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What Happened in Gaza 06 Inside Gaza 40
Wounded & Dead 14 Prosecute Israel 49
Truth & Lies 15 The Boycott Works 50
Ilegal Weapons 24 Video Links 56

Contents Doctor Witnesses

Israel War Crimes
Around The World
Behind The Scene
“ Once again, the “ Perhaps one day we
world is watching in will understand
WHAT dismay the how wrong our
HAPPENED dysfunctionality of actions in this
IN GAZA the Security region have been
Council.” from time

Miguel d'Escoto, David Grossman,

UN General Assembly Chief Ha’aretz Journalist
Israeli Newspaper

The official Palestinian position is that and Israel on the north and east. Accords, much of the Strip came cabinet formally declared an end to
the territories are considered under limited Palestinian Authority military rule in the Gaza Strip after 38
On the west, it is bounded by the
occupied, and that holds the status of control. years of control.
History occupying power.
Mediterranean Sea.
In February 2005 the Israeli Following withdrawal, Israel retains
Gaza is a narrow strip of land in the The Strip's borders were originally
The Israeli government disputes this, government voted to implement offshore maritime control and control
Middle East not currently recognized defined by the armistice lines
especially after the implementation of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's plan for of airspace over the Strip. Israel
internationally as a de jure part of any between Egypt and Israel after the
the disengagement plan. Some Israeli unilateral disengagement from the withdrew from the "Philadelphi
sovereign country. It takes its name 1948 Arab-Israeli War, which followed
right-wing Zionists and their Gaza Strip beginning on August 15, Route" that is adjacent to the Strip's
from Gaza, its main city. the dissolution of the British mandate
sympathizers consider the Gaza Strip 2005. border with Egypt after an agreement
of Palestine.
Gaza is one of the most densely to be an occupied part of Israel. with the latter to secure its side of the
The plan required the dismantling of
populated territories on earth, with It was occupied by Egypt (except for border.
Geographically, the Strip forms the all Israeli settlements there, and the
about 1.4 million residents in an area four months of Israeli occupation
westernmost portion of the territories removal of all Israeli settlers and The future political status of the Gaza
of 360 km². The Strip is under the during the Suez Crisis) until it was
referred to by many as the Palestinian military bases from the Strip, a Strip remains undecided, and is
jurisdiction of the Palestinian captured by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day
territories in Southwest Asia, having process that was completed on claimed as part of any prospective
Authority. War. In 1993, after the Palestinian-
land borders with on the south-west September 12, 2005 as the Israeli Palestinian state.[]
Israeli agreements known as the Oslo

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with more than 16,000 living as
many as 20 to a small tent “ The Israeli soldiers
The Day without latrines, as supplies shelled the house
remain blocked at the borders.
On December 27, 2008, Israel
launched a devastating 22 day Single-limb fractures and the
and killed my
and night bombardment of the walking wounded are not mother, my father,
Gaza strip. included in the above figures,
according to renowned British my baby girl and 25
The assault left, amidst an
estimated 600,000 tons of
surgeon Dr. Swee Ang, currently other members of
conducting an on-the-ground
concrete rubble, some 1,740 dead
(this figure includes more than
medical investigation in Gaza. my family.
350 'forgotten' stillbirths and Dr. Swee and her medical Why? We are not
trauma-caused abortions in Gaza colleagues estimate that of the
during the 22 days of terror), a severely injured, 1,600 will suffer
Hamas, we are not
figure that increases as the permanent disabilities. These fighters. Why did
severely injured continue to die. include amputations, spinal cord
injuries, head injuries, and large they do this to us?”
A majority of the victims were
burns with crippling contractures.
civilians, including nearly 900
(again including the stillborn) Also bombed were 68
children, approximately 5,500 government buildings and 31
severely wounded, and more than NGO complexes, buildings all of
one third of the 1.5 million which were completely or
population was displaced while partially destroyed.
more than 14,000 homes were
Property damage and loss of
completely destroyed.
livelihood has been estimated at
Approximately 92,000 close to 2 billion dollars.[]
Salah Sammouni,
Palestinians are still homeless
Gaza Citizen

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Total Number Civilian Deaths Among Deaths Among
Of Deaths Deaths Women Children
1285 895 111 281

Northern Gaza Strip : 461 Northern Gaza Strip : 400 Northern Gaza Strip : 54 Northern Gaza Strip : 125

Gaza City : 534 Gaza City : 314 Gaza City : 41 Gaza City : 106

Central Gaza Strip : 157 Central Gaza Strip : 81 Central Gaza Strip : 10 Central Gaza Strip : 21

Khan Yunis : 83 Khan Yunis : 61 Khan Yunis : 5 Khan Yunis : 16

Rafah : 50 Rafah : 39 Rafah : 1 Rafah : 13

“ The most
Total Of moral Wounded Wounded
The Wounded Women Children
4336 army in 735 1133

the world”

Northern Gaza Strip : 1914 Northern Gaza Strip : 385 Northern Gaza Strip : 591

Gaza City : 1000 Gaza City : 100 Gaza City : 200

WOUNDED Central Gaza Strip : 530

Khan Yunis : 395

Central Gaza Strip : 90

Khan Yunis : 76
Central Gaza Strip : 140

Khan Yunis : 100

AND DEAD Rafah : 497
Ehud Olmert
commenting Israel military
Rafah : 84 Rafah : 102

of the Palestinian legislative  IDF destroyed 5 factories of in Gaza does not meet the World Israeli Side
Council. concrete and one of juice. Health Organization standards for
 13 Israelis lost their lives during
 IDF destroyed 21 private drinking. Half the population of
 IDF destroyed 60 police stations. the conflict, including that of a
Palestinian Side projects, including cafeterias, Gaza city has access to water for
Merkava Tank misfire and other
wedding halls, tourist resorts and  IDF destroyed buildings of 5 only several hours a week.
 IDF attacked ambulances and incidents stemming from combat.
hotels. media institutions and 2 health  1 million Palestinians have no
vehicles of civil defense and relief Out of those figures, 5 were killed
ones. access to electricity.
services.  IDF destroyed 30 mosques engaging Hamas combatants, 4
completely and 15 others  IDF have destroyed 29 were killed by friendly fire, and 1
 2,400 houses were completely  A total of 53 installations used
partially. educational institutions was killed when Hamas rockets hit
destroyed, including 490 were by the United Nations Relief and
completely or partially. a military base inside Israel.
destroyed by air strikes.  IDF destroyed offices of 10 Works agency were damaged or
charitable societies.  IDF have razed thousands of destroyed during Israel's Gaza  3 Israeli civilians lost their lives
 IDF destroyed 28 public civilian
donums of agricultural land. campaign including 37 schools - as a result of the conflict. []
facilities, including buildings of a  IDF destroyed 121 industrial and six of which were being used as
number of ministries, commercial workshops and  An estimated 400,000 people in emergency shelters - six health Statistics taken from Palestinian
municipalities, governorates, damaged at least 200 others. Gaza have no access to running centres, and two warehouses. Centre for Human Rights & Amnesty
fishing harbors and the building water; 80% of the water supplied

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civilians, in purpose and here are Khaled was supposed to get Sua'ad outside with my family."Told to strip to sandpit. The soldiers dug several
some. but his mother got injured. It was his underwear, Mr Dayer said his foxholes.
madness and I really can't hands were tied behind his back with
Hamas Using Civilian as » understand what happened. What An Israeli spokesman told Herald it
white plastic cables, then he was
did not comment on operational
Human Shields? Kawther Abed Rabo and her husband did I do to get my angels killed in moved into the sandpit area.
matters. But he stressed the Israeli
and mother-in-law were in their front of my eyes? Khaled lost his
mind and went back out asking them Mohammed Madhoun, 22, a media military does not use anyone as
Its a myth Israel used to say every house, looking for a safe room in
to shoot him but they didn't!” and public relations student at the Al- "human shields".
time they hits or kills civilians.. but which to take cover. Then a voice on a
loud speaker coming from a tank Aqsa University, whose home is across
the truth is that Israel itself is accused » »
outside ordered them to evacuate. a lane-way from Mr Dayer's home,
-in this war as well as many times said he and his parents were ordered According to one of Al-Sammouni
before- of using civilians -and mainly When Rawhiya al-Najar, aged 50,
"They [Israeli Soldiers] asked us to line to do the same. family, Israeli soldiers gather Ten
kids- as shields to hide behind... stepped out of her house waving a
up in front of the doorstep.” Kawther families in the house from the same
white flag, so that the rest of the These two were among about 85 men
In testimony collected from residents said “I was helping my mother-in-law clan. And after a time, an artillery
family could leave the house, she was who were moved into the sandpit area
of the village of Khuza'a by the to walk while Khaled [her husband] shell hit the house, and twenty nine
allegedly shot by Israeli soldiers and gathered at the western end. They
Observer, it is claimed that Israeli was holding the girls' hands: Amal, 2 were killed most of them were
nearby. said the Israeli troops then took
soldiers entering the village, and years old; Sua'ad, 7 years old; and children, and around more than sixty
Samar, 4 years old." they were waiting » position around perimeter of the
attempted to bulldoze houses with were injured. The Red Cross vented its
for a permission to move forward. sandpit area and began to engage
civilians inside; killed civilians trying Israeli troops ordered 30 residents to fury at Israel after the strike, saying it
with Palestinian resistance fighters.
to escape under the protection of leave their homes and walk to a had found four starving children at
She said two soldiers were staring at "We kept our heads down, we didn't
white flags; opened fire on an school in the village centre. After the house clinging to the corpses of
them eating chips and chocolate. move for two days," Mr Madhoun said.
ambulance attempting to reach the traveling 20 metres, troops fired on their dead mothers... mentioning that
"Suddenly a third one got out of the "There was lots of shooting over our
wounded; used indiscriminate force the group, allegedly killing three. the Israeli army did not allow the
tank with an M16 and began heads but I don't know where it was
in a civilian area and fired white ambulances to approach the house to
shooting my girls. Sua'ad and Amal coming from. We were given blankets
phosphorus shells. » evacuate the wounded for several
fell dead immediately. I didn't know and food."
"They entered my house with a tank," days.
And already, there're tons of stories about Samar so I just grabbed her and
Amal and went back to the house. Mr Dayer said. "I was told to come Empty cans of Israeli rations litter the
about Israeli Soldiers targeting

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» And that's what already done, as
Olmert's action towards all the crimes
Malcolm Smart, Amnesty had done in Gaza, Was “The soldiers
International's Middle East director, and commanders who were sent on
says: Our sources in Gaza report that missions in Gaza must know that
Israeli soldiers have entered and taken they are safe from various tribunals,
up positions in a number of and that the State of Israel will assist
Palestinian homes, forcing families to them on this issue and defend them
stay in a ground floor room while they just as they bodily defended us
use the rest of their house as a during Operation Cast Lead”!
military base and sniper position. This
clearly increases the risk to the What's more, Palestinian civilians
Palestinian families concerned and witnessed that Hamas fighters tried
means they are effectively being used their best to protect them. Itidal
as human shields. Mushtaha, 58, said there was shelling
all around. She, her four sons, their
Donatella Rovera, Amnesty wives and 23 grandchildren had all
International 's investigator in Israel huddled, terrified, on the ground floor
reported "It's standard practice for with no electricity or water. The
Israeli soldiers to go into a house, lock Israelis had destroyed many houses
up the family in a room on the ground nearby that were identified as
floor and use the rest of the house as belonging to Hamas operatives, she
a military base, as a sniper's said, adding, “We do not know where
position,That is the absolute textbook to hide.” Yet Ms. Mushtaha, who is
case of human shields." not usually a political woman, had
In several well-documented cases, nothing but praise for Hamas. “God
Israeli troops forced Palestinian bless these fighters. They are
civilians, at gunpoint, to go before throwing themselves to death to
them into buildings from which they protect us,” she said.
feared attack. The practice by Israeli Although Israeli officials said Hamas
soldiers of taking over Palestinian militants put Palestinian civilians in
civilians' homes and holding their danger by booby-trapping homes and
inhabitants as human shields while firing on soldiers from crowded
using the house as a shooting position buildings, residents living in Ezbet
has been very common in the past Abed Rabbo all said that Hamas
eight years both in the Gaza Strip and forces quickly abandoned the
in the West Bank. [According to outlying neighborhood once the] Israeli forces took over.
Moreover Fred Abrahams, a senior
researcher with Human Rights Watch
working in the Gaza Strip said "The
“ In little more than a
evidence we've gathered in two of the
cases so far is exceedingly strong, All
day, as many people
the research so far suggests they shot
civilians that were leaving their
had been killed as in
homes with white flags." the worst year of the
first Intifada. The
"There is no doubt a culture of
impunity," noted Ms Stein, the
difference is that
research director of B'Tselem. "Soldiers
are rarely charged. There are not many
this time the people
military police investigations. Soldiers of Gaza have
can do what they want.
The message soldiers are getting is,
virtually zero
'Don't violate the law, but we won't resources to cope."
do anything if you do, unless it's a
severe case'. The message is blurred," Samer Badawi
she said.
United Palestinian Appeal

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Israel has repeatedly claimed that it had "no choice" but to wage war
on Gaza on December 27 because Hamas had broken a ceasefire, was
firing rockets at Israeli civilians, and had "tried everything in order to
Hamas Broke The Truce? avoid this military operation," as Foreign Minister put it.
Israel's excuse for its violence is that from time to time the Palestinian
resistance organization, Hamas, fires off rockets into Israel to protest
the ghetto life that Israel imposes on Gazans. The rockets are
ineffectual for the most part and seldom claim Israeli casualties.
Moreover sources in the defense establishment said Defense Minister
Ehud Barak instructed the Israel Defense Forces to prepare for the
operation over six months ago, even as Israel was beginning to
negotiate a ceasefire agreement with Hamas.-According to Haartz.
Analyzing the truce's timeline, make it clear that its Israel, not Hamas,
who violated the truce: Hamas undertook to stop firing rockets into
Israel; in return, Israel was to ease its throttle-hold on Gaza. In fact,
during the truce, it tightened it further.
The truce, which began in June last year and was due for renewal in
December, required both parties to refrain from violent action against
the other. Hamas had to cease its rocket assaults and prevent the firing
of rockets by other groups such as Islamic Jihad (even Israel's
“ Destroy 100 house intelligence agencies acknowledged this had been implemented with
surprising effectiveness), and Israel had to put a stop to its targeted
in Gaza, for every assassinations and military incursions.
rocket launched to This understanding was seriously violated on 4 November, when the
IDF entered Gaza and killed six members of Hamas. Hamas responded
Israel.” by launching Qassam rockets and Grad missiles. Even so, it offered to
extend the truce, but only on condition that Israel ended its blockade.
Eli Yishai, Israel refused.[]
Israel Minister of Internal Affairs

5 Nov
Hamas territory

19 June
Beginning of 361
the truce

241 257
145 149 125

1 8 1 1
19 Dec
End of The Truce


Data taken from Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center

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Israel-Hamas Truce Timeline used to manufacture rockets.
 December 19th: The six-month
 June 19th 2008: An Egyptian truce officially ends.
mediated ceasefire begins
 December 20th: Israeli launches
between Hamas and Israel. The
air strikes on the northern Gazan
Palestinian movement agrees to
town of Beit Lahiya, killing one
stop firing rockets as Israel
Palestinian and wounding two
accepts to gradually ease its
embargo on the Gaza Strip.
 November 18th: Israeli tanks  December 21st: Palestinian
 October 8th: Israel prevents backed by a bulldozer and a
Physicians for Human Rights fighters fire rockets into Sderot
military jeep roll half a kilometer and Negev and one Israeli is
(PHR) from entering the into Gaza. The Israeli army claims
embattled Gaza Strip. wounded.
the incursion is "a routine
 November 5th: Israel raids operation to uncover explosive  December 22nd: A twenty-four
houses in the Hamas-controlled devices near the border fence in hour truce is declared between
region and arrests seven the southern Gaza Strip." Israel and armed Palestinian
Palestinians. Israel attacks areas factions at the request of Egyptian
inside Gaza, killing at least six  November 20th: An Israeli tank mediators.
Palestinians. Ghassan el-Taramse, fires shells, killing a Palestinian
a nineteen-year-old Palestinian fighter east of Gaza City.  December 23rd: The twenty-four
activist, is killed in an Israeli air hour truce expires. Clashes
 November 23rd: The Israeli army between Israeli forces and
raid in the northern parts of the wounds two Palestinian residents
coastal sliver. Palestinians fire Palestinian resistance fighters
while shelling homes in various leave three members of the
several dozen rockets and mortar cities in the strip.
shells at western Negev in Israel in Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades dead
retaliation. No casualties or  November 28th: Israeli forces along the border fence in northern
property damage is caused, but backed by tanks enter the Gaza. Six Qassam rockets are fired
three women are treated for southern parts of the coastal into western Negev. The rocket
shock. region and kill two Palestinians. attacks do not hit any targets in
 November 8th: Israel's tanks and  November 29th: Projectiles fired
bulldozers cross the southern from the Gaza Strip wound eight  December 24th: Gaza fighters
border of the Gaza Strip. Israeli soldiers in an army base in fire two dozen mortar shells at
 November 14th: Hamas fires a the town of Nahal Uz. three different targets inside
barrage of homemade rockets at Israel. An Israeli air raid kills a
 December 2nd: The Israeli army Palestinian and wounds two
the city of Ashkelon. Four rockets launches air strikes into southern
are also fired into western Negev others in southern Gaza.
Gaza and kills at least two
after Israeli air strikes wounded civilians and wounding four  December 27th: Israeli F16
two people in Gaza. others. bombers and apache helicopters
 November 15th: Israeli air strike carry out at least 30 simultaneous
kills two Palestinians in the town  December 17th: Five Qassam raids on various targets across the
of Beit Hanoun in Gaza. rockets fired from the Gaza Strip Gaza strip. [] This make things clear about who violate the truce, and a well done
injure two Israelis in the southern
plan for this war is prepared by Ehud Barak, even before the Six-months
town of Sderot.
truce started. Besides, Israel's assault on the Gaza Strip cannot be
 December 18th: A Palestinian justified by self-defense. An armed attack that is not justified by self-
man is killed in Jabaliya as Israeli defense is a war of aggression. Under the Nuremberg Principles
aircraft target metal workshops in affirmed by U.N. Resolution 95, aggression is a crime against peace.
the towns of Jabaliya and Khan Prosecute Israel for War Crimes. This offensive is not primarily to
Yunis in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli protect the Israeli public, ceasefires and negotiations are far more likely
military claims the targets are to deliver security for Israeli citizens as shown in the chart. []
Info taken from Telegraph, PressTV & Al-Jazeera

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Hamas is Terrorist Palestinian Neglecting
Organization? The Peace Negotiation?
Everyone seems to have forgotten that Hamas launched its Qassam When Ariel Sharon pulled Jewish What I effectively agreed to with Ariel Sharon gave Hamas the
that Hamas declared an end to rockets because that is what settlers out of Gaza in 2005, he the Americans was that part of the chance to set out on the path to
suicide bombings and rocket fire terrorists do and Hamas is a called it a painful sacrifice for settlements [i.e. the major statehood, a chance it refused to
when it decided to join the generic terrorist group. In fact, peace. Another view was that he settlement blocks on the West take; instead, it transformed Gaza
Palestinian political process, and Hamas is no more a 'terror had run out of political options and Bank] would not be dealt with at into a launching-pad for firing
largely stuck to it for more than a organisation' (Israel's preferred the pull-out was a way to stave off all, and the rest will not be dealt missiles at Israel's civilian
year. term) than the Zionist movement international pressure to talk to with until the Palestinians turn into population. The charge is a lie
was during its struggle for a the Palestinians. What the Finns...The significance [of the twice over. First, for all its failings,
When Hamas unexpectedly won Jewish homeland. In the late dismantling of the Gaza agreement with the US] is the Hamas brought to Gaza a level of
the election, Israel and the US 1930s and 1940s, parties within settlements did not do was end the freezing of the political process. law and order unknown in recent
immediately sought to de- the Zionist movement resorted to expansion of colonies on the West And when you freeze that process, years, and did so without the large
legitimise the result and terrorist activities for strategic Bank. Shilo -an in the northern you prevent the establishment of a sums of money that donors
embraced Mahmoud Abbas, the reasons. has grown by about 25% since Palestinian state and you prevent a showered on the Fatah-led
head of Fatah, who until then had 2005. The "outposts" around it, discussion about the refugees, the Palestinian Authority. It eliminated
been dismissed by Israel's leaders In other words, when Jews target which are illegal even under Israeli borders and Jerusalem. Effectively, the violent gangs and warlords
as a 'plucked chicken'. They armed and kill innocent civilians to law, have been expanding so fast this whole package that is called who terrorised Gaza under Fatah's
and trained his security forces to advance their national struggle, that the "Shilo block", with about the Palestinian state, with all that rule. Non-observant Muslims,
overthrow Hamas; and when they are patriots. When their 10,000 residents, is now as large as it entails, has been removed from Christians and other minorities
Hamas – brutally, to be sure – pre- adversaries do so, they are the main settlement that was our agenda indefinitely. And all this have more religious freedom under
empted this violent attempt to terrorists. Moreover, These dismantled in Gaza. with [President Bush's] authority Hamas rule than they would have
reverse the result of the first terrorists are the land owners, and and permission... and the in Saudi Arabia, for example, or
honest democratic election in the its their right according to the This is how Sharon's senior adviser under many other Arab regimes.
ratification of both houses of
modern Middle East, Israel and international Law to resist till they Dov Weisglass, who was also his Congress.
the Bush administration imposed get their state free.[] chief negotiator with the The greater lie is that Sharon's
the blockade. Americans, described the Israel seeks to counter these withdrawal from Gaza was
withdrawal from Gaza, in an indisputable facts by maintaining intended as a prelude to further
Besides, Israel's government interview with Ha'aretz in August that in withdrawing Israeli withdrawals and a peace
would like the world to believe 2004: settlements from Gaza in 2005, agreement. []

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Hamas use UNRWA school Hamas Dug Tunnel For
as camps? Smuggling Weapons?
Before the school was hit by than 55 were injured. Israeli Despite repeated calls from the pushed to use alternatives to get hundred out of these thousands
Israeli bombs, some 400 bombs also hit a second school international community, Gaza life back after the Israelis robbed of laborers died, and they are still
Palestinians fleeing shelling of the days after, killing three civilians. remains closed to food and them of basic necessities. The dying.
Jabalya refugee camp had taken medicine. For almost two years, alternatives were an
Some Jabalya refugees at the And as one of these labors once
shelter inside Fakhura -UNRWA 1.5 million Palestinians have amalgamation of fear, freedom,
school said they saw a small said "I know it is a journey
School-, hoping that the U.N. flag endured collective punishment as death, and life. They started to dig
group of militants firing mortars a towards death to bring food, but
would shield them from harm, a result of Israel’s tight closure of tunnels that linked Gaza with
citrus grove not far from the we have to remain alive as Israel
according to survivors. Earlier, the Gaza,the most densely populated Egypt in order to bring what Israel
school. But Israeli military officials deprives us the basics of life".[]
U.N. had passed along the area in the world. had made taboo for the
insist that the mortars were fired
coordinates of all its schools and Palestinians.
from within the crowded Consequently, a complete
buildings to the Israeli military so
schoolyard and that Hamas is paralysis hit the agricultural, Now more than two thousand
that its humanitarian missions
using civilians as human shields. medical, economical, and all tunnels have been dug through
would be spared attack.
The IDF gave the names of two sectors of life. People were the borders to reach Egypt.
Knowing that, Israel didn't Hamas combatants it says were trapped in a large concentration Thousands of people began to
hesitate hitting the school, no killed inside the school — Imad camp called Gaza, and they are work as daily laborers in order to
matter how many civilians was and Hassan Abu Askar — who still, where no one is allowed to bring basic things, for without
fleeing there. Some reports say allegedly fired the mortars. But get in or to get out. Students are these tunnels people would be
that Israel struck the school with the IDF did not explain how it was deprived from their education starving and would have nothing.
artillery shells, while others say able to identify them among the abroad. Three hundred patients These tunnels are their source of
with mortars. But anyway, Thirty many casualties. Troops did not died due to the inability to travel life.
Palestinians were killed outright visit the school after the attack, for treatment, while some others
On the contrary, working in them
from the incoming fire, and 10 nor did the IDF have access to a died due to lack of medicine
automatically makes them an
others died afterward in Gaza's casualty list from Gaza's altogether. There is no gas for
associate with tragedy, and it is a
overburdened and badly hospitals![] heating, and power cuts are
frequent visitor. It is a hazardous
provisioned hospitals, and more frequent. The Gazans were
operation where more than one
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deploys these burning wedges into an area normally the size of a
football field, but with favorable wind conditions, the affected area can
be bigger, as the shells explode in an angle of 30-45° from the ground,
ILLEGAL Effects in human body:
WEAPONS Producing an extremely high temperature when burning, it causes
serious injures to human flesh, normally burning it to the bone at the
contact point. Phosphorus keeps burning inside the skin for a long
period of time, extending the burn if the wedge is not extracted and
the burn quickly treated by medical staff. Also, the death toll caused by
weapons of this nature is higher, as most victims with 10% or more of
the skin burnt die; "We noticed various things about this: the burn
does not heal; the phosphorus may remain inside the body and goes on
burning there, and the general condition of the patient deteriorates –
normally with 10-15 percent burns you would expect a cure, now many
such patients die." Dr. Abu Shabaan, head of Shifa Hospital's burns unit
for the last 15 years, stated.
Although Israel's government denies the use of this weapon, many
experts point that evidence of its use is literally spread in the floor all
over Gaza.
"We had a child of three years with a head injury. After three hours we
changed the dressing and saw smoke coming out of the wound. We
opened the wound and brought out this wedge. We had not seen it
before. Later on, some colleagues, doctors from Egypt and Norway,
were able to enter Gaza and told us that this was white phosphorus"
affirmed Dr. Shabaan.
Amnesty International sent a four-member team of specialists to the
strip. "Artillery is an area weapon; not good for pinpoint targeting. The
White Phosphor (WP) fact that these munitions, which are usually used as ground burst,
Chemically, white phosphorus is a non-metallic, highly flammable were fired as air bursts increases the likely size of the danger area,” said
element that ignites in contact with the air and burns at temperatures Chris Cobb-Smith, weapons expert of the team.
surrounding 800°C. It's normally kept inside liquid-filled cases, like As part of the investigation in Gaza, the team visited the UNRWA field
water or nitrogen. office and warehouses in Gaza City, which was set under the aim of
In the military field, white phosphorus is used as an incendiary Israeli artillery on January 15th, receiving several direct hits of HE (high
element, which applications goes from creating smoke screens to use explosives) and white phosphorus shells. "Four days later, the fire is still
as incendiary weapon. Used in this last version, the weapon itself isn't burning – the charred and smoldering remnants of millions of dollars'
banned by any organization, but its use is strictly controlled by worth of food and medicine all destroyed. The ground outside the
international law. Its legal purpose is of a pure military nature, warehouses is still slick with the thousands of litres of burning cooking
normally meant to burn trenched troops or creating smoke screens for oil that spilled out. Several UN
concealed maneuvering in open spaces. vehicles were also destroyed in
the attacks," informed a UN
WP as a Weapon: officer to the team.[]
White phosphorus can be used in numerous kinds of weapons, like
20mm airborne cannons and Hellfire AGM laser-guided missiles used
from AH-64 Apache helicopters or drones to giant bombs dropped by
fighters, but the most common use is from artillery.
In this case, the 155mm shells used by the Israeli army contain 116
white phosphorus wedges. When the shell explodes in the air, it

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Deep Inert metal Explosive (DIME )
This weapon is a carbon-encased This weapon affects mostly the shrapnel in or near the wounds”
missile that explodes shattering lower part of the body, being as described by Dr. Habas Al-
into thousands of particle amputation the most serious Wahis, from Shifa Hospital.
splinters on the impact. When it wound. It also causes burns
This weapon also has a side effect.
explodes, it expels energy- around the slumps, small
Tungsten, DIME main element
charged tungsten powder as punctures in the skin and internal
(being the inert metal), is said to
sharp blades in the impact point. bleeding, caused the last by the
be a highly carcinogenic chemical,
Inertia quickly stops the powder, strong expansive wave.
as scientific tests on lab rats have
but still the damage area is of 4 Amputations are believed to be
shown that all specimens
meters, and anything within that caused by the blade-like form the
developed cancer within 5
range is burnt and destroyed. This particles have when the shell
months. Normally, survivors of
weapon was designed to reduce explodes. This cause the
this weapon are expected to
collateral damage keeping the extremities to be sliced “(…) as if a
develop cancer in near future.
strength of an HE shell direct hit. sharp saw was used to cut
There are also investigations that
through the bone, however there
Effects in human body: try to discover links between
was no evidence of ordinary metal
tungsten and leukemia. []

Fletchette is a tiny metal dart of international laws. an Israeli raid on January 4th. The
around 4cm long. They are next day, while the mourners of
Effects in human body:
normally packed in 120mm shells his death gathered in the
used for tanks (like the Merkava), The strength with which they hit a warehouse near the family's
that are designed to explode in target is enough to penetrate home, a missile hit the place and
the air, projecting from 5 to 8 flesh and bones, causing bone killed 3 mourners, injuring several
thousand fletchettes in a conical splintering and serious internal others. When the men
pattern, covering an area of damage to organs. reassembled near the warehouse
300mts wide. after the attack, the deceased's
There is clear evidence of the use
father told them to go home,
Its main purpose is as an anti- of this weapon against masses.
fearing further attacks against the
personal weapon, meant to take One of the cases is of a Bedouin
agglomeration of
out a vast number of soldiers with family, north of the strip. One of
people. Moments
one shot, covering a wide area. Its the sons, a primary school teacher
later, the area got
use must be avoided in urban of a UN school who also worked
stroke again, this
spaces, and its use against as volunteer of the emergency
time with
civilians is forbidden by ambulance service, got killed by

Unknown Weapons killed twelve youngsters, received Some people claim this action to surgery department at Shifa -People in Gaza described a silent
several impacts of these cubes, be an alternative bulldozing to Hospital found that several bomb which is extremely
-There are evidences of an some of which are still embedded create no-mans land, enclosing patients had computer chips, destructive. The bomb arrives as a
explosive device that works in his thigh. Gazans to an even smaller space magnetic pieces and transistors silent projectile at most with a
similarly to fletchettes, expelling inside the city. inside their wounds. These whistling sound and creates a
little 4mm steel cubes. These are -Another case is of an explosion
wounds, seeming to be only pin- large area where all objects and
fired with enormous strength, that crushed a huge residential In the site, people found several
pointed damage in the skin, living things are vaporized with
penetrating steel plates and area, flattening houses and high explosive (HE) lumps that
presented vast damage to internal minimal trace. they are unable to
embedding into concrete walls. buildings in Abd Rabbo, northeast failed to detonate, lying between
organs. For example, he stated fit this into conventional weapons
of Gaza City. Witnesses said that the rubble.
A young man, survivor of an that "one patient had his liver but the possibility of new particle
the buildings were smashed as
explosion of this weapon that -During another day of hard work, burned black, as if it had been weapons being tested should be
Dr. Sobhi Skaik, head of the grilled.” suspected.[]

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“The Palestinian there to confirm their testimony,
it would all have been presented
you are not able to attack them
surgically." The doctor said many
witnesses, as as Hamas propaganda," patients succumb to septicemia
medical workers, are and die within 24 hours.
Dr. Mads Gilbert, Fosse's college,
very accurate in their mentioned that he has worked in
many conflict zones, said the
Abu Shabaan, the head of the
Shifa burns unit for 15 years, said
reports, but if we situation was the worst he had he and his staff had been stunned
hadn't been there to seen. by the "unusual wounds" they
found."It starts with small
confirm their Dr Jan Brommundt, a German
patches and in hours it becomes
doctor working for Medecins du
testimony, it would Monde in the south Gazan city of
wide and deep and in some cases
it reaches the point where even
all have been Khan Younis, described the
the general condition of the
injuries he had seen as "absolutely
presented as Hamas gruesome".
patient deteriorates rapidly and
propaganda”. unexpectedly," he said.
DOCTOR Dr. Erik Fosse,
Brommundt described
widespread but previously unseen
He described one patient, a three-
year-old girl, who was sent for a
WITNESSES Norwegian cardiologist at abdominal injuries that appear
minor at first but degenerate
scan because of a head wound:
Gaza's Shifa Hospital "After about two hours she came
within hours causing multi-organ
children, too weak to stand, back, we opened the wound, and
failure. "Initially everything seems
Dr Ahmad Yahya, who is a Papers and literature on war waiting by their dead mothers, smoke came out from the
in order... but they will present
professor of neurosurgery at El injury don't mention these,” he the ICRC. Aid workers had been wound," he said. Surgeons used
within one to five hours with an
Arish Hospital, Egypt, says he is said “It does not stop burning denied access to the site for days, forceps to pull out a substance
acute abdomen which looks like
shocked and appalled by the until it vanishes. So it eats the it added. "This is a shocking from the wound that was "like
appendicitus but it turns out on
gruesome injuries being inflicted skin, the muscle even the bone. incident," said Pierre Wettach, Red dense cotton and it started to
operation that dozens of
on the Palestinian people by You can't repair the wound and Cross head for Israel and the burn," he said. "The piece
miniature particles can be found
Israeli Defense Forces and their the limb must be amputated. You Palestinian territories. "The Israeli continued to burn until it
in all of their organs," he said.
new weapons. cannot find anything to repair,” Dr military must have been aware of disappeared." The child, who was
Ahmed reporting. the situation but did not assist "It seems to be some sort of from Atatra, in Beit Lahiya, in
Dr Ahmed is cataloging the explosive or shell that disperses northern Gaza, died. []
horrific injuries such as babies Dr Ahmed, who is often reduced the wounded. Neither did they
make it possible for us or the tiny particles at around 1x1 or 2x1
being shot in the head, babies to tears in front of his colleagues
Palestinian Red Crescent to assist millimeters that penetrate all
with broken spines due to being due to the ghastliness of his work,
the wounded." organs, these miniature injuries,
thrown by shell blasts. People has decided to photograph each
burned to the bone by white and every horrific case which Dr. Erik Fosse, a Norwegian
phosphorus, nail bombs causing comes into the hospital so it can cardiologist who worked at Gaza's
brutal injuries and a new be presented as evidence in any Shifa Hospital for 11 days,
phenomena micro pellets which war crimes investigation. described the injuries as
leave no entry wound but cause “I want to send it to any lawyer to "extreme" and "much more
fatal internal injuries. take action against the killers who dramatic" than those inflicted by
According to the professor micro are killing civilized people. They landmines as "legs are blown off
pellets enter the body in large are not soldiers. They are civilians. to the groin, it's like they have
numbers and destroy internal They have no arms, no anti- been cut to pieces". He described
organs such as the brain and aircraft weaponry. They have only them as "new injuries" that most
lungs. guns and hand-made rockets. doctors will not have come across,
What can that do?” he said. although he noted similar
“You can't find the entry point wounds were reported in the
because it enters by very small A Red Cross medical team found 2006 Lebanon war. Fosse said "The
holes in the skin,” he said. 12 bodies in a shelled house for Palestinian witnesses, as medical
Al-Sammouni family, and workers, are very accurate in their
“I am a professor but I have not alongside them four very young
seen or read about this before. reports, but if we hadn't been

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Targeting of Civilians and shelled. Israeli forces continued to targeting rather than collateral
Civilian Infrastructure shoot at civilians fleeing the damage or mistake. Specifically;
targeted structures.
Evidences had been found that John Ging, the Director of Gaza
Palestinian civilians were victims Israeli forces also destroyed Operations for UNRWA reported
numerous buildings throughout that Israeli forces fired missiles at
ISRAEL of excessive force and collateral
damage, they also found troubling the Gaza Strip during the recent UNRWA schools in Gaza City,
WAR CRIMES instances of Palestinian civilians incursion. Delegations viewed the
remains of hundreds of
Jabalyia and Bet Lahiya. The
United Nation compound in Gaza
being targets themselves.
demolished homes and businesses city was also hit with white
Human rights groups recorded - in addition to the remains of the phosphorous shells and missiles.
numerous accounts of Israeli American School in Gaza, Ging noted that all United Nations
soldiers shooting civilians, damaged medical centers, and the buildings and vehicles all fly UN
including women, children, and charred innards of UNRWA flags, are marked in blue paint
the elderly, in the head, chest, and warehouses. While in situations of from the top, and that during
stomach. Another common armed conflict, collateral damage hostilities the UN personnel
narrative described Israeli forces and mistakes can occur, the remained in constant contact with
rounding civilians into a single circumstances surrounding the Israeli authorities.[]
location i.e., homes, schools which cases that the delegation
Israeli tanks or warplanes then investigated indicate deliberate

Blocking of medical and “Israel's widespread denial of the Palestinian Red Crescent
humanitarian assistance access to medical crews in Gaza Society told us that "a lot of
to civilians appears to be a breach of people could have been saved, but
humanitarian law,” said Yuval hey weren't given medical care by
Under customary international Shany, a legal scholar at Hebrew the Israelis, nor did the Israeli army
humanitarian law, the wounded University in Jerusalem. "In allow Palestinian medical services
are protected persons and must international law, there is in." When paramedics were finally
receive the medical care and obligation to facilitate access to allowed to enter on January 7,
attention required by their the wounded and even to treat the Israeli forces only gave them a 3-
conditions, to the fullest extent wounded," Shany said. "In this hour "lull" to work and prohibited
practicable and with the least area, I think there was a deviationambulances into the area. Instead
possible delay. Parties to a conflict from the international standard they forced paramedics park the
are required to ensure the and this should be investigated." ambulances 2 kilometers away
unhindered movement of medical and enter the area on foot. Murad
personnel and ambulances to Speaking to medical workers and
told delegation members how
carry out their duties and of the family of victims, one of
they had to pile the wounded on
wounded persons to access human rights delegations
donkey carts and have the medical
medical care. documented serious violations of
workers pull the carts in order to
this provision. Among the stories
Iyad Nasr, a Red Cross spokesman help the most people possible in
documented include:
in Gaza, said Israeli soldiers had the short time they were given.
fired at ambulances that tried to Zaytoun neighborhood, which After the 3 hours were over, the
reach some areas, even when came under attack and invasion by Israeli army started shooting
medical officials had received ground foces on January 3, 2009. toward the ambulances. The Red
approval from the Israeli military The Palestinian Red Crescent Crescent was not able to reach
to enter certain neighborhoods. received 145 calls from Zaytoun that area again to evacuate the
for help, but were denied entry by dead until January 17, 2009 when
"Our request for Ezbt Abed Rabbo Israel. the Israeli army pulled out.[]
was just pending and pending and
pending and pending day after Bashar Ahmed Murad, Director of
day," Nasr said. Emergency Medical Services for

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Illegal use of Weapons injuries.

Human rights groups found Their findings overwhelmingly

evidences of the use of flachette point to the use of conventional
shells. They need to do further weapons in a prohibited manner,
investigations about using DIME, specifically, the use of battlefield
while doctors declared it had been weaponry in densely populated
widely used . civilian areas.[]

They found evidence that Israel

used white phosphorus in
extensively throughout its three-
week offensive in a manner that
led to numerous deaths and

Attacking medical staff & Beit Lahiya that apparently missile, surface attack” and the
hospitals targeted five unarmed young men. USA is mentioned as the weapon's
It was hit a few minutes later by a country of provenance.
Under the Geneva Conventions, tank shell filled with flechettes.
medical personnel searching,
collecting, transporting or treating Two paramedics were seriously
the wounded should be protected wounded in the incident. One of
and respected in all circumstances. them, Arafa Hani Abd-al-Dayam,
Common Article 3 of the later died. Examining the wall of
Conventions says that the the shop beside where the
wounded should be collected and ambulance had been, we found it
cared for, including combatants pierced by hundreds of these
who are hors de combat. darts.

An American Delegate members, In another case, three paramedics After the four were killed in the
Which came to investigate Israelis in their mid 20s – Anas Fadhel missile strike, their bodies could
war crimes, saw ambulances Na'im, Yaser Kamal Shbeir, and not be removed for two days as
seriously damaged and destroyed, Raf'at Abd al-'Al – were killed in the ambulances crews who tried
some apparently deliberately the early afternoon of 4 January in to approach the site again came
crushed by Israeli tanks. Gaza City as they walked through under fire from Israeli forces and
Emergency medical rescue a small field on their way to rescue could not approach.
workers, including doctors, two wounded men in a nearby
orchard. A 12-year-old boy, Omar With several ambulances in the
paramedics and ambulance
Ahmad al-Barade'e, who was street below, and paramedics
drivers, repeatedly came under fire
standing near his home indicating plainly visible by their
from Israeli forces while they were
to the paramedic the place where phosphorescent jackets, it must
carrying out their duties. The
the wounded were, was also killed have been clear to the Israeli
Palestinian Red Crescent Society
in the same strike. surveillance drones hovering
and the Palestinian Ministry of
above the area and the tank crews
Health informed delegates that 15 The delegate went to the scene of a few kilometres away in the Jabal
Palestinian medics were killed and the incident with the two Raiss area that there were medics
21 injured in the course of Israel's ambulance drivers who had in the house, yet they fired
assault. accompanied the paramedics and nevertheless.[]
In one case Arafa Hani Abd-al- who had witnessed the attack.
Dayam, a paramedic, was killed by There we met the child's
flechettes. On 4 January 2009, an distraught mother and we found
ambulance arrived about 15 the remains of the missile that
minutes after a missile strike in killed the three paramedics and
the child. The label reads “guided

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Attacking Media Building “World Media” into “World Liars.” media outlets such as Reuters. ensuring diversity of sources and Attacking Market
& Targeting Journalist Two Journalists were seriously free access to information, Mr
Banning media wasn't the only One of the Indonesian journalist
wounded. Matsuura called on the Israeli
During Gaza's offensive, Several action the Israeli government that covered Gaza war tells that
authorities to allow local and
hundred journalists were left in attempt to do, but also repeatedly Canadian Human Rights Activist during the war time, stores are
international media professionals
clusters away from direct contact targeting journalists and media Eva Bartlett was inside the closed and it is hard to get any
to report on events in the area.
with any fighting or Palestinian staffs while doing their work building as it was attacked; food. Theres one market that
Although, Israel has maintained
suffering, but with full access to during the war, as well as reported “It felt like the building people have to walk several hours
it's ban on foreign journalists
Israeli political and military targeting the well known media was about to collapse. The attack to reach the place, and then
entering the Gaza Strip, despite an
commentators eager to show installations inside Gaza. The was a few floors above where we patiently waiting in line for several
Israeli Supreme Court ruling
them around southern Israel, Director-General of UNESCO, were, but it felt like the building hours again just to buy a bread.
stating that they should be
where Hamas rockets have been Koïchiro Matsuura, deplored was going to come down. Israel The tragedies happen. Israel jet
terrorizing civilians. A slew of attacks on media installations in has denied the international fighter bombed the market.
private groups financed mostly by Gaza and condemned the killing of media access to Gaza, now they Hesna Al Ghaoui, a correspondent
Palestinian journalist Basel Faraj, are targeting those who are for Hungarian television, “I have In another place, Israel shell hit
Americans are helping guide the the main vegetable market in the
press around Israel. who worked as a cameraman for attempting to tell the world what been reporting from many wars
the Algerian TV network ENTV and is happening here. Israel does not and conflicts, but I have never met city. Two were badly maimed
Daniel Seaman, director of Israel's for the Palestine Broadcast want the world to see it's crimes.” such frustration”. [] children. Medics said five people
Government Press Office, said, Production Company. He died on 6 Eva Bartlett - International were killed in the market
“Any journalist who enters Gaza January from wounds sustained Solidarity Movement bombing, and 40 wounded. Israel
becomes a fig leaf and front for during an Israeli air strike on 27 said it had no knowledge of a
the Hamas terror organization, The Director-General recalled of market being hit.
and I see no reason why we should 23 December 2006, which forbids
Moreover, on Thursday, Jan. 15, attacks against journalists and The results, however, were
help that.”. Meanwhile, Yediot unmistakable. With Gaza's
Aharonot, the country's largest 2009. A high-story building media installations. Referring to
housing international media the General Assembly resolution ambulance service stretched far
selling daily newspaper, expressed beyond its normal capacity, the
well the popular view of the issue. outlets in Gaza City has been 63/100 A-B of 5 December 2008,
targeted by the Israeli military. which calls upon Member States first mangled bodies arrived in
Over a news article describing the private cars as locals scrambled to
generally negative coverage so far, Seven rounds were fired from an to reaffirm their commitment to
apache helicopter into the the principles of freedom of the save the lives of the shoppers
especially in the European media, caught up in the carnage.[]
an intentional misspelling of a building in which international press and freedom of information
Hebrew word turned the headline media, houses international and emphasizes the importance of

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Palestinians inspect the ruins of a destroyed mosque in Palestinians stand near a massive crater created by a A Palestinian medical workers carries the body of a four-
the Jabiliya refugee camp, in the northern Gaza Strip. bomb dropped by Israeli jets near Rafah, at the southern year-old girl who was killed in an Israeli strike on Beit
edge of the Gaza Strip. Hanoun, in the northern Gaza Strip.

A Palestinian child collects scraps from a police compound Palestinian men ride their motorcycles past al-Quds Palestinian employees at al-Quds hospital cook for
in Rafah, after it was destroyed in an Israeli air strike. hospital after it was hit by Israeli strikes. patients using a wood-fuelled stove due to a shortage in
cooking gas.

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During the weekend, some Israeli pick a best picnic spot on A Palestinian man walks through a United Nations school Palestinian Muslim worshipers gather for Friday prayers
the Gaza border to see the Israel millitary operation raiding in Beit Lahiya that was attacked by Israel on Saturday, outside of the Al-Taqwa mosque in Gaza City, which was
Gaza Strip. killing four Palestinian civilians who had taken shelter destroyed during Israel's attacks.

Palestinians receive food aid at a United Nations center in Palestinians return to what is left of their homes in the A Palestinian man sits beside the body of child killed by
the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah. war-ravaged Gaza Strip. Israeli tank fire in Gaza City on Wednesday afternoon.

This document is intellectual property of No More Ignorance team. Non-commercial distribution is allowed. All photos and artworks displayed are belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended. 41
During the weekend, some Israeli pick a best picnic spot on A victim of Israel's 22-day assault on the Gaza Strip is Emergency workers attempt to salvage food aid while
the Gaza border to see the millitary operation raiding Gaza seen in the morgue of a hospital in Gaza City on Saturday. putting out a fire at the headquarters of the United
Strip. 1,300 Palestinians have been killed since Israel began its Nations in Gaza City, which was set ablaze after coming
attacks on Gaza. under intense shelling from Israeli forces on Thursday.

A Palestinian woman walks past destroyed houses in A view of Gaza's $2.5 million dollar football stadium after Children play in Barcelona Park south of Gaza City during a
Jabaliya following Israeli strikes. it was targeted in an Israeli air strike. three-hour lull in Israel's assault.

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There are four main options open However, the ICJ has no About a dozen nations worldwide,
to states, groups or individuals enforcement powers, as was including the United Kingdom,
seeking to launch legal witnessed by its inability to act Spain and Belgium, have laws
proceedings against suspects following its ruling that Israel's bestowing "universal jurisdiction"
should investigators find war construction of a separation over genocide, war crimes, torture
crimes have been committed barrier breached aspects of and other similar offenses. These
during the 22-day assault on the international law. states try cases irrespective of the
Strip, says Mark S Ellis, the nationalities of the parties or the
The ICJ requested Israel rectify location of the alleged offenses
executive director of the
elements of the construction, when they are grave enough to be
International Bar Association
which Tel Aviv ignored - considered crimes against all
something any state can choose humanity. They offer another
to do, Ellis notes.
potential venue for the
prosecution of suspected Israeli
ISRAEL First, individual war crime cases 3 war criminals.
would ordinarily be referred to the Yet when Belgium permitted
The third option involves states litigation against former Israeli
International Criminal Court (ICC).
trying their own citizens or Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and
"The ICC simply doesn't have soldiers for war crimes – a others for their roles in the 1982
jurisdiction over this conflict," requirement under the Geneva massacres of Palestinians in Sabra
says Ellis, "because Israel has not Conventions. and Shatila refugee camps in
signed up to the Rome Statute Beirut, the U.S. brought withering
"That's unlikely to happen on both
[that enshrined the ICC]." As the pressure, threatening to move
sides, but that is still a
ICC requires states to adopt the NATO headquarters from Brussels
responsibility of the state, body, or
court's jurisdiction, it is unable to if the case were not shut down. It
entity that's responsible for, or has
bring any actions against non- was halted, shortly thereafter, by
authority over, the individuals
signatories itself, unless the UN Belgian parliamentary legislation.
who have committed these
Security Council votes to refer
crimes," says Ellis. Thus, perhaps the "court of last
specific cases for potential
prosecution. resort" is that of international civil
society, whose tools for
Gaza is not formally recognized as 4 nonviolent enforcement include
a state by the UN and "the US, boycotts, divestment and
The fourth Option is a legal
and perhaps other [security sanctions. That route, once so
concept referred to as "universal
council] member states, would effective in helping to end
jurisdiction", where any state can
veto any resolution that would apartheid in Africa, offers a
choose to launch legal
ask for the ICC to investigate powerful model for those seeking
proceedings against any person,
Israel. Since 1970, the United justice in Israel/Palestine today.
anywhere in the world, who is
States has vetoed resolutions Israel is both sensitive to Western
suspected of committing crimes
censuring Israel 41 times." says opinion and dependent on trade
such as genocide, torture, and
Ellis. "The ICC option is effectively and would likely respond to
other grave breaches of
closed.” ostracism.[]
international law.

The second route would be for the
UN General Assembly to request
an advisory opinion from the
International Court of Justice (ICJ),
also based in The Hague, on the
legality of specific actions taken
by states.
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The problem, said Katrivas, is in more companies that have the growing boycott.
part the discussion in the UK over decided to boycott relations with In 11 February, Ora Koren reported
how to label goods that come Israel. A Turkish company that the Israeli business sectors
THE from Jewish settlements in the
occupied West Bank. British
demanded that Israeli companies
sign a document condemning the
feel the effects of the attack on
Gaza. She reported that Israeli
BOYCOTT government officials met with
food industry representatives to
Israeli massacre in Gaza before
they can offer their services for it.
businessmen in Turkey are hiding
WORKS discuss the issue. Sadeh quoted Naomi Klein's
their names so that the local BDS
organizations won't learn about
recent call for boycott, the 2005 their activities, and that the
Nehemia Strassler, one of Israel's
Palestinian civil society call for situation is even worse in the UK.
most famous economic
boycott and Israeli organizations
correspondents, attacked the Consumer boycotts in Europe have
that support the boycott and
Israeli Minister of Industry, Trade targeted food produce such as
provide information for the global
and Labor, Eli Yishai, for calling on Israeli oranges, avocados and
BDS movement. Sadeh's article
the Israeli military to "destroy one herbs, while in Turkey the focus
also had concerned quotes by
hundred homes in Gaza for every has been on agribusiness products
Israeli businessmen who
rocket that falls in Israel." Strassler such as pesticides and fertilisers.[]
demanded government
had nothing to say about the
intervention to protect them from
Palestinians living in these homes
or about the loss of life, but he
"[the minister] doesn't even
The boycott of Israeli products Jewish groups such as B'Tselem understand how the operation in
and companies supporting the and Gush Shalom have launched Gaza hurts the economy. The
Zionist entity is about ordinary their own boycott Israeli goods horror sights on television and the
people around the world using campaigns. words of politicians in Europe and
their right to choose what they Turkey change the behavior of
Israel Manufacturers Association
buy in order to help bring about consumers, businessmen and
reported that 21% of 90 local
an end to oppression in Palestine. potential investors. Many
exporters who were questioned
Its a peaceful means of putting European consumers boycott
had felt a drop in demand due to
international pressure on the Israeli products in practice.
boycotts, mostly from the UK and
racist state of Israel and follows in Intellectuals call for an economic
Scandinavian countries. Besides,
the footsteps of the successful war against us and to enforce an
the Israel Export Institute
boycott against South African official and full consumer boycott.
reported that 10% of 400 polled
racist apartheid.
exporters received order On 2 February, Guy Grimland
This boycott is not directed at any cancellation notices this year, warned about a growing
religious or ethnic group, but because of Israel's assault on phenomenon of boycott of Israeli
rather it is directed at those Gaza. high-tech companies, and several
companies that are supporting Israeli companies received letters
"There is no doubt that a red light
the racist occupation of Palestine. from European and U.S.
has been switched on," Dan
The Boycott campaign is companies explaining that they
Katrivas, head of the foreign trade
supported by anti-Zionism Jews, cannot invest in Israel for moral
department at the Israel
Christian, Muslims as well as reasons.
Manufacturers Association, told
trade unions.
Maariv newspaper. "We are Gil Erez, Israel's commercial
UKs biggest trade union UNISON closely following what's attache in London, said,
with its 1.4 million members, happening with exporters who "Organisations are bombarding
have called for a boycott of all are running into problems with [British] retailers with letters,
Israeli goods. Christian groups like boycotts." He added that in Britain asking that they remove Israeli
Christian Aid have joined the there exists "a special problem merchandise from the shelves."
boycott demanding an end to EU - regarding the export of
Israel trade agreements. And agricultural produce from Israel". Shuki Sadeh wrote about even

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The Closed Pain Without Borders Dont Kill Gaza Children

During the past 18 months, Israel tightened its A TV ad explores the consequences of constant Why the children of Gaza don't deserve to be killed?
closure of Gaza, almost completely restricting the psychological damage or physical harm on children A question that had been asked to people from
passage of goods and people both to and from the in particular. A child finds himself an orphan and a different countries & cultures, and that was the
Strip.The effects of the closure were particularly refugee, having to cope with trauma associated answer.
harsh during the military operation of Dec. 2008 - with the war. He keeps picking himself up and
Jan. 2009. For three weeks, Gaza residents had walking, finding himself confronted time and time
nowhere to flee to escape the bombing. again by the death of his mother. It soon becomes
Done by; Gisha , An Israeli movement calling for clear that he is walking on a conveyor belt, caught
freedom of movement in a cycle of pain.
Watch now! Watch now! Watch now!

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Children of Gaza White Phoshorus in Gaza Show No Mercy

A freelance filmmaker in Gaza shot this material for Ayman al Najar, 13, tells how he lost his sister, Rights Group Complains After Troops Told That
Save the Children at a UN-supported school for grandfather and cousin in a bomb attack on 14 Gaza's Civilian Population Was Not Innocent. The
pupils displaced from their homes by the Israeli January in Khoza'a, southern Gaza. The video primary concern was a booklet which, among other
bombings. discussed using White phosphorus by the Israeli things, contained a rabbinical edict against
army against civilians. showing mercy.
Watch now! Watch now! Watch now!

Define The Crisis Israel & International Law

Several days into Israel's military operation in Gaza, On the eleventh day of the Israeli military operation
The Real News Network speaks to Phyllis Bennis in the Gaza Strip, two UN schools were bombed by
about the conflict. After giving a brief background Israeli jets. The schools were housing people who
on the events that led to the invasion of the Gaza had been displaced from their homes as a result of
Strip, Phyllis explains the various ways in which the the conflict, and the Associate Press reports that 37
United States facilitates Israel's activities. According civilians were killed in the attacks. As the costs of
to Phyllis, it is the unquestioning military and the conflict to civilian populations continues to
political support from Washington that makes increase, the Real News spoke to Phyllis Bennis to
Israel's actions possible. find out what international law has to say about
the events. Phyllis believes that while certain key
members of the UN apparatus have spoken out
against international law violations, the power
structure of the Security Council continues to make
definitive action impossible.

Israel War Crimes Gaza Will Never Forget Two Different View
What are the chances of pursuing Israel legally? Montage documenting the genocide commited by In the aftermath of the war in Gaza, and as Israel
What, if any, recourse has the international Isreal in "Operation Cast Lead". prepares to vote in a general election, euronews
community to punish those alleged to be met two Israeli commentators in Tel Aviv and
accountable? Would senior Israeli political and Jerusalem.
military leaders bear personal liability for their
offenses, and could they be prosecuted by an
international tribunal?
Watch now! Watch now! Watch now! Watch now! Watch now!

This document is intellectual property of No More Ignorance team. Non-commercial distribution is allowed. All photos and artworks displayed are belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended. 56


Australia England

This document is intellectual property of No More Ignorance team. Non-commercial distribution is allowed. All photos and artworks displayed are belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended. 57

Turkey United States of America

This document is intellectual property of No More Ignorance team. Non-commercial distribution is allowed. All photos and artworks displayed are belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended. 58
Israel Greece


Sweden Ireland

This document is intellectual property of No More Ignorance team. Non-commercial distribution is allowed. All photos and artworks displayed are belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended. 59


Japan Philippines

Italy Germany

Taiwan South Korea Romania Bosnia Herzegovina

This document is intellectual property of No More Ignorance team. Non-commercial distribution is allowed. All photos and artworks displayed are belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended. 64
Portugal Argentina

Peru Brazil

Paraguay Colombia Nicaragua

This document is intellectual property of No More Ignorance team. Non-commercial distribution is allowed. All photos and artworks displayed are belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended. 65
Swiss Holland Spain

Syria Egypt

Malaysia Afghanistan Iraq Lebanon

This document is intellectual property of No More Ignorance team. Non-commercial distribution is allowed. All photos and artworks displayed are belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended. 66
In Gaza, children,
you learn that the sky kills
and that houses hurt.
You learn that your blanket is smoke
and breakfast is dirt.

You learn that cars do somersaults

clothes turn red,
friends become statues,
bakers don't sell bread.

You learn that the night is a gun, You learn

that toys burn if they send you fire
breath can stop, they couldn't guess
it could be your turn. not just the soldier dies -
it's you and the rest.

Nowhere to run,
nowhere to go,
nowhere to hide
in the home you know. You learn
that death isn't life,
that air isn't bread,
the land is for all.
You have the right to be
Not Dead.
You have the right to be
Not Dead.
You have the right to be
Not Dead.

We would like to thanks to these great agencies & photographers

AP Photos. EPA. Save The Children. AFP Photo. Guardian News. Human Rights
Watch. UNRWA. Amnesty International. IPS.
Adel Hana. Anja Niedringhaus. Ashraf Amra. Gil Nechushtan. Majed Hamdan.
Xinhua. Sebastian Scheiner. Khaled Omar. Ben Curtis. Abdalrahem Khateb. Ali
Ali. Mohammed Saber. Abed Rahim Khatib. Pavel Wolberg. Olivier Hoslet. Eman
Mohammed. Said Khatib. Patric Baz. Mahmud Hams. David Buimovitch. Mehdi
Fedouach. Rory McCarthy. Clancy Chassay. Fred Abrahams. Bill van Esveld. Marc
Garlasco. Iyad El-Baba. Abid Katib. Spencer Platt. Fadi Adwan. Uriel Sinai. David
Silverman. Mohammed Salem. Suhaib Salem. Ronen Zvulun. Ismail Zaydah.
Hatem Omar. Wissam Nassar. Mohamed Al-Zanon. Khaleel Reash. Mohamed
Rujailah. Mahmoud Tawil. David Goldman. Michael Kooren. Matthew Cassel.
Baradan Kuppusamy. Benoit Tessier. Boris Horvat. Mick Tsikas. Adi Weda. Boris
Roessler. Robin Utrecht. Angelos Tzortzinis. Olivier Laban-Mattei. Massoud
Hossaini. Andreas Solaro. Gali Tibbon. David Silverman. Gali Tibbon. Peter
Macdiarmid. Amadeus Serey. Takver.

NMI, No-More-Ignorance, is a group of artists who, all together, Shaimaa x alshaimaa

are sharing their desire to struggle against War, Propaganda & Egypt

Human right violations everywhere in the world.

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