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hapter welve: eeting he ouncil f lders

A lice shifted in the bed lying comfortably in Christian’s arms.

Christian opened his eyes slowly and kissed her forehead. “Are you awake?” he asked her.

Alice smiled and cuddled into his chest. “Now I am…”

Christian chuckled. “Alice…” he called softly.

“What?” she asked warily.

“I love you…”


Salvador and Christopher were walking down the hallway. “Do you think that they’re okay? I
mean to leave him in there over night is enough time for a murder” Christopher told Salvador.

“Or sex” Salvador suggested chuckling evilly.

Christopher glared at him. “Excuse me, my son is a proper man he wouldn’t just sleep with any
girl!” he protested.

Salvador shook his head. “Uh-huh but what about that one night, with just a tequila and
Christina he was able to sleep with her” he chuckled.

Christopher slapped his forehead. “We all make mistakes…” he sighed not wanting to remember
the incident.

“So…Do you think that he and Alice made up with each other?” Salvador asked looking at him
from the corner of his eye.

Christopher sighed rubbing his eyes. “No…And I wouldn’t be surprised if I saw Christian dead on
the floor with Alice’s hands around his neck…”

They both stopped in front of the door they locked to keep Christian inside. “I’ll bet you $150
that he’s still alive” he grinned greedily.

Christopher looked at the door and back at Salvador. “Then I bet he’s dead” he told him. It’s
strange that you’d be betting if your son was a live or not.

Salvador grinned and unlocked the door opening it shortly afterwards. They both saw Christian
sleeping beside Alice in bed.

Salvador grinned. “Pay up old man” he said holding out his hand.

Christopher sighed and passed him the cash in defeat. “Wake up now love birds” he called sadly.

Christian sat up and greeted his father good morning. “Is there something wrong?”

Alice sat up beside him kissing him on the neck. “Morning…”

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and a maid came in.

“Master Cross, there’s a visitor he claims to be Master Salvador’s brother” she said.
Salvador’s eyes twitched as he slowly turned to face her.

What the hell is he doing here!!?

Alice frowned confused. “That’s impossible father doesn’t have a brother and if he did I would
know if I had an uncle”

Salvador turned to her smiling sheepishly.

Her eyes widened. “I HAVE AN UNCLE!!!?”


The middle-aged man (head of the council of elders) arrived in the front of the manor riding a
long white limo. The driver dressed in all white opened the door for him and the man held out
his hand waiting patiently for the driver to hold it and help him out.

The driver did as the council elder expected and the elder slapped the driver’s hand away.
“Don’t touch me, you idiot!!!” he screamed at the driver stepping out of the limo.

“I’m sorry” he apologized wondering what was wrong with him.

“You should be! Eew! Germs!” he screamed taking out a hand sanitizer and pouring it all over his
hands. He wore white pants, shoes, polo and a white BOA!? (Not the feathery one the dancers
wear, the REAL BOA)

His new secretary known as Charles stepped out staying away from the elder afraid of getting
bitten. “Um…Master Harold I-”

“Call me Honey” he interrupted walking towards the doors of the manor swinging his hips side to
side on the way.

He tried to stop his eye from twitching. “Um, Ho-Honey?” he called not feeling comfortable
saying it.

“Yes slave?” he asked, he called Charles ‘slave’ since he thought it was too exhausting to
memorize his name.

“It’s Charles…” he said starting to get irritated from repeating that to him.

“That isn’t important right now ‘slave’ I’m going to see my niece” he told him knocking on the

“That is just it, she didn’t even know you existed” he told him.

Honey or Harold frowned. “Of course she does I’m her uncle” he said thinking that he was lying.

Alice opened the doors seeing the man. “Who are you?” she asked.

Honey wrapped his arms around her. “Aww~ Alice!!” he screamed excitedly hugging her.

Alice freaked when she saw the Boa hissing in her face. She screamed and kneed him in the nuts
he wished he didn’t have. He fell on his knees his face full of pain and she kicked him in the face
knocking him on his back. “You definitely got that from your father” he groaned in pain.

“Why the fuck do you have a BOA!!!?” she asked him staying feet away from him.

Honey sat up. “Why it’s the new trend” he told her flipping his long grey hair back. “Since you’re
a girl I thought you’d know that…” he said in a matter-of-fact way.
Salvador ran down the hall to the main doors. “Alice! Is he-” Salvador’s pale white skin turned
bright red with anger as he glared down at the man on the floor. “You…” he hissed.

Honey smiled brightly. “Brother! My Dear Brother!! It’s been just too long!” he said wrapping his
arms around Salvador’s neck.

Salvador’s eye twitched as he looked down at his younger brother in disgust. “YOU ARE NO
BROTHER OF MINE!!!” he said pushing the man off.

Honey fell dramatically on the floor and he looked down at the floor with his long black silver
hair covering his face. A spotlight suddenly shot down on him. He looked up at his brother with
pleading eyes as if this was a play. “Oh dear brother why…?” he pleaded.

Alice’s mouth dropped. “ ‘THIS’ IS MY UNCLE!!!?” she yelled at her father pointing down at the



Christian looked up at the ceiling not seeing any lights that could create the spotlight. “Where is
that light coming from…?” he wondered.

Salvador rubbed his forehead frowning. “Unfortunately yes…But I made sure that he would be
shot in the ass if he was anywhere within 500 feet within the manor…” he sighed warily. He
looked back at his brother in disgust. “But no matter how far he is I can still smell his Gucci

Christopher chuckled to the side. “I remember years ago when you invited me to the council and
your brother turned the meeting into a fashion show and did the cat walk on the table” he

“HE’S WEARING PERFUME TOO!!!?” Alice said in disbelief she sniffed the air and smelled a thick
rose scent. “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!?” she yelled at her uncle. “EVEN I DON’T

Honey smiled brightly taking out a ping heart-shaped vial. “Why, my dear Alice if you just asked I
could let you have some” he said smoothly having a sparkling aura of pink shimmers.

Christian couldn’t keep in his laughter. “Yeah Alice take it, I bet it’ll make you just like him” he

Alice glared at him intensely and grabbed the pink bottle and smashed it on the ground and you
know Alice she never stops there, she brutally stomped on the glass pieces making sure there
were no more remains left.

Honey screamed like a girl as his favorite Gucci perfume was crushed to dust. “WHAT ARE YOU
DOING!!!? NO!! PLEASE STOP!!!” he begged on his knees crying.

Christian rubbed her back comfortingly. “Alice calm down it’s not nice to do that he is your uncle
after-all” he said nicely knowing that, that would probably calm her down…NOT!

Alice glared at him. “PISS OFF! HE’S NO UNCLE OF MINE!!” she growled angrily at him and
continued to smash the wretched vial.

Christian was frozen with his mouth open in disappointment…

I have no effect on her…?

Christian scurried in the corner of the main room and sat there with an air of depression around
him. “I’m so pathetic…” he sobbed dramatically.
Christopher and Salvador stared at him.

“Are you sure my brother isn’t your relative…?” Salvador asked Christopher since they had
similar personalities.

Christopher shook his head sighing. “No, of course not you know my sister she’s the complete

Honey looked up at them. “Speaking of your sister Christopher, she’s here!!” he told him happily
clapping his hands.

Christopher’s eyes widened like saucers. “WHAT!!? B-BUT HOW!!?” he asked him.

“Because I invited her! I thought that since she’s part of the council she should come and we
would have a large reunion!!!”

There was a long period of awkward silence…

Christopher got out his cane and hit him in the head knocking him out on the floor. “YOU

Suddenly someone kicked the door open.

“Apocalypse? Is that how much you fear me, little brother?”

Christopher slowly turned to see his older sister standing in the door way. “Lil-Lillith…” he
stammered staring at her in horror. “You’re here…”

She had fair skin she was tall with long wavy gold hair that reached her waist. She had sapphire
blue eyes and was wearing marine clothing with a matching beret. “YES I KNOW I’M HERE YOU
MORON!!!” she growled taking out a police baton and hitting him in the head with it.

“Ouch…” Christopher whimpered weakly rubbing the top of his head.

Lillith rolled her eyes and walked around the room stroking her baton gently, her combat boots
clacking every now and then. Her cold eyes suddenly fell on Christian causing him to shudder
slightly. “YOU!!” she yelled pointing at him. “GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE NOW!” she ordered him.

Christian nodded and quickly stood in front of her not wanting to get hit like his father. “Uh-Um…
w-who are you…?” he stammered out.

She grimaced at him and pushed him out of the way stomping angrily towards Christopher and hit
HIM!!?” she said hitting him again.

“I’M SORRY, I’M SORRY!!!! He pleaded as he was beaten to death.

She pushed her long wavy blonde hair back and smiled gently towards Christian. “Christian my
nephew!!!” she said wrapping her strong arms around him and crushing him in them.

“C-CAN’T BR-BREATHE!!” he cried gasping for air and she let go of his neck.

“Oh dear! Sorry Christian! Some women have no idea of what they’re capable of doing!” she
giggled looking at Christopher from the corner of her eyes.

Alice rubbed Christian’s back comfortingly eyeing the strange woman. “This is Christopher’s
sister?” she asked.

“It appears so…” he answered.

Alice frowned. “Strange I see no resemblance between the two besides their appearance…” she
said seeing how weak Christopher was compared to his older sister.
“True…But that still doesn’t change one thing, why would they be here?” he asked her and she

They were both curious to hear why already two of the council of elders were here.

“U-Uh, aunt…Why are you here?” Christian asked her hesitantly.

She nodded. “Yes, yes I know you’re all very curious of why we’re both here so let’s talk about it
somewhere more private…” she said ushering them into a personal lobby dragging Christopher’s
mangled body behind her.


They all sat in the private lobby. Lillith was sitting next to Harold or Honey…Alice was in a
different couch across them beside Christian and Salvador was in the couch on the left alone
since Christopher was in the infirmary.

“Well, since we’re all here let’s discuss the Council of elders shall we?” Lillith said.

Alice and Christian nodded listening attentively.

“Well, children the council of elders is composed of the wisest, strongest and strategic people in
each family…” she explained.

Alice raised a brow.

My uncle was chosen to be part of this special council…?

“This council is usually used when disturbances come up like when a human out of our families
find out about the existence of vampires” Honey explained using all sorts of hand gestures. “And
naturally that human would be executed”

“But, some humans like the Cross family were allies of the vampires and objected towards this.
We didn’t want our race to be just executed like that just because they were humans so both
races decided to form the council of elders to balance everything” she finished.

“We’re the ones who clean up the mess from erasing memories to killing whoever doesn’t
cooperate” Honey grinned fanning himself gently with a black feathered fan.

Alice nodded frowning slightly. “What about our parents they were both from different races”
she stated. “Why did you just let them be?” she asked.

Honey shook his head. “Oh dear Alice of course we didn’t” he smiled showing his long pointy

Alice glared at him.

Just what are they planning on achieving by telling us this?

“As we said we must keep balance in our world so no matter who it is or how close that person is
to us we must always pass punishment” he told her. “I personally was the one who erased your
mother’s memories” he said casually.

Alice’s eyes widened as she suddenly stood up. “What the hell are you saying!!!?” she asked him

Christian stood next to her and held her hand tightly.

Salvador said nothing and just looked down at the floor frowning.
Honey looked at her smugly. “Hmph…Another thing you didn’t tell her Salvador…” he sighed
shaking his head.

Alice eyed her father. “What the hell is he talking about!!!?” she asked him.

Salvador ignored her and stood up walking out of the room and locking the door behind him. He
covered his face with his hands and slid down to the floor. “I’m sorry Alice…”


Alice’s eyes were wide and her face was emotionless as she stared at the door.

No…This isn’t happening…Father would never just turn away from me like this…

Christian couldn’t believe it either. He looked at Lillith. “Aunt, why are you doing this!?”

Lillith didn’t look up at him and looked down at the floor. “Christian…this is the natural order of
things…Her mother was never suppose to meet him” she said sadly.

“W-What…?” he said in disbelief.

Honey shook his head. “When your mother died, she had no idea she had you” he said acting all

Alice didn’t want to hear this anymore she ran to the door and to her horror it was locked.
“Father! Father! I’m scared let me out!” she cried.


Salvador cried softly outside not moving a muscle.

She has to know…I’m so sorry Alice…I can’t protect you this time…


“She never knew she had you when she died” Honey repeated completely amused.

Christian grabbed him by the collar. “Shut the fuck up” he growled at him; his eyes turning red.

Honey’s red eyes locked onto his as they both glared at each other. “You have no right to talk to
me like that you filthy abomination” he hissed pushing Christian across the room to the other

Alice looked back to see Christian’s head bleeding as he tried to get up. “Christian!” she called
running to him.

Lillith grabbed Alice’s arms and pinned her against the wall having a look of regret.

“Why are you doing this!?” she asked her.

Lillith remained silent keeping a firm grim around her wrists.

“Good job Lillith I knew I could count on you~” Honey cheered walking towards Christian.

Christian glared up at him and pounced on him knocking him down on to the floor.

Honey smirked up at him. “Ooh so you wanna play rough huh?” he said throwing him against
another wall.

“Christian!” Alice glared at Lillith and freed herself and punched Lillith in the face knocking her
on her back. Alice was about to run but Lillith grabbed her ankle tripping her on the floor.
Christian stood up again seeing that his wounds were healing quickly anyway. He punched Honey
straight across the face and knocked him through the wall.

Lillith looked at Christian in surprised at his amazing strength.

Alice saw that she was distracted and kicked her in the face and ran into Christian’s arms.

Christian smiled softly feeling her shaking. “It’s okay now…” he said rubbing her back.

Alice looked above his shoulders to see the hole in the wall where he pushed Honey through.

Suddenly she saw a figure stand up…it was Honey holding a gun.

Alice’s eyes widened seeing that it was dipped in holy water. “CHRISTIAN!!” she screamed.

It was too late…

Christian felt the bullet puncture through his back and fell back on the ground gasping for air.

Alice fell on her knees beside him shaking him. “Christian!! Christian wake up please!!” she
pleaded to him.

“A-Alice…” he said softly. His vision was becoming blurry.

“Christian please!” she cried. Suddenly Alice felt someone from behind grab her. She turned to
see Lillith. “No! Let go!”

“Alice…” Christian said losing consciousness.

I have to get up…Move Christian! You’re losing her…

Before he lost consciousness he remembered them dragging her away to a car and hearing her
call out his name…

I need to save her… marriage

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