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Employee Performance Review

Annual Name: Job title: Employee #: Period covered by review: Review due date: Other

Spell Check

Hire date: / / Time in current position: Location # / Department: / / Actual review discussion date:

(DD/MM/YY) yrs months / / /

Please provide examples and/or comments regarding the employees strengths and growth areas. Use examples of behaviors documented from the prior year in performance logs, appreciation/counseling notices, etc.

Member Service
Makes appropriate eye contact, smiles, greets and thanks members sincerely; understands that Member Service is job #1 Shows commitment to showtime readiness Behaves in a friendly and professional manner Doesnt engage in idle chatter with co-workers while working Dresses in a neat, clean, and professional manner Reviewers Comments:

Quantity & Quality of Work

Limits errors Focuses on excellence on a day-to-day basis Meet departments productivity standards; maintains a sense of urgency Actively participates in departments current focuses and benchmarks Demonstrates safe work practices and behaviors Manages time effectively and prioritizes to meet deadlines Reviewers Comments:

Gives members full attention Limits interruptions while others are communicating Appropriately responds to direction, coaching, or criticism Expresses ideas clearly and in an organized way Communicates in a positive, timely and effective manner Reviewers Comments:

Assists others when they need it Respects others ideas, opinions and/or solutions Expresses disagreement constructively Displays a positive, can-do attitude Reviewers Comments:

Seeks out learning and/or growth opportunities; willing to cross-train Volunteers to help in other areas When appropriate, is able to work independently Identifies what needs to be done and does it Looks for ways to improve productivity and/or the business Reviewers Comments:

AU Employee Performance Review 21 Sept 2012

Personal Credibility Behavior is consistent with Code of Ethics Takes responsibility for own actions; does not blame others Respects company property and information Demonstrates good judgment Demonstrates truthfulness Is dedicated to quality results Reviewers Comments:

Flexibility Adapts well to changing duties and interruptions Responds appropriately to scheduling changes Is open to new procedures and processes, as well as the perspective of others Willing to take on other tasks and duties Reviewers Comments:

Note: If SMART goals are necessary, attach them to this review. Absences/Tardies: # of instances of absence:

# of tardies:

(Not including any absences and/or tardies protected by applicable law)

Employee Comments (attach additional pages if necessary):

If you are interested in a separate, career development discussion, please see your Location Manager.
I read and agree with this review.
Location Managers Signature: Location Managers Name Printed: (or Reviewers Manager) Date:

I discussed this review with employee.

Reviewers Signature: Reviewers Name Printed:


This review was discussed with me.

Employee Signature: Employee Name Printed:


Signed Originals to Payroll (or HR, for Home Office employees) Copies to Location Manager, Reviewer & Employee FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Key review completion into Preceda
AU Employee Performance Review 21 Sept 2012

Completed by ______________________________ Date ______________


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