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A Coalition government will invest $15 million into Australias peak water safety agencies as part of our policy to reduce drownings across Australia. We are a water loving people. Sadly, about five people die every week from drowning in our waterways, at our beaches, as well as from accidents in pools and bathtubs. Our policy funds the experts whose work saves lives every day: Australias surf life saving clubs, the Royal Life Saving Society-Australia and AUSTSWIM. Most drownings are, in some way, avoidable: that is why we must invest in prevention. The Coalition is confident that in working with Australias water safety organisations that we can reduce the number of deaths from drowning in a meaningful way. Our policy will: Assist local surf clubs across Australia by providing $8 million to purchase needed equipment such as rescue apparatus, first-aid and medical supplies. This equates to about an average $5,000 each year for five years or $25,000 for surf life saving clubs across Australia. Invest an additional $2 million into the successful Beach Drowning Black Spot Reduction Programme that uses targeted infrastructure, additional resources and services to tackle the incidence of drowning in identified high risk areas and areas of projected population increase. Support the Royal Life Saving Society-Australia to reduce drowning across our inland waterways by building a River Drowning Black Spot Identification Programme. Support the expansion of the Royal Life Saving Society-Australias Swim and Survive lessons for children who are known to miss out. The lessons will teach children in indigenous and disadvantaged communities how to swim as well as the principles of water safety. Provide $1 million to assist AUSTSWIM provide access to accredited swimming and water safety teachers amongst targeted population groups.

Australians love the beach and our beaches receive an estimated 100 million visits annually. Four in five Australians visit the beach at some point every year. Our commitment to surf clubs will allow them to invest in the equipment and supplies they need to do their important work. As a member of a surf club, I admire and respect the ethos and dedication of the surf life saving movement. Our surf clubs make our beaches safer. It is less well known that our inland waterways can be as treacherous as our beaches. A current can be as deadly as a rip. One hundred and four people drowned across our inland waterways last year.

We will work with the Royal Life Saving Society-Australia to identify ways of improving water safety across our inland waterways. This work includes targeting alcohol consumption, the safe use of watercraft as well as practical skills in our rural and regional areas. This five year policy represents new additional funding for our principal water safety organisations. The Coalitions policy to reduce drowning is part of our Real Solutions Plan to build a stronger Australia and a better future for all Australians.

11 August 2013

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