Audit Questionnaire

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Part 2 Questionnaire

2007 Roland Bergh Consulting (Pty) Ltd

Maintenance and Asset Management Audit Self-appraisal Questionnaire


Initiation and Authorisation of Work

No 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

The foundation of a maintenance management system is an effective mechanism for identifying all work on which maintenance resources may be required, and communicating this to the maintenance group. 1 Do you have a notification system for work requests/ defects/problems reported by operations, that require maintenance attention ? Do you have a written, formal, pre-printed or electronic notification/work request for originating maintenance work? Do you have written procedures covering the origination, authorisation and processing of notifications/work requests and works orders. These procedures are known and understood by all maintenance and operation personnel involved in the process ? The originating department indicates location, equipment identification and symptom/problem description on notifications/work requests where applicable. There is a reasonable "date required" field on each notification/work request and restrictions against "ASAP", "at once" etc. Do you have a designated group or plant staff and/or supervision with the authority to request a maintenance person's services? Do you have a designated group of plant staff and/or supervision responsible for the screening and authorising of notifications/work requests before being submitted to maintenance? All works orders are given a priority classification as outlined in a well defined management policy. The priority classification is understood by all originating parties? Specific policies for the approval and authorisation of all maintenance work are established and followed. Restrictions exist for the approval of special jobs (eg. modifications, additions, process changes, etc.) which are more severe than those applied to "normal" running repairs. Do you have a written works order in evidence prior to starting a job for all work except genuine emergency repairs?

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2007 Roland Bergh Consulting (Pty) Ltd

Maintenance and Asset Management Audit Self-appraisal Questionnaire


Work Planning and Scheduling

No 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

To what extent are long and short-term maintenance planning and scheduling disciplines part of the approach to maintenance management?. How effective are they? Maintenance Planning 1 2 Do you have a designated person (s) who receives and screens incoming work on behalf of maintenance? Do you have work classified as to type? Eg. breakdowns, planned repair, preventive maintenance, modification, change-over, adjustment etc. ? Is someone (person or position) clearly responsible for the planning of maintenance work? Is all incoming work that is not immediately actioned allocated an estimate of the labour content by trade required to do the job well in advance of the job being released? Are jobs planned to include a detailed description or work required? Are jobs planned to include a detailed description of parts/materials required? Are there labour and parts/materials estimates developed and recorded for recurring jobs which are not preventive maintenance? Is there a recorded backlog of work, which lists all the work that is known about but has not been actioned yet? Are works orders purged on a regular basis (say 3-to-4 times per year) to identify and eliminate jobs no longer required? Do you have an up-to-date, long-term plan for all known work with estimated resource requirements clearly indicated ? (eg. including all preventive maintenance, large jobs, shutdowns, modifications, etc.)?

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Maintenance Scheduling 11 Do you have a Weekly Master Schedule of maintenance work to be done for the following week, agreed to by maintenance and operations managers ? Is the weekly schedule based on realistic estimates of the labour content required? The Weekly Master Schedule is based on known net capacity for each trade or workgroup (ie. total capacity or hours of labour availability, minus an allowance for emergency/ urgent work likely to arise during the week)? Planners reserve spare parts/materials for jobs when scheduled. Do you have a day's planned work prepared for each artisan at least a day in advance ? Jobs are completed in compliance with scheduled dates?

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2007 Roland Bergh Consulting (Pty) Ltd

Maintenance and Asset Management Audit Self-appraisal Questionnaire


Work Planning and Scheduling, continued

No To what extent are jobs delayed by a shortage of specialised equipment (eg. cranes, welders, forklifts, "cherry-pickers", drills, workshop machinery)? To what extent are jobs delayed by a shortage of skilled labour when required? To what extent are jobs delayed by a shortage of spare parts and materials ? To what extent are jobs delayed because plant/equipment was not made available by operations as agreed ? Total 155 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

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2007 Roland Bergh Consulting (Pty) Ltd

Maintenance and Asset Management Audit Self-appraisal Questionnaire


Routine Maintenance and Reliability Improvement

No 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Are you in a position to prevent potential breakdowns and remove the root causes of maintenance related equipment and plant problems? 1 Do you have a Routine Maintenance (RM) file on each piece of major equipment where historical records are kept on each of RM work done on that equipment? (This may be either a physical file or a "computer" file) Do you have a a history file on each major equipment, where records are kept of all significant maintenance work on that equipment? (This may be either a physical file or a "computer" file) Are all lubrication and RM inspection routes are preestablished? Are your Routine Maintenance works orders generated weekly from a Routine Maintenance Master Plan? Are RM works orders pre-planned to identify and include all task to be done on each occasion? Are RM Works orders estimated with respect to the trade labour content required to complete all tasks associated with the works order? Are RM works orders estimated to identify all materials, spare parts and other requirements needed to complete all tasks ? Do preventive maintenance tasks include acceptance standards and quantitative measures or settings to indicate that the RM tasks have been carried out correctly (eg calibrations, tolerances, torque settings, etc.) ? Is there provision to record and feedback measured data and observations? Are data and observations fed back through RM works orders, reviewed and analysed? Is plant performance reviewed to identify the need for Routine Maintenance ? Are RM tasks reviewed regularly for appropriateness and effectiveness ? What % of RM tasks are used to collect condition data or apply diagnostic techniques? RM works orders are done on schedule and not delayed or missed due to short-term production demands? The budget includes specific amounts for overhaul of key equipment and for RM inspections ? Reasons for a failure (where known) are marked on completed works orders before filing ? Are all significant failures analysed? Is there an explicit maintenance improvement programme in place ?

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2007 Roland Bergh Consulting (Pty) Ltd

Maintenance and Asset Management Audit Self-appraisal Questionnaire


Performance Measurement and Management

No 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

What part of the maintenance effort is measured and how effective is this effort in achieving the maintenance objectives? Is information available to allow management to make proactive decisions about management issues in maintenance? Maintenance Performance Management 1 2 Do you have weekly reporting of non-financial maintenance labour performance measures ? Do you have weekly measurement of work backlog expressed in terms of hours available for maintenance work? Do you have weekly measurement of work backlog in hours of work by trade and/or work group? Do you trend backlog data to show the need for scheduled overtime, use of contractors or increases in permanent labour levels ? Do you have sufficient labour and backlog data to indicate to management which jobs must be delayed if new ones are to be inserted? Contractors used only for specific, predetermined tasks identified and registered on the work backlog ? (in contrast to the practice of using contractors to supplement permanent labour numbers) ?

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Maintenance Effectiveness 7 8 9 10 11 12 Do you have reports on Plant Utilisation ? Do you have reports on Plant Reliability ? Do you have reports on Plant Availability ? Do you have reports on Plant Capacity ? Do you have reports on percentage waste or percentage quality product ? Do you have targets for plant performance ? Total 95

2007 Roland Bergh Consulting (Pty) Ltd

Maintenance and Asset Management Audit Self-appraisal Questionnaire


Spare Parts and Maintenance Materials Management

No 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

To what extent are spare parts and maintenance materials requirements and supplies controlled and proactively managed? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Does the maintenance department have organisational responsibility for maintenance stores? Are all stores requisitions/stores issues tied to specific works orders? Is the delivery of important items expedited by stores personnel? Are the lead times known and recorded for stocked and/or purchased items? Is quality and service a key factor in vendor selection? Are stock levels controlled using a re-order point, maximum, minimum system? Are low value, high usage items supplied from a "free access" consummables store or area? Do you have "satelite" stores located away from the main store and in workshops holding items unaccounted for and not controlled by the official store? There is an annual review of stores items and levels with a plan to remove obsolete or redundant stock, and reduce levels for items where demand levels do not justify current holdings. Do you have an up-to-date Master Parts Catalogue listing all part used or likely to be used on site, indicating clearly which are stocked and which are to be purchased when required? Are Bills of Material available for all critical equipment? Stock records show current stock levels, control points and value. A forward ordering programme exists for the purchase of parts/materials required by the Routine Maintenance/ Overhaul/Shutdown program, so as not to burden the stocks required for normal running maintenance with these inflated requirements. Reconditioned (Rotable) items are controlled by the store. A forward ordering programme exists for the reconditioning and refurbishment of rotable items.


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2007 Roland Bergh Consulting (Pty) Ltd

Maintenance and Asset Management Audit Self-appraisal Questionnaire


Maintenance Cost Management

No 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

To what extent is cost information collected and readily available in a form that supports maintenance management decision making to minimise costs where ever possible and to highlight problem areas? 1 2 3 4 5 Are costs collected for each job in total, and to identify labour and materials components? Do you have targets for expenditure performance? Do you have weekly reports showing expenditure by work type? Are major cost variances investigated to determine their causes? Do you have up-to-date equipment repair cost histories to reveal maintenance costs associated with individual equipment and/or plant units? Regular meetings are held to discuss maintenance costs, high cost procedures, repairs and opportunities to reduce costs. There is a general awareness and recognition of maintenance cost. Labour and materials costs on jobs are estimated and known before work is don.? Detailed budget is prepared based on the specific routine maintenance requirements, overhaul and shutdown schedules, and historically based estimates of repair work likely to arise. There is a recognition by management, that the cost of maintenance is not just the direct cost of maintenance, but that the opportunity costs incurred by operations when plant fails during scheduled production periods can often be significantly more than the direct cost of maintenance.

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2007 Roland Bergh Consulting (Pty) Ltd

Maintenance and Asset Management Audit Self-appraisal Questionnaire


Maintenance Organisation and Administration

No 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

To what extent is the administrative and organisational infrastructure required to manage maintenance effectively in place? 1 Functions/positions covering plant needs are fully defined with clear job descriptions known to all incumbents. Organisational chart exists and is up-to-date. The organisational structure supports both the "doing" of maintenance through a line supervision structure and the "planning" or maintenance through non-line planning support function. There is sufficient engineering technical support for frontline maintenance supervision and shopfloor personnel. There is sufficient clerical support for maintenance supervision. The is a clearly defined "head" or individual charged with the line management of the maintenance function as a whole. Front-line supervision is "management oriented" and spend either no time, or less than 20% of their available hours "onthe-tools". There is a good working relationship between maintenance and operations. There is an effective computerised maintenance management system in use which is accepted by the users.

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2007 Roland Bergh Consulting (Pty) Ltd

Maintenance and Asset Management Audit Self-appraisal Questionnaire


Training and Safety

No 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

To what extent is the ongoing development of the maintenance resources provided for? To what extent is a safe working environment supported? Training 1 2 3 4 Do you have an apprentice training programme that fills all your needs for future skills requirements ? Do you have technical maintenance training for supervision and artisans? Maintenance Management training for supervision and artisans? Do you have interpersonal skills and supervisory skills training for front-line maintenance supervision. (eg. communication, delegation, job instruction, conflict resolution)? Do you have a clearly defined career path structure for maintenance personnel that rewards skill and knowledge acquisition that is in line with the needs of the business? Do you provide training in analytical and continuous improvement tools and techniques for artisans and supervision (eg. cause-and effects diagrams, pareto charts, histograms, etc.) ?

Safety & Health 7 8 9 10 11 All maintenance employees attend regular and/or scheduled briefing on Occupational Health and Safety Issues. There is a general safety conscious culture supported by an improving safety record. Housekeeping inspections are held on a regular basis. Tools and materials are always removed from the job site when a job has been completed. All personnel use the prescribed safety equipment where required at all times. Total 25

2007 Roland Bergh Consulting (Pty) Ltd

Maintenance and Asset Management Audit Self-appraisal Questionnaire


Maintenance Level
No 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

What is the perception of the current level of maintenance achievement? 1 2 3 Buildings, grounds, warehouses and other structures are well kept and well maintained. Operating plant, equipment and machinery are well maintained. All buildings and key equipment are inspected regularly to identify the need for additional maintenance and changes to RM programmes. What percentage of the total work load can be classified as emergency or urgent work which must be done immediately? What percentage of total man-hours worked is charged to routine maintenance?



2007 Roland Bergh Consulting (Pty) Ltd

Maintenance and Asset Management Audit Self-appraisal Questionnaire


Engineering and Projects

No 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

To what extent is there an effective interface between Engineering, Projects and Maintenance? 1 All pertinent building, equipment and utility records are accurate, up-to-date and available to maintenance ? (eg. engineering drawings and records reflect what is physically in the plant, including records of any in-service modifications done since installation). Capital additions and changes to plant layout are subject to maintenance review before final approval. Maintenance have the right of veto. Purchases of new equipment and modifications to existing equipment are subject to maintenance review before authorisation. Maintenance has the right of veto. Maintenance participates in an effective equipment and spare parts standardisation programme which is adhered to in new plant additions. Engineering drawings and specifications are released to maintenance in package form at the required time during new projects. Engineering coordinates with maintenance materials requisitioning on all new construction and major overhauls. There is a formal, documented procedure with key milestones for the commissioning, acceptance and handover to operations and maintenance of newly installed plant and equipment.

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2007 Roland Bergh Consulting (Pty) Ltd

Maintenance and Asset Management Audit Self-appraisal Questionnaire


Shutdown and Outage Management

No 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

How does the organisation manage the project-like environment of major maintenance events that require plant stoppages and shutdowns. 1 Do you have the facility on the notification/work request that the work will require a major outage of operating plant to do the job? Do you have shutdown timing and duration established on the basis of the need to get essential work done, rather than due to traditionally established shutdown dates? Only work needing a shutdown is done during the shutdown, any other work is scheduled when opportunities present themselves during normal operations. Do you have a clearly defined close-off date for accepting work to be done during a shutdown, at least one week before the shutdown? All shutdown jobs are planned for trades labour content. All shutdown jobs are planned for materials & other requirements. Materials requirements are purchased in advanced, clearly identified as required specifically for the shutdown and do not impact on stocking levels required for normal day-to-day running maintenance. A schedule is prepared well in advance of the shutdown that clearly identifies which jobs will be done on which day and indicates the artisans assigned to each job for each day on the scheduled shutdown ? Critical path planning techniques, either manually developed or using a computerised software package (network planning, gantt charts, labour histograms, cost curves) are used to establish the optimum job sequencing and labour levels for shutdowns. Work plans are updated throughout the shutdown on a daily basis, to reflect work done and work remaining to be done, so as to identify the need to reschedule tasks ? Specific cost centres are established to collect costs associated with specific shutdowns, which are separate from the cost centres against which normal running maintenance is charged, to allow for accurate costing and cost control of shutdowns. A post-mortem meeting to discuss the outcomes, achievements and problems encountered is held after each major shutdown ?

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2007 Roland Bergh Consulting (Pty) Ltd

Maintenance and Asset Management Audit Self-appraisal Questionnaire


Organisation Culture
No 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Does the dominant culture in the maintenance group support effective maintenance management? 1 Do you have a continuous improvement culture led by management and supported by an open and nonthreatening management style ? Teams, which include shopfloor personnel (maintenance and operations) as members, are used to solve significant maintenance problems ? Tea and lunch breaks are usually kept to their prescribed duration. Does everyone in maintenance work productively within 15 minutes of the start of the working shift? Does everyone in maintenance worki productively until 15 minutes before the end of the working shift? No "buddy" system. Only one person is assigned to a one person job, unless safety requirements or the need for apprentices to be trained make other arrangements necessary. Management and unions have a good working relationship. Industrial relations on site and/or company history is good. To what extent do job demarcations delay or interfere completion of maintenance work ? Management and the shopfloor have a good working relationship.

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2007 Roland Bergh Consulting (Pty) Ltd

Maintenance and Asset Management Audit Self-appraisal Questionnaire

Additional Comments

2007 Roland Bergh Consulting (Pty) Ltd

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