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Muhammad Saaiq
Department of Surgery,
Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), Islamabad

INTRODUCTION AND HISTORICAL cnacer,15 use of pneumatic anti shock garments,16

BACKGROUND burn eschars,17 forced closure of non-complaint
abdomen, 7 hypothermic coagulopathy, 13 massive
Raised intra-abdominal pressure (IAP)
fluid resuscitation7 and septic shock.13
coupled with evidence of organ dysfunction
constitutes abdominal compartment syndrome The normal IAP in the resting, supine
(ACS). The normal IAP is 0 mmHg or slightly position is considered to be zero and after a
sub-atmospheric and typically approaches 10 laparotomy it is elevated to about 10 mmHg.1 The
mmHg following a laparotomy. 1 Abdominal physiological derangement of the intra abdominal
compartment syndrome is becoming increasingly contents begin with IAPs above 10-15 mmHg.1
recognized particularly in the intensive care Generally speaking, the magnitude of ACS and the
settings. The condition has been known for more involvement of various organs depends on the
than a century however there has been an level of IAP. At IAP of less then 10 mmHg,
explosive expansion of the ACS literature only cardiac output and blood pressure are normal but
over the last two decades.1,2 visceral arterial blood flow falls significantly; an
IAP of 15 mmHg produces adverse cardiovascular
Marey and Burt rightly deserve to be
changes and an IAP of 20 mmHg may cause renal
credited for their pioneering role in the
dysfunction and Aliguria. 18 However this is a
understanding of ACS who in 19 t h century
generalization and as such no stringent criteria or
described this condition and discussed the
exact values of IAPs exist above which organ
respiratory effects of raised IAP. Baggot MG3 in dysfunction will ensue. In fact the deleterious
1951 pointed out that forcing distended gut back levels of raised IAP vary from patient to patient
into an abdominal cavity of limited size may kill and depend on the type and severity of the
the patient. He also noted that the high mortality abdominal and extra-abdominal injuries. In the
associated with abdominal wound dehiscence was development of ACS both elevated IAP and organ
not due to the dehiscence itself but the emergency
dysfunction are essential.1 ACS has been classified
procedures to correct it that produced intra-
into the following four grades on the basis of
abdominal hypertension (IAH).
AETIOLOGY AND PATHOGENESIS Grade-I ---------------------------IAP of 10-15 mmHg
In case of primary ACS there is direct Grade-II---------------------------IAP of 16-25 mmHg
injury to the abdominal contents while in case of
Grade-III---------------------------AP of 26-35 mmHg
secondary ACS there is organ dysfunction caused
by third space edema and resuscititiona.1 ACS can Grade-IV---------------------------IAP of > 35 mmHg
be seen in a variety of contexts such as intra The ACS is typically characterized by a
abdominal and retro peritoneal hemorrhage, 4,5 tense abdomen, increased inspiratory pressure,
severe peritonitis, 4 severe acute pancreatitis, 4,6 decreased cardiac output and oliguria in spite of
severe gut edema,7 ileus and intestinal obstruction,8 apparently normal or increased cardiac filling
ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm,6 tense ascites pressure.20
especially in cirrhotics, 9 liver transplantation, 5,6
hemostatic perihepatic and other intra-abdominal SYSTEMIC EFFECTS OF ACS
packing,10 peritoneal insufflation during Here is brief outline of the various
laparoscopic procedures,11 severe abdominal trauma systemic derangements found in ACS patients.
(accompanied by visceral swelling, haematoma or
use of abdominal packs)
ovarian mass,
12 1. Renal dysfunction:
13 14
pregnancy and delivery, pelvic fracture, colonic Kidney is perhaps the hardest hit organ

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and oliguria may be the first alarming sign of delayed consequences of ACS.8
rising IAP. Graded elevations in IAP are associated
with incremental reduction in renal blood flow and 5. CNS dysfunction:
glomerular filtration rate, resulting in a decline in The intracranial pressure is increased. The
urine output. IAP of 15-20 mmHg can cause exact mechanism is yet to be elucidated; however
oliguria and pressure greater then 30 mmHg can it appears to be primarily related to elevation in
result in anuria. 2 1 The renal dysfunction is central venous and pleural pressures. 17 Probably
multifactorial in origin. Renovascular the main culprit is impaired cranial venous
compression22 and direct extrinsic pressure on the outflow. In presence of associated head injury the
kidneys 16,23 are the two main culprits. Also in devastating effects would be more pronounced.
reacting to a combination of direct trauma,
hypoperfusion and venous back pressure, the renal 6. Wound healing
parenchyma begins to swell within the renal Raised IAP has adverse effects on the
capsule creating an intra-renal compartment fascial blood flow even at pressure as low as 10
syndrome. 24 Decompression of the abdominal mmHg. Direct compression of microvasculature
cavity produces dramatic reversal of the renal and inferior epigastric vessels seem to be the main
dysfunction. culprits. The resultant reduced oxygen and nutrient
2. Pulmonary dysfunction: supply to the wound is associated with increased
incidence of wound infection and dehiscence.26,28
Pulmonary dysfunction invariably precedes
the renal dysfunction which is a late and ominous INCIDENCE AND DIAGNOSIS OF
sign. Te hemidiaphragms are elevated, lungs are
compressed and effective ventilation is impaired.
To maintain an adequate tidal volume, progressive The exact incidence of ACS is yet to be
increases in the peak inspiratory pressure are established. It is certainly high among certain
required. Hypercarbia and potentially fatal patient population. Those with the higher risks
respiratory acidosis may ensue. These changes have been previously described. The reported
have been demonstrated at IAP above 15 incidence is 4%- 40% in high risk surgical
mmHg.20,25 In fact intractable hypercarbia and rising patients.6, 29
peak inspiratory pressure are the harbingers of A high index of suspicion is imperative in
rising IAP. the high risk patients. There is raised IAP with
3. Cardiovascular dysfunction dysfunction often involving multiple organ as
mentioned earlier.
Elevated IAP consistently correlates with
reduction in cardiac output. There is direct Beside measurement of intra-cystic
compression of the heart and at the same time it pressure (ICP) closely parallels the pressure within
has to pump against an increased aortic and the abdominal cavity up to 70 mmHg.17, 30 Knon IL
systemic peripheral vascular resistance. Pressure et al17 in 1984 popularized bedside cystometry by
on the inferior vena cava and portal vein reduce using a Foley catheter and connecting to a pressure
the cardiac venous return. The elevated intra transducer. The Division of trauma surgery and
thoracic pressure also reduces the inferior and critical care of Cedars-Sinai medical centers, Los
superior vena cava flow. With progressive Angeles have adopted yet a simpler modification
compromise of cardiac output, cardiovascular of this cystometry by using simple fluid column
collapse and shock eventually ensue.
26 manometry method for ICP measurement.31 The
author has used this latter method in a PIMS based
4. Hepatosplanchnic impairment prospective study on ACS in critically ill surgical
patients (Unpublished study) and found to be an
Raised IAP results in splanchnic easy, accurate and inexpensive method requiring
hypoperfusion. Graded elevation of IAP results in no special device such as pressure transducer. In
severe progressive reduction in mesenteric blood the past invasive methods such as inferior vena
flow from approximately 70% of baseline at 20 caval pressure, rectal and gastric pressure
mmHg to 30% at 40 mmHg. This is also measurement, even puncture of peritoneal cavity,
associated with disruption of the normal mucosal femoral venous catheter have been used to detect
barrier function which facilitates bacterial and monitor ACS, but none of these could be
translocation that contribute to later complication practicable owing to the their invasive nature.32-35
associated with multiorgan failure. 8,27 Prolonged
postoperative ileus, intestinal obstruction, ischemic
necrosis, gastric mucosal ulceration and
hepatic/pancreatic dysfunction could also be Being a largely preventable condition it

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would be appropriate to discuss the management decompressive laparotomy. The exact cause of this
under the following headings: acute hemodynamic decompensation is unknown. A
variety of factors may be operative. Drastic shifts
1. Prevention
in body fluids, hypovolemia secondary to volume
It would be much easier to anticipate and loss in the vasodilated vascular bed, loss of
prevent the development of ACS particularly in the tamponade against intra-abdominal hemorrhage,
high risk patients. Pre-emptive measures can be shifts in acid base balance, reperfusion with
taken during laparotomy and involve choices sudden massive release of products of anaerobic
regarding the decision to terminate an operation metabolism and oxygen derived free radicals into
because of overwhelming nonoperative disorders in systemic circulation have been suggested as the
the patient physiology (hypothermia, acidosis, possible mechanisms leading to acute
coagulapathy ) and the method of abdominal decompensation. These potentially lethal
wound closure. 20 At the end of a protracted complications can be prevented by performing
operation, when the abdominal closure is not decompression after appropriate optimization of
tension free, a delayed or staged closure may be the patient and ensuring cardiovascular and
more appropriate.20,36 Various type of mesh closure respiratory monitoring intra-operatively. Two liters
of the abdominal wall and other alternative means of half strength normal saline and 50 gm of
of abdominal content coverage have been mannitol and 50 mEq of Na HCO3 per liter should
described.17,37,38 A variety of materials have been be infused before the laparotomy.4, 20, 40
attempted to provide optimal artificial covering for Following decompression, immediate
the exposed gut. Plastic of the intravenous drip primary fascial closure is obviated. A variety of
bag i.e. Boggota bag and Silastic sheeting have alternative means are available for coverage of
been used with success in this regard.13,20,39 abdominal contents .e.g. skin closure with towel
Equally important is to avoid over clips, 1 3 plastic coverage, 2 0 . 3 9 abdominal wall
enthusiastic intravenous fluid resuscitation which advancement flaps and mesh interposition
is frequently the cause of secondary ACS. Early grafts. 38,40 Following decompressive laparotomy,
control of hypotension and hypoxia help to reduce there is always risk of recurrent ACS and due
gut edema.40 Covering gut with warm packs intra- consideration is given to provide for re-exploration
operatively also help to reduce edema. and a stage closure. This may include fascial
closure after a period of 7-10 days versus
Damage control procedures with placement of split thickness skin grafts as a
abdominal packing result in ACS in almost all granulating surface following by delayed repair of
cases managed with primary abdominal wall the resulting abdominal wall hernia after several
closure, even if closure could be achieved without months.17,20,38,40
tension. It is essential that in such cases the
abdomen is temporarily closed with a prosthetic CONCLUSION
material. Even with the use of prosthetic material
for wall closure, if there is continued intra- Internationally there is growing awareness
abdominal bleeding or deterioration of the gut about the high mortality associated with ACS.
edema, ACS can develop. For that ICP monitoring There is intense need to create local awareness
is warranted.40 about this ignored entity. By virtue of this early
recognition, appropriate staged and timely
2. Treatment intervention would be possible. Moreover safe and
Meldrum et al19 have devised a four stage healthy practices could be learned and unhealthy
ACS grading scheme which is based on IAP level. practices such as forceful closure of non-compliant
This is a comprehensive and useful ACS abdomen, fascial re-closure with tension sutures in
management tool. According to this, Grade I ACS case of burst abdomen and application of
(IAP of 10-15 mmHg) is managed with abdominal binder to an about-to-burst abdomen
maintenance of normovolemia, Grade II ACS (IAP could be unlearned.
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Address for Correspondence:

Dr. Muhammad Saaiq
Surgical OPD,
Department of Surgery,
Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS),

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