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If you look to me, I look to you.

"OM SAI MA Give me strength to serve you with sacrifice

Sai Baba of Shirdi or Shirdi Sai Baba

(c. September 27, 1838 - October 15, 1918),

born under an unknown name, was an Indian guru and fakir, who is regarded by his Hindu and Muslim followers as a saint. In his life and teachings he tried to embrace and reconcile both faiths: Sai Baba lived in a mosque, was buried in a Hindu temple, embraced Hindu and Muslim practices,

and taught using words and figures that drew from both
traditions. One of his well known epigrams says of God:

"Allah Malik" ("GOD is the Owner of us All.")


Sai started an ever-burning dhuni fire, and distributed its udhi (ash) among his followers. (Ash has symbolic meaning in Hinduism.) He often demanded money (dakshina) from his visitors, which he gave away to others the same day. Followers believe that this action was meant to help them be rid of greed and material attachment.

Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi, to His devotees, has come to stay as Para Brahma Swarupa' (God Incarnate), Supreme Spirit, Primary Cause of the universe and Pure Consciousness. Baba lived a saintly life at Shirdi during the period 1858-1918. His actions are unique in nature, diverse in purpose and different in character. Baba showered His grace on the devotees in multiple ways: to some He appeared in dreams, to some in physical form and to selective few He showed His Godly form (Self).

Human being is subjected to `Karma' for his actions in the past lives as well as the present one. It is cumulative in effect. Redemption from `Karma' in its duration, magnitude and intensity is in the hands of God. As such, faith in God and prayer to Him are essential to eliminate `Karma'. `Namasmarana is one of the potent sadhanas which washes off `Karma'. Complete annihilation of `Karmic action', arrests rebirth and thus builds-up a state of liberation -freedom from `Karma'. It is only through complete elimination of `Karma', the soul ceases to have any further life and merges with the Lord (God).

Sri Sai Baba never revealed any information

regarding His parents, place of birth caste or

religion. People hailed Him as Saint and Aualia.

He did not even reveal His name, if any,

consecrated by his parents. When He came to

Shirdi with a marriage party. Sri Mahalsapathi, a

priest in a local Khandoba temple welcomed Him

saying 'Ayeeye Sai. The word Sai meant Swamy.

Ever since, He was known as Sai Baba.


He used to stay in an old Maszid which He

named as "Dwarakamai" and He planted a Tulsi

plant in the Maszid. This plant is referred by

Hindus as a sacred plant. He burnt a holy fire

before Him in the Maszid and distributed 'Udi

(ashes) to alias prasad this prasad gives miraculous benefits to the devotees even to this day. For Him Mandir and Maszid were equally sacred places for worship. Ram and Rahim were on a Him.

Sri Sai Baba advised his devotees to bear Nishta

{faith} and Saboori (patience) and remember His

name. He said that those who visit His Samadhi at

Shirdi would be able to end their vows. He preached

love, tolerance and respect to other religions. His

sayings are in agreement with all the scriptures of all religions. Regular reading of the sayings of Sri Sai Baba and His sacharitra will free one and all from mental tensions and worldly worries and provide peace and desirelessness.

In the present day world, with several stresses playing dominant role on the physical and mental framework, human being is looking forward to develop the inner spirit. For this purpose, control of body and mind are essential through meditation. Similarly, soul needs to be uplifted and purified through prayer and meditation. Namasmarana is a kind of prayer by way of repeating the name of God (Sai).

The process of chanting the precious name of God (`Om Sai Ram' or `Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai', Allah Malik, Baba and so on) with pure heart is one of the important steps in Sadhana. It has tremendous spiritual potential and almost takes a `Sadhaka' nearer to the final goal of God realisation. Ultimately, the total effect of "Namasmarana" results in the development of an "elevated soul".

Human being is subjected to `Karma' for his actions in the past lives as well as the present one. It is cumulative in effect. Redemption from `Karma'

in its duration, magnitude and intensity is in the

hands of God. As such, faith in God and prayer to

Him are essential to eliminate `Karma'.

`Namasmarana is one of the potent sadhanas

which washes off `Karma'.


Complete annihilation of `Karmic action', arrests

rebirth and thus builds-up a state of liberation --

freedom from `Karma'. Then only, the soul ceases

to have any further life and merges with the Lord (God). Soul is like an uncut diamond. Just as a diamond needs to be cut and polished on several edges and faces to reveal its true brillance, so also the soul needs to be purified through various steps of `Sadhana' -- prayer, penance, sacrifice, service and surrender to the 12 Lord (Baba).

Single elevated (evolved) soul saves the sins of millions of people. As such, evolution of millions of people. As such, evolution or

upliftment of the soul is important in the

process of God realisation. Sacrifice and

surrender to the Lord (God) are needed for

salvation of the soul. Desires of the body

have to be suppressed through meditation to

brighten the soul.

The only hope and path for deliverence of the soul

from bondage to the body and rebirth is prayer.

Wisdom derived through `Sadhana put into

practice salvages the soul for eternal bliss.

Through `Sadhana', one can also awaken the

Divinity within and free the soul from bondage.

The process in totality, if pursued, would

help complete merger of the soul with the

Almighty (`Moksham').

* "Divinity within has to be awakened,

*For this, sacrifice from human being

is needed in many ways,

*Elevated soul through sacrifice finds

a place with the Lord,

*This is the ultimate goal of life -- this

life or repetition of lives".


1. Whosoever puts their feet on Shirdi soil, their sufferings will come to an end. 2. The wretched and miserable will rise to joy and happiness as soon as they climb the steps of the mosque. 3. I shall be ever active and vigorous even after leaving this earthly body. 4. My tomb shall bless and speak to the needs of my devotees. 5. I shall be active and vigorous even from my tomb. 6. My mortal remains will speak from my tomb.

7. I am ever living to help and guide all who come to me, who surrender to me and who seek refuge in me. 8. If you look to me, I look to you. 9. If you cast your burden on me, I shall surely bear it. 10. If you seek my advice and help, it shall be given to you at once. 11. There shall be no want in the house of my devotee.


1. No harm shall befall him who sets his foot on the soil of Shirdi. 2. He who cometh to My Samadhi, his sorrow and suffering shall cease. 3. Though I be no more in flesh and blood, I shall ever protect My devotees. 4. Trust in Me and your prayer shall be answered. 5. Know that My Spirit is immortal. Know this for


6. Show unto Me he who sought refuge and been turned

7. In whatever faith men worship Me, even so do I render

to them.
8. Not in vain is My Promise that I shall ever lighten your burden. 9. Knock, and the door shall open. Ask and ye shall be granted. 10. To him who surrenders unto Me totally I shall be ever indebted.

11. Blessed is he who has become one with Me. 19

"The seat for Guru (Spiritual Master) and Daivam (God) is the heart of the devotee. If that seat is worshiped with special prayer (Abhishekam) with emphasis on `Namajapam', the soul gets purified. This brings the devotee nearer to God. Human being merges with Lord Almighty with the purification of the soul. That is salvation of the soul -- `Moksham'."

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