Examen Norovirus

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Restaurant, Bar & Room Service Level X (Foodborne Illness & Norovirus Procedures)

1 How many people reporting illness from food served constitutes a Foodborne Illness Outbreak?

para determinar un brote de una enfermedad transmitida por alimentos, cuántos individuos deben ser reportados con enfermos?
A. Twenty
B. Two
C. Ten
D. Four
2 How often are the Foodborne Illness Outbreak Notification documents updated?

cada cuánto tiempo deben actualizarse todos los registros de control de enfermedades transmitidas por alimentos?
A. At least once every year
B. When an outbreak occurs
C. Every 2 years
D. Every 5 years
3 In the case of allergies, symptoms can be:
en casos de reacciones alérgicas, los síntomas pueden ser:
A. Slow to develop
B. Undetected
C. Life threatening and immediate
D. None of the above
4 Cases of two or more guests experiencing gastroenteritis, including repeated vomiting should be treated as_______. Select ALL that apply.
Los casos en los que dos o más huéspedes experimenten gastroenteritis, incluyendo vómito constante deben ser tratados como...
A. An allergic reaction
B. A possible Norovirus Outbreak
C. A possible Foodborne Illness Outbreak
D. Any of the above
5 What is the first action that should be taken when notified of a potential foodborne illness outbreak?
Cuál es la primera acción a tomar al identificar un potencial brote de enfermedad transmitida por alimentos?
A. Notify the GM, Director of F&B/Operations and Executive Chef or their representatives
Notify the local hospital

Call Marriott Global Food Safety Hotline

Wait until further notifications
6 When gathering detailed information, they should be:
Al reunir información detallada, ésta deberá ser:
As specific and complete as possible

Concise with only the most important information


Only communicated when every field on the investigation form is complete


Shared with Marriott Global Safety

7 When should the GM or his designee forward the completed information to Global Food Safety?
Cuándo deberá enviar la información el GM o su representante a la Global Food Safety?

Within 24 hours of the initial notification

Within 12 hours of the initial notification
Within 4 hours of the initial notification
Within 48 hours of the initial notification
8 What should be done with any foods related to the reported incident?
Qué debe hacerce con todo aquel alimento relacionado con el incidente reportado?
Collect and store in a secure and tamper-proof refrigerated area.

Wrap items in an airtight plastic wrap and refrigerate below 7 degrees Celsius (44.6 degrees Fahrenheit).
Label the item with the date and time frozen.
D. All of the above
9 If you do not receive a personal response after reporting to the Marriott Culinary Food Safety Hotline or Dr. Robert Strong at Steritech within 12 hours, what
should you do?
si no recibes respuesta en forma personal después de haber reportado a la Marriott Culinary Food Safety Hotline o al Dr. Robert Strong en
Steritech dentro de doce horas, que deberás hacer?
A. Call the initial notifier to inform the report has been cancelled.
B. Call Dr. Strong's listed telephone number.
Consider the incident finished.
Call your RVP/Director of Operations.
10 Why should you discuss an investigation with a Marriott Corporate representative before discussing with guests, associates, or with the media?
Por qué deberás discutir con algún representante de Marriott Corporate cualquier información o investigación antes que con huéspedes,
asociados y medios de comunicación?
To provide more time for investigation.
B. For insurance purposes.

Misinformation can compromise not only the facts but also the resolution of the alleged incident.

To inform that we have contacted the local hospital for further advice
11 True or False: DO contact guests that have personally reported illness--express empathy without accepting blame.
V / F: Contacta a tus huéspedes que personalmente hayan reportado alguna enfermadad, expresa empatía sin asumir la responsabilidad.
12 True or False: Do Not notify other hotel guests that are not involved in the incident through announcements or letters concerning the potential outbreak,
unless advised by Marriott Claims, Public Relations or Global Food Safety.
V/F NO notificar a los huéspedes de otros hoteles que no relacionados en el incidente através de anuncios o cartas relativas a un potencial brote a
menos que sea recomendado por el departamento responsable.
13 Which of the following applies to Norovirus?

Highly contagious and causes flu-like symptoms, including vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps and low-grade fever.

altamente contagioso y causa síntomas parecidos a la gripe incluyendo vómito, diarrea, calambres abdominales y fiebre moderada

Symptoms usually persist for 36-48 hours.


People are contagious at least 3 days after recovery.

D. All of the above
14 What should an associate do if infected with Norovirus?

Stay home, rest and drink fluids
Return to work as soon as symptoms subside
C. Both a and b
D. B only
15 What are the BEST ways to protect yourself from Norovirus?

Wash your hands often.
B. Carry a hand sanitizer
C. Avoid enclosed areas where infection is present
D. All of the above
16 How many levels are identified in the Norovirus Protocol documentation?

A. 1
B. 2
17 What are the most important preparations & prevention actions identified in Norovirus Preparedness?

A. Stocking of supplies, training and Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan

B. Using an alcohol based cleaner, training and a good relationship with the local health authority
Effective hand washing and sanitary practices.
D. A and C.
18 True or False: Norovirus is NOT an influenza

19 What are the symptoms of Norovirus?

A. Rapid onset of vomiting


B. Non-bloody diarrhea
C. Low-grade fever
D. All of the above
20 How is Norovirus spread?

A. Unwashed fruits and vegetables

B. Feces and vomit of infected persons
C. Infected meat products
D. None of the above
21 What is the most effective way of preventing the spread of Norovirus?

A. Hand washing carefully and frequently

Visiting the doctor regularly
Keeping all foods within safe temperature guidelines
D. Keeping all work surfaces clean
22 What action should be taken with associates who complain of or exhibit symptoms of gastrointestinal sickness?
Qué acciones deben tomarse con un asociado que acusa o presenta síntomas de una enfermedad gastrointestinal?
They are sent home for the day

They are allowed to continue working while ill

They are sent home and restricted from work until cleared by a doctor
They are immediately sent to the hospital
23 What incidence constitutes a Level Two Outbreak?

A. Four or more areas are soiled, and more than 10 guests have specific Norovirus symptoms.
B. One guest or associate reports vomiting multiple times
There are reports of multiple flu-like symptoms in the immediate area of your property.
Two or more areas are soiled, or up to 4 guests or associates report vomiting multiple times.
24 How long should Level Three procedures be maintained in the event of a Norovirus outbreak?
Por cuánto tiempodeben mantenerse los procedimientos del Nivel Tres ante un eventual Brote de norovirus?
A. Until the guests check out, or the associate is off the property.
B. Until the outbreak is contained, the hotel is disinfected and the health authority confirms that the virus is no longer a threat.
For 6 months following the outbreak
D. Until notified by the MOD
25 What actions should the first responder take for a Level One Potential Outbreak?
Cuál es la acción a tomar del responsable inmediato para el Nivel Uno Brote Potencial?
A. Strongly recommend that the individual seek medical attention as soon as possible and notifies their supervisor of the situation.
Recomendar la inmediata valoración médica tan pronto como sea posible y notificar a sus superiores de la situación
B. Calls security who calls an ambulance for the individual
Sends the individual to the local hospital.
26 What is the required product for cleaning up vomit or other body excretion?

A. Bleach.
Body Fluid Spill Clean-up Kit.
Detergent and water.
D. Norovirus Clean-up Kit.
27 When should a command center be set up?
Cuándo deberá ser instalado un cenrtro de control?
A. In the event of a Level Three Potential Outbreak.
In the event of a Level Two Potential Outbreak.
In the event of a Level One Potential Outbreak.
In the event of strong media presence.
28 During a Level Three Norovirus Potential Outbreak, which of the following should occur?

An advisory is sent to all associates to wash their hands at least once per hour.
Water supply is immediately tested to ensure safe.
C. Ensure that all HAACP and food preparation records and documents are secured.
D. All of the above actions.
29 Why is it important to develop speaking points to deal with questions from guests and the media?
por qué es importante desarrolar puntos de discusión para tratar con las preguntas de huéspedes y los medios?
To postpone bad publicity.
To cover up an incident.
To ensure no information is given unintentionally which can be misinterpreted and harmful to the investigation and/or the hotel operation.
To postpone conflicts.
30 Why is it important to be familiar with all the training and procedures relative to Foodborne Illness and Norovirus outbreaks?

A. Because it is corporate policy.

Because immediate action is essential to effectively address these situations.
C. Because the hotel is audited on this.
Because guests require this.

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