of Hanover into one of the princess's lesson books. After perusing it for some time, Victoria came to see that her deceased father had been next in line after the king, and that Queen Adelaide had no surviving children. Thus she was the heir presumptive, likely to be the next British monarch. After a pause, Victoria is reported to have said "I will be good", and as it turned out, she meant every word, living them through the longest reign in British history (1837- 1901). What being "good" means. Years ago, I saw an incident that told me everything I ever needed to know about the man in question, California Governor Jerry Brown, then candidate for president. As he was exiting a backyard picnic in New Hampshire, an elderly white-haired woman, jostled by photographers, fell on the gravel drive way. Brown looked... and walked away, literally leaving her crumpled on the ground. He said nothing. He did nothing. He was clearly too important to be bothered by one frail person in need... and in an instant he gained my undying contempt. Here, then, is what "good" means and what you must do. Be gracious to all. It means so much and takes such little effort. Always offer your strong arm to those needing it. They will never forget... and always recall that Copyright Lisa Martiniuk - 2013 8 of 14

Behold, a King is Born. Insightful Article on the Royal Family moment as one of their happiest. Listen. And while you're listening, look the person in the eye. Compliment freely, lavishly, and smile when you do for your smile is one of the most important on Earth, making friends and building bridges whenever you release its potent magic. Do the good deed... whether you get recognized for it, or not. It's the right thing to do. Work the phones. Call people who work hard for others but get no recognition... use modern technology and the alchemy of your voice and kind heart to change lives and spread joy. Be gentle with scoffing Americans and particularly our thoughtlessly carping columnists who deride, disdain and denigrate the very idea of monarchy as obsolete. Remind them that you can go about your important work without a phalanx of armed guards who are thought necessary for every president even when buying ice cream; that you have the love and respect of your people, and so have real security. "The King Shall Rejoice!" Now, it is time for fanfare as the good, loyal people of the world thrill to your arrival. For this I have selected one of the great panegyrics by the inimitable master of monarchical music, George Frideric Handel, the "Dettingen Te Deum" (HWV 283). Written in 1743, it celebrates the victorious Battle of Dettingen (1743) over the French; the last time a British sovereign lead his armies to victory in person. Learn from George II, this often undervalued and much derided of your ancestors, for without him you may not have been born a prince at all, much less an heir apparent. Now go to any search engine and listen to Handel at his most soaring and remember we play it for you, Prince of Cambridge, "The glorious Company of the Apostles praise Thee." May it ever be thus. God Save the Queen!

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Behold, a King is Born. Insightful Article on the Royal Family

'God Save The King'. Thoughts on the life and 'happy and glorious' reign of H.M. King George VII and the House of Mountbatten-Windsor.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant. Author's program note. First, let there be music, right royal music for by their majestic composers shall we know them. Ordinary mortals do not progress with titans like George Frideric Handel to announce their imminent and impatiently awaited arrival. Thus I give you his late majesty's favorite anthem, his (new) majesty's favorite anthem, the favorite anthem of every monarch from the time it was composed for the coronation of George II in 1727 and sung at every subsequent British coronation, usually during the new monarch's anointing. It is said with authority that William V turned to Queen Kate upon his death bed and requested it be played as he had heard it at his coronation in 2038... and so aided by the words heard by his every ancestor since Saxon King Edgar at Bath Abbey in 973, the majesty that was King William V ascended to God... Queen Kate, one moment sobbing for the loss of her dearly beloved husband, the next curtseying to her liege lord and son, by the grace of God and Parliament now King George VII. He bent low over her hand kissing it... whilst the tears flowed freely; down the cheeks of mother and son, of the courtiers who had served and loved him, and of every loyal subject so many of whom gathered solemnly and silently outside the great gates of Buckingham Palace where they would soon lament with the royal Windsors upon their celebrated balcony; in mourning and profound grief; a compelling and unanswerable demonstration if any were needed why these oft derided princes shall abide, despite sarcasm, obloquy, derision and insult, for they are the rock that is England. So one king dies, so another king lives and reigns. Go to any search engine now to find "Zadok the Priest" (HMV 258). "Zadok the Priest, and Nathan the Prophet anointed Solomon King. And all the people rejoic'd, and said: God save the King! Long live the King! May the King live for ever, Amen, Allellujah." "Doing his boxes". Having been fortified by his subjects and their demonstration of loyalty, sympathy and profound commitment, the new king returned to his private quarters, there to find upon his desk the first of the red boxes which he would now receive until the day he died. These boxes, some dating from the reign of his great-grandmother, Elizabeth II, as could easily be identified by the particular royal cypher of each reign, contained the regular communications of prime ministers and other cabinet ministers and secretaries, governors general and prime ministers of the dominions, ambassadors, etc. Boxes were delivered every few hours unless the matter was marked urgent and delivered at once. Only the sovereign had the key to each box, unless he and the cabinet had authorized others to have one. He took his key and unlocked the box on his leathertop desk. Inside there were three envelopes, each marked "H.M. The King". He took up his ivory handled letter opener, first used by Queen Victoria, and slit it open. As he did so a burst of camellia filled the air. It was the queen's scent, his wife of 40 years, born Princess of Copyright Lisa Martiniuk - 2013 10 of 14

Behold, a King is Born. Insightful Article on the Royal Family Denmark, the only woman he had ever loved. Her message in scrawling hand, simply said, "I am yours. I always will be." She didn't need to say that. He knew. Two kings, one quick, the other dead. Inside the second envelope was a message in a hand he knew as well as his own, his king, his father, his friend, and here he paused for he knew that whatever was on the royal stationery engraved WVR and the crown imperial of England, was for him and only him. "Dear Son, King, I have watched you for your entire life, and I say without prejudice or (too much) bias, that you are just the right man for the difficult job ahead for the monarchy and for England. You are fair, judicious, never precipitate or rash.... and good hearted, truly a people's prince. Reign then with the blessing of our long line of princes... but more importantly... with the blessing of your peoples worldwide, and always and forever of me, your papa who has always loved you. God Save The King!" Here he paused and wrote these words in the journal faithfully kept and honestly written, for he knew historians generations to come would read it with the closest possible scrutiny, their comments so often glib, rushed, too often inaccurate. That, too, is the fate of kings, for great historians are as rare as great sovereigns. "I have lost the best of fathers, the best of friends, the best of kings. I shall not merely mourn him, however, I shall emulate him, for he was a true gentleman, a friend to all. Fortunately, I have Anne-Marie and the boys and dear mama, who looked so lovely today when she curtseyed to me as did Anne-Marie, every inch the Queen she now is. But my eye kept returning to dear papa, so very handsome and young looking as he went to God with serenity and confidence in his eternal future. May I be permitted to live -- and die -- as well. God Save The King!" The Lord Chamberlain's Report. The final envelope was large and bulky and was marked "Top Secret. For His Majesty's eyes only." The king had been expecting such a document, but not the first day of his reign. Yet its contents, on 168 detailed pages, was of the utmost significance, for it was an outline of the challenges, problems and opportunities facing the new monarch, the dynasty and its role and place in the modern world, where, as Egypt's last king, Farouk, (ousted 1952) notably quipped, there would be just 5 kings, the four in a deck of cards... and England's. The preface to this report, to be kept secret to all but a few, was signed by the Viscount Woodward, Lord Chamberlain; that is the department within the British Royal Household responsible for matters such as protocol, state visits, investitures, garden parties, the State Opening of Parliament, royal weddings and funerals and with this report ongoing planning to maintain the viability and relevance of the monarchical institution. "May it please Your Majesty." At the command of his late majesty and with the full knowledge of the prime minister, a total review of each aspect of the monarchy was ordered and is presented herewith. Your father asked that this report be placed before you at the earliest hour of your reign. He knew you would want it as quickly as possible... and, as that is your right, so we comply. It is my privilege as Lord Chamberlain to lay this unprecedented report before you and herewith review its contents, for herein is the monarchy's present position and what must be done to maintain and augment it. Sire, as your reign commences this is the position, as ascertained by constant and detailed polling of Copyright Lisa Martiniuk - 2013 11 of 14

Behold, a King is Born. Insightful Article on the Royal Family your subjects; results with an error rate of 5%. Presently, fully 68% identify themselves as supporters of the monarchy, with 24% of these giving the crown "enthusiastic" support. All this is good. Less good and increasingly worrisome is a long-term erosion in this support. At the beginning of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II (1952), the level of support was 96% with 75% stating their support as "enthusiastic". Our job, therefore, is clear: set the goal of increasing the level of support and reversing the diminution of monarchical sentiment. Everything in this report is designed to achieve these objectives. Here is a summary of our key findings, complete details, supporting data, etc. to follow. Fiscal review and urgent action. A stark recognition of Great Britain's place in the world. We are, please pardon our bluntness, not the "Great" Britain of the 19th and early 20th centuries. To carry the traditions and expenses of a previous time into an entirely different time is unfair and unwise, producing as it does criticism that is at least partly legitimate and creates an environment where the monarchy is legitimately attacked. Thus, we suggest an immediate across-the-board 15% cut in all departments by the beginning of the next fiscal year. This should be announced as soon as possible, to set the tone for your majesty's reign. It must be stressed that you do this of your own volition. It is recommended that you make the announcement in London's East End, so often roiled by street violence and with a live statement on the Internet. In such a way will you be seen as an activist king. This may kindle some acid commentary among left-wing political parties, but by going over the heads of their (over paid, slothful ) leaders, you can address their followers directly and establish the necessary rapport with them. The Prince of Wales. History suggests an active role for HRH, on the model of the world tours of Prince Edward (later Edward VIII, thence Duke of Windsor). Support for the monarchy is fairly consistent, but as your majesty may agree, the loss of any Dominion (particularly Canada or Australia) to republican sentiments would be a loss of major significance. HRH with his attractive features and personality should have as his task solidifying the support of particularly young adults. He is supremely positioned for such a role... and with proper instruction in Internet communications (including his own page at Facebook) will quickly become a savvy and influential player. The two queens. Polling data have clearly established the enormous popularity of and sympathy for Queen Kate. We feel sure that HM will want an activist role, particularly with children. We hope your majesty will meet with her as soon as you deem appropriate to ascertain her feelings and wishes. HM the Queen. Queen Anne-Marie's favorability ratings rival those of Queen Kate. She has already established a position of prominence and utility amongst what might be called the "community of need", bringing her bright smile and practical suggestions to people in real need, what one might call, but for her, the "forgotten ones." HM has indicated to this committee that she would be amenable to any role in this endeavor you, sir, care to suggest. She perfectly understands the objective: maximum impact, minimum cost. (Editor's note: He didn't need to be told this either. He knew.) And so it went, one pointed suggestion after another until the exhausted monarch, on a day of history, pageantry, death. apotheosis and love, unable to keep his tired eyes open another minute, fell asleep at his desk, no mere figurehead, no token sovereign but a man fully engaged with his nation, its peoples, and the dynasty of Mountbatten-Windsor, now its chief trustee and supreme leader; a man with a mission, a king indeed... Copyright Lisa Martiniuk - 2013 12 of 14

Behold, a King is Born. Insightful Article on the Royal Family And so, the world in its hundreds of millions waited impatiently to hear and participate in the first ever interactive royal webcast, beamed to the entire planet from the room in Buckingham Palace where his parents faced the media upon the occasion of their engagement. At precisely the announced moment, without any introduction given or needed, the king opened by saying, "I'd like to introduce you to the love of my life and my dear son William. We are grateful for the opportunity to meet you and talk to you about how we can all work together to preserve our planet. God save the Earth!"

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Behold, a King is Born. Insightful Article on the Royal Family

About the Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Lant is also a recognized royal expert and historian having penned 18 best-selling business books. Watch for his online televised interviews about the Royal Wedding of William and Kate. Republished with author's permission by Lisa Martiniuk

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