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mengajar v. to teach; instruct; educate; train; tutor; coach; practice
( meng+ajar ) //

pengajar n. teacher; instructor; educator; mentor; guru

( peng+ajar )

membeli purchase; buy; invest in; get ( mem+beli )//pembeli n.buyer; purchaser; customer; vendee ( pem+beli ) mencari v. to search; seek; look for; pursue ( men+cari ) // pencari n. searcher; seeker ( pen+cari )
mendatang adj. upcoming; in the future ( men+datang ) // pendatang n. immigrant; arriving person; outsider; comer; newcomer; settler ( pen+datang ) mengganti substitute; alter; change; replace; exchange(meng+ganti) //pengganti n. successor; substitute; surrogate; deputy; antecedent ( peng+ganti )
menghias adorn; decorate; dress up (meng+hias ) //penghias n.a decorator; a person who decorates, adorns, embellishes, etc. ( peng+hias )

mengikut follow orders; to be submissive; go along with; obey; accompany (meng+ikut ) pengikut n. follower; adherent; disciple; participant; partisan ( peng+ikut ) /// sew = coser
menjahit sew; mend; stitch; do needlework; tailor ( men+jahit ) //penjahit 1 n. a tailor; a person who sews // penjahit 2 n.a sewing needle ( pen+jahit )

mengenal v. to know; recognize; to be acquainted with ( meng+(k)enal )

pengenal 1 n. identification; characteristic (peng+(k)enal) // pengenal 2 n.a person or thing that knows or recognizes (peng+(k)enal)

melempar hurl; toss; throw; launch; fling ( me+lempar ) // pelempar n.thrower; tosser; hurler; pitcher; launcher ( pe+lempar )
meminum drink; smoke; imbibe ( me+minum ) // peminum n.a drinker; a guzzler; a person who drinks alcoholic beverages ( pe+minum )

menanti wait; to wait for ( me+nanti ) // penanti n. waiting person; hostess ( pe+nanti ) memakai wear; use; utilize ( mem+(p)akai ) // pemakai n.user; consumer; applier ( pem+(p)akai ) merugi incur losses; suffer damage; to be harmed ( me+rugi ) menyatu fuse; merge; integrate; combine into one; amalgamate; meld ( meny+(s)atu) // penyatu=unifying
menerima receive; get; accept; admit; adopt ( men+(t)erima ) // penerima n. acceptor; recipient; receiver; consignee; transferee ( pen+(t)erima )

mengukur v. to measure; gauge; size; dimension; determine size or quantity ( meng+ukur ) pengukur 1 n. a meter; a gauge; a person or thing that measures, gauges or determines size or quantity(peng+ukur) pengukur 2 n.coconut grater ( peng+(k)ukur )
ajaran belian hiasan ikutan jahitan n. doctrine; ideology; teachings; instruction; education; theory; tuition ( ajar+an ) n.items bought; purchases; a purchase ( beli+an ) n. adornment; decoration; finery; decor; ornamentation; a garnish ( hias+an ) n. something to be followed or imitated; an example to follow; a model ( ikut+an ) 1 n.seam; a sewn junction of two pieces of cloth ( jahit+an ) // jahitan 2 n.sewing; items sewed; a stitch ( jahit+an )

kenalan n. an acquaintance; a person one knows or is acquainted with ( kenal+an ) lemparan n. a throw; a toss; a cast; a fling, a jet ( lempar+an ) minuman n.a beverage; a drink; refreshments ( minum+an ) pakaian n. clothes; clothing; apparel; attire; garments; garb; raiment; dress ( pakai+an ) satuan n. a unit ( satu+an ) ukuran n. a measure; measurement; size; standard; scale; criterion; format ( ukur+an ) pengajaran n. education; educating; teaching; learning; instruction; subject matter ( peng+ajar+an ) pembelian n. buying; purchasing ( pem+beli+an ) pendatangan n. arriving; visiting; bringing in ( pen+datang+an ) pengertian n. understanding; comprehension; appreciation; sense; meaning ( peng+erti+an )
penggantian n. replacement; substitution; succession; change; displacement; alternation; exchanging; setoff; offset ( peng+ganti+an )

penjahitan n.sewing process; tailoring; stitching ( pen+jahit+an ) pengenalan n.identifying; introducing; recognizing; recognition; familiarization; an acquaintance (peng+(k)enal+an ) pelemparan n. throwing; tossing; launching ( pe+lempar+an ) penantian n. waiting room ( pe+nanti+an ) pemakaian n.using; utilizing; applying; consuming; consumption (pem+(p)akai+an ) penyatuan n.uniting; unifying; unification; a union; integrating; integration; melding; merging (peny+(s)atu+an ) penerimaan n. receipt; reception; a receiving; acceptance; accepting; admission; response(pen+(t)erima+an) pengukuran n. measurement; measuring; sizing; determining size or quantity ( peng+ukur+an )


1.-Silakan duduk di sebelah kanan, dekat jendela Bu, lebih segar. Please sit down on the right, close to the window Ms, fresher. 2.- Terima kasih Budi! Tolong bawakan daftar makanannya. Saya baru selesai kerja; jadi lapar! Thank you Budi! Please bring his menu. I just was finished the work; became hungry! 3.- Mau pesan apa hari ini Bu Esti? Ada ikan bakar, ayam goreng, sayur-sayuran dan lain lain What to you want to order today Ms Esti? There is fish burnt, fried chicken, vegetables and others 4.- Nasi goring saja, tapi jangan pakai terlalu banyak cabe. Saya kurang suka yang pedas. Tolong bukakan pintu, aduh panas! cabe n.chili; red pepper Rice goring, but don't with too many chillis. I not all that liked that was hot. Please open the door, ow hot! 5.- Jika Ibu masih kepanasan, duduk saja di sebelah kiri sana, ada fan, jadi lebih segar. If Ms still was hot, sat on the left there, there is fan, so fresher. // Fan = fan = ventilador 6.- Tidak usah, maaf saya merepotkan. Karena umur saya, tidak muda lagi, sudah tujuh puluh tujuh tahun umurku! Not need to, sorry I was troublesome. Because of my age, not again young, already my seventy-seven age years!
usah 1 make necessary; necessitate; // usah 2 adj. necessary; required; essential; requisite merepotkan v. to trouble; bother; inconvenience; to "bug" someone ( me+repot+kan ) // repot adj.busy; difficult; complicated; troublesome

LATIHAN: 1.- Maaf, saya tidak bisa buka pintu, merepotkan orang lain.
1 .- I'm sorry, I can not open the door, to bother someone else. merepotkan trouble; bother; inconvenience; to "bug" someone ( me+repot+kan )

2.- Jika tidak ada ikan, saya pesan ayam bakar saja.
2 .- If there is no fish, I order grilled chicken only.

3.- Ikanmu kurang segar karena kepanasan di sana.

3. - your Fish was not fresher because of being hot there.

4.- Budi baru mandi lagi, tapi dia belum buka pintu kamar mandi.
4. - Budi just bathed again, but he did not yet open the door to the bathroom.

5.- Sayur sayuran dan goreng-gorengan kurang pedas di rumah makan itu.
5 .- Vegetable fried vegetables and less spicy in the diner.
1.-mengajar v. to teach; instruct; educate; train; tutor; coach; practice(meng+ajar)=>mengajarkan teach; instruct; educate ( meng+ajar+kan ) 2.-membeli purchase; buy; invest in; get ( mem+beli ) =>membelikan get; purchase; pay for; to go and buy; to buy for someone ( mem+beli+kan )

mencari v. to search; seek; look for; pursue (men+cari)=> mencarikan arrange; set up; seek; to help look for ( men+cari+kan )
4.-mendatang adj. upcoming; in the future ( men+datang ) =>mendatangkan v. to import; bring in; ship in; come in; send for ( men+datang+kan )

5.-mengerti understand; to comprehend; to fathom(meng+erti )=>mengertikan explain ( meng+erti+kan )

6.-mengganti substitute; alter; change; replace; exchange (meng+ganti) menggantikan change; replace; switch; supersede; supplant; substitute ( meng+ganti+kan ) 7.- mengikut v. to follow orders; to be submissive; go along with; obey; accompany ( meng+ikut )=> mengikutkan mobilize; recruit ( meng+ikut+kan ) 8.- melempar hurl; toss; throw; launch; fling ( me+lempar )=> melemparkan hurl; toss; throw; launch; fling ( me+lempar+kan )
9.- meminum v. to drink; smoke; imbibe ( me+minum )=>meminumkan serve a drink; give someone a drink; to water ( me+minum+kan )

10.-menanti wait; to wait for ( me+nanti )=> menantikan v. to wait for; await; expect; look for; watch for ( me+nanti+kan )
11.- merugi v. to incur losses; suffer damage; to be harmed ( me+rugi )=>merugikan v. to damage; hurt; impair; harm; injure ( me+rugi+kan ) 12.- menyatu v. to fuse; merge; integrate; combine into one; amalgamate; meld ( meny+(s)atu )

menyatukan v. to join together; unite; unify; concentrate; combine; amalgamate ( meny+(s)atu+kan )

13.- menerima v. to receive; get; accept; admit; adopt ( men+(t)erima ) =>menerimakan deliver; hand over; offer ( men+(t)erima+kan )


1.- Siapa perempuan yang memakai gaun kuning dengan topi hijau itu? Who is the woman that wore the yellow gown with the green hat? gaun n. gown; a formal dress; an elegant woman's dress 2.- Bukan gaun, itu sarung! Dia adik ibuku: tante saya. Cantik, ya? tante n. aunt; ma'am Not the gown, that the sarong! He is my mother's brother: My aunt. Handsome, ok? sarung 1 n. a cover; case; sheath // sarung 2 n. sarong; a loose robe or dress; a folded cloth robe // paman n.uncle
3.- Ya, bibimu cantik sekali! Dan laki-laki yang di sebelahnya itu, yang pakai celana biru pasti suaminya, pamanmu ya?

3 Yes, your aunt's beautiful! And the man next to him was, that her husband would wear blue pants, yes your uncle?
pasti adj. sure; certain; definite; positive; doubtless; conclusive; categorical; inevitable

4.- Bukan, pria itu bukan suaminya! Dia saudara sepupunya, oom saya juga. Dan lelaki yang sebelah kirinya, keponakanku.
4 .- No, he was not her husband! She was his cousin, my uncle also. And the man left, my niece. keponakan n.niece; nephew 5.- Wanita yang pakai rok merah dan baju hitam itu siapa? sepupu n. cousin; a child of a person's aunt or uncle 5 .- The woman is wearing a red skirt and black shirt, anyway? berkumis v. to have a moustache ( ber+kumis ) 6.- Dia nenek saya, isteri kakekku, yang berkumis dan pakai sepatu coklat. Keluargaku memang suka yang berwarna-warna! 6. - he my grandmother, the wife of my grandfather, who had a moustache and with chocolate shoes. My family indeed liked that was multicoloured! memang adv. indeed; yes; actually; naturally; certainly; of course; an affirming word

LATIHAN: pasti adj. sure; certain; definite; positive; doubtless; conclusive; categorical; inevitable 1.- Pamanku kurang suka kain biru, tapi isterinya pasti suka kain n.cloth; fabric; garment; textile; material
1 .- My uncle does not like the blue, but his wife would like

2.- Semua keponakan ibuku juga sepupuku.

2 .- All my mother's nephew is also my cousin.

3.- Dia sudah memotret keluarganya dua tahun yang lalu, tapi fotonya hitam putih.
3 .- He has been photographing his family two years ago, but black and white photograph.

4.- Laki-laki dan perempuan yang di sana itu tidak sarung.

4 .- The men and women that there were no gloves. memotret photograph; take a photo ( mem+(p)otret ) sarung 1 n. a cover; case; sheath // sarung 2 n. sarong; a loose robe or dress; a folded cloth robe

5.- Dia belum berkeluarga, masih muda tapi memang cantik sekali, kan?
5 .- He is not married, still young but it's beautiful, right?
berkeluarga v.having a family; being married; being related; kindred ( ber+keluarga )

memang adv.indeed; yes; actually; naturally; certainly; of course; an affirming word


becak 1 n. a three-wheel taxi cab; carrier cab; pedicab; trishaw cab; rickshaw // becak 2; spot; stain 1.- Berapa ke kraton, Pak? Kasih harga yang murah ya, saya kan sering naik becak Bapak. 1 .- How to court, sir? Love the cheap price, yes, pedicab ride my father's frequent. kraton n. royal palace; fortified palace city; a ruler's residence 2.- Ya, tapi Tuaan tahu jalan ke sana jauh dan saya selalu utara, ada perbaikan jalan, jadi lebih lama lagi. 2 .- Yes, but the elderly know how to get there and I was always far north, there are repairs to roads, so much longer. 3.- Tahu jalanya kan, dai sini belok kiri, terus sampai lampuh merah, lalu masuk kraton lewat sebelah kanan. 3 .- nets Know it, from here turn left, continue until the red light and entered the palace through the right side. 4.- Maksudnya ke timur dulu, terus ke selatan, akirnya ke barat sedikit. Aduh kasihan saya dong, jalannya naik terus!
4 .- That to the east first, continue to the south, akirnya to the west a little. Oops sorry for my dong, WAY up continues!

5.- Berapa lama sampai di sana? Kalau macet, lebih baik tidak jadi. Saya ada janji temu, tidak boleh terlambat.
macet adj. stopped up; clogged; congested; jammed up; stuck

janji n. a promise; pledge; commitment; appointment; engagement; agreement; a "date" 5 .- How long to get there? If you get stuck, so better not. I have an appointment, do not be late. 6.- Kenapa Tuan, lihat: belum macet. Saya pikir kira-kira setengah jam saja sampai di sana. Yo naik Tuan, kalau mau tiba sebelum malam. 6 .- Why sir, see: not bad. I think about half an hour just to get there. Yo ride sir, if you want to arrive before nightfall

LATIHAN: 1.- Nanti sore jalannya akan macet sekali.

1 .- Later that afternoon once the road will be jammed.

2.- Silahkan masuk, sebelah sini utara kraton.

2.- Please come in, one this north side of the palace.

masuk v. to enter; go in; come in

3.- Kamu tahu harus belok kanan, terus ke selatan sampai akhir jalan.
3 .- You know to turn right, continue south to the end of the road.

4.- Orang barat sering terlambat kalau ada janji temu, orang timur juga!
4 .- The west is often too late if there is an appointment, the east as well!

5.- Bukan maksud saya, kenapa kamu pikir begitu?

5 .- It's not what I mean, why do you think so? maksud n.intent; intention; meaning; purpose; aim; design; motive; point


1.- Maaf Bu, pusat kota di mana? Saya mau belanja dan beli kartu pos, amplop, perangko dan lain lain
1 .- I'm sorry ma'am, where downtown? I go shopping and buy postcards, envelopes, stamps and other ... pusat n. central place; center; focus; focal point // kota n. city; town; municipality belanja n. expense; cost; charges // amplop envelope // perangko n.postage stamp; postage; a stamp

2.- Hampir sampai pak, terus saja ke selatan, menyeberang alun-alun, di sekelilingnya ada banyak toko.
2 .- Almost until the pack, continue south, crossing the square, there are many shops around. hampir adv.almost; nearly; close; still a little deficient
sampai 1 p. until; up to; as far as; yet // sampai 2 accomplish; achieve; reach; finish; arrive // sampai 3 hang; hang out; drape over

menyeberang v. to go across; cross over; go over ( meny+(s)eberang ) alun-alun square; plaza; public park; large front yard
sekeliling n. surroundings; neighborhood ( se+keliling ) // keliling n.circumference; perimeter; driving around; environs; around

3.- Kalau kantor pos juga di sana Bu? 3 .- If the post office is also in there ma'am? 4.- Kelihatan dari sini Pak! Itu, di seberang jalan. Di depannya ada penjual surat kabar dan kartu pos.
4 .- It appears from here sir! That is, across the street. Here was the sellers of newspapers and postcards. seberang adv. across; opposite; other side; beyond; foreign // penjual n.seller; trader; dealer; vendor ( pen+jual )

5.- Kalau mau kirim paket atau surat yang cepat, bagaimana caranya Bu?
5 .- If you want to send a package or letter that fast, how about that? kirim v. to send; dispatch; mail; ship 6.- Tanya saja di loket: jangan minta yang biasa, tetapi kilat atau kilat khusus, itu yang paling cepat sampai di alamat. 6 .- Just ask at a counter: do not ask the usual, but speedy or special speedy, it was the fastest up the address.
loket n. ticket window; teller window; box office // kilat 1 n.lightning; a flash of light // kilat 2; quick; speedy; express

khusus adj. special; exceptional; uncommon; unconventional; peculiar

LATIHAN: 1.- Suruh dia minta maaf pada ibumu.

1 .- Make him apologize to your mother. 2 .- In this letter, you like to send special delivery?

suruh n. an order; instruction; command surat n.a letter; a written correspondence; a document

2.- Surat ini, anda mau kirim kilat khusus?

3.- Jalan mana yang paling cepat untuk pergi ke kantor pos?
3 .- Which is faster to go to the post office?

4.- Di loket sana, tidak ada penjual surat kabar.

4 .- At the booth there, there are no sellers of newspapers.

5.- Alun-alun kota kecil itu biasa saja.

5 .- The square little town for granted. // Granted =conceder; otorgar, dispensar, dar.

5. - the small city Town Square was just normal.

biasa adj. usual; customary; ordinary; normal; common; general; conventional; typical; mediocre; regular; routine
saja 1 adv. just; merely; only; exclusively // saja 2 emphasis word; very; extremely // saja 3 adv. also; too



better; more good // saja


always; continuously


penyewaan n. renting; leasing ( peny+(s)ewa+an ) 1.- Condro, apa kabar? Saya ingin sewa sepeda atau sepeda motor. Menurut kamu, apa yang paling baik? 1.- Condro, how are you? I want to rent a bicycle or motorcycle. According to you, what's the best? menurut 1 p. according to; pursuant ( men+(t)urut ) menurut 2 v. to imitate; conform to; obey; follow; go along with; to be submissive ( men+(t)urut ) 2.- Kalau saya jadi penyewa, saya lebih suka menyewa sepeda karena kurang berbahaya tapi mudah dicuri, harus hati-hati, banyak pencuri. 2 .- If I were a tenant, I would prefer to rent a bike because it is less dangerous but easily stolen, must be careful, a lot of thieves. 3.- Aduh susah memutuskan! Kamu mau menyewakan sepeda motor Honda yang hitam ini? Kelihatan baru ya? 3 .- Really hard to decide! Do you want to rent out a black Honda motorcycle is this? New look huh? 4.- Ya, baru. Ini punya saya, bukan untuk disewakan. Tapi helmnya kamu boleh pinjam.
4 .- Yes, new. This got me, not for rent. But you can borrow the helmet.

disewakan v.pass. for hire; for rent; for lease ( di+sewa+kan ) 5.- Mau tukar sama helm yang punya saya itu? Helm ini aman sekali! 5 .- Want to exchange the same helmet that I have it? This helmet is safe at all! 6.- Kamu lucu sekali waktu bilang mau sewa motor bebek saya dan tukar helm tua dengan helm baru. YaJangan lupa mengembalikan,ya? 6 .- You're so funny when I said I want to rent a motorcycle helmet and exchange the old with the new helmet. Yes ... Do not forget to return, yes? bebek n. duck; a type of web-footed bird that lives near water
mengembalikan v. to give back; return to; send back; restore; refund ( meng+(k)embali+kan )

LATIHAN: 1.- Dia belum memutuskan apa yang dia akan bilang kepada suaminya.
1 .- He has not decided what he'll say to her husband. putus adj.terminated; cut off; broken off; finished; over; not connected; off
memutuskan v. to break off; terminate; decide; determine; resolve; conclude; adjudicate; finish; disconnect; discontinue ( mem+(p)utus+kan )

2.- Penyewa rumah itu dicuri sepedanya.

curi steal; rob; shoplift

2 .- Tenants of the house was stolen bike. dicuri v.pass. robbed; shoplifted; stole; pilfered; ripped off; burglarized ( di+curi )

3.- Orang itu tidak pernah meminjamkan motornya, tetapi dia menyewakannya.
3 .- The man has never lent his motorcycle, but he was renting. meminjamkan v. to lend; to loan out ( mem+(p)injam+kan )

4.- Hati-hati kamu, itu tidak lucu, tidak aman dan berbahaya.
4 .- Be careful, it's not funny, not safe and dangerous. aman adj. safe; secure; peaceful; quiet; orderly
bahaya n.danger; peril; emergency; jeopardy; hazard

berbahaya be dangerous; perilous; hazardous; unsafe; detrimental; harmful; noxious; virulent ( ber+bahaya )

5.- Kenapa kamu tidak mau tukar bebek muda ini dengan ayam tua itu.
5. - Why didn't you want to exchange this young duck with the old chicken.

seniman n. an artist; a person who creates art ( seni+man ) // Putu = a balinis name 1.-Putu! Adik-adik kamu di mana? (Made = balinais name ) 1. -Putu! Your brothers where? 2.- Made di sawah dengan Nyoman, sedang menanam padi. Yang lain saya kurang tahu. 2. - Made in the paddy-field with Nyoman, was burying rice. It was other that I not all that knew.
sawah n. an irrigated rice field; paddy rice field // menanam v. to grow; cultivate; plant; vegetate; bury; raise; invest ( men+(t)anam )

padi n. paddy rice field; rice plant; unhusked rice 3.- Apa Ketut sudah menyelesaikan lukisan barunya? Harus siap segera. 3. - What of Ketut has completed his new painting? Must be ready immediately.
menyelesaikan finish; terminate; settle; complete; solve; accomplish; consummate; fulfill ( meny+(s)elesai+kan )

lukisan n. art painting; drawing; portrayal; picture; portrait; depiction; sketch ( lukis+an ) segera adv. soon; promptly; immediately; summarily; expeditiously; early; pronto; presto 4.- Belum, tapi Wayan sudah selesai ukiran Garuda yang dipesan oleh pedanda.

4. - Not Yet, but Wayan has been finished ukiran Garuda that was ordered by the priest.
ukiran n. a carving; an engraving; fretwork ( ukir+an ) // ukir v. to carve; engrave; chisel // pedanda n. Balinese high priest

5.- Apa Putu sudah pulang dari pura? Apa pertunjukan tariannya berhasil? tarian n. a dance ( tari+an ) 5. - What of Putu has come home from the temple? Did the performance of his dance be successful? pura 1 n. Balinese temple // pura 2 n. stronghold; city; town // pura 3 n. pouch; purse; fund of money 6.- Saya kurang tahu, saya bukan seniman! Tanya saja sama Made, dia ada di sini! 6. - I not all that knew, I not the artist! Just ask the same to Made, he is here! tanya 1 v. to ask; question; query // tanya 2 n. a question; a query; an interrogative

1.- Dia segera mengukirkan itu untukmu. 1. - he immediately carved that for you. mengukirkan v. to engrave, carve or chisel ( meng+ukir+kan ) 2.- Apa Made anak kedua anda atau anak keenam? 2. - What MAde your second child or the sixth child? 3.- Wayan suka menarikan tarian Bali. 3. - Wayan liked to dance the Balinese dance. menarikan v. to dance ( men+(t)ari+kan ) 4.- Mereka tidak ada di pura, baru pergi ke sawah. 4. - they were not in the temple, just went to the paddy-field. 5.- Saya mau beli Garuda yang dilukis oleh pelukis ini. 5. - I wanted to buy Garuda that was depicted by this painter. garuda n. a legendary giant eagle; mythological creature with bird's head and human body; Vishnu's steed dilukis v.pass. painted; drawn; pictured; described; portrayed ( di+lukis )


1.- mengakhirkan v. to put back; postpone; put at a disadvantage; to slight ( meng+akhir+kan ) 2.- membarukan v. to renew; renovate; modernize; make new ( mem+baru+kan ) 3.-mencantikkan 4.- pendekatan n. an approach; rapprochement; reconciling; getting closer to someone or something ( pen+dekat+an ) 5.-menggorengkan // menggoreng fry; saute; to cook by frying ( meng+goreng ) 6.- menghabiskan finish; complete; settle; end; fulfill; accomplish; exhaust; expend ( meng+habis+kan ) 7.- perikanan n. fishery; a place for raising and studying fish ( per+ikan+an ) 8.- penjualan 1 n. activity of selling; trading; dealing; marketing; vending; divesting ( pen+jual+an ) 8.- penjualan 2 n. selling place; marketplace 9.-pengurangan n. a decrease; reduction; subtraction; deduction; diminishing; dwindling; lessening; abating; curtailment;
shrinkage ( peng+(k)urang+an )

10.- melewatkan v. to omit; pass up; allow to pass through; surpass ( me+lewat+kan ) 11.- permintaan n. a petition; request; demand; appeal; solicitation; supplication; plea; entreaty; behest ( per+minta+an ) 12.- pernikahan n. wedding; marriage; wedding celebration ( per+nikah+an ) 13.- memanaskan v. to heat; warm up ( mem+(p)anas+kan ) 14.- merugikan v. to damage; hurt; impair; harm; injure ( me+rugi+kan ) 15.- menerbangkan fly a plane; fly away; to make fly ( men+(t)erbang+kan ) 16.- penurut n. obedient person; follower; meek person ( pen+(t)urut ) 17.- menguangkan v. to cash; to exchange or sell for cash; convert to cash ( meng+uang+kan ) 18.- berwaktu


masalah n. question; issue; matter; problem; trouble; glitch; dilemma// Tidak ada masalah 1.-Tolong koper saya ditaruh di kamar saya, lantai dua, nomor dua ratus lima puluh tiga. Saya tinggal di sini samapi lusa. 1.-Please put my luggage in my room, second floor, number two hundred and fifty-three. I'm staying here till the day after tomorrow. 2.-Bapak sudah ambil kunci di kantor penerimaan tamu? tamu n. guest; visitor; caller; customer penerimaan n.receipt; reception; a receiving; acceptance; accepting; admission; response ( pen+(t)erima+an ) Father had taken the key in the reception office? 3.-Sudah! Tetapi kamarnya kotor sekali! Kamar kecilnya di luar, dan handuknya tidak ada, sabun juga tidak.
3.-It! But her room is very dirty! Outside the small room, and no towels, soap is not.

4.-Bukan masalah Pak, bisa pindah ke lantai tiga, ada kamar kecil pribadi dan kamar mandinya sudah disiapkan. No, problem Mr, you can pass to the third floor, there are private bathrooms, which are already prepared. 5.-Boleh saya lihat kamarnya? ..Ya, lumayan. Boleh saya bayar dengan kartu kredit? lumayan adj.fair; moderate; reasonable; sufficient; alright; adequate; ample 6.-Bukan masalah, boleh Pak. Satu malam tiga puluh ribu rupiah, termasuk sarapan pagi.

1.-Boleh kami makan pagi di kamar atau harus ke ruang makan? ruang n.a space; room; area; hall 2.-Ada semua di kamar mandi, termasuk handuk dan sabun. semua adv.entire group; all; whole You have everything/all in the bathroom, including towels and soap 3.-Kuncimu saya taruh di di kantorku. Kunci n. a key; a lock; a wrench I put your keys in the office

4.-Di lantai empat, tidak ada kamar dengan kamar kecil pribadi, kamar kecil ada di luar saja. 5.-Koper-koper mereka belum disiapkan, tapi itu bukan masalah! koper n.suitcase; trunk; luggage
luggage suitcase they are not prepared but it is not a problem


untungnya adv. fortunately; luckily ( untung+nya ) diundang v.pass. invited; summoned ( di+undang ) bawa v. to carry; bring; handle; take with // kado n. gift; present // oleh means of; because of; by oleh-oleh n. souvenirs; presents; trinkets; small gifts brought home by travelers as mementos kampung n. hamlet; rural compound; cluster of houses; neighborhood; village pindah v. to transfer; move; change places; shift around; divert sulit adj. difficult; complicated; hidden; complex; demanding; challenging; exacting; tricky; ticklish 1.-Nona, saya minta soto ayam satu, sate kambing dua porsi dan dua bir.
Miss, I had one chicken soup, two servings of lamb kebabs and two beers.

2.-Saya tidak mau minum bir, es jeruk saja, pakai sedikit gula. Untuk bikin gado-gado, pakai apa Nona?
I do not want to drink beer, ice lemon course, put a little sugar. To create a gado-gado, wear what Miss? bikin v. to make; cause; produce;

3.-Tidak sulit, yang dipakai hanya kentang, udang, telor, sayur-sayuran, kecap, sambal dan saus kacang.
It is not difficult, uses only potatoes, prawns, egg, vegetables, soy sauce, chilli sauce and peanut sauce.

4.-Saya pasti tidak ingat nanti, kamu bisa bantu waktu saya coba bikin, ya. pasti adj. sure; certain; definite; positive; doubtless; conclusive; categorical; inevitable
I certainly do not remember it later, you can help when I tried to make, yes.

5.-Boleh! Malam minggu saya mengadakan pesta ulang tahun untuk teman terbaik saya, namanya Abduh. Kamu ikut saja! mengadakan v. to arrange; make; create; establish; launch; pursue; invent; to bring into being ( meng+ada+kan )
May! Sunday night I'm having a birthday party for my best friend, his name Abduh. You take it!

6.-Dan kamu mau masak untuknya. Kalau saya diundang juga, saya akan bawa kado dan oleh-oleh dari kampung.
And you want to cook for him. If I was invited also, I'll bring gifts and memories of the village.

1.-Anda masih ingat pesta ulang tahunya? Do you still remember his birthday party?
ingat v. to remember; recall; to be mindful; attentive; careful ulang adv.repeatedly; frequently 2.-Saya mau undang Ibu makan udang di rumah makan itu. I want to invite the mother to eat shrimp to that restaurant undang 1 n. rule; regulation; law // undang 2 invite; summon; ask for; look for udang n. shrimp; prawn; lobster

3.-Di sini, Isteri ikut suami, Kalau dia mau pindah. Isteri ikut pindah!
Here, women joined her husband, if she want to move. You wife moved!

pindah v. to transfer; move; change places; shift around; divert 4.-Siapa nama teman terbaik mereka? Tolong bantu saya, Pelajaran ini sulit sekali.
Who are their best friend's name? Please help me, this is a very difficult lesson.

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