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Slim in 6 Start it up!

1. Warm-up a. Deep Inhale b. Reach up and over c. Reach across the body d. Step Touch e. Step Touch w/ Pullbacks f. Knee Ups / Arms Up g. Front Kicks / Arms Side h. Squats - Bicep Press i. Step Touch / Chest Fly j. Knee Kickback w/ Tricep Pressback k. Repeat b - j l. Knee Ups 2. Pli Phase a. Arms side and up - slow / fast b. March in place c. Alternating Toe Touches d. Lateral Bicep Pullback - slow / fast e. Lateral Tricep Pullback - slow / fast f. March in place g. Alternating Toe Touch h. Knee Ups 3. Lunge Phase a. Alternating Reverse / Front Raise b. Knee Ups c. Alternating Front / Bicep Curl d. March in place e. Knee Ups 4. Pli Phase a. Arms Side and Up - slow / fast b. March in place c. Alternating Toe Touches d. Lateral Bicep Pullback - slow / fast e. Lateral Tricep Pullback - slow / fast 5. Waist Phase a. Reach across the body b. Reach up and over c. Side Crunch left d. Reach across the body e. Reach up and over f. Side Crunch right g. Reach up and over h. Knee Ups i. March in place 6. Squat Phase a. Medium Stance - slow / fast b. Front Kicks - Arms Side c. Narrow Stance - slow / fast d. Front Kicks - Arms Side e. Wide Stance f. March in place 7. Waist Phase a. Reach across the body b. Reach up and over c. Side Crunch - left d. Reach across the body e. Reach up and over f. Side Crunch - right g. Reach up and over h. Knee Ups i. March in place 8. Hamstring Phase a. Standing Leg Curls - slow / fast - left / right b. March in place 9. Upper Body Phase a. Standing - Bent Over Rows - slow / fast b. One-Arm Shoulder - left c. Bicep Curl - left d. One-Arm Tricep - left e. One-Arm Shoulder - right f. Bicep Curl - right g. One-Arm Tricep - right h. Shoulder Rolls i. Push Ups j. Stretch down and up k. Back Stretch 10. Abdominal Phase a. Reverse Crunches b. Alternating Oblique Crunches c. Pull knees into chest d. Crunches - slow / fast e. Pull knees into chest 11. Stretch Phase a. Full Body Stretch b. Knee Into Chest / Spinal Twist - left c. Both Knees into Chest d. Full body stretch b. Knee Into Chest / Spinal Twist - right c. Both knees into Chest e. Hamstring Stretch - left f. Arms-Up Shoulder Stretch e. Hamstring Stretch - right f. Arms-Up Shoulder Stretch h. Up on feet - reach for toes i. Roll up - arms out, up to Mountain Pose 12. Yoga Phase a. Down Dog b. Leg up and lunge forward - left c. Down Dog - alternate left / right knee bend d. Down Dog e. Leg up and lunge forward - right f. Forward Bend g. Up to Mountain

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