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CPD Form No.

Bail Application No.________
Case No.________


(Bail Act 2002 as amended)

1. Name of Applicant:
2. Prison where presently held .
3. What is your warrant number? .
4. What is your case number? .
5. Have you any other cases current? Give case number & which court:
6. When did you last appear in Court on this matter?.......
7. What are you charged with?
8. Are there others charged with you?


[Please Circle]

9. If yes, give names: ......................................................................................................

10. When did you first get taken to prison in relation to this case? ..
11. Has a trial date been set? If so, give date....
12. How many times have you applied for bail in this case? ..
13. Why should you be granted bail? Give reasons:

14. Do you have any dependants e.g. wife, husband, children?

Yes/No: [Please Circle]

15. If yes, please give details: .

16. Were you employed before going into prison?


[Please Circle]

17. If yes, what is your job:.

18. What is your position in the work organisation? .....
19. Name of Employer: ..
20. If self-employed, do you own a business?............................................................................
21. If bail were granted, where would you live? .
22. For reporting purposes, which is your nearest Police Station? .
23. Your date of birth: .
24. Who would stand surety for you to ensure your attendance at Court?
[Give name or names and correct details]

25. Suretys home telephone number:
26. Suretys work telephone number:
27. Relationship to you:
28. Suretys date of birth: .
29. Name of person assisting you in completing this form [if applicable]: ..
30. Do you have a passport?


[Please Circle]

31. From which country? Please List:

Passport Number.. Country.
Date of issue.. Expiry Date..
Passport Number.. Country.
Date of issue.. Expiry Date..
32. I confirm that the contents of this form are true and accurate. I understand if I have
deliberately misinformed the Court herein, I may have my bail cancelled by the Court.

Applicants Signature
[See Explanatory Notes Overleaf]

Explanatory Notes
1. All applicants for bail must complete this form. In addition an Applicant may file an
affidavit with further information in support of this application if they wish to do so.
2. Sureties will have to:
(i) Complete and sign a surety form
(ii) And provide the Court Registry with photographic evidence of their identity e.g.:
FNPF Card, Drivers Licence, Passports or other ID etc.
(iii) Provide some evidence of where they live e.g. Water bill, hire purchase card,
3. Prison Officers are requested to assist remandees/prisoners in completing this form,
with particular regard to case numbers and warrant numbers.
4. Bail may be granted in one case by one Court, but may be denied in a later case by
another Court for that later or second case. Each case will be considered separately
in the matter of bail.

RPW 03/5/11

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