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Rage : aren't we all out of place somewhere at one time or another?

Rage : Liam *throws a plate at him*)) Darth_Nekruss he nods slowly. "I always am so." He says. "I wonder sometimes if it was a mistake leaving Nar Shadaa." Liam catches it with his fangs]] Liam : locations please!] Rage : perhaps but then again perhaps not you cannot always find what you seek by staying in one place my lord t : hopspital) Rage : ummm streets of Theed somewhere with Nekruss)) Rage : hopspital? those leprechauns need to slow up your grog darlin)) Darth_Nekruss shakes his head. "Do not call me "Lord." I am no Sith Lord yet. I am simply Titus." He sighs softly. "So many many places to hide." 8t has left the conversation. Rage : I'll make you a deal you don't call me Lady and I won't call you Lord :: Rhage offered her hand out to Titus:: Darth_Nekruss looks at her hand, and takes it in his black gloved grip. His hand is cold, icily so, like the dead. Liam leaps from rooftops through the streets of theed, his stealth rune conceals his visible form as he descends from the edge of a building, landing in a shadowed alley entrance, the rune's effect dispells at his will before he emerges, not realising that> Liam > there are others near Rage just cocked one eyebrow quizzically at his cold hand before her head tilted slightly Darth_Nekruss 's head snaps up and his hands move to the ancient sith lightsabers at his belt. "Someone comes." Rage don't pull those out you'll only draw unwanted attention :: Rhage place one hand one one of Titus's arms before she stepped infront of him her turquoise

gaze moving to the allyway concealing Liam Rage : don't pull those out you'll only draw unwanted attention :: Rhage place one hand one one of Titus's arms before she stepped infront of him her turquoise gaze moving to the allyway concealing Liam::* Rage : wrong button >.>)) Liam dusts his hands off after another successful landing, he steps out into the light and looks about Darth_Nekruss hisses as Rhage touches him, as if he is unused to being touched. Rage moved her hand before glowering at Liam she recognised him from earlier 8t has joined the conversation. Liam nods to Rhage and her companion "hey, good to see you again" Darth_Nekruss eases his stance only slightly, sensing if this one is a force user. Liam has a dormant ability in the force, one that is untrained Liam : So how's everyone here? Darth_Nekruss is slightly uneasy then. If Liam can sense force powers, he senses untapped, undisciplined dark side power around Nekruss. Liam is not yet able to detect such things, his ability in the force only works at the subconcious level, although he has been having visions of late Darth_Nekruss looks at Rhage, uncertain. The ragged, sunken youth is on edge. Rage : mleah everyone here will be fine if you don't go accusing anyone of lying 8hv has joined the conversation. Liam : shiv] Rage : Shiv)) hv : liam)) hv : rhage)) Darth_Nekruss : hello new!)) Darth_Nekruss waves)) Liam : Thanks for the warning

8Darth_Nekruss's local time: 1/25/2006, 4:33:50 AM Darth_Nekruss narrows his eyes. "What is your name?" hv : hiya Nekruss...welcome to naboo )) 8t has returned. 8t is away. Darth_Nekruss : thank you)) Rage : if memory serves his name is Liam yes? :: Rhage looked to Liam slightly askew:: Liam looks to Rhage oddly and then to Nekruss "yeah thats right, no surname, never had use for one for long as I can remember" Darth_Nekruss : Well aren't we quite the trio, Liam : Yeah I guess, so mind if I ask who you two are? Darth_Nekruss : My name is Titus Jeth, but in time that name will die. Rage : are we just? :: Rhage looked quizzically to Titus with a slight grin before looking to Liam again:: Rhage Liam looks to Nekruss "I can see some of Rhage's optimism or lack therof has rubbed off on you, or the other way around, but I guess my use for a surname died too a while ago, so what brings you both out this evening?" Darth_Nekruss shrugs. "I have nowhere to go." Rage : I was wandering and hey I haven't rubbed off on him I only just met him he was already like this :: Rhage flipped her head to the side flinging some of her green hair over her shoulder:: Darth_Nekruss looks to her. "Like what?" he asks in his low hiss. Liam frowns "you seem well dressed for a homeless person" he looked to Rhage "fair enough" Rage looked to Titus and shrugged again "nevermind this guy just thinks I'm a freak" she then gestured to Liam 8wmr has joined the conversation. 8wmr is away. t : Zwin) wmr : hey>>

hv : hi zwin)) wmr : boto, shivvy>> Liam : Hey take it easy, I never thought that at all, believe me, when it comes to everything freakish, I bought the t-shirt.. I just can't help but seem to rub you the wrong way Rhage Darth_Nekruss : Homeless is a....state of mind. Rage : Zwin )) Darth_Nekruss looks at Liam. "I do not think she wishes to be rubbed by you at all." A glint of humor in those dull, red-rimmed eyes. wmr : rhage>> Rage : your still rubbing Liam be grateful I left my pointy objects in my other coat Darth_Nekruss : hey guys I have an 8 am class...this noob is gonna run off to..well nap)) Rage : sleep well)) Darth_Nekruss : thank you)) Darth_Nekruss disappears into the shadows all creepy like. Rage : see ya round again hopefully)) Darth_Nekruss : you will)) 8Darth_Nekruss has left the conversation. Rage blinked as Titus just up and vanished before returning her gaze to Liam Liam raised an eyebrow to Nekruss' sudden departure and looked to Rhage "I am, although pointy things are always around me" Rage : well these pointy things would likely be going into you at rather odd spots Liam : They'd try to. Rage : brb)) Liam : ok] Rage : back)) Liam : wb] Rage : ty)) t : poketh me if wanted) Rage : so how exactly did you just like appear in that Alley? Liam shrugs with a sly smile "probably a reverse trick of how your friend vanished like that, I can do sneaky when

I want to, which is most of the time" Rage : ok so if I want to know when your around I need to attach a bell and collar to you like a Nexu? Liam chuckles softly "I'd be impressed if you could bell a nexu without its back spines piercing your hand, or if it doesn't just eat your hand in its gaping jaw.. then I'd be impressed if you could bell me" Rage : eh a Nexu is like any other animal even men you only have to know which buttons to press Liam : I take it you've pressed a few buttons in your time? Rage : maybe Liam : You make it sound like you see men as simple to control as datapads Rage : some are they tend not to think with their brain but certain other parts of their anatomy Liam : I've walked that path, it didn't turn out to well when I let an anzati try her button pushing skills on me Rage : and yet it led you into almost being brunch Liam smirks, he wasn't quite ready to tell this one that he actually did become a late night snack.. explaining the rest was always... yeah, icky "so you can see why I'm more cautious now, but you're welcome to try" 8wmr has left the conversation. Rage : no thanks I don't know hwere you've been :: Rhage smirked slightly as she shifted slightly on the spot:: Rage : where* Liam shrugs "either way is fine, so who was that guy? Titus, right?" Rage : dunno I just kinda stumbled across him while he was sitting up there :: She points to where Titus had been sitting when he was staring at her:: Liam : something seemed... empty about him, he moved like someone young but his face... Rage : did it? :: Rhage was definetly avoiding these questions it wasn't her place to dish out information on Titus:: Liam : yeah.. like he was aging too fast or his spirit was..

Liam : I've seen it happen before, it can go one of three ways Rage : do tell? hv : I'm out...laters)) Liam : lates] 8hv has left the conversation. Liam : Well, some people quit whatever it is they're doing and they return to normal.. or part of the way, some just waste away until nothing's left.. and there are a rare few who find their spirit's power matches its "age" and the body becomes corrupted still> Liam : >but only grows stronger, as if fueled by a super charged spirit, those are the ones you want to avoid, their compassion is consumed in the fires that empower them to surpass corruption Rage : ooooooook then Liam : yeah... not many get to that stage, so many die trying, or live forever scarred by the experience Liam : I hope you don't try to follow Titus' quest.. he's already lost in a manner of speaking, and there's no way to know how far along he is 8Rage has left the conversation. 8t has left the conversation.

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