In 1625, Charles Stuart Became King Charles I of England.: Timeline

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Handout 9


In 1625, Charles Stuart became King Charles I of England.


June 1625 Charles calls his first Parliament and king parliament. quarrel over taxes and the war with Spain. Parliament angry Feb 1626 Charles calls his second parliament. because the King listens to Lord Buckingham instead of listening to Members of Parliament. England at war with Parliament is not 162829 Spain and France. sitting. It cannot do Charles imposes a anything. forced loan (a tax) without Parliaments consent. Charles arrests some of those who refuse to pay the forced loan. Charles calls his Parliament presents March third parliament. king with the 1628 Petition of Right. Parliament and king Charles calls his Jan 1629 quarrel over many fourth parliament. things including taxes. When Charles tries to dissolve Parliament, the Members of Parliament hold down the Speaker (the person who opens and closes proceedings) in his chair until the Parliament can pass The Three Resolutions. 1634 King imposes an old tax called Ship money on coastal towns. King extends Ship money tax to all England. John Hampden arrested for refusing to pay Ship money tax.

King dissolves (ends) Monarch Parliament. Parliament People King dissolves Parliament. Monarch Parliament People

Monarch Parliament People

King dissolves Parliament. King dissolves Parliament.

Monarch Parliament People Monarch Parliament People

King rules without Parliament for 11 years.

Monarch Parliament People

1635 1637

Discovering Democracy Upper Primary Units - Parliament versus Monarch

Commonwealth of Australia 2002

Handout 9 cont

DATE April 1640

KINGS ACTION PARLIAMENTS REACTION Charles, needing money, calls Parliament to sit.

KINGS RESPONSE May 1640 King dissolves Parliament. Charles agrees to Parliaments demands.

WHO HAS THE MOST POWER? Monarch Parliament People Monarch Parliament People

Parliament refuses to grant any taxes until the king listens to its complaints. Nov 1640 Charles calls another Parliament insists: parliament. it will meet every three years whether the king calls it or not it, not the king, will decide when it is time to dissolve Parliament. Nov 1641 Parliament presents The Grand Remonstrance.

Monarch Parliament People King invades Parliament with 400 swordsmen.

Jan 1641

June 1642

Parliament passes a new set of demands called the Nineteen Propositions.

Monarch Parliament People

Aug 1642


Parliament arrests Charles. King Charles I is tried for treason and beheaded. Parliament rules. It abolishes the monarchy.

Jan 1649


Monarch Armies loyal to the Parliament king go to war with armies loyal People to Parliament. Monarch Parliament People Monarch Parliament People Monarch Parliament People


Oliver Cromwell rules.

Discovering Democracy Upper Primary Units - Parliament versus Monarch

Commonwealth of Australia 2002

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