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Volume 7, Issue 7, August 2013

Royal Baby
By: Tin Win

Vijay Bahuguna CM of U arakhand By: Jyo shi Sangam ji

Sangeeta Vidya
By: Gunt Nagaraju

Second marriage
By: Kanakkumar Bosmia

Child birth
By: Navin Chitlangia

Any imprisonment
By: Hemmant Gujjar

Regular Colom Q-A, Book Review, Panchanga for August 2013

KP Ezine August 2013 1

Volume 7, Issue 7, August 2013

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 The Royal Baby Winning in election Will I get admission in the desirable school? K.P. Horary -- Birth of my daughter CA nal examination result Any second Marriage? Vijay Bahuguna CM of Uttarakhand Profession Bureaucrats Period of child birth Sangeeta Vidya - Proficiency in music Foreign travel Success in Examination Will TV serial production be protable for me? Miracle of Ruling Planets Marriage of my younger sister - when? Question-Answer Book Review-Nakshatra Light Readers View Planetary Position for August 2013

Par culars
Is imprisonment possible for Sooraj Pancholi ? Tin Win Pt Akash

Hemmant Gujjar

4 7 12 15 17 20 22 25 27 38 42 46 49 52 55 57 60 67 69 70

Nitn Dubey G.H.W. Silva Dr. Nirmal Kothari Kanakkumar B. Bosmia Jyotshi Sangamji VSN. Murthy Navin Chitlangia Gunt Nagaraju Dr. Nirmal Kothari V.K Sharma Sadasivan Gopalakrishnan Pt Akash Navin Chitlangia Tin Win Tin Win Generated from KPAstro 4.1TM

KP Ezine

August 2013

Volume 7, Issue 7, August 2013

Published by:


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KP Ezine

August 2013

Is imprisonment possible for Sooraj Pancholi for the suicide of actress Jiya Khan? By: Gajjar Hemantkumar Manilal
A/2, Sandeep Appt, Sardarpark Society, Maninagar(East), Ahmedabad 380 008, Gujarat, India. Mobile: 9879620307 Email: Question: Is imprisonment possible for Sooraj Pancholi for the suicide of actress Jiya Khan? Horary No. : 161/249 Date: 20/06/2013; Day: Thursday, Time: 10.40.50 AM Place : C. T. M. Ahmedabad. 230 N 00, 720 E 38; Ayanamsha : 230.57.18. Hints: If 12th cusp sub lord signifies house 2, 3, 8, 12, imprisonment is possible during the DBAS of significators of house 2, 3, 8, 12. 12th Cusp ( Libra 27 : 36 : 17 ) : The sub lord of the 12th cusp is Venus. Venus is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Venus. Venus is occupant of 8 and owner of 7, 11, 12. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 7, owner of 2, 4. So here 12th cusp sub lord signifies 2, 8, 12, so the imprisonment is possible. On the day of prediction, the ruling planets are Sun, Ketu, Jupiter, Venus, Rahu (Moon & Saturn) and Mars. The significators of house 2, 3, 8 and 12 are Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, & Ketu. Rahu conjoined with Moon, Saturn & Ketu indicates Mars. So the common planets among the RPs and significators are Jupiter, Venus, Ketu and Rahu. Joint Period: On the day of prediction, the running joint period is Rahu/Mars dasa period up to 11-4-2014. The Rahu Dasa is up to 22/4/2014. The Bhukti lord Mars is not in the common planets, so we have to check the next Dasa lord Jupiter. The Jupiter Dasa is from 22/04/2014 to 22/04/2030. The Dasa lord Jupiter is in the star of Mars and sub of Venus. Jupiter is occupant of 7 and owner of 2, 4. Star lord Mars is occupant of 7, owner of 1, 5, 6 and the sub lord Venus is occupant of 8 and owner of 7, 11, 12. Hence the Dasa lord Jupiter indicates the possibility of imprisonment by signifying 2, 8, 12. Now we have Bhukti lord Saturn which is not in common planets, next is Mercury which is also not in the common planets. So we take the next Bhukti Ketu which is in the common planets. Ketu Bhukti will run from 29/03/2021 o 05/03/2022. Bhukti lord Ketu is in the star of Venus and sub of Jupiter. Ketu is occupant of 5, and agent of Mars, occupant of 7, owner of 1, 5, 6. Star lord Venus is occupant of 8 and owner of 7, 11, 12. Sub lord Jupiter is occupant of 7 and owner of 2, 4. Hence the Bhukti lord Ketu indicates imprisonment by the 2, 8, 12 signification. As discussed above Venus signifies the imprisonment houses 2, 8, 12 and it is also in the common planets. Venus Antra is therefore chosen under the Ketu Bhukti.
KP Ezine August 2013 4

Horary No. 161/249

Sun Rise: 05:54:43 AM Nithya Yoga: Shiva Sun Set: Hora: 07:27:19 PM Mercury Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Bav
Horary No.: 161 Question : Will there a Possibility of jail to Mr. Sooraj Pancholi in the issue of Suicide of actress Jiya Khan at Mumbai?

Ruling Planets - 20/Jun/2013 10:40:50 AM CTM, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet Lagna Moon Sgl Su Ve Stl Ke Ra Sbl Ju Ma Ssl Ju Ra Sssl Me Mo

Day Lord: Jupiter

Nirayana Bhava Chalit

II 08:22:24:13 XII 06:27:36:17

Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Jyeshta(2) 2 P.Ashada(3) 3 Dhanishta(1) 4 P.Bhadra(4) 5 Aswini(1) 6 Krittika(1) 7 Rohini(4) 8 Punarvasu(1) 9 Ashlesha(3) 10 U.Phalguni(2) 11 Chitra(3) 12 Visakha(3) Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Mrigasira(4) Mo Swati(4) Ma Rohini(4) Me Punarvasu(3) Ju Mrigasira(4) Ve Punarvasu(3) Sa[R] Swati(2) Ra Visakha(1) Ke Bharani(3)

Sgl Ma Ju Sa Ju Ma Ma Ve Me Mo Me Ve Ve

Stl Me Ve Ma Ju Ke Su Mo Ju Me Su Ma Ju

Sbl Su Sa Ra Mo Ve Mo Ve Sa Ra Ra Me Ve

Ssl Su Me Mo Sa Ve Ra Ra Me Mo Sa Ma Ra

Sssl Su Ra Ke Mo Ju Ve Ma Sa Ke Ra Ju Ve

I 07:21:33:20 III 09:25:57:07 9 10 7 7 Ra 06:20:37:43 Mo 06:19:22:36 Sa[R] 06:11:07:33 XI 06:00:58:03

IV 11:00:01:15 8 12 2 6

X 05:00:01:15

Sgl Me Ve Ve Me Me Me Ve Ve Ma

Stl Ma Ra Mo Ju Ma Ju Ra Ju Ve

Sbl Su Ma Ke Ve Ve Ve Sa Ju Ju

Ssl Ra Ra Ra Ra Me Su Ke Me Sa

Sssl Ve Mo Ra Mo Ju Mo Ma Mo Ju

V 00:00:58:03 Ke 00:20:37:43 1 1 Ma 01:20:00:12 VI 00:27:36:17

VII 01:21:33:20 Su 02:05:05:45 Ju 02:04:42:11 4 3 Me 02:27:38:17 Ve 02:26:56:09 VIII 02:22:24:13

IX 03:25:57:07

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 7 7 1, 5, 6 Mo 11 11 9 Ma 11 7 9 1, 5, 6 Me+ 7 8 2, 4 8, 10 Ju 7 7 1, 5, 6 2, 4 Ve 7 8 2, 4 7, 11, 12 Sa+ 11 11 3 Ra 7 11 2, 4 Ke+ 8 5 7, 11, 12 (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ju, Ve, Sa. Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner

V 00:58:03 Ke 20:37:43 VI 27:36:17

Ma 20:00:12 VII 21:33:20

Ju 04:42:11 Su 05:05:45 VIII 22:24:13 Ve 26:56:09 Me 27:38:17

Dasa Summary
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Rahu Dasa 22-Apr-1996 - 22-Apr-2014 Rahu 22-Apr-1996 Jupiter 03-Jan-1999 Saturn 29-May-2001 Mercury 03-Apr-2004 Ketu 21-Oct-2006 Venus 09-Nov-2007 Sun 09-Nov-2010 Moon 03-Oct-2011 Mars 04-Apr-2013 Mercury Dasa 22-Apr-2049 - 22-Apr-2066 Mercury 22-Apr-2049 Ketu 18-Sep-2051 Venus 14-Sep-2052 Sun 16-Jul-2055 Moon 21-May-2056 Mars 20-Oct-2057 Rahu 18-Oct-2058 Jupiter 07-May-2061 Saturn 12-Aug-2063 Sun Dasa 22-Apr-2093 - 22-Apr-2099 Sun 22-Apr-2093 Moon 10-Aug-2093 Mars 08-Feb-2094 Rahu 16-Jun-2094 Jupiter 11-May-2095 Saturn 27-Feb-2096 Mercury 08-Feb-2097 Ketu 15-Dec-2097 Venus 22-Apr-2098 Jupiter Dasa 22-Apr-2014 - 22-Apr-2030 Jupiter 22-Apr-2014 Saturn 10-Jun-2016 Mercury 22-Dec-2018 Ketu 29-Mar-2021 Venus 05-Mar-2022 Sun 03-Nov-2024 Moon 23-Aug-2025 Mars 22-Dec-2026 Rahu 28-Nov-2027 Ketu Dasa 22-Apr-2066 - 22-Apr-2073 Ketu 22-Apr-2066 Venus 18-Sep-2066 Sun 18-Nov-2067 Moon 25-Mar-2068 Mars 24-Oct-2068 Rahu 22-Mar-2069 Jupiter 09-Apr-2070 Saturn 16-Mar-2071 Mercury 25-Apr-2072 Moon Dasa 22-Apr-2099 - 22-Apr-2109 Moon 22-Apr-2099 Mars 20-Feb-2100 Rahu 21-Sep-2100 Jupiter 23-Mar-2102 Saturn 23-Jul-2103 Mercury 21-Feb-2105 Ketu 23-Jul-2106 Venus 21-Feb-2107 Sun 22-Oct-2108 Saturn Dasa 22-Apr-2030 - 22-Apr-2049 Saturn 22-Apr-2030 Mercury 25-Apr-2033 Ketu 03-Jan-2036 Venus 11-Feb-2037 Sun 12-Apr-2040 Moon 25-Mar-2041 Mars 24-Oct-2042 Rahu 03-Dec-2043 Jupiter 09-Oct-2046 Venus Dasa 22-Apr-2073 - 22-Apr-2093 Venus 22-Apr-2073 Sun 22-Aug-2076 Moon 22-Aug-2077 Mars 22-Apr-2079 Rahu 22-Jun-2080 Jupiter 22-Jun-2083 Saturn 21-Feb-2086 Mercury 23-Apr-2089 Ketu 21-Feb-2092 Mars Dasa 22-Apr-2109 - 22-Apr-2116 Mars 22-Apr-2109 Rahu 18-Sep-2109 Jupiter 06-Oct-2110 Saturn 12-Sep-2111 Mercury 22-Oct-2112 Ketu 19-Oct-2113 Venus 17-Mar-2114 Sun 17-May-2115 Moon 22-Sep-2115

IV 00:01:15 Name: Jail Gender: Male Date: Thursday, 20/Jun/2013 Time: 10:40:50 AM SID: 03:55:42 Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:38:00 E Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India IX 25:57:07

III 25:57:07

Ayanamsa: 23 57' 18" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Swati, Pada 4 Star Lord: Rahu Rasi: Libra Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Dvadasi Bal. Dasa: Rahu 0 Y, 10 M, 2 D X 00:01:15

II 22:24:13

I 21:33:20

XII 27:36:17 Ra 20:37:43 Mo 19:22:36 Sa[R] 11:07:33 XI 00:58:03

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

August 2013

The Venus Antra is from 18/04/2021 to 14/06/2021. So in the joint period of Jupiter-Ketu-Venus (18/04/2021 to 14/06/2021) the imprisonment is possible for Sooraj Pancholi. That period is still very far away and consequently the imprisonment is not foreseen in the near future.

KP Ezine

August 2013

The Royal Baby

By: Tin Win

The royal baby, Prince George of Cambridge, was born on July 22 2013 at 4.24 pm BST, UT + 1 DST, at St. Mary's Hospital, Paddington, London, UK, 51 31 02 N, 0 10 23 W, where his father prince William and uncle Prince Harry were born. He arrived two hours before a full Moon, which means the prince is a Full Moon baby. He is third in the line of succession to the throne following his grand father Prince Charles and father Prince William. The Ascendant cuspal sub lord (CSL) of the new born prince George has been examined for the strength of Ascendant to be a king and longevity, with compared to his father, grand father and great grand mother, as shown in the following table: Table 1: Ascendant Cuspal Sub Lord (Strength of Asc. and Longevity) Sr 1 2 3 Name Queen Elizabeth II Prince Charles Prince William CSL Planet Ra+;7,Me:2,6-7 Ve+:4,5, CSL of 10 Ju:10,1-3, Its Star Lrd Ju:1,1-12 Mo:10,1-2 Ra:7, Su:7, Mo: 7,8; Ju:10,1-3, Sa+:9,2;Me+:6,79,CSL of 2,3-69-12 Ve:9,7-12 Its Sub Lord Ve+:1,4-5-9, CSL of 5,7,11 Su+:5,3 Ra:7, Su:7, Mo: 7,8; Ju:10,1-3, Sa+:9,2;Me+:6,79,CSL of 2,3-69-12 Ra:12,Sa:11,3-4; Ju+:8,2-5; Ve:9, 7-12

Prince George

Ke:6,Ma+:8,1-6, CSL of 2

KP Ezine

August 2013

Prince of Cambridge
Sun Rise: 05:10:22 AM Nithya Yoga: Vishkumbha Sun Set: Hora: 09:03:00 PM Sun Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Bav Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Visakha(4) 2 Moola(2) 3 Sravana(3) 4 P.Bhadra(2) 5 Revati(3) 6 Bharani(2) 7 Krittika(2) 8 Mrigasira(4) 9 Ashlesha(1) 10 P.Phalguni(4) 11 Chitra(1) 12 Swati(4) Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Pushyami(1) Mo U.Ashada(3) Ma Aridra(2) Me Aridra(4) Ju Aridra(2) Ve Magha(2) Sa Swati(2) Ra Swati(4) Ke Bharani(2) Sgl Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Stl Ju Ke Mo Ju Me Ve Su Ma Me Ve Ma Ra Sbl Ra Ma Sa Ve Ra Mo Sa Su Me Ke Ra Ve Ssl Mo Ve Ra Ve Ve Ju Sa Ve Ve Me Ve Sa Sssl Su Ke Ra Mo Me Ra Mo Ve Ju Sa Me Sa

Ruling Planets - 24/Jul/2013 08:47:54 AM Maryland, USA Planet Lagna Moon Sgl Su Sa Stl Ve Ma Sbl Ju Ve Ssl Ra Mo Sssl Me Me

Day Lord: Mercury

Nirayana Bhava Chalit

Mo 04:19:51 II 05:26:49 I 03:12:56 III 17:13:00 9 10 7 6 XI 25:40:31 Sa 11:01:58 Ra 18:54:38 XII 16:41:36

IV 26:39:32 8 11 2 5

X 26:39:32

Sgl Mo Sa Me Me Me Su Ve Ve Ma

Stl Sa Su Ra Ra Ra Ke Ra Ra Ve

Sbl Me Sa Sa Ma Sa Ra Sa Mo Ra

Ssl Ve Mo Ra Sa Ra Sa Me Me Sa

Sssl Ju Me Ve Ma Ju Me Sa Sa Ra

VII 03:12:56 V 25:40:31 12 1 VI 16:41:36 Ke 18:54:38 3 Me 19:34:15 Ma 12:09:47 Ju 12:00:57 Su 06:01:22 VIII 05:26:49 VII 03:12:56 VIII 05:26:49 Ju 12:00:57 Ma 12:09:47 Me 19:34:15 4 IX 17:13:00 Ve 06:10:48

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 11 8 3, 4 10 Mo+ 8 2 10 9 Ma+ 12 8 1, 6 Me+ 12 8 8, 11 Ju+ 12 8 2, 5 Ve 6 9 7, 12 Sa 12 11 3, 4 Ra 12 12 Ke 9 6 7, 12 Rahu acts as agent for: Ju, Ve, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner

VI 16:41:36 Ke 18:54:38

Dasa Summary
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Sun Dasa 10-Feb-2010 - 10-Feb-2016 Sun 10-Feb-2010 Moon 31-May-2010 Mars 29-Nov-2010 Rahu 06-Apr-2011 Jupiter 29-Feb-2012 Saturn 17-Dec-2012 Mercury 29-Nov-2013 Ketu 06-Oct-2014 Venus 11-Feb-2015 Rahu Dasa 10-Feb-2033 - 10-Feb-2051 Rahu 10-Feb-2033 Jupiter 24-Oct-2035 Saturn 19-Mar-2038 Mercury 24-Jan-2041 Ketu 12-Aug-2043 Venus 31-Aug-2044 Sun 31-Aug-2047 Moon 24-Jul-2048 Mars 23-Jan-2050 Mercury Dasa 10-Feb-2086 - 10-Feb-2103 Mercury 10-Feb-2086 Ketu 08-Jul-2088 Venus 06-Jul-2089 Sun 05-May-2092 Moon 11-Mar-2093 Mars 11-Aug-2094 Rahu 08-Aug-2095 Jupiter 25-Feb-2098 Saturn 02-Jun-2100 Moon Dasa 10-Feb-2016 - 10-Feb-2026 Moon 10-Feb-2016 Mars 11-Dec-2016 Rahu 12-Jul-2017 Jupiter 10-Jan-2019 Saturn 11-May-2020 Mercury 10-Dec-2021 Ketu 11-May-2023 Venus 10-Dec-2023 Sun 11-Aug-2025 Jupiter Dasa 10-Feb-2051 - 10-Feb-2067 Jupiter 10-Feb-2051 Saturn 31-Mar-2053 Mercury 12-Oct-2055 Ketu 17-Jan-2058 Venus 24-Dec-2058 Sun 25-Aug-2061 Moon 13-Jun-2062 Mars 13-Oct-2063 Rahu 17-Sep-2064 Ketu Dasa 10-Feb-2103 - 10-Feb-2110 Ketu 10-Feb-2103 Venus 09-Jul-2103 Sun 08-Sep-2104 Moon 14-Jan-2105 Mars 15-Aug-2105 Rahu 11-Jan-2106 Jupiter 30-Jan-2107 Saturn 05-Jan-2108 Mercury 14-Feb-2109 Mars Dasa 10-Feb-2026 - 10-Feb-2033 Mars 10-Feb-2026 Rahu 09-Jul-2026 Jupiter 28-Jul-2027 Saturn 03-Jul-2028 Mercury 11-Aug-2029 Ketu 08-Aug-2030 Venus 04-Jan-2031 Sun 05-Mar-2032 Moon 11-Jul-2032 Saturn Dasa 10-Feb-2067 - 10-Feb-2086 Saturn 10-Feb-2067 Mercury 13-Feb-2070 Ketu 23-Oct-2072 Venus 02-Dec-2073 Sun 31-Jan-2077 Moon 13-Jan-2078 Mars 14-Aug-2079 Rahu 23-Sep-2080 Jupiter 31-Jul-2083 Venus Dasa 10-Feb-2110 - 10-Feb-2130 Venus 10-Feb-2110 Sun 12-Jun-2113 Moon 12-Jun-2114 Mars 11-Feb-2116 Rahu 12-Apr-2117 Jupiter 12-Apr-2120 Saturn 12-Dec-2122 Mercury 11-Feb-2126 Ketu 11-Dec-2128

V 25:40:31 Name: Prince of Cambridge Gender: Male Date: Monday, 22/Jul/2013 Time: 04:24:00 PM SID: 11:25:30 Lat: 51:31:00 N Lon: 00:10:00 W Place: London, St. Mary's Hospital, United Kingdom IV 26:39:32 Ayanamsa: 23 57' 22" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: U.Ashada, Pada 3 Star Lord: Sun Rasi: Capricorn Rasi Lord: Saturn Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars Tithi: Poornima Bal. Dasa: Sun 2 Y, 6 M, 18 D Ve 06:10:48 X 26:39:32 Su 06:01:22 IX 17:13:00

III 17:13:00 Mo 04:19:51

XI 25:40:31

II 05:26:49

I 03:12:56

Ra 18:54:38 XII 16:41:36 Sa 11:01:58

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

August 2013

Strength of Asc.- Strong: 2,3,10,11; Weak: 5,8,12 Longevity- Positive: 1,5,11; Negative: Badhaka (7,9,11), Maraka (2,7), 6,8,12 In addition to the strength of Ascendant, the 10th CSL is also considered in determining whether Prince Georges chart is fit for a king as follows:. Table 2: 10th Cuspal Sub Lord (Authority, Status, Fame) Sr 1 2 Name Queen Elizabeth II Prince Charles Prince William Prince George CSL Planet Ma:1,3-10-11 Ma+:5,11; CSL of 1 Mo:7,8 Its Star Lrd Ma:1,3-10-11 Me:4,4-12 Its Sub Lord Sa:10,2 Sa+:2,7-89; CSL of 2,6,8,12 Sa+:9,2 Bdk 7 11

Ra:12,Sa:11,3-4; Ju+:8,2-5; Ve:9, 7-12

Ra:7, Su:7, Mo: 7,8; Ju:10,1-3, Sa+:9,2;Me+:6,7-9, CSL of 2,3-6-9-12 Ra:12,Sa:11,3-4; Ju+:8,2-5; Ve:9, 7-12

Mo+:2,9, CSL of 6

Gain: 1,6,9,10,11; Loss: 5,8,12 With compared to the very strong Ascendant and powerful 10th house of his great grandmother who has ruled over sixty years, Prince Georges chart seems to be strong enough to be a king, The most striking feature of his chart is that there is a remarkable array of four planets in his 8th house. The 10th lord Moon, 1st and 6th lord Mars, 8th and 11th lord Mercury, and 2nd and 5th lord Jupiter, i.e. 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 11th house lords are located in the 8th house. 3rd and 4th lord Saturn aspects Sun from the 11th house. Mars aspects 9th lord Moon in 2 from the 8th house. At its best such a heavy 8th house could be the gift for intuition and healing or magical transformations in life. There are healers and astrologers with the similar Sun, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter in the 8th house, like the same Scorpio arising British astrologer and painter John Varley, Libra rising German astrologer Hans Baumgarter, Capricorn arising American astrologer Bradley Clark, Leo arising Australian astrologer Simon-Astley Scholfield and Capricorn rising East Indian-American healer Deepak Chopra.. After his fathers death John Varley (17 August 1778, 15:34 LMT, London, UK) was looked after by his uncle Samuel Varley, and he was constantly in financial difficulties despite his success. (John Varley, 1778-1842, Claus Michael Kauffmann, Victoria and Albert Museum, B.T. Batsford, 2008. pp 60, 62) In the Virgo rising chart of former US president John F Kennedy, not only Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter but also Venus are deposited in the 8th house. But the 10th house lord Moon is placed in the 11th house, not in the 8th house. In addition the 4th and 5th lord Saturn is located in the 10th house. Another disappointing feature of this chart for some astrologers is that there is no planet in angular houses of action, like the predecessors from Queen Victoria, King Edward VII to
KP Ezine August 2013 9

Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Prince Williams. In combination of his Ascendant lord Mars aspecting Moon in the 2nd house, we may see a total transformation of the royal family which began with the same house 2-8 axis heavy loaded Scorpio arising Princess Diana. Prince Georges 3rd CSL Saturn in 11, lord of house 3, in the star of Rahu conjoined with Saturn and in own sub of Saturn clearly indicates his strong courage. Regarding wealth, the 2nd CSL has been scrutinized as shown in the table below: Table 3: 2nd Cuspal Sub Lord (Wealth) Sr 1 2 Name Queen Elizabeth II Prince Charles Prince William Prince George CSL Planet Me:2,6-7 Sa+:2,7-8-9 CSL of 2,6,8,12 Me+:6,7-9,CSL of 2,3-6-9-12 Ma+:8,1-6, CSL of 2 Its Star Lrd Sa:10,2 Ke:4,Su+:5,3, Me:4,4-12,Sa+: 2,7-89,CSL of 2, 6,8,12,Ve+:4,5 Mo:7,8 Ra:12,Sa:12,3-4; Ju+:8,2-5; Ve:9, 7-12 Its Sub Lord Mo+:7 Me:4,4-12

3 4

Ju:10,1-3 Sa:11,3-4

Beneficial/ Gain: 2,6,10,11; Unbeneficial/ Loss: 5,8,12 Prince Georges 2nd CSL signification of both gaining houses of 2,6,11 and loosing houses of 5,8,12 coincides with his 2nd house lord Jupiters location in the 8th house. He may see his income as belonging to other people and spend it for their benefit. He could change the entire financial structure of the monarchy. The Moon lord of 9th house- father is aspected by 6th lord Mars from 8th house. The conjunction of Sun- karaka for father- aspected by Saturn from 11th, Badhaka for 9th house- father, both Jupiter lord of 5th house grand father- 9th from 9th and Mercury lord of 8th housegreat grand mother- 4th from 5th with 6th lord Mars in the 8th house of life and death may look undesirable in the running dasa periods as shown below: Table 4: Current Running Dasa Sr 1 2 Name Queen Elizabeth II Prince Charles Dasa L Plt Ju:1,1-12 Ju:5,6-10 Its Star Lord Ma:1,3-1011 Ke:4,Su+:5, 3, Me:4,4-12, Sa+:2,7-8-9, CSL of 2,6,8, 12,Ve+:4,5 Mo:7,8 Sa:11,3-4 Su:8,10 Its Sub Lord Sa:10,2 Ra:10,Mo:10, 1-2,Ju:5,610,Ma+:5,11, CSL of 1 Dasa Up To 03-11-2023 01-01-2029 Bdk 7 11

3 4

Prince William Prince George

Sa+:9,2 Su:8,10 Mo+:2,9 CSL of 6

Ve:5,5-6-10 Me+:8,8-11, CSL of 9 Sa+:9,2 CSL of 3,7

10-01-2029 10-02-016 10-02-2026

7 9

KP Ezine

August 2013


Health - Positive : 1,5,11 (cure, recovery from ailment); Negative: Badhaka (7or 9 or 11), Maraka (2,7), 6 (disease, injury), 8 (serious disease, accident),12 (Moksha, end of life, hospitaization), 4 (end of everything/ death), 10 (retirement from this world/ death) Authority, Status, Fame - Gain: 1,6,9,10,11; Loss: 5,8,12 On the hand it could pave the way for Prince George to inherit the throne at a very early age since his Ascendant lord Mars representing the prince or princes is exactly conjoined with promoting Jupiter, like in the chart of Queen Elizabeth II. This is just an astrological analysis only. Best wishes to them all!

KP Ezine

August 2013


By: Pt Akash ( BE Electronics )( Jyo sh Shiromani )

Nakshatra Jyotish Kendra, Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer; Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779 ;

Winning in elec on

Election is an integral and most essential part of democracy. In our country there are so many organizations and members cast their vote to decide the winning candidature. One of my friends who himself is an astrologer had some doubts regarding his election, so he asked me whether filing a nomination for election will give him success or not? Let us see what the future beholds for him following the KP Astrology system according to my knowledge of astrology. Query : Should I file nomination for election of Secretary post? Horary No : 91 ( 1 249) Date : 15-03-2013 Time : 17:36 Place : Bhopal 77E26 , 23N07 (Geocentric) Ayanamsa : KPNA : 23:57:04 Hints As for filing of nomination is required, 10th cusp is the primary house, for power and status, and 11th for fulfillment of desires. So the 10th cuspal sublord must signify 3rd, 10th and 11th house for winning in an election. Moon & Ascendant sublord Let us check the Moon whether it supports the query being put up by the querent.. Let us check Moon first. Moon is placed in 9th house, in the star of Venus which is placed in 7th house (house of opponents), so Moon does not clearly indicates the query. The Ascendant sublord is considered for further confirmation. Saturn is the sublord of the ascendant, and is itself placed in the 3rd house and it is in the star of Rahu which is placed in 3rd house. So Ascendant sublord Saturn is connected to the 3rd house. Now we can proceed to solve the query. Cuspal analysis Primary Cusp : 10th Cusp -- Taurus 08:52:09 ( Ve Su Ve ) Venus is the cuspal sublord of the 10th house. It is placed in 7th house, owner of house 3, 10 and it is in the star of Jupiter which is placed in 10th house. So Venus is signifying 7th ,10th, and 3rd house strongly. It is in his own sub, So it becomes a strong significator both at the star and sub level. Supporting Cusp : 3rd Cusp -- Libra 07:14:15 ( Ve Ra-- Ra ) Rahu is the cuspal sublord of the 3rd house. It is placed in 3rd house. It is in the star of Jupiter, which is placed in 10th house. So Rahu signifies 10th house and 3rd house strongly. Rahus sublord is Mercury which is placed in 7th house, owner of 11. So Rahu is signifying 3rd 10th and 11th house at the star level and 3rd house at the sub level also. So it is indicating favourable for the querist. 11th Cusp Gemini (Me RaJu ) Jupiter is the cuspal sublord of the 10th house. It is placed in 10th house. It is in the star of
KP Ezine August 2013 12

Horary No. 91/249

Sun Rise: 06:29:26 AM Nithya Yoga: Indra Sun Set: Hora: 06:29:16 PM Jupiter Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Badreva
Horary No.: 91 Question : Should I file nomination for election of Secretary post?

Ruling Planets - 15/Mar/2013 05:36:00 PM BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet Lagna Moon Sgl Su Ma Stl Ve Ve Sbl Ra Ve Ssl Ve Sa Sssl Ke Me

Day Lord: Venus

Nirayana Bhava Chalit

II 05:06:47:33 XII 03:10:11:40

Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Magha(3) 2 U.Phalguni(4) 3 Swati(1) 4 Anuradha(2) 5 Moola(4) 6 Sravana(1) 7 Satabhisha(1) 8 U.Bhadra(2) 9 Aswini(3) 10 Krittika(4) 11 Aridra(2) 12 Pushyami(3) Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su P.Bhadra(4) Mo Bharani(1) Ma U.Bhadra(2) Me[R] Satabhisha(2) Ju Rohini(2) Ve P.Bhadra(3) Sa[R] Swati(4) Ra Visakha(2) Ke Bharani(4)

Sgl Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo

Stl Ke Su Ra Sa Ke Mo Ra Sa Ke Su Ra Sa

Sbl Sa Me Ra Ve Sa Mo Ju Me Ra Ve Ju Ve

Ssl Sa Sa Sa Ma Ke Ra Me Ju Su Ra Mo Me

Sssl Sa Ke Sa Ve Mo Ju Ra Ju Me Mo Sa Sa

I 04:09:20:00 III 06:07:14:15 Sa[R] 06:17:03:27 Ra 06:25:45:14 XI 02:10:00:19 6 7 4 3

IV 07:08:52:09 5 8 11 2

Ju 01:15:26:36 X 01:08:52:09

Sgl Ju Ma Ju Sa Ve Sa Ve Ve Ma

Stl Ju Ve Sa Ra Mo Ju Ra Ju Ve

Sbl Ma Ve Ve Sa Ju Ve Ve Me Me

Ssl Ve Sa Su Ra Ra Ju Me Sa Sa

Sssl Ve Me Me Ra Ju Me Ke Ju Su

V 08:10:00:19 9 10 VI 09:10:11:40

Ve 10:27:47:26 Me[R] 10:11:57:41 VII 10:09:20:00 Su 11:01:07:06 12

Ke 00:25:45:14 Mo 00:14:49:31 IX 00:07:14:15

Ma 11:08:33:48 VIII 11:06:47:33

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 10 7 5, 8 1 Mo 7 9 3, 10 12 Ma+ 3 8 6, 7 4, 9 Me+ 3 7 2, 11 Ju 9 10 12 5, 8 Ve 10 7 5, 8 3, 10 Sa 3 3 6, 7 Ra 10 3 5, 8 Ke+ 7 9 3, 10 Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Ve,(A) Sa.- Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner

IX 07:14:15 Mo 14:49:31 Ke 25:45:14

X 08:52:09 Ju 15:26:36

XI 10:00:19

Dasa Summary
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Venus Dasa 20-Dec-2010 - 20-Dec-2030 Venus 20-Dec-2010 Sun 21-Apr-2014 Moon 21-Apr-2015 Mars 20-Dec-2016 Rahu 19-Feb-2018 Jupiter 19-Feb-2021 Saturn 21-Oct-2023 Mercury 21-Dec-2026 Ketu 21-Oct-2029 Mars Dasa 20-Dec-2046 - 20-Dec-2053 Mars 20-Dec-2046 Rahu 18-May-2047 Jupiter 05-Jun-2048 Saturn 12-May-2049 Mercury 21-Jun-2050 Ketu 18-Jun-2051 Venus 14-Nov-2051 Sun 14-Jan-2053 Moon 22-May-2053 Saturn Dasa 20-Dec-2087 - 20-Dec-2106 Saturn 20-Dec-2087 Mercury 23-Dec-2090 Ketu 02-Sep-2093 Venus 11-Oct-2094 Sun 11-Dec-2097 Moon 23-Nov-2098 Mars 24-Jun-2100 Rahu 03-Aug-2101 Jupiter 08-Jun-2104 Sun Dasa 20-Dec-2030 - 20-Dec-2036 Sun 20-Dec-2030 Moon 08-Apr-2031 Mars 08-Oct-2031 Rahu 13-Feb-2032 Jupiter 07-Jan-2033 Saturn 26-Oct-2033 Mercury 08-Oct-2034 Ketu 14-Aug-2035 Venus 20-Dec-2035 Rahu Dasa 20-Dec-2053 - 20-Dec-2071 Rahu 20-Dec-2053 Jupiter 01-Sep-2056 Saturn 25-Jan-2059 Mercury 01-Dec-2061 Ketu 19-Jun-2064 Venus 07-Jul-2065 Sun 07-Jul-2068 Moon 01-Jun-2069 Mars 01-Dec-2070 Mercury Dasa 20-Dec-2106 - 20-Dec-2123 Mercury 20-Dec-2106 Ketu 18-May-2109 Venus 15-May-2110 Sun 16-Mar-2113 Moon 20-Jan-2114 Mars 21-Jun-2115 Rahu 18-Jun-2116 Jupiter 04-Jan-2119 Saturn 12-Apr-2121 Moon Dasa 20-Dec-2036 - 20-Dec-2046 Moon 20-Dec-2036 Mars 20-Oct-2037 Rahu 21-May-2038 Jupiter 20-Nov-2039 Saturn 22-Mar-2041 Mercury 21-Oct-2042 Ketu 21-Mar-2044 Venus 20-Oct-2044 Sun 21-Jun-2046 Jupiter Dasa 20-Dec-2071 - 20-Dec-2087 Jupiter 20-Dec-2071 Saturn 07-Feb-2074 Mercury 19-Aug-2076 Ketu 25-Nov-2078 Venus 01-Nov-2079 Sun 02-Jul-2082 Moon 20-Apr-2083 Mars 20-Aug-2084 Rahu 27-Jul-2085 Ketu Dasa 20-Dec-2123 - 20-Dec-2130 Ketu 20-Dec-2123 Venus 17-May-2124 Sun 17-Jul-2125 Moon 22-Nov-2125 Mars 23-Jun-2126 Rahu 19-Nov-2126 Jupiter 07-Dec-2127 Saturn 12-Nov-2128 Mercury 22-Dec-2129

Ma 08:33:48 VIII 06:47:33 Su 01:07:06 Name: Election Gender: Male Date: Friday, 15/Mar/2013 Time: 05:36:00 PM SID: 04:48:46 Lat: 23:07:00 N Lon: 77:26:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India Ayanamsa: 23 57' 4" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Bharani, Pada 1 Star Lord: Venus Rasi: Aries Rasi Lord: Mars Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Chaturti Bal. Dasa: Venus 17 Y, 9 M, 4 D XII 10:11:40

Ve 27:47:26 Me[R] 11:57:41 VII 09:20:00

I 09:20:00

VI 10:11:40

II 06:47:33

V 10:00:19

IV 08:52:09

Ra 25:45:14 Sa[R] 17:03:27 III 07:14:15

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

August 2013


Moon which is placed in 9th house. So Jupiter is signifying 9th and 10th house strongly. It is in its own sub. So it is signifying 10 th house strongly both at the star and sub level. Ruling planets Lagna Star Lord Lagna Sign Lord Moon Star Lord Moon Sign Lord Day lord : Venus : Sun : Mars : Venus : Venus

Looking at the ruling planets, most RPs are signifying 10th and 3rd house. Prediction As per the analysis shown above, it is predicted that the querist will win the election. In april 2013 the client informed me that he had won the election. My pranams to Lord Ganesha and Guruji KSK.

KP Ezine

August 2013


Will I get admission in the desirable school?

By: Ni n Dubey
(KP & Vadic Astrologer) House No.19,'Dadaji Kripa", Pardeshipura, Badabam, Khandwa (MP)-450001 Email id :- Phone :- 094240-18203 Question: Will I get admission in the desirable school? Horary no:- 139 (1-249), Date:- 21/06/2013, Time:- 23:23:41p.m. IST, Place:- Khandwa (M.P.), 76-23 E, 21-49 N, Ayanamsa :- KP 23:57:18 Moon reveals the nature of query:Moon is in the star of Saturn and sub of Moon. Moon is in 1, owner of 10, its star lord Sa is in 12, owner of 4, 5, sub lord Moon is in 1, owner of 10. So Moon is connected to 4, 1 (self effort), and query is genuine. KP rules for admission in desirable school or college :[1] The star lord of sub lord of 4th house is to be the strong significator of 4th, 11th house. [2] The sub lord of 4th & 11th house are in direct motion. Ruling planets at the time of judgment are :Asc. :- Saturn/ Rahu/ Venus, Moon :- Mars/ Saturn/ Moon, Day lord :- Venus. So the RPs are Saturn/ Rahu/ Venus / Mars/ Moon. Gulbarga theory :- If the sub lord of horary no. furnished happens to be either Moon star lord or Asc. star lord among the ruling planets, then query is to be answered positive, otherwise negative. In this case the sub lord of horary no. 139 is Jupiter, which is not found in the RPs as Asc. or Moon star lord . It means that answer is negative. Cusp analysis :[1] Horary Asc. sub lord [Lib-20:00:00]:- is Jupiter. Jupiter is in 8, owner of 3,6. Its star lord Mars is in 8, owner of 2,7; sub lord Sun is in 8, owner of 11. So, Asc. sub lord Jupiter is connected to 11th house. [2] 4th cusp [Cap-21-41-09] sub lord is Venus in 9, owner of 1, 8; its star lord Ju is in 8, owner of 3, 6; sub lord Sun is in 8, owner of 11. Venus is connected with 11 as sub lord Sun is owner of 11. [3] 11th cusp [Leo-23.48.38] sub lord is Saturn which is retrograde at the time of judgment. As Saturn will turn direct on 8 July 2013, the positive result cannot be given before 8 July, and so I come to conclusion that he will not get admission in the desirable school. Actual result:- The querent informed me on 5th July 2013 that admission had not been possible in the desirable school. Pranam to beloved guruji KSK .
KP Ezine August 2013 15

Horary No. 139/249

Sun Rise: 05:42:25 AM Nithya Yoga: Sadhya Sun Set: Hora: 07:10:03 PM Saturn Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Taitil
Horary No.: 139 Question : will I get admission in desirable school ?

Ruling Planets - 21/Jun/2013 11:23:41 PM KHANDWA, MADHYA PRADESH, India Planet Lagna Moon Sgl Sa Ma Stl Ra Sa Sbl Ve Mo Ssl Ra Ve Sssl Mo Ve

Day Lord: Venus

Nirayana Bhava Chalit

II 07:19:14:12 XII 05:23:39:53 Sa[R] 06:11:05:01 Mo 07:11:52:40 I 06:20:00:00 Ra 06:20:32:51

Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Visakha(1) 2 Jyeshta(1) 3 P.Ashada(2) 4 Sravana(4) 5 P.Bhadra(2) 6 Revati(3) 7 Bharani(3) 8 Rohini(3) 9 Aridra(4) 10 Ashlesha(2) 11 P.Phalguni(4) 12 Chitra(1) Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Mrigasira(4) Mo Anuradha(3) Ma Rohini(4) Me Punarvasu(3) Ju Mrigasira(4) Ve Punarvasu(3) Sa[R] Swati(2) Ra Visakha(1) Ke Bharani(3)

Sgl Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me

Stl Ju Me Ve Mo Ju Me Ve Mo Ra Me Ve Ma

Sbl Ju Ke Ra Ve Sa Ma Ra Me Ma Su Sa Ma

Ssl Ju Me Su Ju Ju Sa Ma Ju Ke Ra Ju Sa

Sssl Ju Me Ra Me Mo Su Ma Ke Ju Ra Me Su

III 08:19:44:55 8 9

XI 04:23:48:38 6 5

IV 09:21:41:09 7 10 1 4

X 03:21:41:09

Sgl Me Ma Ve Me Me Me Ve Ve Ma

Stl Ma Sa Mo Ju Ma Ju Ra Ju Ve

Sbl Mo Mo Ve Ve Su Su Sa Ju Ju

Ssl Ve Ve Mo Sa Ra Su Ke Me Sa

Sssl Sa Ve Ke Ra Sa Sa Ke Me Ma

V 10:23:48:38 11 12 VI 11:23:39:53

Ke 00:20:32:51 VII 00:20:00:00 3 2

Ve 02:28:47:49 Me 02:28:16:48 IX 02:19:44:55

Ma 01:21:04:07 VIII 01:19:14:12 Su 02:06:33:18 Ju 02:05:03:15

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 8 8 2, 7 11 Mo 12 1 4, 5 10 Ma 1 8 10 2, 7 Me+ 8 9 3, 6 9, 12 Ju 8 8 2, 7 3, 6 Ve 8 9 3, 6 1, 8 Sa 1 12 4, 5 Ra 8 1 3, 6 Ke+ 9 7 1, 8 Rahu acts as agent for: Ju, Ve, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner

VII 20:00:00 Ke 20:32:51

VIII 19:14:12 Ma 21:04:07

Ju 05:03:15 Su 06:33:18 IX 19:44:55 Me 28:16:48 Ve 28:47:49

Dasa Summary
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Saturn Dasa 18-Apr-2001 - 18-Apr-2020 Saturn 18-Apr-2001 Mercury 21-Apr-2004 Ketu 30-Dec-2006 Venus 08-Feb-2008 Sun 10-Apr-2011 Moon 22-Mar-2012 Mars 21-Oct-2013 Rahu 29-Nov-2014 Jupiter 06-Oct-2017 Venus Dasa 18-Apr-2044 - 18-Apr-2064 Venus 18-Apr-2044 Sun 18-Aug-2047 Moon 18-Aug-2048 Mars 19-Apr-2050 Rahu 19-Jun-2051 Jupiter 19-Jun-2054 Saturn 17-Feb-2057 Mercury 18-Apr-2060 Ketu 16-Feb-2063 Mars Dasa 18-Apr-2080 - 18-Apr-2087 Mars 18-Apr-2080 Rahu 14-Sep-2080 Jupiter 03-Oct-2081 Saturn 09-Sep-2082 Mercury 18-Oct-2083 Ketu 14-Oct-2084 Venus 13-Mar-2085 Sun 12-May-2086 Moon 17-Sep-2086 Mercury Dasa 18-Apr-2020 - 18-Apr-2037 Mercury 18-Apr-2020 Ketu 14-Sep-2022 Venus 12-Sep-2023 Sun 13-Jul-2026 Moon 20-May-2027 Mars 19-Oct-2028 Rahu 16-Oct-2029 Jupiter 04-May-2032 Saturn 09-Aug-2034 Sun Dasa 18-Apr-2064 - 18-Apr-2070 Sun 18-Apr-2064 Moon 06-Aug-2064 Mars 05-Feb-2065 Rahu 12-Jun-2065 Jupiter 07-May-2066 Saturn 23-Feb-2067 Mercury 05-Feb-2068 Ketu 12-Dec-2068 Venus 19-Apr-2069 Rahu Dasa 18-Apr-2087 - 18-Apr-2105 Rahu 18-Apr-2087 Jupiter 30-Dec-2089 Saturn 24-May-2092 Mercury 31-Mar-2095 Ketu 18-Oct-2097 Venus 05-Nov-2098 Sun 05-Nov-2101 Moon 30-Sep-2102 Mars 30-Mar-2104 Ketu Dasa 18-Apr-2037 - 18-Apr-2044 Ketu 18-Apr-2037 Venus 14-Sep-2037 Sun 14-Nov-2038 Moon 22-Mar-2039 Mars 21-Oct-2039 Rahu 18-Mar-2040 Jupiter 06-Apr-2041 Saturn 13-Mar-2042 Mercury 21-Apr-2043 Moon Dasa 18-Apr-2070 - 18-Apr-2080 Moon 18-Apr-2070 Mars 17-Feb-2071 Rahu 18-Sep-2071 Jupiter 19-Mar-2073 Saturn 19-Jul-2074 Mercury 17-Feb-2076 Ketu 19-Jul-2077 Venus 18-Feb-2078 Sun 19-Oct-2079 Jupiter Dasa 18-Apr-2105 - 18-Apr-2121 Jupiter 18-Apr-2105 Saturn 06-Jun-2107 Mercury 18-Dec-2109 Ketu 24-Mar-2112 Venus 28-Feb-2113 Sun 30-Oct-2115 Moon 17-Aug-2116 Mars 17-Dec-2117 Rahu 23-Nov-2118

VI 23:39:53 Name: School admission Gender: Male Date: Friday, 21/Jun/2013 Time: 11:23:41 PM SID: 16:59:35 Lat: 21:49:00 N Lon: 76:23:00 E Place: KHANDWA, MADHYA PRADESH, India V 23:48:38 Ayanamsa: 23 57' 18" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Anuradha, Pada 3 Star Lord: Saturn Rasi: Scorpio Rasi Lord: Mars Lagna: Libra Lagna Lord: Venus Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Trayodasi Bal. Dasa: Saturn 6 Y, 9 M, 27 D XI 23:48:38 X 21:41:09

IV 21:41:09

XII 23:39:53

III 19:44:55

II 19:14:12 Mo 11:52:40

Ra 20:32:51 I 20:00:00 Sa[R] 11:05:01

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

August 2013


K.P. Horary -- Birth of my daughter

By: G.H.W. Silva
SREEPALEE Astrological Services, Ketawala-Leula., Sri Lanka. E mail: Telephone: 094 081 2219055, Mobile : 094 777 507035. A colleague of mine in her family was expecting a baby around May 2013. When we were in a casual chat, she gave me a horary number with the query. The query was birth of my daughter? She gave the no. 121 at 15.07 pm on 10th September 2012 in Anuradhapura , Sri Lanka . The horary chart prepared according to the given number, date, time and place following the Krishnamurti Padhdhati horary method is as attached. As usual I checked the position of Moon in the horary chart in order to ascertain whether the quarant has made the query in a genuine manner. Moon is the owner of the 11th bhava and deposited in the sign of Gemini, in the 9th bhava. This Moon is deposited in a star of Rahu and a sub of Kethu. The star lord Rahu is deposited in the 2nd bhava in Scorpio. Rahu becomes a significator for 2nd house. These planetary positions indicate that Moon is a signifiator for 2, 11 bhavas connected to child birth. Therefore I was sure that she will be able to get a correct reply as the quarant has made an honest query. In ascertaining whether the quarant is expected or fortunate to have a child, we check the 5th bhava position in the horary chart or in a birth chart. The 5th bhava of this horary chart falls in the sign of Capricorn and the 5th cusp is ruled by Saturn as sign lord, Moon as star lord and Venus as sub lord. This sub lord Venus is the owner of the 2nd bhava in the 10th bhava and in a star of Saturn, lord of the 5th in the 1st bhava. Therefore it is clear by signification of 2, 5 that the quarant is fortunate to have a child. This could further be confirmed by checking the 11th bhava of the horary chart. The 11th bhava is falling in the sign of Cancer and its cusp is ruled by Moon, star by Mercury and sub by Venus. This sub lord Venus is same as the sub lord of the 5th bhava signifying house 2, 5, as discussed above. Therefore we could confirm again that the expectation of the quadrant will be fulfilled. Now we see when this will be fulfilled. At the time of judgement, the maha dhasa of Rahu, bukthi of Kethu and antara of Venus are in operation. According to the balance of Rahu dhasa the quadrant will have the control of Rahu dhasa and Kethu bukthi up to mid August 2013. Therefore she will be blessed with a child before the end of Kethu bukthi. In this Kethu bukthi, Saturn antara is in operation from mid April to mid June 2013. Now we see the bhava significators for child birth: Bhava Positions and significators Bhava II V XI In stars of deposited Mn, Ms --Deposited Ra --In stars of owner Su, Ms Vn Ra Ju Owner Vn St Mn

KP Ezine

August 2013


Horary No. 121/249

Sun Rise: 05:59:14 AM Nithya Yoga: Vyatipata Sun Set: Hora: 06:11:06 PM Jupiter Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Vanij
Horary No.: 121 Question : birth of my daughter?

Ruling Planets - 10/Sep/2012 03:07:00 PM Anuradhapura, North Central, Sri Lanka Planet Lagna Moon Sgl Sa Me Stl Su Ra Sbl Me Ke Ssl Me Ve Sssl Ra Ra

Day Lord: Moon

Nirayana Bhava Chalit

Ra 07:05:36:59 II 06:23:43:22 Sa 06:03:13:44 Ma 06:17:39:38 I 05:23:20:00 Su 04:24:08:15 Me 04:24:01:09 XII 04:22:25:16 XI 03:21:20:07 5 4

Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Chitra(1) 2 Visakha(2) 3 Jyeshta(2) 4 P.Ashada(3) 5 Sravana(4) 6 P.Bhadra(1) 7 Revati(3) 8 Bharani(4) 9 Rohini(4) 10 Punarvasu(1) 11 Ashlesha(2) 12 P.Phalguni(3) Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su P.Phalguni(4) Mo Aridra(3) Ma Swati(4) Me P.Phalguni(4) Ju Rohini(4) Ve Pushyami(3) Sa Chitra(3) Ra Anuradha(1) Ke Krittika(3)

Sgl Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su

Stl Ma Ju Me Ve Mo Ju Me Ve Mo Ju Me Ve

Sbl Ma Sa Mo Ju Ve Sa Ma Sa Su Ju Ve Sa

Ssl Ma Ju Me Ra Ra Ke Ma Ju Ju Ra Me Me

Sssl Ma Me Mo Ra Ju Ve Ma Ju Ve Me Ju Ra

III 07:22:56:20 7 8

IV 08:21:39:22 6 9 12 3

X 02:21:39:22 Ve 03:10:10:12

Sgl Su Me Ve Su Ve Mo Ve Ma Ve

Stl Ve Ra Ra Ve Mo Sa Ma Sa Su

Sbl Me Ke Su Me Ve Ve Ve Me Me

Ssl Me Ve Ra Me Ra Me Mo Me Ve

Sssl Ma Ra Mo Me Ve Sa Sa Ra Ra

VII 11:23:20:00 V 09:21:20:07 10 11 VI 10:22:25:16 1 VIII 00:23:43:22 Ju 01:21:29:24 Ke 01:05:36:59 2 IX 01:22:56:20 Mo 02:14:32:27

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 10 12 2, 9 12 Mo 2 9 11 Ma 2 1 3, 8 Me+ 10 12 2, 9 1, 10 Ju+ 9 9 11 4, 7 Ve 1 10 5, 6 2, 9 Sa 1 1 3, 8 5, 6 Ra 1 2 5, 6 Ke+ 12 8 12 Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju, Ve. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner

VIII 23:43:22

Ke 05:36:59 Ju 21:29:24 IX 22:56:20

Mo 14:32:27 X 21:39:22

Dasa Summary
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Rahu Dasa 25-Jan-2002 - 25-Jan-2020 Rahu 25-Jan-2002 Jupiter 06-Oct-2004 Saturn 01-Mar-2007 Mercury 06-Jan-2010 Ketu 25-Jul-2012 Venus 12-Aug-2013 Sun 12-Aug-2016 Moon 07-Jul-2017 Mars 05-Jan-2019 Mercury Dasa 25-Jan-2055 - 25-Jan-2072 Mercury 25-Jan-2055 Ketu 23-Jun-2057 Venus 20-Jun-2058 Sun 20-Apr-2061 Moon 25-Feb-2062 Mars 27-Jul-2063 Rahu 23-Jul-2064 Jupiter 09-Feb-2067 Saturn 18-May-2069 Sun Dasa 25-Jan-2099 - 25-Jan-2105 Sun 25-Jan-2099 Moon 14-May-2099 Mars 13-Nov-2099 Rahu 21-Mar-2100 Jupiter 12-Feb-2101 Saturn 02-Dec-2101 Mercury 14-Nov-2102 Ketu 20-Sep-2103 Venus 26-Jan-2104 Jupiter Dasa 25-Jan-2020 - 25-Jan-2036 Jupiter 25-Jan-2020 Saturn 14-Mar-2022 Mercury 25-Sep-2024 Ketu 31-Dec-2026 Venus 07-Dec-2027 Sun 08-Aug-2030 Moon 27-May-2031 Mars 26-Sep-2032 Rahu 02-Sep-2033 Ketu Dasa 25-Jan-2072 - 25-Jan-2079 Ketu 25-Jan-2072 Venus 22-Jun-2072 Sun 22-Aug-2073 Moon 27-Dec-2073 Mars 28-Jul-2074 Rahu 25-Dec-2074 Jupiter 12-Jan-2076 Saturn 18-Dec-2076 Mercury 26-Jan-2078 Moon Dasa 25-Jan-2105 - 25-Jan-2115 Moon 25-Jan-2105 Mars 25-Nov-2105 Rahu 26-Jun-2106 Jupiter 26-Dec-2107 Saturn 26-Apr-2109 Mercury 25-Nov-2110 Ketu 26-Apr-2112 Venus 25-Nov-2112 Sun 26-Jul-2114 Saturn Dasa 25-Jan-2036 - 25-Jan-2055 Saturn 25-Jan-2036 Mercury 28-Jan-2039 Ketu 07-Oct-2041 Venus 16-Nov-2042 Sun 16-Jan-2046 Moon 29-Dec-2046 Mars 29-Jul-2048 Rahu 06-Sep-2049 Jupiter 13-Jul-2052 Venus Dasa 25-Jan-2079 - 25-Jan-2099 Venus 25-Jan-2079 Sun 26-May-2082 Moon 26-May-2083 Mars 25-Jan-2085 Rahu 27-Mar-2086 Jupiter 27-Mar-2089 Saturn 25-Nov-2091 Mercury 25-Jan-2095 Ketu 26-Nov-2097 Mars Dasa 25-Jan-2115 - 25-Jan-2122 Mars 25-Jan-2115 Rahu 23-Jun-2115 Jupiter 11-Jul-2116 Saturn 17-Jun-2117 Mercury 26-Jul-2118 Ketu 24-Jul-2119 Venus 20-Dec-2119 Sun 19-Feb-2121 Moon 27-Jun-2121

VII 23:20:00 Name: Birth Gender: Male Date: Monday, 10/Sep/2012 Time: 03:07:00 PM SID: 14:17:59 Lat: 08:20:00 N Lon: 80:25:00 E Place: Anuradhapura, North Central, Sri Lanka VI 22:25:16 Ayanamsa: 23 56' 39" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Aridra, Pada 3 Star Lord: Rahu Rasi: Gemini Rasi Lord: Mercury Lagna: Virgo Lagna Lord: Mercury Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dasami Bal. Dasa: Rahu 7 Y, 4 M, 13 D XII 22:25:16 Me 24:01:09 Su 24:08:15 Ve 10:10:12 XI 21:20:07

V 21:20:07

I 23:20:00

IV 21:39:22

III 22:56:20 Ra 05:36:59

II 23:43:22 Ma 17:39:38 Sa 03:13:44

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

August 2013


Accordingly all the planets are becoming significators for 2nd, 5th and 11th bhavas. Therefore we need to select the most fruitful planets out of them. The best method is to use the Golden Rule of Krishnamurthi Paddhathi, the Ruling Planets. At the time of the query, the Ruling Planets appeared were as follows; Day Lord:Moon, Rasi Lord:Mercury, Star Lord:Rahu, Ascendent Lord:Saturn and Ascendent Star Lord:Sun. The fruitful significators are: Moon, Rahu, Saturn and Sun. The selected dasha, bukthi and antara are favourable for child birth. Therefore now we will consider the transit of the Sun. Sun transits in the sign of Taurus from May 15th to June 14th. And it moves in a star ruled by Sun from 11th to 24th May 2013. Moon moves in Cancer in the 11th bhava from 16th to 20th May in Leo. Therefore I have selected the date as 20th May 2013. Actually the child birth occurred on the 20th May 2013, Monday very close to mid night. At this time, the dasha lord Rahu was transiting in Libra in a star of Jupiter, a signifcator for 11th bhava and in conjunction with Fortuna of the horary chart. Bukthi lord Kethu was transiting in a star of Venus, the sub lord of the 5th and 11th cusps. Antara lord Saturn was transiting in a star of Rahu, who was in the 2nd bhava of the horary chart. The above analysis shows that the rules in the reliable Krishnamurti Padhdhati are in agreement with this analysis. LONG LIVE KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI. GOOD LUCK.

KP Ezine

August 2013


CA nal examina on result KP natal analysis without using ruling planets

By: Dr. Nirmal Kothari
Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Astrology & Vastu Sciences Dayavati Mansion, 5th Floor, 13, Kyd Street, Opposite MLA Hostel,Kolkata 700 016, West Bengal. Mobile : +91-98300 89302, 094 777 507035. Email :

Question of the Native: Can I pass CA final examination 2011 to be held in the month of May, 2011? (question asked before examination in the month of April, 2011) Name & Sex of the Native: P. GOENKA, Male Date, Time & Place of Birth: 01-02-1987, 09:58:30 Hrs., Kolkata, W.B., India. Hints: Consider 4, 9 and 11 for having higher education (CA final examination) of professional nature. If the DBA lords (at the time period when the CA Final Examination 2011 to be held i.e. May 2011) be the significator (in the star of occupant or owner) of 4 (education, preparation of examinations), 9 (higher education) or 11 (success in higher education, fulfillment of desire) and/or in connection with 4, 9 or 11, one will get success in higher education in professional or academic nature. DBA ANALYSIS Month in which CA final examination 2011 to be held: May 2011 Month in which result of CA final examination to be likely declared: July 2011 Running Dasha Lord: Saturn (from 17-06-1998 to 17-06-2017) Saturn is posited in the star of Mercury and sub of Rahu. Saturn is the occupant of 9, owner of 11, 12. Starlord Mercury is the occupant of 11, owner of 4, 7. Sublord Rahu is the occupant of 12. Rahu acts as agent of Mars as Rahu is conjoined to Mars. Mars is the occupant of 12, owner of 8, 9. Dasha lord Saturn signifies 4, 11 and is in connection with 9, hence favorable for success in the examination. Running Bhukti Lord: Mars (from 20-12-2010 to 01-02-2012) Mars is in the star of Mercury and sub of Moon. Mars is the occupant of 12, owner of 8, 9. Starlord Mercury is the occupant of 11, owner of 4, 7. Sublord Moon is the occupant of 12, owner of 5. Bhukti lord Mars signifies 4, 11 and is in connection with 9, hence also positive to pass the examination. Running Anthra lord: Saturn (from 07-05-2011 to 10-07-2011) As discussed above, Anthra lord Saturn signifies 4, 11 and is in connection with 9, hence conducive to success of the native. My Opinion: As DBA lords (Saturn-Mars-Saturn) jointly signifies 4, 9, 11 and is in connection with 4, 9, 11, you will get success in the CA final examination 2011. Actual Fact: Prediction comes true. The querent passed CA final examination - 2011 in the month of July, 2011. Pranaam to Guruji KSK !

KP Ezine

August 2013


Sun Rise: 06:16:08 AM Nithya Yoga: Parigha Sun Set: Hora: 05:24:21 PM Moon Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Gar Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Revati(4) 2 Krittika(2) 3 Mrigasira(2) 4 Punarvasu(1) 5 Ashlesha(1) 6 P.Phalguni(2) 7 Chitra(2) 8 Visakha(4) 9 Jyeshta(4) 10 P.Ashada(3) 11 Sravana(3) 12 Satabhisha(4) Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Sravana(3) Mo P.Bhadra(2) Ma Revati(2) Me Dhanishta(3) Ju P.Bhadra(3) Ve Moola(1) Sa Jyeshta(3) Ra Revati(2) Ke Hasta(4) Sgl Ju Ve Ve Me Mo Su Me Ma Ma Ju Sa Sa Stl Me Su Ma Ju Me Ve Ma Ju Me Ve Mo Ra Sbl Ju Ra Ju Ju Me Ra Ju Mo Ju Ju Me Ma Ssl Ra Ve Ke Ma Ra Ve Ra Su Ke Mo Me Sa Sssl Mo Ve Me Sa Ju Ju Mo Sa Me Sa Me Ra

Ruling Planets - 10/Jul/2013 11:45:50 AM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet Lagna Moon Sgl Me Mo Stl Mo Sa Sbl Mo Ju Ssl Sa Ve Sssl Ve Ve

Day Lord: Mercury

Nirayana Bhava Chalit

II 01:00:31:43 Ju 10:29:44:38 Mo 10:23:51:15 Ma 11:22:56:28 Ra 11:21:15:24 XII 10:19:34:57 11 10 Su 09:18:11:00 XI 09:17:47:48 Me 10:01:33:50

I 11:27:52:00 III 01:26:58:18 2 2

IV 02:21:27:24 12 3 6 9

X 08:21:27:24

Sgl Sa Sa Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ju Me

Stl Mo Ju Me Ma Ju Ke Me Me Mo

Sbl Me Sa Mo Me Mo Ve Ra Ve Ve

Ssl Ve Ju Me Ju Ra Ju Sa Me Ra

Sssl Ve Ra Mo Ra Su Ve Ra Mo Ra

VII 05:27:52:00 V 03:17:47:48 4 5 VI 04:19:34:57 Ke 05:21:15:24 8 Sa 07:24:55:12 VIII 07:00:31:43 8 IX 07:26:58:18 Ve 08:02:03:26

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 12 11 5 6 Mo 12 12 1, 10 5 Ma 11 12 4, 7 8, 9 Me 12 11 8, 9 4, 7 Ju 12 12 1, 10 1, 10 Ve+ 6 9 2, 3 Sa+ 11 9 4, 7 11, 12 Ra+ 11 12 4, 7 Ke 12 6 5 Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Me. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner

II 00:31:43 III 26:58:18

IV 21:27:24

Dasa Summary
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Jupiter Dasa 17-Jun-1982 - 17-Jun-1998 Jupiter 17-Jun-1982 Saturn 04-Aug-1984 Mercury 15-Feb-1987 Ketu 24-May-1989 Venus 29-Apr-1990 Sun 29-Dec-1992 Moon 17-Oct-1993 Mars 16-Feb-1995 Rahu 23-Jan-1996 Ketu Dasa 17-Jun-2034 - 17-Jun-2041 Ketu 17-Jun-2034 Venus 13-Nov-2034 Sun 13-Jan-2036 Moon 19-May-2036 Mars 19-Dec-2036 Rahu 17-May-2037 Jupiter 04-Jun-2038 Saturn 11-May-2039 Mercury 19-Jun-2040 Moon Dasa 17-Jun-2067 - 17-Jun-2077 Moon 17-Jun-2067 Mars 16-Apr-2068 Rahu 15-Nov-2068 Jupiter 17-May-2070 Saturn 15-Sep-2071 Mercury 17-Apr-2073 Ketu 16-Sep-2074 Venus 17-Apr-2075 Sun 16-Dec-2076 Saturn Dasa 17-Jun-1998 - 17-Jun-2017 Saturn 17-Jun-1998 Mercury 20-Jun-2001 Ketu 27-Feb-2004 Venus 08-Apr-2005 Sun 08-Jun-2008 Moon 21-May-2009 Mars 20-Dec-2010 Rahu 28-Jan-2012 Jupiter 05-Dec-2014 Venus Dasa 17-Jun-2041 - 17-Jun-2061 Venus 17-Jun-2041 Sun 16-Oct-2044 Moon 16-Oct-2045 Mars 17-Jun-2047 Rahu 17-Aug-2048 Jupiter 17-Aug-2051 Saturn 17-Apr-2054 Mercury 17-Jun-2057 Ketu 17-Apr-2060 Mars Dasa 17-Jun-2077 - 17-Jun-2084 Mars 17-Jun-2077 Rahu 13-Nov-2077 Jupiter 01-Dec-2078 Saturn 07-Nov-2079 Mercury 17-Dec-2080 Ketu 14-Dec-2081 Venus 12-May-2082 Sun 12-Jul-2083 Moon 17-Nov-2083 Mercury Dasa 17-Jun-2017 - 17-Jun-2034 Mercury 17-Jun-2017 Ketu 13-Nov-2019 Venus 09-Nov-2020 Sun 09-Sep-2023 Moon 16-Jul-2024 Mars 15-Dec-2025 Rahu 12-Dec-2026 Jupiter 01-Jul-2029 Saturn 07-Oct-2031 Sun Dasa 17-Jun-2061 - 17-Jun-2067 Sun 17-Jun-2061 Moon 04-Oct-2061 Mars 05-Apr-2062 Rahu 11-Aug-2062 Jupiter 05-Jul-2063 Saturn 23-Apr-2064 Mercury 05-Apr-2065 Ketu 09-Feb-2066 Venus 17-Jun-2066 Rahu Dasa 17-Jun-2084 - 17-Jun-2102 Rahu 17-Jun-2084 Jupiter 27-Feb-2087 Saturn 23-Jul-2089 Mercury 29-May-2092 Ketu 16-Dec-2094 Venus 03-Jan-2096 Sun 03-Jan-2099 Moon 28-Nov-2099 Mars 29-May-2101

I 27:52:00 Ma 22:56:28 Ra 21:15:24 Name: P. GOENKA Gender: Male Date: Sunday, 01/Feb/1987 Time: 09:58:30 AM SID: 19:05:19 Lat: 22:32:00 N Lon: 88:21:00 E Place: KOLKATA (CALCUTTA), WEST BENGAL, India Ayanamsa: 23 35' 12" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: P.Bhadra, Pada 2 Star Lord: Jupiter Rasi: Aquarius Rasi Lord: Saturn Lagna: Pisces Lagna Lord: Jupiter Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Tritiya Bal. Dasa: Jupiter 11 Y, 4 M, 15 D V 17:47:48

Ju 29:44:38 Mo 23:51:15 XII 19:34:57 Me 01:33:50

VI 19:34:57

Su 18:11:00 XI 17:47:48

Ke 21:15:24 VII 27:52:00

X 21:27:24 Ve 02:03:26

IX 26:58:18 Sa 24:55:12 VIII 00:31:43

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

August 2013


Any second Marriage?

By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
Sahakar-2, Flat No: 28 Jagabhai Park, Ram Baug Maninagar, Ahmedabad380008 Mobile : +91-982531165. Email : Name: Female Date of Birth. 16/6/1978, Friday Birth Time: 01.00.00 A.M. I.S.T. Place of Birth: CoimbatoreTN Long/Lat: 11 N 00', 76 E 58'. Ayanamsha 23.23.17 Question -1: When will my second marriage happen? Hints 1) If 7th cusp sub lord will be Mercury or deposited in dual sign (Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces) or any other planet occupying in dual sign or deposited in the star of dual or in the star of owner of dual sign Mercury or Jupiter and be a significator of 2 or 11, then during joint period of 2,11 there is a chance of second marriage. 2) The sub-lord of the 2nd cusp is a significator of house 7 or 11. 3) The sub-lord of the 9th cusp is a significator of house 2 or 9 or 11. Cuspal Sub Lord for Second Marriage: 7th Cusp (Virgo 100.19.50): The sub lord of the 7 cusp is Moon. Moon is in the star of own and sub of Sun. Star lord Moon is occupant of 7, owner of 5. Sub lord Sun is occupant of 3 and owner of 6. Thus 7 cusp sub lord Moon does not signify 2 or 11. 2nd Cusp (Aries 130.55.29): The sub lord of the 2nd cusp is Venus. Venus is in the star of Saturn and sub of Mercury. Venus is occupant of 5, owner of 5, 8. No planet is in the stars of Venus and Venus is the CSL of 1, 2. Star lord Saturn is occupant of 5 and owner of 12, 11. Sub lord Mercury is occupant of 3, owner of 4, 7. No planet is in the stars of Mercury and Mercury is the CSL of 5, 8, 11. Thus 2nd cusp sub lord Venus is the significator of 11 and connected with 2, 11. 9th Cusp (Scorpio 130.02.15): The sub lord of the 9th cusp is Rahu. Rahu is in the star of Sun and sub of Venus. Rahu is occupant of 7. Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 7, owner of 5. Star lord Sun is occupant of 3 and owner of 6. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 5, owner of 5, 8. No planet is in the star of Venus and Venus is the CSL of 1, 2. Thus 9 cusp sub lord Rahu is connected with 2. Out of above three conditions two indicate the chance of second marriage. When? Joint Period At the time of judgment Dasa of Jupiter was running till 30-8-2019; Jupiter-Venus till 123-2014. Dasa lord Jupiter is in the star of Rahu and sub of Moon. Jupiter is occupant 4, owner of 1, 10. Star lord Rahu is occupant of 7. Rahu is conjoined with Moon. This Moon is occupant of 7, owner of 5. Sub lord Moon is occupant of 7, owner of 5. Thus dasa lord Jupiter is the significator of 7 and connected with 7. Thus chance of second marriage is sure. Bhukti lord Venus is in the star of Saturn and sub of Mercury. Venus is occupant of 5, owner of 5, 8. No planet is in the star of Venus and Venus is the CSL of 1, 2. Star lord
KP Ezine August 2013 22

Jayanthi Krishnan
Sun Rise: 05:59:48 AM Nithya Yoga: Variyan Sun Set: Hora: 06:45:28 PM Jupiter Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Taitil Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 U.Bhadra(3) 2 Bharani(1) 3 Rohini(1) 4 Aridra(1) 5 Pushyami(1) 6 Magha(2) 7 Hasta(1) 8 Swati(3) 9 Anuradha(3) 10 Moola(3) 11 U.Ashada(3) 12 Dhanishta(4) Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Mrigasira(3) Mo Hasta(4) Ma Magha(3) Me Mrigasira(3) Ju Aridra(4) Ve Pushyami(1) Sa Magha(1) Ra U.Phalguni(4) Ke U.Bhadra(2) Sgl Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Stl Sa Ve Mo Ra Sa Ke Mo Ra Sa Ke Su Ma Sbl Ve Ve Ra Ju Me Ra Mo Me Ra Sa Me Mo Ssl Ke Mo Me Ke Su Ju Ju Ju Ra Sa Ra Sa Sssl Me Me Sa Su Sa Ra Ju Ju Me Ve Ra Ke

Ruling Planets - 24/Oct/2011 02:51:18 PM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet Lagna Moon Sgl Sa Me Stl Ma Su Sbl Ve Ju Ssl Ju Ke Sssl Su Ma

Day Lord: Moon

Nirayana Bhava Chalit

II 13:55:29 Ke 08:18:29 XII 06:05:13 I 10:19:50 Su 00:51:41 Me 02:30:03 III 13:02:15 2 XI 06:11:20 1 11 10

Ju 18:51:03 Ve 06:00:10 IV 09:27:42 3

X 09:27:42 12 9 6

Sgl Me Me Su Me Me Mo Su Me Ju

Stl Ma Mo Ke Ma Ra Sa Ke Su Sa

Sbl Me Su Ra Ke Mo Me Ve Ve Ve

Ssl Mo Sa Ma Sa Me Ve Sa Mo Ve

Sssl Sa Ra Ju Su Ra Ju Su Ra Ju

Sa 02:23:27 V 06:11:20 4 5 Ma 07:28:06 Ra 08:18:29 VI 06:05:13

Mo 23:03:41 VII 10:19:50 8 7 VIII 13:55:29

IX 13:02:15

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 6 3 2, 9 6 Mo 7 7 5 5 Ma 1 6 2, 9 Me+ 6 3 2, 9 4, 7 Ju+ 7 4 1, 10 Ve+ 5 5 11, 12 3, 8 Sa 1 5 11, 12 Ra 3 7 6 Ke 5 1 11, 12 Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Ju. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner

II 13:55:29

III 13:02:15

Su 00:51:41 Me 02:30:03 IV 09:27:42 Ju 18:51:03

Dasa Summary
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Moon Dasa 30-Aug-1968 - 30-Aug-1978 Moon 30-Aug-1968 Mars 30-Jun-1969 Rahu 29-Jan-1970 Jupiter 31-Jul-1971 Saturn 29-Nov-1972 Mercury 30-Jun-1974 Ketu 30-Nov-1975 Venus 30-Jun-1976 Sun 28-Feb-1978 Jupiter Dasa 30-Aug-2003 - 30-Aug-2019 Jupiter 30-Aug-2003 Saturn 17-Oct-2005 Mercury 29-Apr-2008 Ketu 04-Aug-2010 Venus 11-Jul-2011 Sun 12-Mar-2014 Moon 29-Dec-2014 Mars 29-Apr-2016 Rahu 05-Apr-2017 Ketu Dasa 30-Aug-2055 - 30-Aug-2062 Ketu 30-Aug-2055 Venus 26-Jan-2056 Sun 28-Mar-2057 Moon 02-Aug-2057 Mars 03-Mar-2058 Rahu 31-Jul-2058 Jupiter 18-Aug-2059 Saturn 24-Jul-2060 Mercury 01-Sep-2061 Mars Dasa 30-Aug-1978 - 30-Aug-1985 Mars 30-Aug-1978 Rahu 26-Jan-1979 Jupiter 13-Feb-1980 Saturn 19-Jan-1981 Mercury 27-Feb-1982 Ketu 25-Feb-1983 Venus 24-Jul-1983 Sun 23-Sep-1984 Moon 29-Jan-1985 Saturn Dasa 30-Aug-2019 - 30-Aug-2038 Saturn 30-Aug-2019 Mercury 02-Sep-2022 Ketu 12-May-2025 Venus 21-Jun-2026 Sun 21-Aug-2029 Moon 03-Aug-2030 Mars 03-Mar-2032 Rahu 11-Apr-2033 Jupiter 16-Feb-2036 Venus Dasa 30-Aug-2062 - 30-Aug-2082 Venus 30-Aug-2062 Sun 29-Dec-2065 Moon 29-Dec-2066 Mars 29-Aug-2068 Rahu 29-Oct-2069 Jupiter 29-Oct-2072 Saturn 29-Jun-2075 Mercury 29-Aug-2078 Ketu 30-Jun-2081 Rahu Dasa 30-Aug-1985 - 30-Aug-2003 Rahu 30-Aug-1985 Jupiter 11-May-1988 Saturn 04-Oct-1990 Mercury 11-Aug-1993 Ketu 28-Feb-1996 Venus 18-Mar-1997 Sun 18-Mar-2000 Moon 10-Feb-2001 Mars 11-Aug-2002 Mercury Dasa 30-Aug-2038 - 30-Aug-2055 Mercury 30-Aug-2038 Ketu 26-Jan-2041 Venus 23-Jan-2042 Sun 22-Nov-2044 Moon 29-Sep-2045 Mars 28-Feb-2047 Rahu 25-Feb-2048 Jupiter 14-Sep-2050 Saturn 21-Dec-2052 Sun Dasa 30-Aug-2082 - 30-Aug-2088 Sun 30-Aug-2082 Moon 17-Dec-2082 Mars 18-Jun-2083 Rahu 24-Oct-2083 Jupiter 16-Sep-2084 Saturn 06-Jul-2085 Mercury 18-Jun-2086 Ketu 24-Apr-2087 Venus 30-Aug-2087

I 10:19:50 Ke 08:18:29 Name: Jayanthi Krishnan Gender: Female Date: Friday, 16/Jun/1978 Time: 01:00:00 AM SID: 18:12:46 Lat: 11:00:00 N Lon: 76:58:00 E Place: COIMBATORE, TAMIL NADU, India XII 06:05:13 Ayanamsa: 23 27' 58" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Hasta, Pada 4 Star Lord: Moon Rasi: Virgo Rasi Lord: Mercury Lagna: Pisces Lagna Lord: Jupiter Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Dasami Bal. Dasa: Moon 0 Y, 2 M, 13 D Sa 02:23:27 VI 06:05:13 Ma 07:28:06 Ve 06:00:10 V 06:11:20

XI 06:11:20

Ra 08:18:29 VII 10:19:50 Mo 23:03:41

X 09:27:42

IX 13:02:15

VIII 13:55:29

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

August 2013


Saturn is occupant of 5 and owner of 12, 11. Sub lord Mercury is occupant of 3, owner of 4, 7. No planet is in the star of Mercury and Mercury is the CSL of 5, 8, 11. Thus bhukti lord Venus is the significator of 11 and connected with 2, 11. During this Bhukti we have Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury, Ketu. As we have discussed above about Moon and Rahu. I prefer Rahu antra from 24-6-2012 to 1811-2012. In my opinion your second marriage will be during 24-6-2012 to 18-11-2012. Question-2: Will that marriage be happy one without any problems? In the above analysis of 2,7 and 9 cusp sub lords, we do not find much negative bhavas, so it will be a successful marriage. Actual outcome: The native got married on 18-11-2012.

KP Ezine

August 2013


Will Vijay Bahuguna continue as CM of Uttarakhand?

By: Jyo shi Sangamji
Jyotish visharad, Vastu visharad, Jyotish achary 13 Shudhodhan nagar society, Near Gomtipur fire station Gomtipur, Ahmedabad 380021. Mobile no. 9426569180

Email: Question: Is it possible for Vijay Bahuguna to continue as CM of Uttarakhand? Number: 180 (out of 249) Date of Judgment: 25-06-2013;Tuesday Time of Judgment: 08-18-15 PM I.S.T .Place of Judgment: Gomtipur - Ahmedabad Long/lat: 23 N 01, 72 E 37' ; Ayanamsha: 23.57.18 Hints: If the sub lord of the 10th cusp be the significator of 3 or 5 or 10, the native may continue in power. Cuspal Sub lord 10th CSL (Libra 010.20.43): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Mercury. This Mercury is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Sun. Mercury is owner of 7; no planet is in the stars of Mercury and Mercury is the CSL of 10. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 6, owner of 1. Sub lord Sun is occupant of 6, owner of 9. No planet is in the stars of Sun and Sun is the CSL of 11. So 10th cusp sub lord Mercury is the significator of 6,1 and connected with 7, 10, 6, 9, 11. Hence Vijay Bbahuguna may continue in power as CM of Uttarakhand according to the 10th CSL.
Rulling Planets Lagna. Sagittarius 023 08' 22 Moon Capricorn 010 38' 52 Day Lord Sign lord Jupiter Saturn (Rahu) Mars Star lord Venus Moon Sub lord Saturn (Rahu) Moon

At the time of judgment the running joint period is Moon-Moon up to 1-11-2013. The Dasa and Bhukti ord Moon is in the star and sub of own Moon. This Moon, its star and sub lord Moon is occupant of 1, owner of 8. So Dasa and Bhukti lord Moon is the significator of 1, 8. Hence the joint period lord Moon does not signify 3, 5, 10. My opinion : Before 1/11/2013 Vijay Bahuguna would not be in power as CM.

KP Ezine

August 2013


Horary No. 180/249

Sun Rise: 05:55:55 AM Nithya Yoga: Vaidhrti Sun Set: Hora: 07:28:21 PM Mars Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Badreva
Horary No.: 180 Question : Is it possible for Vijay Bahuguna CM Uttarakhand to continue as CM?

Ruling Planets - 25/Jun/2013 08:18:15 PM GOMTIPUR, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet Lagna Moon Sgl Ju Sa Stl Ve Mo Sbl Sa Mo Ssl Mo Sa Sssl Ra Ju

Day Lord: Mars

Nirayana Bhava Chalit

II 09:22:23:30 XII 07:23:41:08

Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 P.Ashada(2) 2 Sravana(4) 3 P.Bhadra(3) 4 Aswini(1) 5 Krittika(1) 6 Mrigasira(1) 7 Aridra(4) 8 Ashlesha(2) 9 U.Phalguni(1) 10 Chitra(3) 11 Visakha(3) 12 Jyeshta(3) Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Aridra(2) Mo Sravana(1) Ma Mrigasira(1) Me Punarvasu(3) Ju Mrigasira(4) Ve Pushyami(1) Sa[R] Swati(2) Ra Visakha(1) Ke Bharani(3)

Sgl Ju Sa Sa Ma Ma Ve Me Mo Su Ve Ve Ma

Stl Ve Mo Ju Ke Su Ma Ra Me Su Ma Ju Me

Sbl Ra Ve Ve Ve Ma Ma Mo Mo Mo Me Su Ma

Ssl Ra Me Me Mo Su Sa Mo Ra Su Ju Sa Sa

Sssl Ra Ma Ve Sa Ve Ma Mo Ra Ve Ju Su Ma

III 10:28:26:37 10 11

Mo 09:10:38:52 I 08:18:06:40 8 7

XI 06:29:09:16

IV 00:01:20:43 Ke 00:20:20:33 9 1 3 7

Ra 06:20:20:33 Sa[R] 06:10:59:34 X 06:01:20:43

Sgl Me Sa Ve Me Me Mo Ve Ve Ma

Stl Ra Mo Ma Ju Ma Sa Ra Ju Ve

Sbl Ju Mo Ma Su Mo Sa Sa Ju Ju

Ssl Ra Sa Me Sa Ju Sa Me Sa Ju

Sssl Ju Ju Ve Me Me Ve Ju Ve Ra

V 00:29:09:16 1 2 Ju 02:05:56:29 Su 02:10:14:48 VI 01:23:41:08 Ma 01:23:45:20

Me 02:29:07:33 VII 02:18:06:40 Ve 03:03:30:08 5 4 VIII 03:22:23:30

IX 04:28:26:37

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 10 6 9 Mo 1 1 8 8 Ma 6 6 4, 5, 12 4, 5, 12 Me+ 6 7 1 7 Ju 6 6 4, 5, 12 1 Ve 10 7 2, 3 6, 10, 11 Sa 10 10 2, 3 Ra 6 10 1 Ke+ 7 4 6, 10, 11 Rahu acts as agent for: Ju, Ve, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner

IV 01:20:43 Ke 20:20:33 V 29:09:16

VI 23:41:08 Ma 23:45:20

Ju 05:56:29 Su 10:14:48 VII 18:06:40 Me 29:07:33

Dasa Summary
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Moon Dasa 01-Jan-2013 - 01-Jan-2023 Moon 01-Jan-2013 Mars 01-Nov-2013 Rahu 02-Jun-2014 Jupiter 02-Dec-2015 Saturn 03-Apr-2017 Mercury 02-Nov-2018 Ketu 02-Apr-2020 Venus 01-Nov-2020 Sun 03-Jul-2022 Jupiter Dasa 01-Jan-2048 - 01-Jan-2064 Jupiter 01-Jan-2048 Saturn 19-Feb-2050 Mercury 31-Aug-2052 Ketu 07-Dec-2054 Venus 13-Nov-2055 Sun 14-Jul-2058 Moon 02-May-2059 Mars 01-Sep-2060 Rahu 08-Aug-2061 Ketu Dasa 01-Jan-2100 - 01-Jan-2107 Ketu 01-Jan-2100 Venus 30-May-2100 Sun 30-Jul-2101 Moon 05-Dec-2101 Mars 06-Jul-2102 Rahu 02-Dec-2102 Jupiter 20-Dec-2103 Saturn 25-Nov-2104 Mercury 04-Jan-2106 Mars Dasa 01-Jan-2023 - 01-Jan-2030 Mars 01-Jan-2023 Rahu 30-May-2023 Jupiter 17-Jun-2024 Saturn 24-May-2025 Mercury 03-Jul-2026 Ketu 30-Jun-2027 Venus 26-Nov-2027 Sun 26-Jan-2029 Moon 03-Jun-2029 Saturn Dasa 01-Jan-2064 - 01-Jan-2083 Saturn 01-Jan-2064 Mercury 04-Jan-2067 Ketu 14-Sep-2069 Venus 23-Oct-2070 Sun 23-Dec-2073 Moon 05-Dec-2074 Mars 05-Jul-2076 Rahu 14-Aug-2077 Jupiter 19-Jun-2080 Venus Dasa 01-Jan-2107 - 01-Jan-2127 Venus 01-Jan-2107 Sun 03-May-2110 Moon 03-May-2111 Mars 01-Jan-2113 Rahu 03-Mar-2114 Jupiter 03-Mar-2117 Saturn 02-Nov-2119 Mercury 01-Jan-2123 Ketu 02-Nov-2125 Rahu Dasa 01-Jan-2030 - 01-Jan-2048 Rahu 01-Jan-2030 Jupiter 13-Sep-2032 Saturn 06-Feb-2035 Mercury 13-Dec-2037 Ketu 01-Jul-2040 Venus 19-Jul-2041 Sun 19-Jul-2044 Moon 13-Jun-2045 Mars 13-Dec-2046 Mercury Dasa 01-Jan-2083 - 01-Jan-2100 Mercury 01-Jan-2083 Ketu 30-May-2085 Venus 27-May-2086 Sun 28-Mar-2089 Moon 01-Feb-2090 Mars 03-Jul-2091 Rahu 30-Jun-2092 Jupiter 16-Jan-2095 Saturn 24-Apr-2097 Sun Dasa 01-Jan-2127 - 01-Jan-2133 Sun 01-Jan-2127 Moon 20-Apr-2127 Mars 20-Oct-2127 Rahu 25-Feb-2128 Jupiter 19-Jan-2129 Saturn 07-Nov-2129 Mercury 20-Oct-2130 Ketu 26-Aug-2131 Venus 01-Jan-2132

Name: Vijay Bahuguna Gender: Male Date: Tuesday, 25/Jun/2013 Time: 08:18:15 PM SID: 13:54:21 Lat: 23:01:00 N Lon: 72:37:00 E Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India III 28:26:37 Ayanamsa: 23 57' 18" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Sravana, Pada 1 Star Lord: Moon Rasi: Capricorn Rasi Lord: Saturn Lagna: Sagittarius Lagna Lord: Jupiter Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Tritiya Bal. Dasa: Moon 9 Y, 6 M, 5 D

Ve 03:30:08 VIII 22:23:30

IX 28:26:37

II 22:23:30 Mo 10:38:52

I 18:06:40

XII 23:41:08

XI 29:09:16 Ra 20:20:33 Sa[R] 10:59:34 X 01:20:43

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

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KP Ezine

August 2013


By: VSN. Murthy, K.P. Astrologer,
Sri Datta Sai Ram Astrological Research Centre, #404, Teja Garden Apartments, Prakashnagar, KURNOOL-518004. Mobile: - 09440220874 Residence: - 08518-276286 E-Mail:- ;

Before commencing to write this article, I must express my gratitude to the best astrological friends of mine as the birth particulars of bureaucrats under study are provided for me as soon as I asked them: Sri. V. Ramanjulu, Astrologer, Kurnool (for Chart No. 1 to Chart No. 17) Sri. OVN. Murthy (for Chart No. 18 to Chart No. 29) Bureaucrat is a government official especially one who follows guidelines rigidly. (I.A.S., I.C.S., I.P.S., I.R.S., I.F.S., etc all come under this category.) First of all let us recollect the Karakatwas /significations of the following houses and the planets before analyzing the charts. Lagna: - Head is the primary limb in the human body. In the same way, the Lgna is also being considered as a primary one while judging the profession of a native. The Lagna should be strong as it indicates the natural quality of the native regarding his professional life. 3rd House:- It is an important house. It indicates courage, firmness, valour, prowess and heroism. Short travel, correspondence, media, publicity,. (To execute the aims of the Government strictly and rigidly, courage, firmness and valour are required for an Administrator.) 3rd is the 6th from the 10th. And it is the 10th from the 6th. So it plays an important role in the horoscopes of good administrators. 6th House: - It indicates mainly service. It is the 9th from the 10th house. To say in another way, it is the 10th from the 9th house. 8th House: - It is the 11th house from the 10th house. 11th house indicates fulfillment of desires, wealth, source of income, well-wishers, supporters, success in all undertakings, progress in all attempts, etc. Therefore, 8th house signifies the desires which are well connected with the services. The 10th house indicates the work of the native to earn money and at the same time the 8th house shows the earnings through the work which is signified by the 10th house. 9th house: - Dharmasthana, law, legal arbitration, fortune, luck, etc. If the 9th house is weak in the birth chart, the fortune of the native is also weak. One may be having a very good sound knowledge in all fields; his merits will not be recognized when the natives 9th house is not strong. 10th house:- Profession/occupation/business, Rajyasthana, name and fame, superior, master, employers, the Government, lordship, honor, dignity and public esteem, power and prestige, credit and conduct, success and status, rank and renown, respect and reputation, ambition and authority, responsibilities, etc. Sun and Moon are called as Royal Planets, and their signs (Leo and Cancer) are called as Royal Signs. Therefore, luminaries and their signs play a vital role in the horoscopes of bureaucrats. Mars is a planet of courage and brave with no fear. It is also the planet of energy, aggression and confers executive ability and a pushful nature with a Go-head spirit. It is also said to confer royalty, authority and power to punish (magisterial powers). Venus plays an important role in the horoscopes of bureaucrats. Every astrologer knows well that all sorts of luxuries and comforts are signified by Venus only. Beautiful and comfortable bungalows to reside, sophisticated and luxurious cars to travel and also many
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obedient and faithful servants to do their works at their command are all provided to the bureaucrats by the Government. Pleasant and useful things etc., to make their lives easy and comfortable are arranged for them. For all these things, Venus is a chief planet. Written and oral examinations are conducted by Union Public Service Commission to select this cadre. Mercury is not only the planet of intellect & intelligence but also academic brilliance. Jupiter is the planet of public finance, revenue and also the planet of law and legal procedure. It is also an advisory planet. 7th house is the house of challenges and opportunities and also the house of administration. Airy signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) and fiery signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) are conducive for this cadre of profession. A self-strong significator of the concerned cusp: - If a planet holding the sub lordship of a cusp without having any planets in its stars, it can be deemed to be a self-strong significator for the cusps concerned. By taking into consideration the above mentioned facts, and after careful observation of the 29 natal charts of bureaucrats, I came to a conclusion and framed the following rules to identify the bureaucrats profession. Rules: 1. Venus should be connected to the luminaries (Sun & Moon) or at least it should signify the 10th house or 9th house. 2. Royal planets should be related to the 10th, 9th, 8th, 6th or Lagna. 3. 9th and 10th cuspal sub lords must be well connected to 2-6-10-11 along with Sun and Moon. 4. Mars should be a significator of 10th or 6th. He should be cnnected/related to royal planets. (Sun & Moon). 5. Either 6th or 10th cuspal sub lord should be connected to the luminaries. 6. Ascendant cusp sub lord or star lord should signify 6-8-10-11. 7. Sign lords of the nodes (the depositors of Rahu and Ketu) should be related with the Luminaries or they should be a significator of 9th or 10th. 8. 8th and 10th cusp sub lords should be related to each other. 9. 3rd house should be well connected to the houses 2-6-10-11 to become a successful good administrator. - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chart No. Date of Birth. Time of Birth. Lat. & Lon. of birth place --------------------------------------------------------------01. 02-05-1957; Thursday. 12-38 PM. 25-36-00N; 83-36-00E. 02. 14-03-1953; Saturday. 12-10 PM. 26-55-00N; 80-59-00E 03. 29-11-1960; Tuesday. 01-16 AM. 29-22-00N; 78-09-00E 04. 15-04-1964; Wednesday. 06-04 PM. 26-50-00N: 80-54-00E 05. 09-07-1950;Sunday 04-00 AM 27-10-00N; 78-05-00E 06. 13-09-1961; Wednes . 09-32 PM 28-15-00N; 77-50-00E 07. 05-02-1946; Tuesday. 11-16 AM. 26-45-00N; 83-23-00E 08. 30-09-1955; Friday. 03-23 PM 30-19-00N; 78-03-00E 09. 21-06-1936; Sunday. 05-15-02 AM. 26-48-00N; 82-44-00E 10. 02-11-1959.Monday. 08-30 PM 25-57-00N; 81-50-00E 11. 08-09-1938; Thursday. 11-30 AM 26-51-00N; 80-56-00E 12. 08-08-1949; Monday. 05-38 AM 29-28-00N; 77-42-00E 13. 24-11-1946; Sunday. 06-30 AM 29-10-00N; 75-44-00E 14. 25-01-1959; Sunday. 09-15 PM 28-38-00N; 77-17-00E 15. 27-06-1958; Friday. 07-45 AM 26-45-00N; 83-22-00E 16. 28-09-1950; Thursday. 01-04 PM. 28-38-00N; 77-17-00E
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17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. --------

26-01-1941; Sunday. 11-35 AM 24-11-1935. Sunday. 06-45 PM 14-09-1939; Thursday. 04-28 AM 24-10-1947; Friday. 12-55 AM 27-02-1948; Friday. 05-22 AM 28-02-1949; Monday. 11-06-33 AM. 12-03-1951; Monday. 08-57 PM 19-06-1951; Tuesday. 11-36 PM. 13-06-1952; Friday. 07-00 AM. 01-03-1959; Sunday 12-27 AM. 30-04-1959; Thursday; 10-48 PM; 13-05-1958; Tuesday; 04-33 PM. 14-09-1962; Friday. 10-58 PM; --------------------------------------

25-20-00N; 83-00-00E 16-47-00N; 80-17-00E 16-18-00N; 80-27-00E 27-09-00N; 78-02-00E 13-22-00N; 78-35-00E 28-39-00N; 77-13-00E 31-06-00N; 77-10-00E 18-34-00N; 77-58-00E 17-22-00N; 78-26-00E 30-44-00N; 76-54-00E. 30-42-00N; 76-16-00E 28-50-00N; 77-05-00E 27-53-00N; 79-55-00E -----------------

(1) Venus should be connected to the luminaries (Sun & Moon) or at least it should signify the 10th house or 9th house. Chart No. 1:- Venus signifies 9th house. It is also associated with Sun in Mesha sign. Sun is in Venus star. Chart No. 2:- In this chart, Venus is in no way connected to either luminaries or 9th/10th houses. Chart No. 3:- Venus signifies 10th and it is in the sub-sub of Sun. Chart No. 4:- Venus is in the star of Moon and it signifies 9th. Chart No. 5:- Venus is in the star of Moon. Chart No. 6:- Venus is in the sign of Moon (in Cancer). Chart No. 7:- Venus+ is the sub lord of 9th and 10th cusps and also the occupant of 10th house and also conjoined with Sun. Chart No. 8:- Venus is in the star of Moon and also associated with Sun in Kanya Chart No. 9:- .Venus is along with Sun and Moon in Gemini. Chart No. 10:- Venus is in the star of Sun and in the sign of Leo. Both the luminaries are in the sub of Venus. Chart No. 11:- Sun is in the star of Venus. Moon is in the sub of Venus. Chart No. 12:- Venus is in the sign of Leo (Suns own sign). It is also the sub lord of 10th cusp. Chart No. 13:- Sun is in the sub of Venus. Chart No. 14:- Venus aspects the Moon and Cancer. Chart No. 15:- Venus is in the star of Sun and it is also the occupant of 10th. Venus+ is a self strong significator for 9th cusp. Chart No. 16:- Venus is in the star of Sun and a significator of 9th house strongly. Chart No. 17:- Venus is in Sagittarius along with Moon. Thus it signifies 9th. Chart No. 18:- Venus is in the star of Moon. Chart No. 19:- Venus is in the star of Sun and also the owner of 10. Chart No. 20:- Venus+ signifies 10th strongly. Chart No. 21:- Venus owns the 9th house. Chart No. 22:- Venus is the occupant of 10 and in the star of Mars at 10. Thus Venus signifies the 10th strongly. Chart No. 23:- Venus is a significator of 9th. Sun is in the sub of Venus. Moon is in the star of Venus. Chart No. 24:- Venus is in the sign of Moon (Cancer). And she is the lord of 9th. Chart No. 25:-Venus is closely associated with Sun. Chart No. 26:- Venus+ is a self strong significator for 9th and 10th cusps. Chart No. 27:-Venus holds the constellation lordship for 9th cusp and also holds the sub lordship for 10th cusp. Chart No. 28:- Venus is the owner of the 9th house and also a self strong significator for 10th cusp.
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Chart No. 29:- In this natal chart, Venus is no way connected to either with the luminaries or 9th /10th house. (2) Royal planets (Sun & Moon) should be related to the 10th, 9th 8th, 6th or Lagna. Chart No. 1:- Sun signifies 9th & 1st huse . Moon signifies 10th house. Chart No. 2:- Sun is the occupant of 10th. Moon is significator of 8th. Chart No. 3:- Sun is in the star of Saturn who is the lord of 5th & 6th. Thus he signifies 6th. Moon is in the star of Mercury who is the lord of 1st & 2nd. Thus she signifies Lagna. Chart No. 4. - Moon is in her star and also the occupant of 8th. Thus she signifies 8th predominantly. Moon is also the sub lord of 6th cusp. Chart No. 5:- Sun signifies 10th and 8th. Chart No. 6:- Sun is in the sub of Moon who signifies 6th. Moon is the occupant of 6th. Chart No. 7:- Sun signifies 10th. Moon signifies 6th. Chart No. 8:-Sun signifies 1 and 8. Moon signifies only Lagna. Chart No. 9:- Sun signifies 1 & 6. Moon also signifies the 6th. Chart No. 10:- Moon signifies 6, 8, 9 & 10. Chart No. 11:-Sun signifies 10th only. Moon signifies 1-6-9. Chart No. 12:- Sun signifies 1st house. Moon signifies the 6th & 1st houses. Chart No. 13:- Sun signifies 9th, 1st, and 10th . Moon signifies the 9th and 1st. Chart No.14:- Sun is the owner of Lagna. Chart No. 15:-Moon is the lord of Lagna. Chart No. 16:- Sun is the lord of 9th and also the occupant of 9th. Moon is in the star of Ketu who is at 9. Moon is the owner of 8th. Thus she signifies both 9th and 8th. Chart No. 17:- Both Sun and Moon are signifying both the house 9th and 10th strongly. Chart No.1 8:- Sun signifies 9th, 6th & 10th. Moon signifies 6th, 8th & 11th. Chart No. 19:- Both Sun and Moon are signifying strongly the first house. Chart No. 20:- Sun signifies the 10th house and Moon signifies 10 and 1. ChartNo. 21:- Sun owns the 8th and also the occupant of 1st. Moon signifies 8th strongly. Chart No. 22:- Sun is the occupant of 10th. Moon signifies 10-8 & 9. Chart No. 23:- Sun signifies 6th. Moon signifies 6th, 1st, 2nd and 10th. Chart No. 24:- Both the luminaries are signifying the 10th house. Chart No. 25:- Sun signifies 6th. Moon signifies 9th and 6th. Chart No. 26:- Sun is the lord of 10th. Moon signifies Lgna and 9th. Chart No. 27:- Sun signifies 6th and 9th. Moon signifies 8th. Chart No. 28:- Sun is in his star and the occupant of 8th. Moon is very close to the 6th csp and in the star of Jupiter at Lagna. Chart No. 29:-Sun aspects the 10th house. Moon is the occupant of 10th. And it is in the star of Saturn who is very close to the 9th cuspal point. (3) 9th and 10th cuspal sub lords must be well connected to 2-6-10 & Sun and Moon. 11 along with

Chart No. 1:- Jupiter, the 9th cuspal sub lord is the occupant of 2. He is in Leo in Suns star and aspects Sun. Rahu, the 10th sub lord is in the star of Jupiter who is the occupant of 2. Chart No. 2:- Saturn, the 9th sub lord signifies 11-6 & 10. Sun, the 10th sub lord signifies 11 & 10. Chart No. 3:- Moon, the sub lord of the 9th cusp is the owner of 11th and she is in the star of Mercury who is the lord of 1 and 2. Moon signifies 2 mainly. Moon is the self strong significator for 9th cusp as there are no planets in her stars and holds the sub lordship for 9th cusp. Saturn, the 10th cuspal sub lord is the owner of 6th and in the star of Venus who owns the 10th. Chart No. 4:- Jupiter, the 9th cuspal sub lord is the owner of 6th. Venus, the 10th cuspal sub lord is the owner of 2nd and it is in the star of Moon who is the lord of 11th house.
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Chart No. 5:-Mercury, the 9th cusp sub lord signifies 10-11 & 2. Venus, the 10th cusp sub lord signifies 11 & 6. Chart No. 6:-Jupiter, the sub lord of both the 9th & 10th cusps is aspecting 2nd and 6th. Chart No. 7:- Venus, the sub lord of both the 9th and 10th cusps is also the owner of 2nd and the occupant of 10 along with the royal planet, Sun. Chart No. 8:- Saturn is a self strong significator for the 10th as it has no planets in its stars and also holding the sub lordship of 10th cusp. Saturn is also the owner of 2nd. Chart No. 9:-Mercury, the 10th cusp sub lord signifies the 2nd. Rahu, the 9th cusp sub lord represents as agent for Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter & Venus. All are signifying the 6th. Chart No. 10:- Rahu, the 9th cusp sub lord is in the star of Sun and he represents Mercury and Saturn. Mercury signifies 6 and 10. Saturn signifies 10. Chart No. 11:- Venus, the 9th cusp sub lord signifies 11 only. But the 10th cusp sub lord Mercury signifies 6 and 11. Chart No. 12:- Mars, the 9th cusp sub lord is the owner of 10th. Venus, the 10th cusp sub lord is in her own star and also the occupant of 2. So it signifies strongly 2nd house and 11th also feebly. Chart No. 13:- Saturn, the 9th cuspal sub lord aspects the 11th & 6th. Jupiter, the 6th & 10th cusp ub lord is the lord of 2nd and aspects the 6th house. Chart No. 14:- Saturn, the 9th cusp sub lord is the owner of 6th house. Rahu the 10th cusp sub lord is the occupant of 2nd house. Chart No. 15:- Venus, the 9th cusp sub lord signifies 11-10- 2. Saturn, the 10th cusp sub lord signifies 10 & 2. (as the Saturn holds the sub lordship of 10 & 2 having no planets in its stars. Chart No. 16:- Saturn, the 9th cusp sub lord is the owner of 2nd house. Rahu the 10th cusp sub lord is in the star of Saturn who owns 2nd and Rahu is also a self-strong significator for 10th cusp. Chart No. 17:- Saturn holds the sublordship for both the 9th and the 10th cusps. He is the owner of 10 and 11. The 10th house is also aspected by Saturn. Chart No. 18:- Mercury, the 9th cusp sub lord signifies 6-11 and 2. Venus, the 10th cusp sub lord is the lord of 6th house. Chart No. 19:- Mars, the 9th cusp sub lord signifies 6th. Mercury the 10th cusp sub lord signifies 10-2-11. Chart No. 20:-Mercury, the 9th cusp sub lord is the significator for the 6th. Rahu, the 10th cusp sub lord is the significator for 10 & 2. Chart No. 21:-Mercury, the 9th cusp sub lord signifies 10-11 & 6. Rahu, the 10th cusp sub lord signifies 2nd strongly. Chart No. 22:- Mars holding the sub lordship for the both houses 9th & 10th is the occupant of 10. Chart No. 23:- Mercury the 9th cusp sub lord signifies the 6th house. Rahu, the 10th cusp sub lord signifies the 6th house. Chart No. 24:- Venus, the 9th cusp sub lord is the occupant of 6th. Rahu, the 10th cusp sub lord signifies 2 & 11. Chart No. 25:- Rahu, the 9th cusp sub lord signifies 6 and 11. Venus, the 10th cusp sub lord also signifies 6 & 11. Chart No. 26:- Venus, the sub lord of both 9th and 10th cusps signifies strongly the 2nd house. Venus is also a self strong significator for both 9th and 10th cusps. Chart No. 27:- Mars, the 9th cusp sub lord is a significator for 10th. Venus, the 10th cusp sub lord is a significator for 6 and 11. Chart No. 28:- Jupiter, the 9th cusp sub lord is the owner of 6th. Venus, the 10th cusp sub lord is the occupant of 6th. Chart No. 29:- Rahu, the 9th cusp sub lord signifies both 9th and 10th. Jupiter, the 10th cusp sub lord signifies 10-8 & 11.

KP Ezine

August 2013


Mars should be a significator of 10th or 6th. He should be connected/related to royal planets. (Sun & Moon). Chart No. 1:- Mars is in his own star and he is the owner of 10th. Chart No. 2:- Mars is the owner of 6th. Chart No. 3:- Mars is the occupant of 10th. Chart No. 4:- Mars is the occupant of 6th and none in his stars. Mars is in the star of Mercury who is the lord of the 10th house. Thus he signifies 10th & 6th. Chart No. 5:- Mars is not a significator for 10 or 6. But he is in the star of Moon. Chart No. 6:- Mars is in its star and the occupant of 6th. Thus it signifies 6th strongly. Chart No. 7:- Mars is a significaor for 6th and he is also aspecting 10th house. Chart No. 8:- Mars is the lord of 10th and he is in the star of Sun. Chart No. 9:- Mars is a significator for 6th and he is associated with Sun & Moon. Chart No. 10:- Mars is the owner of the 6th and associated with Sun exactly in Libra sign. Chart No. 11:- Mars is a strong significator for 6th and he is in the sign of Leo.(Suns sign). Chart No. 12:- Mars is the significator for 10th. He aspects Moon. He is in the sub of Sun. Chart No. 13:- Mars is the lord of 6th. It is also associated with Sun and Moon in Scorpio sign. Chart No.14:- Mars is in the star of Sun. It aspects the Suns sign Leo. Chart No. 15:-Mars is the lord of 10th house. It aspects Moon in Libra sign. Chart No. 16:- Mars is not a significator for either 6th or 10th and also not related to the luminaries. Chart. No. 17:- Mars is a significator for 10 and 6. Chart No. 18:- Mars is the significator for 6th. Chart No. 19:- Mars is in the star of Sun. It is the occupant of 6th. Chart No. 20:- Mars owns the 10th house and it is in the sign of Moon (Cancer). Chart No. 21:- Mars is the owner of 10th cusp and aspects Sun from Leo sign. Chart No. 22:- Mars is the significator of the 10th and he is well connected with both Sun & Moon in 10th , in Aquarius sign. Chart No. 23:- Mars is the significator of the 6th. ChartNo. 24:- Mars is the significator for the 10th. Chart No. 25:- Mars is the significator for the 6th Chart No. 26:- Mars is the lord of 6th house. He is in the star of Moon. Chart No. 27:- Mars is a significator for 10th. Chart No. 28:- Mars is only in the sub of Moon. Chart No. 29:- Mars is in the star of Jupiter at 10. Either 6th or 10th cuspal sub lord should be connected to the luminaries. (Sun & Moon). Chart No. 1:- Jupiter, the 6th cusp sub lord is in Suns star in Leo and aspects Sun. Rahu, the 10th cusp sub lord is aspected by Sun. Chart No. 2:-10th cusp sub lord itself is Sun and it is in the sub of Moon. Chart No. 3:- Ketu, the sub lord of 6th cusp is in the sub of Sun. Saturn, the sub lord of the 10th cusp aspects the 6th house and its occupant Ketu who is the 6th cuspal sub lord. Chart No. 4:- Both the 6th cuspal sub lord Moon and the 10th cuspal sub lord Venus are in the constellation of Moon. Chart No. 5:-Venus, the sub lord of both 6th and 10th is in the star of Moon. Chart No. 6:- Venus the 6th cusp sub lord is in the sign of Moon (Cancer). Jupiter, the 10th cusp sub lord is in the star of Sun and he also aspects the Moon sign (cancer) as well as Venus the sub of 6th cusp. Chart No. 7:-10th cusp sub lord Venus is closely associated with Sun. Chart No. 8:- Jupiter, the 6th cusp sub lord is in the sign of Moon. Chart No. 9:- 6th cusp sub lord Saturn is in the sub of Moon. 10th cusp sub lord Mercury is in the star of Moon. Chart No. 10:- Saturn, the sub lord of 6th and 10th cusps is not at all connected to royal planets. But Moon is in the star of Saturn.
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Chart No. 11:- Mercury the sub lord of 6th and 10th cusps is stationed in Suns sign Leo and also aspected by Moon, another royal planet. Chart No. 12:-6th cusp sub lord Jupiter is in the star of Sun. Jupiter is associated with Moon. Both Sun and Jupiter are aspecting each other. Venus, the sub lord of 10th cusp is in the sign of Leo (Suns own sign). Chart No. 13:- Jupiter is the sub lord of both the cusps 6th and 10th. He is in no way connected with the luminaries. Chart No. 14:- 6th cusp sub lord Jupiter aspects the Moon. Chart No. 15:- 6th cusp sub is Sun and the 10th sub is Saturn. Both the planets are in the sub of Saturn. Saturn aspects Leo (the sign of Sun). Chart No. 16:- 6th cusp sub lord Saturn is in the star of Sun. 10th cusp sub lord Rahu is in the sub-sub of Moon. Chart No. 17:- Mercury, the 6th cusp sub lord is in the star of Moon and in the sub of Sun. 10th cusp sub lord Saturn aspects the Sun in 10. Chart No. 18:- Mercury, the sub lord of the 6th cusp is associated with Moon in Libra sign and also in the sub of Moon. Venus, the 10th cusp sub lord is in the star of Moon. Chart No. 19:- Mercury, the sub lord of 6th and 10th cusps is in Leo sign along with Sun. Chart No. 20:- 6th cusp sub lord Mercury is with Sun in Tula sign. 10th cusp sub lord Rahu is in the star of Sun. Chart No. 21:- 6th cusp sub lord Mercury and 10th cusp sub lord Rahu both are in the sub of Mercury. This Mercury is along with Sun in Aquarius. Chart No. 22:- 6th cusp sub lord Mercury is in the star of Moon. 10th cusp sub lord Mars is in conjunction with both Sun and Moon in 10 th , in Auarius sign. Chart No. 23:- 6th cusp sub lord Saturn is in the star of Sun. 10th cusp sub lord Rahu is closely associated with Sun in Aquarius. Chart No. 24:- Both the 6th cusp sub lord Mercury and the 10th cusp sub lord Rahu are in the sub of Jupiter. This Jupiter aspects the Moon sign i.e. 6th house as well as 8th and 10th. Chart No. 25:- 6th cusp sub lord Jupiter is in the sub of Moon. Jupiter aspects Leo the sign of Sun. 10th cusp sub lord Venus is associated with Sun in Taurus. Chart No. 26:- 6th cusp sub lord Mercury is along with Sun in Aquarius. 10th cusp sub lord is Venus.( already explained in above first point). Chart No. 27:- 6th cusp sub lord Rahu is in the star of Moon. Moon holds the constellation lordship for 2nd, 6th and 10th. Chart No. 28:- 6th cusp sub lord Mars is in the sub of Moon. 10th cusp sub lord Venus is along with Moon in the sign of Meenam. Chart No. 29:- 6th and 10th cusp sub lord Jupiter aspects Sun and his own sign Leo. (6) Ascendant cusp sub lord or star lord should signify 6-8-10-11. Chart No. 1:- Ascendant cusp star lord Ketu is the occupant of 10th. Venus is the sub lord of the 8th cusp. Chart No 2:- Ascendant cusp sub lord Saturn is signifying 11-6-8-10. Ascendant star lord Rahu is the occupant of 8. Chart No. 3:- Ascendant cusp sub lord Rahu is signifying the 10th. Ascendant star lord Sun is signifying 6th. Chart No .4:- Ascendant cusp sub lord Jupiter is the owner of 6th. Ascendant star lord Mars is the significator of 6th, 10th and 8th respectively in strength wise. Chart No. 5:-Mars, the lagna star lord signifies the 11th house strongly. Chart No. 6:- Ascendant cusp sub lord Rahu is a strong significator for 10th. Chart No.7:- Ascendant cusp sub lord Saturn signifies 6-10 & 11. Ascendant cusp star lord Venus also signifies 10, 2 & 8. Chart No. 8:- Ascendant cusp sub lord Mercury is a significator for 8-10-11-6. Chart No. 9:- Ascendant cusp star & sub lord Rahu is an agent for Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus. All these planets are signifying the 6th. Chart No. 10:- Ascendant cusp star & sub lord Rahu is an agent for Mercury and Saturn. Mercury signifies 6-8-10; Saturn signifies 8-10.
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Chart No. 11:- Ascendant cusp sub lord Mercury signifies 6-8- &11. Ascendant cusp star lord Saturn signifies 8 and 11. Chart No. 12:-Ascendant cusp sub lord Venus signifies 11th house. 8th is aspected by Venus. Chart No. 13:- Ascendant cusp sub lord Rahu represents Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, and Venus. Majority of planets are signifying 6-8-10-11. Chart No. 14:- Ascendant cusp sub lord Ketu signifies 8 & 11. Lagna cusp star lord Venus signifies 6 & 10. Venus is the sub lord of the 11th cusp. Chart No. 15:- Ascendant cusp sub lord Jupiter is the lord of 6th and it signifies 10th also. Chart No. 16:- Both the star lord and sub lord of Ascendant cusp are Ketu and Saturn respectively. They are in Kanya sign which falls in as 10th cusp. Chart No. 17:-Ascendant cusp sub lord Sun is the occupant of 10. Chart No.18:- Ascendant cusp sub lord Jupiter signifies 6-10-8 & 11. Chart No.19:- Mars, theAascendant cusp sub lord is very near to 6th cusp. Chart No. 20:-Ascendant cusp sub lord Mars owns the 10th. Chart No. 21:_ Ascendant cusp sub lord Sun signifies 8. Lagna cusp star lord Moon is also signifying 8th . Chart No. 22:- Ascendant cusp sub lord Moon signifies 8 and 10. Chart No. 23:- Ascendant cusp sub lord Mercury is signifying 6th. Chart No. 24:- Mars, the lagna cusp sub lord signifies 10th as he is the owner of 10th house. Chart No, 25:- Ascendant cusp sub lord Venus signifies 6 and 11. Chart No . 26:- Ascendant c usp sub lord Mercury is the lord of 8 and 11. Chart No. 27:- Ascendant cusp sub lord Rahu signifies 10 & 8. Chart No. 28:- Ascendant cusp sub lord Jupiter signifies 1 & 6. Chart No. 29:- Rahu, the Ascendant cusp sub lord signifies the 10th and the Ascendant cusp star lord Mars signifies 10-8-11. Sign lords of the Nodes (the depositors of Rahu and Ketu) should be related with the luminaries or they should be significator of 9th or 10th. Chart No. 1:- Venus and Mars are the sign lords of the Nodes. Venus is associated with Sun in Mesha sign. Venus is the significator of the 10th. Mars is in the sub of sun. He is the lord of 10 and in his own star. Chart No 2.:- Sign lord of Ketu is Moon. She signifies the 9th house. Signlord of Rahu is Saturn who is the owner of 10th house. Chart No. 3:-Sign lord of Rahu himself is Sun. Sign lord of Ketu is Saturn. Saturn signifies 10th. Chart No. 4:- Mercury, the sign lord of Rahu signifies 9th and 10th. The sign lord of Ketu is Jupiter. This Jupiter is a self strong significator for 9th cusp as he is not having any planets in his stars holding the sub lordship of 9th cusp. Chart No. 5:- Jupiter, the sign lord of Rahu is a significator for 10th. Mercury, the sign lord of Ketu is also a significator for 10th. Chart No. 6:-Sun, the sign lord of Rahu is in his own star Uttara Phalguni and in the sub of Moon. Saturn, the sign lord of Ketu is in the star of Sun and signifies 9th and 10th also. Chart No. 7:- Mercury, the sign lord of Rahu is a significator for 10th. Mercury is in the star of Moon. Jupiter, the sign lord of Ketu is the owner of 9th. Chart No. 8:- Mars, the sign lord of Rahu signifies 10th and he is also in the star of Sun. Venus the depositor of Ketu is in the star of Moon and the lord of 9th. Chart No.9:- The sign lord of Rahu is Jupiter. He is the constellation lord of 10th cusp. The sign lord of Ketu is Mercury. He is in the star of Moon. Chart No.10:- The sign lord of Rahu is Mercury. He signifies 9 & 10. The sign lord of Ketu is Jupiter who signifies 9 & 10. Chart No.11:- Venus, the sign lord of Rahu is not a significator for 9 or 10. Mars, the sign lord of Ketu is the occupant of 9th. Chart No.12:- Jupiter, the sign lord of Rahu signifies 9th and it is also in the star of Sun. Jupiter is along with Moon in Capricorn. Mercury, the sign lord of Ketu is in the sub of
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Moon. Chart No.13:-Mars, the sign lord of Ketu is in lagna with the both luminaries (Sun & Moon) in Scorpio sign. Chart No.14:- Mercury, the sign lord of Rahu is in the star of Sun. Jupiter the sign lord of Ketu is aspecting Moon and Cancer sign. Chart No. 15:- Venus, the sign lord of Rahu is in the star of Sun and it is the occupant of 10. Mars, the sign lord of Ketu is the owner of 10th and also the occupant of 9th. Chart No. 16:- Jupiter, the sign lord of Rahu is in the sub of Moon. Mercury, the sign lord of Ketu is the strong significator for 9th. Chart No.17:- Mercury, the sign lord of Rahu is the significator for both 9th and 10th. This Mercury is in the star of Moon and in the sub of Sun. Jupiter, the sign lord of Ketu is the significator of 9th and the 9th is aspected by Jupiter. Chart No.18:-Jupiter, the sign lord of Rahu signifies 9 & 10. He is also closely associated with Sun. Jupiter is also in the sub of Sun. Mercury the sign lord of Ketu is in the sub of Moon and also placed in Libra along with Moon.. Chart No.19:- Venus, the sign lord of Rahu is the lord of 10 and also in the star of Sun. Mars, the sign lord of Ketu is the owner of 9th and in the star of Sun. Chart No. 20:- Venus, the sign lord of Rahu signifies the 10th strongly and also posited in Tula with Sun. Mars, the sign lord of Ketu signifies the 10th and is also in the sign of Moon, Cancer. Chart No. 21:- Mars, the sign lord of Rahu is the owner of 10th. Mars is in the sign of Leo. Venus, the sign lord of Ketu is the owner of 9th. Chart No. 22:-Mars, the sign lord of Rahu is the occupant of 10 and he is well connected with both Sun andMoon in 10th , in Aquarius sign. Venus, the sign lord of Ketu is strongly signifying the 10th. Chart No. 23:- Saturn, the sign lord of Rahu is in the star of Sun. Sun, the sign lord of Ketu is closely conjoined with Jupiter, the lord of 6 th. Chart No. 24:- Saturn, the sign lord of Rahu is not all signifying 9th or 10th and also not all connected with the luminaries. Sun, the sign lord of Ketu is a significator for 10th. Chart No. 25:- Saturn, the sign lord of Rahu is in the star of Moon and it also signifies 9th strongly. Sun, the sign lord of Ketu is one among the luminaries. Chart No. 26:- Mercury, the sign lord of Rahu is in conjunction with Sun in Aquarius sign. Jupiter, the sign lord of Ketu aspects the 9th house. Chart No. 27:- Mercury, the sign lord of Rahu is the significator for 10th. Chart No. 28:- Venus, the sign lord of Rahu is the lord of 9th and also holds the sub lordship for 10th cusp having no planets in Venus stars. Mars, the sign lord of Ketu is in the sub of Moon. Chart No. 29:-Moon, the sign lord of Rahu is the significator for both 9th and 10th. Saturn, the sign lord of Ketu is also the significator for both 10th and 9th. (8) 8th and 10th cusp sub lords should be related to each other.

Chart No. 1:- 10th cusp sub lord Rahu is in the sub of Venus who is the 8th sub lord. Chart No. 2:- Saturn, the 8th cusp sub lord is in the sub-sub of Sun who is the sub of 10th. Chart No. 3:- Jupiter, the sub lord of 8th cusp and Saturn the sub lord of 10th cusp are posited in Dhanush Rasi along with Venus who is the owner of 10 th. Chart No. 4:- Both the 8th cusp sub lord Ketu and the 10th cusp sub lord Venus are in the sub of Mercury. Thus these two planets are connected through a third planet. Chart No. 5:- 8th and 10th cusp sub lords are not related to each other. But the sign lords of 8th and 10th cusps Jupiter and Saturn are having mutual aspect. Chart No. 6:-Jupiter is the sub lord for both 8th and 10th cusps. Chart No. 7:-Venus is not only a sub lord for 8th cusp but also for 10th cusp. Chart No. 8:-Not applicable to this chart. Chart No. 9:- Not applicable to this chart. Chart No. 10:-10th cusp sub lord Saturn aspects the 8th cusp sub lord Rahu with 10th aspect.
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Chart No 11:- 8th cusp sub lord Moon aspects the 10th cusp sub lord Mercury Chart No. 12:- 8th cusp sub lord Ketu and the 10th cusp sub lord Venus both are in the sub of Jupiter, connecting through the third planet. Chart No. 13:- 8th cusp sub lord is Mercury and 10th cusp sub lord is Jupiter. Mercury is in the star of Jupiter. Both Jupiter and Mercury are in the sub -sub of Venus. Thus both the sub lords of 8th and 10th cusps are related with each other through a third planet Venus. Chart No. 14:- 8th cusp sub lord is Mars. 10th cusp sub lord is Rahu. Mars is in the sub of Rahu and Rahu is in the star of Mars. Chart No. 15:- 8th cusp sub lord Jupiter is in the sub of Saturn who is the sub of 10th. Chart No. 16:- Rahu holds the sub lordship for both the houses 8th and 10th. Chart No. 17:- 8th cusp sub lord Jupiter & 10th cusp sub lord Saturn are placed together in Aries sign. Both Saturn & Jupiter are in the star and sub of Venus. Chart No. 18:- Not applicable to this chart. Chart No. 19:-8th cusp sub lord is Saturn. 10th cusp ub lord is Mercury. Both these planets are in the sub of Rahu. Thus they are related through a third planet Rahu. Chart No. 20:- 8th cusp sub lord Moon is in the sub of Rahu who holds the sub lordship for 10th. Chart No. 21:-Not applicable to this chart. Chart No. 22:- Both the sub lords of 8th and 10th cusps are only Mars. He is well connected with the luminaries in 10th house (in Aquarius). Chart No. 23:- Rahu is the sub lord of both 8th and 10th cusps. Chart No. 24. - Not applicable to this chart. Chart No. 25:- 8th cusp sub lord moon and the 10th sub lord Venus are in the star of Mars. Chart No. 26:- Not applicable to this chart. Chart No 27:- Venus holds the sub lordship for both the houses 8th and 10th. Chart No. 28:- Not applicable to this chart. Chart No. 29:-10th cusp sub lord Jupiter is in the star of Rahu who is the sub lord of 8th cusp. 3rd house should be well connected to the houses 2-6-10-11 to become a successful good administrator. Chart No. 1:- 3rd cusp sub lord Jupiter is the occupant of 2nd house and also aspects the 10th house. Jupiter is also the sub lord of the 6th cusp. Chart No. 2:- 3rd cusp sub lord Saturn signifies 6, 10 & 11. Saturn is the sub lord of 2nd cusp. 3rd cusp sign lord is Moon. She owns 2nd house also. Chart No. 3:- 3rd cusp sub lord Venus signifies 10th. Chart No. 4:- 3rd cusp sub lord Jupiter is the owner of 6th. 3rd cusp owner is Mars who signifies 6 & 10. Chart No. 5:- 3rd cusp sub lord Venus is signifying 11 and 6. Chart No. 6:- 3rd cusp sub lord Jupiter is conjoined with 10th lord Saturn. Chart No. 7:- 3rd cusp sub lord Ketu is in the sub of Moon. This Moon signifies 6 & 11. Mercury is the lord of 3rd and 6th cusps and also the occupant of 10 in the star of Moon who is at 11. Thus Mercury signifies 11-10 & 6. Chart No. 8:- 3rd cusp sub lord Rahu signifies 11 and 6. Chart No. 9:- 3rd cusp sub lord Rahu is in the sub of Saturn. He signifies 6-10 & 11. Chart No. 10:- Moon is the lord of 2 & 3 and the occupant of 6 and also signifies 10. Chart No. 11:- Saturn, the owner of 3rd cusp is aspecting 11th and 2nd. Venus, the 3rd cusp sub lord signifies 11th. Sun, the 3rd cusp star lord signifies 11 and 10. Chart No. 12:- 3rd cusp sub lord Rahu is in the sub of Jupiter who is the occupant of 6th. Chart No. 13:- 3rd cusp sub lord Saturn aspects 11 and 6. Chart No. 14:- 3rd cusp sub lord Saturn is the owner of 6th and he aspects 11 and 2. Chart No. 15:- 3rd cusp sub lord Venus signifies 11-10 and 2 respectively in strength wise. Chart No. 16:- Saturn, the 3rd cusp sub lord is the owner of the 2nd. Chart No. 17:- 3rd cusp sub lord Jupiter signifies 2nd. Chart No. 18:- 3rd cusp sub lord Mercury signifies 6-11-2.
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Chart Chart Chart Chart Chart Chart Chart Chart Chart Chart Chart

No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.


Venus is not only the lord of 3 but also 10. Mercury is the owner of 3rd cusp and it signifies 6th. 3rd cusp sub lord Venus signifies 2 and 6. Venus , the 3rd cusp sub lord signifies 10 and 6. 3rd cusp sub lord Venus signifies 6 and 2. Moon the 3rd cusp sub lord signifies 10 and 6. Jupiter the 3rd cusp sub lord is the owner of 10 and the occupant of 11. 3rd cusp sub lord Venus signifies 2 strongly. Sun the 3rd cusp sub lord signifies 6 and 11. Jupiter, the sub lord of the 3rd cusp is the owner of 6th 3rd cusp sub lord Rahu signifies 10.

General remarks at a glance:(1) It is clearly visible in all the charts majority of the planets among Mercury, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Venus are well connected to the airy and fiery signs. (2) It is observed the combination of 10-11 or 6-11 in maximum planets is clearly visible mostly in the natal charts of the administrators. (3) All the said nine rules have been found generally satisfied for the charts under study except some charts regarding the 8th rule. LONG LIVE K.P.

KP Ezine

August 2013


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Thanks a lot for sparing your me to publish an ENCYCLOPEDIA in KP astrology... Vikram astrovixshe I admire the get up of the book, so brilliantly done. We don't come across astrological books so nicely printed with premium quality paper o en. the price is quite reasonable. We, the readers are really grateful to you. Pradiptokumar Sanyal I liked the book Prashna Jyo sh as much as Nakshatra Chintamani. Prashna Jyo sh is wri en in similar spirit. He rst explains the methodology then he takes a par cular ques on, gives rules applicable to predict that ques on and then elaborately gives the predic on. I will be really glad to read and own his other books translated from Gujara . Thanks for your eorts to translate his more books in future....Warm regards Manvendra Tamba Goa

Period of child birth

By: Navin Chitlangia RUDRA
Jyotish Ratna, Jyotish Visharad, Belabhumi I, Flat No. 302, 2nd Floor, 22/2, Sukanta Sarani, Hind Motor Area, PO. BHADRAKALI, P.S. Uttarpara, Pin - 712 232, W.B., INDIA. Mobile : +91-9830580345. Email :

During the 8th month of pregnancy, my wife has asked me to predict the possible period of our 2nd child birth. She was already aware that doctor had given the expected time of child birth in the 4th week of October 2011 i.e. after 23.10.2011. But astrologically she was eager to know the exact or possible date of our 2nd child birth. Question of Querent (Mrs. Shashi Chitlangia): Possible date of 2nd isue (child birth)? Horary Number: 85 (out of 249). Date & Time of Judgment: 27-09-2011 (Tuesday), 17:07:29 Hrs. (IST). Place of Judgment: Hind Motor - 22.41N, 88.20E, Hooghly, W.B., INDIA Hints: Considered the houses 2, 5 and 11 for child birth (2nd increase in the number of the members of family due to birth of a child; 5th first conception or pregnancy, progeny or child; 7th second conception or pregnancy or 2nd child birth; 11th is the 5th from 7). The 5th for female and 11 for male are important. 7th house indicate 2nd conception or pregnancy or 2nd issue (being 3rd from 5 in a female chart, 3rd is younger brother or sister of first child. Moon reveals the nature of query. Moon (Virgo 10:22:47) is in the self-star and sub. Moon is the occupant of 2, owner of 12. Moon signifies and is in connection with the relevant house i.e. 2 (increase in the number of the members of family due to birth of a child), hence query is genuine. CUSPAL ANALYSIS Whether 2nd issue is promised or not? 7th cusp: Aquarius 00-46-40 (Saturn-Mars-Mercury): The sublord Mercury is in the star of Sun and sub of Venus. Mercury is the occupant of 2, owner of 3 and 11. Starlord Sun is the occupant of 2, owner of 1, 2. Sublord Venus is the occupant of 2, owner of 4. 7th CSL Mercury signifies 2 (increase in the number of family members due to birth of a child), 11 (fulfillment of desire) and is in connection with 2 (increase in the number of family members due to birth of a child), hence 2nd issue (child-birth) is promised. Whether Surgery or Operation is promised or not? Lagna cusp: Leo 00-46-40 (Sun-Ketu-Venus) 8th cusp: Aquarius 27-38-59 (Saturn-Jupiter-Venus) The sublord of Lagna and 8th cups Venus is in the star of Moon and sub of self (Venus). Venus is the occupant of 2, owner of 4. Starlord Moon is the occupant of 2, owner of 12. Sublord Venus is the occupant of 2, owner of 4. Lagna and 8th CSL Venus signifies 12 (hospitalization).

KP Ezine

August 2013


Horary No. 85/249

Sun Rise: 05:26:50 AM Nithya Yoga: Brahma Sun Set: Hora: 05:28:32 PM Moon Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Kintughna
Horary No.: 85 Question : Possible date of 2nd Issue (child birth)?

Ruling Planets - 27/Sep/2011 05:07:29 PM Hind Motor, WEST BENGAL, India Planet Lagna Moon Sgl Ju Me Stl Sa Mo Sbl Sa Mo Ssl Ve Ju Sssl Ra Me

Day Lord: Mars

Nirayana Bhava Chalit

Me 05:08:59:00 Su 05:10:05:36 Mo 05:10:22:47 Ve 05:21:26:49 Sa 05:24:15:48 III 05:27:51:33 II 04:27:38:59 5 6 Ma 03:11:10:04 XII 03:01:35:59 I 04:00:46:40 XI 02:01:17:47 4 3

Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Magha(1) 2 U.Phalguni(1) 3 Chitra(2) 4 Visakha(3) 5 Moola(1) 6 U.Ashada(2) 7 Dhanishta(3) 8 P.Bhadra(3) 9 Revati(4) 10 Krittika(1) 11 Mrigasira(3) 12 Punarvasu(4) Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Hasta(1) Mo Hasta(1) Ma Pushyami(3) Me U.Phalguni(4) Ju[R] Bharani(1) Ve Hasta(4) Sa Chitra(1) Ra Jyeshta(3) Ke Mrigasira(1)

Sgl Su Su Me Ve Ju Sa Sa Sa Ju Ma Me Mo

Stl Ke Su Ma Ju Ke Su Ma Ju Me Su Ma Ju

Sbl Ve Mo Ju Mo Ve Ju Me Ve Ju Ra Me Ra

Ssl Ve Ra Ra Ju Mo Sa Su Ra Ra Ju Ra Ra

Sssl Ve Ma Mo Ju Ra Ve Ve Mo Mo Ra Su Mo

Ra 07:24:06:23 IV 06:29:47:08 5 7 11 1

X 00:29:47:08 Ke 01:24:06:23

Sgl Me Me Mo Me Ma Me Me Ma Ve

Stl Mo Mo Sa Su Ve Mo Ma Me Ma

Sbl Mo Mo Mo Ve Ve Ve Ra Ma Ma

Ssl Ma Ju Ra Ju Me Ra Ra Mo Mo

Sssl Ma Me Ra Sa Me Ke Me Ve Ve

VII 10:00:46:40 V 08:01:17:47 9 10 VI 09:01:35:59 11 VIII 10:27:38:59 12 IX 11:27:51:33 Ju[R] 00:15:08:13

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 2 2 12 1, 2 Mo 2 2 12 12 Ma 2 12 6, 7, 8 10 Me 2 2 1, 2 3, 11 Ju+ 2 9 4 5, 9 Ve 2 2 12 4 Sa 12 2 10 6, 7, 8 Ra+ 2 4 3, 11 Ke+ 12 10 10 Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars (B) - Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Ve. (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner

Ju[R] 15:08:13 X 29:47:08

Ke 24:06:23

XI 01:17:47

Dasa Summary
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Moon Dasa 15-Jun-2011 - 15-Jun-2021 Moon 15-Jun-2011 Mars 14-Apr-2012 Rahu 13-Nov-2012 Jupiter 15-May-2014 Saturn 14-Sep-2015 Mercury 15-Apr-2017 Ketu 14-Sep-2018 Venus 15-Apr-2019 Sun 15-Dec-2020 Jupiter Dasa 15-Jun-2046 - 15-Jun-2062 Jupiter 15-Jun-2046 Saturn 03-Aug-2048 Mercury 13-Feb-2051 Ketu 22-May-2053 Venus 28-Apr-2054 Sun 27-Dec-2056 Moon 15-Oct-2057 Mars 14-Feb-2059 Rahu 21-Jan-2060 Ketu Dasa 15-Jun-2098 - 15-Jun-2105 Ketu 15-Jun-2098 Venus 11-Nov-2098 Sun 11-Jan-2100 Moon 19-May-2100 Mars 18-Dec-2100 Rahu 16-May-2101 Jupiter 03-Jun-2102 Saturn 10-May-2103 Mercury 19-Jun-2104 Mars Dasa 15-Jun-2021 - 15-Jun-2028 Mars 15-Jun-2021 Rahu 11-Nov-2021 Jupiter 29-Nov-2022 Saturn 05-Nov-2023 Mercury 15-Dec-2024 Ketu 12-Dec-2025 Venus 10-May-2026 Sun 10-Jul-2027 Moon 15-Nov-2027 Saturn Dasa 15-Jun-2062 - 15-Jun-2081 Saturn 15-Jun-2062 Mercury 18-Jun-2065 Ketu 26-Feb-2068 Venus 06-Apr-2069 Sun 06-Jun-2072 Moon 19-May-2073 Mars 18-Dec-2074 Rahu 27-Jan-2076 Jupiter 03-Dec-2078 Venus Dasa 15-Jun-2105 - 15-Jun-2125 Venus 15-Jun-2105 Sun 15-Oct-2108 Moon 15-Oct-2109 Mars 15-Jun-2111 Rahu 15-Aug-2112 Jupiter 15-Aug-2115 Saturn 16-Apr-2118 Mercury 16-Jun-2121 Ketu 15-Apr-2124 Rahu Dasa 15-Jun-2028 - 15-Jun-2046 Rahu 15-Jun-2028 Jupiter 26-Feb-2031 Saturn 22-Jul-2033 Mercury 27-May-2036 Ketu 14-Dec-2038 Venus 01-Jan-2040 Sun 01-Jan-2043 Moon 26-Nov-2043 Mars 28-May-2045 Mercury Dasa 15-Jun-2081 - 15-Jun-2098 Mercury 15-Jun-2081 Ketu 11-Nov-2083 Venus 07-Nov-2084 Sun 08-Sep-2087 Moon 14-Jul-2088 Mars 13-Dec-2089 Rahu 11-Dec-2090 Jupiter 29-Jun-2093 Saturn 05-Oct-2095 Sun Dasa 15-Jun-2125 - 15-Jun-2131 Sun 15-Jun-2125 Moon 02-Oct-2125 Mars 03-Apr-2126 Rahu 09-Aug-2126 Jupiter 04-Jul-2127 Saturn 21-Apr-2128 Mercury 03-Apr-2129 Ketu 07-Feb-2130 Venus 15-Jun-2130

IX 27:51:33 Name: Second child birth Gender: Male Date: Tuesday, 27/Sep/2011 Time: 05:07:29 PM SID: 17:54:30 Lat: 22:41:00 N Lon: 88:20:00 E Place: Hind Motor, WEST BENGAL, India VIII 27:38:59 VII 00:46:40 Ayanamsa: 23 55' 51" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Hasta, Pada 1 Star Lord: Moon Rasi: Virgo Rasi Lord: Mercury Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Pratipad Bal. Dasa: Moon 9 Y, 8 M, 17 D I 00:46:40 II 27:38:59 XII 01:35:59 Ma 11:10:04

VI 01:35:59

Me 08:59:00 Su 10:05:36 Mo 10:22:47 Ve 21:26:49 Sa 24:15:48 III 27:51:33

V 01:17:47

Ra 24:06:23

IV 29:47:08

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

August 2013


Significators of 2,5,7 and 11 houses Planets in Occupants Stars A Mercury, Sun, Moon, Venus, Rahu, Jupiter, Mars Planets in Owners Stars C Mercury Mars Rahu House Owner D


Occupant of Houses B

2 5 7 11

Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn -

Sun Jupiter Saturn Mercury

Significators of 2, 7 and 11: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu.
Ruling Planets (27-09-2011, 17:07:29 Hrs., IST, Hind Motor 22N41, 88E20, W.B., India) Ascendant (Pieces 04-14-15) Jupiter Saturn Saturn Moon (Virgo 10-22-47) Day Lord (Tuesday) Nodes Mercury Moon Moon Mars Rahu

Ruling Planets are Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu. Fruitful (Common) Planets among significators of 2, 5, 7 or 11 and Ruling Planets: Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu. JOINT PERIOD (Dasha-Bhukti-Anthra) Running Dasha lord Moon (From 15-06-2011 to 15-06-2021) Moon is a fruitful (common) planet. Hence, Moon Dasha is taken into consideration. Running Bhukti lord Moon (From 15-06-2011 to 15-04-2012) Moon is a fruitful (common) planet and appears twice under the ruling planets. Hence, Moon bhukti is taken into consideration. Now, in Moon Dasha and Moon Bhukti, Running Anthra lord Jupiter (From 12-09-2011 to 22-10-2011) Jupiter is a fruitful (common) planet. Hence, Jupiter Anthra is taken into consideration. Now, in Moon Dasha, Moon Bhukti and Jupiter Anthra, Present Sookshma lord Ketu (From 29-09-2011 to 02-10-2011) Ketu is not a fruitful (common) planet. Hence, Ketu Sookshma is not taken into consideration. Next Sookshma lord Venus (From 02-10-2011 to 08-10-2011) Venus is not a fruitful (common) planet. Hence, Venus Sookshma is not taken into consideration.
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Next Sookshma lord Sun (From 08-10-2011 to 10-10-2011) Sun is not a fruitful (common) planet. Hence, Sun Sookshma is not taken into consideration. Next Sookshma lord Moon (From 10-10-2011 to 14-10-2011) Moon is a fruitful (common) planet. Moon is already taken twice as Dasha & Bhukti lord. Hence, Moon Sookshma is not taken into consideration. Next Sookshma lord Mars (From 14-10-2011 to 16-10-2011) Mars is a fruitful (common) planet. Mars is the significator of 7 (prime house for 2nd child birth) as well as aspecting 11th cusp. Hence, Mars Sookshma is taken into consideration. My Opinion: 2nd Child birth is promised in the period DBAS of Moon-Moon-Jupiter-Mars i.e. from 14-10-2011 to 16-10-2011. More specifically it may be on 15th October 2011 (Day lord Saturn a ruling planet) or on 17th October 2011 (Day Lord Moon a ruling planet). I must give preference to the date of 17th October 2011 as because on that day Rahu Sookshma will also be started and Rahu is the significator (in the star of occupant or owner) of 11 in horary chart. Further on 17th October 2011, Dasha-Bhukti lLord Moon is transiting in self-star (Rohini) and Moon is also a ruling planet (RP Moon star & sub lord). Actual Fact: My wife along with me was blessed with a male baby on 15th October 2011 at 11:20 Hrs. The mode of child birth delivery was cesarean (operation). Pranaam to Guruji KSK !

KP Ezine

August 2013


K P System and Sangeeta Vidya - Proficiency in music

By: Gun Nagaraju CAIIB, Retired Bank officer KP astrologer 12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar, Tarnaka,Secunderabad- 500 017; Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371 Email:

If music be the food of love, play on; Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, The appetite may sicken, and so die. That strain again! it had a dying fall: O! it came oer my ear like the sweet sound that breathes upon a bank of violets, Stealing and giving odour. -William Shakespeare--(Twelfth Night, 1.1.1-7) Music is such a divine knowledge that cannot be learnt like any other mundane knowledge unless one is blessed with the past sukarma and Mr Michael Jackson is one such a blessed soul whose name and fame spread internationally in the field of western music. In this article I would like to discuss the astrological chart of such an eminent musician of all times. K.P. RULES FOR MUSIC (KPEzine- 2008) 1. If the 5th cusp sub lord is deposited in a star of a planet in Simha or Kumbha rasi one will be a popular musician. Venus will also contribute for ones grand success in music. 2. If the lord of a star in which 5th cusp sub lord is deposited, and connected with Moon and Venus - one will have taste for improving his talent for music. He will have rich voice coupled with melody and mellifluousness. Venus and Mercury - one will have taste for improving his talent for music composition of songs. Mars - one will be bold and will never have stage fear. Neptune - one will have harmony in music. (In a chart if 9th cusp falls in Leo sign with Neptune in it or Neptune is in conjunction with planets Moon/Venus/Mercury the native will be a popular musician.) 3. If the lord of a star in which sub lord of 5th house is posited, occupies in Gemini or Sagittarius, one can render the music to appeal to the audience. 4. Gemini/ Libra/ Aquarius airy signs are voice signs or music signs and cinema signs. Leo, the natural 5th sign in zodiac, is sign for opera, dance and other fine arts. Libra, the 7th sign in natural zodiac, is the sign signifying all fine arts. 5. Neptune connection with Jupiter indicates that one will render religious songs. Neptune connection with Saturn indicates that one will be interested in rendering malevolent songs. Neptune connection with Mars and Venus indicates that one will be interested in singing romantic songs. Neptune- in western astrology- signifies a higher octave planet of Venus, which gives talent in music and dance. Neptune represents an emotional attunement to higher levels of consciousness where dualities are united in the living truth. It represents the urge to lose ones self in another state of consciousness (whether higher or lower) and the urge to escape from all limitations. It is a planet of mysticism and mannerisms. Keeping all the points under consideration, I would like to discuss the chart of Mr. Michael Jackson a famous musician of all times from U. S. A. His birth details are furnished here under and the relevant chart is attached. D. O. B. 29 AUGUST 1958/ T. O .B. 1 1.57.20 A.M/ P. O.B. Gary- Indiana- U.S.A. LONGITUDE- 87W20. LATITUDE- 41N35, K.P AYANAMSA- 23-11-23
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Michael Jackson
Sun Rise: 06:12:00 AM Nithya Yoga: Sukarma Sun Set: Hora: 07:27:49 PM Mars Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Balav Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Swati(4) 2 Jyeshta(1) 3 P.Ashada(3) 4 Dhanishta(2) 5 P.Bhadra(4) 6 Revati(4) 7 Bharani(2) 8 Rohini(3) 9 Punarvasu(1) 10 Ashlesha(4) 11 U.Phalguni(2) 12 Chitra(2) Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Magha(4) Mo Satabhisha(4) Ma Krittika(1) Me[R] Magha(1) Ju Chitra(4) Ve Ashlesha(3) Sa Jyeshta(3) Ra Chitra(3) Ke Aswini(1) Sgl Ve Ma Ju Sa Ju Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Me Me Stl Ra Me Ve Ma Ju Me Ve Mo Ju Me Su Ma Sbl Ma Ke Sa Sa Ra Sa Ra Me Sa Sa Ju Sa Ssl Ra Ke Ve Ve Ra Sa Ke Mo Ve Ve Ju Sa Sssl Sa Su Ve Ju Ju Sa Mo Mo Ra Ju Mo Sa

Ruling Planets - 10/Jul/2013 02:38:05 PM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet Lagna Moon Sgl Ve Mo Stl Ra Me Sbl Ma Me Ssl Me Ve Sssl Ke Ju

Day Lord: Mercury

Nirayana Bhava Chalit

II 07:18:34:02 Sa 07:25:55:56 I 06:19:18:43 III 08:22:40:04 8 9 6 6 XI 05:01:23:37 XII 05:27:53:29 Ju 06:05:17:41 Ra 06:01:26:54

Mo 10:17:51:30 IV 09:28:50:05 7 10 1 4

X 03:28:50:05 Su 04:12:38:53 Me[R] 04:02:22:04

Sgl Su Sa Ma Su Ve Mo Ma Ve Ma

Stl Ke Ra Su Ke Ma Me Me Ma Ke

Sbl Me Su Ma Ve Su Ma Ra Me Ve

Ssl Ra Sa Ju Sa Sa Ra Mo Ju Ma

Sssl Me Ju Ra Ve Ra Ma Me Ke Ma

V 11:01:23:37 12 12 Ke 00:01:26:54 VI 11:27:53:29

Ma 00:28:42:16 VII 00:19:18:43 3 2

Ve 03:23:29:33 IX 02:22:40:04

VIII 01:18:34:02

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 6 10 Mo+ 12 4 10 Ma 10 7 2, 7 Me 6 10 9, 11, 12 Ju+ 7 12 2, 7 3, 5, 6 Ve+ 10 9 9, 11, 12 1, 8 Sa+ 10 2 9, 11, 12 4 Ra 7 12 2, 7 Ke 6 6 Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju, Ve. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner

Ke 01:26:54 VII 19:18:43 Ma 28:42:16

VIII 18:34:02

IX 22:40:04

Dasa Summary
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Rahu Dasa 19-Jul-1943 - 19-Jul-1961 Rahu 19-Jul-1943 Jupiter 01-Apr-1946 Saturn 25-Aug-1948 Mercury 01-Jul-1951 Ketu 18-Jan-1954 Venus 06-Feb-1955 Sun 06-Feb-1958 Moon 31-Dec-1958 Mars 01-Jul-1960 Mercury Dasa 19-Jul-1996 - 19-Jul-2013 Mercury 19-Jul-1996 Ketu 15-Dec-1998 Venus 13-Dec-1999 Sun 13-Oct-2002 Moon 19-Aug-2003 Mars 19-Jan-2005 Rahu 16-Jan-2006 Jupiter 04-Aug-2008 Saturn 09-Nov-2010 Sun Dasa 19-Jul-2040 - 19-Jul-2046 Sun 19-Jul-2040 Moon 06-Nov-2040 Mars 07-May-2041 Rahu 12-Sep-2041 Jupiter 07-Aug-2042 Saturn 26-May-2043 Mercury 07-May-2044 Ketu 14-Mar-2045 Venus 19-Jul-2045 Jupiter Dasa 19-Jul-1961 - 19-Jul-1977 Jupiter 19-Jul-1961 Saturn 06-Sep-1963 Mercury 20-Mar-1966 Ketu 25-Jun-1968 Venus 01-Jun-1969 Sun 31-Jan-1972 Moon 18-Nov-1972 Mars 20-Mar-1974 Rahu 23-Feb-1975 Ketu Dasa 19-Jul-2013 - 19-Jul-2020 Ketu 19-Jul-2013 Venus 15-Dec-2013 Sun 14-Feb-2015 Moon 22-Jun-2015 Mars 21-Jan-2016 Rahu 18-Jun-2016 Jupiter 07-Jul-2017 Saturn 12-Jun-2018 Mercury 22-Jul-2019 Moon Dasa 19-Jul-2046 - 19-Jul-2056 Moon 19-Jul-2046 Mars 20-May-2047 Rahu 19-Dec-2047 Jupiter 19-Jun-2049 Saturn 19-Oct-2050 Mercury 19-May-2052 Ketu 18-Oct-2053 Venus 19-May-2054 Sun 18-Jan-2056 Saturn Dasa 19-Jul-1977 - 19-Jul-1996 Saturn 19-Jul-1977 Mercury 22-Jul-1980 Ketu 01-Apr-1983 Venus 10-May-1984 Sun 10-Jul-1987 Moon 21-Jun-1988 Mars 20-Jan-1990 Rahu 01-Mar-1991 Jupiter 06-Jan-1994 Venus Dasa 19-Jul-2020 - 19-Jul-2040 Venus 19-Jul-2020 Sun 18-Nov-2023 Moon 18-Nov-2024 Mars 19-Jul-2026 Rahu 18-Sep-2027 Jupiter 18-Sep-2030 Saturn 20-May-2033 Mercury 20-Jul-2036 Ketu 20-May-2039 Mars Dasa 19-Jul-2056 - 19-Jul-2063 Mars 19-Jul-2056 Rahu 15-Dec-2056 Jupiter 03-Jan-2058 Saturn 10-Dec-2058 Mercury 18-Jan-2060 Ketu 14-Jan-2061 Venus 12-Jun-2061 Sun 12-Aug-2062 Moon 18-Dec-2062

VI 27:53:29 V 01:23:37 Name: Michael Jackson Gender: Male Date: Friday, 29/Aug/1958 Time: 11:57:20 AM SID: 09:37:34 Lat: 41:35:00 N Lon: 87:20:00 W Place: Gary, Indiana, USA Mo 17:51:30 Ayanamsa: 23 11' 23" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Satabhisha, Pada 4 Star Lord: Rahu Rasi: Aquarius Rasi Lord: Saturn Lagna: Libra Lagna Lord: Venus Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Pratipad Bal. Dasa: Rahu 2 Y, 10 M, 21 D Me[R] 02:22:04 Su 12:38:53 Ve 23:29:33 X 28:50:05

IV 28:50:05

XI 01:23:37 XII 27:53:29

III 22:40:04

Sa 25:55:56 II 18:34:02

I 19:18:43 Ju 05:17:41 Ra 01:26:54

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

August 2013


Additional information provided 1) Neptune is deposited in Libra sign (12th cusp) on 09-22-48 degrees longitude. It is in Venus sign-Rahu star-Jup sub-Merc sub sub . 2) Uranus is deposited in Cancer (9th cusp) on 20-17-48 longitude. It is in Moon sign-Merc star-Ven sub-Rahu sub sub. ANALYSIS OF THE CHART--As per the chart the 5th cusp sub lord is Rahu. Rahu is placed in the 12th house in Virgo. The connection of 5th cusp with Virgo sign shows that the native was set to have talent to sing with proper modulations. Rahu is in Mars star lord of 2 (signifying voice and skills of the tongue) & 7 (signifying all fine arts) placed in 7th cusp Mesham sign- shows that the native was set to sing songs pertaining to personality and leadership qualities. It is in the sub of Mercury in 10, lord of 9,11,12 in Leo. Mars aspecting Venus by its 4th aspect has given him very good taste for music and boldness. Mars aspecting Uranus in Cancer has given him revolutionary trends in composing and singing. He could also do orchestration and co-ordination of a group of musicians in public performances with all the boldness and ease. Mars is also aspecting Neptune in Libra sign, by its 7th aspect. Neptune another important planet which signifies fine arts is placed in Rahu star which represents Mercury and significator of stringed instruments like electric guitar, has given him proficiency in instrumental music. Neptune is in Jupiter sub and Jupiter aspects 03rd sign Gemini- in natural zodiac- an airy sign- has given him added strength for his proficiency in music with the help of guitar. He was set to have proficiency in singing both classical and light songs. Mars influence on Venus, Uranus ,Neptune and Jupiter signifying lagna, 5th, 10th houses has given him proficiency in composing music with fast beat and melodious, light and jubilant tunes. The fact that he becomes proficient in using sting instruments like electric guitar is also confirmed by 5th cusp sub lord Rahus placement in an earthy sign Virgo. So Rahu co-rules 7th cusp also. It signifies 2, 7, 12, 4 and at its sub lord Mercury signifies 9, 10, 11, 12 houses. Rahu represents Mercury, which is deposited in 10th house- Leo together with its lord Sun. Mercury-Sun conjunction in 10 th house has made him very popular, giving name and fame. 2) 2nd cusp and 3rd cusp are to be judged for vocal music and instrumental music. Second cusp sign lord Mars is deposited in Aries- fiery sign-7th house karaka for all fine arts is aspected by Jupiter- 3 & 5th lord. This Mars is in Sun star a significator for electronic instruments like synthesizers- has made him proficient in instrumental and vocal music. The star lord Sun is placed in Leo a natural 05th sign in zodiac is also responsible for music and fine arts. 3) 10th cusp sign lord Moon is in 4th house an airy sign Aquarius- which is again responsible for vocal music. Moons connection with Aquarius shows that he was set to sing songs with happiness and dance to his own tunes. This 10th cusp sign lord Moon is strong as no planet is placed in its stars signifying 10th house mainly. Such a Moon is aspected by Sun placed in 10th, Mercury 11th lord, and Jupiter 3rd and 5th lord. All this have made Moon very strong to make him very popular in his field of music with name and fame. Moon is in the sub of Sun signifying 10th to give him all the name and fame. 4) 11th cusp sub lord is Jupiter. No planet is deposited in the stars of Jupiter and so Jupiter strongly signifies 11th by sub lordship, 7th and 2nd at star level of Mars and 5th & 6th as bhava lord. All this made him to fulfill his desire to earn enormous riches and popularity in his filed of music. 5) The placement of Uranus in Cancer- 10th house- an angular house and a cardinal one, along with Venus, lagna and 08th lord in 9th , has given him a strong urge to act in an unconventional and revolutionary ways in his music compositions and became controversial.
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Lagna lord Venus being the 8th lord (Libra rasi) has made him to create his own problems and faced controversies which were all self made only. 6) Mars- lagna sub lord and dhana cusp sign lord is deposited in the star of Sun in 10th and sub of own Mars in 7, lord of 2, 7 (Maraka). Although it gave him rich, comfortable and luxurious life, the native had to encounter health problems, problems through women and a short life with some disgraces. Michael Jackson as a child prodigy took to the stage at the age of just 11 as part of his family's function. He grew quickly into the superstardom and became unstoppable creative musical wizard, which flooded him with an array of rewards and awards in his life. He was titled as THE KING OF POP. Jackson was born on 29 August 1958, in Gary, Indiana, to an African-American workingclass family. His father, Joseph Jackson, had been a guitarist, which Michael inherited from his father. Believing his sons had talent, he molded them into a musical group in the early 1960s. At first, the Jackson Family performers consisted of Michael's elder brothers Tito, Jermaine, and Jackie. Michael joined his siblings when he was five, and emerged as the group's lead vocalist. He showed remarkable range and depth for such a young performer, impressing audiences with his ability to convey complex emotions. With the passage of time Michael Jackson grew and stood like a Himalayan mountain in the field of western music. When one looks at the list of awards (furnished below) with which he was adorned one will become flabbergasted.
Michael Jackson's Awards List Major Awards American Music Awards Billboard Awards BRIT Awards Golden Globe Awards Grammy Awards Guinness World Records MTV Awards NAACP Image Awards RIAA Awards World Music Awards Totals Major awards won 197 Won 22 40 7 1 19 13 13 14 56 12

Each dasa starting from Jupiter+ dasa (signifying house 2, 3, 5, 6,7,12 and 10 at sub Sun level) ,Venus+ bhukthi (from June 1969- signifying 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 2 ,7 at its sub Mars level) started his first concert and all the other dasas cooperated with him to reach the zenith in the field of western music, till his death. He died on 25 June 2009 at the age of 50th year due to cardiac arrest. The Uranus conjunction with lagna lord Venus made him drug addict which was said to be the reason for his early death. I express my highest regards to our astrology Guruji and legend Sri K. S. Krishnamurti who has expounded the wonderful sub lord theory.

KP Ezine

August 2013


Foreign travel
By: Dr. Nirmal Kothari
Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Astrology & Vastu Sciences Dayavati Mansion, 5th Floor, 13, Kyd Street, Opposite MLA Hostel,Kolkata 700 016, West Bengal. Mobile : +91-98300 89302, 094 777 507035. Email :

Question of the Querent: Is foreign travel promised or not? If yes, when? Horary Number: 75 (out of 249). Time of Judgment: 02-04-2013 (Tuesday), 10:25:09 Hrs. (IST). Place of Judgment: Park Street, Kolkata, W.B. 22N27, 88E20 Hints: Foreign Travel 12th cuspal sub lord (CSL) is the guide. Moon is the chief karaka of journey and Rahu is the chief karaka of foreign/foreign stay/foreigners. If the 12th cuspal sub lord 2th be the significator of house 3 (absence of the present residence, 3rd is 12th from 4th, change of place), 9 (long journey, foreign travels) or 12 (foreign, foreign stay, life in completely unfamiliar atmosphere i.e. in new environment) and/or in connection with 3, 9 or 12, foreign travel is promised during the joint period of the significators of 3, 9 or 12. Note: The above said rule can be crossed verified with 9th CSL also as a supportive indication of someone leaving home or running away. Moon reveals the nature of query. Moon (Sagittarius 05:39:11) is in the star of Ketu and sub of Rahu. Moon is the occupant of 5, owner of 1. Starlord Ketu is the occupant of 10. Ketu acts as agent of Mars. Mars is the occupant of 9, owner of 5, 10. Mars is having stellar positional strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in the stars of Mars) and the CSL of house 3, 6. Sublord Rahu is the occupant of 4. Rahu acts as agent of Saturn. Saturn is the occupant of 4, owner of 7, 8. Saturn is having stellar positional strength i.e. untenanted (there is no planet in the stars of Saturn) and the CSL of house 7, 8, 11. Thus Moon signifies the relevant houses (3, 9). Hence query is genuine. CUSPAL ANALYSIS 12th Cusp (Gemini 17-20-07): The sub lord of 12th cusp Venus is in the star of Mercury and sub of Self (Venus). Venus is the occupant of 9, owner of 4, 11. Starlord Mercury is the occupant of 8, owner of 3, 12. Venus signifies 8, 3-12 through its starlord (Mercury). Thus 12th CSL Venus signifies 3, 9, 12 and is in connection with 3, 12, hence foreign travel is promised. CROSS VERIFICATION 9th Cusp (Pieces 11-45-23): The sub lord of 9th cusp Moon is in the star of Ketu and sub of Rahu. As explained above, Moon signifies house 3, 9, hence foreign travel is promised.

KP Ezine

August 2013


Horary No. 75/249

Sun Rise: 05:28:43 AM Nithya Yoga: Variyan Sun Set: Hora: 05:52:05 PM Moon Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Badreva
Horary No.: 75 Question : Is Foreign Travel promised or not? If yes, when?

Ruling Planets - 02/Apr/2013 10:25:09 AM PARK STREET, KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL, India Planet Lagna Moon Sgl Me Ju Stl Ra Ke Sbl Ju Ra Ssl Sa Ra Sssl Sa Sa

Day Lord: Mars

Nirayana Bhava Chalit

II 04:12:23:38 XII 02:17:20:07

Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Ashlesha(1) 2 Magha(4) 3 Hasta(1) 4 Swati(3) 5 Anuradha(4) 6 P.Ashada(2) 7 Sravana(3) 8 Satabhisha(2) 9 U.Bhadra(3) 10 Bharani(1) 11 Rohini(2) 12 Aridra(4) Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Revati(1) Mo Moola(2) Ma Revati(2) Me P.Bhadra(1) Ju Rohini(3) Ve Revati(1) Sa[R] Swati(3) Ra Visakha(2) Ke Bharani(4)

Sgl Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me

Stl Me Ke Mo Ra Sa Ve Mo Ra Sa Ve Mo Ra

Sbl Me Me Ma Me Ju Ma Sa Sa Mo Ve Sa Ve

Ssl Me Ma Ve Ju Ra Ma Ve Ju Me Mo Ke Ke

Sssl Me Ma Sa Sa Ra Ma Sa Me Ra Ve Me Ve

I 03:16:40:00 III 05:11:45:23 5 6 3 2 Ju 01:18:05:49 XI 01:16:25:03

IV 06:13:57:52 Sa[R] 06:16:07:49 Ra 06:24:48:56 7

Ke 00:24:48:56 X 00:13:57:52 4 1 10

Sgl Ju Ju Ju Sa Ve Ju Ve Ve Ma

Stl Me Ke Me Ju Mo Me Ra Ju Ve

Sbl Ke Ra Su Ju Me Ve Ve Me Me

Ssl Ve Ra Ve Ve Ke Su Ra Mo Mo

Sssl Ra Sa Sa Ve Ra Ve Sa Ve Ra

VII 09:16:40:00 Mo 08:05:39:11 V 07:16:25:03 8 9 VI 08:17:20:07 11 12 Ma 11:22:11:49 Ve 11:19:48:18 Su 11:18:39:40 IX 11:11:45:23

Me 10:20:55:21 VIII 10:12:23:38

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 8 9 3, 12 2 Mo 10 5 1 Ma+ 8 9 3, 12 5, 10 Me 11 8 6, 9 3, 12 Ju 5 11 1 6, 9 Ve 8 9 3, 12 4, 11 Sa+ 4 4 7, 8 Ra 11 4 6, 9 Ke 9 10 4, 11 Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Ve, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner

X 13:57:52 Ke 24:48:56

XI 16:25:03 Ju 18:05:49

XII 17:20:07

Dasa Summary
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Ketu Dasa 14-Apr-2010 - 14-Apr-2017 Ketu 14-Apr-2010 Venus 10-Sep-2010 Sun 10-Nov-2011 Moon 17-Mar-2012 Mars 16-Oct-2012 Rahu 14-Mar-2013 Jupiter 01-Apr-2014 Saturn 08-Mar-2015 Mercury 17-Apr-2016 Moon Dasa 14-Apr-2043 - 14-Apr-2053 Moon 14-Apr-2043 Mars 12-Feb-2044 Rahu 13-Sep-2044 Jupiter 14-Mar-2046 Saturn 14-Jul-2047 Mercury 12-Feb-2049 Ketu 14-Jul-2050 Venus 12-Feb-2051 Sun 13-Oct-2052 Jupiter Dasa 14-Apr-2078 - 14-Apr-2094 Jupiter 14-Apr-2078 Saturn 02-Jun-2080 Mercury 14-Dec-2082 Ketu 21-Mar-2085 Venus 25-Feb-2086 Sun 25-Oct-2088 Moon 14-Aug-2089 Mars 13-Dec-2090 Rahu 19-Nov-2091 Venus Dasa 14-Apr-2017 - 14-Apr-2037 Venus 14-Apr-2017 Sun 14-Aug-2020 Moon 14-Aug-2021 Mars 14-Apr-2023 Rahu 14-Jun-2024 Jupiter 14-Jun-2027 Saturn 13-Feb-2030 Mercury 15-Apr-2033 Ketu 13-Feb-2036 Mars Dasa 14-Apr-2053 - 14-Apr-2060 Mars 14-Apr-2053 Rahu 10-Sep-2053 Jupiter 29-Sep-2054 Saturn 04-Sep-2055 Mercury 14-Oct-2056 Ketu 11-Oct-2057 Venus 09-Mar-2058 Sun 09-May-2059 Moon 14-Sep-2059 Saturn Dasa 14-Apr-2094 - 14-Apr-2113 Saturn 14-Apr-2094 Mercury 17-Apr-2097 Ketu 26-Dec-2099 Venus 03-Feb-2101 Sun 04-Apr-2104 Moon 17-Mar-2105 Mars 16-Oct-2106 Rahu 25-Nov-2107 Jupiter 01-Oct-2110 Sun Dasa 14-Apr-2037 - 14-Apr-2043 Sun 14-Apr-2037 Moon 02-Aug-2037 Mars 31-Jan-2038 Rahu 08-Jun-2038 Jupiter 03-May-2039 Saturn 19-Feb-2040 Mercury 31-Jan-2041 Ketu 08-Dec-2041 Venus 14-Apr-2042 Rahu Dasa 14-Apr-2060 - 14-Apr-2078 Rahu 14-Apr-2060 Jupiter 26-Dec-2062 Saturn 21-May-2065 Mercury 26-Mar-2068 Ketu 13-Oct-2070 Venus 01-Nov-2071 Sun 01-Nov-2074 Moon 25-Sep-2075 Mars 27-Mar-2077 Mercury Dasa 14-Apr-2113 - 14-Apr-2130 Mercury 14-Apr-2113 Ketu 10-Sep-2115 Venus 06-Sep-2116 Sun 08-Jul-2119 Moon 13-May-2120 Mars 13-Oct-2121 Rahu 10-Oct-2122 Jupiter 29-Apr-2125 Saturn 04-Aug-2127

Ma 22:11:49 Ve 19:48:18 Su 18:39:40 IX 11:45:23 Name: Foreign Travel Gender: Male Date: Tuesday, 02/Apr/2013 Time: 10:25:09 AM SID: 23:31:19 Lat: 22:27:00 N Lon: 88:20:00 E Place: KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL, India Me 20:55:21 VIII 12:23:38 Ayanamsa: 23 57' 7" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Moola, Pada 2 Star Lord: Ketu Rasi: Sagittarius Rasi Lord: Jupiter Lagna: Cancer Lagna Lord: Moon Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Saptami Bal. Dasa: Ketu 4 Y, 0 M, 11 D II 12:23:38 I 16:40:00

VII 16:40:00

III 11:45:23

VI 17:20:07 Mo 05:39:11

V 16:25:03

Ra 24:48:56 Sa[R] 16:07:49 IV 13:57:52

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

August 2013


Significators of house 3, 9, 12
Houses 3 9 12 A Ketu B Sun, Mars, Venus C Sun, Mars, Venus Rahu, Mercury Sun, Mars, Venus D Mercury Jupiter Mercury

A = Planets in Occupants Stars B = Occupant of Houses C = Planets in Owners Stars D = House Owner The significators of 3, 9 or 12 are: Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Rahu, Ketu
Ruling Planets (02-04-2013, 10:25:09 Hrs., Park Street - 22N27, 88E20, Kolkata, W.B.) Lagna (Gemini 08-55-12) Moon (Sagittarius 05-39-11) Day Lord (Tuesday) Mercury Rahu Jupiter Jupiter Ketu Rahu Mars

The fruitful (common) planets among the 3, 9, 12 significators and the ruling planets at the time of judgment are: Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu. DBAS ANALYSIS Present Dasha Lord: Ketu (from 14-04-2010 to 14-04-2017) Ketu is a fruitful (common) planet. Hence, Ketu Dasha is taken into consideration for foreign travel. Present Bhukti Lord: Rahu (from 14-03-2013 to 01-04-2014) Rahu is a fruitful (common) planet. Hence, Rahu Bhukti) is taken into consideration for foreign travel. Present Anthra Lord: Rahu (from 14-03-2013 to 11-05-2013) Rahu is a fruitful (common) and strongly appeared as twice under the ruling planets. Rahu signifies 11 (fulfillment of desire). Thus in Rahu Anthra, there may be chance of foreign travel, if transit agrees. Next Anthra Lord: Jupiter (from 11-05-2013 to 01-07-2013) Jupiter is a fruitful (common) and strongly appeared as twice under the ruling planets. Jupiter also signifies 11 (fulfillment of desire). Thus in Jupiter Anthra, there may be chance of foreign travel, if transit agrees. CHECKING TRANSIT IN DBA OF KETU-RAHU-RAHU OR KET-RAH-JUPITER From 31-05-2013 to 02-07-2013, Sun in Gemini (00-00-00 to 07-30-00) transits in the sign of Mercury (RP Lagna Lord) and in star of Mars (RP Day Lord) & Rahu (RP Lagna Star Lord). My Opinion: As transit agrees, I prefer to select DBA of Ketu-Rahu-Jupiter and accordingly foreign travel is foreseen in the period from 11-05-2013 to 01-07-2013. Actual fact: The native/querent had gone to foreign in the last week of May, 2013. Pranaam to Guruji KSK !
KP Ezine August 2013 48

By: Er. V.K Sharma, B.E. (Elect),

JYOTISHVID (PRASHER), K.P HORARATNA Superintending Engineer (Retired.), Punjab State Electricity Board, Address: #104, City Enclave, Zirakpur, Mohali (Chandigarh). Cell 09417117370, e-mail:

Success in Examina on

A querent from Chandigarh who had to appear for IELTS [International English language Test] on dated 29-6-2013 approached me on dated 25-6-2013 to check astrologically whether he would clear the said examination which is a necessary condition for applying P.R. [Permanent Resident] visa for overseas settlement. I asked him to intimate any horary number between 1 and 249. He told me the number as 246. I made the K.P Horary chart for the said number on dated 25-6-2013 at 9:33pm at Chandigarh. Moon reveals the querents mind. Moon is in house 10 but close to 11th cusp [within 1 degree of orbit] and it is in its own star and in the sub of Mars in 2, but exactly on 3rd cusp, lord of 2 and 9. Hence Moon has linkage with 9th house [Higher Education, Research], 11 [Success, Fulfilment of Desire] which reveals the querents mind for success in examination confirmation through Ascendant Sublord In the horary map, the ascendant indicates the efforts of querent. In this case, the ascendant sublord is Mars deposited in 2 but exactly on 3rd cusp, lord of 2 and 9. It is in the star and sub of Mars lord of 9. Hence the Asc. sublord signifies house 9. So querents efforts for success in examination would be fruitful. K.P. Rule for Success in Examination If the sub lord of 4th cusp is the significator of house 4 ,9 or 11, the success in examination is promised and it will be fruitful in the joint period of significators of house 4 ,9 and 11. 4th Cuspal Sub Lord 4th cuspal sub lord is Venus deposited in 4 and is in the star of Saturn in 7 lord of 11, and it also In sub of Saturn lord of 11. Hence 4th cuspal sub lord is the significator of 4 and 11, So the querent will get success in the examination. 9th Cuspal Sub lord 9th cuspal sub lord is Mars in 2 but exactly on 3dr cusp, lord of 2, 9, and it is in the star and sub of Mars lord of 9. Hence 9th cuspal sub lord is the significator of 9, the necessary significator for success in examination. Fulfillment of Desire 11th cuspal sub lord is Mars, the same as 9th cuspal sub lord. So as explained above, 11th cuspal sub lord Mars will also signifies house 9. So the desire of querent for success in examination will be fulfilled. Moreover as Moon is present in 11th house, the querents desire will be fulfilled at the earliest /soon. Ruling Planets on dated 25-6-2013 Asc. sign lord Saturan Asc. star lord Moon Moon star lord Moon Moon sign lord Saturan Day lord Mars

KP Ezine

August 2013


Horary No. 246/249

Sun Rise: 05:21:40 AM Nithya Yoga: Vaidhrti Sun Set: Hora: 07:29:07 PM Venus Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Badreva
Horary No.: 246 Question : Whether he will clear the IELTS examination?

Ruling Planets - 25/Jun/2013 09:33:00 PM CHANDIGARH, UNION TERRITORY, India Planet Lagna Moon Sgl Sa Sa Stl Mo Mo Sbl Ra Ma Ssl Ma Sa Sssl Ju Ve

Day Lord: Mars

Nirayana Bhava Chalit

Ma 01:23:47:30 II 00:27:51:48 Ke 00:20:20:23 I 11:23:20:00 1 2 11 10 XII 10:12:31:46

Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Revati(3) 2 Krittika(1) 3 Mrigasira(1) 4 Aridra(4) 5 Pushyami(3) 6 Magha(4) 7 Chitra(1) 8 Visakha(3) 9 Jyeshta(3) 10 P.Ashada(2) 11 Sravana(1) 12 Satabhisha(2) Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Aridra(2) Mo Sravana(1) Ma Mrigasira(1) Me Punarvasu(3) Ju Mrigasira(4) Ve Pushyami(1) Sa[R] Swati(2) Ra Visakha(1) Ke Bharani(3)

Sgl Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa

Stl Me Su Ma Ra Sa Ke Ma Ju Me Ve Mo Ra

Sbl Ma Mo Ma Ve Mo Me Ma Ve Ma Mo Ma Sa

Ssl Ma Sa Me Sa Me Ra Ma Ju Me Me Ve Ju

Sssl Ma Ke Sa Ju Me Ra Ma Ve Sa Ra Ve Ra

Ju 02:05:57:12 Su 02:10:17:46 III 01:23:49:43

XI 09:11:39:55

Ve 03:03:33:55 IV 02:16:58:34 Me 02:29:07:46 3

X 08:16:58:34 Mo 09:11:25:24 12 9 6

Sgl Me Sa Ve Me Me Mo Ve Ve Ma

Stl Ra Mo Ma Ju Ma Sa Ra Ju Ve

Sbl Ju Ma Ma Su Mo Sa Sa Ju Ju

Ssl Ra Sa Me Sa Ju Sa Me Sa Ju

Sssl Me Ve Ra Ke Ve Ma Ju Ve Ra

V 03:11:39:55 4 5 VI 04:12:31:46

VII 05:23:20:00 Ra 06:20:20:23 Sa[R] 06:10:59:30 8 7 VIII 06:27:51:48

IX 07:23:49:43

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 7 3 6 Mo 11 11 5 5 Ma 3 3 2, 9 2, 9 Me+ 3 4 1, 10 4, 7 Ju 3 3 2, 9 1, 10 Ve 7 4 11, 12 3, 8 Sa 7 7 11, 12 Ra 3 7 1, 10 Ke+ 4 1 3, 8 Rahu acts as agent for: Ju, Ve, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner

Ke 20:20:23 II 27:51:48

Ma 23:47:30 III 23:49:43

Ju 05:57:12 Su 10:17:46 IV 16:58:34 Me 29:07:46

Dasa Summary
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Moon Dasa 31-May-2012 - 31-May-2022 Moon 31-May-2012 Mars 01-Apr-2013 Rahu 31-Oct-2013 Jupiter 01-May-2015 Saturn 31-Aug-2016 Mercury 01-Apr-2018 Ketu 31-Aug-2019 Venus 31-Mar-2020 Sun 30-Nov-2021 Jupiter Dasa 31-May-2047 - 31-May-2063 Jupiter 31-May-2047 Saturn 19-Jul-2049 Mercury 30-Jan-2052 Ketu 07-May-2054 Venus 13-Apr-2055 Sun 13-Dec-2057 Moon 01-Oct-2058 Mars 31-Jan-2060 Rahu 06-Jan-2061 Ketu Dasa 31-May-2099 - 31-May-2106 Ketu 31-May-2099 Venus 27-Oct-2099 Sun 27-Dec-2100 Moon 04-May-2101 Mars 03-Dec-2101 Rahu 01-May-2102 Jupiter 20-May-2103 Saturn 25-Apr-2104 Mercury 03-Jun-2105 Mars Dasa 31-May-2022 - 31-May-2029 Mars 31-May-2022 Rahu 27-Oct-2022 Jupiter 15-Nov-2023 Saturn 21-Oct-2024 Mercury 29-Nov-2025 Ketu 26-Nov-2026 Venus 25-Apr-2027 Sun 24-Jun-2028 Moon 30-Oct-2028 Saturn Dasa 31-May-2063 - 31-May-2082 Saturn 31-May-2063 Mercury 03-Jun-2066 Ketu 11-Feb-2069 Venus 23-Mar-2070 Sun 23-May-2073 Moon 05-May-2074 Mars 04-Dec-2075 Rahu 12-Jan-2077 Jupiter 19-Nov-2079 Venus Dasa 31-May-2106 - 31-May-2126 Venus 31-May-2106 Sun 30-Sep-2109 Moon 30-Sep-2110 Mars 31-May-2112 Rahu 30-Jul-2113 Jupiter 31-Jul-2116 Saturn 31-Mar-2119 Mercury 31-May-2122 Ketu 31-Mar-2125 Rahu Dasa 31-May-2029 - 31-May-2047 Rahu 31-May-2029 Jupiter 11-Feb-2032 Saturn 07-Jul-2034 Mercury 14-May-2037 Ketu 01-Dec-2039 Venus 19-Dec-2040 Sun 19-Dec-2043 Moon 12-Nov-2044 Mars 13-May-2046 Mercury Dasa 31-May-2082 - 31-May-2099 Mercury 31-May-2082 Ketu 27-Oct-2084 Venus 25-Oct-2085 Sun 24-Aug-2088 Moon 01-Jul-2089 Mars 30-Nov-2090 Rahu 27-Nov-2091 Jupiter 16-Jun-2094 Saturn 21-Sep-2096 Sun Dasa 31-May-2126 - 31-May-2132 Sun 31-May-2126 Moon 18-Sep-2126 Mars 20-Mar-2127 Rahu 25-Jul-2127 Jupiter 18-Jun-2128 Saturn 06-Apr-2129 Mercury 19-Mar-2130 Ketu 24-Jan-2131 Venus 01-Jun-2131

I 23:20:00 Name: IELTS exam Gender: Male Date: Tuesday, 25/Jun/2013 Time: 09:33:00 PM SID: 15:26:02 Lat: 30:42:00 N Lon: 76:48:00 E Place: CHANDIGARH, UNION TERRITORY, India XII 12:31:46 Ayanamsa: 23 57' 18" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Sravana, Pada 1 Star Lord: Moon Rasi: Capricorn Rasi Lord: Saturn Lagna: Pisces Lagna Lord: Jupiter Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Tritiya Bal. Dasa: Moon 8 Y, 11 M, 5 D VI 12:31:46 Ve 03:33:55 V 11:39:55

XI 11:39:55 Mo 11:25:24

VII 23:20:00

X 16:58:34

IX 23:49:43

VIII 27:51:48 Ra 20:20:23 Sa[R] 10:59:30

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

August 2013


Checking for Mahadasha and Bhukti On the day of judgment dated 25-6-2013 Mahadasha of Moon and Bhukti of Mars were operating. Moon Mahadasha Moon is in house 11 and it is again in the star of Moon and in the sub of Mars in 2 but exactly on 3rd cusp, lord of 9. So Moon Mahadasha is the significator of 9 and 11 which is fruitful for success in examination. Mars Bhukti Mars is in in 2 but exactly on 3rd cusp, lord of 2, 9, and it is again in the star andsub of Mars. So Mars Bhukti signifies 9 which is conducive for success in examination. Mahadasha lord Moon and Bhukti lord Mars, both planets, are in the ruling planets. As the result of ILETS is time bound and date of examination and date of intimation of result is already notified which was on dated 5-7-2013, no further calculations for the date was required. So I informed the querent that he will certainly pass the examination on the date to be notified 5-7-2013. Actual facts of case The querent was pleased to inform that his IELTS result was declared on dated 5-7-2013 and he got overall 7 bands out of possible 9 bands and he is now eligible for P.R. [Permanent Resident] for overseas settlement . It is also noted that the querent put the query on dated 25-6-2013 iIn the sarvan nakshtar of Moon, and his result was declared on dated 5-7-2013 in Rohni nakshtar of Moon which further consolidate the K.P. theory that the R.Ps. on the day of judgment and happening of event are same. Note: Although Saturn was retrograde it has not cast any effect on the examination result My Pranam to guruji shri KS Krishnamurthy.

KP Ezine

August 2013


Will TV serial produc on be protable for me?

By: Sadasivan Gopalakrishnan
Jyotish Visharath, KP Horaratna Flat No 3B, SI Apartments , Kanakalaya Bank Junction, Calicut 5 . E-mail:

One famous cinema director in Trivandrum called and asked me whether his intended TV serial production as a partner in monitoring technical aspects will be profitable or not ? I told him to give a Horary number between 1 and 249 and he gave me 71. Question : Will TV serial production be profitable for me? Horary no : 71 (1-249) Date and time: 21-7-2013 at 22:13:58 p.m. IST Place : Calicut KP Ayanamsa : 23 57' 22" Cuspal Analysis : If 10th cuspal sub lord (CSL) signifies house 2,6,10,11, then it is profitable during the conjoined period of significators of house 2,6,10,11 10th CSL is Mercury, in the star of Rahu and sub of Mars. Mercury is owner of 3 and 12 in 12. Mercury is untenanted and is the cuspal sub lord of 6 and 10. Hence Mercury signifies house 6 and 10 strongly. Rahu is in 4. Rahu represents Saturn by conjunction. Saturn is lord of 7 and 8 in 3 but very close to 4th cusp within one degree orb. Mars is lord of 5 and 10 in 11 but very close to 12th cusp within one degree orb. So 10th CSL is connected with house 6, 10. Hence it will be profitable. The TV serial production is ruled by the 5th house as it is one type entertainment. Accordingly 5th CSL is also to be considered in cross checking. 5th CSL Mars is in the star of Rahu and sub of Saturn. Mars is lord of 5 and 10 in 11 but very close to 12th cusp within one degree orb. Mars is untenanted and is the cuspal sub lord of 5. Hence it signifies house 5 strongly. Rahu represents Saturn by conjunction. Saturn is lord of 7 and 8 in 3 but very close to 4th cusp within one degree orb. Saturn is lord of 7 and 8 in 3 but very close to 4th cusp within one degree orb. Hence it is also found to be beneficial by the signification of desirable houses. Ruling Planets at the time of judgment are as given under. Planet: Sign L- Star L- Sub Lord Lagna :Jupiter- Jupiter- Rahu Moon : Jupiter- Venus- Rahu Day Lord: Sun Venus Dasa is running from 02-Aug-2003 to 02-Aug-2023. Current running Bhukti is Rahu and Jupiter Bhukti will run from 02-Oct-2013 to 01-Jun-2016. Running Dasa lord Venus is lord of house 4, 11 in house 1, in the star of Ketu in 10, in the

KP Ezine

August 2013


Horary No. 71/249

Sun Rise: 06:12:50 AM Nithya Yoga: Vaidhrti Sun Set: Hora: 06:53:45 PM Mercury Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Vanij
Horary No.: 71 Question : Will TV serial production be profitable for me?

Ruling Planets - 21/Jul/2013 10:13:58 PM CALICUT (KOZHIKODE), KERALA, India Planet Lagna Moon Sgl Ju Ju Stl Ju Ve Sbl Ra Ra Ssl Ju Mo Sssl Me Ve

Day Lord: Sun

Nirayana Bhava Chalit

II 04:08:52:01 Me 02:19:26:46 XII 02:12:08:52 Su 03:05:07:17 Ve 04:05:02:40 I 03:11:00:00 5 6 3 2 XI 01:12:45:11 Ju 02:11:48:34 Ma 02:11:31:48

Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Pushyami(3) 2 Magha(3) 3 U.Phalguni(4) 4 Swati(2) 5 Anuradha(3) 6 Moola(4) 7 Sravana(1) 8 Satabhisha(1) 9 U.Bhadra(2) 10 Aswini(4) 11 Rohini(1) 12 Aridra(2) Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Pushyami(1) Mo P.Ashada(2) Ma Aridra(2) Me Aridra(4) Ju Aridra(2) Ve Magha(2) Sa Swati(2) Ra Swati(4) Ke Bharani(2)

Sgl Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me

Stl Sa Ke Su Ra Sa Ke Mo Ra Sa Ke Mo Ra

Sbl Mo Ju Ve Sa Ma Me Mo Ju Ve Me Ra Sa

Ssl Mo Mo Me Mo Ve Su Ve Ju Sa Ke Sa Ra

Sssl Mo Ju Ke Ju Sa Mo Sa Ma Me Ve Ju Ke

III 05:09:36:58 Sa 06:11:00:41

IV 06:11:43:08 Ra 06:18:57:38 4 7 10 1

Ke 00:18:57:38 X 00:11:43:08

Sgl Mo Ju Me Me Me Su Ve Ve Ma

Stl Sa Ve Ra Ra Ra Ke Ra Ra Ve

Sbl Sa Ra Sa Ma Sa Ma Sa Mo Ra

Ssl Ra Mo Ve Ju Mo Sa Me Ke Sa

Sssl Mo Ve Me Ve Ve Sa Ju Ju Ju

VII 09:11:00:00 V 07:12:45:11 8 9 VI 08:12:08:52 Mo 08:19:58:42 11 VIII 10:08:52:01 12 IX 11:09:36:58

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 4 12 7, 8 2 Mo+ 1 6 4, 11 1 Ma+ 4 12 5, 10 Me+ 4 12 3, 12 Ju+ 4 12 6, 9 Ve 10 1 4, 11 Sa 4 4 7, 8 Ra 4 4 Ke 1 10 4, 11 Rahu acts as agent for: Ju, Ve, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner

X 11:43:08 Ke 18:57:38

XI 12:45:11

Ma 11:31:48 Ju 11:48:34 XII 12:08:52 Me 19:26:46

Dasa Summary
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Venus Dasa 02-Aug-2003 - 02-Aug-2023 Venus 02-Aug-2003 Sun 01-Dec-2006 Moon 01-Dec-2007 Mars 02-Aug-2009 Rahu 02-Oct-2010 Jupiter 02-Oct-2013 Saturn 01-Jun-2016 Mercury 01-Aug-2019 Ketu 02-Jun-2022 Mars Dasa 02-Aug-2039 - 02-Aug-2046 Mars 02-Aug-2039 Rahu 29-Dec-2039 Jupiter 16-Jan-2041 Saturn 23-Dec-2041 Mercury 01-Feb-2043 Ketu 29-Jan-2044 Venus 26-Jun-2044 Sun 26-Aug-2045 Moon 01-Jan-2046 Saturn Dasa 02-Aug-2080 - 02-Aug-2099 Saturn 02-Aug-2080 Mercury 05-Aug-2083 Ketu 14-Apr-2086 Venus 24-May-2087 Sun 24-Jul-2090 Moon 06-Jul-2091 Mars 04-Feb-2093 Rahu 16-Mar-2094 Jupiter 20-Jan-2097 Sun Dasa 02-Aug-2023 - 02-Aug-2029 Sun 02-Aug-2023 Moon 19-Nov-2023 Mars 20-May-2024 Rahu 25-Sep-2024 Jupiter 19-Aug-2025 Saturn 08-Jun-2026 Mercury 21-May-2027 Ketu 26-Mar-2028 Venus 01-Aug-2028 Rahu Dasa 02-Aug-2046 - 02-Aug-2064 Rahu 02-Aug-2046 Jupiter 14-Apr-2049 Saturn 08-Sep-2051 Mercury 15-Jul-2054 Ketu 01-Feb-2057 Venus 19-Feb-2058 Sun 19-Feb-2061 Moon 14-Jan-2062 Mars 16-Jul-2063 Mercury Dasa 02-Aug-2099 - 02-Aug-2116 Mercury 02-Aug-2099 Ketu 29-Dec-2101 Venus 26-Dec-2102 Sun 26-Oct-2105 Moon 02-Sep-2106 Mars 01-Feb-2108 Rahu 28-Jan-2109 Jupiter 17-Aug-2111 Saturn 23-Nov-2113 Moon Dasa 02-Aug-2029 - 02-Aug-2039 Moon 02-Aug-2029 Mars 02-Jun-2030 Rahu 01-Jan-2031 Jupiter 02-Jul-2032 Saturn 01-Nov-2033 Mercury 02-Jun-2035 Ketu 01-Nov-2036 Venus 02-Jun-2037 Sun 31-Jan-2039 Jupiter Dasa 02-Aug-2064 - 02-Aug-2080 Jupiter 02-Aug-2064 Saturn 19-Sep-2066 Mercury 02-Apr-2069 Ketu 09-Jul-2071 Venus 14-Jun-2072 Sun 12-Feb-2075 Moon 01-Dec-2075 Mars 02-Apr-2077 Rahu 09-Mar-2078 Ketu Dasa 02-Aug-2116 - 02-Aug-2123 Ketu 02-Aug-2116 Venus 29-Dec-2116 Sun 28-Feb-2118 Moon 06-Jul-2118 Mars 04-Feb-2119 Rahu 03-Jul-2119 Jupiter 21-Jul-2120 Saturn 27-Jun-2121 Mercury 06-Aug-2122

IX 09:36:58 Name: TV serial Gender: Male Date: Sunday, 21/Jul/2013 Time: 10:13:58 PM SID: 17:45:29 Lat: 11:15:00 N Lon: 75:46:00 E Place: CALICUT (KOZHIKODE), KERALA, India VIII 08:52:01 Ayanamsa: 23 57' 22" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: P.Ashada, Pada 2 Star Lord: Venus Rasi: Sagittarius Rasi Lord: Jupiter Lagna: Cancer Lagna Lord: Moon Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Chaturdasi Bal. Dasa: Venus 10 Y, 0 M, 11 D Ve 05:02:40 II 08:52:01 Su 05:07:17 I 11:00:00

VII 11:00:00

III 09:36:58

Mo 19:58:42 VI 12:08:52

V 12:45:11

Ra 18:57:38 IV 11:43:08 Sa 11:00:41

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

August 2013


sign of Aries representing Mars, owner 5, 10 in 12, and sub of Mars, owner 5, 10 in 12. Thus Venus signifies favourable house 10, 11, along with unfavourable house 5, 12. Venus is in the RPs. Running Bhukti lord Rahu is in house 4 and represents Saturn by conjunction. Saturn is lord of 7 and 8 in 3 but very close to 4th cusp within one degree orb. Rahu is in the star of own Rahu, and sub of Moon, lord of house 6 in house 1, strongly signifying house 1,4 by CSL-ship without having no planet in its star. Hence Rahu signifies the financially unbeneficial house 1, 8, along with beneficial house 6. Rahu is in the RPs if the subs are taken into consideration. Next Bhukti lord Jupiter is lord of 6, 9 in 12, in the star of Rahu in 4, conjoined with Saturn, lord of house 7, 8 in house 3 but very close to 4th cusp within one degree orb, aspected by Jupiter, lord of house 6, 9, in house 12, in the sign of Libra representing Venus, lord of house 4, 11 in house 1, and sub of Saturn, lord of house 7, 8 in house 3 but very close to 4th cusp within one degree orb. So Jupiter signifies both the gaining houses of 6, 11 and loosing houses of 8, 12. Please note the presence of Jupiter 3 times in the RPs denoting the divine grace for the possible positive outcome by its 6, 11 signification. Conclusion: The show will be profitable to some extent during the Venus/Jupiter/Jupiter/ Sun joint dasa period around Jan 14 like a new year gift for the querent as all the DBAS lords are in the RPs.

KP Ezine

August 2013


Miracle of Ruling Planets

By: Pt Akash ( BE Electronics )( Jyo sh Shiromani )
Nakshatra Jyotish Kendra, Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer; Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779 ; Child Birth is a pleasurable event in everybodys life. A gentleman who is settled in Indore was expecting his wife to deliver in 10 days as the lady doctor gave 10th July as expected date of delivery. He arrived in Bhopal on 29th June as he used to live here earlier and asked me, when is the expected child birth according to astrology. He wants the answer of this query because he had prepared to go back to Indore for few days and then to come back after 7th July. Let us see how the event unfolded and the principles of Krishnamurti Padhdhati has been vindicated. I had taken a time chart at that moment. Query : When is the expected child birth? Date : 30-06-2013; Time : 20:37:00 Place : Bhopal 77E26 , 23N07 ( Geocentric ); Ayanamsa : KPNA 23:57:19 I looked at the time chart, Moon is placed in 2nd house (Niryana Kundali ) and it is the lord of the 7th house . Running Ascendant is of Capricorn which is a movable sign, so the expected event will not be delayed. Also the lord of the ascendant Saturn is in Libra which is also movable sign. So I concluded that the expected event will take place much before the 10th July as was told by the lady doctor. Now I looked at the Ruling Planets: Lagna Star Lord : Sun Lagna Sign Lord : Saturn Moon Star Lord : Jupiter Moon Star Lord : Mercury Day Lord : Sun Lagna is aspected by Venus from the 7th house. I added it in the ruling planets. Now in the above ruling planets, Mercury and Saturn are retrograde, Saturn is in the star of Rahu and in own sub , so I eliminated Saturn. Moon is transiting in Pisces and will transit next in Aries whose lord is Mars. Mars is not in the RPs, so it was not considered , then the Moon will transit in Taurus sign whose lord is Venus. Venus is aspecting the Ascendant and hence is considered as one of the ruling planets. Moon will transit in Taurus on 4 th July and will be in Sun star. Sun is a strong ruling planet, and hence I fixed the expected date as 4th July and asked the gentleman to stay here at Bhopal and expect the delivery of a male child soon. On 4th of July the gentleman called and told me that his wife had given birth to a male child, his time of birth is 11:17. Checkout the precision of RPs and you will be amazed. The child is of Virgo Ascedant (lord Mercury ) Ascendant star lord is Sun , sublord is Jupiter, his Moon sign lord is Venus and sign star is Sun and day lord is Jupiter. As one can see and analyse that the RPs had played a great role in the event. The next day the gentleman brought sweets and admired my logics of astrology. My prayers to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK.

KP Ezine

August 2013


RP for Child Birth

Sun Rise: 05:37:55 AM Nithya Yoga: Shobhan Sun Set: Hora: 07:09:49 PM Sun Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Kaulav Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 U.Ashada(4) 2 Satabhisha(3) 3 Revati(2) 4 Bharani(3) 5 Rohini(3) 6 Aridra(2) 7 Pushyami(2) 8 P.Phalguni(1) 9 Hasta(4) 10 Visakha(1) 11 Jyeshta(1) 12 Moola(4) Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Aridra(3) Mo Revati(2) Ma Mrigasira(2) Me[R] Punarvasu(3) Ju Aridra(1) Ve Pushyami(2) Sa[R] Swati(2) Ra Visakha(1) Ke Bharani(3) Sgl Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Stl Su Ra Me Ve Mo Ra Sa Ve Mo Ju Me Ke Sbl Ve Ke Ve Ju Sa Sa Ke Ve Ve Ju Me Me Ssl Ve Me Me Ma Ra Ve Me Me Ma Ra Ve Me Sssl Sa Ve Me Ju Sa Me Ke Me Ma Ra Me Ve

Ruling Planets - 24/Jul/2013 10:22:18 AM KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Planet Lagna Moon Sgl Me Sa Stl Su Ma Sbl Sa Ju Ssl Ve Ra Sssl Ju Ke

Day Lord: Mercury

Nirayana Bhava Chalit

II 10:15:08:45 Mo 11:20:04:55 I 09:08:01:11 Ke 00:20:04:36 III 11:21:07:01 12 XI 07:17:17:50 11 9 8 XII 08:11:31:01

IV 00:21:32:26 10 1 4 7

X 06:21:32:26

Sgl Me Ju Ve Me Me Mo Ve Ve Ma

Stl Ra Me Ma Ju Ra Sa Ra Ju Ve

Sbl Ke Ve Ju Ve Ra Ve Sa Ju Ra

Ssl Sa Ma Ve Me Ju Sa Me Ju Ma

Sssl Ke Me Sa Ra Ke Sa Mo Me Ve

Ju 02:07:05:13 V 01:17:17:50 Ma 01:27:12:59 2 3 VI 02:11:31:01 Su 02:15:01:35 Me[R] 02:28:32:11

Ve 03:09:35:14 VII 03:08:01:11 6 5

IX 05:21:07:01 Ra 06:20:04:36 Sa[R] 06:10:54:37

VIII 04:15:08:45

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 10 6 8 Mo+ 6 3 6, 9 7 Ma 5 5 4, 11 4, 11 Me 5 6 3, 12 6, 9 Ju 10 5 3, 12 Ve 9 7 1, 2 5, 10 Sa 10 9 1, 2 Ra 5 10 3, 12 Ke+ 7 4 5, 10 Rahu acts as agent for: Ju, Ve, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner

Ke 20:04:36 IV 21:32:26

V 17:17:50 Ma 27:12:59

Ju 07:05:13 VI 11:31:01 Su 15:01:35 Me[R] 28:32:11

Dasa Summary
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Mercury Dasa 23-Feb-2009 - 23-Feb-2026 Mercury 23-Feb-2009 Ketu 22-Jul-2011 Venus 18-Jul-2012 Sun 19-May-2015 Moon 24-Mar-2016 Mars 23-Aug-2017 Rahu 21-Aug-2018 Jupiter 10-Mar-2021 Saturn 15-Jun-2023 Sun Dasa 23-Feb-2053 - 23-Feb-2059 Sun 23-Feb-2053 Moon 13-Jun-2053 Mars 12-Dec-2053 Rahu 19-Apr-2054 Jupiter 14-Mar-2055 Saturn 31-Dec-2055 Mercury 12-Dec-2056 Ketu 18-Oct-2057 Venus 23-Feb-2058 Rahu Dasa 23-Feb-2076 - 23-Feb-2094 Rahu 23-Feb-2076 Jupiter 06-Nov-2078 Saturn 01-Apr-2081 Mercury 05-Feb-2084 Ketu 25-Aug-2086 Venus 12-Sep-2087 Sun 12-Sep-2090 Moon 07-Aug-2091 Mars 06-Feb-2093 Ketu Dasa 23-Feb-2026 - 23-Feb-2033 Ketu 23-Feb-2026 Venus 22-Jul-2026 Sun 21-Sep-2027 Moon 27-Jan-2028 Mars 27-Aug-2028 Rahu 23-Jan-2029 Jupiter 10-Feb-2030 Saturn 17-Jan-2031 Mercury 26-Feb-2032 Moon Dasa 23-Feb-2059 - 23-Feb-2069 Moon 23-Feb-2059 Mars 24-Dec-2059 Rahu 24-Jul-2060 Jupiter 23-Jan-2062 Saturn 25-May-2063 Mercury 24-Dec-2064 Ketu 25-May-2066 Venus 24-Dec-2066 Sun 24-Aug-2068 Jupiter Dasa 23-Feb-2094 - 23-Feb-2110 Jupiter 23-Feb-2094 Saturn 12-Apr-2096 Mercury 24-Oct-2098 Ketu 29-Jan-2101 Venus 05-Jan-2102 Sun 04-Sep-2104 Moon 24-Jun-2105 Mars 23-Oct-2106 Rahu 29-Sep-2107 Venus Dasa 23-Feb-2033 - 23-Feb-2053 Venus 23-Feb-2033 Sun 24-Jun-2036 Moon 24-Jun-2037 Mars 22-Feb-2039 Rahu 23-Apr-2040 Jupiter 23-Apr-2043 Saturn 23-Dec-2045 Mercury 22-Feb-2049 Ketu 23-Dec-2051 Mars Dasa 23-Feb-2069 - 23-Feb-2076 Mars 23-Feb-2069 Rahu 22-Jul-2069 Jupiter 09-Aug-2070 Saturn 16-Jul-2071 Mercury 25-Aug-2072 Ketu 22-Aug-2073 Venus 18-Jan-2074 Sun 20-Mar-2075 Moon 26-Jul-2075 Saturn Dasa 23-Feb-2110 - 23-Feb-2129 Saturn 23-Feb-2110 Mercury 26-Feb-2113 Ketu 06-Nov-2115 Venus 15-Dec-2116 Sun 14-Feb-2120 Moon 26-Jan-2121 Mars 27-Aug-2122 Rahu 06-Oct-2123 Jupiter 12-Aug-2126

III 21:07:01 Mo 20:04:55 Name: RP for Child Birth Gender: Male Date: Sunday, 30/Jun/2013 Time: 08:37:00 PM SID: 14:52:07 Lat: 23:07:00 N Lon: 77:26:00 E Place: BHOPAL, MADHYA PRADESH, India II 15:08:45 Ayanamsa: 23 57' 19" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: Revati, Pada 2 Star Lord: Mercury Rasi: Pisces Rasi Lord: Jupiter Lagna: Capricorn Lagna Lord: Saturn Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Ashtami Bal. Dasa: Mercury 12 Y, 7 M, 22 D VIII 15:08:45 VII 08:01:11 Ve 09:35:14

I 08:01:11

IX 21:07:01

XII 11:31:01

XI 17:17:50

X 21:32:26 Ra 20:04:36 Sa[R] 10:54:37

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

August 2013


Marriage of my younger sister when?

By: Navin Chitlangia RUDRA
Jyotish Ratna, Jyotish Visharad, Belabhumi I, Flat No. 302, 2nd Floor, 22/2, Sukanta Sarani, Hind Motor Area, PO. BHADRAKALI, P.S. Uttarpara, Pin - 712 232, W.B., INDIA. Mobile : +91-9830580345. Email :

Question (of Mrs. Samta Bagrecha): Marriage of my younger sister - when? Horary Number: 5 (Mars-Ketu-Mars) (out of 249). Date & Time of Judgment: 08-02-2013 (Friday), 00:52:29 Hrs. (IST). Place of Judgment: Hind Motor - 22.41N, 88.20E, Hooghly, W.B. , INDIA Note: 3rd house belongs to younger brother and sister. So, horary chart is rotated to 3rd house treated as Lagna (Ascendant) of younger sister of the querent. Moon reveals the nature of query. Moon is in the star of Venus and sub of Jupiter. Moon is the occupant of 7, owner of 3. Starlord Venus is the occupant of 8, owner of 5, 12. Sublord Jupiter is the occupant of 12, owner of 7, 8. Moon is in connection with the relevant house 7 of marriage, hence query is genuine. Cuspal Analysis Whether marriage is promised or not? 7th cusp - Sagittarius 01-55-03 (Jupiter-Ketu-Venus): The sublord Venus is in the star of Moon and sub of Rahu. Venus is the occupant of 8, owner of 5, 12. Starlord Moon is the occupant of 7, owner of 3. Sublord Rahu is the occupant of 5. Rahu acts as agent of Saturn as Rahu is conjoined to Saturn. Saturn is the occupant of 5, owner of 9, 10. 7th CSL Venus signifies 7 through its starlord Moon. Hence marriage is promised. Significators of Marriage Houses 2, 7, 11 Planets in Occupants Stars A Jupiter, Venus Occupant of Houses B Moon Ketu Planets in Owners Stars C Rahu Sun Owner of Houses D Mercury Jupiter Mars

Houses 2 7 11

Significators of 2, 7, 11: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Rahu, Ketu. Ruling Planets (08-02-2013, 00:52:29Hrs., IST, Hind Motor - 22.41N / Day Lord (Thursday) Moon (Sagittarius 21-30-46) Ascendant (Scorpio 06-23-28) Nodes Jupiter Jupiter Venus Jupiter Mars Saturn Mercury Rahu (conjoined Saturn) Ketu (Sign Lord Mars)

KP Ezine

August 2013


Horary No. 5/249

Sun Rise: 06:12:55 AM Nithya Yoga: Vajra Sun Set: Hora: 05:29:00 PM Mars Dasa Days: 365.25 D Karana: Gar
Horary No.: 5 Question : Marriage of my younger sister - when?

Ruling Planets - 08/Feb/2013 12:52:29 AM Hind Motor, WEST BENGAL, India Planet Lagna Moon Sgl Ma Ju Stl Sa Ve Sbl Me Ju Ssl Ma Mo Sssl Ma Su

Day Lord: Jupiter

Nirayana Bhava Chalit

II 02:26:24:59 Ju 01:12:29:42 XII 01:06:08:32 I 02:01:55:03 III 03:23:23:34 3 4 2 1 Ke 00:27:38:46 XI 00:04:46:40

Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Mrigasira(3) 2 Punarvasu(2) 3 Ashlesha(3) 4 P.Phalguni(4) 5 Chitra(4) 6 Anuradha(1) 7 Moola(1) 8 P.Ashada(4) 9 Dhanishta(1) 10 P.Bhadra(2) 11 Aswini(2) 12 Krittika(3) Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Dhanishta(1) Mo P.Ashada(3) Ma Satabhisha(2) Me Satabhisha(1) Ju Rohini(1) Ve Sravana(1) Sa Swati(4) Ra Visakha(3) Ke Krittika(1)

Sgl Me Me Mo Su Ve Ma Ju Ju Sa Sa Ma Ve

Stl Ma Ju Me Ve Ma Sa Ke Ve Ma Ju Ke Su

Sbl Ke Ke Ma Ke Ve Me Ve Ke Ma Ke Ma Me

Ssl Ke Sa Ra Ma Ke Su Ju Ju Ra Ra Ma Ma

Sssl Ju Ra Ra Sa Ve Mo Ju Ma Ra Ve Ma Ve

IV 04:26:11:20 3 5 9 11

X 10:26:11:20

Sgl Sa Ju Sa Sa Ve Sa Ve Ve Ma

Stl Ma Ve Ra Ra Mo Mo Ra Ju Su

Sbl Ra Ju Sa Ju Ra Ra Su Ve Mo

Ssl Me Mo Sa Ve Sa Ve Su Ra Ra

Sssl Sa Su Ve Sa Sa Ve Ve Mo Mo

V 06:04:46:40 Sa 06:17:28:23 Ra 06:27:38:46

Mo 08:21:30:46 VII 08:01:55:03 7 8 VI 07:06:08:32 9 10

Su 09:25:14:18 IX 09:23:23:34 Ma 10:10:34:34 Me 10:09:45:47

VIII 08:26:24:59 Ve 09:13:10:49

Significators - Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 9 9 6, 11 4 Mo 8 7 5, 12 3 Ma 5 9 6, 11 Me+ 5 9 1, 2 Ju 7 12 3 7, 8 Ve 7 8 3 5, 12 Sa+ 5 5 9, 10 Ra 12 5 7, 8 Ke+ 9 11 4 Rahu acts as agent for: Ve, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house (C) - Planets in Owner's stars (D) - House Owner

XI 04:46:40 Ke 27:38:46

XII 06:08:32 Ju 12:29:42

I 01:55:03 II 26:24:59

Dasa Summary
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Venus Dasa 03-Nov-2000 - 03-Nov-2020 Venus 03-Nov-2000 Sun 04-Mar-2004 Moon 04-Mar-2005 Mars 02-Nov-2006 Rahu 02-Jan-2008 Jupiter 02-Jan-2011 Saturn 02-Sep-2013 Mercury 02-Nov-2016 Ketu 03-Sep-2019 Mars Dasa 03-Nov-2036 - 03-Nov-2043 Mars 03-Nov-2036 Rahu 01-Apr-2037 Jupiter 19-Apr-2038 Saturn 26-Mar-2039 Mercury 05-May-2040 Ketu 02-May-2041 Venus 28-Sep-2041 Sun 28-Nov-2042 Moon 05-Apr-2043 Saturn Dasa 03-Nov-2077 - 03-Nov-2096 Saturn 03-Nov-2077 Mercury 06-Nov-2080 Ketu 16-Jul-2083 Venus 25-Aug-2084 Sun 25-Oct-2087 Moon 06-Oct-2088 Mars 07-May-2090 Rahu 16-Jun-2091 Jupiter 22-Apr-2094 Sun Dasa 03-Nov-2020 - 03-Nov-2026 Sun 03-Nov-2020 Moon 20-Feb-2021 Mars 22-Aug-2021 Rahu 28-Dec-2021 Jupiter 22-Nov-2022 Saturn 10-Sep-2023 Mercury 22-Aug-2024 Ketu 28-Jun-2025 Venus 03-Nov-2025 Rahu Dasa 03-Nov-2043 - 03-Nov-2061 Rahu 03-Nov-2043 Jupiter 16-Jul-2046 Saturn 10-Dec-2048 Mercury 16-Oct-2051 Ketu 05-May-2054 Venus 23-May-2055 Sun 23-May-2058 Moon 17-Apr-2059 Mars 17-Oct-2060 Mercury Dasa 03-Nov-2096 - 03-Nov-2113 Mercury 03-Nov-2096 Ketu 01-Apr-2099 Venus 29-Mar-2100 Sun 27-Jan-2103 Moon 04-Dec-2103 Mars 05-May-2105 Rahu 02-May-2106 Jupiter 19-Nov-2108 Saturn 25-Feb-2111 Moon Dasa 03-Nov-2026 - 03-Nov-2036 Moon 03-Nov-2026 Mars 03-Sep-2027 Rahu 03-Apr-2028 Jupiter 03-Oct-2029 Saturn 02-Feb-2031 Mercury 02-Sep-2032 Ketu 01-Feb-2034 Venus 02-Sep-2034 Sun 02-May-2036 Jupiter Dasa 03-Nov-2061 - 03-Nov-2077 Jupiter 03-Nov-2061 Saturn 21-Dec-2063 Mercury 04-Jul-2066 Ketu 10-Oct-2068 Venus 16-Sep-2069 Sun 16-May-2072 Moon 04-Mar-2073 Mars 04-Jul-2074 Rahu 10-Jun-2075 Ketu Dasa 03-Nov-2113 - 03-Nov-2120 Ketu 03-Nov-2113 Venus 01-Apr-2114 Sun 01-Jun-2115 Moon 07-Oct-2115 Mars 07-May-2116 Rahu 03-Oct-2116 Jupiter 21-Oct-2117 Saturn 27-Sep-2118 Mercury 06-Nov-2119

X 26:11:20 Ma 10:34:34 Me 09:45:47

Name: Younger sister Marriage Gender: Male Date: Friday, 08/Feb/2013 Time: 12:52:29 AM SID: 10:28:07 Lat: 22:41:00 N Lon: 88:20:00 E Place: Hind Motor, WEST BENGAL, India

III 23:23:34

Su 25:14:18 IX 23:23:34 Ve 13:10:49

Ayanamsa: 23 56' 59" [KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Star: P.Ashada, Pada 3 Star Lord: Venus Rasi: Sagittarius Rasi Lord: Jupiter Lagna: Gemini Lagna Lord: Mercury Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Trayodasi Bal. Dasa: Venus 7 Y, 8 M, 23 D

IV 26:11:20

VIII 26:24:59 Mo 21:30:46 VII 01:55:03

VI 06:08:32

Ra 27:38:46 Sa 17:28:23 V 04:46:40

+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine

August 2013


Ruling Planets are Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu. Fruitful (Common) Planets from the above significators and ruling planets: Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Rahu, Ketu. JOINT PERIOD (Dasha-Bhukti-Anthra) Running Dasha Lord Venus (From 03-11-2000 to 03-11-2020) Venus is a fruitful (common) planet. Hence, Venus Dasha is taken into consideration for marriage. Running Bhukti Lord Jupiter (From 02-01-2011 to 02-09-2013) Jupiter is a fruitful (common) planet. Hence, Jupiter bhukti is taken into consideration for marriage. Now, in Venus Dasha and Jupiter Bhukti, Running Anthra Lord Mars (From 11-02-2013 to 09-04-2013) Mars is a fruitful planet. But Saturn aspects on Moon by 3rd aspect, hence indicating delay, thus Mars anthra is not taken into consideration. Next Anthra Lord Rahu (From 09-04-2013 to 02-09-2013) Rahu is a fruitful planet. Hence, Rahu anthra is taken into consideration for marriage and the possible date of marriage would be during 09-04-2013 to 05-09-2013. My Opinion: Marriage would be materialized during the DBA of Venus-Jupiter-Rahu (From 9-04-2013 to 02-09-2013). Actual Fact: The native (querent's younger sister) got engaged on 03-03-2013. Date of Marriage is fixed for 14-07-2013 (DBAS: Venus-Jupiter-Rahu-Venus). Learning Fact: In transit, on the date of marriage fixed i.e. 14-07-2013, Sun will pass in the sign of Mercury (Gemini), star of Jupiter (Punarvasu) and sub of Venus.

KP Ezine

August 2013


Ques on-Answer
By: Tin Win

Question 1: House 6-8-12 and Disease In Mediacl Astrology for All ( by K. Subramaniam, K. Balachandran & Vikari Ramamurthy), for the solved example chart on page 129: Dasa lord is Rahu and it does not signify house 6-8-12 at all, how does the native suffer from disease? Answer 1 Chart: Female, 25 June 1958, 8:15 am, Calcutta The native suffered from disease of leukemia and died in the Rahu Dasa and Venus Bhukti. Dasa lord Rahu is in house 3, aspected by Mars in house 9, lord of houses 5, 10 (retirement from this world/ death), in the sign of Libra representing Venus in house 10 (retirement from this world/ death), lord of house 4 (end of everything/ death), 11 (Badhaka). Rahu is in the star of Mars in house 9, lord of houses 5, 10 (retirement from this world/ death), and sub of Sun in 11 (Badhaka), lord of 2 (Maraka). Bhukti lord Venus is in house 10 (retirement from this world/ death), lord of houses 4 (end of everything/ death), 11 (Badhaka), in the star of own Venus in house 10 (retirement from this world/ death), lord of house 4 (end of everything/ death),11 (Badhaka) and sub of Saturn in house 6 (disease), lord of 4 (end of everything/ death), 5. Although there is no signification of house 6 (disease), 8 (chronic ailment) or 12 (hospitalization), the Badhaka and Maraka affects of Dasa lord Rahu had caused suffering from disease of leukemia and death in the Rahu Dasa and Venus Bhukti in combination of signification of lower level Antra and Sookshma lords, as mentioned in the KP Readers below: 1) Badhkasthana may effect only the health if its Dasa or Bhukti is operating or the Dasa or Bhukti is ruled by the planet in the constellation of Badhaka planet. (KP Reader V, page 263/ 1971 Edition page 226) 2) Badhaka Sthana Adhipathis are the worst malefics who will never hesitate to put an end to one's life. In (KP Reader III, pages 161-162 (1971 Edition, Practical Part 2, pages 9-10) 3) Death is indicated only by the significators of Marakasthan and Badhakasthana. (KP Reader VI: Horary Astrology, pages 154-155 ,159) Question 2: Why 5th house is considered for speculation? Why we astrologers judge 5th house for speculation and speculative gain? I feel that speculative gain is one type of competition to achieve profit like lottery gain, share market (especially in derivatives), betting game, cards game etc. So 5th house is LABH STHAN for your opposition; Why we take 5th house sublord? This is competition between 10 or 100 or 1000 people to achieve one thing. So its competition and we (astrologers) judge 6th house for competition. Because of this I'm confused between 5th or 6h house which one to take for prediction.
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We astrologers judge 2,6,10,11 for money and 5,8,12 for loosing money. So how we consider 5th house to denote money to one? Answer 2: In the KP Reader III: Predictive Stellar Astrology, p 425/ 1971 edition Practical Part p 252, (5) According to you, 5th house is gain to the opponent, but you say that 5th house significator must operate to make money by speculation. How do you reconcile? If the significtor of 5 (giving you the mind, money and opportunity to speculate) is also the significator of 6 and 11 you gain in speculation. But if the significator of 5 is the significator of 8 and 12 you lose. 5th house shows the mode of gain or loss. The other houses indicate how you fare. Speculation or gambling is one of the matters governed by the 5th house. Accordingly the 5th CSL is to be judged for gain or loss in speculation or gambling. Extent of gains or loss in gambling according to Guruji KSK (Astrology & Athrishta July 1971 issue, p 23/ also KP Reader V: Transit, p 198-199/ 1971 Edition p 187-188): 1) Find out the sub lord of the 5th cusp. If the sub lord of the 5th cusp is deposited in any sign, in any star, but in the sub of significators of 6 or 11, one win most satisfactorily. 2) If the sub lord of the 5th cusp is deposited in the sub of significators of 2 or 10, the gain is moderate. . 3) If the sub lord of the 5th cusp is deposited in the sub of significators of 1 or 3, there is gain, but insignificant. 4) If the sub lord of the 5th cusp is deposited in the sub of significators of 5 or 12, there will be great loss and one will necessitate even to borrow money or run to bankcruptcy. 5) If the sub lord of the 5th cusp is deposited in the sub of significators of 4 or 8, one will not over trade and the loss will be moderate. 6) If the sub lord of the 5th cusp is deposited in the sub of significators of 7 or 9, the los will be feeble or negligible. The cuspal sub lord (CSL) of a house indicates whether the matter signified by that house is promised or denied. The significators of dasa, bhukti lords point the time of event when gochara (transit) agrees. (KP Reader V, page 224/ 1971 Edition p 211, KP Reader III, pp 226, 362 /1971 Edition, Practical Part pp 68, 194) For example, if the 7th CSL is connected with the main house 7 governing marriage or any one of the supporting houses 2,11 marriage is promised. The promise is not a guarantee for the matter to be materialized. If marriage is promised, then marriage will be fructified only during the joint dasa period (DBAS) of the significators of the relevant houses 2,7,11 when transit agrees. As each house denotes several particular matters, the KP house grouping by the cuspal sub lord has been prepared:

KP House Grouping Part 1 to 5, KP-Ezine October 2007 to February 2008 issues or Principles of Sublords and Relevant Houses, K.M. Subramaniam, Astro secrets & Krshnamurti Padhdhati, Part III, pp 35-59/ also Krishnamurti Padhdhati 2009 Year Book, edt. K. Hariharan, pp 18-29 Chadrakant R. Bhatt: Further Lights on Nakshatra Chintamani, pp 13-15/ Prashna Jyotish, tran. Kanakkumar B. Bosmia, pp 38-39, as shown below:

KP Ezine

August 2013


House Grouping by Cuspal Sub Lord If the Cuspal Sub Lord of house I 1st . Health be in the Star of the occupant or owner of house II 1,11 6,8,12 8,12, badhaka 8,12 2nd . Wealth 3rd . Change Longevity 2,6,11 8,12,5 3,12,10 8,12, badhaka 8,12 4th. Education Building 5th. Issue Love affair 6th. Disease Service 4,9,11 4,11,12 5,11,2 4,10,1 2 ,11 7 11 6,8,12,1 1,5,11 2,6,10 1,5,9 2,6,11 7th. Marriage Business 7,11,2 6,10,1 2,10,11 8,12 5,11 6,12 8th. Longevity Calamity 6,8,12,1 1,5,11 8,12 8,12, badhaka 9th. Research 9,10,11 During the joint period of the Significators of houses III 1,11 6,8,12 8,12, badhaka, maraka 8,12 2,6,11 8,12,5 3,12,10 8,12, badhaka, maraka 8,12 4,9,11 3,8,5 4,11,12 5,11,2 4,10,1 2 ,5,11 2, 7 ,11 6,8,12 1,5,11 2,6,10 1,5,9 2,6,11 7,11,2 6,10,1 2,10,11 8,12 5,11 6,12 6,8,12 1,5,11 8,12 8,12,badhaka, maraka 9,10,11 an event happens regarding IV normal health disease danger to life accident wealth loss of wealth transfer of place in service danger to life accident academic education completion of studies possesses building child birth love affair marries the loved one disease cure of disease service change in service gain in any manner marriage absence of married life business or industry loss in business or industry partnership break in partnership danger to health safety in life accident, infirmity danger to life success in research land or

no child birth

KP Ezine

August 2013


10th. Vocation

10,6,2 10,7,2 3,12 9,5,1 9,5,1,12

10,6,2 10,7,2 3,12 9,5,1 9,5,1,12 10,5,3 7,8,12 1,5,11 2,6,11 2,6,10,11 11,5,2 10,4,1 12,9,3 11,8,2 12,8, badhaka, maraka 8,12 3,12,10

vocation, earning independent vocation transfer of placeservice change of vocation loss of service sale of land or building criminal proceedings cure of disease gain of money progress in service or vocation child birth no child birth foreign travel stay in motherland danger to life accident, infirmity transfer service of place-

Sale of building Infamy 11th. Cure Gain

10,5,3 7,8,12 1,5,11 2,6,11 2,6,10,11

Issue 12th . Overseas Calamity Accident Change

11,5,2 10,4,1 12,9,3 11,8,2 12,8, badhaka 8,12 3,12,10

Explanation: If the cuspal sub lord of the house (mentioned in the column I) be the signifcator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of the house or houses (mentioned in the column II), then only during the joint period of the significators of the houe or houses (mentioned in the column III) the result of expected matter (shown in the column IV) is experienced. Note: The cuspal sub lord planet, its star and sub lords, DBAS lord planet, its star and sub lords are to be considered up to their sub level by occupation and lordship, as consistently applied in the Shri Chandrakant R. Bhatts KP books. Question 3: Time of Examination or Time of Declaration of Examination Results One of my friends daughter is going to appear for a medical entrance examination in the near future. Is it possible to predict from her birth chart whether she would be selected or not? Is it necessary to know the date of declaration of results? Answer 3: It is possible to predict from her birth chart whether she would be selected or not. It is not necessary to know the date of declaration of results, which may not be always known in advance. As the result of examination is the outcome of action at the time of sitting the examination, only the time of examination should be considered, as referred below: .
KP Ezine August 2013 63

Besides the date of declaration of results whether one will be successful in the competitive examination or not is to be decided from the planets whose conjoined period is running at the time of examination. (KP Reader VI, p 189) If the sub lord of the 4th cusp is the significator of 4,9 or 11, the success in examination (in M.B.B.S.) is promised, when at the time of examination (i.e. during the days of examination) the joint period of the significators of 4,9 and 11 is current. (Chandrakant R. Bhatt: Nakshatra Chintamani, page 127) If at the time of examination querent runs joint period of significators of house 4, 6, 9, 11, only then the querent will have success in the competitive examination. (KP Reader III, p 266;; Chandrakant R. Bhatt: Prashna Jyotish, translated by Kanakkumar B. Bosmaia, page 148; Nakshatra Chintamani, page 127; Astro secrets & KP. Part 3, p 43) Solved example charts in the Astrology & Athrishta August 1978 issue, pp 33-35, October 1978 issue, pp 41-45, January 1979 issue, pp 11-12, April 1980 issue, pp 19-23, 23-26, October 1981 issue, pp 32-33 Solved example charts in the Astrology & Education, K. Subramanium, Krishman & Co., 2004, pp 33-35, 36-37, 88-89, 138-140

Some consider the time when the exam results are to be announced in the solved examples in the Astrology & Athrishta June 1976 issue, pp 31-34, November 1977 issue, pp 3031 and November 1978 issue, pp 22. Question 4: Rule of CSL becoming the Significator, Subs Star and RPs in Retrograde Star & Sub I have 3 doubts and request the answers to publish in the KP-Ezine . Doubt 1: If a planet has got no planet in its stars then it strongly signifies the cuspal sublord it belongs to. For eg. if Saturn has got no planets in its stars and if Saturn is the 6th cuspal sublord then it signifies 6 strongly . But what if Saturn is not the Cuspal sublord of any house .Then should we see whether Saturn is the cuspal starlord of any house and will it signify those houses? What if Saturn is not the Cuspal starlord of any houses, then should we see whether Saturn is the cuspal signlord of any house will it signify the cuspal signlord of that house? Doubt 2: I have not read the Astrology and Aristha magazines . I am trying my best to get them. In that has Guruji KSK considered the Sublords starlord? We have Planet , Starlord and Sublord . Has KSK considered the Sublords starlord times?.Is it that if the Sublord is tenanted then Guruji has seen sublords starlord? . Doubt 3: For event to happen in 24 hours, We have to move the Lagna to the RP Signlord/star/.sub/subsub. Here should we drop the RPs in the star of retrograde planets? Should we drop the RPs in
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the sub of retrograde planets?. Or retrogression of RP is not at all considered? Could you throw light on the above with 3 examples where time has been fixed so that it will benefit KP practitioners. Answer 4: Doubt 1: Rule of CSL becoming the Significator If a planet has no planet in its stars, then that planet is the strong significators of houses for which that planet is the cuspal sub lord. For example, Jupiter has no planet in its stars and it is the cuspal sub lord of. So Jupiter is the strong significator of houses 2,3 and 7. In other words, the sub lord of a cusp is a strong significator of that cusp, if there is no planet in the stars of that sub lord (planet). (KP Reader III, p 309/ 1971 Edition, Practical Part, p 145; Golden Rule in Astrosecrets & KP, Part II, p 195; KP & Astrology 1991 July issue p 1 & November issue p 8); If a planet having no planet in its stars is not the cuspal sub lord of any house, the above rule is not applicable. It is applicable if and only if such planet is the cuspal sub lord of any house(s). If a planet having no planet in its stars is not the cuspal sub lord of any house, that planet will be the strong significator of the house occupied by that planet by its positional status. (KP Reader III; Sublord Speaks 1, 2, 3) For example, Jupiter has no planet in its stars and it is not the cuspal sub lord of any house. If Jupiter is the occupant of house 2, it will be the strong significator of house 2. Doubt 2; Subs Star The interesting and applicable articles from the old issues of the Astrology & Arthrishta have been published in the various books of collection of refreshing articles. For example, "The Horoscope of Guru ji KSK , by M.G.G. Nayar was originally published in the "Astrology & Athrishta", January 1980 issue, pp 5-20; it was reprinted in the "Notable Persons and Krishnamurti Padhdhati", edt. K. Hariharan, 1993, pp 8-33; "Astrosecrets & Krishnamurti Padhdhati Part II", edt. K. Subramaniam, 2003, pp 249-271; The Rationale of Krishnamurti Padhdhati, edt. K. Hariharan, 2006, pp 80-101; Krishnamurti Padhdhati 2009 Year Book, edt. K. Hariharan, pp 1-15. The Annual Horoscope (An Example) by K.S.K was published in the "Astrology & Athrishta", July 1976 issue, pp 3-8, and reprinted in the Steller Effects on Human Life, edt. K. Hariharan, 2006, pp 290-301. The article on Thoughts on Political Astrology with Introduction of the Discovery of Political Dasa, Bhuktis!, by A.Y Devekar, in "Astrology & Athrishta", June 1970 issue, pp 25-33, and reprinted in K.P. & Astrology Year Book 1995, edt K. Subramaniam, pp 73-81. etc. In the Astrology & Athrishta July 1970 issue, in the article in a series of articles on "ayanamsha" by Guruji KSK, the subs star (sublords starlord) is mentioned like this: Mercury is in Jupiter star in 5th bhava. Mercury is in the sub of Mercury and Mercury is in Jupiter star. In the KP Readers in the same solved example, the subs star is mentioned as given under: (KP Reader III: Predictive Stellar Astrology , p 147/ 1971 edition p 140; KP Reader V: Transit, p 147/ 1971 edition p 140; KP Reader VI: Horary Astrology , p 84): Let us judge the death of father. Note the sub occupied by Sun. It is in Jupiter's sub. What can Jupiter do the 9th house? What can Jupiter do to 12th house? Jupiter is in Saturn's star. As Saturn is the badhakasthanaadhipati to 9, Jupiter indicates Badhaka to father.
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The subs star has been found mentioned in one or two statements, and it has not been used consistently as a common practice in the KP Readers of the sub lord theory. Doubt 3: RPs in Retrograde Star and Sub According to the KP Reader VI: Horary Astrology (pp 176, 187, 224, 274), Chandrakant R. Bhatt: Nakshatra Chintamani , p 52, Prashna Jyotish, tran. Kanak Bosmia, p 65, direct disciple K.P. Kuppu Ganapathi (Ruling Planets, Guideline for Preparing and Judging a Horary Chart, KP-Ezine February 2007 issue), and Hints for Judging a Horary Chart, Astro secrets & Krishnamurti Padhdhati Part II, pp 214), it is generally to reject the ruling planets which are posited in the star or sub of retrograde planets. In the R.P. & K.P., Ruling Planets and Krishnamurti Padhdhati , compiled by K. Subramaniam and K. Hariharan, 1985, according to a thorough research, a RP fails to offer results only when it is in a sub of the retrograde planet. (p xvii). It had been found in hundred of Horary cases that the retrograde planet has failed to offer the due result. (K.P. & Astrology Year Book 1995 , Result of Planets in Retrogression, pp 6-7) In the Astro secrets & Krishnamurti Padhdhati Part VI, Ruling Planet, edt. K. Subramaniam, 2010, the retrogression has been found considered in 8 articles, and it is found in the retrogression example on page 164 that if the cuspal sub lord is the strong significator of the relevant bhavas, the result is not denied, as experienced by C. R. Bhatt in his Prashna Jyotish, translated by Kanak Bosmia, 2013. In the Astro secrets & Krishnamurti Padhdhati Part V, Retrograde Plane, edt. K. Subramaniam, some articles are in support of retrogression working in the horary and ruling planets and some are showing retrogression not denying in giving the fruitful results. An emerging trend is ignoring the retrogression by some PK scholars and some KP-based systems and horary books. So further research of collecting the Horary retrogression cases with positive results has been continued to get a minimum of one hundred cases in order to claim a credible opinion on retrogression not working in the Horary analysis. It is still inconclusive and so advisable to follow whichever gives astrologer the better results based on ones own experience, as mentioned by Shri Chandrakant R. Bhatt.

KP Ezine

August 2013


Book Review Nakshatra Light

By: Tin Win

This is a serial review of some of over one hundred KP based books in English. The present book The Nakshatra Light covers the important events of a natives life from the time of birth rectification to the mode of death as shown in the contents. The birth time rectification using the five ruling planets is explained in detail with support of practical example charts. In scrutinizing the 1st, 3rd and 8th cuspal sub lords. (CSL) for longevity, the 6 (disease), 8 (danger to life) and 12 (defect- physical and mental), Maraka and Badhaka have been considered. Regarding the outer planets, the disease finder 6th CSLs connection with Hershel, Neptune, Pluto indicates the unexpected disease and so it needs to be careful. (p 30). Hershel, higher octave of Mercury, in the 1st house denotes high intelligence. Neptune, higher octave of Mercury, in the 1st house means artistic talent, dreamy person, totally different thinking. Pluto, higher octave of Mars, in the 1st house indicates the very dangerous selfdisaster. Either of Hershel, Neptune, Pluto in the 7th house shows problem in marriage/ business. (p 35) For marriage 7,2,5,11 houses are positive houses and 4,6,8 (mental distress), 12 are negative houses. More than one marriage is indicated if the 7th CSL is connected with Jupiter or Mercury, dual sign. (p 58) Virgo sign is included in the dual sign. (p 25, 75) In KP only double-bodied signs Gemini (twins), Sagittarius (part man, part beast) and Pisces (two fishes) are dual signs, and Virgo (a girl with the bundle of corn in one hand and the light in another hand) is not included in the dual signs. ( KP Reader II, p 75) The 2nd marriage is possible if the 2nd CSL is connected with 2nd or 12th sub lord or house. 2nd house (8th from 7th spouse) is 2nd marriage due to death of spouse or divorce. In ancient time the 9th house (3rd- brother/ sister from 7th - spouse) was considered for 2nd marriage because at that time native has to
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marry with the brother/ sister of the died partner. But that is not correct in todays condition. (p 58) Sex of child depends on male chart only. Female chart is not at all responsible for sex of child. (p 65) According to K. Baskaran (Secrets of R.P. & The Birth Time, 1999, page 13), the male sperms determine the sex of the child. Sanjay Rath also says that normally for determination of sex of the child, the chart of the father is a better indicator. (Crux of Vedic Astrology, page 188) The 10th CSLs connection with 3,5,10,11 indicates profit in sale of property, and its connection with 3,5,8,10,12 indicates loss in sale of property. The 10th CSLs connection with 3,5,10,11 plus 2,4,12 houses denotes sale of one property and purchase of another property. (p 73) Retrogression is considered in the horary analysis to wait till the retrograde sub lord or its star lord becomes direct and cross the original degree from which the planet started to move backward. (p 73) Some detailed house grouping points in this book may be helpful for the KP learners. But in judging the signification, it is to consider up to the sub level of the CSL and dasa period (DBAS) lords in the KP analysis according to the sub lord theory, Contents
Ch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Topic Preface Birth Time Rectification Longevity Health Nature of the person Education Occupation Matching of the chart Marriage Child House property Vehicle Imprisonment Abroad Other topics (Speech, taste, writing, relationship with siblings/ neighbour, Short journey, verification of correctness of news through horary, balance of past birth, lottery, speculation, sports, servant, pat animals, loan, repayment of loan, getting help for recovery of loan, court cases, selection of doctor, theft through horary, retirement benefits, insurance, religion, change of religion, spiritual preacher, sanyasi, criticizer of religion, siddhi or achievement, remedy, politics) Death No beyond 249 Chart analysis Exaltation of planets August 2013 1 22 28 33 40 40 54 57 65 71 75 77 78 80 Pg

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Readers View

DEAR Kanak ji, Received KP-EZine July 2013 issue with thanks. Case Study on Doctors chart by VSN Murthy is tremendous. His observation 8th cusp sub lord link 4,9,10 and 11 is superb. Eighth house signifies hidden points, and for diagnosis of disease 8th house influence must as Doctors, Scientists and astrologers too have 8th house influences to dig out the truth of hidden points. 8th hidden, 9th future, 10th service and 11th success, and 4th mind all connected . If people able to understand planetary influences on Universe, universal as well as human affairs , it will help them to some extent , so they can understand what the fate is through natal/Horary charts indicates/significance hidden in for of their future. Thanking you. Amrit Sagar Respected Sir, I am R.Anandh practicing as KP Astrologer in Kuppam,Chittoor Dt. I am great follower of KP Ezine published by you with your enormous efforts & dedication to the divine subject called "KP Astrology". While referring one of you KP Ezines I came across the sign lord,star lord & sublord classification on different education fields & jobs. But I don't know about which KP Ezine consists of the above. I am requesting you to provide the KP EZine Publication Month & year wise which consists of sign lord,star lord & sublord classification on different education and do needful. Long live KP Astrolgy. with regards, R.ANANDH,B.Sc, MBA, M.A(Astrology),P.G.Diploma in Jyothirvaasthu, Astrology, Vaasthu, Hebrew Pyramid Numerology Consultant, Sri Jaya Sadguru Stellar Astrological Centre, Vasudeva Road, Kuppam - 517 425. Chittoor Dt. Andhra Pradesh. Mobile No. 96524 10590 I just wanted to say, your E-Zine Magazine is EXCELLENT! I really enjoy reading them. Look forward to learning about your KP Lessons. Lets speak soon. David Smith

KP Ezine

August 2013


KP Ezine

August 2013


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