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theSun | FRIDAY MAY 29 2009 7

news without borders

Flu suspects quarantined

PUTRAJAYA: Seven people remain ported that three more countries
under home quarantine for moni- – Bahrain, Romania and Singapore
toring over Influenza A (H1N1) and – were the latest to have the
are to be declared free of the influenza cases, raising to 50 the
disease on Sunday if they do not number of countries affected so
show any symptoms by then. far.
Director-General of Health Tan He said so far 1,237 new cases
Sri Dr Mohd Ismail Merican said had been reported worldwide,
yesterday two of them had come raising to 14,671 the number of
into contact with a confirmed cases confirmed through labora-
case in Taiwan last Sunday while tory tests.
the other five had come into The total number of deaths
contact with a case in Singapore remained at 96, he added.
last Tuesday. On the Influenza A/H3 cases at
Mohd Ismail said 10 cases were the Mara Junior Science College in
admitted to the isolation ward in Kuantan, Pahang, Mohd Ismail said
seven hospitals nationwide on of the 77 cases yesterday, 52 had
Wednesday, and all of them had been removed from observation
been confirmed negative. while 25 were still under observa-
He said the number of cases tion.
had risen to 296, with 294 declared He said no new cases were
free of the disease. Two were detected.
confirmed positive as reported on “Laboratory tests confirmed
May 15 and 16. that the cause of the incident
Mohd Ismail said the World was the spread of the seasonal
Health Organisation (WHO) had re- Influenza A virus.” – Bernama

Dept gets custody

of abused boy
PETALING JAYA: The She said she would meet the
Children’s Court granted interim boy’s father to find out what had
custody for a month to the happened.
Welfare Department to take care “This case is now being
of a five-year-old boy who was investigated by police. We should
allegedly abused by his 36-year- handle this case very carefully
old mother. to ensure the child’s interest is
Magistrate Nur Syafawati protected,” she said.
Arifin granted the order after two A local daily reported yester-
officers from the department, who day that the boy had been res-
are acting as the boy’s protectors, cued from his home in Puchong
made an application yesterday. on Tuesday by two officers from
The boy and his mother, a the welfare department and had
piano teacher, were present in been admitted to the Serdang
court for the hearing, which was Hospital.
closed to the media. Doctors who examined the
Woman, Family and Commu- boy revealed that he had been
nity Development Minister Datuk severely abused for some time
Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, who with fresh wounds on his mouth
was in court to meet the boy’s and head, in addition to old injury
mother, told reporters the court marks all over his body.
had allowed the woman to visit In Bangi, the prime minister’s
her son during the one-month wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor
custody period without imposing said parents who cannot control
any condition. their anger or cope with stress
“She was still in shock that must seek help or counselling.
her son had been taken away. She said the inability to control
It breaks my heart to hear the anger or cope with pressure was
mother say she loves her son among psychological problems
very much. that required the attention of
“I can also see that the son qualified professionals.
loves his mother,” she said. Refusal to seek help would
Shahrizat said the woman have far greater negative impli-
was a single mother after her cations such as abuse of innocent
divorce several years ago. The children, she told the media after
boy is the only child from that a attending a talk at Universiti
marriage. Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Prof Raina MacIntyre of the

University of New South Wales

briefs said it could be a matter of weeks

before Australia was dealing with an
epidemic. – AFP

‘Millions in Australia Russia bans Japanese

will catch A(H1N1)’ pork imports
MELBOURNE: Between 10 and 20% MOSCOW: Russia has banned
of the Australian population of about pork imports from three Japa-
24 million could catch A(H1N1) nese districts due to swine flu,
flu before a vaccine is available, a the country’s animal and plant
health expert says. health watchdog said.
There are now more than “In light of the detection of
64 confirmed A(H1N1) flu cases the (A)H1N1 virus in Japan, Ros-
across Australia and Federal Health selkhoznadzor is banning imports
Minister Nicola Roxon has warned to Russia of pork-based products
Australians to brace themselves for (not subjected to heat treatment
more, Bernama reports. of at least 80 degrees Celsius for
But the Australian government at least 30 minutes) from Osaka,
is urging people not to panic about Hyogo and Shiga,” the federal
the rapidly increasing number of service said in a statement on
confirmed cases, ABC News said, Tuesday. – AFP

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