The Divine Principle - January-February 2013

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JAN - FEB 2013

PG. 1


The Truth, Whether You Like It Or Not



7 Divine Prince Allah

Father Allah, the founder of my nation had the courage in my estimation to give voice to his dissatisfaction, disapproval and disappointment with the actions of the established black leadership of his time (the 1960s). He who was an independent thinker and a man of action did not and could not accept the short comings and outright hypocrisy of those who were viewed by us and the government as being the vanguard for revolutionary change of our conditions here in North America and throughout the world. Because of our gullibility and our general inexperience with securing power through direct confrontation with those who kept us apart from their social equality and who had made our experience as 14th Amendment citizens a living hell and a nightmare of social, political and economic detachment from the advancement and prosperity we sought to attain for all the sacrifices including our lifes blood we had made for America. We sacrificed much in the hope that the intentionally structured Institutional racism and the ignorance of those who were vigilant in keeping our people locked in fear (i.e. - The KKK) throughout the southern and northern quarters of this land would somehow fade into obscurity. Yet, we found no peace amongst those who were by their very nature (character; temperament) incapable, and unwilling to share in the wealth of this land with those whom they considered to be inferior and undeserving of such equality. ALLAH - THE FATHER Peculiar, strange, abnormal are appropriate terms which apply to our situation when one considers the advancement and rise of others who came to America and found benefit of acceptance and aid in their quest for freedom, justice, equality, prosperity and respect. Despised and rejected are also terms which reflect the attitudes of those who also viewed us as other than themselves (brown and yellow). And, if you dispute this view I ask that you review their history and records of actions historically and most important at the present because now we find ourselves under attack from all sides. Yet, Allah the Fathers Five Percent, the Nation of Gods and Earths are perseverant and patient and do realize the forces and persons which are at play in their onslaught against our people. These devils are after all masters of deception who are crafty in their ability to steer the masses in the wrong direction to have them fight and kill one another and invoke the names of mystery gods to justify their actions. Subtle and quiet are these actions which turn brothers and sons against their own for the cause of acceptance and enrichment. It is not my intention in this issue to confound you, neither do we seek to have you shoulder the blame for your (our) collective predicament. Indeed the time grows short and war is soon to consume this land. The rumblings can be heard not too far off. And we who are the civilizers of men and societies must make a stand. It is our responsibility to teach our knowledge and wisdom to all the human families of the Earth. We must educate the people and do our part to make this country strong against the schemes and attacks of the hidden enemies of this land and its people, especially our own. It is time to reassess our situation and contend with the reality that we must protect ourselves and our children from the coming doom and destruction which threatens to destroy us as a people and quite frankly, as a nation. These are the expected times when mens hearts and wills are being put to task and only the strong will be able to endure the onslaught of the silent weapons which they will deploy in their quiet war against a largely unaware populace of sheep who are being guided into the abyss of destruction. In fact they now stand at the edge of that precipice. Rest assured that we who know and understand will not go out silently or without a fight. It is the height of ignorance to ever assume that the righteous will lay down and not fight. Our word is bond, and bond is life, and we will give our lives before our word fails.


God Divine Prince Allah

Principal Editor The Divine Principle Newsletter

PG. 2


JAN - FEB 2013

One of the most influential secret societies in America is Yale Universitys Skull and Bones (S&B). Although most Americans have no knowledge of the organization, thisYale based secret society has spread its tentacles throughout the highest echelons of government, finance, law and education, to name a few industries. The Order of Skull and Bones has existed for over 150 years and has furnished the United States with three Presidents: President Taft (27th 1909-1913), President George Bush (41st 1989-1992) and his recently elected son, President (43rd) George Bush Jr. There has been at least ten Senators and also numerous Congressmen and Supreme Court judges that were members of the Skull and Bones. The intent of this article will be to briefly explore the tentacles of the Skull and Bones organization and its origin . Two of the main reference sources will be an article by Kris Millegan called The Boodle Boys at articles/0997/skullbones.htm and Antony C. Suttons book Americas Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones. Dr. Sutton is the foremost authority on the Skull and Bones. He received a book while he was a professor at Stanford University in 1983. One of its members who was very disgusted with the behavior of the Skull and Bones anomalously sent Dr. Sutton the membership book and gave Professor Sutton twenty-four hours to copy the book and return it. The book contained a secretive membership list and information on Skull and Bones members. It was published in 1986. On page 27, this book revealed famous politicians and figures that are Skull and Bones men. The membership includes Prescott Bush - George Bushs grandfather, George Bush - former President, and his son, George W., newly elected President.

Origin and Founder of the Skull and Bones

William H. Russell received permission to set up Chapter 322 on the Yale campus from the German secret society, while he was studying for a year in Germany. Chapter 322 is the only branch of the Skull and Bones that we know about in the USA. William H. Russell and Alphonso Taft, the father of president Taft, formed the Skull and Bones in 1832-33 on the Yale University campus. There was a total of fifteen class members that formed the The Order of the Scull and Bones, later changed to The Order of the Skull and Bones. It is also known as the Order and the Brotherhood of Death. More formally for legal purposes, The Order was incorporated as The Russell Trust in 1856. Membership in the Skull and Bones One cannot ask to join this organization. Membership is by invitation only. Members of the Skull and Bones are selected or tapped from the junior class of Yale University. Each year seniors who are members of the Bones, select 15 members from the junior class. Selections are made after personal information, which includes family history, is gathered on each new member. It is alleged that new members of the Skull and Bones have to go through some initiation rituals. Kris Millegan in his article on the Skull and Bones entitled Boodle Boys states that their rituals are similar to those of the Illuminati, which we will discuss in future articles. In 1876 a group called the File and Claw broke into the Skull and Bones building called the Tomb on the Yal e campus (see p. 32). Their meetings were held in this windowless building built by the Skull and Bones. The break-in by a rival group revealed something about the Skull and Bones rituals, which allowed Mr. Millegan to show the similarities between the Skull and Bones and the Illuminati. Some researchers say each initiate is given $15,000 and a grandfather clock. The student is referred to as knight. Kris Millegan said that new members are given a new name, which is usually Greek.

Families of the Skull and Bones

Now the majority of the Bones members are from White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) families. These are the most powerful, elite families in America who were some of the initial settlers to come to America from England. Some of these names are immediately recognizable, such as Lord, Whitney, Taft, Jay, Bundy, Harriman, Pinchot, Rockefeller, Goodyear, Sloane, Stimson, Phelps, Perkins, Pillsbury, Kellogg, Vanderbilt, Bush, Lovett and Weyerhauser . These are primarily New England eastern establishment families, who intermarry and have a great deal of influence in government. Minorities and women were brought into the Order and the business within the last 25-30 years.

Skull and Bones is not Fraternity

Antony C. Sutton, in his book Americas Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones states: The Order is not just another campus Greek letter fraternal society with passwords and handgrips, common to most campuses. Sutton said the Skull and Bones is a secret society for each member must swear to an oath of secrecy. Chapter 322 is a secret society whose members are sworn to silence. It only exists on the Yale campus. It has rules. It has ceremonial rites. It is not at all happy with prying probing citizens known among initiates as outsiders or vandals. Its members always deny membership... Above all the Order is powerful, unbelievably powerful. The book Hope of the Wicked by Ted Flynn reveals some of the founding fifteen members of the Order and their influence in politics. Rufus Hart entered the Ohio State Senate. Aasel Hooker Lewis entered the Ohio Legislature. Samuel Marshall entered the Illinois State Legislature. William Taft was the only man to become President of the United States and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Fredrick Mather entered the New York Legislature.


JAN - FEB 2013

PG. 3


Philosophy of the Skull & Bones
Far from being a campus fun-house, the group is geared more toward the success of its members in their post-collegiate endeavours. Historically, operations of The Order have concentrated on society, how to change society in a specific manner towards a specific goal: a New World Order. We know the elements in society that will have to be changed in order to bring about this New World order, ... They have planned and orchestrated every major historical event for centuries, including fomenting revolutions, wars, and subversive movements that they benefit from and which weakens the nations, etc. These elite who manipulate both the socalled right and the socalled left have deliberately created the current world situation. By controlling the resulting synthesis the end result of Hegelian thesis and antithesis a Globalist New World Order is produced. You can call it technofascism or technofeudalism, but the result is the same a global consolidation and megacorporate transnational centralization of power, capital and resources. And how does it work? By using managed conflict or crisis management. A crisis or problem is produced. Then the crisis is managed and the problem is solved with an outcome that is invariably favorable to the goals and agendas of the Global Pow er Elite. Americas Secret Establishment, by Antony C. Sutton, pg. 31-32.

Influence of Skull & Bones In Finance and Foundations

There are many well-known Wall Street investment firms that were formed by members of the Skull and Bones family, such as Harriman, Payne, and Whitney. Many of these firms are household names and have been very influential in the history of United States. Due to the space we will just discuss them with some important facts. Today one of the largest and oldest banks on Wall Street is Morgan-Guaranty Trust. It was created by a number of bank mergers over that last 130 years. The Guaranty Trust Company was the initial parent company formed in 1864 and the initial capital that formed this company came from the following families: Vanderbilt (S&B family), Rockefeller, Whitney (S&B family), and Harriman (S&B family). The Harriman family started the Union Pacific Railroad, which was very successful. Members of the family started the W. A. Harriman investment firm on Wall Street that later merged with Brown Brothers, which was a private international banking firm. This new firm was called Brown Brothers, Harriman. According to Ted Flynns book Hope for the Wicked this new firm brought in nine partners who were S&B. One of the most famous partners of this firm was Prescott Bush (initiated into the Skull and Bones 1917). He was the father of former President George Bush senior and the grandfather of President George Bush Jr., who was also made a partner of this firm. Many Skull and Bones members of the Brown Brothers, Harriman and the Morgan Guaranty Trust helped to finance Hitler and the Russian Revolution. Kris Millegans website on Skull & Bones said the Federal government seized stock of the Union Bank t en months after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The Union Bank was used as a front to trade with Hitler. Many S&B members owned stock in this bank and were members of the board of director. Prescott Bush was a director of this bank and the Harrimans owned about a third of the stock. Kris Millegan said the following about the S&B aiding the Russian Revolution in 1917. Averell invested in the USSR soon after the revolution in defiance of federal laws and regulations. The investment firms, Guaranty Trust and Brown Brothers, Harriman both dominated by Bonesmenwere involved in the early financing of Communist Russia. They financed industries, established banks and developed oil and mineral resources. ( These are just a few examples of the S&B influence in the affairs of the world.

Influence of Skull & Bones in Politics

Although a secret organization, the Skull and Bones has exerted an enormous influence in the politics and foreign policy of this country for at least 150 years. The only way this can be proven, since many of the motives and records are secret, is to examine the political appointments of various presidents. A pattern of power is revealed when Skull and Bones members are identified as filling many of these appointments. Kris Millegans web site The Bobble Boys: reveals a few examples. He quotes historian and special assistant to JFK, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. These men helped establish a distinguished network connecting Wall Street, Washington, worthy foundations and proper clubs. The New York and legal community was the heart of the American Establishment. Its household deities were Henry L. Stimson and Elihu Root* ; its present leaders, Robert A. Lovett and John J. McCloy; its front organizations, the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). William Taft (initiated into Skull and Bones in 1878) was elected president of the U.S. in 1909 and President Harding appointed him Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1921, which he served until his death in 1930. Henry L. Stimson (initiated into the Skull and Bones 1888) was appointed to seven high government positions by seven presidents. His first appointment was Secretary of War by President Taft. His last appointment was Secretary of War under President Roosevelt and Truman. Mr. Millegan states at his web site: He was ultimately responsible for the internment of Japanese -American citizens in WWII and oversaw the Manhattan Project, Americas atomic bomb program. Stimson also took credit for swaying Truma n into dropping the bomb on Japan. \ In the JFK administration Skull and Bones members played an important role in dictating policy. According to the paper entitled George Bush, Skull & Bones and the New World Order by Paul Goldstein & Jeffrey Steinberg, it states that Kennedy had personally asked Robert A. Lovett, a partner in the Wall Street investment firm of Brown Brothers, to join his Cabinet. Robert A. Lovett did not want to become a part of JFKs administration. Instead, he recommended a number of Bonesmen into the critical posts. McGeorge Bundy was appointed Kennedys National Security Adviser. Averell Harriman was made Under Secretary of State for Asian Affairs , a position that placed him in charge of many of the most critical decisions along with the disaster in Vietnam. William Bundy remained in a senior post at CIA (see website,

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JAN - FEB 2013


These men and others in JFKs administration had more control over foreign policy than JFK did as president. There was a network of secret societies besides Skull and Bones, such as Council of Foreign Affairs (CFR) that also dictated policy. Two quotes in the book Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs confirms this. Special Advisor to JFK John K. Galbraith said: Those of us who had worked for the Kennedy election were tolerated in the government for that reason and had say, but foreign policy was still with the Council of Foreign Relation people (p. 127). The Former Ambassador to Saigon, Frederick F. Nolting said: The axis of Lodge (CFR) and Harriman (CFR) was too strong for President Kennedy to thwart or overcome (p. 130). ` These are just a few instances of the CFRs influence in the world of U.S. politics. This should be proof to the skeptic that there are secret organizations that dictate polices of the country without the consent of the American people .

Influence of Skull & Bones in Education

The stealth and cunning control Skull and Bones members have over the direction and foundation of education in America, especially higher education, is frightening. In fact it is impossible to write about the true history of education without including the Skull and Bones members who directed it. Many problems that exist today in the American educational system can be traced back to the Bones socialist agenda. It was the Order that determined the basic philosophy of education and produced John Dewy, who is considered the father of American education. John Dewey stated in 1899: Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming where everyone is interdependent. So the purpose of education 100 years ago was to encourage and influence the children to work in the New World Order. There were two Bonesmen who were very instrument in sitting up higher education in America. They were Daniel Gilman (initiated in Skull and Bones 1852) and Timothy Dwight (initiated in Skull and Bones 49). According to an article by Kris Mi llegan entitled The Order of Skull and Bones (, he states that Gilman was very instrumental in getting the Morrill Land Bill through Congress which President Lincoln signed. ` This bill donated land to the state colleges for agriculture and science. Yale was the first college to take advantage of this bill. Now Gilman was the first president of the University of California. He also helped found The John Hopkins University and was its first president. According to the book Hope for the Wicked, Daniel Gilman hired the philosopher George S. Morris, Ph.D. who was John Deweys teacher at The John Hopkins University. Professor Morris taught the Hegelian philosophy. It states that education was not meant to be child-centered, but rather State-centered. For Hegel, the child has no value as an individual except as he or she performs a function of society (p. 65). This was the foundation for Deweys philosophy in America education . Dewey believes that the child does not go to school to develop individual talents but rather are prepared as units in an organic society (p. 65).\ Professor Morris was also the first president of the Carnegie Institution and was involved in the founding of the Peabody, Slater and Russell Sage Foundations. Kris Millegan describes another influential Bonesman. Andrew D. White, was the first president of Cornell University (which received all of New Yorks share of the Land Grant College Act), U.S. Minister to Russia, U.S. Ambassador to Berlin and first president of the American Historical Association. White was also Chairman of the American delegation to the first Hague Conference in 1899, which established an international judiciary. Antony C. Sutton writes about the S&Bs great influence in various fields and how they got this control in his book Americas Secret Establishment. He states: How is this accomplished? By Bones members and their colleagues either founding or controlling the foundations - i.e. - They got all the big ones - Carnegie, Ford, Peabody, Russell Sage, etc. Their goal was to be first to get into these foundations then to steer its future direction (pg. 27). Among academic associations the American Historical Association, the American Economic Association, the American Chemical Society, and the American Psychological Association were all started by members of The Order or persons close to The Order. These are key associations for the conditioning of society. Finally, the Skull and Bonesmen have caused numerous changes in society by controlling many of the large foundations such as the Ford Foundation, etc. Dr. James W. Wardner in his book Unholy Alliance sums up the Order of Skull and Bones areas of influence as follows (149 -50):

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

The The The The The The The The The The The

Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order

founded the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). promoted the Bolshevik Revolution. has influenced the seminaries. has control of education. has links to the Federal Council of Churches. has as its member - George Bush. has control of the CIA. began and controls the in Peace Research Institute. founded the Institute for Policy Studies controls both the conservative Republican elements and the liberal Democratic elements. has control of Masonry.


JAN - FEB 2013

PG. 5


When Intelligence Speaks, The World Listens

FROM THE DESK OF GOD DIVINE PRINCE ALLAH aka - Sambo 7 / The Prince of Peace
Peace Nation. The insanity of these present days in these times of confusion and chaos and savagery which is consuming this country and destroying its social and economic security and stability presents us with our greatest opportunity to educate and motivate the people to awaken from the spell that has been cast upon them and see the reality of their condition (situation). Our country, the land of our dissatisfaction and distress is now confronted with its greatest challenge. The change in its manner or system of government confounds (confuses) many. Even, some of us, as evidenced now by the divisive and unacceptable contentions and actions (disagreements and behaviors = strife) by those who would come in our name (calling themselves Gods and Earths) and who are intent on adding to the pandemonium. The madness. The disorder and the lack of peace. All of it designed and engineered to disrupt our sanity and disconnect us from reality by rhetorical methods. Youall know what I mean. They come to us with the most outrageous forms of nonsense having the appearance of wisdom. It sounds good. And for those whose foundation of knowledge and wisdom is lacking in the substance of our Fathers teaching (i.e. standing against religion and savagery) they stand as a counter -productive, rather than productive force whose power is divisive and deceptive and will only increase the ignorance that abounds in this present day. We, who are wise in the knowledge and understanding of what is at the root of their disruptions and indifference to the guiding principles of Allah (the Father, the Founder) by the unawares who, are compelled by ego, self-centeredness, and desire fame and glory in the name of themselves, not realizing that their indifference to our principles and the light which Allah, the Father and Founder of our Culture made manifest in the Earth will divert the people and, especially the Children from the correct guidance of Living Mathematics and the solution which they do not consider in the haste to acquire notoriety and fame. I consider it to be the height of self-centered selfishness and arrogance to place ones self above the people in a manner which suggests that you are wiser than the rest of us and all the predecessors who came before you and laid the foundation of our teachings and actions amongst the people and the children. You refuse in the face of our confronting you with / on the issue(s) of what you seek to present to the people as our way of life and living our culture and understanding of matters (based in experience) would enable you to resolve the contradictions in your thinking and actions. Like it or not, there is always one amongst us who is the wisest. And just because you are passionate and can verbalize your dissatisfactions in a manner which empowers your influence upon others who do not understand our goals and objectives does not automatically signal that we accept you as being wise. This nation is not what many have professed us to be. We keep on saying that we are neither anti-white nor are we pro-Black. We keep on informing everyone that we stand against crime. Allah, the Father informed everyone that He would work with the police in order to show and prove that we are one with the civilized, not the uncivilized. Do you understand? Apparently your continued avocations of Black Power in the negative and hate-filled manner n which you seek to present your case for your dissatisfaction with the U.S. government and the laws which govern and protect its stability and purpose, needs to e re-considered. If you are so bent upon changing our course, why not build your own nation and let us tend to our own affairs as you attend to yours. There is no dishonor in pursuing what you see. Yet, there is disrespect in seeking to disrupt and destroy what we have built, are building and, will build. With you or without you . I am someone who has associations with people from every strata of humanity. I am recognized as a builder and champion for righteousness wherever I go. By the rich and poor, The celebrity and the unknown. The politicians, the clergy, masons, etc. I am respected, even if not understood. And even my enemies , who are few (as far as I know), are considerate of my presence and standing as a teacher and a soldier. And I desire only that my people and especially the children, are protected and allowed to grow and prosper. And to me, I have the responsibility of telling you the truth whether you like it or not. You had better reconsider your movements. Not only what you say and do, yet also whom you befriend and the books you read. Too many have fell a victim to the illusions of ideology and history. I give testimony to the fact that none of it will free you and I. Only Living Mathematics as Allah - The Father intended. From a Square to a Cipher. I hope that you understand. And also, that you gain patience and tolerance in your sincere efforts at reaching the people and teaching the Children. Stop trying to gain the limelight and be the light


God Divine Prince Allah

PG. 6


JAN - FEB 2013



JAN - FEB 2013

PG. 7

Nagas is an ancient word representing the Divine people of God, the Asiatic Black people. (1) Nagas is pronounced the same as Niggers: there is a line over the first (a) in Naga making it sound like an (i). Naga is also an ancient mantra summoning cosmic forces. (2) Nagas are the Divine people of God in Buddhism who manifest with the future Buddha, the Enlightened One, the Genie, the Conqueror who comes back to teach that there is life after death. The Naga is represented by the serpent/snake and/or dragon all over the world; India, Japan China, Africa and the Americas by the frog. It was predicted that He, the future Buddha would come back at the end of this age to teach the science of immortality; that life has no partnership with death. (1) He comes to teach the resurrection of the dead and the science of everything in life, love, peace and happiness. (3) He is the Universal King, a manifestation of God, who comes to explain the laws of the Universe. Your ancestors wanted to prove to the world, to a people in the future there is no death, that there is life after death and God is manifest through man, the Asiatic Blackman. The world owes a debt to the the Africans of Asia. (1) Your ancestors never intended to let you down, (1) The future Buddha is the Father, Almighty God Allah who came to teach the Science of Living Mathematics, w ho with his Nagas the 5% manifesting the resurrection of the mentally dead, that there is life after death. At their command are the forces of the Universe through the science of Living Mathematics. (3) As quiet as it is kept wee are the ancestors returned, the Nagas represented by the serpent because of the serpents ability to shed its skin. The shedding of skin represents rebirth, renewal, refinement, the shedding of being blind, and deaf and dumb to the knowledge of SELF. The shedding of the old Niggers to the Nu Nagas; the Divine people of God, the Enlightened Ones, who teaches freedom, justice and equality to all human families of the planet Earth. (3) Naga is the Kundalini Serpent energy. By saying Naga the ancient word is a mantra to raise your Kundalini energy and that of the pl anet which is said to be producing global warming. (2) Nagas/Niggers are referring to the people who have full access to the Kun dalini Serpent force (2) this can be anyone regardless of race. (3) Therefore it is important that the word Naga be continued to be spoken and as often as possible to raise the energy of the planet and for yourself. Say this mantra to continue to release/raise the Kundalini energy, the reawakening. I know historically the word Nigger is negative but through our ancestors Divine Wisdom it has been kept in our super conscious. You can hear every day in New York City and in urban cities people of all races saying Nigger as a figure of speech. Every other word is Nigger or my Nigger. Knowingly or unhnowingly they are helping raise the Kundalini energy thus awakening themselves to the Oneness and awakening the planet to renew itself. So my Nagas it is time to wake up and manifest that which was dormant, seemingly dead. The Nagas are back to manifest the truth of the True and Living God. My so-called Latinos/Hispanics know you are that Naga and continue to keep it a part of your vocabulary. I hear you saying Nigger and My Nigger on the streets, buses and trains. In your super conscious you know its not negative and you are Divine People of the Most High God, the Nagas. We are raising the Kundalini energy up our spine to awaken the Third Eye which is the Penal gland and be our Divine Selves again. (2) Were back. All praises due to Allah who came in the person of Himself. The Father - Arm-Leg-Leg-Arm-Head - for giving US a thorough Knowledge of SELF through the Science of Living Mathematics. The force is YOU My Naga. (3) The powers that were/are trying to keep us ignorant to ourselves by advocating not saying Naga/Nigga because they know the power of that word. A few B-LACKS are advocating stop saying the N word. Keep saying Naga and explain the words meaning, power and true origin and together we will cha nge the word for the better. This is Supreme Refinement,OUR POWER IS THE TRUTH. The Truth is the Light and WE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Power is energy and Living Mathematics is the highest form of living energy. (3) The Truth shall set you free MY NAGAS. Power Equality Allah See Equality (PEACE) by JUSTICE HAKIM ALLAH - THE SUPERSTAR *7

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JAN - FEB 2013

Our logo or symbol contains 2 ciphers representing the new world or Age of Aquarius eclipsing the old world or Age of Pisces. The Square - which contains both worlds when viewed with the eye of God or the 7. The Square - represents the foundation of Religion and Politics that supports the old world. The 7 is also symbolic of Universal Law (Allah). What goes around, comes around. The approximate 26,000 years process of one age giving way to the next (approx. 25,800 years) is symbolized by the motion of the new world (Aquarius) growing and eclipsing the old world (Pisces). The Star - is symbolic of Power. The Power of Love, Peace, Truth and Freedom whose reality is based upon the guiding principle of Justice, or the destruction of the Devils civilization or reality from Allahs Universe. The Star - also symbolizes the rise of the Children - who hold the future in their possession and will ren-der Justice in their own good time, because Allah (GOD) is the Law-Giver, and the Children of the New World will be the Deliverers of Justice in due (exact) proportion in due time. The grey background is symbolic - of the fading of darkness or devilishment giving way to the light of righteousness as the old world fades into obscurity. Many avenues of thought will be attached to our logo as we grow and impact the planet Earth and its nations, governments and their people. Yet, our mission is to inform the people, regardless, whether they be Devil or Righteous of the above inevitability of the coming of a new day and the passing of the old world of religion, politics and deviltry.


WHAT IS THE DIVINE PRINCIPLE? We are the Divine Principle Newsletter. A publication which is intended to be an addendum of the National Intelligence Journal, the acclaimed voice of the Na-tional Intelligence Network, which is a multi-media communications cooperative of writers, journalists, print and electronic media professionals and technicians, including internet media professionals who are united as a company of conscious professionals dedicated to providing the people with correct information. It is our intent to conduct our business affairs on both the national and international level. Our outreach extends to every country on the Earth. Our Global initiative in that respect is to deliver the truth. Plain and simple in the language inherent to those who would receive it. We will use all communications methods available to elevate the consciousness of all the human families of the Earth . Watch us Grow.

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