Test (Relative Clause)

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Test ( Relative clause )

I/ Complete the sentences ,put in Whose,Who,Which or That only if you have to.Put a stick(!) if the sentence is correct without a relative pronoun. 1. Mary,sits next year to me, is good at maths. 2. Thats the man ..Nelly gave the money to. 3. Is this the ring..you were looking for? 4. An orphant is a child .parents are dead. 5. Colin told me about his new job,.hes enjoying very much. 6. This morning I met somebodyI hadnt seen for ages. 7. My office ,.is on the second floor of the building ,is very small. 8. The people.we met at the party were very friendly. 9. Amy,.car had broken down,was in a very bad mood. 10. The man..repaired my car is a real expert. 11. The detective lost sight of the man he was following. 12. The car ..won the race looked very futuristic. 13. Is this article you were interested in. 14. Thats Jack, lives next door. 15. I thought I recognized the assistant..served us. II/Use relative pronoun to combine each pair of sentences .Put in the commas where necessary 1. Ann is very friendly .She lives next door. 2. The man is a famous actor.You met him at the party last night. 3. There are some words.They are very difficult to translate. 4. The sun provides us with heat and light .It is one of millions of stars in the universe. 5. Students will be punished .Their homework is late.

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6. I was looking for book this morning .Ive found it now . 7. Is that the car?.You want to buy it . 8. Sandra woks in advertising.You were talking to her. 9. Lake Prespa is a lonely beautiful lake.Its on the north Greek border 10. The little girl ate sweets the whole way.She sat next to me on the coach. 11. Is Zedco a company? It was taken over last year. 12. Felix Reeve is a journalist.His tape recorder was stolen. 13. This famous picture is worth thousand of pounds. It was damaged during the war . 14. I dont know the name of the women .I spoke to her on the phone. 15. We often go to visit our friend in Bristol.It is only 30 miles away . III/Choose the correct answer or answers. 1.Yoko told me about students..have taken the entrance exam 13 times. a. Who b.whom c.which d.that 2.The secretary.I talked to didnt know where the meeting was a. Which b.whom c.x d.that 3.You need to talk to a person.you can trust.You will feel better if you do. a. Which b.whose c.whom d.x 4.Bod is the kind person toone can talk about anything. a. Who b.whom c.that d.him 5.He is a person friends trust him. a. Who b.his c.whose d.that 6.Im looking for an electric can opener..also can sharpen knives.

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a. Who b.x c.which d.that 7.People .live in glass house shoudnt throw stones. a. Who b.whom c.which d.x 8.The problemTony has seen insurmountable. a. What b.he c.x d.that 9.The man I introduced you to last night may be the next president of the university. a. x b.whom c.which d.that 10.Cathy is trustworthy. She is person upon .you van always depend. a. Who b.whom c.x d.that 11.Your career should focus on a field in.you are genuinely interested. a. Which b.what c.x d.that 12.People outlook on life is optimistic are usually happy people. a. Whose b.whom c.which d.that 13.Miss Linda ,..teaches linguistics at the university , recently received recognition for her research. a. Who b.whom c.which d.that 14.The earth,.i the fifth largest planet in the solar system, is the third planet from the son. a. Who b.whom c.which d.that 15.The check.I gave Oliver was for work hed done for me. a. Who b.x c.which d.that 16.Hung was looking after dogleg had been broken in an accident. a. Whose b.x c.which d.that 17.One of people arrested was Mary,.is a member of the local council. a. Who b.x c.whom d.that 18.The Titanic,..sank in 1922, was supposed to be unsinkable. a. Whose b.that c.which d.x 19.The newpaper is owned by the Mearson Group, chair man is Sir James . a. Who b.whose c.which d.that 20.She one of the few people toI look up. a. Who b.whom c.x d.that

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