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Tantric Journey Through the Chakras

First chakra - Mooladhara chakra - Root Chakra

Sex to Spirit Online Course

This chakra is located at the base of the body, between the tailbone and the perineum. The perineum is located between the anus and genitals and is tremendously important in tantric practices. If it is weak, sexual energy will be lost into the earth. We can strengthen it with pelvic floor exercises and massage. The first chakra is connected to our roots, and associated with the element of earth. Roots imply our ancestry, our tribe, our lineage. It is also about our connection to the earth, our groundedness. It can be used to indicate how stable we are in life: do you have a solid home, steady job, many commitments? Our sexuality has very much a base aspect to it. We were born to our parents because they themselves had sex! Sex is the very reason for ancestry and

family. In slang terms to root someone means to have sex with themthe root chakra and sex have obvious links! The most basic level of our sexuality is procreation. We have a biological urge to reproduce. This may not be in alignment with our higher desires- on a mental level you may not choose to have children at this time. But that doesn't stop this basic urge from existing. Some people say that sexual energy at this level is animalistic. Animals desire to procreate and do not sit around weighing up the pro's and con's of an interaction, as a human might! They simply follow their sexual instincts. Thus the flavour of sexual energy at this chakra is basic, animalistic, following urges and instincts. It is that part of you that just wants to f**k! The sex that manifests at this level is generally hard, thrusting, banging, pounding sex: the type that makes the bed move across the floor! Particular positions to activate the root are when a woman has her knees on a mans shoulders, or her legs up by his ears. This allows for activation straight onto the perineum area. This type of love-making can really move energy! Sexual energy at the level of mooladhara is thick and heavy. Hard pounding sex can move heavy energy and get it flowing upwards. It can feel like a great sense of relief and a new lightness may enter the being. If a person has a lot of earthy energy but does not move it, they can feel heavy and stuck in life. Weight may accumulate around the buttocks and

hips very easily. They may notice they cannot get things moving in life and they get stuck in routine or old patterns. Sometimes people have disconnected from the energy at this level. This may be because they judge it as being too rough or uncultured and have developed a civilized behaviour style that suppresses this energy. The result of blocking this energy is that there can be a cutting off from nature, and from the energy available there. Primal instincts become dampened. Some people with a weak root chakra find that they feel ungrounded or have difficulty committing to things. The root is linked to manifesting on a physical level, so if there is not much energy here it can be hard to make ideas come into form. Those with weak mooladhara may feel ungrounded, low sex drive, difficulty committing to things and have a hard time to manifest anything in life. Those with a lot of earthy energy in this chakra can benefit from mooladhara love-making as it moves heavy energy upwards. Those with weak mooladhara energy can strengthen this chakra by practicing this style of love-making, especially when they are with a partner who has strong earth energy. The gift of awakening energy within ones lover in this way is called transmission. It is important to activate energy at this level for tantric awakening to occur. If we try to bypass this level (because we judge it as uncouth or uncivilized) then we will not have access to much energy higher up in the system. The source of great energy lies at the rootit is our connection to the earth and to nature. If we have an open root,

then natures boundless energy can flow into us. Without this, people may suffer from a whole host of fatigue symptoms and lack of energy. In Tantra, the aim is to activate and open this chakra, but not to accumulate great energy there. To accumulate energy would be to grow even more animalistic at the expense of higher levels of vibration. If we accumulate sexual energy here we may get stuck on hard pounding sex and never discover more refined levels of love making. Therefore, once this chakra is activated and opened, we sublimate (lift up) the sexual energy to the higher chakras. The stronger the root energy, the stronger this journey will be! Tall trees have the deep roots in the earth. So take time to make sure this center is activated and you will have plenty of energy to fuel your journey upwards towards the stars!!

First Chakra Summary

Order Traditional name Common name Element Sexual Energy First Chakra Mooladhara/ Muladhara Root Chakra Earth Animal instinct, basic desire to procreate Hard, pounding, rhythmical Womans knees over the mans shoulders, or her legs up around his ears. Ungrounded, low body weight, low sex drive, difficulty manifesting Heavy, weight on buttocks/hips, animalistic sex drive Red Virasana, Badrasana

Love Making style Love Making position(s)

Weak symptoms

Strong symptoms

Colour Yoga Asanas

Ways to activate the first chakra

Spend time on the earth. Walk barefoot a few minutes each day and sense the earth beneath you. Soil and rocks carry the root energy: see if you can sense locations in nature that are especially strong in earth energy and meditate there. Spend time with people you perceive to be earthy and grounded (sometimes people of the earth signs: Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn). Even better if you feel attracted to be lovers with an earthy person as this can bring you a powerful transmission of their vibration. Try African dance or dancing to drums. Dance with bent knees so your root is closer to the earth. Move your hips in animalistic sexual ways! Let your dance override any judgments you may have about this energy. If you feel shy, it is recommended to join an African dance group, as you can receive a transmission from the dancers as they dance with you, awakening your own root energy.

Eat grounding foods such as root veggies and whole grains. The salty flavour is very grounding (salt of the earth), especially a rock salt such as Himalayan Rock Salt. Miso soup also grounds the energy system. Meditate on the red colour or wear some red clothes. You can also meditate on the symbol of the first chakra. You can breathe into the root chakra area of your body as you meditate.

Journal questions to explore your root chakra

1. What is your relationship like to your family and ancestors? Do you feel comfortable in the lineage in which you were born? Do you have good relationships with your family members? Are you over-identified with your own tribe/race and close yourself off from others, or do you have no sense of belonging anywhere?

2. How do you feel about your animalistic nature? In what ways do you express it? If you don't think that you ever express it, think about someone you know who you'd describe as animalistic: what judgments do you have about them?

3. How do you feel about hard and pounding sex? Is it something you engage in a lot? Or never at all? Do you hold judgments about it? Write down how you feel about it. Freely express yourself, including judgments, so that you can discover more about yourself and your relationship to this chakra.

4. How grounded are you? Consider your commitments and the things that bring you security and safety? Do you lack such things, or on the other hand do you feel stuck in them?

Take time to feel and write each question. After writing and contemplating, sit back in meditation pose (spine as straight as possible, root towards the earth and crown towards the sky) and breathe in and out of the root chakra area. After twenty minutes of meditation, sit back and see what thoughts, images, memories or reflections come to mind. You may wish to draw onto a blank page, any image that comes. Take a day or more to integrate before moving onto the next chakra. Watch what life brings you over those dayswho you meet and what you experience. They may well be lessons related to this chakra!

Blessings on your journey!

copyright Shashi Solluna 2011. all rights reserved.

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