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I don't care what your take on this is, its SCARY!

Its a clear sign that the end is nigh! Talera opens her office door and sets her briefcase in a chair as she goes to put a pot of tea on. It seemed her days were beginning earlier and earlier. 8JPJemKirra has joined the conversation. 8JPJemKirra is away. Jedi_Master_Sage : Jem ] JPJemKirra : Sage )) <eeJy> poke me if wanted) Jedi_Master_Sage pokes dee because he wants her body]] JPJemKirra : now see thats what gets you into trouble)) Jedi_Master_Sage : oh yeah >.>] <eeJy> Sage... we both know that will never happen) JPJemKirra : Dork )) <eeJy> poking Bernie is how you started all that trouble) <eeJy> : Jem) Jedi_Master_Sage : oi! i never poked no birdy]] JPJemKirra : Dee )) <eeJy> : mhmmmm) JPJemKirra : Bernie not Birdy)) 8Talera has left the conversation. Jedi_Master_Sage : she flies like a bird] <eeJy> : shes an angel) Jedi_Master_Sage : "in the arms.. of.. the angel..]] Jedi_Master_Sage rises from the lake, his robe of naturally water resistant silk-fibres drying as it touches the air. with his dark robe worn loosely around him, he heads towards the palace alexander_starraider lurks in a dark alley 8You are no longer marked as being away. <eeJy> somethin you aint ever gunna be sage) Jedi_Master_Sage : oh sure, rub it in ]] <eeJy> : she was throwing herself at you... then.. nup... bloody frigid bastard)

8<eeJy> has returned. alexander_starraider steps out of the alley way into the busy street Jedi_Master_Sage looks to Dee with a slight smile and approaches her with a look of apprehension on his face "Hello Desaray, may I join you?" <eeJy> was sitting at a table on the terrace, reading over a datapad, what appeared to be a soft frown written across her lips as she seemed to be reading... although, her focus had been drawn elsewhere... this darkness around.. it irked her a little. She > <eeJy> tipped her head up a little to look at Sage and noted his aprehension.. wondering on it a moment... "Helloz Zage, of zourze you may" Jedi_Master_Sage nods and takes a seat across from her "how have you been?" Jedi_Master_Sage : brb] <eeJy> : kk) alexander_starraider pauses by a litter bin and drops a small package in before he carrys on down the street Jedi_Master_Sage : back] alexander_starraider : frount !!)) JPJemKirra : side?)) alexander_starraider walks into a coffee bar , orders a coffee and waits <eeJy> : wb!) <eeJy> "yez, well.. ezpezially zinze everyzing home waz fixed... yourzelf?" she asked softly, setting the datapad down alexander_starraider the package in the bin explodes and showers the crowd with with splinters alex leaves the bar and head for the terrace Jedi_Master_Sage : Not as well, its nothing of grave importance, but I think I have hurt someone <eeJy> tipped her head slightly at that "hurt zomeone? who? and how Zage?" Jedi_Master_Sage : Bernie, the iegan musician, and by being responsible. It seems illogical, but each time this

happens, it actually becomes harder to deal with and I don't see why it affects me at all JPJemKirra notes that Sage probably should of placed the word "again" in there at the end)) alexander_starraider walks onto the terrace and up to the bar where he orders a bottle of whiskey 8alexander_starraider has returned. 8alexander_starraider is away. 8alexander_starraider has returned. alexander_starraider is now sorted)) <eeJy> shhok her head softly, rather lost... "You hurt Bernie? by being rezponzible? Zage, I iz confuzed... you iz all over ze plaze here.. tellz me *exzactly* ze zituazion" Jedi_Master_Sage : To my surprise, the musician expressed a romantic interest in me, of course, I explained why as a jedi, it is unwise for me to be a party to such a thing <eeJy> stared at him blankly... not sure if she should smack him for being a dolt.. or commend him for sticking to his convictions.... "i hope you did notz zay it likez zat.. or i canz zee why zhe iz hurt..." 8hv has joined the conversation. JPJemKirra : heyas Shivna)) <eeJy> : Shivvy) hv : verah verah afraid)) alexander_starraider move to a table and starts to chug right from the bottle hv walks into the room, grabs dee and makes out with her before moving whistling innocently)) Jedi_Master_Sage : shivvy!] JPJemKirra : nice entrance that *give Shivna a *)) hv grabs sage's butt and pinches it nice and hard as she passes him by)) Jedi_Master_Sage likes it] alexander_starraider wants some too )) <eeJy> now i love that entrance ) <eeJy> : can i have some more please?) hv : )) hv : now now I can't give you all too much at once or

you'll get used to it)) Jedi_Master_Sage : I was very calm and rational, I honestly think I was clinical enough to leave no lasting damage, besides, she is a professional entertainer. I doubt the pressures of refusal would grieve her much, I doubt she'll remember this after a week. Yet somehow.. I Jedi_Master_Sage : don't feel good about it. 8aMaic has joined the conversation. 8aMaic is away. JPJemKirra has been wandering around the streets of Theed for lords only knew how long since her arrival early this afternoon she was currently headed towards the palace terrace having only just recently found the palace itself her leather boots thudded quietly <c> hv : aw damnit sage you telling them about your booty call again? thought we went over this)) Jedi_Master_Sage : malice] JPJemKirra as she walked her black leather cloak and hood effectively hiding her features <eeJy> Calmly and Raztionally...." she picked up a peanut out the bowl on the table and threw it at his head "you iz an idiot!" she coughed slightly, and tried to put on his voice "leave no lasting damage,professional entertainer, pressures of refusal would > <eeJy> grieve her much, doubt she'll remember this after a week" she shook her head and looked at him stunned "zometimez you iz *too* Jedi and not enough heart... zhe iz a woman, to tellz you zhe likez you iz a big deal, you tarz..." hv is confused....and hopped up on cold meds...hates being sick >.<)) 8aMaic has left the conversation. <eeJy> kiss me again Shivvy!) Jedi_Master_Sage : hmm.. you think I could have handled it more effectively? hv dips dee and kisses her all dommy and passionatly and stuff)) <eeJy> i so love you) <eeJy> : oh i wrote a new song if anyone wants a read, hit

me up in IM) JPJemKirra made her way into the terrace her brown eyes skimming over the terrace's occupants before she moved to a table in a corner and slid into a seat 8JPJemKirra has returned. <eeJy> "yez.. don't be zo clinical about it" she couldn't believe it "forz a jedi mazter, zometimez you iz not very wize" hv : gimmie the hook up girl!!!)) Jedi_Master_Sage nods to Jem not knowing who she is and turns to Dee "I don't understand, what should I have done differently?" JPJemKirra : yummy apple liquorice)) <eeJy> gave Jem a smile then looked at Sage "had a bit of feeling..." alexander_starraider mutters to himself "see you did it i told you you could "........."but i dont like doing it " chugs some more wiskey " drinking wont help to get rid of me".... " yeah wanna bet ?" Jedi_Master_Sage : We are jedi Desaray, we both have seen the consequences of emotional attachments that go wrong. 8aMaic has joined the conversation. 8aMaic is away. JPJemKirra inclined her head in response to Sage and Dee JPJemKirra : wb Malice)) aMaic : Ty...I'm curious...can someone answer a few Q's for me in whisper?)) alexander_starraider : LICK ME LICK ME LICK ME !!!))) <eeJy> "yez, and I haz allowed myzelf to fall heavily to zuch.. but ztill.. ziz doez not mean emozional attachmentz do not exizt... avoiding zem only makez it eazier for uz to fall... zhould zey ever happen" she said softly... "I cannotz ztop hazing an > JPJemKirra blinks @ Alexander)) alexander_starraider : >.>)) alexander_starraider : <.<)) <eeJy> emozional attachement to my children... norz my mate... i alzo need zeze attachamentz to zurvive.. zo my choize iz pazz.. orz learn whenz zeze

feelingz are correct.. when zey iz not, and hoz to cope when zingz go wrong" <eeJy> : howz^) <eeJy> goodbye Z key ) JPJemKirra : thats alotta z's in that last post)) Jedi_Master_Sage : if one does not form an attachment, there is nothing to go wrong. It is safer this way, I will not follow the error of people like Raelous, Jancin, Lianna, even Darien. my own daughter is dead, because her husband went mad with darkness, trying to keep h Jedi_Master_Sage : her safe hv : nytol helps you get your Zs anyone remember THAT old jingle?)) <eeJy> : uhm,, whats nytol?) hv : sleeping meds)) <eeJy> : oh ok) hv : it's this old jingle for their ad back from like the late 80s )) 8Sir-Deghelm has joined the conversation. Sir-Deghelm : Heylo Everyone ) alexander_starraider carrys on muttering " theres some jedi over there looks like they need a pakage "............"no no no not the jedi they burrow in to mind"........" jedi are weeklings they need to die".........."no no i wont not here" Jedi_Master_Sage : deg] alexander_starraider : hullo deg !)) <eeJy> "and zuch iz your choize Zage... but juzt make zure you doez not runz from emozional attachmentz out of fear.. for it iz az dangerouz az 'lozing' it whenz you do haz zem" she seemed a little hurt by his words... error... she knew she had worked hard > Sir-Deghelm clanks into the terrace, his ancient armour shimmering in the sun, he smiles slightly and trots on forwards moving to the bar and standing on it. <eeJy> to stray from her 'error' but she wondered a little if he still saw her as that.. a black mark in the good name of the jedi hv streaks through the terrace))

<eeJy> smacks that sexy bum) alexander_starraider WOOOHOOO ** grabs some as she passes)) <eeJy> not stray.. but you know what i mean) Jedi_Master_Sage narrows his eyes "I have held that concern, that it is fear, but how does one deal with this? shall I engage in such an affair just to prove I'm not afraid?" hv dodges)) hv does so)) hv success) <eeJy> shook her head, trying to let the sting from his previous words pass... "I doez not know zage, zat iz for you to figure out" Jedi_Master_Sage : I'm asking you, I'm seeking your advice. Sir-Deghelm begins to speak loudly as he stands on the bar "If we are mark'd to die, we are enow To do our country loss; and if to live, The fewer men, the greater share of honour " 8aMaic has left the conversation. alexander_starraider mutter " foolish ass"......"shhh he'll hear you " <eeJy> : you needz to dezide if it *iz* fear.. or not... no one can anzwer zat but you Jedi_Master_Sage : Suppose it is, what then? 8Sir-Deghelm has left the conversation. 8Sir-Deghelm has joined the conversation. <eeJy> : zen you confront your fear... or learn to aczept it az a weaknezz... we all haz zem.. be it phyzical or emozional alexander_starraider : wb !)) alexander_starraider mutters about deg's speech " foolish ass"......"shhh he'll hear you " JPJemKirra : wb Deg)) Jedi_Master_Sage : I can't allow myself to have such a fear take hold of me, that would replace one opening for the darkside with another. How do I confront this without being a fool? JPJemKirra 's gaze drifted to the person standing on the bar as one eyebrow quirked quizzically over his speech

despite the fact her face was mostly hidden by the hood of her cloak Sir-Deghelm "Now unite under me! and we shall sack the city afore midnight!" he points at the gates "The GATES ARE OPEN, Quick now men! Storm the Keep!" Jedi_Master_Sage does his best to ignore Deghelm Sir-Deghelm draws his sword, and leaps down from the side of the bar, "For Victory!" he runs towards the palace entrance from the terrace "Let us depose this offworlder despot once and for all!" <eeJy> shook her head softly "zere iz no eazy anzwer to ziz Zage..." Jedi_Master_Sage doesn't worry if deghelm attacks the palace, the turrets would take him down with stun bolts Jedi_Master_Sage : I can accept a difficult answer. Jedi_Master_Sage : You owe me this much Desaray, I have counselled you many times, now I need your wisdom. Jedi_Master_Sage : Tell me what to do. Sir-Deghelm runs back to the bar, climbs back on it and slams his sword down into it so it stays upright "Right Chaps, the Plan is now slightly different, what we do is we merely pillage and burn the city and then return home with all the loot and leave the king " Jedi_Master_Sage uses a variation of force cloak, but instead of using the silencing application of it to prevent others hearing him, he projects it around Deghelm so no one hears him JPJemKirra was currently wondering wheither or not this fellow on the bar was in his right mind or not Sir-Deghelm : Poor and helpless like we did in 3273, Then we shall make a mighty keep across the sea and sail raids on the puny king of Theed, and we shall all exult king Agamemnon, Mightiest King of Keren.. Sir-Deghelm realises noone is listening and feels something odd may be hapening so he draws his pistol and aims it generally at everyone else in the terrace "Listen to me, I am Earl of Semper!" <eeJy> was thankful for Sage silencing Deg and frowned softly at Sages words "yo zound like a dezperate

man Zage... lizten to yourzelf... you iz lozing control... firzt i zuggezt you findz out if ziz iz fear or not, and if it iz.. be open to ze pozzibility... > 8Elie has joined the conversation. 8Elie is away. <eeJy> zat feelingz do happen... zen dezide if you wizh to perzue zem or not... but becareful, do notz loze your mind in all ziz, it iz a long, dark and horrendouz road" <eeJy> : Eli) Elie : dee)) Jedi_Master_Sage : elianne] Elie : sage)) <eeJy> Eli.. unless you want a pash, avoid Shivvy) Elie : pash?)) Sir-Deghelm fires the pistol up into the air, sending a ball of fire and a huge screaming noise from it out into the city air, before resheahing his pistol and pulling his sword free from the bar, determined to kill all these horrible people JPJemKirra : kiss)) hv : )) hv gets Elianne before she has a chance to escape and runs off cackling madly)) Jedi_Master_Sage doesn't see any fireball as Deghelm has no flame thrower listed in his weapon's board post Jedi_Master_Sage : Accept the possibility... 8Andrew16403 has joined the conversation. Jedi_Master_Sage : andrew] <eeJy> : andy) Andrew16403 : sage!)) Elie eh gad what is this latelyw/ female char kidnapping me for nookie?)) Andrew16403 : Dee)) alexander_starraider stands kicks his chair back and puts a hand in in is pocket as he walks over to deg <eeJy> doesnt see one either... and she nodded softly to Sage "yez acczept" alexander_starraider mutters to himself as he walks over

"do it do it do it" Jedi_Master_Sage : The first time I went through the trials to become a Jedi Master, I was told of the lesson of acceptance. Thank you Desaray, you have been so helpful to me. If what happened with Bernie happens again, I'll know what to do. 8Elie has left the conversation. 8Sir-Deghelm has left the conversation. 8Andrew16403 has left the conversation. alexander_starraider : oh he ran off !!)) alexander_starraider wonders if deg pooped himself)) 8Sir-Deghelm has joined the conversation. Sir-Deghelm draws his hunting rifle in a fluent motion, swinging it from his back into his arms and fires it in the air, producing more flashes and screams as it doesnt have its flash restrictor on alexander_starraider : wb !)) Sir-Deghelm : ty)) alexander_starraider stands kicks his chair back and puts a hand in in is pocket as he walks over to deg alexander_starraider mutters to himself as he walks over "do it do it do it" 8Elie has joined the conversation. Jedi_Master_Sage watches the Terrace turrets aim at Deghelm and fire stun bolts hv : wb elianne )) <eeJy> seemed rather... to not notice what else was going on, although she was fully aware, and she tipped her head to Sage "and what wouldz zat be?" Elie gggr...ok...I'm going to be breakfast bbl)) alexander_starraider picks up the rifle and carrys on walking out of the terrace 8alexander_starraider is away. <eeJy> you are going to be breakfast? for Halik I hope ) hv kidnapps elianna just because bwuahaha)) hv now she can go to breakfast)) Jedi_Master_Sage : I'll be.. more open to such ideas, but not at the expense of principle. I'll keep my guard against the

darkside, but not avoid such evils by pretending they do not exist alexander_starraider : it would seam the deg do'snt have a rifle too now)) 8Andrew16403 has joined the conversation. Sir-Deghelm spins the rifle down onto the armoured holder on his back and sees the turrets or whatever sage is npcing turning towards him and so vaults over the bar as they fire and drops behind the bar into cover Jedi_Master_Sage : It hardly matters at this time, I doubt Bernie holds any interest anymore Jedi_Master_Sage finds it silly that someone who is insane can display such amazingly peak athletic reflexes, but whatever]] alexander_starraider points out that the rifle is gone )) <eeJy> "I suc Qab'q qhuv'wkodj" she muttered softly to herself, then just smiled gently "zuch iz good Zage" she said gently "and maybe zhe doez, how doez you not know if you doez not azk her?" Sir-Deghelm Vaulting over a bar is hardly difficult, I am a podgy teenager and I can do that! Thus someone who is 57 but a vetran of several wars even iff insane would be able to perform such a fear, no alexander that was an auto)) alexander_starraider but is'nt fussed)) Andrew16403 points out that all this should be in whisper...)) Sir-Deghelm : Yep your right andrew)) Jedi_Master_Sage : Its highly unlikely that she'd even want to see me, if I am proven wrong, I'll let you know alexander_starraider cant be fussed only comes here for the RP)) Sir-Deghelm lies behind the bar cowering and eating ice cubes, he speaks to himself "How Novel! Water but in solid form!" <eeJy> : Zage... doez you want her to zee you again? <eeJy> what is this, battle of the mental cases?) <eeJy> Eejit Idol) JPJemKirra moved from her seat and over to the bar

before glancing to the cowering person chewing on ice blocks behind the bar Andrew16403 : lol)) Jedi_Master_Sage : I don't know, it depends on the reason. hv : ok the kissing bandit is out)) hv : laters all mwuah!!!)) JPJemKirra : laters Shivvy)) 8hv has left the conversation. <eeJy> oh by fanulz merzy, maybe i waz wrong..." she said to herself... and sighed "Zage... look at ziz from a different perzpective.. ztoping being tarud jedi mazter forz a moment.. bez... you... he who liez underneaz ze jedi... what doez you want?" Jedi_Master_Sage : a jedi does not focus on their own desires <eeJy> : a jedi doez not alzo hide from who zey are... we iz all beingz wiz heartz... mindz... feelingz.. to deny zat iz not what being a jedi iz about, to live wiz it... and ztill remain true to ze forze and our paz makez uz jedi 8Andrew16403 has left the conversation. <eeJy> so made a kick arse JM... needs to retest again) 8Elie has left the conversation. Jedi_Master_Sage : I want for this feeling to go away, the sense that I've done something wrong when all my training tells me otherwise, I want to feel... whole again 8Andrew16403 has joined the conversation. <eeJy> you cannotz juzt zhove it azide wizout firzt underztanding it... " she reminded him gently, then tipped her head gently "it zoundz az if you haz feelingz for her.... " 8Sir-Deghelm has left the conversation. Andrew16403 : im a moofer...Ill admit it)) <eeJy> no one accused you) Jedi_Master_Sage : I've probably unwittingly siphoned them telepathically.. I know so little about her, even so, this is a foreign arena to me 8Andrew16403 has left the conversation. <eeJy> : you doez not needz to know ze inz and outz of a

duckz bum to haz feelingz for zomeone... it iz uzual inz Zoolfadian zoziety to knowz you haz found your life mate, merely a few dayz... at maximum feelingz are bazed on many zingz... phyzical, intulectual > 8JPJemKirra is away. <eeJy> : and emozional attraczion.. wiz telepaz' and empaz' i believe zuch happenz fazter, forz you canz 'zee' and 'feel' ze ozer... but zen in human zoziety zere iz zuch a zing az love at firzt zight 8JPJemKirra has left the conversation. Jedi_Master_Sage : lets not get ahead of ourselves, we still don't know what Bernie's state is, or how I will react <eeJy> facepalm~) <eeJy> sighed, and shook her head, before dropping it onto the table lightly "i cannotz believe i iz hazing ziz converzation wiz you... " she groaned lightly, then sat up again "i iz merely zaying, do not dizcard your feelingz for nozing, zey may exizt" Jedi_Master_Sage : I won't. I won't create feelings either. <eeJy> : goodz.. we might juzt finally be on ze zame page Jedi_Master_Sage : Should I approach her or wait and see if she approaches me? <eeJy> : it doez not really matter.. .approaching her zayz you doez feel zomezing... zhe approaching you zayz zhe doez, but zen, zhe maybe to zcared to approach Jedi_Master_Sage : The force will guide my next move. <eeJy> : yez, zat it will.... to zome exztent.. yyou doez ztill haz zome input <eeJy> : brb) Jedi_Master_Sage : k k] <eeJy> : back) Jedi_Master_Sage : wb] Jedi_Master_Sage : Its 3am, I won't be seeing her tonight unless she doesn't sleep, perhaps meditation is the best course <eeJy> : 3am meanz nozing to a muzian... doez you know how many timez i zpot Boto here at ziz hour Jedi_Master_Sage closes his eyes "must I tread so close to the darkside?" <eeJy> try living in it Zage" she said softly a soft touch of hurt... maybe seeping into her voice...

8Brie has joined the conversation. Jedi_Master_Sage : I've seen others do that, I've already come so close to doing so as well.. Promise me one thing. <eeJy> : what wouldz zat be? Jedi_Master_Sage : If the worst happens, if you find me to become your enemy, if you have a chance to stop me, use it. <eeJy> frowned softly and nodded "of courze, you would haz done ze zame for me..." a while ago, she would have wished he had... the memories of her past still came to her in hours of asleep... it did not affect her as it once had... but she found it hard to > <eeJy> believe she had been that... sick Brie Dee was infact right, musicians did not sleep at this hour, and she slipped onto the terrace giving sage and dee a smile, but did not stop to talk... she went to get a drink Jedi_Master_Sage stands and bows "I will now visit a place I once vowed never to return to. I am not one to take risks, but I seem to have few options" he turns to leave and stops seeing Bernie there <eeJy> zometimez rizkz are part of life my friend" she said softly, and returned Bernies smile, then looked to Sage, seeing him stop 8_Adam_ has joined the conversation. <eeJy> ADAM!) Jedi_Master_Sage : Maybe I should wait until tommorow and not disturb her drink _Adam_ : Dee )) Jedi_Master_Sage : adam] _Adam_ : Fish] <eeJy> : maybe you zhouldz not put off ze inevitable.... you zaid you wouldz truzt ze forze... zen do zo 8_Adam_ is away. _Adam_ moves thru the storm, huddling under porches when he can. He'd left Jyme and Miranda's home when they'd never returned <I'm guessing their typists gave up on rp >, and he'd been surviving on his own in the forest. He was hungry, dirty, his clothes were> _Adam_ little more than rags.....but he was alive

Jedi_Master_Sage closes his eyes and takes one step forward, he opens his eyes and continues towards the bar and sits down next to Bernie, leaving a single stool between them "Bernie, how have you been?" 8Elie has joined the conversation. Jedi_Master_Sage : eli] _Adam_ : Elianne )) 8Kym has joined the conversation. 8Kym is away. Jedi_Master_Sage : kym] Kym : sage )) <eeJy> : elikym) <eeJy> went back to what she had been doing 8Elie has left the conversation. Kym : dee )) Brie sipped her drink, and looked cooly to Sage, noting the stool between them "Fine" came her curt response, she had had time to think, and was hurt, and she wasn't going to bother to try to play 'happy tree friends' with him Jedi_Master_Sage : Did you.. get to see Boto in the end? 8Andrew16403 has joined the conversation. Kym : andrew ) Andrew16403 : kymy)) Brie "yep" another shirt reply, and she sipped her drink again, the flame headed angel ddid not even settle her deep brown eyes on the evil jedi that had upset her so "he's been released home too... if you wanted to know..." 8Jay_Ley_Shallag has joined the conversation. Brie : short^) Jedi_Master_Sage : jay] Andrew16403 : jay)) 8Elie has joined the conversation. Jay_Ley_Shallag : sage, andrew)) Brie jay, wb eli) Andrew16403 : eli)) Elie gggrrr.this is soooo annoying)) Andrew16403 : heh welcome to my world?))

8Jay_Ley_Shallag is away. Andrew16403 : the trick is to spam meaningless Im doing rigth now)) Jedi_Master_Sage nods "thats.. good news. Hopefully he'll keep himself out of harms way for a while.. I mean completely but that seems unrealistic" he replies, totally unsure of what to say Kym : jay jay )) Jay_Ley_Shallag : kymie )) Elie hum ok well I think I would rather moof than drive eyeryone else nuts)) Kym sits crosslegd on a chair infrount of the mirror in their bed room stating at her reflection, holding a hair brush in one hand but not seems to have forgotten its there Brie "yes, well if the bastards from his home would leave him alone..." she said and drained her glass, setting it on the table... wondering if Sage too thought Boto had healed rather quickly, after seeing him the other day... alexander_starraider pinches kym's butt)) Kym : )) alexander_starraider : ) Kym isnt talking to alex as half him wants to kill her )) Jay_Ley_Shallag walk up behind kym, takes the brush and starts brushing her hair alexander_starraider : and the other half wants your sweet booty)) Brie : alex)_ Kym ack ..*wonders which is worse*)) Jedi_Master_Sage : So. I suppose you've had time to think about that night? alexander_starraider : ) Brie : if ya that desperate ill give you a pick to pine over) 8Shreeftut-Ethinaa has joined the conversation. Kym : Shree )) 8BljarEgleHak has joined the conversation. Shreeftut-Ethinaa : Kym).)

Kym : biljara)) 8Shreeftut-Ethinaa is away. 8Andrew16403 is away. Brie "no Sage.. I'm just so happy to see you because I totally didn't think about" she turned to look at him, fire and hurt burning in her eyes "what we 'discussed'" Kym watches him in the mirror Jedi_Master_Sage : shreeftut] Shreeftut-Ethinaa : ello)) Jedi_Master_Sage looks to the bar "I've felt the same" _Adam_ reaches the palace after walking for hours, and climbs a tree to look over the wall, into the garden and terrace. He spots several faces that are vaguely familiar BljarEgleHak stuck in the prax thanks to that jedi gare she uses her skills as both a thief and a former spy to work her way though the corradors of the prax. BljarEgleHak finding a door open she slips inside and grabs some jedi robes covering her body with the garmets she puts the hood over her head hiding her features her hands in the folds of the cloak ... and then walks like a priest though the corridors of the prax 8Andrew16403 has left the conversation. Shreeftut-Ethinaa : argh stuipd passport...)) _Adam_ : brb, must have food) Jay_Ley_Shallag : smiles down at her.."hi there" Jay_Ley_Shallag smiles down at her.."hi there" Brie "felt the same?" she asked, sounding totally confused "same how? same pissed off? same want to grab you and wring your neck for being a heartless son of a.... fish?" 8hv has joined the conversation. hv : ok I was told to come explain!!!)) Kym : er ..we missed u)) 8Brie has left the conversation. 8<eeJy> has left the conversation. Jedi_Master_Sage : you'll see] hv : am I gonna blown up or something?)

Kym puts her head back and looks up "he was in my head... like the elders used to do" Jedi_Master_Sage : maybe, i doubt naboo will be left]] Jay_Ley_Shallag : raised eyebrow..."who was?" Jay_Ley_Shallag raised eyebrow..."who was?" 8<eeJy> has joined the conversation. 8Andrew16403 has joined the conversation. 8Andrew16403 has returned. 8Andrew16403 is away. 8Brie has joined the conversation. Jedi_Master_Sage nods to Adam and looks to Bernie "I've felt as "happy", in that, I have not felt good about this situation or how I reacted" Kym looks back at the mirror "gage" BljarEgleHak heads down to were the prax ships are kept. she plans to steal one of the ships so she can return home Jay_Ley_Shallag : did he say why? Kym nods BljarEgleHak : ( any one involved in the prax can stop me if they wanna try )) Jedi_Master_Sage B.E. go home!]] Kym : eep no some one stop her!)) Brie : lol) Jedi_Master_Sage : just don't take the Cathar-wagon or the master-swinger]] Brie "well yay... you do have a heart... is it shrivelled and black?" she asked, taking another drink from ron of Islish whiskey "or did it take a few days to unthaw the *feckin frozen thing*?" BljarEgleHak sees a master swinger and a cathar-wagon.. mmmm which one Brie take the coffin shaped one, tis sages) _Adam_ continues to watch the people on the terrace _Adam_ thought Sage's was shaped like a fish bowl......) Kym runs a finger over a bruise on her cheek "it had to do with the blaster i had hold of" Brie no coffin... im going to kill him)

_Adam_ : ohhhh) Jedi_Master_Sage : things, I have two hearts and I haven't unthawed, I wasn't frozen to begin with, I was afraid. Jay_Ley_Shallag : what were going to do with the blaster> Kym puts her head back again so she see him "alex" Brie she almost chocked on her drink at that... and coughed setting it down, before laughing... "ive heard some damn fine excuses for tearing myy heart still beating from my chest and squashing it under your boots... but a jedi master afraid? oh come on Sage> Jay_Ley_Shallag : you were going to blast alex? 8Andrew16403 has left the conversation. Brie con't you do better than that?" it never once occured to her he might be telling the truth Kym : mabey 8Elie has left the conversation. 8Shreeftut-Ethinaa has left the conversation. Jay_Ley_Shallag while brushing.."where is the blaster now?" Kym looks ovr at her belt near the bottom of the bed "gage still has it" Jedi_Master_Sage : Afraid of what a jedi becomes when they are hurt. Its different for you, if you are hurt, you bear it alone, you may lash out at those around you, but you don't hold within you, the potential to become a dark lord. A destroyer of lives Jay_Ley_Shallag : I take it you did not like the sleeping powder in the drink? BljarEgleHak she works on jimmering the lock on the prax space dock... she can see a few ships there.. and plans on which one she can pilot Kym shakes her head Jedi_Master_Sage : As the saying goes, "jedi who fall are most dangerous of all," and I have seen more jedi fall to the darkside because of emotional attachments that left them wounded. I care far more about the safety of others than my own well being. Jay_Ley_Shallag : and you wanted to scare the bad side out

of him Kym shrugs Brie oh for fecks sake.. " she muttered and drained her glass "Ron, bottle to go" she called, and took it before standing, then looked at sage "look... i see plenty of SANE Jedi with partners... and yeah, going it alone really rules" she gave him a thumbs up > BljarEgleHak getting though the locks triggoring an alarm.. silent one ... she goes into the port... heading towards one of the ships ... she starts on the locking facilities for the door.. her intent to steal the ship Brie sign "i just luuuuuuuurv having to be in pain a-feking-lone day in day out... tis a ball... if you don't like me, just tell me, don't beat around the damn bush" _Adam_ keeps watching the people on the terrace, his keen predatorial eyesight easily keeping track. His sense of smell picks up something strange.....something or someone smells like a catfish Brie : lmfao) _Adam_ : I could have said 'bass ass' )) _Adam_ : hehehe) Brie gonna be fried cat fish at this rate) Jay_Ley_Shallag : I take it you did not like gage in there Kym hands him a band to tie her hair up with "you know i dont like anyone in my head!!" Jay_Ley_Shallag ties it back as well as he can.."I know, I triend to stay out, you always seems to take it badly" hv : slap him bernie!!! do it for me because you know once ya have shiv you can't go back )) Jedi_Master_Sage sighs "you make it sound as if I've had time to make a decision or that I am even capable of discerning such. You have not spent 80 years of solitude. I don't know the rules of this realm, whats right or wrong or how this all works" Kym sighs "its a violation an dto me its almost as bad as being raped" Jedi_Master_Sage : am I even allowed a chance to get to know you first before I decide if I should or shouldn't commit myself to such a risk?

Brie : lmfao) hv : sage!!!....You so gonna die for taking away one of shiv's crushes )) Jay_Ley_Shallag : I you want to get off planet soon... Jedi_Master_Sage : Kaliban will thank me ] BljarEgleHak working on the lock of the ship she enters in it.. how easy the prax is to steal from maybe she should come back with a crew and steal a few more. 8BljarEgleHak is away. Brie groaned softly at that... "no... i don't know what solitude is like.. thats right, because I live in the public eye... i don't go home to an empty house with the OCCASIONAL root around the corner that dies or leaves me as soon as they get what they want"> hv sniffles and runs off sobbing all rejected and stuff)) Brie she turned to leave "sure... you can get to know me... just don't feckin lie to me..." Jedi_Master_Sage : At what point did you think I was? hv ps.s. if you wanna get to know me, you gotta get to know my friends too :0 heh heh mwuahahah)) Kym nods getting up and wandering out of the room at th esound of the bell being pushed at reception Jay_Ley_Shallag : follows kym worried about her listlessness Brie hmmm " she said with her back to him "im scared bernie... lets just be firends bernie.... and then i will still be an arse to you" she started off the terrace, yes, she was being irrational... she was confused herself, and trying to protect herself from > BljarEgleHak : any one going to defend if not im taking the ship )) Brie being hurt... Jedi_Master_Sage stands "if you want me to follow you, look to me" Jedi_Master_Sage : nah, just ignore my porn collection under the driver seat] Kym : see y all later)) Jedi_Master_Sage : lates kym]

Brie its ALL dirty pics of me) hv : later Kym )) 8Kym has left the conversation. hv bernie!! he has some of our tapes !!!!)) Brie didn't really hear that, and turned to look at him "what the bleeding heck are you on about there?" Brie : LO) Brie : ) 8Jay_Ley_Shallag has left the conversation. Jedi_Master_Sage nods and follows after her 8You have been marked as being away. 8Brie is away. BljarEgleHak finding out it is sage's ship is a bonus.. cause he has been to enos before the actual codeing for the trip to enos is in the trip computer. now she hacks into the ship data banks so that she can start the thing.. _Adam_ : why not just use the key that's hidden under the floor mat?) Jedi_Master_Sage ~ its Sage's other ship Brie shrugged and made her way off the terrace, feeling her wings prickle with anger when she realised he was following her "what dammit!? what? do you want to be my ypuppy, or my groupie or something now?" she said spinning back around to look at him, not > Brie even being careful of her wings.. if he was too close, they sould hit him in the shoulder Jedi_Master_Sage stopped short of a meter from her, the wing hitting the shoulder of a 6'4" man who can trade punches with a wookiee, he wasn't falling over 8arma_starfall has joined the conversation. 8arma_starfall is away. Jedi_Master_Sage : arma] arma_starfall waves and stuff)) _Adam_ continues to watch the remaining two on the terrace BljarEgleHak she looks under the seat and find fish porno... goodness those guppies ... she didnt know that jedi were into that stuff... mind you they were ... she

tilts the page... rather ... interesting.. Jedi_Master_Sage ~ its a padawans ship actually >.> BljarEgleHak : make up your mind )) hv ut oh......there naughty angel and elfy porn tapes are there too I'm sure >.<)) Jedi_Master_Sage ~ a padawan who just happens to be named Sage, its Sage's ship from when he was a padawan? help me out here! Jedi_Master_Sage ~ his DROID left the stuff there! Brie : lmfao) BljarEgleHak she realises it hasnt been used since the invasion of enos... goodness they kept it that long ago.. nowonder it was hidden.. arma_starfall any mangers or rule freeks on ?)) Brie "well?" she asked, waiting about 3 seconds for an answer... she hand't expected to hit him on the floor either, and she spun around again, the wings slapping him again... if he hadn't moved, and she began to walk off, taking a pull from the bottle Brie : both) <eeJy> : hadn't^) Jedi_Master_Sage hides] 8<eeJy> has made Brie a Host. 8<eeJy> has left the conversation. 8Mood has joined the conversation. 8Mood is away. Brie you little snot ) _Adam_ : Mooda!!!!!! ) Mood : Hey )) Brie i take dee out... ~throttles moodles and blames him~) Jedi_Master_Sage gently grabs Bernie by the wing "for someone who seems to be so hurt by my rejecting them, you certainly seem to want nothing more than for me to leave you alone, tell me you want that and I will" Jedi_Master_Sage : mooda] Mood He meditates, in the heavy rain, atop of a log. His eyes closed, his feet crossed and hidden beneath his overrobes, his hands lay on his lap, his fingers

intertwined in one another. hv : omg mo'oda wow blast from the past)) Mood : lol Shivna... I was Lao too you gave me lots a flowers )) Brie had her wing grabbed "Hey get your clammy fish fingers off my pristine plumage!" she exclaimed "have you thought... in that microscopic brain of your... maybe I am *pissed off* because you hurt me?" Jedi_Master_Sage : Have you thought within your rage, that I might be trying to make amends? Jedi_Master_Sage lets go BljarEgleHak as the silent alarm goes off she wonders where all the jedi are. mabye should steal a few more things.... the code on the key bord proves to be hard.. she keeps on trying her skill with code breaking an old skill but used alot.. the ramp down till she> BljarEgleHak can get the computers up _Adam_ climbs out of the tree, and goes down the street to climb another tree, looking into the prax gardens 8-torn_ has joined the conversation. 8-torn_ is away. Jedi_Master_Sage ~ the jedi were actually told to let her go, they can't stand her insanity >.< BljarEgleHak : ( sage thats not funny ) 8Jedi_Padawan_Gage has joined the conversation. Mood His eyes open as he senses the presence of another near him, and his comm vibrating within his robes. It is an alarm. He rises, not feeling a particular threat, he hops down from the log with a small grunt. He was soaked, but to a Whill, that was a nice> 8Jedi_Padawan_Gage is away. Jedi_Master_Sage : sorry] Mood >change from the dryness some planets had. Jedi_Master_Sage : Gagr] Jedi_Master_Sage : *Gage] _Adam_ watches the green thing hop off the log.....he's never seen a whill before. It looks like a booger with eyes Jedi_Padawan_Gage : Ty Sage ))

Jedi_Padawan_Gage was hoping Leli would be here )) Brie brought her wings back in tightly, so he couldn't grab them, and turned to look at him "makin amends means sayin sorry, not making damn fool bloody excuses... so say sorry... and be over trying to explain... " Jedi_Master_Sage : I'm sorry I hurt you. 8-torn_ has left the conversation. 8<eeJy> has joined the conversation. _Adam_ : wb) 8Brie has made <eeJy> a Participant. <eeJy> : ty) 8<eeJy> is away. Jedi_Padawan_Gage : Dee )) Mood He turned his back on the child he could feel in the tree. "Come down. Slip and fall you could in this rain..." he said calmly. He had recognized the child... he was registered with the praxeum, though Mo'oda remembered his circumstances. An orphan he > Mood >believed the record said.... he knew very little else about this curious child. <eeJy> hoped Bernie hadn't killed sage yet, as she walked along in the rain enjoying it Brie tipped her head slightly, studying him... the grunted "heh.. ya don't mean it" BljarEgleHak : damn computer.. Brie had a tattoo done... at 18... 4 years ago) Mood Stretching out with the Force, he turned to face ther child. He felt.... a primal instinct wihtin the boy, much like one would find with an animal. "Hmmm, bite I do not." the boy's face was grungy, but through the smeered mud and the wet hair, he could> BljarEgleHak : ok .. sage what is your favorite thing... oh I know... BljarEgleHak she keys in something.... it works.... Jedi_Padawan_Gage awakens in his room at the prax. He Is still groggy from his rest. He gets up and equips his usual garbs, A tan Jedi robe, his belt, and a pair of black pants

BljarEgleHak : ( girls in white dresses with cream colloured sashes.) Mood >see the boy's features... and it reminded him about the chil'd profile in the database. He bowed, and pressing his fginer into his robes, he deactivated the alarm. He knew where it came from. "A disturrbance there is inside. Warm it is there. Come with> Mood >with me, you should to dry off.... " he nodded calmly. Jedi_Master_Sage : I'm sorry I'm utterly inept in this field, that you had to find that out the hard way, I'm sorry I have no gurantees, if its any solace to you, I have none either _Adam_ takes a nervous step towards the little green being.....his own height.....he feels a warmth from the creature Jedi_Padawan_Gage starts to walk out of his room to get something to eat. Suddenly he feels a disturbance in the force. Something wasn't right. His ears pick up a slight sound coming from the hanger, the sound of an alarm. He takes off in that direction 8LucidaHunter has joined the conversation. BljarEgleHak as the gas meter shows it shows empty .. she tapps it... trying to see if it is the gage stuck ... damn... waisted time.. fill tank or steal another... she taxies the ship to were the filler is... hopeing that it doesnt completely dry out untill she fill Jedi_Master_Sage : luci] BljarEgleHak : s it) _Adam_ : frog prinny! ) LucidaHunter : (Aqua Man , Jungle Boy)) <eeJy> try yBernie Bilj) Brie : luci) Jedi_Padawan_Gage is running at his maximum speed, a million thoughts running through his head LucidaHunter : Ewww...Bernie) Mood "Come. Much time there is not." despite his words, he did not feel in a state of alarm.. which usually threw animals with cautiousness off. He turned, and walked to the hangar... allowing the boy to follow behind if he so

choose. Being so close to > Brie : and yay really mean that? ya ain't trying to just...smooth this over... use some bloody mind trick on me? Brie ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Luci) BljarEgleHak getting out the ship she opens the fuel port and sticks the hose in .. filler up ... unleaded. hv hides in her corner and sniffles)) Brie snuggles shiv) Mood >someone, especially a Whill that many have never seen, he could see why he was frightened. He was not easy on the eyes to almost all humanoid species..... He passes by the gaurds, and informs them he may have a follower, and to allow him admitance. He > BljarEgleHak : I do realise that in real starwars they never fill the tanks but. I want to be realistic)) Brie you're still my secret lover) Mood atually they do )) Jedi_Master_Sage : I'd never violate a mind for such a self serving purpose. arma_starfall licks alex)) Jedi_Padawan_Gage skids to a halt at the hanger door. He looks around the hanger for a second, before spotting Biljara filling the tank of Sage's old craft. "Biljara, what are you doing here?" Mood sorosuub3000 aka "lady luck" had to have its fuel hoses cut off before take off in outcast )) alexander_starraider ewwww girly germs)) _Adam_ watches the little green being for a moment, then moves to follow it. He hadn't been around the praxeum in a long time, and he keeps looking around nervously BljarEgleHak : Going home Jedi_Padawan_Gage : In Sage's ship? _Adam_ and there's fuzzy dice hanging from the rear view mirror, Bilj.....) Brie scruples... wow.. something i never expected with you" she said sarcasticallyy, aware she was getting saturated and not caring, before collapsing onto the wet ground "I should hate you with every inch of my being"

BljarEgleHak : he has the coordinates of my planet in his navi computer. Mood He continued to fdeel the presence of the boy behind him... and he walked into the hangar, where he finds Gage and a strange woman..... "Hmmm, came form here, the alram did. Tell me, can you padawan why?" he asked gage calmly. At 2' 6" he was small...> Mood >smaller than adam was even and he was only ten. Jedi_Padawan_Gage : It seems fishy you snooping around his ship. Which is your planet? BljarEgleHak : Hakaru _Adam_ keeps following the little green thing....for some reason, he trusted him BljarEgleHak : I am the queen of Hakaru arma_starfall watches gage from the shadows of the hanger Jedi_Padawan_Gage : And the coordinates are the only thing you are here for? Mood : ummm is ignored )) Jedi_Master_Sage : That would be simpler, I'm used to being treated as an enemy. Enemies pose no threat to me, friends rarely do, its those I become close to that are my greatest and possibly, my only weakness. Mood : ?)) Mood : I know I'm small.. but not that small )) _Adam_ isn't ignoring Mo'oda, cuz he knows all too well how that feels) BljarEgleHak : sorry thought you werent talking to me ) Mood : I wasn't... I was talking to Gage )) Jedi_Padawan_Gage : I didnt know you were , sorry, now what was it?)) BljarEgleHak : I need a ship to .. hey .. that jedi wants to talk to you. Brie : so what? instead of trying to learn how to have friends... and find a way to not make them a weakness.. you shove everyone away and have a weakness anyway... you do know friends can be your greatest strength too?

Mood He continued to fdeel the presence of the boy behind him... and he walked into the hangar, where he finds Gage and a strange woman..... "Hmmm, came form here, the alram did. Tell me, can you padawan why?" he asked gage calmly. At 2' 6" he was small...> Mood >smaller than adam was even and he was only ten. Mood : <-repost)) Jedi_Padawan_Gage : sorry about the Mooda, Ill post now)) Mood : its cool )) Mood Not all is as it seems. He senses stretched he feels another in the Hangar bay. Usually this is normal, yet with the alarms going off.... someone in the hangar remained of some suspicion. Jedi_Padawan_Gage : I don't have much of an idea right now, I came to investigate the alarm also Jedi_Master_Sage crouches down before Bernie "I'm slowly learning that" BljarEgleHak : well I need to fill my tank then I am out of here. so if you will excuse me . BljarEgleHak tries to bluff her way out. Jedi_Padawan_Gage bows deeply and respectfully to Mo'oda. "My name is Gage Barlow, I am a self training Padawan here at the prax" Mood he nodded. Odd a padawan would investigate an alardm, but curiosity often got the most of these students.... he turned to the woman "Your ship, is that hmmm?" he said stepping towards her calmly. Mood : gah)) BljarEgleHak : Mine and sage's _Adam_ stops when he enters the hangars, watching the little green guy and a couple of others Jedi_Padawan_Gage : quick tag check, are the only people in the hanger Biljara, Mo'oda, Arma, and me?)) Mood his brow fell.... and his eyes lowered.... he bowed to Gage respectivly. Now was not a time for introductions. he rose and turned his attention back to

Biljara. "Then tripped, why was the alarm hmmm?" _Adam_ : and me, Gage) Mood : and adam... but hes just watchin)) 8LucidaHunter has left the conversation. Brie looked up at him, her eyes meeting his for a second, before tipping her head back to let the rain fall on her face "bout time" she said softly... "coz, ya one sad ol' feck if ya dunno that" BljarEgleHak : must have been that other man the one in the black cloak Jedi_Padawan_Gage : Here is the differance, since this is Sage's ship, everyone come's to the rescue. But if it was mine.....)) Jedi_Padawan_Gage : lol )) Mood hey... I was asked to stop her )) Jedi_Master_Sage : So what happens now? Mood he smiled. She was lying. "If pointing to the other person in the room you are... a woman... that is." he looked to Gage. This should be interesting. "Ask her to come over, would you hmmm?" he said to the student. He still felt Adam watching. Smiling, he> _Adam_ takes a nervous step towards Mo'oda and the others, careful to keep the green one between himself and the others....he doesn't know them. Of course, he doesn't know mooda, but for some reason, he trusts him Brie shrugs softly "i dunno... depends on you..." arma_starfall kisses the frog in the hope of a prince)) Mood >approached Biljara. "Believe you, why do I not?" he said, and as he moved, the gimer stick in his left hand that he autoed from the tree stump tapped the duracrete florr lightly. BljarEgleHak : noone ever believes me. its one of the unwritten rules. Jedi_Padawan_Gage : Biljara, come over to me... BljarEgleHak : I am taking this ship and going home. YOu cant keep me prisoner here. Mood : no..... lol to arma)) Jedi_Padawan_Gage : ohhhhhh...hehe....oops)) Mood : ))

arma_starfall steps from the shadows Jedi_Master_Sage : How about I take you home? I doubt you're as suited to being wet as I am, maybe if you curve your wings, you'll be shielded from the rain Jedi_Padawan_Gage senses Arma in the shadows. You there, in the corner. Come here" 8urdeth has joined the conversation. Mood he closed his eyes and nodded. "Keep you prisoner, I cannot... but detain you, I do not wish to. Ask you to remain, I will until settled, this has been." his voice was firmer now... but not overbearing. Mood : Urdeth )) urdeth : mo'oda)) BljarEgleHak : I need to get home before palana notices I am gone. please time is of importants I may loose my throne if I do not returh BljarEgleHak : return urdeth : wow first time i been in the room at the same time as the great sage are the stories true? lol)) hv beats head on desk into a bloody pulp has no idea why she was supposed to be here?)) Jedi_Master_Sage : depends.. that story about the baloons and pork sausages is pure fiction]] urdeth : because im here ?)) Brie theres nothing wrong with the rain" she said softly... seeming a little quite, and she handed the bottle to a passer by _Adam_ peeks at Shiv.....just because) urdeth : ahh see that was my favorite )) Brie and he is as crap in the sack as they say...) Mood "Yes, but too much time, we will not take of yours before on your way you will be allowed to go in another ship." he looks over to Gage's progress at bringing the woman from the shadows forward. Brie uhm.... i mean.. as great.. yeah as great) arma_starfall repost: steps from the shadows Jedi_Padawan_Gage looks to Arma easily. "Will you come here to me?" 8arin_Summrs has joined the conversation.

8arin_Summrs has left the conversation. Jedi_Padawan_Gage : Darien )) Mood : Darien )) _Adam_ : he's gone ) Mood : ah)) Jedi_Master_Sage : you're shivering arma_starfall walks over to gage her robes bellowing as she does BljarEgleHak : i must go in this ship .. it has the coordinates. Jedi_Padawan_Gage bows to deeply to her. "May I know your name?" _Adam_ gets closer to Mo'oda, staying behind him Brie looked to her arms that were crossed over her chest, her auburn hair plastered to her cheeck, her shirt stuck to her too..."i guess i am" she held a hand out to him, to help her up BljarEgleHak puts the bouser down slapping a gold credit slip down to pay for the peterol... closes off the gas tank and heads for the ramp... as if she had not being talking to the jedi at all arma_starfall places a hand on a her hip " why do you ask ?" Mood he shook his head. "No. unless proof you can give me, that yours, this ship is, remain here, it shall. Get your coordinates from the Jedi Archives.. we can." he shook his head asshe began to walk up the ship. "Stop you will." he said, his voice commanded> Mood >her attention. He felt Gage could question the young woman of the shadows well enough. This woman was beginning to become irational. Jedi_Padawan_Gage "I merely wish to call you by the name you have been given" He speaks to her softly and lightly. Showing her means no harm. Jedi_Master_Sage stands as he takes her hand in his, helping her to her feet, his eyes trained on hers BljarEgleHak : I will tell the republic that the jedi have kidnapped a Queen from a republican planet. YOU WILL SUFFER i can assure you

arma_starfall : Arma Starfall and may i have the plesure of your name ? _Adam_ looks over towards Gage and arma, then looks back to Mo'ofa and Bilja _Adam_ : oops....meant Mo'oda) Brie took his help up, then used her wings to hood her slightly, crossing her arms back over her chest. She was frozen... Jedi_Master_Sage : LMAO!!!! "mo'ofa," glad he didn't replace the a with an o] urdeth : lol)) _Adam_ : f is right next to d ) Jedi_Padawan_Gage smiles slightly to her. "Of course, my name is Gage Atrix Barlow" Mood "But contained, you have not been. Offered, I have another ship to you, and the means of finding the coordinates you seek." he walked up the acess ramp, just in case she tried to close herself off from the rest of them. He stopped as he stood behind her. Mood : lol)) <eeJy> : lmfao) BljarEgleHak : Sage was going to let me have his baby we have a past with each other. you cannot assume I cannot take our ship arma_starfall : now see we're all fiendly Brie sage is this true?) Jedi_Padawan_Gage : Are you a resident here at the prax? Jedi_Master_Sage : ummm... *blushes*]] Brie i just can't try and seduce you if it is ) Jedi_Master_Sage : [yes, I was going to sleep with a lesbian to get her pregnant] _Adam_ great....Sage is a horny ol' catfish.......) Mood If going to let you have this ship, he was... provide the proper ownership papers, I must ask of you." Mood : If going to let you have this ship, he was... provide the proper ownership papers, I must ask of you.** hv : and just go ahead and totally forget about me eh

sage? )) Brie oh, lesbian.. thats okay...) BljarEgleHak : why dont you ring sage.. im sure he will tell you its ok Jedi_Master_Sage claps his hands together loudly before rubbing them rapidly for a few seconds and then rubs them gently on Bernie's arms and then her sides, its an old trick to facilitate warming "lets get you home" _Adam_ doesn't need any competition getting a woman.....especially from lesbians )) BljarEgleHak she goes in the ship ... attempting to press the close door thing arma_starfall : just let the woman go thats what she wants Mood he watched her, and as the ramp closed, he jumped into the ship, tucking himself into a ball and landing past the acess ramp as it closed. "Necessary, that was not. Impatient, you must not be." he pulled out his comm. ~vc~ Master Sage, interupt anything,> BljarEgleHak walks over to the controls setting the navi computer... Brie looked to him as he did that "I thought you didn't like to get to close" she said through chattering teeth... and nodded as he said to get her home... which thankfully wasnt far Mood >I hope I have not. A woman there is here, claiming co ownership of you ship. Allowed this, have you hmmm?" he asked. BljarEgleHak : you will be my friend cool _Adam_ watches the little green guy disappear into the ship, and then the hatch closes Jedi_Padawan_Gage turns away from Arma for a moment. Me pulls a tracking device from his belt and throws it at the side of the ship. It latches itself securely Jedi_Padawan_Gage turns back to Arma. "Now, are you a resident here at the prax?" Jedi_Master_Sage taps the auto message function on his comm -vc- Hello, you have contacted Sage, I'm otherwise busy at present, so you have been given one

of several pre-saved messages based on your caller ID: whatever it is, I'm sure its ok Brie lmfao!!!) Jedi_Padawan_Gage : rofl)) Mood O.O just got dissed by the sage.... -.-)) Jedi_Master_Sage : c/s] <eeJy> was in her office at the prox, lost in a bunch of paperwork, and other 'fun' council stuff... she was also thinking on several things... a lot was going on as of late... <eeJy> : prax^) Jedi_Padawan_Gage wonders what knid of progress he was supposed to make....)) Mood : LOL when you can answer that grasshopper... a Jedi you will be.)) _Adam_ tilts his head, watching Mo'oda for a moment, and then he points at his own chest, and with a raspy voice that hasn't been used in some time, he says.....''ahhhhhhdaaaaaam" Jedi_Padawan_Gage turns to Mo'oda and hands him the reciver for the signal given off by the tracing device. "I'm sure this will be of great help to you" Jedi_Master_Sage : I've been told that closeness is not just a weakness, it can be one's greatest strength Mood he nodded, and dropped the device in front of him. it clattered at his feet, and he took one step forward, and smashed it with his foot. "Better left alone are some things student." he nodded looking over to Adam. He walked over to the boy as he heard > urdeth : i hate japanese movies...)) Jedi_Padawan_Gage : .....I lose more tracking devices that way....)) urdeth pushes sage till he falls into his cup)) 8You are no longer marked as being away. 8You have been marked as being away. 8JordlVhiro has joined the conversation. 8JordlVhiro is away. Jedi_Master_Sage : jord] Brie smiled softly at that "yeah.. well.. i was

testing to see if you were listening" she slipped out the gardens with him, her wings almost entirely wrapped around herself to keep warm JordlVhiro : Sage) Mood >just say his name. "Hmmm, Mo'oda, am I." he nodded pointing to himself. He moved to the alarm and hit the button, silencing the alarm so the Council members don't yell at him. <eeJy> : Jordy) Mood : Padawan )) JordlVhiro : Dee) JordlVhiro : Mo'oda, stop getting me drunk )) Mood : )) Jedi_Padawan_Gage : lol)) Jedi_Master_Sage goes to lead her back to her apartment, his own cloak keeping him dry as he keeps an arm tucked in under her wings _Adam_ scratches his head......''Mooooooo-duh?" his raspy voice repeats, unsure 8Elie has joined the conversation. 8Elie is away. _Adam_ : wb) <eeJy> was very happy when the alarm stopped, it was sending her insane, but she had mostly ignored it... because, well... she was busy with other things, and her mind had been proccupied, so it just sounded like a bloody buzzing gnat Mood he nodded turning back to the child. He was surprised the boy was so far behind in his studies. While wild a normal person was allowed to be at their discretion... a child was given a dormitory and trained inside the componds of the praxeum. He could not> Jedi_Padawan_Gage gives an unsure look to Arma. "Well...What will you tell me?" BljarEgleHak ariving in the sector of hakaru she gives the royal code so she can land. in the royal bunker.. Elie ty...we will see how long I stay w/out a moof)) Mood >understand how this boy had been excluded

from that. "Find you a dormitory, we will for you..." he said offering his hand. trust was something vital to all sentient life, whether primal or civilized. Brie got to her place, a bit confused now, one minute he would barely touch her, and now... oh well.. it was cool, and she arrived at the appartment and unlocked the door... letting them in... and up to her suite BljarEgleHak she powers down the ship and exits.. heading as if she had never left back to her rooms.. arma_starfall folds her arms across her chest _Adam_ looks at the offered hand, then nervously reaches out to grasp it. Every time he'd trusted someone, he'd been abandoned....but he knew he had to trust eventually.....and this place did hold memories Jedi_Master_Sage draws his hood back and removes his cloak which, thanks to its special design, is amazingly dry arma_starfall smirks at gage "the prax is so old school" 8Darth_Seer has joined the conversation. Mood he graps it, his hands were warm, and his grip was not firm. This allowed the boy to release at his choosing. He escorted him through the praxeum... towards the instructor offices.... 8Darth_Seer is away. Elie : evil one)) Darth_Seer : oh yeah baby] Darth_Seer ~ the ship is allowed in _Adam_ follows along, looking around the halls that are vaguely familiar Jedi_Padawan_Gage chuckles at her reply. "Nothing eh..........?" Darth_Seer sits in a chair in the garment of the head guard "where have you been? Gamall was worried for you" Brie "you could have offered me your cloak..." she said seeing how dry it was "get comfy... im going to go change" Brie : and brb) Mood he moves towards Dee's office and taps on the

door lightly. They may be waiting here for a while.... arma_starfall smirks again" yes you are nothing" Jedi_Master_Sage : you have waterproof wings JordlVhiro was ummm somewhere, not sure doing what but yeah it was padawan like, cause she is a good girl....) 8You are now ignoring Brie. 8You are now ignoring Darth_Seer. 8You are now ignoring Elie. 8You are no longer ignoring Brie. 8You are no longer ignoring Darth_Seer. 8You are no longer ignoring Elie. BljarEgleHak : some one came kidnapped me and took my play mate back Mood will be with me in a moment seeing how much you meditated... instead of talking with dee )) BljarEgleHak she kneels down before the man.. she knows that if she is not careful she might loose her life here Jedi_Padawan_Gage bows deeply once again to her. "Well I shall leave you to your buisness, now. May the force be with you" He walks off toward Mo'oda and Adam. _Adam_ and Mo'oda are at Dee's office.....Adam looks at Mo'oda, his voice a whisper.....''no-boddy want me" Darth_Seer : This will not do, some things have changed in your absence, Gamall is dead, but don't worry, before he died, he appointed a new Palana for you, I'm sure you've met this lady JordlVhiro just an advanced warning, if I have to go suddenly auto, cause hubbie will be back from grocery shopping and I have to cook and spend time snuggling with him before he leave back out of town, so umm yeah I shall shut up now ~insert insane emot~)) Darth_Seer ~ Iorena, one of Biljara's former playmates enters, dressed in covering skintight leather, she grins BljarEgleHak : yes. Mood he looked at the boy. "Want and need are important.... but always open is the praxeum. Wish for you to train here... I do." he nodded. Darth_Seer : her name is Scarlet Barda, she is your new

guardian and she has ordered that you do all I tell you to do as well Jedi_Padawan_Gage reaches Mo'oda and Adam. He once again bows deeply and repectfully to him, and Adam BljarEgleHak she lowers herself to the ground. forhead to the ground. _Adam_ "had master....him go 'way" BljarEgleHak : palana scarlet Brie : back) Jedi_Master_Sage sits down on a lounge "is your home protected from spy devices?" _Adam_ looks up as Gage enters arma_starfall slips back into the shadows Mood Happens that does sometimes. Takes away from us, the Force does, but also gives to us... it does. he bowed to Gage. "Learned anything, did you hmmm?" he asked calmly to the student. Darth_Seer ~ Iorena shouts out "take her to the medical bay, she will be given a cybernetic implant" BljarEgleHak : what is a cybernetic implant. BljarEgleHak : Palana Brie called from the bedroom the door open "yeah of course, I get a scan done every month to check, it was done yesterday" she slipped oout the bedroom, with a desigenr made night slip on that slung low for her wings in a purple satin, and a wrap that matched> JordlVhiro was in one of the meditation chambers, in a deep meditative state for the past hour or so. After going to bed last night she hadnt be able to sleep, so she had gotten the journals out and began to read first her mother's, then her fathers. Each >> Darth_Seer ~ Iorena crouches down, touching jara under the chin "something you'll like, something to make all your dreams come true" Brie she had a towel in hand with which she was drying her hair _Adam_ : I'm sorry, but the typist needs to lay down for a bit ) Mood : procrastinator padawan )) Mood : alright mate... some other time))

_Adam_ : auto me, but no killing, lol) Mood lol >.< dang it!)) 8_Adam_ has left the conversation. Jedi_Padawan_Gage : Yes, I learned that some things are better left alone until the need arises to bother with it Jedi_Padawan_Gage : I .....think.....)) Jedi_Master_Sage : Do you feel any better or do you still hate me? Jedi_Padawan_Gage : lol)) BljarEgleHak : yes Palana Mood he nodded. "good. Worth value in teaching all expirences are." he smiled and autoed Adam to a room and set him up for classes... BljarEgleHak she stands and goes willingly to where her new palana wants her to go to. she feels better now safer now than out there where noone tells her what to do JordlVhiro >opening a new world to who she was, where she came from. Also remembering the images and information Dee had hornored her with. Somehow she felt more complete with all this knowledge of her life, didnt quite feel so lost as she had before, having>>> Darth_Seer ~ the med droids give jara pain killers before commencing the surgery, where she is given the neural jack implant arma_starfall drag gage off as a sex slave)) Elie make me cookies jara! See someone told you what to do )))) Jedi_Padawan_Gage runs from Arma and hides)) Brie looked to him, as she continued to dry her hair... "you're in my house aren't you?" arma_starfall stalks gage with the toys)) Mood he tapped on Dee's door once more. before turning to Gage. "Mo'oda am i." he said to the Jedi student. BljarEgleHak obilivious to what is happening she spaces out ... and drifts in a dream like state.

Jedi_Master_Sage : Yes I am, do you want to talk? JordlVhiro >mostly thrown herself into her studies and volenteer work. Now that she had a Master, that helped alot to, she was finally getting somewhere with her training, and knew to Master Mo'oda would give her the challeneges she needed to become who she>> Elie has an office down the halland her door is open)) <eeJy> settled the paperwork down and sighed, running a hand through her blonde hair... this was insane... there was a darkness around, and it had caused her to be a little distant, half trying to place its source, but the second tap on her door brought her > JordlVhiro >is, so she can become a true Jedi.<d> Elie oops too late...dee woke up)) JordlVhiro rubs head, thinking that hurts) <eeJy> around and she smiled gently, settling her eyes onto Gage and Mo'oda "ah zorry... " she said softly "do comez in" <eeJy> : i was on a brb) Elie i'm going on one then)) Darth_Seer ~ sometime later, jara awakens to find herself laying on a rack in her old cell, shackled at her wrists and ankles, an interface plugs into her neural jack, causing her to see an artificially made environment, one that resembles one of her favourite scena 8arma_starfall has left the conversation. Darth_Seer ~ scenarios Jedi_Padawan_Gage bows his head to him. "A pleasre to meet you, Mo'oda" JordlVhiro and thats where Jordael is, need to go sorry so much stuff to do, someone hire me a maid and nanny!)) 8arma_starfall has joined the conversation. 8arma_starfall is away. Jedi_Padawan_Gage walks into Dee's room and sits in a nearby chair arma_starfall : that was a jedi trick !!! )) Brie about what sage?" she asked softly, and turned on some music, it was a classical kind... she then

settled onto a backless couch crossing one slender leg over the other Jedi_Padawan_Gage : wb Arma )) <eeJy> : aww jordy) arma_starfall : hugs gage at lest you still love me ))) JordlVhiro thinks she will move in with Dee)) Brie : no.. its bad here!) Jedi_Master_Sage : How about we learn some more about each other, I'll ask a question, then you do the same. BljarEgleHak not realising the decpetion she stays in the matrix like situation she lives in a world where she is queen and every one dose as she wants them too she has play mates that play with her... and she feels wonderful. Brie : you start then... Mood he nodded to gage and his eyes went wide as the student allowed himself in.... he bowed to Dee. "Wanted to see me, you did hmmm?" he asked as he entered. He had gotten the note the other day..... 8JordlVhiro has left the conversation. Jedi_Master_Sage : Whats your real name? Jedi_Padawan_Gage : oops...was I not supposed to?)) Jedi_Padawan_Gage : eeJay around and she smiled gently, settling her eyes onto Gage and Mo'oda "ah zorry... " she said softly "do comez in" <<< Ha, I was right )) Brie screwed her nose up at that "bastard, no fair! I hate it...... Jenine Bernadette got a last name?" Jedi_Padawan_Gage : cs)) Jedi_Padawan_Gage : done)) Jedi_Master_Sage : No, I left it on Gaia when I left to complete my training, my original name was Tan Lai Suran, the priesthood of the Sky-Seraph gives a new name to those who leave, a word or words in basic that they feel best suit them, I was then called Sage. <eeJy> raised an eyebrow as Gage entered.. maybe she needed a refresher on her basic.. "uh zorry, didz you need zomezing?" she asked the Padawan, then

smiled to Mo'oda "yez, I did Mo'oda.... it iz about padawanz... ourzz zpecifically" 8Elie has left the conversation. <eeJy> : ourz^) Darth_Seer folds his arms and smiles behind his mask as he watches on the screen what follows. he inputs some programming commands to change the scene: a digital Iorena drags Jara away when she is not in public view and begins her much needed "treatment" 8Elie has joined the conversation. urdeth : eli )) Jedi_Master_Sage : When did you come to Naboo? Jedi_Padawan_Gage walks back out. "Im sorry, I thought you wanted us to come in" He bows deeply and respectfully to her BljarEgleHak thank you palana.. her voice says... the puppet is back seer has his queen again. question is will he want to know how much information thta biljara gave the people who took her.and who they actually were Mood he nodded. he would not ask her to continue this was a discussion that was not appropriate for students... he turned to gage. It was not that Gage was not wanted.. it was just that he had no reason to be there. he smiled. "No, a meeting we have that is> Jedi_Padawan_Gage : Wb Elianne )) Brie Tan Lai Suran.. cool..." she then shifted on the couch, laying on her side to look at him "about... hmmmm five years ago now I think, can't remember...." she smirked "why Sage, coz you smell like the herb, or coz you are supposedly smart?" Elie : ty)) Jedi_Master_Sage : I've never been brave enough to ask. It sounded good at the time. <eeJy> : wb) Mood >all, and discuss it amongst students, I think Master Domont does not wish to. Nice it was to meet you Gage." he bowed. "Be with you, may the Force." he said as he rose.

Jedi_Padawan_Gage checks his watch. "Oh look, its time for my Tatooine Sunburn". He starts off for his speeder in the hanger Darth_Seer waits until jara's brainwaves indicate she is sleeping internally and uses the connection to access her memories, like reading from a computer file folder <eeJy> "Zorry.. " she said softly to Gage, then raised an eyebrow as he ran off... strange... she pushed her door closed with a soft nudge of the force... "yez, anyway..." Jedi_Padawan_Gage doesn't know wether he is coming or going )) Brie laughed softly at that... "crazy... " she said simply, and waited for his next question to her Jedi_Master_Sage : Is it true you once kissed a duma priest on a holo-thon that was raising donations for orphans? Mood he smiled. "Curious are the students here in the Praxeum." he folded his hands together after he placed his gimer stick against the guest chair at her office. His brow became wrinkled. "please continue..." BljarEgleHak it shows her torture the giveing of the name gandoff the fact that biljara coudnt remember her palana's name. it shows kym and jay both speeking enosian. Elie knows she is going...hurricane prep to do....the joy of living in FL...)) Darth_Seer rewinds at fast speeds through the memories until he stops at the right moment, he freezes the frame at the faces of kym and jay and orders a facial search to be done on the data base BljarEgleHak further on it shows her meeting up with the jedi gage and mooda and the stealing of the ship Jedi_Padawan_Gage 's head spins for trying to please Mo'oda )) <eeJy> smiled gently and let her strange aqua gaze, that held no pupils fall on Mo'oda. Her eyes almost looked like they could be blind, where as on the contrary, she had brilliant sight . She settled her hands together,

leaning her elbows on the desk, then > arma_starfall : just give a few flys )) 8Elie has left the conversation. <eeJy> her chin on her hands "wellz... I haz merely a zimple requezt of you... when it comez to my padawan" Darth_Seer disengages the memory search and looks up whatever is known of those two, jay and kym Mood : um... not that Gage.. sorry mate... we had scheduled a meeting lol thats why I'm here on a sunday )) BljarEgleHak jay is a former elder of enos he should be dead after all he was a patina but he has managed to survive the removal of the symboite that makes him really powerful he was here before the sith came .. kym is leongatha's former slave. a Na with no powers Mood he nodded. "Help in any way, I will." he owed Dee much for taking his padawan on when he left Naboo... BljarEgleHak jay is in line for the throne of enos if biljara dies Brie blinked a that... and laughed... loudly, a truly musical laugh "oh duma no! I took my shirt off...." she sounded serious... before smirking lightly "no, I really kissed Boto... everyone thought we were an item, and offered a decent amount if we kissed...> Jedi_Padawan_Gage : Np, I was just trying to follow your lead )) Jedi_Padawan_Gage walks back into the hanger, remembers Arma is there, and runs the other way)) Darth_Seer contemplates this new information and thinks of how to deal with this, after all, he could present a great threat, but more interesting is kym - she seems to move with a grace that matches those of fighting styles long thought lost Brie we would have kissed for less... coz, well, we have qualms about that stuff... and got a nice amount for the orphans. " she studied him for a long moment.. thinking of another question "is there anyone you want

to kiss... but are too scared to?" Jedi_Master_Sage : Thats not a fair question.. BljarEgleHak bijara now sleeps Mood lol... <- is not the type you wanna follow you get lost )) Mood lol)) Jedi_Master_Sage : Maybe. Darth_Seer orders the neural jack disconnected from the computer and orders for her to be chained to her pole <eeJy> "wellz" she said softly "i waz zinking, when Zapphire iz ready, couldz you pleaze take her on ze obztacle courze... i will notz fit into a back pack..." Mood he chuckled, closing his eyes. "A pack would you like me to make for her hmmm?" he asked through his internal amusment. Brie "hey, you asked me my real name, fairs fair in truth or dare buddy boy" she said with a laugh, then rose off the couch to get a drink, running a hand through her hair "want anything? and that is not my next question... plus its your turn" <eeJy> or I can haz her make it... juzt az long az it fitz you... i doez not wantz her to break her back" she said with a soft musical laugh, picturing it herself Jedi_Master_Sage : Sure, something without alcohol or high sugar content, I dehydrate quickly. Alright, I suppose there is. What sort of security measures do you have to prevent kidnapping? BljarEgleHak sleeps by the pole. not even noticing the move... she is happy BljarEgleHak : Night all)) Darth_Seer : night] BljarEgleHak : thanks seer for comming in ) Darth_Seer : np] Mood he nodded. "Very well. Patince does weaving a pack make... allow her to make it, you should. When ready you wish for me to take her through the course, let me know, you can." he nodded. "A pleasure it will be." he arched ar brow.... "But all, that is> Mood >not, I feel, for 'our padawans', did you say, and

only discussed yours, we have." 8Darth_Seer has left the conversation. Jedi_Master_Sage : c/s] 8BljarEgleHak has left the conversation. Brie got him a glass of water at that... everything else she had was alcohol or high sugar content... and she returned with the drink for him, and whiskey for herself... it did little to nothing for her anyway. She handed him the drink, then returned to her > Brie seat "I have guards outside this appartment all the time... never seen though... normally one tailing me when I go out, bodygaurds everywhere on tour, security cameras outside... uhm.. yeah... why the interest?" 8Jedi_Padawan_Gage has left the conversation. <eeJy> "you iz very obzervant my friend" she said with a soft smile, simply having nodded about the pack, she would organize that for Sapphire "yez.. Mo'oda.. tellz me what you knowz about your padawan, we had raze an interezting dizcovery wiz her today, well..> <eeJy> I alwayz did zuzpect it..." she said softly... Jedi_Master_Sage takes the glass and sips from it "because, I'm the sort of person who, if you are close to me, usually end up being one others use to try to get to me. I have enemies that can crush a windpipe with a mere thought, fire life draining energy from their> Jedi_Master_Sage > finger tips and wield lightsabers" Jedi_Master_Sage : And they would all love to use someone I care about, as a means to getting to me, what do you feel about that? Mood he bit his lip. "A calm woman she is... patient and set is her heart of becomming a Jedi I feel. Much about her history, I do not know, and found I have, that lacking in knowledge of the Jedi code she has..." Brie shrugged softly and wrapped her robe around her a little more "que sera sera" she said gently "if my times up, its up... you should know that as a jedi... I get death threats in the mail... i have stalkers, weird people... its not like my life is all >

Brie glamour and no danger.... or is that what you thought?" Jedi_Master_Sage : I knew you had fans of all kinds, sane and insane, I'm not talking about obsessed groupies. I speak of real and very powerful darksiders who all have reasons to not like me much at all. These people don't send letter bombs, they send assassins <eeJy> "we dizcovered much of her hiztory today" she said gently "mainly becauze, of my ztanding in Zoolfadian zoziety i keepz many memoriez of pazt and prezent..." she trailed off to see if Mo'oda caught on, the calmness and patience along with what dee said, > <eeJy> should at least help mo'oda understand some.. she wished him to know though, mainly incase she was ever injured... zoolfadians... can only heal with force or herbs... arma_starfall jumps into DJ's cup and molests her repeatly)) urdeth : o.O)) urdeth : that was wrong )) Jedi_Master_Sage : Have you ever met a dark jedi or sith? urdeth : oo i have!)) Mood he nodded... the hint he understood. "A zoolfadian she is hmmm?" the question was rhetorical... "Interesting. Know that, I did not." he nodded as if thinking to himself. Brie "yep" she gave dully, but didn't go on with that... he hadn't asked her to elaborate, and that was many years ago... while she was doing 'artistic photography' on coruscant "have you ever looked at a nude magazine?" <eeJy> "zuch iz important to know, az I am zure you underztand... " she said softly and leant back in her seat "we iz not human... zhe iz telepazic... and zhe haz hunter in her... ziz iz what conzernz me more zen anyzing... zhe may appear calm now, her hunter > <eeJy> appearz zilent... not az ztrong az mine... but if unleazhed, and zhe iz unprepared for zuch zudden... 'luztz' " it was the best way to put it "it couldz

zend her zomewhat mad... az it did i" Mood he nodded. "Thank you. If anything else I need to know, consult you, I most definatly will Master Domont." he nodded. This would set back her lessons considerably. He needed to embed the importance of Controlling emotion to his padawan, and he was glad > Mood >that he was notifed. Jedi_Master_Sage : I've seen them, but never poured through the pages. I did however, look carefully at one issue of play-sith. I was aiding in the search of a missing model, I thought I recognised a tatoo on a slave who was bought at an auction on Ryloth, the magazine help Jedi_Master_Sage : helped me identify the tatoo Brie play sith hey..." she raised an eyebrow at that, and then sipped her drink Jedi_Master_Sage : Have you ever posed for such a magazine? <eeJy> "zhe may not ever faze what I did Mo'oda.. I only hope zhe doez not... but, it iz better to be prepared, zen... not, like I waz" she said softly, her gaze not shifting off the small jedi "and yez, I iz alwayz around to conzult zhouldz you need any help> <eeJy> wiz her... I alzo wizh to azk you... if i may teach her more about her heritage.. zhe iz your padawan, I doez not wizh to ztep on your toez... today zough, zhe dizcovered her origionz herzelf" Brie nooded softly "mmmhmmm" she said looking slightly embarassed "i was in desperate need of some funds... and I did several magazines like that... why? want a copy?" Mood he nodded and appeared to be in thought. After a moment he spoke. "A good idea, I think it is for her to know her heritage. Only then, control it she will be able to. And thank you for notifing me. Spend for time on her lessons on emotion, I shall." he > Mood >nodded. Mood : <- gotta jet)) Jedi_Master_Sage : No thats alright, I had enough of those holo-mails, after the first seven, I put your address on auto

delete <eeJy> nodded softly..."zuch iz good zen... and not a problem... i zought it bezt you know" she nodded again to him, so he knew the convo was over <eeJy> : kk cya moodles) Jedi_Master_Sage : lates] Mood he bowed. Funny how well they knew each other. He bowed, knowing as soon as she did when they were finished discussing matters. He rose and said "Be with you, may the Force, Master Domont." he smiled "And thank you." Brie I didn't!" she protested trying to act innocent... "ok, well i thought you needed help melting" Mood : cya all)) Mood : )) <eeJy> nodded softly, and pulled the door open with the force for Mo'oda "and wiz you" Mood he nodded and walked out of her office, heading to the meditation chambers to consult the Force about this new revalation. He could tell something else was bothering Dee, but it was subtle, and she hid it well. If he had not known her better, it would > Mood >have completly been lost to him. He had decided not to inquire... as Gage had said. Somethings are better left alone. He did not wish to pry. Mood : bye!)) 8Mood has left the conversation. Jedi_Master_Sage waits for the next question arma_starfall : will you have my babys sage ?)) Jedi_Master_Sage : i would, but bernie would kill me]] Brie yes, i would) Brie it was actually his turn to ask a question Jedi_Master_Sage : oh thats right its my turn, did you grow up on Iego 7? Brie der..." she said softly, and frowned a little "not really, i was shifted from home to home at a young age... sometimes Iego 7 sometimes to another planet.. no one really wanted me for more than a few months... guess I was too crazy...." she slayed down >

Brie on the couch, resting her head on her arm to look at him "apart from what you told me today... when was the last time, you were truly scared?" Jedi_Master_Sage looks down and replies softly "It was when I had learned of Epsilon's death. I had feared losing control if I had seen Jancin. He didn't just kill Epsilon, he did so after I had given him my trust. I trusted him to be a protecting husband for her> Jedi_Master_Sage : > I was afraid of how far I'd go to see him pay for what he did.. were you an orphan? Brie "wow.. sorry..." she said softly "though, it is understandable... I mean... i think anyone would have felt the same...." she shook her head softly at his question "nope... my parents abandoned me... dumped me on a doorstep... said good bye, never saw > Brie them again.. i was 4... still remember it too... never did get it... what's your favourite colour?" 8mperorThunderraft has joined the conversation. 8mperorThunderraft is away. Jedi_Master_Sage : David] Brie : bad dude) mperorThunderraft : Bernie...and who's bad?!, Sage)) Jedi_Master_Sage : The gleam of moonlight on an ebony long sword on Voralyn 4, the twin moons, gold and silver, create a pattern few can imagine Brie : you are!) Brie : sounds pretty... Jedi_Master_Sage : Have you ever tried to contact them? Brie shook her head softly "no... didn't see the point" Brie hmm" she sipped her drink again, and thought a little "whats the one thing you have always wanted to do... but never did?" urdeth : wow sage that was... poetic...geeky...but poetic)) Brie smacks urd) Jedi_Master_Sage : thanks I think ] Brie it was beautiful...) urdeth gets smacked and cries)) Jedi_Master_Sage : Stop Lianna from dying. I could have

saved her, but I couldn't bring myself to kill the Dark King. When she threw herself before the energy attack he used against me, she had sealed her fate. If I had been willing to kill the Dark King sooner, she would Jedi_Master_Sage : have been spared Jedi_Master_Sage : Whats about you? Brie lostened quietly to him, and frowned, it was so sad... she then studied him at his question "found a real.. lasting relationship... I always choose wrong, be them male or female... I fall for the same traps everytime" Brie : listened^) Jedi_Master_Sage nods and finishes the water "I think its time I got some rest" he stands "its actually nearly 7am... even I never stay up this late" 8Kym has joined the conversation. Jedi_Master_Sage : kym] Brie "yeah, probably a good idea" she said softly, and rose off the couch... "thanks for seeing me home" she went to pick up his glass, pulling her wings in tight as not to bump him with them Jedi_Master_Sage he moves to the door, backstepping to it "its alright, I actually had a good evening" he summons his cloak to his arm with the force as he opens the door Kym makes her way to the terrace Brie "what? even with me yelling at you?" she asked softly, and straighted up... tipping her head slightly The chat's topic has changed to: The storm is over, enjoy the rainbow! urdeth yawns not noticing any movement he just sips his tequila Kym shoots at teh cutsy little rainbow)) Jedi_Master_Sage smiles "that was when you got my attention" he replies stepping out of the doorway "i'll see you soon" he says, willing himself to leave urdeth takes the pot a gold at the end)) Brie smirked slightly at that, and turned from the door as he backed out "night, morning, whatever... see

ya round" Jedi_Master_Sage backs out of the door and goes to close it on his way out "Likewise" Kym frowns walking over to damion, raising an eyebrow at his drink "how much have you had?" urdeth shrugs "i dunno" he takes another sip it was more then half gone already Kym takes the glass and passes it to ron sighing urdeth leans the chair back on two legs "so wazzup?" Brie was really confused now... and she placed the glasses in the sink, then went to the window to watch him leave... sure the blinds hid her... Jedi_Master_Sage walks away from the apartment, stopping to take a look to the window, thinking she won't see him pause like this, before he force leaps away.. Brie saw him look back at the window and ran a hand through her hair, before turning away as he left, and moved off to her bed... crawling between the covers... she would think some before sleeping...

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