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4th annual

Global Wind Power Finance & Risk


19-20 June 2013,

London, UK

Secure investors. Manage risk. Guarantee bankability.

Gold Sponsor:

Silver Sponsor:

Join us at THE premier annual wind nance gathering

 Benchmark yourself against the

Our 2013 senior speaker line-up includes:

Chris Hunt, Managing Director,

industry leaders: Over 40 expert speakers delivering up-to-the-minute market intelligence and insight attendees in 2012 were at VP/director level or above


Dima Rifai, Chief Executive Ofcer,

Paradigm Change Capital

Rui Teixeira, Chief Financial Ofcer,

 Meet the decision-makers: 80%+ of

Tom Murley, Head of Renewable Energy,


EDP Renewables

 Make your projects bankable:

Dr Cord Landsmann, Chief Financial Ofcer,


Dominik Thumfart, Managing Director, Infrastructure & Energy Finance,

Understand what attracts investors to projects

Deutsche Bank

Magnus Goodlad, Head of Renewables,

This conference, organised by Green Power Conferences, demonstrates that well organised, well focused events, and with the right speakers invited, is still the best way to win businesses and contact potential clients and suppliers
Head of Energy and Environmental Finance,
KfW-IPEX Bank,

Hermes GPE

Martin Neubert, Senior Director, Head of Partnerships, Wind Power,

Dong Energy
Tavraj Banga, Director,

Ian Berry, Fund Manager Infrastructure and Renewable Energy,

Aviva Investors

Terra Firma

Global Wind Power Finance & Investment Congress 2012

NEW FOR 2013

De-Risking Offshore Wind Masterclass

(see back page for further details)

Registration now open
+44 20 7099 0600

Gold Sponsor:

Silver Sponsor: Part of:

Organised by:

Global Wind Power Finance & Risk

5 Key Reasons to attend Global Wind Power Finance and Risk Congress 2013:
UNIqUE: this is the only conference dedicated specifically to wind power finance and investment with focused sessions on financing offshore wind power, risk and insurance COMMERCIAL: the most interactive and commerciallydriven agenda written for the industry PROVEN: 4 year track record in producing high-quality, global wind power finance events
UNPARALLELED NETWORKING: we only attract senior decision makers and the whos who of the wind power and finance communities for ultimate networking appeal

It was a fruitful 2-days with many developers, investors and nanciers of wind farms under oneroof. It was certainly worth the long ight from Singapore
Chief Executive Officer, K-Green Trust,
Global Wind Power Finance & Investment Congress 2012

The 4th Annual Event dedicated to Financing, Investing and Risk Management in Wind Power
This high-level strategic event continues to bring together c-level representatives from the wind industry, with global nanciers, investors and insurers, providing not only outstanding scope for networking with decision-makers, but also targeted and in-depth conference sessions.


Join the who's who of the nancing world, all mobilising capital in the wind power sector including:
Hermes GPE is currently invested in approximately 200 funds and 60 co-investments across the globe as well as a portfolio of infrastructure assets, and manage 6.0 billion* for major institutional investors and pension funds worldwide. Terra Firma is one of Europes leading private equity rms and since 1994, Terra Firma has invested over 14 billion in
33 businesses with an aggregate enterprise value of over 45 billion. With almost 190 investors globally, Terra Firma invests on behalf of a wide range of organisations including pension funds, nancial institutions, sovereign wealth funds, endowments and family ofces. Terra Firma investors typically invest in a variety of other assets as well as private equity funds, for example in the equity and debt of large public companies.

Riverstone is an energy and power-focused private equity rm founded in 2000 with approximately $24 billion of
equity capital raised across seven investment funds, including the worlds largest renewable energy fund. Riverstone conducts buyout and growth capital investments in the renewable sectors of the energy industry, committing approximately $20.9 billion to 95 investments in North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia.

Impax Asset Management is an award winning, leading investment manager dedicated to investing in the
opportunities created by the scarcity of natural resources and the growing demand for cleaner, more efcient products and services, through both listed and private equity strategies. Impax Asset Management manages c. US$3.2 billion** (2.0 billion) for institutional and high net worth investors globally, and are committed to providing strong long-term riskadjusted returns.

GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE: develop director level contacts in wind and finance industries with over 80% of our attendees VP/Director level from over 20 countries worldwide

Aviva Investors is part of Aviva, one of the worlds largest insurance companies, helping corporate and institutional
clients anywhere in the world. Most of Aviva's 274 billion*** under management is in xed income, real estate and multiasset solutions, and a range of other capabilities across all major asset classes.

Has assets under management of 3.7 billion, serving over 100 highly regarded institutional investors, including private and public pension funds, endowments, insurance companies and fund of funds and has 100 employees in two investment ofces in the UK and Germany.

Allianz Capital Partners (ACP)

Is the captive, alternative asset platform of the Allianz Group one of the leading nancial institutions in the world, with assets under management of about EUR 8.5 billion.

Hudson Clean Energy Partners

Is a leading global private equity rm, dedicated solely to investing in renewable power, alternative fuels, energy efciency and storage. Hudson typically invests in high-growth, asset-based, capital-intensive segments of the clean energy value chain with minimal technology development risk, primarily in control and shared-control positions.

Ambienta SGR
Is a growth SME investor targeting the environmental sector, seeking to capitalise on huge and growing markets for businesses focused on energy and resource efciency, waste management and pollution, and renewable energy services, with committed capital of 217.5 million for Ambienta I, the inaugural fund launched in 2008, raised from institutional investors, family ofces and the investment team.

PGGM is a leading Dutch pension fund service provider. PGGM offers its institutional clients: pension fund management, comprehensive asset management, policy advice and management support. Currently on behalf of ve pension funds PGGM manages slightly in excess of EUR 128 billion for 2.5 million people. As a co-operation with more than 570,000 members, PGGM is helping to achieve a valuable future. Either alone or with strategic partners, PGGM is developing innovative future provisions by linking together pensions, care, housing and work.
* As at 31 December 2012 ** As at 31 January 2013 *** As at 30 June 2012


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Global Wind Power Finance & Risk

This event stands out as having a focus on the critical issues and the right people involved in them to share insights and point the way forward. Outstanding scope for follow-on networking
Corporate Finance Officer,
Mainstream Renewable Power, Global Wind Power Finance & Investment Congress 2012

The conference format will include key presentations from financial thought leaders, institutional investors, global wind developers, government bodies, utilities, manufacturers, insurers and also include analyst presentations, industry panels, stimulating roundtable discussions and interactive participant Q&A sessions.

DAy ONE, 19 JUNE 2013

8.30 9.00 Registration and welcome coffee Warren Pimm, Partner, SDCL 9.15 14.00

Chairs opening remarks

Policy Backdrop: The Effect of Energy Market Reforms and Changing Policy Landscapes on Wind Projects

Investor Outlook: Funding and Financing Wind Power Setting the Scene
Examining the current state of the finance markets and new financing trends Bolstering investor confidence in wind power Has the lack of clarity on the regulatory front muddied wind asset values? Will wind asset finance pick up in 2013? Wind finance forecasting for 2013 and beyond Will new methods of financing help to cycle money back into development and construction? Robert Mansley, Managing Director, Capital Markets, GIB (Green Investment Bank) Chris Hunt, Managing Director, Riverstone Tom Murley, Head of Renewable Energy, Hg Capital

What are governments doing to foster financing? Is the process working and are government incentives sufficient? What effect has the EMR had on PPAs? Impact of the move from RO to CfD - what are the true effects of ROCs being replaced by fixed price contracts for difference mechanisms? Do other systems in other countries work better? Financial regulation: what are the effects of Basel III and Solvency II on long-term lending or equity investments in wind power? Ian Temperton, Head of Advisory, Climate Change Capital Mortimer Menzel, Partner, Augusta & Co James Greenhalgh, EMR Stakeholder Manager, National Grid 15.00 Networking refreshment break 15.30

Are Operating Wind Farms Attractive Investment Assets?

How are wind farms attractive equity investments for sponsors and investors? Who will buy operational wind power assets? Purchasing operational wind assets compared to other infrastructure assets, buying and exit strategies Infrastructure funds what do players want to see from wind power? How can fund managers address investment concerns in wind power? Ian Berry, Fund Manager Infrastructure and Renewable Energy, Aviva Investors Peter Rossbach, Managing Director, Private Equity & Infrastructure, Impax Asset Management Colin Campbell, Co-lead Infrastructure Partner, Zouk Capital Christopher Mansfield, Senior Managing Director, DIF Stephen Lilley, Partner, Greencoat Capital

10.30 Networking refreshment break


Utility Perspectives Panel on Financing Wind Power

Capacity planning what is the demand for added wind capacity and what are the financial implications involved? Why are utilities funding as they do? Accessing the financial community Can utilities continue to finance wind power off their balance sheets? Dr Cord Landsmann, Chief Financial Officer, E.ON C&R Rui Teixeira, Chief Financial Officer, EDP Renewables Holger Gassner, Head of Markets and Political Affairs, RWE 16.45


Developers: Seeking Certainty and Attracting New Sources of Finance

What are the opportunities for growth and what new business models and financing options are needed? Are EPC contracts an important part of assembling diverse bank groups? Is capital available for developers looking to optimize asset portfolio through strategic acquisitions? How will these acquisitions be financed? What role will M&A play? Will developers chop up financing, sell equity off and how? Attracting new equity sources and debt through the construction period Risk management and allocation for building a bankable business case Fintan Whelan, Corporate Finance Director, Mainstream Renewable Power Michael van der Heijden, Managing Director, Typhoon Capital Pierre Lestienne, Chief Financial Officer, C-Power 17.45

Risk and Insurance: Facing Reality

Why insurance is key to encourage further private wind sector investment What can be insured and what are developers liable for? Optimal risk reduction: mitigating risk throughout the project lifecycle Post construction/operating risk and minimising construction risk More innovative risk instruments to help drive greater investment in wind power Assessing insurance options, key steps to reducing costs What do investors want to see? Dr Richard Oduntan, Portfolio Manager, Nephila Capital Ernst Bedacht, Underwriter, Munich Re Andrew Davison, Senior Vice President, Infrastructure Finance Group, Moodys* Bernd Patzwald, Executive Vice President, New Build and Risk Engineering, E.ON Risk Consulting Morgan Herv-Mignucci, Senior Analyst and Manager, CPI Europe (Climate Policy Initiative)

13.00 Networking lunch

Networking Evening Reception

Reflect on the day's proceedings and develop lucrative new partnerships over a drink at our evening reception Available to Sponsor
* awaiting final confirmation

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Global Wind Power Finance & Risk

DAy TWO, 20 JUNE 2013
08.30 Welcome coffee and refreshments 09.00 Chairs opening remarks 09.15

The diversity at the conference means that the discussion isn't just limited to whats hot right now, as it also explores what might be hot next
Director, Terra Firma
Global Wind Power Finance & Investment Congress 2012

A very insightful event, well organized and an excellent opportunity to network with the industry and share our views. We will denitely be back!
Managing Director, UniCredit - Global Wind Power Finance & Investment Congress 2011

Trends in Debt Finance

Will onshore wind continue to hit a high number of debt deals? How much of a continued role can project finance play? Is the nature of project finance deals changing? Current funding models vs equity alternatives How do you get senior debt finance in? How much appetite is there for mezzanine/junior debt and who are the players? Whats the current state of the wind bank loan market debt tenors, interest rates, lending capacities for onshore and offshore? What are we seeing in terms of shorter tenors/hard mini-perms, cash sweep/accelerated payments, soft mini-perms? Are debt-sizing methodologies more conservative? Assuming risk who will assume the risk? Moderator: Ben Backwell, Editor-in-Chief, Recharge Dominik Thumfahrt, Managing Director, Infrastructure & Energy Finance, Deutsche Bank Salvatore Santoro, Senior Vice President, Energy Division, Project Finance and Advisory, DNB Bank Heiko Ludwig, Managing Director, Head of Energy Europe, Nord LB Carol Gould, Head of Power and Renewables, Structured Finance Office for EMEA, Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi

Magnus Goodlad, Head of Renewables, Hermes GPE Joseph Slamm, Partner, Hudson Clean Energy Partners Tavraj Banga, Director, Terra Firma Rolando Polli, Partner, Ambienta SGR 12.45 Networking Lunch 14.00

Offshore Wind Power Financing Structuring, Financing and Risk: Creating a Solid Financial Basis
Case studies Lack of knowledge or lack of capital? Why capital structure is key What are the complexities involved as size of transactions increase? Why funding and phasing is key Importance of certainty over construction liability (EPC vs multicontract), design verification (certification), tried and tested design, experienced contractors Investing in assets including cables and substations Which parties are capable of taking construction risk? Are innovative pilot projects for 1st loss protection a step in the right direction? Martin Neubert, Senior Director, Head of Partnerships, Wind Power, Dong Energy Keiji Okagaki, Vice President, Marubeni Europower Wolfgang Bischoff, Head of Energy Finance, EMEA, Siemens Bank Joris van der Geest, Investment Advisor, Ampere Equity Fund, SUSI Partners Wilfried Breuer, Managing Director and Board Member, TenneT Offshore


New Sources of Financing Beyond Bank Debt What are the Options? What Role do ECAs, Pension Funds, Insurance Companies, Multilaterals play?
Who will fund wind farms in the future? What type and sizes of projects will have access to new sources of financing? What will be the spread, tenors, leverage and terms? How can we tap new sources of financing and ensure investor confidence in the longer term assets? What role is there for ECAs and development banks? Pension funds and insurance companies what opportunities are there in wind? Risks, structures and rates of return How to attract investment in offshore wind as a specific asset class? Volume of debt and equity capital Construction vs operation risk Which funding structures are working and why? Will we see the beginnings of a new clean energy project bond market in Europe? Moderator: Ben Backwell, Editor-in-Chief, Recharge Dennis van Alphen, Senior Investment Manager, PGGM Pia Bastrup, Chief Underwriter, EKF David Jones, Managing Director, Allianz Capital Partners Dima Rifai, Chief Executive Officer, Paradigm Change Capital

15.30 Networking refreshment break 16.00 Financing Offshore Grid Expansion Financing French Offshore Wind Challenges and Opportunities An opportunity to take part in stimulating roundtable session groups. Each session will be chaired by an industry expert, who will facilitate an exchange of opinions and then feedback to all congress participants. 17.00 Close of conference
* Agenda correct at time of going to print

Roundtable Discussions:

More major players than ever before, including:

Robert Mansley, Managing Director, Capital Markets, David Jones, Managing Director,

GIB (Green Investment Bank)

Joseph Slamm, Partner,

Allianz Capital Partners

11.15 11.45

Networking refreshment break

Private Equity Operational Assets, Risk, Buying and Selling Wind Power
What are PE companies ideal risk profiles? What yields are PE looking for? Long-term ownership of wind and optimisation of performance over a project lifecycle Purchasing operational wind assets compared to other infrastructure assets

Hudson Clean Energy Partners

Salvatore Santoro, Senior Vice President, Energy Division, Project Finance and Advisory,

Holger Gassner, Head of Markets and Political Affairs,


Fintan Whelan, Corporate Finance Director,

DNB Bank

Mainstream Renewable Power

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Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunities

Global Wind Power Finance & Risk



to Wind Finance Conference 5



4 1


F&B Station F&B Station




80% 200

An Intelligent Investment: Generate brand awareness

through logo visibility at THE premier annual wind power nance gathering

2 3


Position your company as a thought leader

and leave a lasting impression with your corporate literature distributed to every delegate via conference USB stick

Gold Sponsor:

Director, Mott MacDonald

This year's wind power nance & investment conference was a great place to meet all those companies that are serious about nancing wind projects. To nd them all in one location was fantastic!
Global Wind Power Finance and Investment Congress 2011

Demonstrate market presence

to your clients with the help of our award winning marketing team

Silver Sponsor:

Nephila Capital Ltd was founded in 1998 and is one of the oldest and largest investment managers dedicated to the natural catastrophe and weather risk sectors. Nephila, which is partly owned by KKR, offers weather-linked risk transfer hedges to businesses worldwide, including to participants in the renewable energy space. Weather-linked risk transfer solutions are used to hedge volumetric and revenue risks inherent in renewable energy projects such as wind, solar and hydroelectric.

Meet the decision makers

during over 15 hours of networking with our high-level audience

Outstanding scope for networking, the best way to do business

The panellists and attendees were leaders within the global wind power nance and investment community, which provided for a rich level of discussion and engagement
Partner, SDCL,
Global Wind Power Finance & Investment Congress 2012

Industry leading global renewables database

ensures your company is showcased to every player in the wind and nance sectors

The conference was a high calibre event gathering a senior level of market participants across the stakeholder spectrum
Chief Executive Officer,
Paradigm Change Capital Partners, Global Wind Power Finance & Investment Congress 2012

Strong return on investment

with over 2 months of travelling condensed into 2 days
Secure the best exhibition and sponsorship opportunities by booking early

Who attends Global Wind Power Finance & Risk?

We have a strong track record of attracting attendees from across the whole value chain:
 Banks and investors and international financing institutions VC/PE companies Wind farm owners/operators Wind project developers Utilities Global investment funds Infrastructure funds Media Partners:         Institutional investors Pension funds Sovereign wealth funds Government and regulators Wind technology developers and manufacturers EPCs Government and regulators Financial analysts      Public financing institutes Wind power technology research and development companies Law firms Insurance firms Energy analysts, environmental, engineering consultants and industry press


For information about how you can raise your corporate visibility and market awareness, please contact:
Jason Taylor Tel: +44 (0)20 3384 6211 Email:


Research Partner:

Book Now Call +44 20 7099 0600

or Online at:

Global Wind Power Finance & Risk

Add our De-Risking Offshore Wind Masterclass on June 21 to your package for just 799 and get even more out of your time at the event!

NEW Masterclass: De-Risking Offshore Wind How do you Open Doors to More Capital?
Managing and offsetting risk in offshore wind power development is crucial to securing project investment. This masterclass will include real case studies and focus on reducing risk and maximising returns for developers and investors.
Understanding and managing risk in the development of offshore projects achieving balance in risk distribution, exploring construction risk, successful partnering De-risking projects to encourage greater funding by investors matching banks requirements for investment Increasing availability of insurance products to cover specic risks, coverage for volume of projects Reducing offshore project risk through due diligence, reducing risk by understanding multi-contract insurance Enhancing project risk management and insurance programme design Reducing asset risk by reducing technical risk Project delivery risks from construction to commercial optimisation European case studies Early risk identication assessing uncertainties and optimising your business strategy Speakers: Ernst Bedacht, Underwriter, Munich Re Christos Kolliatsas, Wind Leader, Mott MacDonald Thomas Karst, Senior Partner MAKE Consulting Steen Broust Nielsen,Senior Partner MAKE Consulting

Who should attend?

CEOs, CFOs, COOs, risk managers, project managers and insurance managers from utilities and developers Financiers specialising in wind power investment Lawyers and due diligence professionals

3 Easy, Secure Ways to Book +44 (0)20 7099 0600
Intelligence Pass
(Includes Wind Finance & Risk Report)

Venue: The Tower - A Guoman Hotel, St Katharine's Way, London, E1W 1LD Tel: 0871 376 9036 Fax: 0871 376 9136



Accommodation: Registered delegates will be sent hotel options and booking forms.
All prices in GBP and subject to UK VAT.

Access to:
2 Day conference & exhibition Cocktail reception (June 19) Conference documentation Full access to online networking Printed attendee list Membership of the Global Wind Series, giving you 10% off our events in 2013 Wind Finance & Risk report

Networking Pass

Limited Pass


Standard Early Bird

(Book before 8 May 2013)

2,999 2,849

1,999 1,849

1,799 1,649

SPECIAL RATES AVAILABLE for developers/operators with less than 100MW operational and non-profit/government/academic institutions.

Contact for further information. These rates are subject to the approval of Green Power Conferences.
Green Thinking (Services) Ltd. market responsibly both for the environment and in the way that we use people's contact data. We use paper from renewable sources and environmentally responsible suppliers, we email and fax to reduce environmental impact and we carbon offset where possible. You will be provided with the opportunity to opt-out of communications from us at the point where you submit your information to us. You may opt out of communication any time by contacting us at


Follow us on twitter: @julesgoddard @windseries Join our LinkedIn Group: Global Wind Power Finance & Risk

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