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An end to 'rabbit hutch Britain'?

House builders to be ordered to construct larger homes that have enough space for storage and furniture
The average British home has shrunk in size by 40% in the last 80 years Consultation would see minimum size requirements imposed on builders But numerous other building standards would be scrapped under proposal New measures would make building new homes quicker and easier
By Suzannah Hills PUBLISHED: 10:31, 1 August 2013 | UPDATED: 12:03, 1 August 2013

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Builders may be stopped from building homes that are 'too small' for people to live in under a new consultation set to be unveiled by Ministers. The new regulation would impose a new minimum space standard for peoples homes so that rooms aren't too small. The measure comes after surveys found that homes have reduced in size by 40 per cent in the last 80 years - leaving many families with inadequate storage, room for furniture or even kitchen appliances.

New m easures: A new consultation w ould see num erous building standards regulations scrapped w hile im posed m inim um size requirem ents so room s are not too sm all

In 1920, the average new large family home had five bedrooms over 3,440 square feet. But this has now dropped to just four bedrooms and 2,409sq ft today, according to the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. The average semi-detached house has decreased from 1,647sq ft to 925sq ft and from four bedrooms to three while terraced houses have shrunk from three bedrooms and 1,020sq ft to two bedrooms and 645sq ft. But while ministers plan to bring in new sizing regulations, numerous other current requirements will be scrapped, the Daily Telegraph reports. These include new developments having to collect rainwater harvesting in places that do not suffer from water shortages and solar panels and windmills will no longer be required on roofs where they do not fit.

Changes: The new proposals w ould also see num erous current regulations crapped - speeding up the building of new hom es (stock im age)

Don Foster, Communities minister, told the Daily Telegraph: 'Im proposing to cut needless red tape to let housebuilders get on with the real job of building the high quality new homes that people need, especially families and first time buyers. 'The current mish-mash of housing standards means that from Allerdale in Cumbria to Zoar in Cornwall no same set of rules always applies its confusing, bureaucratic and will not be allowed to continue.' The proposals to make building more homes easier and quicker for builders has come under fire by environmental campaigners. Claire Norman, Campaign to Protect Rural England spokesperson, said: 'Everybody recognises that we desperately need new housing, especially affordable housing in rural England, but sometimes cutting red tape can be a euphemism for cutting minimum design standards.' But the National Housing Federation has welcomed the proposals. NHF director Gill Payne said: 'Minimum space standards for all new homes are crucial and would produce more liveable homes for people and families around the country. There are a huge number of confusing standards today that are required for builders to develop new homes, which can sometimes delay delivery not ideal when were trying to tackle a housing crisis. 'We need to build more homes now in the right places for the right prices. So were pleased that the Government is considering simpler and clearer guidelines that would speed up the delivery of the new homes that this country desperately needs.'


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