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Consulate General of Pakistan

Eschenbachstrasse 28, 60596 Frankfurt am Main Tel. 069-69867850 Fax. 069-698678517 Passport Form B For persons below 12 years
I, the undersigned hereby apply for an International Passport on behalf of my minor child/ ward for travel abroad and give the required information below:
Name 1. Mr./Mrs./Miss Day 2. Date of Birth 3. Place of Birth Village/town First Middle

Attach four coloured photographs Size 2x2


Month Tehsil

Year District

(In Words) Province Country

4. Sex



5. Nationality By Birth By Descent

6. Profession By Migration Date . 11. Date of Issue

7. Religion By Registration/ Naturalization No. -

8. Whether Pakistani (tick the box Applicable)

9. Child Registration Certificate/ National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis No. 10. Place of Issue 12. Permanent Address in Pakistan

13. Present address & telephone No. in Germany

Particulars of Childs/ Wards Father/Guardian Father Legal Guardian 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Name (block letters) Address Profession Place of birth Whether Pakistani National

By Birth By Descent By Migration (Date ) By Registration/ Naturalization No.

By Birth By Descent By Migration (Date ) By Registration/ Naturalization No.

19. For subjects of State of Jammu and Kashmir Place and period of continuous residence in Pakistan / Azad Kashmir of Father/ Legal Guardian

For official use only i) ii) iii) iv) In person/A/L . P.V./Exempted N.I.C. seen and punched/ already punched Int/Appear to be Pak National Authority .. Name
Signature & Thumb impression of child/ ward

Declaration 20. I declare on solemn affirmation as under: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) To the best of my knowledge and belief the information given in this application is correct. I am fully aware that by making a statement which is not true, I will render myself liable to prosecution under the law. I & my child/ ward have not lost the status of Pakistan national/ subject of the State of Jammu & Kashmir He/ She has not previously held/ applied for a passport of any description or been refused passport facilities. All previous passports granted to him/ her have been surrendered other than the passport or travel document noted below which is now attached and that I have made no other application for a passport since the attached passport or travel document was issued to him/ her.

(a) Number of attached passport/ travel document (b) Date of Issue

(c) Place of Issue

The passport as per details given below has been lost. In the event of its coming again into possession I undertake to return it to the Regional Passport Office. a) Passport No. b) Date of Issue c) Place of Issue d) Circumstances under which Passport was lost or destroyed


Signature & thumb impression (with name in block letters of Parent/ Legal Guardian in indelible ink)

Declaration in case of Muslims I .. s/o ... age years, adult Muslim, resident of hereby solemnly declare that:(i) (ii) (iii) I am a Muslim and believe in the absolute and unqualified finality of the Prophethood of Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) - the last of the Prophets. I do not recognize any person who claims to be a prophet in any sense of the word or of any description whatsoever after Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) or recognize such a claimant as a prophet or a religious reformer as a Muslim. I consider Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Quadiani to be an impostor nabi and also consider his followers whether belonging to the Lahori or Quadiani group to be Non-Muslim.


Signature & thumb impression (with name in block letters of the Parent/ Guardian in indelible ink)

FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY No. of passport issued Date of Issue .. Date up to which passport is valid Authority . Name .. ... Requirements for new passport a) Original passport of child/parent along with its photo copy b) Four passport size coloured photographs with light blue background c) Original Child Registration Form (CRC)/ National Identity card for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP) with one photocopy d) Original passport fee receipt with bank stamp (Fee for ordinary passport is 45/- Fee for urgent passport 110/-Passport fee may be deposited in National Bank of Pakistan. Account No. 89091110, BLZ No. 50130000 Passport fee is non-refundable. Online banking is not acceptable) e) In case the application is being sent by post a self addressed registered envelop for return of documents bearing postage stamps of 3.50 may also be sent. The Consulate General takes no responsibility for loss of documents sent by post f) For lost passport all available documents including police report with personal appearance.

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