Art Lesson 1

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Visual Art

Created by: Alexandra Moses School/Location: Alice Deal Middle School Grade: 8th grade art Content/Unit: The art unit question: How can art be original? The library lesson will support the eighth grade visual arts classes in their artist research project. Students will take a field trip to the National Gallery of Art, and examine and analyze the work of a contemporary artist. When they return, they will research their chosen artists, looking at biographical information (such as education, place of birth, etc.), style of art, influences, and samples of work. They also have to create sketches of three works of art by their chosen artist. Their final product is an informative poster that acts as a visual conversation, and includes the researched information as well as their own interpretation of a work of art. Instructional Objectives: Content objective: Students will be able to analyze the work of a contemporary artist and create both a reproduction and an original work of art that responds to the reproduction. Library objective: Students will be able to use the Internet to conduct research on a selected artist, locate information on the artists education, influences, and major works, and use that information to create an informative poster. Library objective: Students will be able to demonstrate ethical use of information by properly citing the sources they used in their informative poster. Technology Standards: NETS Standard 3: Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. b.: Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media; c.: Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.

Standards for the 21st-Century Learner: 1.1.4 Find, evaluate, and select appropriate sources to answer questions. 1.1.5 Evaluate information found in selected sources on the basis of accuracy, validity, appropriateness for needs, importance, and social and cultural context. 1.1.6 Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g., textual, visual, media, digital) in order to make inferences and gather meaning. 2.1.2 Organize knowledge so that it is useful. 2.1.6 Use the writing process, media and visual literacy, and technology skills to create products that express new understandings. 3.1.6 Use information and technology ethically and responsibly. Connection to local or state standards: DCPS Standard: 8.3.1: Develop perceptual skills, analyze elements of art and the principles of design: Use and identify hues, tints, tones, complimentary, analogous, and monochromatic colors. Library lesson: Meet in classroom Quick warm-up: Greet students by introducing myself, reminding them that they all saw me the prior week for research on Andrew Jackson. Introduce that I will be demonstrating how to search for information on their artists for their research project. Ask students: Can anyone tell me how you get to the media center Web site from home? Direct Instruction: Using the classroom TV screen, demonstrate how to get to the media center page from the home page. Show students where to find the artists resources pathfinder on the media center site. Tell students that they should begin with The Art Story site and that it is powered by Google so it will give them results that they are used to seeing when they do their own searching. Ask students to name an artist they would like to search for. Go through each site and demonstrate the simple searches they should be conducting. Show students the simple citation sheet they need to use to record their sources and re-iterate the importance of always citing. Independent work: Students log into laptops, locate the pathfinder on their own and begin searching for their artist. Teacher, SLMS, and I circulate through the students and check in on their progress, assist with finding information, and guide through what to do if their chosen artist cant be found on any of the provided sites.

Assessment Check-ins: During the students independent work, I will use check-ins going around and asking students independently how they are doing to determine how well students understand the task and whether they need additional instruction. Citation checklist: Students will use a provided checklist to note which Web sites they used for research. They must turn the checklist in as part of their grade on the project.

ART RESOURCE PATHFINDER 1. The Art Story: Search tips: USE artist's first and last name (example: Chuck Close, Alexander Calder, etc.) CLICK the top result for biographical information and images. SCROLL to the bottom right for more Web resources on your artist.

2. Smithsonian: Search tips: USE the artist's first and last name AND the word "biography." (example: Chuck Close AND biography) CLICK a result that has the word "biography" or "bio" in bold, along with the artist's name.

3. Museum of Modern Art: ber=1&template_id=6&sort_order=2 Search tips: USE artist's first and last name (example: Frank Stella) CLICK on one of the top links BEST for images; not all results will have biographical information 4. National Gallery of Art: Search tips: USE artist's first and last name (example: Alexander Calder) CLICK a result and look for the link below that image that says "artist information" to get biographical information. NOT all artists will have images and biographical information. You may have to try more than one link to get what you need.

Your Name: ________________________________________________________


The Art Story Title of article/Web page _____________________________


Title of article/Web page: ____________________________


Title of article/Web page: _________________________________

National Gallery Title of article/Web page: ___________________________ Directions: If you used information from one of these sites, check the box and write the name of the article you used or the Web page within the site.

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