8Caıth - Dusat™ has returned. βσŧσ: Wraith

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Wraith walks towards the Palace Terrace, the trail of his long coat billows in the breeze behind

him as he nears.. 8Cath_Dusat has returned. : Liam) Wraith : Boto] Cath_Dusat was well kinda upside down in a one handed hand stand in one corner of the Terrace her back pressed firmly against the wall her hair hanging freely down to the floor her free arm extended up along beside her body her eyes firmly closed as she focused> Cath_Dusat her breathing was slow and shallow it would seem as though she was severly distracted however she was very aware of the area around her and those occupying it Wraith looks about the mostly empty Terrace and orders a soda from the bar, as he decides where to sit, he stops seeing Caith in her somewhat impressive stance, he smiles and heads towards her "hey, whats up?" Cath_Dusat grinned from her upside down position her eyes still closed as she simply stated "the galaxy last time I checked" Wraith : If you're upside down, wouldn't that mean from your point of view, the ground is up? Cath_Dusat : no because up is anything above your head regardless of weither you head towards the ceiling or the floor Wraith : True that, mind if I buy you a drink? Cath_Dusat : depends is there an alterior motive behind it? Wraith : Yeah, I want to see if you can drink it upside down Cath_Dusat 's sparkling green eyes slowly opened as she looked to Wraith "very funny" Wraith laughs softly as he sits down on a chair near Caith "Much been happening lately?" Cath_Dusat : nothing major that I've noticed recently though if you ask certain people here they might say I've been away with the faieries Wraith leans back in his chair as he takes a sip of his soda "you'd be amazed how many girls I know love to hang out with those people" Cath_Dusat tumbled forwards in a roll till her feet settled on the floor she then manuevered herself upright till she was standing up and then moved to a chair and slipped into it "which people are they exactly?" Wraith : The faieries of course Cath_Dusat : that depends on weither their drug induced or illusions I suppose Wraith : Are you on either? Cath_Dusat : not the last time I checked then again certain people would suggest that I need to be locked up Wraith : And who would suggest that? There's locked up and then there's locked up Cath_Dusat : this would be locked up with a pretty nifty tight white jacket I'd believe Wraith : On some worlds, you get locked up like that for saying that world isn't the center of the universe, on others, refusing to marry by the age of 21 is punishable by having such a coat surgically attached to you Cath_Dusat : eh well to others it would appear that I am consistently talking to myself Wraith : thats nothing to worry about, at least you're never lonely Cath_Dusat : trust me thats truer than you think Wraith : Oh? Do tell! I'd buy you a drink just to hear that tale Cath_Dusat : honestly? I'm not sure you believe most don't Wraith : Try me. 8The_J has joined the conversation. Wraith : jester]

8The_J has left the conversation. 8Alec_Rchards has joined the conversation. KON_Justin_Callahan : wb) Alec_Rchards : gah can't sleep) Alec_Rchards : ty)) 8Alec_Rchards is away. Wraith : alec] Wraith sips some more of his drink as he listens Cath_Dusat : ok as a child I was taken from my family to be used in some sort of ritual however during the ritual something went very wrong and things didn't work out quite how the person running it expected and instead of them ressurrecting some long dead evil > Alec_Rchards : wraith , boto , justin , caith , ave ) Cath_Dusat : person I instead ended up with a dead Jedi opting to take up residence within me Cath_Dusat : Alec )) : Alec) Wraith : Yeah thats pretty weird, any idea why the jedi didn't just merge into the force or is it bound to you by the ritual somehow? Cath_Dusat : honestly I have no clue and he's just as stumped by it Wraith : Must be handy to have a jedi around alot like that Cath_Dusat : at times yes and he's quite a good teacher despite the fact he's dead Alec_Rchards sits in one of the tent's cleaning out his blasters and such Wraith : Now I get what you meant by training, so you're a jedi student then? Cath_Dusat : no not exactly Paen seems insistant that I could be a padawan if I chose to be but I just can't be stuffed really so instead he's opted to teach me to use the force in a manner that aids my melee fighting style Alec_Rchards starts putting th pieces of his blasters back together yawning just another day,heh Wraith : Cool, I've done some teras kasi training, what kind of style do you use? Cath_Dusat : my father taught me that but it was a while ago Wraith : Still, martial style with force aided speed and reflexes must be pretty helpful in a fight Cath_Dusat : it is it also helps with my melee weaponry partially too Wraith : I take it the frequent calesthenics are part of the training Cath_Dusat : it's something my mother taught me to help me balance myself and relax and recharge Alec_Rchards snaps his last blaster together slipping them back into their holsters and stands from the table heading out to walk around tentopia Wraith nods "I did hear about something like what you described happen on Yavin 4, strange world that moon is" Cath_Dusat 's eyes went blank for a brief instant as her voice lowered to a distinct growl "do not mention that world in her presence again" Wraith : ok... noted, my bad Wraith : Whats with the voice pitch change? Cath_Dusat 's head shook slightly as she blinked looking to Wraith "you just met the ever present pain in my backside known as Jedi Master Paen Scott" Wraith : Nice to meet him, whats he got against that forest moon.. aside from it being where a huge sith temple is located? Cath_Dusat : because thats where we were joined and he was none too happy about the manner of our joining so to speak or the condition I was left in Wraith : Got it. Still living inside you must be better than being trapped in some darksider's penthouse, he must've been trapped to not be one with the force and all

Cath_Dusat : he doesn't speak about it really so I have no idea when I try to discuss it I dunno somehow I can sense it's painful for him to discuss it Wraith : Sorry. Does he act like a built in chaperone? Cath_Dusat : pretty much his like a portable father older brother rolled into one whom I can never slip away from though he does allow me times of privacy from time to time when I really need them Wraith : I guess a jedi shouldn't take advantage of mirrors when you step out of the shower Cath_Dusat : not really what I meant but you get the jist of it

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