The Emerald Tablet of Hermes (The Solar Work)

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Re: http://en.wikipedia.

org/wiki/Emerald_Tablet 0) Here is that which the priest Sagijus of Nabulus has dictated concerning the entrance of Balinas into the hidden chamber... After my entrance into the chambe r, where the talisman was set up, I came up to an old man sitting on a golden th rone, who was holding an emerald table in one hand. And behold the following - i n Syriac, the primordial language- was written thereon: 1) Here is a true explanation, concerning which there can be no doubt. a. (The Sun generated by this art exceeds all natural Sun in all of its properti es, medicinal and otherwise.) R) This is the truth. 2) That which is below is like that which is above & that which is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of one only thing. a. (Noble when the materials (Inert gasses, matters) receiving these powers are more like things above in their brightness and transparency; ignoble when the ma terials are confused and foul) R) As above, So below. 3) And as all things have been & arose from one by the mediation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation. Note: Unity is unmixed, the binary is compounded, and the ternary is reduced to the simplicity of Unity. a. (the undivided matter of the "unconditioned One" is separated into multiplici ty.) R) The "One" = Hydrogen atom. 4) The Sun is its father, the moon its mother, a.(Sun and Moon "probably stand for Spirit (radioactive material) and Matter (In ert material) respectively.) b.(In this artificial generation it is necessary that the "Sun" have a suitable receptacle, harmonized with itself.) c.(If the moon is associated with water, as because of its moisture' as was usual , and the sun with fire, the prima materia is understood to have been generated by fire (ionization), born of water (Hydrogen), brought down from the sky (react or) by wind (rotary circulation), and nourished by earth (magnetism).) R) The Sun at the center, The Moon is ? with respect to the solar system (explai ns the operational mechanics, theory of operation pt1). 5) It is carried by the air as if in a womb, it is nursed by the Earth. a. (the levigatio [making light weight] of the material, raising it to the prope rties of Air. And the wind carries the material in its belly. That is, when the material is placed in a container, then by "process" it is rendered subtle and i s raised towards the properties of Air... And there distills and issues from the mouth of the container a substance or any of the elements.) b. (That, whose father is the Sun, and whose mother is the Moon, will be carried by wind and vapor. From the vapors of winds, all elements arise. The substance c arried by the wind is, in chemical respect, the sulfur which is carried in mercu ry. The 'stone' is the 'fire, carried in the belly of the air'. To be clearer, a ll mercury is composed of vapors. As the elements contained within are each redu ced to a watery condition, they either follow the volatile elements upward, as i n common mercury, or they stay below with the solid elements. So "Mercury is the wind which receives the sulfur". R) Rotation and turbulence within the reactor body, it is effected by Earth's Ma gnetic field. 6) This is the cause of all perfection, of all things throughout the universe. T his will attain the highest perfection of powers. R) The basic reactions within the reactor are what caused matter to exist univer

sally. 7) If cast towards earth it will separate earth (matter) from fire (process), th e subtle (elusive) from the gross (general), dense or crude by means of a gentle heat, with much attention. a. (Since the volatile principle is fire, stability is produced by its removal.) R) It can disintegrate rock (create underground caverns) which makes it hot, so be careful. 8) It ascends from earth (ground) to heaven and descends back to earth, and the superior (positive) and the inferior (negative) are increased in power. a. (In intending to teach the theory of operation, Hermes says the stone " ascends to heaven' when by roasting and calcinations, it takes on the properties of Fir e; for alchemists mean by calcinations, the reduction of material to powder by b urning and roasting. And the material again descends from heaven to earth' when i t takes on the properties of Earth by inhumation (the reverse of calcination)). b. (this may describe the use of a "kerotakis", in which metals are suspended an d subject to the action of gasses released from substances heated in the base, a nd from their condensation and circulation.) c. (dissolution is followed by crystallization, so that active and passive are i n unity.) d. (Separate the volatile part of the substance by vaporization but continue hea ting until the vapor reunites with the parent body, whereupon you will have obta ined "the [sorcerers] Stone".) R) It goes up and down by means of increasing or decreasing magnetic field stren gth and polarity (MAGRAV Positioning). 9) Because of the light of lights within it, thus the darkness and obscurity wil l flee from you. a. (the matter, having been carried to perfection, is capable of providing ample means without any diminution of resources (self-sustaining).) R) By understanding the cause of the initial reaction (scintillation of ionized hydrogen at the center of the reactor) knowledge will be gained. 10) The force of forces, which overcomes (manipulate) all subtle things and pene trates all solid things. a. (It possesses all the Powers concealed in Nature, not for destruction but for exaltation and regeneration of matter, in the "three Departments of Nature". It reaffixes the most subtle Oxygen into its own fiery Nature. The power increases in a tenfold ratio, at every multiplication. So it can penetrate Gold and Silve r (solids), and fix mercury (liquids), Crystals and Glass Fluxes (gasses).) R) A powerful dynamic magnetic field can manipulate the extremely small (quantum physics) as well as solid matter (general, standard physics). 11) The structure of the microcosm is in accordance with the structure of the ma crocosm, thus was the universe created. a. (The little world (reactor) is created according to the prototype of the grea t world (solar system, galaxy, cosmos)). R) Quantum physics and General Relativity (standard model) are unified. An atom functions the same way the solar system or galaxy does. 12) And accordingly proceed the knowledgeable. From this come marvelous adaptati ons of which this is the procedure. R) Do well and kind with respect to the power of this technology. This basic ope rational theory will lead to many amazing inventions. 13) And to this aspired Hermes Tristmegistus, having the three parts of the wisd om of the universe. a. (The three parts of wisdom correspond to the three great divisions of the uni verse, namely, the spiritual, psychic and corporeal realms, whose symbols are he

aven, air and earth.) b. (The three parts of the philosophy of the whole world are presumably of the c elestial, terrestrial, and subterranean regions.) R) From the understanding that all universal matters (everything) consist of the same trinity of sub-matters, Tangible Matter, Principle Matter (anti-matter) an d Transitional Matter (dark-matter). 14) And thus ends the revelation of the work of the Sun. R) And that's all there is to a basic Diluted-Plasma Reactor which functions the same way as the Solar system.

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