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Implementation of STPP (Strategic Training Planning Process) as well as multimedia and e-learning platform for North America Division.

Designing and Implementation of Total Learning Architectures for North America & Europe Division. Design and implementation of Languages Training Programs: English, Spanish and French. Implementation of Development Program for Local Managers Change Management and Performance Process plan design and implementation.

Worlds largest medical technology company with business in Cardio-Endo Vascular, Spinal and Biologics, Neuromodulation, Diabetes, and Surgical Technologies areas. A Fortune 500 company. 41,000 employees and $14 billion dollar revenue Lead the Organizational Development and Communication operations supporting HR services, programs, processes and initiatives for six global BU needs. Represent globally the regional site in all OD-Learning businesses as member of a worldwide divisional committee with specialists from: USA, Ireland, France, England and Puerto Rico. Global LMS (Learning Management System) and Knowledge Management implementation. Global Communication Program creation and implementation Design and implement Global New Employees Training Program. Launching of BAMM program (Becoming a Medtronic Manager) as part of Managerial Culture Change Management program: global program, focused on detect, evaluate, educate, collocate and promote young talented people in strategic managerial positions for the 4 Medtronic divisions. Lead strategic COM-OD-HR services, operations, programs and initiatives for global and local Digital Display Media sites (Seoul, Piontaik, Kumi and Reynosa) as part of the worldwide division (15 countries), reporting both South Korea HR VicePresident and Reynosas plant President. Member of the Communication Committee that created and implemented LGE Way worldwide. Creation of Human Resources Development Department LGE Way Design in Korea and successfully implementation in Reynosa plant and supervision in 14 DDM branches around the world. Impacted population: directly: 3000; regionally: 35,000 Design L&D and Communication worldwide business architecture for DDM division. Design and implementation of LGERS Learning Center and Innovation School (IS) , in Reynosa Plant (IS is the high performance academy for all LGE employees worldwide) Global LMS and Knowledge Management implementation. Design and implementation of New Global Induction Program and Career and Development Plan for indirect and direct personnel. Creation and implementation of New Tech-Employees Training Program, for technical positions. Design and implementation of Global Training Master Plan. Implementation of Management Innovation Philosophy and Performance Process programs by competencies. Organizational restructure of Gumi and Piontaik plants in South Korea and Reynosa in Mxico. ANAHUAC UNIVERSITY CAMPUS TAMPICO. Organizational Development Manager (Mex) 1999-2003 High Education Institute. Sustainable Development Center. Manage and develop COM-OD-HR services and functions including: recruiting, training, security, communication, public relations, spokesperson, as well as planning and managing consulting, continuing education and learning services. Negotiate and establish strategic alliances and projects with several institutions, industries and companies obtaining up to $3 million dollar of income a year for the university and the Center. Creation of Consulting Enterprise Department dedicated to offer training, consulting, advising, coaching services and support on reengineering process within Mexican government and industries. Design the Communications and Change Management plan to support the implementation of Anahuac Educational and Management Model. TAMAULIPAS GOVERNMENT. SISTEMA DIF. Communication-Public relations Director. (Mex) 1998-1999 Direct communication, PR and diplomacy functions with state, federal and local governments, a wide variety of national and

international industries, educational institutions, armed forces, NGOs, religious, social, cultural and civil leaders in order to achieve governments institutional objectives. Spokesperson. ORDER OF FRIARS MINOR. Head of Communication Dpt. and Secretary of Vicar provincial (Mex) 1989-1995 Head of national and international Communication and PR department and secretary of vice provincial office. Leading liaisons relations with NGOs, public and private institutions. Spokesperson. Education Postgraduate in Global Human Resources Development. LG Academy, South Korea (2003) Postgraduate in World Class Management. San Diego State University, USA (1997) Master Studies in Communication and Sociocultural Studies. ITESO (2005-2006) Bachelor Degree in Organizational Communication. Universidad Autnoma de Tamaulipas, Mxico (1995-1999) Languages: Spanish (native), English and Business English (fluent), Italian (fluent), French (basic). Latin and New Testament Greek (basic). Hobbies Webpages Design Photographer Writer Piano and drums player Basketball Frontenis JAVIER DEL NGEL DE LOS SANTOS and / Mobile: +(52)55.1521.4121 Summary Redesign and reopening of Mabe Development Center building the full infrastructure to provide continental learningtraining services by its own and in alliance with other universities and researching centers in America Design and implement permanent continental communication platform for corporate, product, manufacturing and internal/external communication programs Design and implement continental Communication and Culture Change Management project and HR models for Mabe Way: implementation of SAP for all Mabes America operations Design and implementation of Continental Coaching Program Redesign and implement five Continental Global Talent Programs Design and implementation of Languages Training Programs: English, Spanish and Portuguese

Multicultural and remote experience managing OD-HR-COM teams and services with both local and international/global responsibilities. Some countries under my direction, supervision or collaboration: Central America (El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama), Andean region, (Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile) Mercosur region (Argentina and Brazil), Canada, USA, Ireland, South Korea, China, India, Poland, Spain, Indonesia, Singapore, Japan, Germany, Italy, Egypt and Morocco. Fluent in Spanish, English and Italian. French: basic. Spiritual, business and personal coach. Functional expertise: 15 years of experience on Talent Management & Development, Learning & Development (Training), Corporate Communication & Public Relations, Human Resources Planning and Development, Organizational Development, Succession Planning, Career Planning, Sociocultural researching, Knowledge Management, Culture Management, Change Management, Business Corporate Strategy, Organizational Design, Strategic Planning, Business, Group and Individual Coaching, Leadership.

Consulting experience: experience within private sector and government, specially, but not limited, to OD-HRD-COM projects. Some companies: CRECE, Perot Systems, Carlyle Group, Drexelmeier, Key Safety Systems, VTI Technologies, Sanmina SCI, etc. Experience Freelancer Consultant, Coach and Speaker Research stay in Italy and Israel Oct 11 to date Nov 2010 - Sep 2011

MABE-GE. Organizational Development Corporate Manager (Americas Region) Jan- Oct 2010 Mexican company, global electro domestic appliances manufacturers. 21,000 employees and $4 billion dollar revenue. Lead and implementing Communication, OD-HR projects providing services to corporate, commercial and manufacturing areas for worldwide Mabe operation in Canada, Mxico, Central America, Andean and Mercosur regions. Director of CEDEMA (Mabe Development Center). Remarkable achievements: BOCAR GROUP. Organizational Development Director (Mex) 2008 - 2010 Global Mexican-German automotive manufacturing company. 5,500 employees and $1 billion dollar revenue. Direct global COM-OD-HR strategic services and functions (i.e. Corporate Communication, PR, HRD, HRP, OD, Compensations, Expats, Training, Talent Management & Development, Succession Planning, etc.) Direct report to General Director, and reporting to me these managerial levels operations: HR Managers, L&D (training), Talent Acquisition & Development, Organizational Development, Communication & PR, and Compensation, supporting eight manufacturing plants in Mxico, nine corporate service areas, and subsidiaries in Detroit and Tennessee (USA), Dsserldorf and Esslingen (Germany), Yokohama and Hiroshima (Japan). Creation of Organizational Development Department to provide services to Bocar business globally. Design and deploy corporate L&D, Internal/External Communication, OD and HRP strategies and programs for 2008-2010. Spokesperson. Design and implement Train the trainers course for global operations. Creation of the Mobility and Career Plan. Detection, evaluation and development of internal talent. People evaluated, totally: 2500. Restructure organization from top-level to mid-management levels including national and overseas sites. Successfully execution (with no incidents and obtaining unions support) of a 2500 people downsizing due to 2008 USA automotive bankruptcy. Redesign and improve expatriates program for USA, Germany and Japan. Creation and implementation of two Young Talent Development Programs. One in collaboration with ITESM (campus Monterrey) and other with Dsseldorf and Stuttgart Universities. MEDTRONIC INC. Learning and Development Divisional Senior Manager (USA) 2007-2008 LG ELECTRONICS. Human Resources Development Manager (South Korea-Mex) 2003-2005 Worldwide South Korean company, Digital Display Media division (DDM). Top 100 global brand. 87,000 employees and $25 billion dollar revenue.

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