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Talera rests in her bed but her balcony doors are open for a myriad of reasons.

Life had gotten so complicated. Wraith lands with little more than a soft thud in a crouch on Talera's balcony Talera is sleeping lightly. The rune on her bare shoulder, a dark scab now. She had fallen into bed wearing her tank top and jeans. She still had her saber clipped to her belt. Not at all like the woman he first met, relaxed in sleep attire. KON_Justin_Callahan moved into the manor and into a bed, whichever one was closer, curling there and battling with that peice he couldnt quite control now that half of his mind was on healing Talera is stuffed with a bellyfull of baked potato and sour cream and ham steak.) Wraith walks inside looking about, surprised to not see her just yet, usually she almost anticipated his arrival.. as he peers to her bed and blinked seeing her vastly changed attire "Talera?" he whispers Talera sucks in a deep breath and her eyes fly open. She practically leaps out of bed her hand on her saber." what? !? Don't! " she blinks a few times trying to rid herself of sleep and fatigue. SHe is clearly exhausted. She winces as her shoulder protests Talera her sudden move to defense. t is back with his family... sleeping...coz yesterday was draining! (ha! RPed!) Wraith holds his hands up in defence "hey its ok, its just me, the window was open" Talera shoulders sag as she realizes who it is." oh Liam. Sorry. I was just...startled." She sits on the edge of her bed rolling her shoulder. In some pain. Wraith : Are you ok? Is your shoulder hurt? Talera yea I was on the business end of a spike" welll that wasnt entirely accurate. It was actually a long metal claw punctured right through her shoulder. Wraith : Can't you heal it with the force or something? KON_Justin_Callahan decided that resting was not helping, he couldnt quell anything so he decided a good hunt was

in order, the bloodlust usually shut the lightsider up while he was dealing with the guilt of it. he moved from the bed and took off, heading back the way he KON_Justin_Callahan came Talera nods slightly" yes but I was so tired I just needed to sleep" ELianne had done as much as possible. The rest was just time. That and Fighting Justin again wasnt actually healing her either. Wraith : What happened to you? Was it that bad that you got taken like that? Talera have a seat" she debates how to tell him all thats happened." I was attacked by someone I never thought would hurt me. It was my own mistake." she sighs softly. She itched at the rune Justin carved in her shoulder. The scab was irritating. Wraith nods and moves to a near chair and sits down "How did you get that mark? It looks like a symbol" Talera : he marked me for death, once hes killed all I care about. Its a death rune Wraith : Who did? KON_Justin_Callahan ended up in the palace gardens but the familiar sights did nothing to quell anything and dealing with the wounds the dominent personality slid further from control. he moved towards the palace itself Talera chuckles softly" oddly enough. Justin. Oh by the way I think we can call off our rescue mission" She looked as if she might dissolve into tears. But she knew he would just think her a bad Jedi like before. Wraith : Oh man... Damn, sad thing is I was really looking forward to it. I guess our next move is to get your loved ones into a safe place and go kick his ass? Talera : Something, Because they are so very vulnerable with him around. He just wants to hurt me... Wraith : So lets get a bacta patch on that rune thing and round up his targets, how many people are we talking about? Talera : I doubt it will be that easy. Your assuming that these people will want to be safe guarded or

hidden. Talera : He wants my children, every friend I have. Its a considerable number. Hell I couldnt even give you a number.. KON_Justin_Callahan paused and stood under her balcony, looking up at the open doors, he ran his left hand over his face and his eyes changed, softened and slipped to emerald green but he was silent 8-Avelon_Starblade- has joined the conversation. 8-Avelon_Starblade- is away. Wraith : Easy, explain to them that a scary sith lord wants to marry them, or knock them out and leave them on a hotel world Wraith : ave] Talera : avey baby ) -Avelon_Starblade- : rawr!)) -Avelon_Starblade- really really wants an Imperium ultra class star destroyer now lol)) Wraith : Just one question... is he back to being all high and mighty sith-master wise? Talera : Liam its not that easy. Some of these people are his friends they won't believe it. Talera : I have no idea Liam. Wraith : How many of them are less than able to defend themselves? Talera : If he is back at full power. All of them. Wraith : hmm.. That sounds bad, what about your jedi friends? They can take him, right? Talera : chuckles slightly" some probably. Its just that there seems to be an internal struggle in him. And well ,part of me doesnt want to see him hurt Talera chuckles slightly" some probably. Its just that there seems to be an internal struggle in him. And well ,part of me doesnt want to see him hurt KON_Justin_Callahan could hear voices but not what they were saying "talera..?" came the purr from the ground then. not the sharp threatening bark of phain...but the voice shed heard yesterday Wraith : Ok, say he's not sithly but just mad and violent,

does he have any special skills I need to know about? Wraith : I think I remember when I met him on D'Cerris, he said he was a spawn or something Talera stiffens as she hears her name. She knew he was good at deception so she was on her guard instantly,. " he's here. " her chest heaves with alarm. Wraith glances to the window "alright, brief rundown now, skills and weaknesses, I promise to go for capture not the kill" KON_Justin_Callahan furrows his brow, he could hear the change in her tone. he closed his eyes...and waited Talera : Claws, metal endoskeleton. Advanced healing. Extremely advanced. A spawn disposition. Wraith : what kind of claws and does he have any weaknesses? something we can exploit to take him down peacefully? KON_Justin_Callahan his frown deepens, who was she with. he looked up to the balcony again wondering if he could jump it like this and made his move, he'll end up there though on a knee when hes finished, outside the open doors Talera um...Nasty metal claws?" she was focused on the door and was actually shocked to find herself walking toward the doors only to stop and gasp as Justin appears before her. Wraith moves to stand beside Talera and looks to Justin "hey, hows it going?" KON_Justin_Callahan was just as shocked to see her that close acutally and startled a bit, ending up with his back against the railing. he looked to liam and tipped his head. he just watched the man for the longest time. he knew that one...didnt he? Talera sees Justin recoil from her and she feels her insides stiffen. She moves to backstep several paces. Probably good for everyone involved. She could see him covered in blood. Two nights in a row he had come here when wounded. Last night it seemed it Talera was just to taunt and then attack her.

Wraith looks from Talera to Justin and decides not to worry about Justin's appearance, knowing of his healing abilities "So, what brings you here?" KON_Justin_Callahan frowns again "hmmm...not phainien. hes busy" he glanced to talera "i give my word on that" even phain wouldnt do such a thing because then hed have to keep it. and shed know that Talera places her hand on her mouth and she nods. She did know that. She was however still on guard and trying to keep control of herself. So much had happened in the past few days and she was struggling to find her balance under so much stress. Wraith : Why does that name sound familiar? Doesn't matter. You've been a bad boy Justin, but it looks like Talera will give you the benefit of the doubt so I might too Talera looks over to Liam. He had no idea , he couldnt possibly have any idea how much she appreciated him right now. She blinks and turns to face Justin." You're hurt..." KON_Justin_Callahan closes his eyes and relaxes just a little against the railing "you think?" to liam his tone sarcastic...he knew very well how bad hes been. he couldnt get the images from his head. he will look then back to tally "yes, and thats why hes busy" offering a > KON_Justin_Callahan small strained smile to her Wraith : Ok, someone care to explain to me whats going on? I'd leave you two to this tender moment of lovers re-united, but I thought Justin was after Talera's friends to hurt her more than he did by making that mark on her arm? Wraith : And whats with the blood man? you couldn't have washed first? Jedi_Master_Sage heads to the hospital, stopping outside Dinay's room and looks to those inside Talera looks back at Liam. How could he think this was some lovers reunion?" Liam, I told you he struggles internally. This is the first moment where I think its really Justin." but for how long she had no idea. KON_Justin_Callahan "i have a while..." came the purr "the arms useless its going to take a while to fix" he glanced

back to liam "had i let phainien wash first...thered be more blood" Wraith : Right.. you could have mentioned he had a personality disorder, let me guess, Phainien is his sith identity or something? Talera nods slightly" something like that. Im sorry I dont really understand it myself." she said defensively. Was Liam really going to pick a fight with her now? The men in her life were so difficult. t was sleeping.. on the bed, cuddled up to Dinay, with Ian asleep there too... this was his happy place ^_^ if he was peter pan, this would be the thoughts that make him fly Wraith : [Emma just messaged me saying "Tell Justin I said 'heyas & OMG you live & get flirty with tally'"] KON_Justin_Callahan : er ok say hi back) Talera : awwww) Talera 's emma) Jedi_Master_Sage smiles seeing them reunited, he doesn't want to disturb them so he asks a nurse to let them know he was here KON_Justin_Callahan : im the guy who had his head ripped apart again...dont expect me to. phainien is the psychopath who was locked away a couple years ago leaving just me Wraith : So if this is the "good" Justin, why don't we get him to a holding cell and round up some jedi to like, exorcise him or something? t stirred softly hearing a voice, and raised his head yawning a little noisly Jedi_Master_Sage "Boto?" he asks softly 8hv has joined the conversation. t "aye?" he asked in a sleepy voice and carefully sat up on the bed.. trying not to wake his fiancee or his son... Jedi_Master_Sage : How are you Boto? t "awake, uhm.. happy, an' concerned... tis kinda confusin... " he shrugged a little and slipped off the bed, grabbing his jacket, and sliding it on, before kissing dinay on the cheek, then his son on the forehead "c'mon" he motioned to sage, so their >

t talking couldn't wake the sleeping ones... Talera looks at Justin. She knew Liam was right but it was so hard to reconcile putting justin in a cell even after all that had happened. " you need help Justin." she lamely offers in support of Liam. KON_Justin_Callahan picks up his left hand, offering it to them. his right didnt move it looked like he agreed with them Wraith : Even if we got you stuck on some island with some supplies, that'd be better than leaving you to roam free, Talera said you wanted to hurt her friends, we can't allow that Jedi_Master_Sage nods and follows Boto "I take it things seem better now?" Talera at his movement she instinctively stepped forward to take his hand. The thing was she wasnt a security officer. She had no means of restraining him. She agreed with Liam. The couldnt allow Justin to hurt anyone else. t "well, Dinay bein awake, oh aye..." he said softly and smiled brightly, quietly closing the door behind him as he went to move outside with Sage.. "much... so much... " Jedi_Master_Sage : Does she remember what happened? t : nae... bu' she knaes th' truth in her heart... as I do... I'd never have hurt her... tisn't a way in th' universe I coulda... KON_Justin_Callahan "hurt" he frowns, that was an understatement. a hint of pain etched through his voice as he spoke. he lets her take his hand and wondered if she got rid of all his things, hed have a pair of binders around here somewhere Wraith : watches carefully, he felt confident that he'd fast enough to intervene of Justin did something unexpected "What do you Justin? I doubt you could swim off an island, but you'd still have space to roam until we find a way to fix your mind Jedi_Master_Sage : I do believe I told you that Talera had long ago packed up all signs of their life together. Of her life even. Her rooms were fairly empty save for just necessities. She wasnt sure she agreed with

a deserted island. But in a cell he would go mad. She honestly didnt know what to do. Talera what do you want Justin? " it was the first time anyone had asked him why he was actually here tonight. She held his hand fast however. Talera : done) t oh shu' up..." he said to sage with a soft smirk and slipped outside, finding a ciggy... "aye, ye tol' me, everyone tol' me, i hadtae discover 't meself" Jedi_Master_Sage : So what have you learned? KON_Justin_Callahan shakes his head "just...dont let him hurt anyone. its hard enough as it is fighting him..." Wraith : Sounds like a plan, how long roughly can you hold him back? Talera wondered the same thing. She also wondered if there was some way to make his old palace rooms into a more comfortable confinement. Someway to force drain him and restrain him but still keep him comfortable. She was startled to find the need to care for Talera him. the desire to protect him. t tha' mebbe i ain' as big a feck up as i thought" he placed the ciggy between his lips and lit it "an' I shoul' trus' me heart more, who happens tae be tha' beautiful woman an' th' boy asleep in her arms up there..." KON_Justin_Callahan "yesterday i think i lasted about ten minutes. but he cant fight with me actaully wounded ive found, especially when he needs to" he frowns and shudders a bit, trailing off. tally may know what he means "i...dont really know" Wraith narrows his eyes in concentration "so if we keep you wounded or knocked out, he'll be out?" 8hv has joined the conversation. Talera : or hungry Jedi_Master_Sage : I'm sure many told you that as well. Boto, I have a favour to ask hv stands on a balcony in the palace, looking out at the city of Theed, a blank look upon her face t aye... so i am stubborn.. an have tae learn tings meself... big surprise there? nae I dinnae tink so" he then

tipped his head and looked to sage as he took a draw from the ciggy "wha' woul' tha' be?" hv leans against the railing and looks out as far as she can, she was alone often , the solitary figure in handmaiden robes KON_Justin_Callahan nods gently "if i cant feed...the healing is slowed. and im stuck like this" Wraith : So how's that sound Justin? You mind being hungry and hurting until we sort out your accomodations while you're healed? hv wonders if anyone else is around, the palace seems empty even though she knows it's not 8hv has left the conversation. Jedi_Master_Sage : Please, see if you can get in contact with Jenine, with Bernie, I need to speak to her. If she is upset with me, I understand, but I need to hear her voice Talera : oh my turn?) Talera : lol im all waiting) Talera looks down at Justin. She says softly" let us help you Justin. For you. Fight for you." KON_Justin_Callahan gave them both another small smile "the pain of my arm is nothing...ill live with it" agreeing. he closed his eyes, the pain within however...he wouldnt voice Wraith : So now what? Island trip or do either of you have another place in mind? Talera : Im wondering if a place in the palace can be made secure for him. Even his old rooms? I just don't know.. t "uh, she's back home, ain' she called ye?" he asked, sounding a bit confused... and also didn't want to tell Sage about well... he had thought they had split or something Wraith : Only if it has a force draining system, most FD field generators don't emit a field larger than a standard holding cell, seeing as even those cost a damn fortune, unless you could have him wear a force inhibitor with a stun charge, one Talera could> Wraith : > activate with a remote unit, if you're as powerful as

Talera says, then its just enough Jedi_Master_Sage : No she hasn't, is there something I should know? KON_Justin_Callahan : collar my ass...a couple force feilds on my old quarters once they were emptied of dangerous thing will keep me there KON_Justin_Callahan things^ t uhm..." he said and otipped his head "nothin really, I jus' met up wit' her an' a friend o' hers th' other week..." Jedi_Master_Sage : And what did this friend have to say? Talera looks at Liam she was stunned. " me? what?" she fully intended to hand him over to someone he was less...hostile with. She was part of the problem. She was relieved with what Justin said. It probably was a bad idea for her to be around him at all. Talera : ill contact the council to see about helping you sort your mind out. Wraith : Good idea. Wraith looks to Justin "So these claws, mind if I see them?" KON_Justin_Callahan raises a brow and looks to liam "what?" that question caught him a little off guard t : hello... how are ye... th' normal stuff... i was a bit o' a mess really i dinnae clearly remember Jedi_Master_Sage : But you know Bernie has returned, have you spoken to her or to anyone that has? Wraith : Just curious, Talera said you have claws, I'm just asking if I can see them 8KON_Justin_Callahan has returned. 8KON_Justin_Callahan is away. Talera lets go of his hand and steps away. She had seen too much of them lately and she turned and walked into the kitchen. Silently she grapples with the fact that the man she once loved used those on her. KON_Justin_Callahan watched tally go a moment before he looked back to liam and sighed, sliding the left handed ones into their out, locked position t : I spoke wit' Bernie, she an' Kit came roun' tae th' studio tae pick up a drum loop 'arry had done fer her Wraith looks to the claws "Cool, just so we're clear, I know

you've got issues or whatever you call it, but you use them on her again, Phainien or not and I will smack the spawn out of you. You aren't the only one here with badass powers" Jedi_Master_Sage : Who is Kit and what did Bernie have to say? t : Kit tis her frien' an' a guitaris' tho her band split a bit ago, Bern's knaen her a while, tho they los' conatac' an' I dinnae, Hello... tanks fer th' disk...muther mercy Sage, ye wanna knae th' ins an' outs o' a feckin ducks bum tae? Talera runs a hand through her long hair and closes her eyes. The look in his eyes replaing as he sank his claw through her. She felt sick. She knew logically what was happening but navigating how it made her feel was such a struggle right now. She was not Talera prepared for this. -Avelon_Starblade- : ok, time to go back to KotOR II....lets see if i can stay good through the whole thing for once...XD)) Jedi_Master_Sage : its impossible, sooner or later you get pissed at atton or G0-T0 or Kreia]] -Avelon_Starblade- : tell me about it...)) -Avelon_Starblade- hates entire party, currently)) Jedi_Master_Sage : I just want to know why she hasn't called or if she even wants to speak to me -Avelon_Starblade- : i just keep tellin em to shut up, now)) Jedi_Master_Sage : [Aver, you so must go to and see her comic]] KON_Justin_Callahan "i...would welcome it" he gave and the claws slipped away, his right hand shifted, and where as the blades writhed beneith his left, they did not on the right Wraith looks to the hands "whats with the right hand? do they have hooks instead?" KON_Justin_Callahan : no...the right were removed, part of my torment Wraith : Ouch, look, I'm sorry if I've come across the wrong way, I've spent the last week coming here, planning with Talera your rescue, she spent over a year looking for you and was about to go on another expedition. Now you're back

and carving runes and showing Wraith : up covered in blood, if I'm a bit suspicious or protective, yeah, thats why t Sage, I ain' Bernie... I dinnae, I kenna read feckin minds" he flicked the spent ciggy away "bloody hell, ask her yeerself... tae be hones', yeer name dinnae come up, I thought ye an' her had split er sumtin, I dinnae keep up on everythin, I were goin > t trough enough crap meself... " Talera squares her shoulders and sighs. Alright she could do this. She rolled her shoulder wishing the pain away for now and headed out into the sitting area. Her chin held high though she looked so very tired. She is unaware they had been talking about her. Jedi_Master_Sage says softly "I was waiting for her to reply to my message, but now I know she's returned.. thank you. I'll go to her soon, do you think now would be too soon?" Talera was determined to help him no matter how he felt about her and had resigned herself to turning Justin over to other Jedi to tend him. She wouldnt risk him or his sanity by her very presence. Wraith : You need to be fixed, healed and all.. she's missed you, hell, you were engaged and I don't doubt she still loves you KON_Justin_Callahan grew very silent at that, was it true? he gave a nod then. his eyes turned to talera and brightened a bit. no matter who she was with. that pain would remain buried and he would just try and find a way to move on...they were right a over a year is a > KON_Justin_Callahan long time t shrugged slightly "she dinnae say crap bout yeer message" yeah, paul was really tactful at times... "an' I dinnae, tis tween ye an' her, I am th' las' person tae ask bout relationship advice... I tend tae be a real ass meself" Jedi_Master_Sage : Thank you Boto, I shall go to her home right away, you've been most helpful, if you and Dinay need any further help, you know how to contact me.

Jedi_Master_Sage "Farewell" he bids as he moves off, heading for Bernie's apartment, not knowing if she'll even be home Talera clears her throat and looks at Liam and then to Justin." You won't have access to anything but your rooms. The KON are off limits. You will be collared and kept behind the shields you specified. You will be kept...hungry" that was so hard to say. Talera She used to run security. This position was not foreign to her. She just hated that it was Justin. Wraith : I think if we keep him on an I.V. drip or even just give him minimal rations and water, it might be enough? There's a chance we could come up with something to just delay his healing factor so he can eat t aye, nae worries" he said with a nod and went to head back inside t : brb) Jedi_Master_Sage : [ok] 8t has left the conversation. Talera comms the guard to bring her a collar and to begin setting up the force fields in his rooms. Her voice was hollow and her face pale. The green spark in her eyes was gone. Emotionless she did her job. Liams words registering but she honestly didn't Talera know if that would suffice. She turns to look at him" We will try those things once he is secured" KON_Justin_Callahan knows a way and he frowns "a neural whip has stopped it entirely before, for several days. so does lightning..." he wondered if that would help at all even as he grimaced and gave a low snarl. both to pain and the other trying to reassert a bit Wraith places a reassuring hand on Talera's unharmed shoulder "this is for the best, it'll make it so.. you won't need to fear him" he looks to Justin "I'm sure I can get a whip like that" 8Brie has joined the conversation. Jedi_Master_Sage swiftly makes his way to the home of the woman he has come to love, against decades of keeping himself guarded against such feelings, he had finally let

someone in, but was he too late? he breaks out into a force aided run, stopping at Bernie's door> Jedi_Master_Sage pressing the door chime Jedi_Master_Sage : ] 8Brie is away. Brie : ) Talera do it fast then. " she recognized the signs of struggle in him." she patted Liams hand and gave what might have been seen as a smile under other circumstances. " thank you" she hears her comm chime indicating that the force fields were in place. Brie was up and about, leaving Kit to rest like she was supposed to be doing, because she was injured, and bernie would whoop her ass if she got out that bed before she was 100%... and she wrapped the long red satin robe tighter around herself and rose from > Talera looks at the guard bringing in the large collar and she pales. There is no way in hell she can put that on him. The realization stuns her. She freezes. She remembers what wearing that feels like. She remembers how vulnerable she was with it. Talera : done) Brie her seat at the door chime.. who the hell could that be? She sighed and moved to the door... pressing the button on the door comm ~yeah?~ Jedi_Master_Sage presses the speaker button ~ Official jedi business Miss Bernie, we need to inspect your dwelling~ Talera : lol sage) KON_Justin_Callahan closes his eyes and curls his arm a bit closer to him, forcing it to move and bring on a fresh wave of rather nasty pain and growled softly again before growing quiet Wraith takes the collar from the guard and hands it to Justin "one size fits all, I hope your room has a shower" Brie blinked a little... ~Sage! oh you have some nerve... what the hell do you want?~ she knew his voice in an instant Jedi_Master_Sage : ~To see you, to tell you something

important and to bring you a gift. I'm sorry I didn't tell you I wasn't going away after all, it only occured to me now that you might not have been aware of that~ Brie ~might not be aware! you were on the publicity tour, then gone! you COULD have told me~ she tried to lower her voice as not to wake kit ~wait there... I need to get dressed.... you are not coming in~ she took her hand off the comm and moved to her room> Brie slipping into a pair of tight white jeans and a green halter top that showed off her flat belly, then moved outside glaring at him "what?" Talera excuse me" she leaves the room swiftly. The combination of Liams flippancy and the collar itself and seeing Justin collared. It was too much. She closes the fresher door and heaves her pain into the toilet. Her body shook with the memories. Her own Talera and now fresh memories for posterity. So much for being strong. Jedi_Master_Sage : Well.. Its nice to see you again. I had to leave when we were moving too close to Imperial territory. I'm not sure if either my message or the gift I had planned to present to you will be recieved well given your.. apparent rage.. I sent you a message.. Jedi_Master_Sage : Did you get it? KON_Justin_Callahan has it locked in place and shivers at the lack of feeling that comes with it he will close his left fist and strike the duracrete behind him with a half roar, chipping a small peice of the rail as the darkness within threatened to > KON_Justin_Callahan rage on him. he had to control it... Jedi_Master_Sage hopes it wasn't munched by his commlink service provider, but steller-tel was well known for losing messages over long distances Brie "oh what the break up message" for that was exactly how it had sounded to her, especially as he had just disapeared on her... and she slipped out the house fully closing the door "gift? what, a I'm sorry, but I just want to tear your heart out like every> Wraith : We'll do what we can to make this situation a short

one Brie other idiot male you have ever met gift?" she shook her head and laughed coldly "you disapeared without a word then send me a message saying you have to tell me something... I pretty much figured it out Sage..." Jedi_Master_Sage : No.. you mis-understand, in fact that is a gross understatement.. I wanted to tell you that.. I love you. I wasn't able to say it at first but .. now I wonder if I was too late Talera groans into the toilet. She was on her knees and her shoulder burned. At this point she didnt care what they thought of her. Her stomach betrayed her again and finally. Wraith winced at what he heared coming from the refresher station "you should get cleaned up, I'll make sure she comes to see you when she's.. finished" Jedi_Master_Sage : I had to leave to avoid the midichlorian detection devices in some survery stations on Imperial borders Brie blinked at that, and stumbled back a little, catching the wall to hold her up a little "you could have told me that... " she meant both things "before you bloody well disapeared on me" she shook her head and tried to steady her mind KON_Justin_Callahan bared the canines at liam before he calmed down again "yeah...thats a good idea" he could hear it very well and half was his fault, or so he gathered Jedi_Master_Sage : You were in an interview.. if the ship was boarded and you were interrogated by telepaths, that knowledge might have been absorbed and you'd be in a concentration camp Wraith : Don't worry, it'll work out Talera sagged against the now closed station. She stood and flushed the bowl and leaned over the sink to wash her face. She rinsed her mouth and then dried her face. She left the room , her hair slightly damnp from the water. She walked slowly over to them.

Talera the room is ready, the guard will take you there. " oddly it was next door. KON_Justin_Callahan pushed himself heavily to his feet and gave a nod. letting himself be moved...right next door which was just funny to a part of his mind Wraith raises an eyebrow as he hears the footsteps stop next door "Is this going to be a problem?" Brie "Oh for FECKS sake SAGE!" she snapped and looked to him "You are RETARDED..." and she ran her hands through her hair "Boarded? interrogated by telepaths? I am a SINGER Gods DAMMIT! NONE NONE of that would have happened! You left! no word, no nothing... > Brie until I get home and there is a message on my comm that was long enough to be a novel, it was vauge and obscure and sounded JUST LIKE A BREAKUP!" Talera looks at him" no. I will be leaving. Ill get him the help from the council. " she leans against the back of her couch regarding Liam. Jedi_Master_Sage : I didn't want to take that risk! Sending the message alone was a calculated risk based on what I anticipated by the intinerary. I'm sorry if it sounded that way but I've never been in a break up of any kind so I had no idea it would sound that way> Jedi_Master_Sage : >in Gaian romance novels, fond messages are always extended to encompass all possible expressions of love KON_Justin_Callahan looks at the empty rooms, his bed and his couch were still there, his clothes and other odds and ends, that he hadnt taken when he and tally moved in together. he grumbled softly and went to disappear into the shower, icky blood Wraith : Leave and go where? Brie "this isn't a romance novel" she said quietly and took a slow deep breath, and tried to steady her shaking hands... "you were gone, I was hurting, and Kit came back... you leave that message, then you don't try and contact me for... what? a week? two? " Talera : well I havent really thought that far ahead

yet. Jedi_Master_Sage : I was waiting for you to reply, to be sure you had arrived and actually wanted to see me. Wraith : Maybe you should? Talera frowns slightly" meaning?" Wraith : meaning, you should think that far ahead Talera : it only just occured to me that this would be a problem. Why the lecture? Wraith : Three words is hardly a lecture, I know this is all weird for you, hell it is for me too and I'm new to the equation Brie laughed, but without humour and shook her head... "this is why I gave up on men.. they have no idea... " she sounded a little sadand extremely confused... Talera smiles slightly" sorry" shrugs" there are plenty of places I could go. " Jedi_Master_Sage sighs "I see, would now be a bad time to present the gift I bought for you?" he asks grimly, realising all he dreaded and risked coming to haunt him, how deeply would this wound sting? He didn't want to know Wraith : its ok, really. Do they have balconies? KON_Justin_Callahan clean and dressed in a pair of pants he knelt on the carpet in his living area. he looks to his hands and takes a soft, shakey breath. with no force for either to draw on...the battle was a stalemate really Talera looks up at him. " Id like them to." Brie looked to him with saddened eyes... "I dunno sage... I dunno much at the moment" she said quietly...and bit her lip trying not to cry, she had tried to pretend he hadn't hurt her... Jedi_Master_Sage "this is not how I had envisioned this moment," he reaches into a pouch on his robe, drawing out a small bracelet of plain black beads "I was going to tell that this was a gift for you but one I was going to wear, you see, I realised how it could almost> Jedi_Master_Sage > seem.. unfair that I can sense when you are near but you can't sense me. These beads are

magnetic hematite, they emanate a unique magnetic signiture that your kind can detect from up to roughly ten, perhaps fifteen meters away.." Jedi_Master_Sage : I was going to give you flowers as well, I've never understood that custom Wraith smiles "I don't know what to do now, you don't need me for the search.. does that void our agreement? should it?" Wraith : Does seeing him change things? Talera truth be told the prax was gone and her house in the small pretty neighborhood boarded up , gone. Beyond her ship she really didnt have a place to go. " your asking if I still want to know you? I do" Brie "oh gods Sage" she said softlyand closed her eyes seeing the bracelet and hearing his words... "why now?" she asked softly, sounding dumbfounded and she looked up to the appartment... as if this wasn't confusing, her lover, Kit... whom she had lost touch> Brie with... was asleep up there, she loved her, she always had, it had been hard to let her go, and Sage... Jedi_Master_Sage : If I had those answers I would be akin to a deity. Wraith : Glad to hear it. Jedi_Master_Sage : Tell me what to do. Brie : Oh Gods... don't ask me! I haven't a damn clue! Jedi_Master_Sage : Who is Kit? Talera : does it change things for you? Wraith : Things always change for me, but I don't Talera your being vague again so I won't press further" she moves to walk past him. She needed something to occupy her mind. She didnt know what was what right now. Wraith : It doesn't change things for me, I still like you. But so do they. Talera stops and turns to look at him." they? who are they?" KON_Justin_Callahan leaned forward, resting his forarms onto the floor. ones frusteration at being caged and the

others pain at why he was caged draining him. he gave a howl of pure misery...thankfully his walls were mostly sound-proofed, unlike the cells. only a little> Brie : Kit, is a lover... from the past, I was with her for a long while, and then.. well, life got in the way, we parted ways... and it tore me up, but I moved on... and well, you left, and she came back... Wraith : Zwinmar and Justin. KON_Justin_Callahan would go anywhere Jedi_Master_Sage nods slowly "So you didn't really mean it when you said you had never been in love before?" Talera almost laughs" Justin? justin cant stand me. Not that I blame him. So thats absurd. As for Zwin...yea I suppose he does." she sighs softly at that. Wraith smirks "He could barely take his eyes off you.. come to think of it, you seemed pretty preoccupied by him" Brie : i never loved a man before Talera points to her shoulder" did I mention my injury?" was he trying to irritate her? What did he want her to say? After a year and a half Justin was still a good sight for her eyes. No matter how he hated her. Jedi_Master_Sage : I see, I misunderstood. I am sorry for my miscommunication, at least now I know, I suppose this Kit, understands you better than I ever could.. I won't ask you to choose, nor will I stand in your way, nor will I turn you away Wraith : That was Phainien, right? Talera : I think so...stop it. Wraith : Stop what? Talera closes her eyes a moment. She wonders if Justin has all he needs." stop trying to make this better. Or play matchmaker. Or whatever it is your doing." Wraith : Maybe its both, I told you, I like to help people Brie Sage... I..." she started and shook her head, trying her hardest to stop her tears "I thought... " she closed her eyes "dammit!"she snapped Talera shakes her head." its like people dont get that hes been gone for over a year and a half. And he shows up and suddenly im supposed to just go Welcome back honey."

Jedi_Master_Sage looks down, the beads still in his hands "You could've tried to contact me even to just yell at me" Wraith : You make it sound like you don't want to Talera I guess Im just a cold hearted jerk. " she concentrates her gaze to the balcony. She was finding so few actually saw what she was going through. Brie I thought you had broken it off!!" she snapped looking to him "I was hurting, I didn't want to speak to you!" Jedi_Master_Sage : I don't know what to say now. This is why I avoided allowing myself to love another, confusion is not good for anyone, much less a jedi. But I took that risk for you. Wraith : No, you sound like someone who's come close to giving up on finding someone she loved, been flirted with by others and then hit on the should with metal claws by said guy who was missing, only to lock him in his quarters... Brie "don't... don't do that, don't you dare turn this on me... what did you want me to do? you abandoned me without so much as a good reason! do not turn this on me... this is as much your fault if not more!" she swallowed hard... Talera looks over at him "basically though it was slightly more that a hit on my shoulder. " Jedi_Master_Sage struggles to contain his composure, the fact that had to struggle hurt him almost as hard as this meeting.. almost "Fine. I accept my error and take all blame for this, I will cherish.." he chokes out the next words "the time we had together and regret> Jedi_Master_Sage > the errors I made.. if you want.." he forces out, if he had tear ducts, a tear would fall ".. if you want, I can make you forget.. us" Wraith : A deep wound Talera : anyway, none of it matters. He will get help and that will be it. Wraith : I get that this is confusing. Last thing I want for you is to feel bound to anything Talera : I dont feel bound. I mean how could I? Wraith shrugs "you tell me, if you do, tell me and I'll tell

you to get over it" 8Brie has left the conversation. Jedi_Master_Sage : oh dear..] KON_Justin_Callahan : its your fault! lmmfao) Jedi_Master_Sage : see, this is why jedi romances are bad, mmkay?]] KON_Justin_Callahan the moofies home in...very bad) Talera : you would tell me to get over it? why? 8Brie has joined the conversation. Jedi_Master_Sage : wb] KON_Justin_Callahan : wb) Jedi_Master_Sage struggles to contain his composure, the fact that had to struggle hurt him almost as hard as this meeting.. almost "Fine. I accept my error and take all blame for this, I will cherish.." he chokes out the next words "the time we had together and regret> Jedi_Master_Sage > the errors I made.. if you want.." he forces out, if he had tear ducts, a tear would fall ".. if you want, I can make you forget.. us" mLhllg : wb)) Wraith : because feeling bound sucks.. I don't know, I'm not some jedi master who has all the answers, who never has emotional hang ups and can cure confusion with a wave of the hand Brie sighed heavily "I didn't say it was all your fault... " she whispered, and wiped at her eyes... "and I don't wantto forget... I don't know what I want right now..." she said quietly "I'm sorry... I really am.... I... " she shook her head... Brie : ty, ty, ty) Talera : Jedi are human Wraith KON_Justin_Callahan forgets the bed and curls up there, on the floor, battling within his own stay sane really. against that torrent, against pain against memory...against life even Talera : well by that I mean flawed Jedi_Master_Sage is NOT human! Talera : being a Jedi doesnt mean you wave your hand and poof no problems

Wraith : well some masters act like it. Talera : yes I know Wraith : Hey, do sith love? I've never been clear on that, I know some of them lust, but love? I don't know Talera : how flawed and weak I must seem to you if you think good jedi dont feel or have problems. Talera : personally I think it would be impossible for love to flourish bathed in darkness Jedi_Master_Sage : Your friend shouldn't be hurt because of me. Kit is innocent. I am a jedi .. I.. I have fought against such pain before. Maybe.. maybe our time together was meant to prepare you for Kit, yes. The force knew as a jedi I'd be able to cope with this so you> Jedi_Master_Sage : > could find happiness with Kit. I love you that much Jenine, I love you enough to let you go. 8Brie has returned. 8Brie is away. Wraith : I knew you were a knight, not a master, I've always seen masters as knights who like to pretend they are above the problems of mortals. Brie and now you go and hide behind your damn force! " she snapped, not sure what else to say and at his words, she felt it cut a little deeper, and her soft chocolate eyes settled on him... and she just shook her head... "I never planned this... Gods dammit> Talera smiles" I think your just being nice to me" Brie I don't even know what to think... I haven't... I have no idea... Sage, you are presuming, you... oh screw it..." Jedi_Master_Sage : presuming what? Wraith teases "yeah, I do think you're like.. totally weak. Can't even open up and admit her flaws.. oh wait a second.." Talera looks over at him "so im wondering , what makes a man like you willingly get involved in some strange womans crazy life? I mean you could have walked away when you discivered the mission was no longer necessary" Talera : discovered too)

Brie nothing... " she said quietly "nothing at all... I need to think... I can't think... this isn't helping... " was beginning to wonder if it would be easier being either straight or gay, not just down the middle KON_Justin_Callahan sighed softly "its better this way..." he gave to himself and the empty room, he gave another long mornful howl. stuck between the two, the constant fighting his eyes shifted to a much darker green as he fell a trifle more animal, his mind not knowing > KON_Justin_Callahan how else to deal really, not like this Wraith : I guess I needed to be sure you'd be ok Talera : I think you know I will be ok. Yet here you stand. Jedi_Master_Sage says weakly "I just wanted to do what was right, but I don't even know what that is now. On Gaia, people compete for the one they want if there is such a conflict. Yet I know you are not a prize but a person. I have nothing to offer that will bring> Jedi_Master_Sage > greater clarity... but there is someone who might be able to" Wraith : I don't cut and run Brie what?" she asked sonding a little confused Talera lucky me" a deep sincerity in her voice. Her eyes search his for some sort of indication as to what he was feeling. Or even thinking. Jedi_Master_Sage : I know of a jedi who was in your situation. He was loved by two women and he in turn had feelings for both. But decided he could not be with one without hurting the other until he lost his memory, he was attacked by one we never discovered. As he came to> Jedi_Master_Sage : > know both women again, he listened to his feelings and not his jedi lessons. Some argue that listening to one's feelings was the only lesson he needed to adhere to in this case. The two women were a princess and a wandering healer. He kissed the > Jedi_Master_Sage : > princess but found that his true love, was for the healer. Brie sage.... as kind as you are to offer me that story.... it really doesn't help in the slight right now... not

at all" she ran a hand over her eyes... she had been so quick to doubt him, maybe... maybe she didn't love him like she thought, and there was > Wraith just looked silently to Talera, wondering what he was doing here? was he waiting for Talera and Justin to get back together? or for him to fall in love with her? But he didn't do that, he gave up on attachments long ago, for him, it could never be more> Wraith than fun Brie kit... when she had left it had killed her, was it possible to love two people... right now she was confused and torn, over the woman in her bedand the man standing before her. He had left though, without a word, at least when Kit had left Bernie had > Brie known why.. Jedi_Master_Sage : You've been in a relationship break up before.. you have far more insight than I do Jedi_Master_Sage : Am I supposed to try to win you back or give you space? Jedi_Master_Sage : brb!] Talera you know I used to think as a little girl that someday the man that was going to love me forever would come and sweep me up into his wings and sail into the night" pauses" and I have no idea why I just told you that." Wraith laughs softly "I only have wings in my dreams.. and sometimes visions" 8Jedi_Master_Sage has joined the conversation. Brie : I have about as much feckin insight into this as you do! its different, each time it changes... it always changes... don't ask me these things Sage, I don't know the answer Brie : wb) Jedi_Master_Sage sighs as he holds his arms out as if hoping to catch an answer "are you happy with Kit?" Talera tilts her head slightly" I grew up Liam. Its a fantasy. " Wraith : You never know, maybe some day, an iegan will swoop onto your balcony and whisk you away to a place

where they don't allow confusion KyKy goes for a walk on the lake side just coz I need something to do .yea .. Talera : I like the kind of man who doesnt mind things a little messy Brie : yes, of course I iam... but then on the flipside... we were happy too... its.. different, shes different, she offers me different things, excitement, craziness, other things.. but yet still safety and calm.. but you offer different kind of calm and > Brie : safety, a more.. passive... i guess, I don't know how to explain it Wraith : most men don't mind messy Talera : most don't but then again I don't know most men Jedi_Master_Sage : What species is she? Brie : human... KyKy walks along in the grass giggling a little with the grass tickleing her bare feet and ankles as she walked down towards a small bridge.. Jedi_Master_Sage nods, he had asked more out of curiousity but knew that this brought another issue he didn't want to press, but it wouldn't go away "and she's.. less bound by tradition I suppose, something you enjoy?" Brie dammit Sage... now you are making me sound like a cheap whore!" she said and flicked her wings a little in aggitation... KON_Justin_Callahan dozed sorta on the floor Jedi_Master_Sage : Never.. I only mean that.. with Kit, you would not be with someone who would deny you simple pleasures because of customs and tradition. Wraith : I'm sure you know more than me Talera and I am sure you know more women than just me " she grins. What were they doing in this conversational dance? Brie : I... that isn't what it is all about... Jedi_Master_Sage : Kit isn't a jedi.. she's not a jedi right? Because I know we don't have a knight by that name and if she's a padawan... please tell me she's not a jedi Wraith : oh yeah, I've got like, a string of twi'lek lovers on my

speed dial Brie yes sage, i am frelling a padawan!" she snapped as if the idea was ludicrous Talera his words sober her." is that what you think ? that I have a string of lovers?" or worse he thought she just intended to add him to the list like some common floozy. Wraith "No, you made that quite clear that you don't. Man, I was kidding! I really have a string of wookiee chicks" he laughs trying to get a laugh from her as well Wraith : and some gungans, man the things they do in hottubs.. Jedi_Master_Sage : ... I think I know you well enough to know you're not serious there but on the odd chance you are serious, tell Kit she is so expelled! Jedi_Master_Sage : For stealing my girlfriend Brie sighed as he triedto hide this with humour... it wasn't funny, and she didn't even laugh... "whatever" she said quietly and ran her hands through her hair Jedi_Master_Sage : I think for once I can't be the one to help in a situation. Maybe we should each speak to a friend, get advice and then see what we come up with Talera laughs fully at that. Her voice ringing with more mirth than she had felt in a long time. Wraith : now thats what I like, girls who are either furry or froggy Wraith : they either howl in shriwook or say "mesa" every second sentence Talera looks over at him shaking her head as she laughs." I am afraid I can't help you there. I really do fall short" Wraith feigns a dramatic sigh "oh maan.. you're no help to me" Brie maybe" she said quietly... and closed her eyes... Talera oh I know" she pushes up from the back of the couch and stretches slightly. She grins over at him. Jedi_Master_Sage in spite of himself and this situation, he reaches towards Bernie, moving his hand to Bernie's if to just brush past her, let her know he's still there Wraith : So miss Jedi, hows things?

Talera : I think you know the answer to that. But thank you for being here Liam. You can't know ....just thank you. Wraith shakes his head "its really ok, I was planning to meet with you to spend the next few weeks or whatever to find justin, I was preparing myself for seeing alot of you so.. I haven't just escaped already" Brie sighed softly at his touch and closed her eyes... tears slipping down her cheeks... she had no clue at the moment what she was thinking Talera chuckles " it seems your time has been considerably freed. Not to mention being saved from your preparations for seeing me a lot. It actually seems you did escape" Wraith : damn I'm good! seriously? I was looking forward to it. We never even got to lay some smackdown on whoever was keeping him, who was it? Talera : a sith named Gitanna Jedi_Master_Sage lets go of his restraint as he meets her soft touch, he throws decorum to the wind and leans down, bringing his dry lips to her succulent mouth.. halting at the last moment, pulling away, the slightest hint of him exhaling occurs as if.. kissing her > Jedi_Master_Sage >without ever touching her lips Wraith : Thats right, you mentioned her, any lead on where to find and utterly ruin her? Talera : I havent talked much to him. Spent a good deal of time trying to survive though Wraith : The moment we find her, we ruin her day KyKy walks up looking at the bridge and press one foot on it and then pulls it awaY.'strange' she said trying to figure it out.. Talera : indeed. Its the least I can do for him. Wraith : With like.. a bowcaster shoved in her mouth and my itchy trigger finger placed where it should be Brie pulled back from that rather quickly and moved into the apartment, slamming the door behind her, tears rolling down her cheeks Wraith : boom

Jedi_Master_Sage closes his eyes and reluctantly turns away, he knew this would not end well, why did he do that? Of all people, him! he had championed the cause of celibacy and rejoiced in its virtues, now he longed for this woman, a mere musician who wasn't even force> Talera sighs softly " so you won't be a stranger Liam? I'll see you again?" she crosses her arms over her chest and walks over to him. Jedi_Master_Sage >sensitive and yet he loved her. He had opened his liver.. or his hearts as these people identified the core of their being.. and loved her Jedi_Master_Sage walked away, each step weighed down as if his webbed toes were lined with mandalorian shield plating.. he could hear Seikar in his mind, laughing at him for having left the most simple of words too late Wraith : Why I'd count on it. You won't always see me coming, but you'll see me Brie moved into thelounge and threw herself down on the daybed, sobbing softly, trying her hardest to not wake Kit... this was confusing and it sucked... 8Damion_Scott has left the conversation. Talera smiles" I like surprises . Your a good man Liam. You don't deserve to be wrapped up in this." Jedi_Master_Sage stopped and turned to look to her window, he could feel her emotions wash over him even at this.. vast distance? he realised that he had only advanced ten feet away.. Wraith : Oh really? what should I be wrapped up in? Talera looks at him carefully" im sure I don't know" Wraith whispers "let me know if you do" he says quietly.. now this would normally be his cue to leave, this girl was one of the "good" ones, the kind that could get attached and draw him into caring for Wraith just doesn't do that, relationships are the bane of his existence KyKy streachs her foot on the bridge again and presses her toes on wood.. 'hmm' she puts heer hole foot down testing to see if it gona break or someting.. Talera nods gently" I will be sure to." the soft tone of his

voice seemed to indicate to her that something " what is it?" she lifts her chin slightly . Jedi_Master_Sage realises he's still holding the bracelet and that Bernie can sense its magnetic field at this distance... "oh dear" Brie could sense him, but made no reaction, she just remained where she was sobbing softly... HrrMr Afk, making chocolate cake.)) Wraith forces a smile and backed away toward the balcony "Nothing, I should get going, I'm sure you have alot of packing to do if you're moving" Talera blinks a moment" oh...oh yes. Ok. " she felt suddenly foolish though she didnt know why. He backed away from her as if she had done something she was unaware of. She backed off too instantly and stuffed her hands in her pockets. Jedi_Master_Sage sits down on the ground and takes out his commlink, calling Bernie Wraith turns around and leaps down the balcony, his long coat trailing up as he descends down Talera doesnt move as he fairly runs from her. She closes her eyes and turns away to walk to her living area. -Avelon_Starblade- : ah, KotOR of the most let-down endings i've ever seen in a game...yet i still love you for force storm...)) KON_Justin_Callahan hated kotor 2) Wraith : [you people are missing the point! the ending of kotor wasn't the damn escape in the ebon hawk, thats just the icing, the real meat of the ending is in Kreia's final words when she tells of the future, how the followers turn out, depending on how you changed them and even connects to episode two when she speaks of the end of the mandalorians in the most ominous scene ever to grace an xbox game]] KON_Justin_Callahan sat there, looking at the wall before he realized why he was looking at the wall. he was looking at the secret panel...and being the old school exactly squat number of people know about them Wraith : [[oh yes, if you end on darkie, you throw kreia's

body into the core and your char appears on the start menu]] Damion_Scott : that happens if you have a high darkness wraith i had my charrie there by the time i finished the first planet other then telos)) Brie heard her comm go and checked the number ~what?~ she asked, slapping it on, her voice flat.. Damion_Scott : i think i started on dantooine first)) -Avelon_Starblade- : kreia's death speech took half an hour...)) -Avelon_Starblade- : thats not a death speech)) Talera : IM!!) -Avelon_Starblade- : thats a shakespeare play)) Wraith : lol] KyKy decides the bridge is safe. and walks onto it looking down into the water seeing it clearly to the bottom the small stones and slight movement of the water .. Damion_Scott shutting up and letting yall go back to rp now)) Wraith lands on the ground, about ten meters below, hidden from view using his cool stealth runes, his landing is aided by his iegan agility and because he's just cool, too cool to fall in love.. or is he? Jedi_Master_Sage pauses before speaking into the comm ~vc~ sorry... wrong number~ and hangs up, he had no idea what to say, this was beyond foolishness, he had no place here, trying to win back someone who appeared to be so much happier without him around Talera sat in a chair at her dining table simply staring at space. She was exhausted. Liam was distant but sometimes so warm. Zwin was attentive, caring. smothering. And justin..he was just lost to her. It was all some enormous cosmic joke. Brie slammed the comm off and went back to sobbing KON_Justin_Callahan frowns softly, yeah hes seen the responce time when most council members were needed...there was only one he trusted at the moment

and she didnt even really want to talk to him it seems. he moves from the floor and hooked his thumb into his belt, keeping> Talera puts in her nose ring watching sage and bernie discover adolescent love )) Talera : there was a heart there grr) KyKy watches the water in a long quiet..not really knowing what her life is for. maybe she just be dead. who would notice anyway. shaking her head and walked to the other side and sitting down near the edge of the water.. 'who would care if I gone or not..' KON_Justin_Callahan it still he pushes the panel open, he couldnt go anywhere but one place and he decided that they were probably going to kill him for it...but he moved down the very short hall and pushes open tallys side of the passage Talera hears the snick of the passage way opening and instantly she remembers its existance. That was the way of things lately. Just barely too late to be on top of things. She was on her feet and tried to compose herself , SHe tried to seem in control. KON_Justin_Callahan just sort of...peeked through. yeah last time he came near her that he wasnt half dead she ran...course she was being chased...but that was beside the point. he doesnt even push it open much, just a peek, looking to see where she was Talera : Justin? Jedi_Master_Sage stood up and dusted his robe off before walking away from the apartment most dejectedly KON_Justin_Callahan clears his throat a little...oops busted "yeah..." he gave very softly "still here" Talera stands and walks over to the opening.though she doesnt open the door , she sort of talks to it." something wrong?" Wraith makes his way away from the palace, turning off the runes as he passes through a shadowed area as if emerging from the darkness... yeah, even he overused that trick Jedi_Master_Sage wanders away from that damned place,

was he right all along? was love something that would only ever bring him pain? not as a romantic cliche but as a simple element of physics... KON_Justin_Callahan places his hand flat against the door, yeah that was good, a large section of wall between them, hopefully she felt safe that way "i...wanted to appoligize while i could" not that it really covered everything he did, but it was a start for him. Wraith passes by Sage, giving him the slightest nod Talera apologize? well come in and ill be courageous if you can pretend that you've forgiven me" Jedi_Master_Sage nods to Liam while in mid thought "maybe you can speak to her, find the answers for her" he declares to the spawn rather cryptically KyKy Nina as she was called now looked down into the water still. why had they saved her life. why was she there. her hands reached up taking the neck brace off and setting it on the ground.. I am nothing ..13679 she said as tears slip into tiny /c/ KyKy beads on her cheeks wiping them away.. KON_Justin_Callahan "i..." he pauses and pushes the door open a bit further "i dont have to pretend" looking to her Wraith "the who and what now?" but he doesn't wait for an answer.. he just looks to Bernie's home and then to Sage and realises... damn, please no... and runs to the front door, pressing the door chime Damion_Scott was laying by the lake near the water taking a nap cause hes like his typist and lazy as heck Jedi_Master_Sage walks by the lake and noticed Damion laying there Brie "sage GO AWAY!" she called to the door chime... she was not going to talk to him anymore, she didn't know it wasn't sage, she didn't think about the bracelet either Damion_Scott was indeed laying there but he was snoring quietly he had been staying by the lake the past couple nights only leaving to go to the hotel room to take a shower and change his clothes other wise sleeping by the lake or training that was his day lately

Wraith dares to press the talk button -what the hell did he do to you?Jedi_Master_Sage decides to not disturb damion and continues on Talera no your right , you don't I shouldnt have asked that of you." she opens the door now and looks at him. Damion_Scott keeps sleeping dreaming of the past the future the present and all that can and will happen he would wake up with in 15 minutes (when i get back from getting the dog out of the toilet bowl...freak..) to train KON_Justin_Callahan tips his head and takes a step into her room "you dont have to ask what i give, i forgive you. can you forgive me for being...lost?" Jedi_Master_Sage shrugs and moves on, passing along the bridge, he leans against the rails and nods to Kya Kya, unsure of whether he feels as if he has lost a great and rare love that should be missed like a great hidden treasure, or if he should feel like the mighty > Brie growled hearing Liams voice and gotto her feet, fixing her tube top, and she moved to the comm and pushed the button ~nothing! well.. no, nothing~ Jedi_Master_Sage that has fallen, from being so high and above the common concerns, who now is broken and desparately in a fool's love Talera : there is nothing to forgive. It seems a bit harsh for me to require an apology for something not in your control Wraith : -right.. and thats why he's ranting crap about me having answers and why you sound like your words alone could rip off a rancor's head. for the safety of this town, please let me in before you get violent and hurt someone KyKy Sits quietly on the there was so much she did not know anymore..there was no way to learn life over again.. 13679 she just kept repeating to herself hearing foot steps she falls slient looking up at sage with a tear stained face>> KyKy lost and confused she did not know him .. she did not know a few days ago either.. Jedi_Master_Sage looks to Kya "are you alright? what do

the numbers mean?" KON_Justin_Callahan : you might not require it. but i do. i hurt you. i broke to her and i did what she wanted. Brie : ~Liam, I barely know you... and if you are not careful, I will get violent and hurt someone and that someone will be you... we broke up.. thats it, pure and simple~ Damion_Scott woke slowly as the breeze ble wiping his eyes slowly then jumping to his feet sliding his left foot forward putting it on the tip resting the majority of his weight on the back foot hands open but in a ready position as he snapped out thrusts and << KyKy Looks a little worried he had heard her speaking. Shaking her name she started to back up a little as if she were afraid Talera : you were defenseless. Anyone would have broke Justin. Damion_Scott >> me slams with his palms to the air after every 5 thrusts doind a quick back hand strife then back in position repeating the process Wraith : - oh my deity, let me in we'll talk, before you really do kill someone, I don't care if its meJedi_Master_Sage : Its alright, i won't hurt you, I am Sage KyKy stops to his words.. looking up at him still very confused, lost.'why am I alive?' she asked him. KON_Justin_Callahan frowns softly "i should have..." should have what. he fought with everything he was for... a very long time. he just shakes his head, not sure how to finish that "even when i thought you were dead you know you are one of the things that kept me going" . Jedi_Master_Sage : I would say because you are a survivor Talera closes her eyes" don't say that. I don't deserve that place" she closes the door behind him and looks away. Him in the collar was gut wrenching. KyKy shakes her head. 'you mean a slave not worth living.' she said as she wiped a tear from her face.. KON_Justin_Callahan "why do you think that? and besides ill keep you there anyway. so dont argue with me" giving a half smile before he closes his eyes for a time, taking a moment to beat the darksider down like hed been

for...days Jedi_Master_Sage : No I don't mean that at all, besides we do not allow slavery on this world so by law, you are not a slave Brie : ~I will kill you! and I am fine, I have Kit here, I just, I hurt him, I ugh.. its complicated...~ Wraith : -sounds like he hurt you just as bad, come on out here and kill me properlyKRee_ sat on a bench in the park reading the slowly scrolling lines of densely packed text on a datapad. The subject matter was not likelyt to bne immediately recognised by any simple passersby, for the dialect it was written in was rather old,> KyKy 'so I have been told.' her hand reaching over to her shoulder..where under her shirt was a braned mark of the numbers she had been repeating.. Talera shakes her head" why do I think that? are you kidding?" had he forgotten what he walked in on? No of course he hadnt. She felt like she was going crazy. KRee_ the characters that flowed across the screen recquiring his full attention to decipher. Some of the Jedi Masters of old...had terrible handwriting. Jedi_Master_Sage : Do you wish to talk about it? Jedi_Master_Sage : [its a training trick, it forces the padawan to use the force to decode the writings[ KyKy ~shrugs a little~.. she is so lost and confused ...'about what?' KRee_ funny, I just figured it was lack of good penmanship...) Jedi_Master_Sage : about why you seem sad and frightened KON_Justin_Callahan "no. im not" he will steal a seat and look up to her "i know the past year and a half has been hard, but i was wrong to think you betrayed me. i dont have to like things but i know that you did not want to hurt me. i understand talera" still moving > KON_Justin_Callahan along his own train of thought KyKy looks down at the water resting her chin in her hands gently her neck as starting to hurt slightly.. ' I ahve no meory that maks any sense at all' Brie opened the door, and as she did, swang a

fist to liams nose, full strngth behind it Talera closes her eyes and sighs" I think I preferred you mad. I don't know what to say..." puts her hands over her face biting back tears. KON_Justin_Callahan "you dont have to say anything. i needed you to know. i respect and still do love you to much to let it lay" though he wasnt pouncing her as the others might, it was her decision...and she knows his policy on pushing. but then once he has that> KON_Justin_Callahan permission...heh Wraith sways to his left, shifting his upperbody and his nose as a result, away from the incoming path of the fist "not bad, so why the hell did what's his name dump you? are all jedi insane or are they just a bunch of @#$%ers?" Jedi_Master_Sage : Amnesia can be caused by many things, have you been injured recently on the head? Wraith : the male ones I mean KyKy 'if you call a memory swipe that then yea' .she looked over at the brace again. ' all I remeber is being punished for somethiing and then waking up in the med bay' she pointed back to where she had walked from.. KRee_ paused the scrolling text, as he focused more intently upon a particularly garbled line, the force softly swirling about him as he dipped into it, to enhance his focus further. Slowly the characters became clearer and understanding unfolded as he> Talera shakes her head slightly " Justin...oh Justin I am so sorry. " she can't look at him. How could she tell him that what she went through? After all hes endured. KRee_ deciphered the line penned so long ago, ~The force flows not along a single line, but in many currents, each with their own vagaries of distinction. These represent the multitudinous paths of the future growing from the past, ever in motion, always> KON_Justin_Callahan watches her quietly for a moment untill he spoke "sit down, talk to me" he hated to see her so torn, he hated to see her in pain, pain washed across his face as again he was reminded that he was part of that

Brie : he didn't dump me, i thought he did.. and then a lover from years back rreturned and.. Liam, didn't I tell you to piss off? KRee_ expanding. A jedi who looks to the future, will see not just one but multiple possibilities, but knowing which is the most probable and beneficial requires wisdom, which comes only from experience~ Jedi_Master_Sage : Thats most distressing, I take it you awoke in a med bay nearby.. Talera sits on the armrest of the couch and swallows her grief. She wipes her face and clears her throat." im fine. Im fine. We need to get you better ." having him so close and not being able to touch him was bizarre. Yet oddly part of her didnt even Talera remember his touch. Not tangibly. Wraith : stands up normally "man that sucks.. so you're in a love triangle? Brie : go away! 8Kym has left the conversation. Wraith stands up normally "man that sucks.. so you're in a love triangle? I wouldn't wish that on my second worst enemy" Wraith : nah, I'd rather you vent this on me KyKy nods softly to him. ' a man named.. uhh..' she tried to think of what his name was he had helped.. 'over there' she pointed again (place med bay) KON_Justin_Callahan "talking to me will get me least i hope so. please?" yeah he was definatly justin, alot more worried on her then he was for himself Jedi_Master_Sage : Then its likely you are safe now, there are no slavers here, at least they have to be in hiding Talera looks at him" what can I say? What can I say that will possibly help you? " he was so close. If she just reached out she could touch his face....All of this was driving her crazy. The chat's topic has changed to: Jedi and romances are bad, mmkay? KON_Justin_Callahan "anything...anything at all" he closes his eyes "tell me what happened while i was away...its not whats said...its the company"

KyKy 'I have no purpose now.' she said picking up a rock to throw it..still triying to remeber his name.. KRee_ resumed reading after a moment of reflection, forging on into the treatise on the nature of the force which he had been allowed access to by Elianne, along with other aspects of the Jedi path. His father had seen to his learning of the most basic> Jedi_Master_Sage : You can seek a new purpose Brie : vent what liam? I just need time to think! Talera laughs bitterly" now I know you dont believe that. How can I possibly recap a year and a half? " she looks down at her hands and says softly , no defiance or defense in her tone" I did look for you" KyKy 'thats what he said..' she just did not know what to do she was born a slave and now even that was aparently gone...'like what?' KRee_ of the precepts and skills, but he wanted to learn more. He wanted to become a jedi knight, as his father had been, but not out of a need to fulfill his father's vicarious needs, but to fulfill his own sense of purpose. Wraith : I don't care, throw some more punches or some cuss words, tell me men are so stupid and how you hate love, get it all out, you think better when you're letting it all go. just don't go flying, bad to fly when emotional 8Jrad Ash has joined the conversation. KON_Justin_Callahan "i know, talera. i know you better then any of these people could. i know it was not easy...any of it" he picks up a hand, bringing it near her but still he doesnt push her "try...please?" Brie Liam..." she sighed out, sounding tired "just... go... please... love doesn't suck,it is confusing... simple" Talera : I waited for so long. I looked and looked but there was no sign of you. Nothing. The praxeum was destroyed and I feared for the children. I hid them. I packed up our life. I intended to leave Naboo. In the end I was convinced you had just walked Wraith : confusing is never simple and now you realise you

like two people, right? I don't suppose jedi do threesomes Talera : away. Left me. So a couple of months ago I said my goodbyes to you and tried to move on. KRee_ no...but they dance nekkid around fountains when shnockered...) Talera says nothing of her most recent plan to find him. It didnt matter now. Talera : done) Jedi_Master_Sage : What are you good at? KyKy 'zwin, thats his name and Ivory..they took care of me so I would not die..they said' .. she looked up at him to his question..' I don't know I don't remeber anything' Jedi_Master_Sage : What sort of slave were you? Jrad Ash the sparks from the blow torch against the outter metal plating of his ship cascade down onto the hanger floor where they seem to dance for a moment before burning out into nothing KON_Justin_Callahan knew about the plan, liam had told him and he just listened to her "most days i didnt even know where i was" he kept his hand where it sat, near her yet waiting for her to make the next move...he had attacked her the last time he touched her, he wouldnt > KyKy 'what do you mean?' she looked at him confused.. KON_Justin_Callahan jump things "moving on is natural. it happens and it should. i dont blaim you" Brie screwed her face up at that "Liam, go... before I call my bodyguards... I swear... i will totally do that..." Jedi_Master_Sage : what was your former function? a cook? dancer? cleaner? KRee_ turned off the datapad as the last lines of the treatise scrolled up the screen, and sat in thoughtful silence, as his mind digested what it had absorbed, The concepts while not precisely simple to grasp, as yet, had opened his eyes to more basic> Talera : I gave up. You deserve better anyway KyKy 'do as told or else..'she sighed a little.. she did a little of everything KRee_ understanding of the nature of the force. While

his understanding was far from complete, he was not vexed by this, for a Jedi never ceased to learn as long as they drew breath, each day bringing new insight, and new lessons and tests. 8LodSius has left the conversation. Wraith : I can do that, but seriously, wouldn't you rather talk, maybe cry it out or just vent out the confusion of this? I don't need jedi powers to work out that.. I sense you are.. confused KON_Justin_Callahan "no. talera i deserve you. weve been through this. you cant let life pass you by. i beleive i tought you that. you know its what i would have wanted and eventually you did. that is how its meant to be" his words were steady, brave...his heart buried > Jedi_Master_Sage : what would you normally be told to do? KON_Justin_Callahan deep with however...was not KyKy ~shrugs~ with a frowns 'I don't remeber' she started to cry softly.. Talera turns to face him and grabs his hand instinctively" tell me you dont doubt that I loved you. Tell me that you believed what we had was real. " there was an urgency in her voice that showed how tormented she was. She couldnt do right by anyone in this Talera situation and she would walk away content if she knew he never doubted her. Jedi_Master_Sage : Why don't you try some different jobs and see which ones fit KyKy ~shrugs~ again to him..'I don't know how..' Jedi_Master_Sage : show me your hands Brie Liam.... sdon't make me count to ten, I don't want or need your help, if I did I would have let you in by now... " KRee_ tucked the datapad within his tunic as he rose from the bench and set off at an unhurried pace through the gardens, his mind still sorting out the knowledge that he had gleaned from the treatise. He did not hide his aspirations in the wat he dressed,> KON_Justin_Callahan "there was never a doubt. not one" he gives her a smile "we were the sunrise to each others

morning. and our days burned long and true. but each day has a sunset and its time, talera. i cant deny you that and i will never take it. no...i never > KON_Justin_Callahan doubted" he kept the smile even if his own pain burned brighter KyKy looked a little confused as she sat up straight and turned her small hands palm up. they were brusied and showed of haveing done work some hard some not as they still were smoth to the touch except around her wrists were her restanits once were.. KRee_ the simple tunic and pants of long wearing cream colored cloth, overlaid by robe of simple brown cloth, whose closely woven fabric would turn aside the rain, and shade him from the sun. The hood of his robe was drawn up, casting his features into shadow> KRee_ more to distance himself from others around him for the moment, than to hide his appearance. Jrad Ash stops what he's doing for a moment and takes off his safety goggles, leaving two large white circles where they were, he leans back into the harness that suspends him by the side of the hull stretching out his legs Wraith nods as he slowly walks away "the other lover doesn't know he came back, yet, do they? You'll have to face them sooner or later and make a choice, a hard one, maybe test it first, but yeah, either way, you're going to hurt someone.. unless... nah, you > Wraith wouldn't go for it" Talera nods slightly " thank you. " it seemed such an odd thing to say to him. She felt so bad for his pain and torment. KON_Justin_Callahan : do me one favor? Brie : Kit.. will understand.. she will, I know her... its just... Oh GO AWAY! Talera : a favor? Damion_Scott snaps round houses out as his typist just remembered he was here and was training Wraith stops in step and looks over his shoulder "Gaians have laws that allow for more than one partner in certain

provinces" Jedi_Master_Sage looks to Kya's hands carefully "have you considered asking for a job at the Terrace? perhaps as a handmaiden?" Brie : thats wonderful news Liam... really... but I have a feeling that will only cause more hassles, and trust me, Kit and Sage are incompatiable KyKy frowned slightly.. 'no sir, I was given a learning system in the med bay and told to rest.. I was told I could help there. but no one notices me thatere.. ' she looked up at him. ' whats a handmaiden?' Wraith : How the hell did you mistake him leaving you? KON_Justin_Callahan "yeah, just something small" his smile widens just a little, but it has yet to reach anything like his old one "make sure my best friend doesnt disappear?" obviously meaning her Talera blinks and just stares at him. Her face pales and her eyes dim. It was clear now what she was planning. She opened her mouth to promise but she couldnt. It would be a lie. It snapped closed with an audible click. Jedi_Master_Sage : They help with the royal family and in the palace, sometimes they clean or make up rooms but they also have a defensive function KRee_ mounted the steps that lead up to the terrace, his mind leaving the contemplation be for the time being as it focused sharply on his suroundings. The terrace was quiet, and near deserted as he entered, but that was not something that bothered him.> KON_Justin_Callahan watches her a moment "you are going to run...arent you" Talera run?" she asks lamely. KRee_ Alone, or in the midst of a crowd, he was equally comfortable, self confident and comfortable in his own skin, quite literally... KyKy does not really know what he is talking about.. ' I keep my med bay room clean thats easy to do' she looked down at her hands.. ' think they would want someone like me?' refering to her being a slave as she was...

Jedi_Master_Sage : I'm sure they will be glad to know that you can follow instructions KyKy grined slightly. ' I know to do as told.' KON_Justin_Callahan "yes, talera. run, leave. go away. away from the pain that burns every time you look at me. dont think i cant see it. you blaim yourself and you will run" he knew this woman sometimes better then she knew herself...and same for her to him Jrad Ash kicks at the hull pannel causing it to fall to the floor, revealing the guts of his ship, "all this'll soon be replaced with some luck" he says to himself Jedi_Master_Sage : You might do well. Contact the head of handmaidens or Shalee La Cerra Talera : no..I. no. Im a trigger for you. As long as I am around you there is a danger to your mind. That has to come first. KyKy 'yes sir' she stopped thinking for a min wrinklin her face. ' how do I do that?' KON_Justin_Callahan chuckled very, very softly "you are a horrid liar, talera" he knew least he thought he did Jedi_Master_Sage : If you know what they look like, approach one of them, or you could find a comm station in the Terrace and use that Talera withdraws from him entirely and moves to stand up. " im not a liar " she did think she was a trigger. It just wasnt the only reason she was leaving. KRee_ offered Ron a warm greeting as he ordered a mug of tea and leaned against the bar casually, his relaxed posture a reflection of his inner state at the moment. For him, all was well, despite the growing pall of darkness that hoivered at the edges of> KyKy shakes her head..' I don't know what they look like.. whats a com station?' she had only been out of her room 3 times scince her accident.. KON_Justin_Callahan lets her go "no, youre just hiding behind that. that isnt the whole reason and we both know it. you know you are one of the few that can help me danger or not "he closes his eyes a moment and

gives half a whimper at the lash of his control now "i trust> KON_Justin_Callahan you...and you know that goes a long way for me" KRee_ his mind, a vague unfocused feeling. But he allowed that feeling to lie at the back of his mind, letting it mature and unfold in its own time. He had tried to discern its source through the force and had failed to find anything resembling perceptible> KRee_ clarity. Jedi_Master_Sage shows Kya what a comm station looks like via force image and explains how they work [lack of description allowed as its like 7am and ive been up since 2pm] Talera turns on him" how can you say that? You know I am a trigger. You know it. The least I can do for you is to save you from more torment. You think I dont see your pain? You think you such a better liar?" there was an unexpected vehemence in her voice Talera startled her into silence. Jedi_Master_Sage tal is trigger happy?]] KRee_ .....) Talera : huh?) Jedi_Master_Sage : [Justin : hey, watch me pull me trigger] Jrad Ash wipes his hands on his shirt leaving black streaks all over it, after which he unclips his harness and drops the 2 or 3 meters to the hanger floor, where he throws the hydrospanner and other assorted tools into his old crumby equipment box Talera : a trigger for his anger..LOL) Jedi_Master_Sage tal = justin's trigger.... nm]] -Avelon_Starblade- : tal cant be trigger happy! then she'd have a bigger body count than ME!)) -Avelon_Starblade- : wait...lemme check this)) Talera : doh sage!) -Avelon_Starblade- : one...two three...four...five six seven eight...carry the seven, divide by twelve....add thirteen...)) Talera doesnt have a body count) -Avelon_Starblade- : aw hell, who'm i kidding))

-Avelon_Starblade- : i cant do maths)) Jedi_Master_Sage : ok, teh silliness has invaded me... something TRIGGERED it]] Talera is so laughing) KyKy Seea a picture of the comm. He was talking about her mouth drops open and she scramble to her feet and hiding behind him. her body instantly started shaking s she did not speak one word. KON_Justin_Callahan half flinched at that but nodded "i know you can see it. as much as i try to protect you from it. but i can still also say you are a trigger for my sanity too...or i wouldnt be talking to you" KON_Justin_Callahan had to get that word in there somewhere) 8Damion_Scott has left the conversation. Talera : lmfao) KRee_ thought about getting something stronger than tea...a thought triggered by the thought of another thought...yeah, that's a lot of thought... Talera : im a trigger babay) Jedi_Master_Sage : just... trigger a force power]] Talera runs a hand through her hair. " Duma I can't beieve your sitting here. I know im going to wake up tomorrow and it will be a dream" she muses to herself. She seemed to not hear him. -Avelon_Starblade- wonders if Kala has been snorting Penny Arcade again)) Jedi_Master_Sage [was it a triggered dream?] Talera triggers TEH FORCE POEWR WOOD!!111 OMG..LOL!!111) KyKy who me Avelon?) KON_Justin_Callahan : im not a dream, talera. im a nightmare. and i need help. your help, please... -Avelon_Starblade- : no, Kala, Sage)) Jedi_Master_Sage : my RL name is Kala]] KRee_ Maestro de piscado)) Jedi_Master_Sage [was it a triggered nightmare?] KyKy sage needs someone to induce sleep him.)) KON_Justin_Callahan : was funny but uhm done?)

Talera didnt get one laugh. fine )) KyKy oh I understand now. sorry) Talera : lost emotes) Jedi_Master_Sage or better... TRIGGER a sleep inducement]] Jedi_Master_Sage : [hun, i was laughing so hard my chest hurt] Talera : liar) Jedi_Master_Sage looks to Kya and asks "why are you hiding?" Talera blinks and looks at him" your not a nightmare. Well...yesterday you were. " she unconciously rubs her shoulder. " and I will get you all the help you can handle Justin. I swear it." KRee_ gets lost in translation, and ends up on the set of that most vile of comedies..."Diary of Trigger's Moll"...) KyKy peaks around from be hind him. she points her finger at the image .. 'thats not allowed tis bad.. punishment' she shook even more now .. Jedi_Master_Sage dispels the image "its just a force created image, its allowed here provided its not done with evil intention" KyKy peaked out as it disapeared.. still shakings..she shook her head.. ' death punishment.' she said KON_Justin_Callahan "but i will still be missing one wont i?" he frowns now. deeply as his eyes catch the movement to her shoulder. he looks to the floor then. taking a few shakey breaths "i still...cant beleive i did that..." hurt her, how it tore at him well within his > KON_Justin_Callahan tone this time Jedi_Master_Sage : We don't have punishments for use of benign force displays on this world Talera : gimmie five) KON_Justin_Callahan : okies) KyKy looked seriousely confused at him..'hows it work?' she steped out of hiding scince it was gone now..looking around to see if anyone was going to punish him for it.. 8KRee_ has left the conversation.

Jedi_Master_Sage isn't punished "it is a force technique.. an unseen power that only some people have" KyKy 'whats the force?' she asked courise to it. knowing she did not have this technique he refered too.. Jedi_Master_Sage : It is a power that binds all living things, it connects the universe together but its unseen to the seeing eye, and some people like me can harness it, use and be guided by it 8LodSius has joined the conversation. 8LodSius is away. Jedi_Master_Sage triggers Sirus' appearance]] KyKy she rembered seeing ciro useing this force thing.and what he said about jedi .. 'are you a jedi?' she asked him.. Jedi_Master_Sage : yes I am KyKy takes a step back.. 'that other guy jedi are bad' Jedi_Master_Sage : Many people do, some use the force for evil, some for good. As a jedi, I use the force for good Jedi_Master_Sage : Do I seem bad to you? KyKy 'no sir' she looked very confused Jedi_Master_Sage : Then I'm possibly not bad LodSius stands in the sith tower on Naboo ... he had drastically slowed the bleeding from his wounds through with such injuries and no bacta he was a mess... his right arm limp to his side he had removed the damaged armor to gain better access to the wounds KyKy 'I suppose...can one be other than good or bad?' she tried to rember that guy that was talking to her he was very different than sage.. Host Jedi_Master_Sage kicked Wraith out of the chat room: this is for scarying off mah lover Jedi_Master_Sage : No, the force is very black and white KyKy 'you don't seem bad to me. but that guy who said he was a dark jedi said jedi were..' she shook her head .'life is confusing ' LodSius his vision was blurred in his right eye from the swelling and cuts to his face ... akwardly he cut away the damaged tissue cleaning it his left hand shaky from loss of blood ... he was on his knees in the fog of the

temple as he shifted on his knees >> LodSius <<a sticky wet sound lifted from the puddle of his own blood beneath him Jedi_Master_Sage : Well dark jedi are very deceptive, but sometimes you can see the evil in their words and actions KyKy nods her head. 'he was useing that force stuff and threw a water shpere at me' Jedi_Master_Sage : Then you see it already, I used the force to show you how to find and use a comm system to help you find work Jedi_Master_Sage bows at the waist "now if you'll excuse me, im sorry but I must go" KyKy Her face went white thinking about the dark jedi and the other guy who was in her room looking for something.. something finally concted all of them toghter.. I should stay away from him KyKy Bows copying him .. 'okay' KyKy 'thank you sage' she smiled a little starting to realize a few things now..

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