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1412 W. Swallow Road

Fort Collins, CO 80526
Pastor Ralph Patrick
Deaconess Claire Rueffer
May 31, 2009
Day of Pentecost



We give thanks to God that you are joining us today!

Many of our guests are seeking a home church where they
can be part of the Fellowship of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Peace with Christ is a congregation that is a family not an
“organization”. We are small enough to allow people to
know each other by name, and yet large enough to offer
opportunities for growth and service. What we “specialize”
in is not programs or productions, but simply The Gospel
of Our Lord Jesus. Christ, His Word, and the Cross are
what provide the foundation for faith and ministry. If you
are interested in learning more about Peace With Christ
Lutheran Church, please call the church office at 226-4721.
Pastor Patrick would welcome the opportunity to visit with
you personally.
THE TIME before the service may be used for prayer and preparation.
Read through the worship bulletin and familiarize yourself with the service.
A few moments spent this way will help make the service more meaningful.


“Christianity Is Losing” Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ken
Klaus. The Christian Church has suffered reversals and
setbacks. Is Christianity losing? (John 3:1-17) Listen
to The Lutheran Hour Message on KOA, Denver
(AM850) at 6:00 a.m. and KFKA, Greeley (AM1310)
at 9:30 a.m.

Peace With Christ Radio Broadcast: KCOL (600AM), at 9:00 AM


Messages will be centered around this Theme: “The Gifts of
May 24—“The Gift of The Truth.”
May 31—“The Gift of The Holy Spirit”

JUNE 15TH - 19TH


SUPPLIES NEEDED: 140 empty paper towel rolls, 3 packages brown

paper lunch bags, Roman soldier gear, 3 tents/ awnings for outside,
and picnic blankets for under awnings.

VBS SNACKS: If you would like to furnish snacks for Vacation Bible
School, please sign up on the poster in the narthex and take the
coordinating “sticky” as a reminder/shopping aid. We appreciate your
LWML June Meeting
Ann Rodenbeck will host brunch at her house…Saturday, June 6th at
10am. Ann will provide the main dish and Karen Buchleiter will offer
devotions. Please bring a favorite side dish to share! See the LWML
bulletin board for directions & carpooling info.

♦ LWML’s first mission project this summer will benefit Lisa

Beckendorf, a missionary with Lutheran Bible Translators stationed
in Botswana, Africa. Months ago, we raised enough for Lisa to
purchase a sewing machine. Next? Notions! Envelopes are avail-
able in the Sunshine Hall for your monetary gifts through June.
♦ Norma Thaemert will participate in a Mission Walk during
LWML’s 33rd Biennial Convention held June 25- June 28th in
Portland, Oregon. Money raised will help fund mission projects
chosen at this national event. See Norma to pledge your support!
♦ The recipient of LWML’s 2009 Holiday Craft Fair proceeds will be
Stephen Heimer. Stephen is currently studying at Concordia Semi-
nary in St. Louis to become an LCMS pastor like his father, Rever-
end Karl Heimer of Ysleta Mission.
♦ The next LWML Executive Board meeting will be Monday, June
1st beginning at 6pm in the home of Cheryl Harsen.

TAG - June 2nd at 11:30am

We will meet at the church at 11:30am and carpool to Gate-
way Natural Area for a picnic. It is 5.2 miles up Poudre Can-
yon and is wheelchair accessible. Bring a dish to share. Also
bring lawn chairs and outdoor games. Tableware and drinks
will be furnished. All older adults are welcome to attend this
Older Adult Ministry group.
Today we welcome Ashley, Lillian and Hannah
Fischer into Christ’s family through Holy Baptism.
We rejoice with Ashley, Lillian and Hannah as their
names will be added to the Book of Life. We pray the
Lord’s blessing upon Ashley, Lillian & Hannah and their parents.

Youth musicians and vocalist: Please sign-up for the June 13th
Higher Things SOLA Trip: Plan to attend a meeting for this event
on Sunday, June 7th at 9:15 (or right after first service).
Parents: Please sign-up to help with scrip sales during the summer
months -- Thanks!
Service Project: Sign-up to help with yard work for the Brown fam-

Join us for a festive retirement “roast” for Cathy Toomey and

Nancy Spillman from Peace With Christ’s Preschool. Every-
one is invited to a Mexican Fiesta Potluck in the PWC Fellow-
ship Hall on Sunday, June 14th at noon. In loving PWC
“roast” fashion, any stories or remembrances you would like to
share are welcome. Please indicate number attending and
dish to share on sign-up sheet in the Narthex to aid us in plan-

Musicians and Vocalist

Please sign-up for the June 13th concert.
There will be a free-will offering for the Needy Family Fund.
SAVE the date for Deaconess Claire’s Farewell
BBQ on Wednesday, June 17th at 5:30pm. Plan
to sign-up and bring a salad to share.
*Hands in Harmony meeting will still be at 7:00pm, so
come and have dinner first.

Dear Fellow Members of Peace With Christ:

Deaconess Claire has served our Peace With Christ
community well during this past year of her internship.
As a part of our fond farewell to her, we want to afford
individual members the opportunity to send a thanks
and remembrance with her. Anyone wishing to partici-
pate is welcome to place a financial gift in a marked en-
velope, and give the envelope to Wes Nierman or Dan
Krueckeberg by June 14th. The fruits of your good
wishes will be given to the Deaconess at her farewell
roast on June 17th.
Dan Krueckeberg, Staff Elder

It is time to again be thinking about the upcoming drive

for our food and clothing items for St. John’s Lutheran
food pantry and clothing closet. During the first two
weeks of June we will be collecting women’s, men’s,
kid’s and baby’s summer clothing and shoes, disposable
diapers, bar soup, toilet paper, personal items, canned fruits and vege-
tables. Coordinator: David & Lynn Boehnke, 568-9013 and John &
Jane Pennington, 834-2039. Help us fill the big boxes in the Sunshine
room and you will be a blessing to a family who needs help with food
and/or clothing.
Last Sunday we were reminded that at the 2009 Dis-
trict Convention, June 18-20, the final offering will be made
MISSION: Southern Africa.
Peace With Christ has been a major contributor to
the fund during the past 2 years. We all need to thank our
Good Lord for blessing this congregation with a heart for
missions and especially the missions that will be accom-
plished through the training of pastors at the Lutheran
Theological Seminary in Pretoria, South Africa and the
souls to be won through the mission effort in Botswana and
the cattle treatment project in South Africa.
We all have at least one more opportunity…
TODAY… to contribute to the total goal of $500,000. TO-
DAY Peace With Christ celebrates “Closure” Mission Sun-
day, a final request for contributions for MISSION: South-
ern Africa. The funds collected TODAY and until the Con-
vention will be taken to the District Convention by our dele-
gates to be placed in the special convention offering.
If you were not in attendance last Sunday, the News-
letter and collection envelope will be available from the ush-
ers at the conclusion of the service. Please bring your con-
tribution to church at your earliest convenience.
Dear friends in Christ, pray for the success of the
fund drive, and please consider participating in the collec-
tion TODAY.


This morning in Bible Class Pastor and
Pat will present information on their trip
to Botswana and South Africa. Please
join them for this event.
Next Sunday the Church Governance Aware-
ness Task Force of Peace With Christ will hold its first congre-
gational awareness forum.
The task force is a group of members who have decided to
learn more about the workings of the Lutheran Church Missouri
Synod and the Rocky Mountain District. Next Sunday, they want
to share at least a little bit of the information with you.
What have you heard about Synod? Or the
District? What have you heard that disturbs you? Is what you
have heard the truth or just rumor?
Next Sunday (during the Bible class time) the
Task Force will attempt to answer some of your questions.
What developments in the synod might effect
our congregation in the future? What is “Ablaze” and “Fan Into
Flame”? What is the Pastoral Leadership Institute? What propos-
als are being presented by a Synodical Blue Ribbon Task Force
that we should be aware of?
The Task Force is attempting to create an
awareness within the congregation of what is going on in synod
and the district. As actions take place at the Synodical and Dis-
trict levels, the Task Force will attempt to keep the congregation
abreast of what is happening.
Please join the Task Force next Sunday as the
Task Force presents its initial briefing of Peace With Christ con-
cerning the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and the Rocky
Mountain District.

Sunday, June 7th at 1:00pm a Potluck Picnic at “The Farm” lo-

cated at Lee Martinez Park, 600 N. Sherwood. FREE ADMIS-
SION! The North Larimer County Chapter of Thrivent Financial
will provide fried chicken, table service and drinks. Please bring
a dish to share, a chair or blanket too. Hayrides available at
2pm. Question, call Cindy Stark at 493-2669 or
Luther’s Theology of the Cross: Historical
Development and Heidelberg Disputation
Monday, June 15th - Friday, June 19th
Instructor: Dr. Steven Hein
Hosted by Pastor Marcus Zill and St. Andrews Lu-
theran Church and Campus Center, Laramie, WY.
This course is designed for the thinking Christian who is looking
for clarity and greater understanding on how God reveals Himself
and deals with sinners. If you are looking for real substance on
the walk of faith with great discussions with like-minded Lu-
theran Christians, this is a course you just cannot pass up. Join
us! For information and registration www.concordia-ics/com/

Lutheran Summer Music Academy &


Do you know a high school age musician

(completing grades 8-12) who plays trumpet, trombone,
horn or tuba? Is this a kid who would THRIVE around other
young musicians that love band or orchestra just as much
as him or her? Is this a kid who needs to find a place
where they totally fit in and are genuinely members of a
supportive community? THAT IS LSM.

This four-week summer music camp brings together 150+

amazing high school musicians from all over the United
States. This summer, camp will be at Luther College in
Decorah, Iowa from June 21 - July 19. Financial aid is
available. Because of instrumental needs, there is a 15%
tuition discount right now for brass students.
Contact Katie at
In Our Prayers: We remember-

Those who are ill, hospitalized, or recovering from

Sheila Kido (mother of Deborah Kido), Ann Ireland (mother
of Lisa Bernhardt), Doug Reed (brother of Diane Kettleson),
Zoe Jones (Infant daughter of Josh and Jamie Jones), Kevin
Rodenbeck, Marilyn Craig, Marilyn Hudson

Those who are not able to attend church: Margaret

Ziehm, Carolyn Brown, Arline Young, June Schwarck,
Marie Rubel, Jean Upham

Plans for Vacation Bible School

The upcoming Rocky Mountain District Convention

Our nation and especially those who are unemployed

The World and North Korea

Seminary in South Africa - work being done there &

in Botswana

U.S. Soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan & throughout the


Dr. Luther says about Psalm 90: "In worldly and outward af-
fairs, which apply to the livelihood and maintenance of the
body, a person is intelligent, and quite active. But in spiritual
and divine things, which apply to the salvation of the soul, a
person neither sees nor perceives God's terrible and fierce
wrath resulting from sin and death. He continues in his secu-
rity. No warnings, no threats, no chiding, are of any help. In-
deed, all teaching and preaching is lost on him until he is
enlightened, converted, and regenerated by the Holy Spirit.
Out of pure mercy, He has willed that poor fallen human na-
ture might be a participant in conversion, God's grace and
eternal life. This comes only from pure grace, through the ef-
fective working of the Holy Spirit."

Before a person is enlightened, converted, regenerated, re-

newed, and drawn by the Holy Spirit, he can hear the Gospel,
meditate on it and discuss it. Nevertheless, he regards it as
foolishness and cannot believe it. For he is hostile to God's will,
unless the Holy Spirit is effective on him and kindles and works
in him faith and obedience.

The Holy Scriptures credit conversion solely to the Holy Spirit's

divine work. Only the Holy Spirit causes a person to be born
anew. He opens the mind and heart to understand the Scrip-
tures. No one can say "Jesus is Lord" except in the Holy
Spirit" (1 Cor. 12:3). (paragraphs 20-22, 24-26)


2005,2006 by Concordia Publishing House. Used by permission. All rights reserved. To
purchase a copy of CONCORDIA, call 800-325-3040.

Today Worship Services 8:00 am &
May 31 (Communion) 10:45 am
Education Hour 9:30 am

Monday LWML Executive Board 6:00 pm

June 1 Youth Board 6:30 pm

Tuesday Confirmation Retreat

June 2

Wednesday Bible Study 8:45 am

June 3 Confirmation Retreat

Thursday Confirmation Retreat

June 4

Friday Confirmation Retreat

June 5

Saturday LWML Brunch 10:00 am

June 6

Sunday Worship Services 8:00 am &

June 7 (Communion) 10:45 am
Education Hour 9:30 am
May 31 8:00 am 10:45 am
Materials: Bauders
Greeters: Larry Carillo Darcie Votipka
Guest Book: Lori Carillo Kay Rubel
Reader: Ray Kaiser Wes Nierman
Ushers: Roger Gunlikson Ernestine Munsey
Art Pforr Chris Dunker
Howard Walter
Dick Salisbury
Nursery: Lauren Hedstrom
Lydia Linke
Acolytes: Keller Foster Marina Rohlfs
Crucifer: Brianna Lacey Zachary Prevedel
Audio Support: David Nierman
Organist: Ann Caspersen
Elder of the Month: Michael Rohlfs

Flowers on the Altar in celebration of

Dean & Shirley Farrier’s Anniversary


June 7 8:00 am 10:45 am
Materials: Gail Neben
Greeters: Ann Foster Jan Achziger
Guest Book: Warren Wergin Linda Siegfried
Reader: Michael Rohlfs
Ushers: Gary Myers Stony Achziger
Tracy Foster Ted Anderson
Ned Daugherty Larry Siegfried
Cliff Buchholz Wes Nierman
Nursery: Keller Foster Colleen Rohlfs
Acolytes: Libby Hoy Robin Toomey
Audio Support:
Elder of the Month: Wes Nierman

Flowers on the altar in celebration of Pastor & Carol Caspersen’s

39th Anniversary and Rev. Caspersen’s Ordination
Prayer and Study

Date: May 31 - June 6

Luther Quote: “We can do nothing to achieve the forgiveness of

sins. This forgiveness belongs to our Lord Christ, He gives it; we
must grasp and accept it by faith and obtain it in no other way

Bible readings for the week:

Sunday: 1 Samuel 2:1-10; Acts 13-14

Monday: Isaiah 12:1-6; Acts 15-16
Tuesday: Psalm 150; Acts 17-18
Wednesday: Psalm 1; Acts 19-20
Thursday: Psalm 2; Acts 21-22
Friday: Psalm 3; Acts 23-24
Saturday: Psalm 4; Acts 25-26

Ministry to the Armed Forces (MAF)—LCMS chaplains have

served in the United States Armed Forces since the early years of
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s history.

Daily Prayers:

Sunday: For families who have lost loved ones in service to our coun-
try. More than 4,400 military personnel have died in Iraq and several
hundred in Afghanistan; several thousand others live with long-term
therapy and rehabilitation. Praise God for the devoted service of all fel-
low Americans who have sacrificed their lives in the service of the na-
New Missionary Orientation – June 1-15
Each June, LCMS World Mission holds orientation to equip new
GEO and career missionaries with the knowledge and tools they
need to serve the Lord around the world.

Monday: For the logistical details of orientation, held this year at

Concordia University Chicago, River Forest, Ill., such as room assign-
ments, scheduling, guest speakers, and travel. When these go smoothly,
missionaries and staff can more easily focus on orientation’s fellow-
ship, Bible study, and practical training.

Tuesday: For the LCMS World Mission staff planning and running
missionary orientation—that the Lord would provide them with pa-
tience, wisdom, and Christ-centered leadership.

Wednesday: That the new missionaries attending orientation would

be blessed with positive fellowship and that meaningful relationships
would be formed, even in the short time they are together.

Thursday: For the relationships built between new missionaries and

staff during orientation—may they be encouraging and uplifting, so that
they will continue to serve each other well once they arrive on the mis-
sion field.

Friday: For the new missionaries who are being commissioned this
evening in a special service at Concordia University Chicago. May this
service be a time of encouragement, challenge, and celebration.

Saturday: That during orientation, the new missionaries would be

encouraged and assured by the Holy Spirit of His call to proclaim the
Gospel in other countries.


Worship Attendance: Total

122 (8:00) 81(10:45 am) 203

Education Hour Attendance:

Adult Bible Study: 44 Sunday School: 16

Financial Update
As of April 30, 2009

Budget - 2009 Income Expenses Net Income

$359,000.00 $126,165.51 $113,403.79 $12,761.72


ADULT BIBLE CLASS. .. Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall

NURSERY & KINDERGARTEN . . . . Preschool Rooms
GRADES 1- 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter
GRADES 3-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abraham
GRADE 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isaac
JR. HIGH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacob
SR. HIGH . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Youth Room


Green sheet articles are due by
First Lesson: Isaiah 6:1-8 3:00 p.m. Wednesday
Second Lesson: Acts 2:14a, 22-36 afternoon.
Gospel: John 3:1-17 Broadcast articles are due
June 21

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