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ECE 22X: Alexander & Sadiku Errata

ECE 22X: Text Errata Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 1st edition Alexander and Sadiku
See the official errata too. This list does not repeat the official errata.

Chapter 1
Page 11: The top paragraph has the last 3 signs of 12V wrong. The caption for the figures is correct. Page 20: At the bottom of the page in Step 4, the equation for i2 should be v2/8, not v1/8 as listed. The same applies to all of the equations that follow.

Chapter 2
Page 47: In practice problem 2.11, Figure 2.41, the 12 resistor should be labeled 12 S.

Page 49: The solution for i2 should have (30 mA) in parentheses instead of (30 A). Page 70: The answer to problem 2.55 should be, "Use an the R1 and R3 bulbs."

Chapter 3
Page 100: The first sentence in the second paragraph has a typo. The word throught should be throughout.

Chapter 4
Page 127: In Figure 4.13 (c) the current labeled i2 should be i3 .

Chapter 5
Page 169: Polarity on the Op Amp in Figure 5.7 is wrong. As shown, the op amp has positive feedback and would saturate. If the polarity of the op amp is corrected, the answers are vo = 9.000 V and io = 650.0 microamps. Page 171: The polarity is wrong again in Figure 5.9, same as Figure 5.7. Page 173: The first equation in example 5.4 uses 40 and 20 instead of 40 k and 20 k . Page 177: The final equation should be "-0.8 - 4 = -4.8 mA", not "-0.8 - 0.4 = -1.2 mA". Page 179: Figure 5.25 should have the resistors labeled R6 and 3 R3 as R2 and 3 R2. The example refers to a resistor R2, but there is no resistor with this label in the figure. Page 183: In example 5.10, the answer should be 8.666 V, not 8.333 V. Page 190: The answers to review problems 5.4 and 5.5 should have units of milliamps, not amps. Page 192: Figure 5.51 used from problem 5.13 has the polarity of the op amp wrong. As shown, the op amp does not have negative feedback. Page 199: Figure 5.89 used for problem 5.72 has the polarity of the left-most op amp wrong. As shown, the op amp does not have the requisite negative feedback.

Chapter 6 1/4


ECE 22X: Alexander & Sadiku Errata

Page 204: The second paragraph should read, "..., assuming the passive sign convention...", not "...positive sign convention." Page 206: The answers to practice problem 6.3 should be +93.14 mV and +1.736 V Page 210: The 70 F capacitor in Figure 6.17 should be a 70 micro-Farad capacitor. Page 217: The equation for current in an inductor listed in Table 6.1 is wrong. The current is equal to the integral of the voltage, not the integral of the current. Page 218: Example 6.12 calculates the equivalent inductance as 2 + (4 || 12). It should be 4 + (4 || 12). This error is propagated throughout the rest of the example. Page 219: In practice problem 6.12 the answers to part c are given in the wrong order. The answers listed are for v1, v2, and v, in that order. Page 222: Figure 6.38 should have the vertical axis labeled vo, not vi. This is a plot of the output voltage versus time, not the input voltage. Page 225: The equation in the 2nd summary point in Section 6.7 is incorrect. The final term in the right hand expression should be v(t0), not i(t0). Page 226: The equation in the 5th summary point in Section 6.7 is incorrect. The final term in the right hand expression should be i(t0), not v(t0).

Chapter 7
Page 218: The example assumes that the 4 H inductor in the upper-left portion of the circuit is a 2 H inductor. Page 250: The arrow in Figure 7.25b is curved the wrong way. Page 253: The impulse in Figure 7.32b at t=0 should not be there. Page 277: In Example 7.19, the first sentence should read: "..., 0 < R2 < 2.5 M ", rather than ..., 0 < R < 2.5 M ". Page 287: To match the answer in Appendix E is wrong, problem 7.25 should ask to sketch the waveform i(t) = r(t) - r(t-1) - u(t-2) - .... The book has the sign of the second term wrong. Page 287: The answers for problem 7.29 in Appendix E are wrong. For part(a) the correct answer is v(t) = -2e-3t/5. For part (b) the correct answer is v(t) = 5e-2t/3. Page 292: In Figure 7.128 for problem 7.60, there should not be a wire drawn from the output of the op amp to the node connecting the 20k and 100k resistors. As drawn, the 100k resistor is shorted out and has no effect on the circuit. The solution assumes this wire is not there. Page 292: In problem 7.62, the output resistor should be labled as 8 k .

Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Page 354: The third paragraph is ludicrous. Political events and economic fluctuations are not sinusoidal. Page 362: In the last sentence on this page, the phrase "and whatever" is missing a space between the words. Page 384: In the summary section 4, the equation for admittance Y is Y = 1/Z = G(w) + B(w), not Z = 1/Y = G(w) + B(w)

Chapter 10 Chapter 11
Page 443: In Example 11.6, the current is calculated incorrectly. In the denominator of Vth/(Zth + RL), the 2/4


ECE 22X: Alexander & Sadiku Errata

real part should be 24.25 + 9.412 = 33.7

, not 33.39

as shown.

Page 443: In Practice Problem 11.6, the maximum average power is 6.86 W, not 9.883 W as listed.

Chapter 12 Chapter 13
Page 570: In Review Question 13.1, Figures (a) and (b) have their labels swapped.

Chapter 14
Page 587: The answer to practice problem 14.2 has the poles and zeros swapped. Page 635: The answer in Appendix E Problem 14.21 is wrong. The solution in the solutions manual is correct. Page 636: The units of the resistor should be Ohms, not Farads. Page 637: Problem 14.40 gives a highpass filter with a "passband gain of 10." This problem is under the heading of passive filters. Passive filters can have a gain of no more than 1 (except near resonance). Page 638: Problem 14.47 describes a capacitor with a magnitude of "1 C". It should be "1 F" (Farad).

Chapter 15
Page 654: In deriving the initial value theorem, they conveniently left off a number of important steps. For example, equation 15.41 the left side should be sF(s) - f(0-), not sF(s) - f(0+). However, the final solution is still correct: f(0+) = lim s F(s). See the lecture notes for the correct derivation. Page 654: The caption for Figure 15.4 should state, "function in Fig. 15.3", not "function in Fig. 15.2". Page 648: The solution to Example 15.2 begins with "Using Eq. (B.26)...". It should begin with, "Using Eq. (B.27)...". Page 666: The statement "To obtain Eq. (15.11.6) from (15.11.5), we apply Eq (9.12)." should read Eq (9.11). See page 357. Page 669: In Figure 15.15 the current source has the units of V (volts). It should have units labeled with an A (amps). Page 674: In Example 15.15 the transfer function is incorrectly calculated by taking the product of X(s) with Y(s) rather than the ratio. Page 700: The circuit in Figure 15.66 for problem 15.41 should have the left voltage source with a value of 5 e-2t u(t) V. As drawn, the voltage would be infinite at t = - infinity.

Chapter 16
Page 754: The x-axis in Figure 16.60 is mislabeled. They skipped the value of -2 and wrongly labeled it -3.

Chapter 17
Page 774: The time shift property listed in Table 17.1 is incorrect. f(t-a) has a Fourier transform of e-jw a F(w). The table incorrectly lists f(t-a) u(t-a) as having this Fourier transform.

Chapter 18
Page 800: The answers to practice problem 18.2 are wrong. They should be I1 = 0.2 < 30 degrees and I2 = 0.1 < 120 degrees. 3/4


ECE 22X: Alexander & Sadiku Errata

Appendix B
Page 857: The sentence preceeding equation B.27 should state "Subtracting Eq. (B.25) from ..." not "... Eq. B.24 ...". Page 857: The second to last equality in equation B.30 should be rnej n.

Revised 11.15.01


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