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Global mobility compensation services Managing the salary and benefits of international assignees worldwide

The problem and the solution No matter where you do business, your organisation is only as effective as its people. When you send your employees on an international assignment, your level of success is directly linked to both their performance and their level of satisfaction. It is critical that your international assignment compensation programme supports your globally mobile employees seamlessly, extending the strengths of your organisation from your headquarters to your furthest-flung operation. The complex and wide-ranging practical and administrative issues associated with international assignment compensation can impose a considerable strain on HR departments. Particularly critical to the success of a programme are the management of: Hypothetical taxes Calculations of allowances Adjustments to COLA and other premiums Exchange rate updates Salary reviews Changes of circumstances Payroll instructions Year-end compensation data reporting

At Deloitte, our European Global Mobility Compensation Services (GMCS) team, based in Brussels, provides flexible international assignment compensation outsourcing services to multinational organisations with from 2 to 2,000 assignees. Our services cover all areas of assignment compensation, but can be tailored to provide support in limited areas if required. What are the benefits? Full or partial outsourcing of the management of international assignment compensation allows the HR team to focus on strategic and business partnering activities, with the knowledge that the assignment programmes compensation policy is being handled efficiently and effectively. In addition, outsourcing global mobility compensation services can help achieve a number of critical business objectives such as: Cost containment Enhanced management reporting Improved compliance with tax, social security, corporate governance and other obligations Gaining access to leading edge technology solutions Equitable support for all assignees Minimising/controlling policy exceptions

An example of what we can do A global company with its headquarters in Germany was faced with restrictions on headcount growth in the HR department and a strategic focus on providing international experience to top talent within the company. It engaged Deloittes GMCS team to manage the assignment compensation of 220 mobile employees working in over 80 different home/host country combinations. Using our state of the art Global Advantage technology tools, Deloitte created an integrated global solution to manage assignee compensation. For this particular client, the key advantages were: Detailed cost projections that could be used for approval and budgeting purposes, which added real value to the business units Process enhancements that eliminated historic delays to salary updates, enabling assignees to receive salary and bonus payments on schedule, thus avoiding costly retroactive payments Compensation accumulation services ensuring correct compliance and reporting, leading to improved corporate governance Detailed management reporting allowing assignee compensation information to be analyzed and costsaving opportunities analyzed

What is involved? Outsourcing compensation management for globally mobile employees requires a solid relationship between the clients global mobility team and that of the European GMCS team if optimal resourcing, service delivery and best practices are to be achieved. There will be an important transitional phase when data exchange, policy requirements, quality review, management reporting and risk escalation procedures are all agreed upon. Flexibility is central to our service philosophy, which is specifically designed to respond to your individual corporate global mobility needs. More information Find out more about how Deloitte can serve your business needs by visiting our website at If you have any questions on this specific topic, please send an email to

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