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Michael Ray C. Variacion Daryl Noel Q. Tejano Should SK be abolished in the Philippines?

Before we answer the question, let us first seek the history of SK on why it was promulgated and what are the current issues it is facing today that leads us to the issue at hand. The Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) was created in response to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) that was signed on November 20, 1989 and took effect on September 2, 1990 adopted by members from countries of around the world. The CRC is a human rights treaty setting out the civil, political, economic, social, health and cultural rights of children. Before SK, the first youth council was established by Former President Marcos in 1975 under Presidential Decree 684, announcing the creation of the Kabataang Barangay (KB). The aim was to give the youth a chance to actively involved in community affairs and provide the government means to inform the youth of its development efforts. The KB had worthwhile accomplishments upon creation, including its Youth Development Training program that aimed to developed the youth to be committed to service, nationalism and other skills to nurture them to become more productive leaders. The KB also accomplished programs and projects in livelihood, education, sports, and culture. However, the KB was criticized for having been created to enforce authoritarian rule and opposition of militant youth activity. This was only natural as the KB was created under the Martial Law regime, and thus, we cannot expect the government to nurture the youth into a democratic force responsive to the times. KB was replaced by SK under the administration of President Cory Aquino. The SK was created in the 1991 Local Government Code or RA 7160. It is an avenue wherein youth can engage and represent their sector to the Government. We can say that the SK was established, not only because it was in-compliance by the Philippines as a member nation of the CRC, but because the State recognizes the role of the youth in nation building. The controversy that hounded SK stemmed from corrupt SK officials, inefficient public spending of funds through, and the lack of transparency with regard to program/project implementation. This attributed to the negative perception of society to SK resulting to diminishing participation of the youth sector. Indeed with the controversy at hand, will it be enough justification to render for its abolition? It is worthy to note that the intent of lawmakers for SK is really to nurture the youth in preparing them for their future roles as leaders in the society, recognizing their skills and importance that they hold to the key to a better future. It is through SK that we provide them with an avenue, first hand, how our government system works and what needs to be improve in the system so that when they will be able to carry out fresh solutions and ideas for the betterment of our Country. Although personally, I have not seen the products of SK project except on baskbetball courts in every barangay, I still believe that the SK system is not the problem but with how the SK officials have carried out

their positions that tainted the image of this system. It may be because of its autonomy, the elected official being at a young age doesnt yet know what the task at hand is. For some, they might think that SK is all about spending government funds at their disposal. They lack the guidance, or they might not fully grasp what is the main objective of the SK system itself. Going back to the essence and the intent of the lawmakers and if the youth and the elected officials can conceptualize the aspirations of the SK system, theres no doubt our Country will reap the benefits of investing into the youths active participation towards nation building. Therefore, we believed that SK shouldnt be abolished. We would like to introduce some amendment on the qualifications to be a SK official, in these way the purpose of attaining proper guidance or knowledge towards politics can be achieve. First of all, to become qualified for that job is that, one should have educational background on politics. Wherein, the barangay and likewise the official would benefit from each other in the sense that the elected leader deem to have knowledge on how stuffs work in the political sector and as regards to the SK official, it would be a learning experience for him/her on being a leader of a small group of young individuals. In that way, the youth would be familiar on who to vote not just by fame or fortune but the intellect a candidate have. Secondly, on discussing about cost-benefit theory, the benefit we receive from what cost we incurred. On minimizing the cost we can come up with situations advantageous to the society. For one, only those who are true-to-heart interested to become SK official would be willing to give their service for a lower price. They are aware that the experience they will receive is far more precious that the honorarium. Young people would run for SK officer for they know, unfortunately, that being an officer has a good price to gain. Another proposal would be the age requirement would be increase to maybe 20-25 years of age, for what would students of 16-18 years of age would know about politics. Their background on politics is yet limited that the chances of those who are veteran on abusing those beginners would be off the roof. Student in the 20+ age group, already attained enough information that would be essential for him/her to be able to govern and perform his/her duties and responsibilities with utmost integrity and prudence. Abolishment would not be a solution for those situations we supported, that is why we propose only amendments due to the fact the youth really do benefit from this program. If Sk will be abolished, how will the youth sector be prepared in their evitable task, duties and responsibilities towards the future of the country? The veteran would be there for the rest of their lives. The youth this day would someday be the one up their upholding the political aspect of our country. Therefore, we should give the youth the opportunity to face their course through their engagement in the Sangguniang Kabataan.

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