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Roselle U.

Casiguran 3S



The book by Atty. Quitain tells us the importance of having a purpose in life and the principles that we have lived by.

Our purpose must be built on rock solid foundation. We must have known what we wanted to do with our life. As a law student, I wanted to do my might to pass the subjects at hand, but it is not enough. Law school is just a way to achieve my goals. I wanted to become a lawyer just like my mother. A lawyer that I have never heard become boastful of what she accomplished and always doing her best to improve herself through her inevitable love for new information and always doing her might to contribute to the church and community. It is my purpose to become at least half the person of my mother, my idol. We find purpose and dreams, through the experiences and people we have met. It happened to be that I saw the inspiration to become a lawyer because of my parents, especially my mother. It is my purpose to be a good lawyer, a loving family member and a helpful member of the community.

As a lawyer, our main purpose is to help those who seek for justice. Through the Code of Professional Responsibility, we are given the guidelines of how we should help our clients and still be ethical and moral. We must know that God has given us

conscience to use it, not for our disadvantage in not making unethical movements to easily win a case, but to see to it that we are fair and unbiased. The Code helps us keep the honour and dignity of the profession. It is the b

Another thing that I have learned from the book of Atty. Quitain is that a lawyer is not always right. This must always be on our mind. That not because we have a title of attorney, that we become superior to others. We must learn to li sten more, and be able to take comments and suggestions. We must remember that we are not capable to do everything, thus, we must not always tell the client that we can do everything. We must not accept cases that we know we have no sufficient knowledge to provide, nor let the client experience losses because we, ourselves, know beforehand that we have no sufficient capabilities and still do nothing about it. But it doesnt mean that our client is always right. We must not let the client dictate our ways but only listen to them and accept their inputs.

The book also tells us that we must always look for improvement. It states that you cannot impart what you do not possess, because we must always seek to be better. Learning does not stop in an educational institution; it is throughout our lives, through our every day experience. We learn actually more after law school, because after it, we are able to experience the real world. We will be able to apply the information we acquired in schools, through practice. It is through our experience that we are able to find our real purpose in life.

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