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Chapter 6: Emi H

is body moved without his permission as he speeded to the main entrance. "WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED?!" he yelled worried. Sunggyu looked like he wanted to hide somewhere. This got Woohyun shocked. What in the name of Jesus is happening here?! He came closer to Mei who was now on the floor, with both of her hands covering her face. "Hey! Are you okay?!" "D...dir...dirty..." she mumbled. "Huh? Try saying that again, I didn't understand you." Then, she raised her head and her eyes made contact with Woohyun's. He started blushing again, while a lot of not so innocent thoughts crossed his mind. Without any notice she got up and said just three words. "DIRTY.UNCLEAN.MESSY! I better sleep in the street that in this untidy place!" she yelled which scared Woohyun and made him fall on his butt. Where did those cute and innocent eyes gone to?! he started to ask himself. Because she yelled louder, all the members came to see what happened. They all gathered into a circle. It was silence till Myungsoo decided to talk. "What are you doing on the floor?" he asked Woohyun. "I'm resting my ass! What do you think I'm doing? I just felt on my butt, because someone decided to scare the sh*t out off me." he said, but it would have been better if he just shut up because now Mei Lyn was giving him a death glare. "OKEY! Better this way! Now, all of you move your asses and start cleaning this mess! I don't undestand how can you live in a place like this?! It's so unhygienic! It smells nasty! I already saw some bugs dancing on your floor! ARGHH! Now don't stare at me like you never used a vacuum cleaner or a mop! Clean this place and make it so shining that I won't recognize it! Pronto~!" she bossed them around. "But we are tired! We just got back from our practice, after that we were fooling on the street. We barely have any energy left!" Sungyeol pouted. "Like I give a damn fuck! Start cleaning!" she said. "Yah! Mei Lyn-ah! I know that you are a cleaning maniac, but could you at least stop cursing, it's not cute for a girl to talk this way~" Sunggyu tried to convince her, but it didn't work. "There's no Mei Lyn here, I'm Emi!" "Oh no! Not her alter-ego! Not right now!!!" Sunggyu said as he face slapped himself. "Now go get the cleaning products! And don't think that you can escape from this just because you are her cousin!" Mei or maybe Emi said as she referred to herself on the 3rd person. "Once she's in this state, no one can stop her. Let's start cleaning and maybe she'll get tired and fall asleep. This only happens because of too much stress, put up a dirty room and she'll turn into Emi." Sunggyu whispered to the others while he started to assemble the vacuum. "Like Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? That crazy scientist who has a split personality?" Dongwoo asked curious. "Somehow. I saw her like than just once, but I know that after 8 hours she gets back to normal, so let's hope that things will calm down till then. But Sunggyu didnt know that this will take a while. He gets into the same room that he shares with Woohyun, dragging Sungjong and Hoya with him. And then he started. You! he said while he pointed at Sungjong. Start folding those clothes! And you: start wiping the dust! Its been months since we last cleaned that bookshelf. YAH! Why are you giving us orders too?! the maknae complained. Because Im the leader! Sunggyu showed off his eye smile in an evil way. Yeah, but can you at least use the vacuum to clean this room? Its yours! Why do I have to clean it? Because youre younger and you have to listen to people who are older than you! the leader took his tongue out, leaving the maknae speechless over that true fact. Being the youngest really sucks! I wish I could be in Teen Top or some other group.. maybe Boyfriend? Then I wont be the youngest, Ill be a hyung!! I shall change sides! Sunjong forgot about what Sunggyu said and started to daydream over something that could never happen, right? Since he belongs to Infinite.

The smack he received from Sunggyu got him back to Earth. Ouch! That hurts hyung! Cant I daydream, at least? he questioned. Yes you can, but No, I wont let you, because it will distract your attention from cleaning. Oh god! he stopped complaining with him and decided to start folding the clothes. Ewww, his fashions tastes are sooo weirdo! Especially those jeans. I bet that no one would like to wear them, not even if I paid them to do it! YAH! Stop staring at my clothes and do your job! Phmm! Merong! Mean while Hoya was doing his job silently like he wanted to finish this quickly so he could go to sleep. But then, Mei, no cut that, Emi, decided to pay them a little surprise inspection. YAH! Why arent you cleaning? she asked Sunggyu. Huh? I have Sungjong and Hoya here, so what use it will be? Phm. So you think that only because you are the oldest, than means you cant move a finger? Get up and start to vacuum this room! Bu- RIGHT.NOW! Till Im still have patience. she said with her both hands crossed one over another, while she was tapping one of her finger like she wanted to tell him that her patience isnt a thing that he should waste. Without other complains, Sunggyu started to vacuum the room, while giving some death glares to Sungjong and Hoya who were resisting not laughing at him. So theres someone who can put Sunggyu on his corner! Mei- he wanted to say when she glared at him, but corrected himself Oops! I wanted to say Emi!! Emi is so daebak! Sungjong told her and she started to laugh proudly. And so, 4 hours of cleaning ended! Ouch! I need a shower! My body is numb! It hurts everywhere! Sunggyu complained. Oh please, stop being such a sissy, hyung! Do you find cleaning more tiring that our daily practice? Sungyeol asked as he lined up to the bathroom. YES! leaderGyu answered without a restraint. Okay your opinion. Sungyeol decided to drop this discussion away. By the way, did you saw Mei Lyn? No, not yet. Maybe shes still in that Emi mode! Awww, shes so scary when she does that! Ill be careful to not upset her tomorrow; I dont want to clean the bathroom ever again! Sungyeol fake cried. Dont worry that thing happens just once a month. Its not like she gets to be Emi every day, that could be even more confusing for people. And she wants to change that personality thing of her too. Sunggyu explained. So she knows about it?! Myungsoo got in the line too. Yup, but its strange because she cant remember what she done after she gets back to her usual self. Like some kind of amnesia?! Dongwoo said. Huh?! When did you came here?! Sunggyu jumped, when he heard Dongwoo talk so suddenly. A while ago. I want to shower too. he explained. Then whos in the shower now?! Woohyun. The leader jumped again. YAH! What are you? Ninjas?! You didnt make a sound when you came in this room. Sunggyu said while putting his left hand on his heart. Maybe you are exaggerating, hyung! You are too tensed up, just chill for a second! And youll be fine. Okay, thanks for the advice. It was getting really late. You could barely see anything in their dark mini apartment. Everyone was getting on their beds, expect for Sunggyu who was finally getting to shower. He got to be the last one because he lost at Rock, Paper, Scissors, but he could get a little bit of silence for himself. A rooms door opened revealing a sleeping Mei Lyn. So now you decided to sleep in my bed? What should I do with you now? a mans voice said sweetly. He went closer to her and lowered himself till he got to see her sleeping face better. Why are you doing this to me? he whispered while he stroked her cheeks.

I dont hate you, I think I love you he said, knowing that she would never hear him and then he kissed her soft cheek and left the room.

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