Instructional Framework

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Common Core Instructional Framework

This Instructional Framework creates a common language developed from accepted best practices in classroom instruction. The rich conversations and engaging instruction inspired by the frameworks questions will ultimately lead to higher order thinking and improved student learning. Embedded within the questions are the 5 Rs: Relationships, Relevance, Rigor, Results and Responsive Culture.

How will each student learn?
T1 Do I create a posi2ve, caring classroom environment for my students? T2 Do my students feel respected even when redirected or disciplined? T3 Do my students understand how the lesson relates to everyday life? T4 Do my instruc2onal strategies, tools, tasks, and ac2vi2es engage my students? T5 Do my students support their answers with evidence? T6 Do my students have the tools and building blocks to be successful as they move to more challenging content? T7 Are my students understanding the lesson content? T8 Do my students know that taking risks or making mistakes is an important part of learning? T9 Do my students take ownership for their own progress by seQng and tracking learning goals? T10 Do I have my students work in pairs, groups, teams, and individually? T11 Do my students have ample opportuni2es to explore their crea2vity?

What will students need to learn?
P1 Have I chosen instruc2onal strategies according to how each student learns? P2 Am I reaching out to my colleagues for ideas? P3 Is the lesson content relevant? P4 How will I use technology to engage students and help them learn? P5 Is the lesson challenging and engaging? P6 How will the lesson connect dierent subject areas? P7 Have I built exibility into the lesson so I meet the needs of a variety of learners? P8 How can I help students set personal learning goals? P9 Does my classroom environment promote curiosity and crea2vity? P10 Does the classroom environment promote independence and self-directed learning? P11 How have I planned for ac2ve learning? P12 How will I establish classroom rou2nes and smooth transi2ons to maximize learning 2me?

How will I know the students learned? What will I do if they dont learn?
R1 Am I conferencing with each student regularly? R2 Am I keeping parents informed? R3 Did I make the lesson relevant? R4 Was I well prepared to present the lesson? R5 Am I crea2ng a culture of learning? R6 What data do I have to indicate whether or not the students understood the lesson content? R7 Are there skills or concepts that need to be retaught? R8 Did I give students immediate feedback on their progress? R9 How do the students feel they are doing? R10 How can I regularly celebrate student learning? R11 Do my ques2ons and assignments inspire my students to be curious learners?


Relationships + Relevance + Rigor + Results + Responsive Culture = STUDENT SUCCESS

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