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AP Combination +16 Down, Left, Left +16 Right, Down, Right +16 Left, Down, Down +16 Up,

Right, Up +20 Up, Down, Right, Up +20 Down, Down, Down, Up +20 Left, Right, Up, Left +20 Down, Up, Up, Up +24 Up, Down, Down, Left, Right +24 Down, Up, Down, Left, Right +24 Left, Right, Down, Up, Left -16 Right, Left, Right -24 Down, Up, Up, Left -24 Up, Up, Right, Right -24 Up, Down, Down, Up -32 Right, Left, Down, Left, Right -30 Up, Down, Up -40 Up, Down, Down, Right -40 Up, Right, Left, Up -50 Up, Down, Right, Left, Up -50 Down, Left, Down, Right, Up -60 Left, Up, Right, Left, Down, Up -80 Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left -80 Left, Right, Left, Down, Up, Down -100/Flaming Sword Mystic Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down 100MP *This attack has a possibility of stunning the enemy. **This attack has a possibility of paralyzing the enemy. ***This attack has a possibility of putting the enemy to sleep. [O] Opening move. This variable can ONLY combine with another characters Finishing Variable art. [F] Finishing move. This variable can ONLY combine with another characters Opening Variable art. Maya

Lang Name Blade Dance Blue Moon Buster Hawk Stroke Mountain Crusher Chaos Strike Demon Thrust* Shadow Split Thunderflash Battle Flash Rabid Attack Wind Blade Sandstorm Red Whirlwind* Thunder Moon** True Moon Slash Moonflower*** Raging Fang Divine Bolt Roaring Fang Sky Fang Thunder Sky Sleeping Dragon Airborne Fury [F] Solid Strike [O]

Type Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Super Super Super Super Super Hyper Hyper Hyper Hyper Hyper Hyper Variable Variable

AP Combination +16 Down, Right, Down +16 Left, Up, Right +16 Down, Down, Up +16 Up, Right, Right +16 Left, Down, Left +16 Right, Up, Left +16 Right, Left, Up +20 Right, Down, Up, Right +20 Right, Right, Down, Down +20 Left, Left, Left, Down +20 Left, Up, Up, Left -16 Right, Up, Down -24 Down, Down, Left, Left -24 Up, Up, Right, Up -24 Down, Up, Down, Down -24 Up, Right, Up, Right -24 Left, Left, Right, Left -32 Down, Left, Left, Left, Right -40 Right, Right, Right, Right -40 Down, Up, Right, Left -40 Down, Down, Down, Down -40 Up, Up, Up, Up -50 Left, Left, Left, Left, Left -60 Down, Up, Left, Right, Down, Down -80 Right, Left, Left, Up, Down, Right -80 Left, Right, Down, Up, Left, Right Forbidden Rite Mystic Down, Up, Right, Down, Up, Left, Down 100 *This attack has a possibility of silencing the enemy. **This attack has a possibility of blinding the enemy. [O] Opening move. This variable can ONLY combine with another characters Finishing Variable art. [F] Finishing move. This variable can ONLY combine with another characters Opening Variable art.

Name Bed Rock Buster Blind Fury** Dark Disaster Ice Floe Inferno Thunderhead Wind Blade Aqua Spear Ice Pyre Magma Mayhem Nova Heat Toxic Cloud Ballistic Light Blizzard Blast Gravity Crush Spirit Storm* Skysplitter Meteor Storm Absolute Zero Big Bang Dust to Dust Raging Sky Dancing Flames Nether Gate Pyro Fury [O] Shockwave [F]

Type Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Super Super Super Super Super Super Super Hyper Hyper Hyper Hyper Hyper Hyper Variable Variable

-80 Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, Up Fists of Stone Mystic Down, Right, Left, Up, Right, Left, Down 100 * This attack has a possibility of stunning the enemy. ** This attack has a possibility of blinding the enemy. *** This attack has a possibility of instantly killing the enemy. [O] Opening move. This variable can ONLY combine with another characters Finishing Variable art. [F] Finishing move. This variable can ONLY combine with another characters Opening Variable art. Sharon Name Spike Anchor Slay Cutlass

Kazan Name Critical Thrust Lightning Kick Moon Splitter Double Fists Double Kick Goblin Dance Jawbuster Fever Wind Aerial Attack Deadly Hands Iron Fists Cannon Blast* Fists of Rage Earthshaker Fists of Glory Hyper Blast** Skyshaker*** Ultimate Fury Demon Crusher [O] Fatal Impact [F]

Type Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Super Super Super Super Hyper Hyper Hyper Hyper Hyper Hyper Variable Variable

AP +16 +16 +16 +20 +20 +20 +20 +24 -24 -24 -24 -32 -30 -40 -40 -50 -50 -60 -80

Combination Up, Right, Right Left, Up, Down Down, Left, Right Down, Down, Down, Up Down, Up, Up, Up Right, Right, Left, Right Right, Right, Up, Up Down, Left, Left, Down, Right Left, Right, Down, Up Up, Down, Right, Up Up, Right, Left, Left Up, Up, Left, Down, Right Left, Left, Left Right, Left, Up, Up Left, Left, Right, Left Up, Left, Right, Down, Down Up, Left, Right, Up, Down Up, Left, Right, Left, Down, Down Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left

Type Normal Normal

AP +16 +16

Combination Up, Down, Right Right, Left, Up

-80 Down, Down, Left, Right, Up, Up -100/Apokolips Mystic Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Up 100MP *This attack has a possibility of bewitching the enemy. **This attack has a possibility of stunning the enemy. [O] Opening move. This variable can ONLY combine with another characters Finishing Variable art. [F] Finishing move. This variable can ONLY combine with another characters Opening Variable art. Ayne Name Disaster Master Earthrazor Shockforce Whirlwind Attack Full Impact

Bloody Fang Range Wave Riot Flag Rising Stars Rumble Spike Blood Spark Rave Storm Fear Galgarin Crescent Heel Peach Surprise* Spiral Blade Surf Divide** Fearful Arc Lord of Eden Merciful Arc Skylord Windmill Rose Detonating Rose Phantom Burst [F] Splash Rave [O]

Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Super Super Super Super Super Hyper Hyper Hyper Hyper Hyper Hyper Variable Variable

+20 +20 +20 +20 +20 +24 +24 -16 -24 -24 -24 -24 -30 -40 -40 -50 -50 -60 -80

Left, Up, Down, Left Down, Right, Down, Left Up, Left, Left, Up Right, Down, Right, Right Left, Up, Up, Up Down, Right, Left, Right, Up Down, Up, Right, Left, Right Left, Left, Down Up, Up, Right, Right Down, Up, Down, Left Left, Left, Right, Up Right, Left, Down, Down Left, Right, Right Left, Right, Left, Right Right, Up, Left, Down Left, Right, Down, Left, Right Down, Up, Up, Up, Up Down, Down, Down, Up, Up, Up Left, Down, Up, Right, Down, Right

Type Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal

AP +16 +16 +16 +16 +20

Combination Up, Left, Right Right, Up, Down Down, Right, Left Left, Down, Up Right, Left, Up, Down

Tidal Wave Normal +20 Up, Right, Down, Left Galeforce Super -16 Left, Left, Up Solid Blow Super -16 Down, Right, Right Firestorm Hyper -30 Left, Down, Down Power Blade Hyper -30 Down, Right, Down Raging Warrior Hyper -40 Right, Up, Left, Up Axe Crush Hyper -50 Up, Left, Down, Left, Right Armageddon Star Variable -80 Up, Down, Left, Left, Right, Right [O] Soaring Axe [F] Variable -80 Left, Left, Right, Right, Down, Up [O] Opening move. This variable can ONLY combine with another characters Finishing Variable art. [F] Finishing move. This variable can ONLY combine with another characters Opening Variable art.

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