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My life in a new world

Starring Infinite & OC [Lee Mei Lyn] Started on 02/10/2011

Chapter 1: Meeting him & his crew

didn't know that I'll end up like this. Let's say that it was just a last minute choice and I went with the flow. Morning, my last day in Canada I could say. I packed up all my things ready to go to the airport, to catch my flight, to start a new life in another country. South Korea. It was my dream to visit this country, but who would think that this 'fantasy' transforms into reality. Even now I'm surprised that my mother didn't complain about my leaving. <flashback> "I want to go to Korea, to study there for College." I told her, while my heart was beating faster. I had this feeling that she won't let me go. Who would let her 19 years old daughter go to an unknown place? Well, my mom was one of those people, too overprotective. When I was younger I didn't get it, but now I know that she does it because she cares a lot for me, so I won't complain when I'll hear her decision. "Do whatever you want." she said without looking me in the eyes. "Oke- WHAT?!" I got my head up. Did I heard well? "I think it's time for you to create your own future, so I have to let you go for now." "You won't held me back?! That's... that's... something new. I didn't expect to hear this from you." "You must know that I was young too, so I know how you feel about this. I understand you, I would have let you to go a while ago, but I felt that you won't manage to do anything by yourself. You matured, so I guess it's time to let you go, to have your own life." my mom said and I could see that she was about to cry, so I went next to her and hugged her. "I love you, mom! I won't disappoint you! Trust me!" <end of flashback> Oh. I sighed. I looked back to our house. "Good-bye!" I said, while holding back my tears from falling. I went into the taxi that took to the airport. I got my ticket from my pocket and when to board on the plane. After a long flight, I'm finally here. Seoul, I,Mei Lyn is here! When I got out from the plane I felt so small compared to the whole city. People - everywhere. Now, how should I get to find my cousin? I didn't even told him that I came to Seoul for College. I'm so stupid! Who knows how many people who are named Kim Sunggyu are in this city?! Sigh, I feel so helpless. I started to imagine that I'll have to spend my first night in Seoul on the streets. Just thinking about it gave me chills. The bus arrived in the airport. I should take a tour of the city since I don't know what I should do to get in contact with my cousin. It's not like I'll crash into him on the street. I got on the bus, bought a ticket and whispered a 'Annyeong haseyo' to the driver. He gives me a 'sit-down-now-and-be-silent' look, so I just went to the first available chair and I didn't say a word. This is going to be a long day. I told myself. Here goes the first station. I got a little bit distracted by the crowd of people who gathered on the street. A concert? No, I was wrong. Three boys were preparing to give a live performance to their audience. Are they famous? Maybe they are like those boy groups who cover songs from famous groups. Or a tribute band?. I started to question

myself over it. I've got nothing better to do today,I told myself, so I'll get down here. I went to the crowd and started to enjoy their performance. The music started and the boys moved into such a synchronized pace that you could say that they were pros. I was mesmerized by them, I couldn't get my eyes off them. I didn't realise that they finished the dance and were now bowing to the audience. I started to clap like crazy and shouted "Jjang!!". I wasn't the best at shoutting but I've got surprised when I met one boy's eyes. He looks kind of feminine but after seeing him dancing I can tell that he wasn't a girl at all. He smiled and waved my way saying "Kansamnida". Without knowing I started to blush. He is so cute, I would really love have a little brother like him, it sucks to be the only kid in your family. They left and another four boys came. What? So this is a concert after all? They were all shy about doing this dance. It's so strange, I've got this feeling that I know one of them. They gathered up and started the music. But it wasn't the part they wanted. "Change it! It's the wrong one! Quickly" said the guy who wore the pink-reddish shirt. "Ahhh! But I don't know from where!" said the guy who was holding the recorder. "Try this button!" said the one with the blue jacket. "Chincha!? Why is this happening to us? Howon and the others got it right!" said the blonde one. "Oh, I got it this time!" said the boy with the recorder. They set it down and started to dance. It was like I saw the previous guys, but now they were four. They are so pro! People who were passing by were staring at them and if I was in their place I would die of embarrassment. Music stopped. Two of them run to the closest part of the street, trying to hide themselves while the other two we're looking in another direction like they just didn't do something so out of common. "The weather is so nice, Dongwoo! Don't you think?" said the one with the blue jacket. "Yeeaaahh! It's the perfect time to get embarassed in the front of so many people!" said Dongwoo? I guess that's his name. I could feel his sarcasm while he said it. So I was right! Haha, dorks! They act like they are tough when they're dancing but inside they were embarrassed. "Cute!" I didn't realise that I said that out loud. The other persons who were on the same crowd with me left and I was alone in the roadside. Oh great, Mei! You did it! Now they'll think you are an idiot or a hater. But who wouldn't find those boys cute?! It's not an insult, really. "Can you repeat what you just said?" the pink-reddish shirt guy asked me. Oh screw my life! Now I'm gonna recive my devine punishment for being stupid! "I... I didn't mean to say it like..." "Oh! And I thought you were an Inspirit!" he pouted. An Inspi-what?! It's the first time I heard that word.. I doubt it's in korean. "Sunggyu-ah~! Let's go to the others! We still have to do the group performance!" he continued, leaving me into fog. I need to find what that Inspirit thing is! I should google it after I get an internet connection. Leaving that aside. Did he just said 'Sunggyu'? Like in Kim Sunggyu? Wait. It's not like my cousin could be him, right? I got on the other side of the road, were the seven boys were all togheter

now. The performance was more powerfull now that their formation was complate. After they finish this, I'm going to ask if he is my cousin. But wait! Which one of them is Sunggyu?! Ahhh! Screw this! I'm going to ask anyway. I wonder if I still have that photo that we took 5 years ago, when he came to visit us in Canada. I searched into my wallet and I saw it. In this picture, he had one of his hands on my shoulder and I was hugging him while doing the classical peace pose. Then, something caught my attention: the eye smile! Sunggyu's smiling eyes were always so bright and it made me smile togheter with him everytime. "Annyeong haseyo, Infinite imnida!~ Kamsamnida! Please buy our album!" they said in unison. "Saranghae, Inspirits!" the pink-reddish shirt guy said while making a heart with his hands. Okey! This is my chance! They're leaving. "Hmm, excuse me.. Sunggyu?" I said and to my surprise the recorder guy turned to face me. "Yes? Do I know you?" he asked. "Maybe she's an Inspirit! She cheered for us, when me, Hoya and Sungyeol danced!" the girly guy said. "Really?" Sunggyu said, while smiling...There! The eye smile. It's him!! I wanted to say something when the pink-reddish guy started to talk. "I doubt that. She said we are cute!" Sunggyu laughed at what he said. "And what's bad with that?" "Well..." Ha! That must be my Sunggyu! He left that guy speechless! "Excuse me again! Is you name Kim Sunggyu?" I asked. "Yes, it is. Why are you asking?" "Well, do you know, by any chance, a person called Lee Mei Lyn?" "WHAT?! What happened to her?" he asked worried. I started to laugh at his reaction. "Hey, what happened?! Why is she laughting?" the others asked. "Maybe she has problems." the annoying pink-reddish guy said while implaying that I'm insane. Okey! That filled the glass, I'm not going to let him bad talk me! "YAH! You don't even know me and you already started to insult me!"

"Heh, like I care!" he took his tougue out at me like a little kid. Okey, this time I'm the one who's speechless. "Woohyun, stop it! Please excuse my annoying friend. Can you continue? What happened with Mei Lyn?" "Nothing bad." he was relieved, while I continued "She's right in front of your eyes!" and jumped into his arms to hug him. <end first chapter 02/10/2011>

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